Review of Object 777 option II - is it worth taking for the Front Line?

Who is this tank suitable for, gameplay features and how to play it effectively, the pros and cons of the technology.

Greetings, tankers! Here is a Wotpack review of the Tier 9 Soviet heavy tank Object 777 variant II in World of Tanks. The final stage of Frontline is approaching, and the most persistent players will soon have to choose which tank to take as a reward for the first Tank Expedition event.

It first appeared in testing in 2015 as a Tier 10 tank. But it never made it to release, and then the level was lowered, the performance characteristics were rebalanced accordingly, then it was nerfed again, and now the “three axes” became one of the reward tanks for the LF.

TTX Object 777 Option II

For comparison, let's take a closer look at the parameters in comparison with other USSR heavyweights of level 9.


According to the standard for level 9, the tank is armed with a 122 mm gun with a single damage of 440 units. Armor penetration with a basic armor-piercing projectile is good - 258 mm. As a special one - cumulative 340 mm breakdown. In this regard, it is in no way inferior to pumped-up Soviet heavyweights.

Ammunition characteristics:

The turret traverse speed is quite good: 27.12°. The aiming time of the gun is one of the longest - 2.78 seconds, and the accuracy is generally the worst - 0.4 per 100 meters. The vertical guidance angles are a little more comfortable than other Soviet heavy weapons -6...+18°. But the reload is the longest - 13.33 seconds. Accordingly, the damage per minute is the smallest 1981 units. Stabilization of the gun in motion also leaves much to be desired; the T-10 is more pleasant in this regard.


Safety factor 1850 units. The 777/2 has compact dimensions and a low silhouette, which slightly reduces the likelihood of being hit, but due to the dense layout it will more often than not take out a couple of modules or tankers. But with the hull armor, not everything is so simple:

  • the large NLD is 150 mm, the reduction is about 229 mm, so even some level 8 tanks will sometimes be able to penetrate with a basic shell. Therefore, even at the top of the list, go out into the open to destroy the G8 with impunity . 777/2 will not be able to;
  • but the VLD is at a good angle, so it will be difficult to break through. The driver's hatch is penetrated by gold shells;
  • the side armor is 115 mm, so it will be able to tank in a diamond formation, playing from the sides + the rollers and tracks do not allow damage.

The turret is cast, with two small hatches, so it’s not easy to target them. But the frontal armor lets us down, it starts from 258 mm, so next to the gun mantlet it will penetrate in most cases if the enemy loads special shells with 300+ mm of armor penetration. The roof is 50 mm, so shells from 150 mm guns and above will not ricochet according to the 3-caliber rule.

Other indicators

Object 777 version 2 has a low weight of 49.8 tons, which, given the power of its engine, gives a specific power of 15.06 hp/t. Therefore, it develops speed well, but experiences difficulties on soft and medium soils. The maximum forward speed is less than 40 km/h, while the T-10 and Ob. 257 at 50 km/h. At the same time, it also has a lower chassis turning speed, which is also a little depressing.

Despite the low silhouette, the camouflage coefficient is not much greater than that of pumped vehicles. But the viewing radius is minimal 380 meters, so the tank is “low-blind”. But it transmits and receives data well due to its high communication range.

Rules for 7v7 battles

general information

  • All team players in such a battle are members of a team led by two bloggers. They fight against a team supporting the other two bloggers.
  • The type of battle is counter combat. Battles take place only on Tier X vehicles and on a specific set of cards, presented below.
  • The total battle time is 10 minutes.
  • The time to capture a base depends on the amount of equipment. Capturing a base will take 180 seconds for one vehicle, and 120 and 90 seconds for two and three vehicles, respectively.
  • For a victory, each player will receive 5 points. The number of points for a defeat will depend on the player’s place in experience in his team’s post-battle statistics. For getting into the top 3 in experience, a player will receive 3 points upon defeat. If a player gets into the top 5 or top 7 by experience, a loss will result in 2 and 1 points, respectively.
  • Card exclusion is not available.
  • The anonymizer works during combat.
  • Only researchable and collectible vehicles are available in the mode.


  • Each team can have no more than one platoon.
  • Only players belonging to the same team can play in a platoon.
  • Dynamic platoons are not available.
  • If one team has a platoon, it will also be on the enemy team.
  • If the battle wait time is too long, there may be an imbalance between platoons (for example, a platoon of three players on one team versus a platoon of two players on another).


