TOP 5 Russian small arms, popular all over the world

Many types of Russian small arms are very popular in different countries of the world. Our weapons are generally valued for their simplicity, incredible reliability and low cost. As a result, domestic weapons can be seen in circulation both in developed countries and in large quantities in third world countries, where they make up the vast majority of those in service.

We present to your attention the TOP 5 most common types of Russian small arms abroad.

Kalashnikov machine gun

The Kalashnikov machine gun (RPK) opens the TOP 10 best weapons in the world . It is a universal design: it can be used as a manual, easel, or tank machine gun. This was the first unified domestic model. The RPK was adopted by the Soviet Union and is still used by many countries today. It was used in various military conflicts of the 20th and early 21st centuries. In total, more than 1 million legendary weapons were produced. The machine gun has 8 official varieties. The rate of fire of the RPK is about 750 rounds per minute. The cost of the model on the Russian market ranges from 1000-1500 US dollars.

The most dangerous weapons in the world: “daddy of all bombs”, “Sarmat”, lasers and depleted uranium

Our response to George Bush

“Every living thing simply evaporates,” Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff Alexander Rukshin said in 2007 when asked about the bomb being developed.
In 2007, Russia successfully tested and released its “High Power Aviation Vacuum Bomb” - AVBPM, which quickly received the nickname “daddy of all bombs” . The ABBPM is reported to be four times more powerful than the US military's largest non-nuclear bomb, the GBU-43/B airborne mass destruction bomb, which is officially designated MOAB and is widely known as the "mother of all bombs." This makes the Russian device officially the most powerful conventional non-nuclear weapon in the world.

GBU-43/B, Massive Ordnance Air Blast - high-explosive aerial bomb, created in the USA in 2002-2003. The "Mother of All Bombs" is equipped with a satellite guidance system.

With a power of 44 tons of TNT equivalent, the AVBPM uses only 7 tons of explosive. The blast and pressure wave has an effect similar to a nuclear weapon, only on a smaller scale. The high impact area makes it possible to reduce the cost of ammunition by reducing the requirements for hit accuracy. The bomb explodes in mid-air, creating a supersonic shock wave and causing temperatures to rise to extreme limits. These weapons generate more sustained blast waves than conventional explosives. Because of this, they deal more damage over larger areas than conventional weapons of similar mass. Using oxygen from the atmosphere itself, they produce more energy than normal and as a result are more difficult to control.

Information about the AVBPM is strictly confidential; it is difficult to say how many bombs were released, in what quantity they are in service with the Russian Federation - and whether they are still in use today. The latest information about the weapon appeared only as part of its first tests.

ICBM: war beyond the continent

ICBM, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile , is a ballistic missile guided to a target that can travel about 5 thousand km. Designed primarily to transport nuclear weapons.

MDBs pose a problem because they allow a country to break out of its regional context and move toward potential global impact. Regardless of the origin of the conflict, a country can involve the entire world simply by threatening to start a war with an ICBM.

John Pike, national security expert

ICBMs can be launched from aircraft, submarines, missile silos and vehicles. They became an integral part of the doctrine of mutual assured destruction because these weapons allowed a precarious balance to be established between potentially dangerous adversaries. Each side has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the other side. It follows from this that no country possessing nuclear potential can either voluntarily disarm without retaliatory action from other countries, or start a conflict with impunity. This principle is the so-called Nash equilibrium.

The Nash or Cournot and Nash equilibrium or "Decision Concept" for games with two or more players assumes that each player knows and has accepted his best strategy, and yet all players are aware of the others' strategies.

According to the FAS (Federation of American Scientists, Federation of American Scientists - Hi-Tech), the US armed forces have an aging arsenal of Minuteman III , which reach speeds of up to 24 thousand km/h. This is nearly 20 times the speed of sound, and allows the Minuteman III to engage a target within 30 minutes from a distance of more than 9,656 km with pinpoint accuracy. The lower first stage rocket is sometimes called a booster or booster. Boosters are the largest part of the rockets and do most of the heavy lifting.

Hitting such missiles with a countermeasure is like trying to shoot down a bullet with another bullet. Moreover, many countries, including the United States, use nuclear weapons that cannot be stopped once launched, even if they were sent in error or inappropriately.

Launch of the LGM-30G Minuteman III missile on June 8, 1994.

The Russian Topol-M (aka RS12M2/SS-27) is a strategic missile system with an ICBM. The maximum flight range of the rocket is about 12 thousand km. In 2022, according to Russian media reports, tests of the new super-heavy MBR RS-28 Sarmat for nuclear weapons were carried out. “Sarmat” can be equipped with ten heavy or 15 (according to some sources, 16) lighter warheads, and also become the main component of the Russian missile force.

