15 most powerful special forces in the world (16 photos)

Author: Eva Tushenkina

14 August 2022 20:02

Tags: Group A anti-terrorist landing special forces special forces special forces special forces  



Nowadays, anti-terrorism activities are becoming more and more relevant. Some situations require protection that only an elite special forces team can provide. And in many countries there are similar military units of highly professional and trained - both physically and psychologically - fighters. Which special forces are considered the best in the world?



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Taiwan Special Forces


In 2013, Taiwanese special forces received a new bulletproof black uniform that literally covers the soldier from head to toe. Includes a Kevlar ballistic mask to protect against fatal head shots. It protects against most 9mm bullets, including .357 mag. With special forces dressed in such powerful uniforms, Taiwan is clearly in good hands.


Scout Rangers of the Philippines


If we talk about guerrilla warfare, the best specialists in the world are the Philippine Scout Rangers. The men of this elite regiment know how to fight in the jungle better than anyone else. They are called "men in black". The selection process for the Philippine Scout and Ranger Regiment is considered to be one of the toughest in the world. Candidates undergo a series of tests to test their psychological and physical strength. But how could it be otherwise in special forces?

Pakistani SSG

In 1956, the Pakistan Army formed a special forces unit known as the Special Services Group. The British SAS and American special forces, with whom joint exercises were conducted during the Cold War, were taken as a model for the unit. Information on the number of personnel of the Pakistani special forces is not publicly available. What is known is that the recruitment of fighters in SSG is very careful. Each of them must be fluent in hand-to-hand combat techniques. To do this, applicants undergo nine months of training with grueling physical exercises. According to experts, out of ten applicants, only two get into the group. The squad is trained to perform specific tasks in the mountains, desert, jungle and underwater. Afghanistan became the place for acquiring the first combat experience. Pakistani specialists on the side of the Mujahideen opposed their colleagues from the Soviet Union. Over time, SSG fighters carried out sabotage attacks against Indian border guards. Today the group conducts anti-terrorism activities within the country and is among the top best special forces in the world.

2nd Joint Task Force (Joint Task Force 2, JTF2) - Canadian special forces


This is Canada's elite special forces team. It is one of the youngest in the world - created only in 1993. JTF2 is involved in counter-terrorism operations, mostly covert. Very little is known about it - neither the government nor the Canadian Department of National Defense has commented on the capabilities, structure and operational missions of this unit. But many regard him as a serious force to be reckoned with.

Chinese "Snow Leopards"

China's special forces "Snow Leopard" Commando Unit won second place at the 10th Annual Warrior Competition held in Jordan from April 29 to May 7, which saw 40 teams from 25 countries and regions. (file pic) pic.twitter.com/JptEVgLP2O

— People's Daily, China (@PDChina) May 8, 2022

Formerly known as the Snow Wolf Commando Unit, the Chinese special forces "Snow Leopards" have long been classified. For five years, its fighters secretly practiced counter-terrorism operations, actions in the event of mass unrest, and learned to defuse explosive devices. This is how the Snow Leopards were trained to provide security for the Olympic Games held in Beijing in the summer of 2008.

Also, during the exercises, Chinese special forces, together with their Russian colleagues, practiced operations to maintain peace and stability.

The Snow Leopards pride themselves on their high speed and accuracy of fire, their strength and endurance, as well as their fighting spirit and willingness to sacrifice.

You can apply for a place in the detachment only after two years of service in the People's Armed Police of China (internal troops of the People's Republic of China - approx. “RG”). According to the publication, the Leopards are superior to many other special forces in terms of martial arts and close combat skills.

Sayret Matkal detachment - Israeli special forces


Sayeret Matkal is an anti-terrorist unit of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, which operates both in the country and abroad. People are selected there not only on the basis of physical data, but also on intellectual abilities. They undergo 18-19 months of training: 4 months of basic infantry training, 2 months of advanced training, 3 weeks of parachute training, 5 weeks of counter-terrorism training and the rest of the time practicing their acquired skills to perform reconnaissance missions.

