Six of the most famous sniper rifles in the world

Top 10 Deadliest Sniper Rifles

In the gun world, everyone has their own opinion about which gun is best. Differences in calibers, bullets, barrel lengths, weights and a variety of other factors give rise to a huge amount of debate as to what exactly makes a sniper rifle the most effective and lethal. Today we will compare these differences and rank the rifles in order of increasing effectiveness and name the deadliest sniper rifle in the world.

(The opinion of the editors may differ from the opinion of the authors. So argue not with us, but with them. We don’t even know what specific criteria they were guided by. And yes, the authors are from the USA, so only foreign rifles are presented in the list. But we “You and I know which weapon is actually cooler, don’t we? — editor’s note)

The content of the article


M40 series weapons ( M40A1 , M40A3 , and M40A5 ) were based on the Remington 700 , which was used for hunting and could be adapted for various calibers (.243, .270, .30-06 and others). USMC gunsmiths have slightly modernized the already excellent design, and also adapted the rifle to fire 7.62x51 NATO cartridges. With all these additions, the M40A3 has become a deadly sniper rifle , easy to use and effective at ranges up to 900 meters. And 7.62×51 NATO cartridges are also quite cheap, and are also often found on the open market.


Eugene Stoner , creator of the M16, served as the inspiration for the designers of this semi-automatic sniper rifle. The M110 is extremely similar in structure to the M16, but with some additions. Its barrel is longer and it also uses 7.62x51 NATO cartridges. Its effective firing range is within 750 meters. In addition to the usual design, the M110 is a fairly lightweight weapon with a flash suppressor.


SABR was designed specifically for snipers. It can be used in both melee and ranged combat. The sniper rifle is equipped with two quick-change barrels - 12 and 20 inches. In close combat conditions, you can use a short barrel, but for long-range shooting it is better to install a 20-inch barrel. This is done quite quickly, making the SABR ideal for combat operations under rapidly changing circumstances.


The SRS is another fairly deadly sniper rifle , equipped with two interchangeable barrels, also of different calibers ( .308 and .338 ). In addition, this is a bullpap rifle (a short rifle, the main mechanisms of which are located in the butt). That is, this rifle breaks the usual arrangement of parts, moving them to the rear. Due to this, it is possible to greatly reduce the overall length while maintaining the length of the barrel. When fighting at short and medium distances, it is better to give preference to the more accessible and cheaper .308 . And when shooting at long distances, the barrel and bolt can be replaced with a more efficient one - .338 .


This sniper rifle was designed specifically for Marines. Unique engineering solutions allow the AS50 in extreme conditions, in sand and mud. This rifle is capable of firing its 5-round magazine of 50-caliber ammunition in 1.6 seconds . Effective firing distance is 1500 meters.


The McMillan TAC 50 , also known as the "Big Mac" is 50 caliber sniper rifle She currently holds the record for the longest "confirmed kill" at 2,657 yards (more than 1.5 miles). The TAC 50 is designed specifically to work effectively with 50 BMG, the largest bullets used in military sniper rifles. With targeted fire at a distance of up to 1800 meters, you can disable not only infantry, but also enemy equipment.


Introduced to the general public in 1999, the Barrett Model 99 fires .416 caliber (10.6x83mm) cartridges. This bullet is slightly smaller than the 50 caliber, so it flies much faster due to aerodynamics. And although it weighs less, due to the increased speed, the sniper can pay much less attention to natural obstacles such as wind, rain and other joys of the environment. The effective firing distance is approximately 2600 meters.


AWSM (Arctic Warfare Super Magnum) is a lightweight sniper rifle designed to operate in extreme weather conditions. It fires special .338 Lapua designed specifically for it. But the main feature of AWSM is the protection against icing provided by the corrugated surface. Therefore, it always shoots accurately on target, regardless of the weather, at a distance of just over 1100 meters.


The Barrett M107 is a tried and tested sniper rifle . But its heavy weight and length make it a problem to move from place to place. In further work on the rifle, this was taken into account, so modern Barrett M107s became 2.2 kg lighter, while maintaining accuracy. In addition to reducing weight, a suppressor was installed on the rifle to reduce the sound of the shot and the flash. Like other 50-caliber guns, the Barrett M107 can be used to disable enemy vehicles at a distance of up to 2000 meters.


Without a doubt, the deadliest sniper rifle in the world is the CheyTac M200 . Its impeccable design is capable of sending a .408 at a speed of over 900 meters per second. The cartridge case was designed specifically to suppress linear and rotational resistance, which also significantly improves shooting accuracy.

Currently, this rifle ranks first in the world in long-range shooting accuracy. At a distance of 2 km, 3 bullets fell within a circle of 40 cm.

In addition, the TV show “Future Weapons” demonstrated how a Marine could use this rifle to hit a life-sized mannequin from a distance of 2,313 meters. 3 hits out of 6 shots. And its effective firing range is 2.5 km.

Source – Top 10 Deadliest Sniper Rifles

PS And I remind you once again - the authors are from the USA, so they evaluate exclusively those sniper rifles that they use (approx. transl.)

How the next “Kord” was created

Before the Kord sniper rifle appeared in the form we know it now, the “Kovrov Degtyarev gunsmiths,” which is what the abbreviation KORD stands for, created several prototypes.

The order to develop a new weapon was received in 1996.

