What to take for self-defense without a license. TOP 16 self-defense means in 2022: shockers, sprays, alarms

Brief instructions

Most people who defend themselves behave inappropriately when attacked, acting illegally. This behavior is typical for the female half of the population. In this situation, a personal weapon will not help, but will harm human health. Therefore, special attention should be paid to its purchase and storage. A self-defense product will significantly increase the chances and resolve the issue in favor of the owner. This is one of the methods of protection against attempts on human life.

Experts do not recommend purchasing weapons for the sake of image and self-esteem. Especially when it is bought as a toy. This can have fatal consequences. Depending on the scope of application, weapons for self-defense are usually divided into several types. The main means of defense are stun guns, gas cartridges, and traumatic pistols.

Types of self-defense means

Below we provide brief descriptions and characteristics of the most popular and effective means of self-defense:


Gas pistols

One of the most common means of self-defense. Its advantages include its impressive appearance (resembles a real “barrel”), noticeable weight and the fact that you can simply hit it properly, i.e. "knock out" a person without even shooting him.

But this type of weapon also has disadvantages. Firstly, this is its price - a high-quality gas pistol is not cheap. Secondly, to purchase you need to obtain permission from the police, and this procedure is slow and rather red-tape, plus it also costs money (note that buying a gas pistol without a permit entails administrative liability, which means confiscation of the self-defense device and a fine). And thirdly, the firing range of a standard gas pistol is from 3 to 5 meters, and if suddenly a strong wind blows between you and the attacker, the weapon will not have the expected effect (it may even have the opposite effect).

In addition, the gas “barrel” cannot be used in a confined space, for example, on a landing, in an elevator or inside a car - the gas will fall not only on the offender, but also on the one who uses the weapon.

And another potential danger is that the criminal may mistake the pistol for a combat one: if the villain turns out to be an ordinary gopnik, he will simply run away, and if he is a seasoned repeat offender, and even armed, the sight of the pistol may provoke him to use a knife or your pistol, although not a gas pistol.


Traumatic pistols

In our country, traumatic pistols are allowed to be used only with rubber bullets and, again, only with permission. It is more difficult to obtain such a weapon than the previous one: for the most part, they are allowed to be carried by police, court and prosecutors, lawyers conducting serious trials, and less often by journalists, employees of audit and tax services, fisheries supervision and other organizations.

You can purchase “trauma” from people who specialize in the illegal sale of such products, but this is fraught with fines and administrative liability. If the “barrel” is converted into a combat weapon, criminal liability is provided for this. In short, a traumatic pistol is, of course, good, because... extremely effective, knocks the enemy down and can be used in any conditions, but becoming its owner is very difficult.


Pneumatic guns

“Pneumatic guns” are available for sale in any store selling equipment, fishing and military equipment and ammunition, self-defense equipment, etc. Anyone can buy such a pistol. The only condition is a restriction on the caliber of the bullet and its flight speed: the caliber must be no more than 4.5 mm, and the speed of the bullet must not exceed 100 m/sec (if these conditions are violated, the owner bears administrative responsibility, which means the weapon will be confiscated and fine).

The advantage of such a pistol is that from afar or in the dark it can be mistaken for a combat pistol (but sometimes this is also a disadvantage, as in the case of a gas pistol). However, this is where its advantages end, because... it is ineffective. It will not cause serious damage to the enemy (unless you shoot at the eyes, temples and other particularly sensitive places, for which they can be prosecuted). The bullet (a small steel ball) is not capable of penetrating thick clothing or even thick skin. It is easy to protect yourself from a shot by simply stretching your arms out in front of you.

If the attacker is an amateur or a teenager, the sight of an air pistol may frighten him, but if you are dealing with a serious criminal, the best thing you can do with this weapon is to hit it with the handle, throw it in the face and run away. So decide for yourself whether this item is worth purchasing. However, it can serve as a good toy - it’s fun to shoot at tins, one and a half tins and glass bottles in company.


Traumatic weapon

Not only pistols, but also other objects can be traumatic. One of the most popular devices is the Osa complex. It consists of a barrelless pistol and special cartridges that have a traumatic, light-sound, lighting or signaling effect.