About British SAS

According to experts, this formation has surpassed the American Navy SEALs in efficiency. The SAS was created in 1941. The group's task is to carry out sabotage activities deep behind enemy lines. The SAS confronted German and Italian forces and provided support to the local resistance movement. Recruitment for special forces is very strict. Candidates must be very physically developed and be able to complete a 40-mile forced march. No more than 20 hours are given to cover this distance. In addition, applicants must swim two miles in 120 minutes and run another four miles in half an hour. In the jungle, where young people are then thrown, they learn to survive in difficult conditions. At the end of the test, candidates have good navigation skills. The test ends with a 40-hour session during which the instructors break their will. After successfully completing all stages, the young man is sent to specialized courses. They are conducted in MI 5 and MI 6. There, cadets are taught the intricacies of intelligence and counterintelligence.

French Gendarmerie Special Forces (GIGN, Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale)


The intervention group of the French National Gendarmerie GIGN is one of the most famous and powerful special forces in the world. With a motto like “saving lives without taking into account your own,” it cannot be otherwise. It was decided to create an anti-terrorism squad in France after the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics in 1972, when terrorists from the Black September group took 11 athletes from the Israeli Olympic team hostage. All athletes were killed by terrorists. The French gendarmerie received a special anti-terrorism squad on March 1, 1974. The selection there, as usual, is very serious. Only 7-8% of candidates end up serving in special forces.

Alpha, Russia

Alpha is a special unit formed on July 29, 1974 in the USSR on the initiative of the KGB (continues its activities in Russia) to conduct special counter-terrorism operations using special tactics and means. Today, the main tasks of the detachment are preventing terrorist attacks, searching for, neutralizing terrorists, freeing hostages, etc. During the former Soviet Union, they actively participated in suppressing riots in prisons and correctional camps.

Special Services Group (SSG) - special forces of Pakistan


This group is one of the largest special forces in the world. Consists of 8 battalions, each with 700 people. To qualify here, a candidate must have at least two years of experience in the armed forces. All candidates then undergo a rigorous training course over a period of 9 months. One of the regular training sessions of this course is a forced march of 60 km with full equipment in 12 hours, periodically running. Only 5% of candidates remain, the rest are eliminated.

JW GROM, Poland


This Polish special forces military unit was created in 1990. Prepared for special operations, including counter-terrorism, both in peacetime and during crisis or war. Since its inception, the unit has been completely professional. Notable Operations: Operation Democracy Support in Haiti, Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Frømandskorpset (Danish Frogman Corps, FKP) - special forces of the Royal Danish Navy


In 1957, the first military school of light divers was created in Denmark, and in 1970 a unit of combat swimmers was separated from it. The unit consists of about 50 people, each of whom was trained according to a special program. Only the best of the best are recruited into this corps. During the existence of the corps, only 311 people became its members.

7. EKO-Cobra (Austria)

The top ten special forces units in the world include the Austrian Cobra, whose main task is to counter terrorism. Moreover, the special unit has no relation to the federal police, being directly subordinate to the Austrian Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main reason for the creation of “Cobra” was the infamous Munich Olympics. Since 1981, Cobra has provided security for the Chancellor, as well as monitoring Vienna-Schwechat Airport and protecting all foreign political figures visiting the country. Sources estimate the size of the unit differently - from 330 to 450 people.

Gruppo di Intervento Speciale, GIS - Italian special forces


In 1977, in response to a surge in terrorism, the Italian police's Carabinieri Corps created an elite group to combat terrorist threats. The GIS unit took part in the Gulf War and NATO operations in Libya. The unit consists of 150 people, several of them are professional snipers. In addition to shooting, training includes hand-to-hand wrestling - various martial arts, including wushu and Muay Thai (Thai boxing).

Top 8 elite troops in the world. Which special forces are the strongest?

