10 deadly weapons from the ninja inventory (10 photos)

The ninjas carried out their forays mainly at night: their black clothes perfectly camouflaged the mercenaries in the darkness of alleys and gateways. All the weapons of the warriors of the night also pursued one goal: to be as quiet and inconspicuous as possible for a potential target and random passers-by. Many people know the famous ninja stars - shurikens. But the fighters’ inventory contained much more deadly items.

Direct or not?

Today, the Internet is full of assurances that the ninja sword was curved, and the straight blade, familiar to everyone from the films, is nothing more than an invention of Hollywood directors.

In fact, the traditional ninja sword was straight, and the technique of wielding it was based precisely on piercing blows, which cannot be effectively delivered with a curved sword. There were also curved blades and cane swords, but the classic ninja had a straight shape. This photo was taken at the Ninja Museum in Japan. It should be recalled that in a black suit, ninjas “worked” only at night, on secret missions. The rest of the time they disguised themselves as ordinary people, and the presence of strange weapons would definitely attract unnecessary attention.


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Making a ninja sword with your own hands

Before you try to make a ninja sword, you need to know that the manufacture of edged weapons is punishable by law, so your product should not have the parameters of edged weapons. Usually, when making a sword using technology, with hardening and so on, it is simply not sharpened.

If you are not a blacksmith, forging a sword blade will be quite difficult. It is better for these purposes to find a strip of steel grade 65g, about five millimeters thick. After drawing the shape of the blade on it, start cutting it out. To do this you will need a grinder and a couple of metal circles. Be sure to wear safety glasses, otherwise sparks may damage your eyes.

Having received the workpiece of the desired shape, begin to remove the slopes on the blade. This is the most difficult procedure, especially if you do not have a grinder (a special device for making descents on blades). Draw a long strip along the entire length in the middle of the future edge of the blade and begin the process of removing excess metal. You need to remove it gradually from both sides, bringing out the shape of the blade.

Modern replica ninja swords are usually polished, but if you want complete identity, you can limit yourself to just polishing the blade. Subsequently, it can be subjected to a bluing procedure or set on fire by wrapping it in silk.

Next, a square tsuba and a wooden handle are made, with a cavity in the last third. The blade is attached to the handle using pegs that are driven in on both sides.

Making a sheath is a rather complicated process if you want a multi-functional tool. Usually the scabbard is made simple, with a stash at the end, but if you want complete identity, the scabbard can take twice as long to create as the sword itself.

How to make a ninja weapon out of paper - step-by-step instructions and tips ⚔

Ninjas are historical characters whose culture flourished in the 10th century. In our time, these warriors have been actively popularized by films and cartoons, and the younger generation is simply crazy about them. Subsequently, the appearance of ninja turtles generally made this special clan of warriors an object of imitation and admiration.

A real fighter had to be not only well-versed in combat, but also able to handle special devices that only representatives of this culture had. In children's games, warriors' weapons are always made from improvised materials, and you always want to get a very believable product. Making ninja weapons from ordinary paper is quite possible, but you should carefully monitor children during the game, since even paper weapons can be unsafe.

Application technique

The technique of fencing with a ninja sword is noticeably different from working with a katana. Since the task of the ninja was to sneak in unnoticed and steal information or kill the enemy, the sword fighting technique was based on one quick and invisible blow. If a spy was discovered and the alarm was raised, the ninja's task was to deliver a series of instant piercing blows to several opponents and quickly escape.

If you master the fencing technique of any sword, learning the specifics of ninjas will not be difficult, because the ancient ninjas were never skilled swordsmen and usually lost to samurai in an open fight. The emphasis in ninja sword fighting techniques was on the use of various “ungentlemanly” blows, spitting with needles, and throwing sand into the opponent’s eyes. If for a samurai death in battle was an honor, then a ninja had to win at any cost, thereby further benefiting his clan.

Ninjas are a specific weapon of ancient spies. A multifunctional item, a transforming weapon that faithfully served its owner in various situations. Despite the huge amount of information (often incorrect), few people know about the real purpose of this sword. Ninjas, going on long, dangerous missions, simply could not afford highly specialized weapons designed only for killing.

Types of kusarigama

Experts distinguish two types of kusarigama: farm and military. The first sickle designs had short blades that resembled curved bird beaks. The blade designs of the latter were more reminiscent of small swords. For both, the attachments to the handles were made of hardwood.