The force with which the “Wasp” shoots, for example, a rubber bullet, is 120 J, but after 10 meters it decreases to 70 J. However, this is more than enough for the villain to “get lost” for some time. If you shoot at close range, you can cripple a person, so you need to use the Wasp very carefully.

Such weapons are compact, which allows you to carry them in a belt or even a handbag or pocket. It is useful to have one, but again you need to get permission. In addition, you will have to pay a lot of money for the purchase. If all this is solvable for you, then “Wasp” could be an excellent choice.


Aerosol guns

Aerosol guns are a kind of intermediate link between gas guns and spray cans. A good example is the “UDAR” (metered aerosol spray device), into which a BAM (small-sized aerosol can) is inserted. The pistol's magazine can hold up to five BAMs containing a pepper mixture, and the impact distance can be up to 4 meters.

Due to its composition, the jet, when it hits the enemy’s face, instantly incapacitates him for a period of 10 to 30 minutes, causing severe irritation of the mucous membranes and severe pain. The weapon is effective both in open space and in enclosed spaces, because the stream is not sprayed, but directed concentrated.

The advantages of an aerosol gun include the low cost of the gun itself and the cans, as well as the fact that it does not require special permission and it is impossible to kill a person with it. In general, it’s a good and effective thing that can help in a difficult situation.


Gas cartridges

Initially - when gas cartridges first appeared - they gained great popularity and were in great demand. However, over time, for some reason, manufacturers reduced the concentration of harmful substances, and today, to be completely honest, this means of self-defense has become an almost useless thing, instilling in its owners the illusion of safety.

Spray cans are effective at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters. The wind easily redirects the gas flow in any direction. When used rarely, the destructive substance in the cylinder cakes, which is why the cylinder must be shaken before use, and the criminal will certainly not wait for you to do this.

Most cans can be used continuously for a maximum of 10 seconds. This weapon should not be used indoors or in confined spaces. In addition, if the villain is drunk or “stubborn,” he may not feel the effects of the substance at all. In other words, this means of self-defense is ineffective, but it costs mere pennies.

In principle, you can purchase a gas canister, knowing in advance about its shortcomings. But when purchasing, you should explore several options, consult with a consultant, look at certificates, etc. You also need to be sure that the mixture contained in the cylinder will not deprive a person of his vision, otherwise you can get seriously “in trouble” - that’s the kind of state we have: they attacked a person and wanted to cripple him, but he fought back, but turned out to be guilty and went to prison, but the criminal also went to court and won the case - the height of logic and the limit of concern for respectable citizens!


Stun guns

Stun guns, contrary to popular belief, can be freely purchased and used for self-defense by citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of majority. Those. There is no need to obtain any certificates or permits to purchase such a device.

“Shockers,” as the name suggests, hit the villain with a solid electric shock. With quick contact they have a knockback effect, and with longer contact they disorient and deprive the attacker of any ability to perform conscious actions.

Despite the effectiveness of stun guns, they have several significant disadvantages: they may not work through clothing, especially in winter, when people are wearing sweatshirts and warm jackets, which means you need to manage to get to an open place on the enemy’s body. And the “shockers” operate on batteries, which do not always remain operational, especially in cold, hot weather and during long periods of inactivity. So, trying to shock the villain, you can get a more powerful blow to the jaw.

However, people are not afraid of the shortcomings of the presented means of self-defense, and therefore the demand for them is great. Today you can find a wide variety of stun guns: from classic versions to those disguised as pens, phones, lighters, flashlights, etc. They are inexpensive, and, by and large, acquiring such an item for your protection is quite good.



Knives are the most widespread and cheapest type of weapon, the most accessible and dangerous. But using a knife is a delicate matter, and before buying it for self-defense, you need to think a hundred times about how you will use it, and whether you will do it at all. Remember that an attempt on the life of a person, even a criminal, is a criminal offense. And using a knife involves maximum risk to life, including your own.

In addition, the law prohibits the use of knives against people and even carrying them with you. Of course, we are not talking about penknives, but about hunting, combat and other types of knives. Not every knife can be classified as a bladed weapon.