Do you remember the old Soviet joke? At a meeting at NATO, generals decide in which army in the world, which elite units are best trained. English Green Berets? Or American Navy SEALs? Or someone else? Finally, one old general says that the most terrible troops are in the Soviet Union. They are called a strange word, construction battalion, and due to their special savagery, they are not even trusted with weapons. The Soviet Union conveniently collapsed. In the Russian army, the construction battalion was abolished (replacing it with more prosperous phrases “railway troops” and “engineering troops”), but it is still interesting to know which country owns the most powerful elite special forces.

Of course, it is difficult to compare these troops with each other, since it is impossible to hold a tournament between them according to the Olympic system in the manner of gladiator fights practiced in Ancient Rome, but you can try to evaluate the entry requirements, training, and track record of these military formations. So….

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Black Stork Squad, Pakistan

A special forces group that got its name from its unique headgear. During training, the fighters of this formation must complete a forced march of 58 km in 12 hours and, with full equipment, run 8 km in 50 minutes. It fights mainly against Afghans, including the Taliban.

Spanish Navy Special Operations Unit

Created in 1952, initially only volunteers were recruited there. It was called a “company of mountaineering divers” (the original name, isn’t it?) Later it was transformed into an elite unit. The selection for this unit is very strict. Based on the results of the qualifying course, 70-80% of applicants are usually eliminated.

Russian special forces "Alpha"

Created in 1974, of course, under the KGB, later, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it came under the control of the FSB. After the collapse of the Union, this special unit clearly had more work. All kinds of operations in the North Caucasus and beyond. Alpha fighters fight both terrorists and organized crime. As you understand, there are an order of magnitude more of both of them in Russia than in the former USSR.

What can you do, the world is changing. Alpha is still criticized for Beslan and Nord-Ost to this day, blaming the security forces for an unjustifiably large number of victims. But, it must be said that in the same notorious Moscow theater, the Alfovites corrected the mistakes of other people who showed phenomenal carelessness and indifference. The result was 129 dead hostages, mainly from the effects of paralytic gas.

However, the professionalism and highest fighting qualities of the Alpha fighters are beyond doubt. Suffice it to recall the storming of Amin’s palace in Kabul in 1979, numerous operations in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and other hot spots. For example, the liquidation of the leader of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov and the representative of Al-Qaeda in Chechnya and the adjacent regions of Abu Havs, the release of hostages in Mineralnye Vody in 2001. As for criticism, it seems that the peculiarities of the Russian mentality have an effect. Criticize, look for the guilty, and sometimes even curse, accusing of all known mortal sins, but when it gets hot, tearfully beg for help.

Special forces of the French gendarmerie, the so-called intervention group. GIGN

The main combat missions are operations to free hostages, this is the specificity of the group. When seizing the Al-Harak Mosque in 1979 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, special forces were faced with the fact that only Muslims could be allowed into the territory of the holy city. Then three fighters of the group converted to Islam, and after that they immediately joined the Saudi Arabian troops, who were liberating the mosque from terrorists. In total, the group’s combat account includes more than 600 freed hostages.

Special unit Sayeret Matkal, Israel

The main tasks are reconnaissance and information collection. Therefore, the fighters of this unit spend a lot of time behind enemy lines. Not everyone can withstand the extreme stress of the qualifying course (gibusha). Training is carried out under the supervision of doctors and a psychologist. Based on the results of the death, only the best are accepted into the unit. One of the group's most memorable operations was the release of an Israeli taxi driver named Ilyahu Gurel, who had been kidnapped by three Palestinians whom he had taken to Jerusalem. His captors held him in a 10-meter shaft in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Ramallah. However, special forces soldiers found him there too. As for the terrorists, they were given what they deserved.

UK Special Air Service, or SAS (Special Air Service)

This is, in a way, a double of the SBS Marine Corps special unit. The motto of this unit is “He who takes risks wins.” The SAS saw action in Iraq following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. As American General Stanley McChrystal noted, “Their participation was critical. We couldn't have done it without them." This statement best characterizes the role of the SAS in those events, as well as the level of combat training.