"Topol M"

The world's first ballistic missile, the R-7, appeared in the USSR and was in service with the country from 1960 to 1968. But for a weapon it had too large dimensions, weak points that were quite transparent to the enemy, was poorly controlled and difficult to operate. Its objective strengths were the reliability of the design and launch power. Thus, on the basis of the R-7, launch vehicles were developed to launch artificial satellites and manned spacecraft into orbit, and later interplanetary stations. At the moment, all manned launches on the territory of the Russian Federation are carried out by rockets of the R-7 family.

Therefore, in 2022, North Korea's announcement of the successful launch of its first ICBM increased global tensions and fears of nuclear conflict, especially between the United States and North Korea, as well as with neighboring countries, including China.

The most important tank

First released in 2015, the Russian T-14 is equipped with combined multi-layer armor and a diesel engine. It reaches a top speed of almost 90 km/h. It can rightfully be considered one of the best tanks today. The tank is designed on the basis of the Armata universal tracked platform. It is equipped with a 125mm 2A82-1M smoothbore cannon, which can also fire laser-guided 3UBK21 Sprinter missiles up to 11 km. The 125 mm cannon is mounted on an unmanned turret in the center of the hull and holds 45 rounds.

Tank T-14

Russia initially planned to have 2,300 T-14 tanks in service by 2022, but due to budgetary constraints reduced this to 100 tanks by 2022. The two T-14 battalions already ordered will consist of 80 tanks.

New missiles, ready for battle

In the fall, the scandal between Russia and the United States related to the Novator 9m729 - the American side announced a violation by the Russian armed forces of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. Kay Bailey Hutchison, the US representative to NATO, said that if Russia does not provide access to specialists to determine the absence of violations of the Treaty, the main US goal will be the destruction of these missiles.

The 9M729 missile is a long-range cruise missile with wings folded into the missile fuselage. According to a domestic source, the missile was probably developed for the 9K720 Iskander-M missile system. According to Western data, the missile is a land-based version of the 3M14 missile of the Kalibr-NK missile system and a modification of the R-500 missile (9M728). One way or another, Vladimir Putin refused to give any permission to inspect or evaluate the missile.

Kill at the speed of light

In March 2022, the US Navy awarded Lockheed Martin a $150 million contract to develop two powerful laser weapon systems. The advantage of lasers is their accuracy and the fact that they attack at the speed of light, hitting high-speed maneuvering targets, which is impossible to achieve with other small arms. Given a power source, the laser can shoot down incoming missiles throughout the day and is independent of recharge, the number of projectiles and related materials.

American laser weapon installation

The German company Rheinmetall has also developed a series of mobile high-energy fiber lasers, the largest of which is a 50 kW version that fits in a shipping container. The company is currently working on a 120-kilowatt laser.

Technology analysts Technavio predict that China will surpass US research and development in high-energy lasers by 2022. The Chinese also have more serious lasers, including the Silent Hunter, with a stated power of “at least 50–70 kW,” which provided protection for the 2016 G20 summit in Guangzhou.

There's nothing scarier than that

A nuclear bomb is a weapon of mass destruction. Nuclear fission produces an atomic bomb, a weapon of mass destruction that uses the energy released when atomic nuclei split.

When one free neutron collides with the nucleus of an atom of radioactive material such as uranium or plutonium, it releases two or three more neutrons. Energy is released when these neutrons are split off from the nucleus, and the newly released neutrons hit other uranium or plutonium nuclei, splitting them in the same way, releasing more energy and more neutrons. This chain reaction spreads almost instantly.

Two atomic bombs were detonated during the war in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan at the end of World War II. Their consequences are notorious throughout the world - more than 200 thousand people were killed. But a hydrogen bomb can be a thousand times more powerful.

While atomic bombs use the fission of atoms (the same process used in nuclear power plants), the hydrogen bomb uses fusion. The same radioactive materials, uranium or plutonium, that combine atomic nuclei to create explosive energy are used for nuclear fusion. In addition, hydrogen bombs can be so compact that they can fit on the head of an ICBM.

Atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima

The largest and most powerful thermonuclear weapon of all time was the domestic RDS-220 , also known as the Tsar Bomba . On October 30, 1961, the Soviet Union detonated an RDS-220 over the island of Novaya Zemlya. Its explosive force was 50 Mt, which is equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT, or 3,800 nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima.