Be that as it may, many people have pocket, pen or butt knives with them: if something happens, you can cut food, cut off a piece of fabric, unscrew a bolt, and, of course, stand up for yourself. True, when making a threat, you should understand that the knife can be taken away and used against you, and if you injure or kill a person, from a victim you will instantly become a criminal who will be convicted to the fullest extent of the law.

Let's summarize: the advantages of knives lie in their effectiveness and ability to incapacitate an enemy, relative cheapness and legality. The disadvantages are the risk of causing serious harm and incurring criminal liability. Yes, and you need to be able to wield a knife, otherwise you can do such things that you will have to regret and repent for the rest of your life. In simple words: let the knife be for cutting sausages, but for self-defense it is better not to use this type of weapon.


Brass knuckles

Brass knuckles, like other objects of crushing, impact and throwing effects, are prohibited by law, but due to their popularity we will still say a few words about them. This thing is quite curious, but very, very dangerous. If you suddenly have brass knuckles purchased or made yourself, it (like a knife) should be the last thing you think of turning to in a fight or other extreme situation.

Using brass knuckles, you can not only crush your opponent’s face into smithereens, but also kill him. And here no lawyers will help. Of course, if the situation is such that either you or the villain, and there is no other way, brass knuckles will help you defeat the scoundrel and defend yourself, but you need to be prepared that you will have to answer for your actions.


Plastic undercastet

Plastic under-knuckles are also called stingers, skull-knuckles, dog-knuckles, cat-knuckles, etc. depending on the type. These devices are completely legal and in everyday life they serve as key rings. If an extreme situation arises, fingers are sent to the keychain’s “eyes”, which is why it turns into a good weapon.

A significant advantage of the under-knuckle is that it cannot cause serious injury, but thanks to its “ears” it strengthens the punch. Considering that such items are made of plastic, they will not be detected by metal detectors, which means they can be carried with you almost everywhere.

Any such keychains are inexpensive, fit in your pocket and do not require any permits. They can be attached to keys or a belt. But there is no point in talking about great efficiency here, because... after all, this is not a professional means of self-defense, but for the most part an accessory from the “just in case” category.



Kubotan is a means of self-defense created in Japan, but adopted by police officers in many countries around the world. In appearance, the kubotan resembles a harmless keychain, but in skillful hands it turns into a most effective poking weapon and a means for grabbing and creasing the hands and arms of an attacker.

An analogue of the kubotan is the yawara - a similar object, only with pointed ends for even more painful blows. In close combat, there is probably nothing that can replace the kubotan and yawara - even if you poke this weapon lightly somewhere in the ribs or neck, the enemy will lose all desire to mess with you.

Many tricks and techniques for working with kubotan and yawara can be found on the Internet. The cost of the weapon is very small; no permit to carry is required. Even at the airport you will be allowed on the plane with these items. It is quite suitable for a student, for a girl, for a motorist.


Telescopic batons

A telescopic baton is a very interesting thing: when folded, it fits in the palm of your hand, pocket or handbag, and if necessary, it can instantly turn into a serious weapon that can easily inflict serious injuries on the offender.

It is precisely because of its health hazard that the telescopic baton is classified by many experts as a bladed weapon and a special equipment. In Russia, only law enforcement officers have the right to have and use this means of self-defense. The legislation does not provide permission for the use of such batons by ordinary citizens.

It’s also unlikely that you’ll be able to buy a baton, but many craftsmen manage to make them themselves. This is done very simply - you just need to have several metal pipes of different diameters and a lathe for turning parts. In combat, the telescopic baton is extremely effective, but you can use it only at your own peril and risk.


Repellent devices

The category of deterrent devices includes all kinds of devices such as sirens and personal alarms. When used, they emit a strong squeal and whistle, which is supposed to scare away the attacker and put him to flight. The cost of any repellent devices is quite low, they easily fit even in the smallest pockets. But there is no need to talk about high efficiency - they, of course, will scare away a dog or a kindergartener, but they will only make a more or less serious opponent laugh (although if you can play a comedy, this can help you get out of problems).



Dummy knives and pistols can be called a means of self-defense only nominally. In the dark, a lighter made to fit a “barrel” may have the desired effect on the consciousness of a heavily drunk Gopnik. But in the event of a real threat, the use of such a means will look like baby talk, because It is very difficult to inflict any damage on them.