Special unit of the British Marine Corps - SBS (Special Boat Service)

There is also a very tough selection and high intensity of training. The training course includes all kinds of endurance tests, training in survival skills in combat conditions, training in the jungles of Belize, plus intensive interrogation of candidates for admission. You can take the test course no more than twice.

Navy SEALs are an elite unit of the US Armed Forces

The main tactical unit of the US Navy's special operations forces. They are mainly engaged in reconnaissance, sabotage activities and the release of hostages, and also solve other tactical tasks (clearing mines, combating illegal border crossings). The formation of the detachment began in 1962. First of all, fighters who could swim well, shoot and wield bladed weapons were selected for the detachment. From 1962 to 1973, SEALs fought in Vietnam, both as part of reconnaissance teams and as instructors for Vietnamese soldiers. Invaded Grenada (Operation Flash of Fury, 1983). Participated in the Gulf War (Operation Main Chance). They fought in Panama and Afghanistan. On May 2, 2011, a Navy Special Forces team conducted a successful operation to eliminate Bin Laden.

The specificity of training fur seals is that they perceive water not as an obstacle, but as a natural environment. Service in the SEAL places increased demands on the health of fighters, both physical and psychological, and therefore the training there is appropriate. What is the “hell week” worth, when for 5 days fighters sleep only 4 hours a day, and the rest of the time is occupied with survival tests. The motto of the Navy SEALs - “the only easy day was yesterday” - clearly indicates the progressive nature of the loads, which would already seem prohibitive to an ordinary person.

Navy SEALs - US special forces


Navy SEALs are American special forces who are not only highly trained, but also very well equipped. This special forces unit has a lot to brag about, but their most famous achievement is the destruction of Osama bin Laden in 2011. The mission was carried out by SEAL Team 6, consisting of 40 people. Getting into this elite group is, of course, very difficult. To qualify for selection training only, candidates must pass a physical fitness test that includes a 12-minute 500-yard (460 m) swim, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 10 pull-ups (2 minutes per set), and a 2-minute run. 5 km in 10 minutes and 30 seconds.

About classification

According to experts, determining the best special forces in the world is quite problematic. The difficulty is that in each individual state the tasks of elite groups are different. Some units confront terrorists and rescue hostages, while others carry out reconnaissance and even attacks. It is also difficult to identify the best special forces in the world for the reason that countries have police special forces and elite groups under the control of both the special services and the Ministry of Defense.

The compilers of tops and ratings often do not take into account the different nature of the activities of elite paramilitary structures, but mix everything together: the Russian FSB special forces operating within the country, the American Navy SEALs engaged in sabotage and reconnaissance deep behind enemy lines, the British army SAS. According to one of the American versions, posted in Business Insider, the best special forces in the world are in the USA. However, according to experts, this point of view is biased. The best special forces in the world can only be determined by simulating a real battle between one group or another. In addition, factors such as the age of the special forces, the foreign policy of the state and its internal stability are of great importance. For example, the Colombian Hunglas, which constantly confronts local drug cartels, has more experience than the special forces in prosperous Belgium. Also, American units that went through Iraq and Afghanistan, and Russian units that worked in the Caucasus for a long time, will be much more effective compared to the special forces of quiet Denmark. Below are the 10 best special forces in the world.

MARCOS - Indian special forces


Previously, this special unit was called the Naval Landing and Sabotage Group. MARCOS comprises some of India's most elite special forces personnel. One of the last known operations in which the unit participated was the seizure of an Iranian cargo ship carrying smuggled weapons. 9 MARCOS fighters took part in the capture of the ship.

Unidad de Operaciones Especiales, Spain


The Spanish Navy Special Operations Unit was formed in 1967. The fighters of this special unit are engaged in the destruction or disabling of enemy targets, carrying out sabotage, organizing communications and interaction with partisan groups, capturing prisoners, and conducting reconnaissance.