After hydrogen bomb tests showed the US how deadly they could be, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was adopted in 1970, signed by 189 countries. However, Israel, India and Pakistan did not ratify the treaty, and North Korea completely withdrew from the participating countries in 2003.

Samvel Grigoryevich Kocharyants is a Soviet designer who made a huge contribution to the development of the nuclear industry of the USSR. Under his leadership, the design and testing of nuclear weapons was carried out; he assembled a talented team of scientists and designers, circuit and instrument developers, testers, radio engineers, aerodynamicists and ballisticians. A distinctive feature of Kocharyants’ team was the principle of Samvel Grigorievich himself - before implementation, it is necessary to check and work out ten times. Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Kocharyants, several generations of nuclear weapons were created and put on combat duty, which were gradually improved as the carriers and their control systems developed, including in the interests of overcoming the missile defense systems of a potential enemy and protecting one’s own territory from a nuclear missile attack. .

Captured by uranium

When the US leadership was planning tactics to combat the Islamic State in Syria, American experts decided that depleted uranium ammunition would be the most effective weapon for destroying hundreds of oil tankers and cars in the Syrian desert and a much better way to achieve this goal , more acceptable than bombing with A-10 with explosives. Generally, depleted uranium rounds are used on armored vehicles, tanks or other vehicles, and there is no international treaty or regulation that specifically prohibits their use.

Depleted uranium is a byproduct of enriched uranium needed to power nuclear reactors. Depleted uranium is about 0.7 times more radioactive than natural uranium, and its high density makes it ideal for armor-piercing rounds such as the PGU-14 and some tank hulls. It is also used to strengthen some types of armor and has a number of non-military uses, such as ballast on ships.

When depleted uranium was used in the 1999 NATO bombing of Kosovo , the UN advised children not to go near the affected areas. The Iraqi government also regularly highlights the dangers munitions pose to people, soil and air. Attacks using depleted uranium projectiles were used in hundreds of thousands of attacks during the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The Curies also established that the radioactivity of uranium ore is immeasurably higher than that of the uranium itself isolated from it. These decay products are separated from the uranium in the earliest stages of enrichment technology, and radium takes thousands of years to accumulate in chemically separated uranium—radiative equilibrium is reached after five to six half-lives of radium, which is 1,600 years. Thus, even depleted uranium is a weapon of mass destruction, which, due to its radioactive properties, is capable of crippling hundreds of people in the primary destruction zone even many years after the battles took place.

The presence of depleted uranium in the soil of the former Yugoslavia following the 1999 conflict has caused great concern throughout the world. The so-called Balkan syndrome is associated primarily with depleted uranium contamination. Many suspect that NATO's use of depleted uranium during the Kosovo conflict was responsible for the high incidence of leukemia in the region. Long-term environmental impacts also remain unclear.

Depleted uranium bullets can penetrate up to 7 m. Uranium quickly rusts when in contact with water and oxygen, and during shelling, bullets often fell into wells and boreholes. Rust, or oxidized uranium, can dissolve in water, contaminating it. In 2022, the Italian media published information that already 348 Italian soldiers who participated in that armed conflict died from the consequences of the use of uranium, they were diagnosed with cancer, the nature of which most likely lies in the radioactivity of uranium isotopes.

Without the right to an antidote

Hi-Tech has already written about various types of chemical weapons and high-profile cases of their use in recent years. But speaking of the most dangerous weapons, one cannot help but recall the latest high-profile political scandal. The alleged use of the Novichok poison gas to poison the Skripals in Salisbury and a married couple from the city of Wiltshire has once again provided fertile ground for speculation, theories and doubts even among unqualified ordinary people.

The head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Ahmet Üzümcü, said that the toxic substance was subjected to maximum purification and had increased resistance, therefore it was not affected by weather conditions. In his opinion, the nerve agent Novichok, which was produced only in the secret and closed military town of Shikhany, is involved in the Skripal case.

One of the former employees of the Shikhan laboratory, Andrei Zheleznyakov, is considered the secret first victim of Novichok. He stated this in an interview with the Novoye Vremya newspaper in 1992, five years after the tragedy. Zheleznyakov worked on studying the properties of gas in a Moscow laboratory. During testing, a vent in the hood of his protective suit failed, allowing a small amount of Novichok 5 gas to enter. The boss ordered us to drink sweet tea and go home.

On the street, Zheleznyakov fainted and was taken to the hospital. There, KGB officers forced the doctor to sign non-disclosure papers. In the end, Zheleznyakov was given an antidote - atropine, and only because of this he survived.