Two years later, a team consisting of Evgeny Zhuravlev, Mikhail Kuchin and Yuri Ovchinnikov, under the leadership of Vyacheslav Negrulenko, presented the SVN-98 rifle, produced in a very small experimental series.

Using it as a base, by 2000 the same team created the KSVK rifle, but again manufactured in a limited batch.

Military tests carried out revealed hidden shortcomings, which made it possible in 2004 to release the final version with the name ASVK (“large-caliber army sniper rifle”).

In the same year, it was launched into large-scale production, which continues to this day. Since 2013 it has been in service with the Russian Armed Forces.

FN SCAR. USSOCOM specialist assault rifle. Comparison of SCAR and AK-47

Once upon a time I came across a video from the Polenar Tactical channel, they compared SCAR and AK-47

And absolutely all my attention was focused on this Belgian-American brainchild


(Special operations forces Combat Assault Rifle). Which translates as - a combat assault rifle for Special Operations Forces.

It was developed in 2003, in 2004 it won a weapons competition for fighters USSOCOM

(United States Special Operations Command - US Special Operations Command).
is even currently entering service with the Rangers.

The rifle is very versatile, accuracy and accuracy are excellent, excellent ergonomics, as well as the highest reliability and unpretentiousness. It has only one drawback - the price. On average it costs $3.569


There are also SSR (Sniper Support Rifle) and PDW (Personal Defense Weapon) versions.

The development of the FN HAMR (Heat Adaptive Modular Rifle) is definitely worthy of attention.

Like most machines, SCAR

fires from a closed bolt, which contributes to the accuracy of fire.

If during the firing process the barrel temperature exceeds a certain limit, the weapon automatically switches to firing mode from an open bolt, which promotes better cooling of the internal space of the receiver and allows firing in long bursts.

Appearance. There’s really nothing to describe here! The buttstock is folding, adjustable in height and length, 4 Picatinny rails, put whatever your heart desires. Folding rear sight and front sight, standard AR-15 pistol grip. The controls are also from the AR, with the bolt lever located at the front. And it’s just pleasant to look at her and I personally don’t get tired of her.

Let's move on directly to the comparison of SCAR and AK from Žiga.

GIF cut from video from YouTube channel Polenar Tactical

After the first 3 shots from SCAR-L

Ziga was very surprised.
The surprise was from the return, or rather the almost complete absence of it. As he further explained, in the SCAR
, due to the gas block, recoil is distributed, which reduces it to a minimum.
With an AK
, the recoil hits the shooter’s shoulder much more strongly.

GIF cut from video from YouTube channel Polenar Tactical

Next comes the practice of reloading the weapon.

GIF cut from video from YouTube channel Polenar Tactical

And as we see, reloading on SCAR

it is not difficult to quickly implement, even for a person who is an

GIF cut from video from YouTube channel Polenar Tactical

Reloading AK

Žiga does it at the same speed and, believe me, judging by my experience with AK, it will be much more difficult to repeat it.

At the end of the video he says that he really liked SCAR

and it is an amazing rifle.
No recoil, controls, ergonomics, everything is top notch. The AK
has its own charm, is slightly less ergonomic, has more recoil, and is more affordable.
Both are very different, very cool and both are a pleasure to work with. But he gives preference to AK


remains in my dreams. Someday I hope I'll have the opportunity to fire another hundred rounds with it.

Good luck to everyone, thank you very much for paying attention and finishing reading the article. Likes and Subscriptions are very welcome

Modifications and combat use

The complex is produced in two modifications: 6С8 and 6С8 – 1. They differ in configuration. The second one does not have a night sight and is called lightweight. If the operating rules are followed, it is designed for 4 – 5 thousand shots.

It is exported to only one country - Vietnam. It was used in the second Chechen war and by the DPR militias during battles with the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Since 2014, it has been used by our special forces and Syrian special forces against ISIS.

According to unverified data, the cost of the complex does not exceed fifteen thousand dollars. The general impression of the rifle among the military is positive.

Reliability like the legendary AKM.

At the V.A. Degtyarev plant they did not stop there and created an even more formidable weapon for special forces on the ASVK base. This is the lightest Kord-M rifle in its class.

The weight of the weapon does not exceed ten kilograms. Apparently this is the limit of relief, because... recoil is mostly damped by mass. Now the complex is completing tests, the results of which are not known due to the secrecy surrounding them.

Assembly disassembly

The Mannlicher rifle , like most rifled rifles of that time, was easy to disassemble. Typically on the battlefield - and even in training - soldiers would partially disassemble them for cleaning and lubrication. Everything fits in 2 steps:

  1. First, the bayonet was removed, if present on the rifle. The butt must be rested on the ground and the ring latch must be released.
  2. Then the rifle must be placed on a flat surface and the trigger pulled forward. With your other hand you need to pull out the shutter.

After cleaning and lubricating, the process is repeated in reverse order.


Below are the main characteristics of the ASVK sniper complex:

  • caliber, mm – 12.7;
  • weight with magazine (without cartridges) and without optical sight, kg – 12.5;
  • weapon length, mm – 1420;
  • barrel length, mm – 1000;
  • initial bullet speed (for 7N34 cartridge), m/sec – 770−785;
  • sighting range with optical sight, m ​​– 1500;
  • reloading mechanism - manual;
  • magazine capacity, cartridge - 5.

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