  • During a game event, fighters fighting in this mode are placed in a separate queue to enter battle.
  • Each team is allowed one self-propelled gun.
  • The number of self-propelled guns is always the same in both teams: one in each team or none.
  • The balancer strives to send no more than three vehicles of the same type into battle (medium, heavy, light tanks, tank destroyers, wheeled vehicles).
  • If the wait time for a fight is too long, other options are possible. For example, 7 heavy tanks versus 4 heavy and 3 medium.

Economics and Statistics

  • Personal reserves work.
  • The x2 experience bonus for the first win of the day works.
  • The referral bonus works.
  • Performing personal combat missions is not available.
  • Game achievements for random battles are not available.
  • Statistics in 7v7 mode do not affect the statistics of random battles.
  • Viewing battle statistics in 7v7 mode is not available.

List of cards

  • "Robin"
  • "Himmelsdorf"
  • "Ensk"
  • "Lasville"
  • "Ruinberg"
  • "Mines"
  • "Murovanka"
  • "Siegfried Line"
  • "El Halluf"
  • "Redshire"
  • "Steppes"
  • "The Lost City"

Advantages and disadvantages

After a detailed acquaintance with the tactical and technical characteristics of the Object 777 Option II, one can highlight its strengths and weaknesses.


  • good armor penetration with basic and special shells;
  • rebound VLD;
  • tanks when positioned in a diamond shape;
  • the gun depression angle is 1° better than that of other Soviet classmates;
  • high communication range.


  • mediocre gun stabilization;
  • takes a long time to reduce;
  • low accuracy;
  • long recharge;
  • small DPM;
  • large NLD;
  • vulnerable zone in the forehead of the tower;
  • poor maneuverability;
  • low visibility.

Selection of equipment for Object 777 Option II

Installing additional modules for this tank involves reducing the impact of shortcomings in order to increase its combat effectiveness:

  • gun rammer - will speed up reloading by a little more than 1 second, which will allow you to fire up to 5 shots per minute. Required for installation;
  • vertical stabilizer - will allow you to shoot more accurately on the move, which goes well with the slow rotation of the turret - the scatter circle will be smaller.
  • improved ventilation - will increase accuracy, speed up convergence and add several meters to the viewing radius.

As an alternative, the third slot can be replaced with coated optics to increase visibility by 38 meters if the crew is still completely zero.

Main modifications of the Object 277 tank

“Object 277” is an experimental heavy tank designed and produced by LKBT LKZ. The lead engineer for the tank was initially N.M. Chistyakov, later – N.F. Shashmurin. The first sample of the tank, designated sample No. 2 (No. 5812B01), after debugging and stationary tests, was handed over to the customer by December 26, 1958 (the hull and turret of the tank “sample No. 1” were sent for shelling tests back in July 1958). At the end of 1959, LKZ began assembling two tanks, designated “Sample No. 3” and “Sample No. 4”), for field testing. After the decision to stop all work on new heavy tanks, on September 30, 1960, the fully completed tank “model No. 3” was accepted by the customer (remained in storage at LKZ). Tank “sample No. 4” (hull on a chassis without shock absorbers, with a turret installed on it with a rotation mechanism and a turret stopper) was delivered to the customer (sent to the NIIBT training ground). In total, 2 complete Object 277 tanks (samples No. 2 and No. 3) and two sets of hull and turret (samples No. 1 and No. 4) were manufactured at LKZ in 1958-1960.

“Object 278” is an experimental heavy tank with a gas turbine engine, designed at OKBT LKZ under the general direction of Zh.Ya. Kotin (leading engineer N.M. Chistyakov) based on the design of the Object 278 tank in 1955-1958. At the same time, in 1955-1960, the LKZ carried out the design and assembly of an experimental tank gas turbine engine GTD-1 (a total of five engines were assembled). By the time the decision was made to stop work on new heavy tanks, the production of the Object 278 tank was greatly delayed by the lack of a conditioned engine (in total, two engines were assembled and tested, producing 600 hp instead of 1000 hp). In October 1960, an incomplete sample of the Object 278 tank (a tank body on the chassis without shock absorbers, a turret without weapons, assembled components, purchased products) was sent to the NIIBT test site.

Crew training

The tank's crew consists of four people, so the commander has a combined specialization with the radio operator. We offer the following set of skills:

Order of learning and influence of skills

As expected, we download repairs to a heavy tank first. After studying the perks shown at level 3, it is better to reset the skills to select the Battle Brotherhood for all tankers.