Circles appeared before my eyes: red and orange. My ears were ringing and my breath was taken away. And a monstrous feeling of fear appeared: as if something truly terrible would happen. I sat down on a chair and told my colleagues: “He got to me too.”

Andrey Zheleznyakov

At the time of publication of the interview, five years had passed since the poisoning, and Novichok had already “gutted” Zheleznyakov’s central nervous system. Less than a year after speaking with a journalist, he died after battling cirrhosis, toxic hepatitis, a nervous system disorder and epilepsy.

Material from Novaya Gazeta about Andrei Zheleznyakov

No one, except Zheleznyakov, directly confirmed that he had encountered the Novichok agent.

History knows a great many examples of the bloodthirsty use of completely different weapons for mass intimidation or destruction - from primitive spears to modern rocket launchers. Killing a person or even a hundred people, from a technical point of view, is not that difficult. But humanity has something to do for peaceful purposes. In the near future, we will start driving self-driving cars, robots with artificial intelligence technologies will become our good assistants, our descendants will quite possibly fly on vacation into space and may even colonize Mars, and thanks to genetic engineering they will also be absolutely healthy. . For the sake of these miracles, it is worth leaving weapons used for military purposes as just another milestone in our history.


The M-1911 is one of the best American self-loading pistols. Adopted into service in the United States in 1911, it faithfully served the American Armed Forces until 1985. Its use is still permitted today. The firearms record holder outperforms other models in terms of longevity, reliability, accuracy and versatility in use. Since its production, the M-1911 has produced approximately 3 million firearms. The cost of the original copy is estimated at 928-1095 US dollars. In the 20-21st centuries. - This is the most frequently copied weapon in the world by the best gunsmiths. Now weapons on the 1911 platform are produced with the highest quality by Springfield.


HK MP-5 is a family of German submachine guns that were developed by the famous company Heckler & Koch GmbH. It was adopted by the German Armed Forces in the 60s and is still in use today. The HK MP-5 is a simplified design of the HK G3. This is one of the most reliable and easy-to-use submachine guns, characterized by high accuracy and speed of fire. This model is in service with the army and police in more than forty countries around the world. To date, there are 17 official modifications of this weapon, of which over 10 million copies have been produced. The legendary submachine gun has gained a reputation in the world as a “ruthless counter-terrorism weapon” due to its participation in many hostage rescue operations. The HK MP-5 is capable of firing up to 800 rounds per minute.

Biological weapons

In terms of antiquity, biological weapons rival cold weapons. So, one and a half thousand years BC. e. The Hittites struck their enemies with plague. Realizing the power of biological weapons, many armies, leaving fortresses, left infected corpses there. During World War II, in addition to chemical weapons, the Japanese did not disdain biological weapons. The causative agent of anthrax is one of the most dangerous for humans. This bacterium lives for a long time in the ground. In 2001, letters containing white powder began to arrive in the American Parliament, and noise immediately began that these were anthrax spores. 22 people were infected, 5 of whom died. Most often, infection can occur through breaks in the skin, but it is also possible to become infected by swallowing or inhaling spores of the bacillus. Now genetic and entomological weapons have been equated to biological weapons. The second is associated with the use of blood-sucking or otherwise attacking human insects, and the first is capable of selectively acting on groups of people with a certain genetic characteristic. Modern biological munitions usually use strains of different pathogens in order to increase the mortality rate among people exposed to them. Preference is given to strains that are not transmitted between people, so that an attack on a specific target does not turn into a large-scale epidemic.

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FN FAL is a classic automatic rifle made in Belgium. This is one of the most popular and widespread light automatic rifles in the world. The weapon was used in many military conflicts (Vietnam War, Gulf War, etc.). Production began in the 50s and continues today. FAL gained its fame due to its ease of use, maintenance, reliability and efficiency. The rifle fires up to 700 rounds per minute. Since its production, a huge number of modifications of this model have been produced, which were in service in more than 90 countries. FN FAL is currently being released in 13 countries around the world. In total, more than 20 million copies were produced.

M16, USA

The silver rating is given to an exclusively accurate and powerful automatic assault rifle, which is an improved version of the M14 already known to us. The M16 also has a single fire feature.

Among the advantages, it should also be noted the use of lightweight metal alloys when casting the body and parts of the product - with the lighter option, assault operations began to proceed faster and more effectively.

In addition, modern small arms are becoming small-caliber, accepting 5.56 mm cartridges instead of the classic 7.62. This allows you to fit up to 30 bullets into the gun magazine at a time.