In addition, there is an effect here similar to what we described when talking about gas pistols. At the sight of a “bag” or a “feather”, the criminal (he may not know that the victim is holding a dummy) can move on to more decisive actions, and he will have to “resolve” something that could have been avoided altogether.

If you don’t have the money or desire to purchase a real means of self-defense, you can throw a dummy weapon into your purse or pocket. In all other cases, it is better to get something more serious.


Available means

Improvised means are any things and objects that you can use to protect yourself in the event of an attack on you. If there is no specialized means, a heavy bag, an umbrella, deodorant, a brick, a bottle, a chair, a table, a potato, an apple, a glass and any other object that is in your field of vision that can be thrown, hit, or splashed in the face will be suitable for defense. etc. But remember that you shouldn’t be too zealous, because the degree of your defense should be commensurate with the degree of threat.

So, we have looked at most of the available self-defense means. As you can see for yourself, the choice is not bad. All you have to do is choose what you like and suits you. And here are some recommendations on this topic:

If you often have to walk through dark alleys, it is better to choose a stun gun or a Wasp.
If you like to run in parks, you can choose a special gas cartridge for athletes - small and conveniently attached to your hand, or a personal alarm.
If you live in a disadvantaged area and a ride in an elevator is a new “extreme” experience for you every time, it is better to have a stun gun, a can of pepper gel or an aerosol gun, a kubotan or a jawara
If you often walk with your child and fear for his safety, arm him with a personal alarm device.
If you are afraid of dogs, an ultrasonic repeller would be a great option.
If you often go out into nature and like to set up camp and sit by the fire at night, the “Wasp” and several sets of different cartridges for it will always help you.
If you are confident in your reaction and quick actions, feel free to purchase a stun gun, kubotan or yawara.
If you're a wimp, can't hit someone very hard, or are simply unsure of yourself, buy a dazzle gun, an aerosol gun, or a stun gun.
If you are a motorist and often drive a car, throw a gas canister or a shocker into the glove compartment or armrest, keep a heavy baton or tire iron in the trunk, and hang a key fob with a personal alarm on your keys (by the way, transporting it in the car is the same as carrying , you can only use self-defense permitted by law and with a permit document, if required).

Note that these are only general tips and, in fact, any option is suitable for both men and women, students, pensioners, motorists, etc. But remember: whatever you choose, you need to use it wisely and only in cases of extreme necessity - when there is a real threat to the life and health of you or your loved ones.

A lot has been said about the effectiveness and benefits of self-defense means, but there are often situations when you simply don’t have anything like that with you (or don’t have anything at all), and you have to rely only on your own strength. If you are a master of sports in boxing or kickboxing, a champion in sambo or mixed fight, your chances of giving selection to the scoundrels are high. But if you have never played sports and lead a lifestyle completely far from it, everything becomes significantly more complicated.

However, it is not at all necessary to become a professional fighter in order to “knock out” an attacker or simply hurt him so that he falls behind. It is enough to know a few effective self-defense techniques. Naturally, we are not saying that if you know how to twist a wrist, you will emerge victorious from any fight, but it is still better to be able to do it than not to be able to do it.

In the next lesson you will get acquainted with the features of self-defense on the street and in a confined space, the most effective strikes, some methods of defense and attack, pressure points and methods of influencing them. You will also learn how to free yourself from being grabbed and strangled, what to do if you are grabbed by your clothes or neck, what to do if you are grabbed from behind, how to behave if you want to hit you with a fist, knife or baton. In addition, we will give a set of recommendations and techniques for the fair sex. Knowing how to carry out a couple of techniques, and even having a means of self-defense with you, you will become a person with whom few people want to sort things out.

Stun gun - a means of self-defense

Stun guns are used as a means of self-defense. They infect a person by exposure to an electrical discharge. Unlike gas cans, these products are more reliable and effective:

  • Easy to use, no training or special skills required.
  • Thanks to their small size, they can be carried in a woman's bag or pocket.
  • Great power of defeat. Despite the small dimensions of the device, it is capable of immobilizing and rendering any person unconscious.
  • Affordable prices and long service life.
  • This is a weapon for self-defense without a permit.