707th Special Forces Battalion - South Korean special forces


After the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics, several countries decided to create their own anti-terrorist units. And one of these countries was South Korea. The government of this country was, as it were, forced to create elite special forces, because the 1988 Olympics were to be held in Seoul. On this basis, the 707th Special Forces Battalion, also known as the “White Tiger,” was formed. The battalion consists of 200 men and women. It is divided into 2 attack groups, one support group and a separate women's group for special missions. The fighters train under very harsh conditions - for example, they are forced to swim in water at temperatures near zero.


Second place in the list of the best special forces units in the world is occupied by Navy SEAL or “Navy Seals” - a special forces unit of the US Navy, formed in 1962. The main task of the detachment is reconnaissance, sabotage operations and hostage rescue. They took part in all US military operations without exception (the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.).

"Green Berets" - another American special forces


In the United States, besides the Navy SEALs, there is another special group called Special Forces. However, more often they are called Green Berets - after the color of their headdress. Green Berets are designed to conduct guerrilla warfare, organize sabotage, counter-terrorism and other operations, special reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, mine clearance, combat drug trafficking and terrorism. The special unit was formed in 1952. Its motto is De Oppresso Liber (Free from Oppression).

American Delta


— TRACterrorism.org (@TRACterrorism) March 2, 2016

Delta Force is an elite unit of the US Army, most of its recruits are drawn from the 75th Army Ranger Regiment and Green Berets (Delta also recruits from the Navy and Air Force). The unit, which has changed several names, specializes in capturing and eliminating high-value targets, destroying terrorist cells and performing a variety of secret missions.

Most Delta Force missions remain secret, although they are credited with capturing Saddam Hussein and killing Osama bin Laden.

A video leaked online shows Delta operatives being trained. During training, Delta fighters have to pretend to be hostages while their colleagues fire at targets located next to them. This serves as proof of the commandos' marksmanship, builds trust within the special forces and trains soldiers to avoid being taken hostage.

Special Air Service (SAS) - British special forces


This is a special unit of the British armed forces, which is a role model in many countries. SAS is one of the most effective special forces. Engaged in reconnaissance of enemy forces, participates in counter-terrorism operations and direct armed clashes, as well as in the release of hostages. The SAS became known throughout the world in 1980, when, during the seizure of the Iranian embassy in London, members of this squad rescued 25 of 26 hostages and killed 5 of 6 terrorists, spending 17 minutes on the operation.

BOPE, Brazil


BOPE (port. Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais, Battalion of Special Police Operations) is an elite special military police unit of the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The main activities of BOPE are special operations in urban favelas with street fighting, the elimination of dangerous criminal elements that threaten people's lives, the destruction of drug dens and drug gangs, and the release of hostages. There are currently approximately 400 people serving in BOPE.


Jednostka Wojskowa Grom (Military Unit Grom) - Polish special forces


JW GROM - operational maneuver response group. Like most special forces, Thunder is called upon to protect the country and its citizens from terrorist attacks. Selection for the Thunder consists of many trials and tests, including psychological ones. The most difficult test is called the “truth test”, which eliminates unsuitable candidates.

About Canadian JTF 2

In sixth position among the best special forces in the world is Canada's elite unit JTF 2. The paramilitary structure was created in 1993. After the terrorist attack in September 2001, the special forces personnel were expanded to include several hundred people. The backbone of the special forces was made up of Canadian Armed Forces personnel. The range of activities is not limited only to countering terrorism and performing specific tasks on the territory of the country. Soldiers of the Canadian elite formation are involved in escorting VIPs. At the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, special forces ensured the security of this sporting event. In addition, Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia became places for the hidden activities of fighters, where Canadian specialists were tracking down professional snipers from Serbia. According to experts, the level of secrecy is so high that even the Canadian Prime Minister is unaware of the tasks performed by JTF 2 employees.

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