The HK G3 is a popular German automatic rifle, in service with the German army from 1959 to the present. In addition to its high combat performance, the HK G3 is distinguished from similar, popular models (FN FAL, M-14) by its low cost of production and maintenance. This was achieved by simplifying the design. The rifle is capable of firing up to 600 rounds per minute. It can fire both cartridges and rifle grenades. Many modifications have been developed based on the HK G3. At the moment, the German automatic rifle is in service in 80 countries around the world.


M-16 is the best assault rifle in the world from American manufacturers. The model and its modifications remain in service with the US Armed Forces to this day, as well as in many other countries. The main advantages of the rifle include its low weight, which makes it more convenient to use, as well as its high rate of fire, which reaches 950 rounds per minute. In total, there are more than 8 million M-16s produced, and production continues today. The cost of the model is about 1200 US dollars.


RPG-7 is the best Soviet/Russian hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. The main purpose of the weapon is to destroy tanks and other enemy armored vehicles. The RPT-7 is also capable of hitting air targets and destroying shelters. The grenade launcher has been actively used from 1968 to the present in all military conflicts. The demand for the RPG-7 is explained by its powerful efficiency. The main advantages of the design are simplicity and ease of use, reliability and lack of recoil. Over the entire period, more than 9 million copies of this weapon were produced. It was in service in more than 40 countries around the world and is used in many countries to this day.

The best pistols

Your best bet is to destroy someone at close range.


Currently, the P18C is the only pistol in the game that can fire in full automatic mode. This makes taking out targets at close range absolutely insane, especially early in the game when players are less likely to be wearing body armor or helmets and heading to the same places.

Like every pistol in the game, the P18C is not very good at long ranges, but if you can control its powerful recoil, this weapon will become your best friend on the battlefield.


The P1911 fires 45 ACP. This gives it fantastic close-range shooting performance compared to many other pistols that use the less powerful 9mm caliber. It won't be as effective at range (as you'd expect), but it more than makes up for the range limitations when you're killing an enemy at close range with just a few well-placed shots


Uzi - the Israeli submachine gun tops the top three best weapons in the world. The model has gained worldwide fame thanks to its excellent balancing, which allows you to shoot a submachine gun even while holding it with one hand. The design is also particularly durable and highly reliable. Compact and easy to use, the Uzi is capable of firing up to 600 rounds per minute. The submachine gun was in service in more than 90 countries around the world and participated in many wars of the 20-21st centuries. Its production has been going on since the 50s and continues to this day. At the moment there are more than 5 modifications of Uzi. More than 10 million copies have been released worldwide.

Austrian Steyr AUG

Compared to other models, this modern product, which took 7th place, appeared relatively recently - in 1977. The release date significantly influenced the appearance of the rifle - it rather resembles a fantastic blaster from everyone’s favorite Star Wars.

Although the design is somewhat unusual, it achieves some advantages. For example, the developers moved the trigger mechanism inside the butt, significantly lightening the weapon and making it more compact.

The weapon belongs to the class of machine guns with the possibility of single fire. You can choose yourself which way the cartridges will be ejected - to the right or to the left.

2. Remington-870

Remington-870 is the most popular pump-action shotgun produced in the 50s by the American company Remington Arms. The weapon was adopted by the US Army and Police in 1951. Over the entire period of production, which continues to this day, more than 10 million copies have been produced. The Remington-870 is in service in many countries. The main advantages of the gun include the low cost of production, as well as the ability to shoot both buckshot and bullets. The gun has a huge number of modifications and can be used by the military, hunters, athletes and citizens for self-defense.


The AK-47 remains the most popular and recognizable firearm model throughout the world. The history of the assault rifle begins in 1949, when the AK-47 was adopted by the army of the Soviet Union. The legendary machine gun was used in all military conflicts of the second half of the 20th century. The main advantages of the design are simplicity and ease of use. In addition, this is one of the most reliable and durable models, the rate of fire of which can reach 600 rounds per minute. Over the entire period, more than 100 million Kalash units have been produced. The cost of one such copy is about 800-1100 US dollars.

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Best shotguns

A weapon for delivering pain over short distances.


You may have to reload after every couple of shots, but the S686 is the most destructive of all shotguns. Pulling the trigger twice quickly will fire both barrels immediately, often resulting in a kill at close range.

Don't be fooled into thinking this is a shotgun, which means it only works at close range. In our experience, it is also surprisingly powerful at long ranges, especially when equipped with a stopper that reduces pellet spread.

If you aim well, the S686 will completely destroy your opponents.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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