The standard equipment of the device includes a battery and a high-voltage pulse converter unit.

The main disadvantage of a stun gun is its use at short distances. This is a means of self-defense for contact combat. Therefore, not everyone can withstand the psychological stress when meeting an enemy. The switched on device should be fixed for a few seconds near the opponent’s body. In this case, a person must have dexterity and efficiency in action. This directly affects the effectiveness of its security.

Some useful information

To avoid possible troubles with any means of self-defense, you must consider the following:

  • Defensive weapons, even pepper spray, are only legally sold to adults.
  • It is legally prohibited to wear self-defense equipment at public events. That is, during, for example, the May demonstration, you cannot carry with you not only an air pistol, but even a simple stun gun is prohibited.
  • The use of self-defense means is limited to persons under 16 years of age, pregnant women and disabled people. An exception is possible only in the case of an immediate threat to life.

The restrictions are strange, to put it mildly. Firstly, it is now difficult to understand how old the striker is - teenagers sometimes look like they are in their thirties. Secondly, in the early stages it is impossible to know at first glance whether a woman is pregnant or simply eats a lot. Thirdly, it’s hard to imagine an aggressive disabled person: he’ll be run over by a stroller, or what? It’s another matter if the disability is diagnosed in a “psychiatric hospital.”

Therefore, before using even the best means of self-defense, consider your legal safety. Remember how in “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” the scoundrel Saakhov, battered after an unwanted visit, complained to his accomplice about the captive victim that he just came in, didn’t do anything, and she was simply a hooligan.

If there is a direct threat, do not be afraid to take the lead. But it is much wiser to prevent open conflict than to engage in hand-to-hand combat with someone unknown. Take care of yourself and those you care about! If you liked the review of the ranking of the best self-defense products in 2022, please leave comments and share with other readers your experience in using certain methods of self-defense.

Gas self-defense devices: spray can

The pepper spray is the most common weapon used for self-defense without a permit or license, according to people surveyed. It gained such popularity due to its low cost and small size.

A special chemical is the basis of this self-defense device. It causes increased levels of lacrimation, coughing and severe pain if it comes into direct contact with the eyes and respiratory tract. As a result of such influence, the victim manages to call the police or escape from the scene of the incident.

Despite their productivity and low cost, such devices have certain disadvantages. For more effective defense, the aerosol stream should be directed at the enemy’s face. The range of impact of the can is no more than two meters. Therefore, it is possible to repel an attacker’s attack only at close range. Many women use such weapons for self-defense.

Self-defense weapons that do not require permission in Russia

In order to avoid problems with the law, you need to clearly understand how you can protect yourself. There are protective equipment that requires a license, and those that can be worn freely. In this case, you do not need to have special documents. In each country, the government decides whether it is possible to purchase a particular self-defense weapon without a license. Today we will talk about laws relating to the territory of the Russian Federation.

Despite the fact that the crime rate in the Russian Federation is not the highest in the world, Russians, like many other inhabitants of the planet, still need to be prepared to protect themselves from attack at any time. So, self-defense weapons that do not require permission:

  • an air pistol, a revolver with a power of no more than 7.5 J and a bullet with a caliber not exceeding 4.5 millimeters;
  • electric shocker, as well as a spark gun from a Russian manufacturer;
  • gas can.

This is something that directly concerns weapons. Of course, there are additional options for protection using improvised means, which include edged weapons, but we’ll talk about this below.

Gas pistol

Every person can use a gas pistol for self-defense. The principle of operation and its design are identical to a military weapon. The difference lies in the use of other types of cartridges. Its appearance has a serious psychological impact on criminals.

Shooting from such a device involves the use of specialized substances. They have a serious effect on the mucous membrane and often poison the human body. Chemical reagents of the CS group are most often used as liquids, less often CN. The main difference between them is the irritation of exposed skin. Toxic substances are permitted by law and are safe for human protection. This self-defense weapon is effectively used to fight street criminals.