The commander's perks will help increase visibility, which is sorely lacking: Radio Interception will add 11.4 meters, and Eagle Eye 7.6 meters.

Taking into account the slow speed of the chassis and turret rotation, the combination of Smooth Move and Smooth Turret Rotation skills will help stabilize the gun by reducing the spread circle, which will allow the tank to shoot more accurately at close range. The sniper is useful in not only receiving critical damage on modules, but also inflicting it on the enemy. The off-road king will reduce ground resistance and allow you to quickly reach maximum speed.

The loader must study the Non-Contact Ammunition, because the ammunition is the weak point of all the “tips”. The second perk for the loader will be Desperate, which will speed up reloading by 9.1% when the HP drops to 185 units.

At level 5, three crew members can learn Fire Extinguishing to free up the 3rd equipment slot from the fire extinguisher. If you are not going to use the “Additional Rack”, then an alternative option is to increase the tank’s stealth using Camouflage.

What is better to put on object 704?

Evaluation Object 704

  • Warrior - for an excellent top weapon.
  • Defender - good speed and powerful OFS will help break the tackle.
  • Invader - for a speed acceptable for a tank destroyer, unlike the T95.
  • Death Scythe - for excellent damage.
  • Armor-Piercer - for a weapon that can penetrate vehicles of any level.

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Equipment selection

The main feature of the award equipment for the Front Line is the built-in large repair kit. Therefore, the issue with 1 slot disappears immediately. We recommend putting in the remaining two:

  • a large first aid kit (as already mentioned above, it has a dense layout, so it is rarely possible to disable one tanker);
  • additional ration by +10% to the crew’s skills (otherwise the gun’s performance and visibility will be completely useless).

From the pre-battle instructions, you can carry the Art of Putting Out Flames, so as not to initially spend perks on learning fire extinguishing.

How to play Object 777 option II

Let's look at the final maximum configuration, taking into account the above recommendations: The first two slots can be replaced with booms/trophy equipment, but the improved ventilation will have little benefit, except that it will add a few meters of visibility, but the accuracy will not improve.

As you can see, even with a pumped-up crew and additional rations, the visibility does not reach the maximum value, but the firepower is too weak to sacrifice it.

At Ob. 777/2 has good dynamics, but it won’t be able to keep up with the ST; rather, it’s just a dynamic TT. It picks up speed quickly, so mobility in principle is good, but in open areas it can become a victim of LT or ST, since maneuverability is weak.

The gun declination angle of 6° is pleasant compared to 5°, like with pumped-up heavy weights, but still this is not enough for playing on the terrain. Often you will have to completely roll out onto the enemy. It is important to try to hide NLD. It is best to drive out in reverse to tank the sides/tracks, but again, if you drive out too much, the NLD will open.

If you need to tank for the LBZ, then you can try to divert the enemy into a shot by exposing the side, and it is almost impossible to penetrate the tracks in motion (only in 1 place the projectile must hit the pixel directly in order to cause damage).

Also in close combat it is worth remembering two nuances :

  • low weight of the vehicle - under no circumstances go for a ram and avoid it in every possible way;
  • given the weak armor in the frontal projection of the tower - clinch is contraindicated + low silhouette, so many opponents will have access to its roof for shooting through.

A long reload forces him to play as an alpha; according to DPM, most tanks of levels 9 and 10 will shoot him. Poor stabilization, accuracy and aiming time will not allow you to shoot accurately at medium distance, and taking a lead is also not easy.

Good mobility will allow you to change flanks during the battle or return to defend your base, so pay attention to the situation on the mini-map.

Soviet missile in the world of World of Tanks - Object 277!
1. Strengths and weaknesses of the tank: Cons:
- Weak frontal hull armor - Random hull armor - Poor UVH (-5 degrees) - Low HP (2200 in total)
- Good alpha 490 - Good turret armor - Excellent mobility - Good DPM — Excellent penetration with a gold shell of 340 units

2. Is it worth upgrading the tank?
If -5 uvn doesn’t bother you, definitely yes!
Apart from -5, the tank essentially has no more disadvantages; mobility allows you to occupy key positions faster than the enemy, roll, catch up, and run away. A club with alpha 490, dpm 3k+ allows you to confidently destroy enemies, and with kumys 340 it is comfortable against any enemy. There is something to tank in the position but without fanaticism.