Farmer kusarigamas do not have the same throw range as military ones. In addition, they are not as effective in close combat. These types of combined weapons are bilateral.


The kusarigama weapon looks like a sickle: the device is characterized by a handle length reaching 60 cm; a sickle-kama (in Japanese) is attached to the handle, with a blade 20 cm long, sharpened and concave inward at the end with a point; On the side of the sickle butt, a chain-kusari up to two meters long is fixed, sometimes more, sometimes less, with a shock load-fundo.

The chain can also be attached to the opposite side of the handle. These weapons were modified depending on the schools involved in their use in battle. Kusarigama is one of the most complex types of Japanese weapons.

For little origamists

Children 4-5 years old will be able to put together the head of an elusive ninja with a characteristic mask. The warrior will “peek out” from an ambush, inviting the baby to an exciting game. You will need a square sheet of single-sided black paper, measuring 15x15 cm.

Work algorithm:

  1. Place the sheet with the colored side down.

Bend in half lengthwise and transversely. Open and smooth out so that the sheet lies flat.

  1. We bend the lower part of the square to the central axis.
  2. Top 1/3. You get two black stripes of the mask.
  3. To give the “face” a natural, oblong shape, we bend the sides back “mountain-wise”.
  4. Fold the top corners of the mask back.
  5. We do the same with the lower ones.
  6. All that remains is to draw the eyes and you can start playing.

Use in combat conditions

This weapon is truly deadly; in order to protect yourself from it, you need to be very clever. The device itself is always in the hands of the owner, but a huge distance was drawn with a sinker. Skilled fighters easily defeated swordsmen and archers. The clear advantage of this weapon is its ability to operate at both short and long range.

The sinker performed several actions that helped in capturing and immobilizing the enemy. With its help, it was possible to leave the enemy unarmed or crush something. Since the design depended on the owner, other functions could be added.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make ninja weapons from “Shadow Fight 2” out of paper

Ninja weapons can be used in the game or serve as paraphernalia at a birthday party. The main thing is that they will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. This is also a great opportunity to introduce a child to creativity, because by creating accessories for their game, boys get very involved and you can increase the level of difficulty.

Shuriken - a throwing star

This is a throwing star that can have 4, 6 and 8 rays.

We suggest starting with a 4-terminal one and doing it according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take a paper square and cut it in half to get two identical rectangles. You can immediately take rectangles of different colors, but make sure that the narrow side is exactly half the size of the wide one.
  2. Fold both rectangles in half.
  3. We place the first strip in front of us, lift the lower left corner up to form a triangle, and bend the upper right corner down. On the second strip we do the same, but in other directions - bottom right up, and top left down.

Scheme for making shuriken

  • The next step is very important and difficult. We place the first strip in front of us. We lower the left side down so that the upper side passes along the vertical edge of the right triangle. You will get the letter "G". We turn the craft over and also wrap it, lowering the upper part along the edge of the triangle.
  • A pocket is formed on the resulting part. We place the first with the pocket down, and the second on top perpendicularly and with the pocket up.
  • We bend the lower rays along the already formed fold and place them in the opening pockets of the upper ones. Flip and repeat.
  • The craft is ready.

How it's made, how it works, how it works

The most educational LiveJournal community

Just recently my son (7 years old) came up to me and puzzled me a little. S - Dad, did you make yourself a knife? I want too. Am I the Knife? S - No, a sword. I - Hmmm. What? Why do you need a sword? and he told me, as if I had asked the stupidest question in the world: S - Dad, come on, I’m a boy.

At this point I was at a loss. Not finding a clear counterargument, I said that I would think about it. And I came up with the idea that it was soon the 23rd. And even though he is seven years old, he is a defender. And you need to defend the fatherland with arms in hand.

Well . a sword is a sword)

Since the defender is not yet experienced, the sword will be a training one) I take an oak beam - 50x30x700

Next we needed a suitable tool. In our rapid time of technological progress, even a child understands that such things are better and faster done on CNC. Luckily I have. Special model. It has only two guides, but, unlike cheap models, it can move to any of the given coordinates. Below is a photo taken from the Internet, but this model is very similar to mine)

So, having armed the machine with the appropriate tools, I begin work. I draw a general view with a pencil, as I remember it from films and the Internet) and slowly begin to pick at it. In the work I used a hacksaw, a set of chisels of different shapes, and files.

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