Features of gas devices

Market relations dictate new conditions for gas self-defense devices. During development, specialists modernized the weapon with the ability to fire rubber bullets. It is practically identical to a barrelless pistol. The main difference between them is the certification methods.

The gas-based pistol is loaded with special cartridges. Inside the capsule there is a chemical substance identical to the composition of the can. The shot is fired directly at the opponent's face, causing him irritation. The main difference between these devices is the distance to the object. The high speed of the chemical reagent does not allow the enemy to evade. An effective weapon for self-defense in case of a surprise attack.

The principle of destruction of a gas pistol is a strong blow and a direct hit from a rubber bullet. As a result, the attacker experiences a painful shock. In certain situations, traumatic bullets can lead to serious consequences and death.

Operating principle of a barrelless pistol

Barrelless pistols are more efficient in terms of shooting. Such self-defense weapons have a serious impact on the enemy at close range, even to the point of loss of consciousness. With certain skills, you can demonstrate excellent shooting performance.

The operating principle of the device with rubber bullets is designed for high pressure of powder substances. If a person inserts a regular gas-based capsule, most of them lose their automatic function. To use them, you must jerk the bolt after each shot. As a result, the cartridge case falls out and a new cartridge is added to the magazine. When you press the release button, it begins to move towards the rear of the barrel, towards the electrical contacts, and is released from engagement. A lithium battery is used as the main power supply for barrelless pistols. It is located at the bottom of the device, in a special compartment. In addition, authorized weapons for self-defense have a sighting mechanism with a locking mechanism and a front sight molded onto the body.

Traumatic devices for self-defense

A traumatic pistol is an effective means of protection. A standard chamber magazine contains 8 to 10 bullets. Shooting can be carried out at a distance of 3 to 6 meters. This gives the defending person an advantage over one or more opponents.

However, this type of weapon has a number of disadvantages. To purchase it, you must obtain a special license for storage and carrying. In addition, you should know the basic rules and laws. The use of this weapon may lead to an excess of self-defense measures. As a result, the person will be held criminally liable. Therefore, it is recommended to know the operating principle of the pistol and its possible malfunctions during shooting. This is far from an ideal means of protection, since a thick layer of clothing on the attacker can protect him from rubber bullets.

The main effectiveness of the device is to inflict certain injuries on the opponent, causing noticeable pain and preventing aggressive actions towards the victim. It should be recalled that a license for self-defense weapons is available to citizens who have reached the age of majority.

Self-defense weapon that does not require a permit: "Wasp"

The Osa pistol is another means of defense against bandits using a combination of sound and light. It is capable of stunning and blinding a criminal, temporarily throwing him off balance.

Until recently, such weapons could be used with permission. But now there is a new light and sound device “Antidog”. You do not need any permission to use this device, and its operating principle is the same as that of the Wasp. The following advantages of the device can be mentioned:

  • capable of scaring off not one, but several attackers;
  • lightweight, compact and easy to use;
  • low cost of the device.

The only drawback of the pistol is that it can blind and stun the shooter; accordingly, this must be taken into account before use and the eyes must be closed at the time of the shot.


What weapon is used least often for self-defense? A combat pistol or shotgun is used for self-defense in exceptional cases. Their use can be fatal. Even if hit by a traumatic bullet, it can cause serious harm to human health. Therefore, it is not recommended to use a firearm in action.

This type of self-defense device has many disadvantages. One of them is the length of the barrel. As a rule, it is at least 70 cm. The law strictly prohibits walking around the city openly with firearms. It must be transported folded and unloaded. The only place where it can be used can be a private home. In the event of an attack, the owner will have time to assemble the weapon into firing position and open fire. Before doing this, you must obtain a license for a self-defense weapon. A firearm for protection can only be used after obtaining a hunting license upon reaching the age of majority.


Before purchasing, users are advised, first of all, to pay attention to what self-defense means are approved for use. Those who have been forced to use various means of self-defense often share their experiences. Using this information, certain conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, women prefer different types of spray cans. Secondly, by buying products from unverified manufacturers, you risk getting into trouble at the most crucial moment. Thirdly, compliance with all security measures will help not only avoid an attack, but also not later have to answer before the law for exceeding self-defense. Keep this in mind when you decide to purchase or use a weapon.

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