The game on 277 means high speeds, drive, action, messes and hacking!

A direct competitor is the WZ 111-5A, it has a more comfortable level of -7, slightly higher than the DPM, but it is inferior in mobility.

3. Booking:

> A good strong tower, but it has a hatch with 260, though the hatch is small but it is there.
And purely theoretically, you can try to penetrate 277 into flat areas to the right and left of the gun, but in practice this will practically not happen. > Hull: VLD will withstand bb hits (if not +25%), NLD is classically a weakened zone with 227. > Tanking with 800+ side, tank but remember that you can see a piece of VLD with reduced 230. > Side 100mm lower part, 230 upper, nothing special. Show/Hide text Ideal implementation of a tank:
away from the turret, but you need to remember about the hatch, albeit a small one.
From the side, the side is gorgeous 800+, not penetrable, but remember about the vld. At medium distances, you should tank more boldly from the side - it will be difficult for the enemy to target a small piece of the airfield; at close range and at point-blank range, the tank will be able to aim into the airfield without any problems. If they roll out at us head-on, we try to deflect them -
we twist our body left and right, twitch, mansim - the whole body is curved and if the enemy misses, he can easily hit 300 instead of the 230-point section and not penetrate. The screenshot shows that if we trusted, then for the enemy the left side of the tank is 230 reduction and the right side is 300+, this can and should be used!

4. What equipment to install on ob 277:

Object 277 is fighting point-blank - it needs survivability, damage control, and shooting comfort.

Hardening - HP, strength of the gusli, repair speed - for all assault heavy metals. The rammer - we are accelerating our good DPM, the stabilizer - the weapon is not the most comfortable in terms of stabilization.


hardening, rammer, stabilizer.
Emphasis on PDM and shooting comfort:
fan, rammer, stabilizer.
DPM and survivability:
hardening, fan, rammer.

5. Perks:

Lamp, repairs, ammo rack strength - these should be upgraded first. In the second, combat brotherhood, smooth movement, smooth rotation of the turret, eagle eye, radio interception, intuition, sniper, artillery lamp, fire extinguishing.

6. Equipment:

Food is perfect - this tank is nice to boost, but everything is standard - a strap, first aid kit, food/fire extinguisher to choose from, or
two straps

7. P

left modernization Ob. 277: Vol. 277 is a heavy breakthrough tank, which means it is always where it’s hot, which means it will come in handy: +10% to the strength of the chassis (so that the rollers are less likely to be knocked down), -10% of the stun time, -15% of the additional stun time, +2% to HP. Take the second slot for firepower - DPM is our everything.

Trying to make Ob. 277 missile, taking mobility + turbine as the second slot makes no sense - it is already a missile, a heavy breakthrough tank needs to boost DPM and survivability!

8. How to bend:

> Try to stand from the turret/side, remember about the airborne forces from the side > Keep the numbers and the hull armor scheme in mind and place it at the right angle > Make full use of your mobility - be the first to occupy key positions, move to other flanks, catch up, run away, etc. d. > Don’t give up, you often want to rush somewhere headlong with this tank > Play your role as a heavy assault tank > Set yourself the goal of playing well > Analyze your mistakes and get rid of them > Develop by watching the streams of well-playing players.

Guide to Object 277 from Korben:

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Stream on Object 277 from Stanlox (TOP 1 on WN8):

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Published by: tanki-wotADM, 26-07-2021, 21:14, 992, 0

Brief summary

Many veterans of the game were looking forward to the appearance of this tank. But the reality is full of disappointments, he was nerfed too much. At the top of the list he plays well against the “eights” and “sevens” of Lev Tolstoy, but when it comes to the battle with the “nines” and “tens”, his shortcomings are very noticeable.

Firepower is better on the T-10, survivability is better on the Object 257, and mobility is better on both of them than on the Ob. 777/2 . And the visibility of the pumped equipment is better. Taking into account all the factors, we can say that we do not recommend taking Object 777 option 2 as the first tank for the Front Line.

Choose it only if:

  • you have in your Hangar for AE Phase I for last year’s LF;
  • Are you an ardent fan of Soviet technology or a collector;
  • We are 100% sure that you will take all the tokens in Steel Hunter and then take Char Futur 4.

And finally, we should note the interesting appearance of the tank, this is what really captivates us. It’s a shame that the developers ruined a once promising car.

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