Rating of the best air rifles for hunting without a license for 2022

Air guns without a license

This weapon is used by:

  • in sports games - when its optimal caliber is no more than 4.5 mm;
  • when hunting - with a caliber of 5.5 mm or more;
  • in hunting big game (boars and deer) - with a large caliber of 9.0 mm or more.

Many avid hunters are attracted by the fact that different types of weapons can be used without permission. Now an air rifle for hunting without a license is permitted if the muzzle energy value is no more than 7.5 J. In this case, the caliber of the weapon must be small - 4.5 mm. But there are larger calibers 5.5 - 6.35 mm, and they have a muzzle energy of only 3 J; licensing is also not required here. Bottom line, hunting small game in our country is allowed without a license.

But experienced hunters are interested in large game and more serious weapons (with a muzzle energy of 25 J), and here they cannot do without permission (provided they have a hunting license and registration with the Russian Guard). By law, this means that a license must be issued. However, some compromises are possible. There are no legal restrictions on technical additions to some weapon models. And manufacturers produce, and stores offer, more powerful spare parts and springs. By using them, instead of a weaker original, the hunter receives a powerful weapon, the muzzle energy increases significantly, while the weapon model itself remains the same.

A common marketing ploy of all manufacturers is to initially underestimate the power of an airgun so that the buyer can refine, improve, or add individual, more improved parts.

There are other compromise options:

  1. The manufacturer reduces the performance of the weapon by reducing the bypass hole, and the amount of gases passing into the piston is reduced. The weapon owner can only drill the hole and then assemble the carbine.
  2. If pneumatics have pistons with holes, then reduced compression prevents the bullets from gaining high speed. But there is a simple solution to replace the piston, and the weapon acquires completely different capabilities, and you can go on “serious” hunting.

It is important to remember that these actions may be considered a crime. In this case, the manufacturing plants do not bear responsibility for changes in the design of the weapon, since the sale was carried out according to the standards, according to the passport. According to statistics, such metamorphoses of simple weapons into powerful ones, without obtaining a license, are real and often practiced.

The issue regarding legislation is something that each hunter must decide for himself. When a hunter meets the police, his air gun will not externally reveal the alteration of the model, since the changes are internal. But the police have the right to take the air gun for examination, where everything will definitely come to light.


The first type of difference is design. In pneumatics, when a bullet takes off, it receives energy due to the expansion of gas. Depending on how the gas is compressed in the device, several types are distinguished.

Spring-piston type

This design is popular, its advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • low price;
  • the opportunity to buy a model not only in gun stores, but also in sporting goods.

The basis of spring-piston pneumatics is a metal spring, which, under the influence of its elastic force, drives a cylinder piston. When the trigger is released, it injects compressed air, and the bullet quickly flies out. A distinctive feature from other types is the kink in the barrel to accommodate the spring.

It is worth noting the disadvantages of this type:

  • after each shot, this pneumatic gun must be recharged;
  • large size weapons.

The option is not entirely convenient for self-defense due to the long barrel.

With PCP pre-pumping

The design of this option is that compressed air under pressure is located in a special tank. This reserve is enough to fire several dozen shots. When a portion of air moves, the bullet in the barrel of the weapon accelerates. This type has an advantage over the previous type:

  • no need to reload after each shot;
  • faint sound of a gunshot;
  • The supply of compressed air allows you to shoot many times in a row (one refill is enough for a long hunt).

The disadvantages include:

  • filling the tank with air (pumping);
  • purchase of special equipment.

If you prepare the blowgun and refueling in advance, then the minus can be considered insignificant. PCP is considered the most powerful of all models. The weapon is suitable for hunting any animal.

Gas cylinder type for CO2

Weapons of this type operate on gas cylinders containing CO2. More often, cylinders are inserted into the pneumatic handle. The advantages are as follows:

  • Large caliber possible - up to 9 mm;
  • ease of recharging the cylinder;
  • Energy is not high, which means it can be purchased without a license.

The disadvantages include the following nuances:

  • muzzle energy is less than that of the RSR;
  • when the cylinder is installed in the weapon, it is automatically opened (but held by the dispenser), and therefore, after a certain time, the gas can completely evaporate.

Pro tip: Installing a new CO2 cylinder should be done immediately before the hunt to prevent gas leaks.

Compression type

Not a very popular weapon, it has a non-removable hand pump and a special tank where the air is compressed. One pump of air - one shot. There are varieties where air is pumped up to ten times - multi-compressor. The main advantage of this type:

  • high power;
  • no need to purchase additional equipment (pumps, cylinders).

The downside is that due to its unpopularity, you can’t buy this type of weapon everywhere.

The principle of operation of pneumatic guns for hunting

It’s easy to guess that shooting wild animals with a pneumatic pistol is very different from a volley fired from a firearm.

The fact is that pneumatics for hunting work on a completely different principle (Figure 7):

  1. She wins with her precision, but not with her power;
  2. A shot from a traditional shotgun has an energy of about 2500J, while a shot from a rifle has only 25J;
  3. Gun power is split into dozens of pellets flying away from the target;
  4. As a result, it works at a short distance of 25-35 meters;
  5. A pneumatic bullet of the same mass and speed as one of the pellets flies strictly at the target;
  6. Naturally, at long distances it turns out to be much more effective.

Figure 7. Diagram of an air gun

Barrel type

When choosing an air gun for hunting, you should also take into account the type of barrel. This structural element gives the bullet the desired direction and the desired speed. There are two main types:

  • solid-barrel air rifles;
  • with a “fracture” of the barrel when cocking - it is believed that they have less durability due to wear on the hinges.

These weapons also come in smooth-bore and rifled versions. The barrel of the latter provides the bullet with certain rotation trajectories, which provide stabilization in flight. The internal surface of a rifled specimen consists of a muzzle passage and a rifled part (grooves). The most common bores are of the same diameter along the entire length, but there are options with cone bores. This barrel option gives more accurate and accurate shooting.

Loading a weapon is done in one of three ways:

  1. A broken trunk is not the most convenient option for hunting. It takes effort to charge every time. The fracture unit becomes loose over time and impairs shooting accuracy.
  2. Bolt action - used in PCP and multi-compressor rifles.
  3. Under-barrel lever - when moving it down, the bolt mechanism is cocked (spring-piston type).

In any case, for a hunter, the best option is the one that produces less noise.


Another main type of difference between air guns is caliber and muzzle energy (ME). The following options are available:

  1. Models with a muzzle energy of 3 J and with any caliber are not considered weapons according to the laws of the Russian Federation and are intended for training and games. They are safe for humans.
  2. The caliber of 4.5 mm and DE of 7.5 J allows you to hunt only small game.
  3. With a caliber of 5.5 mm and a DE of 7.5 J, the aimed shooting range, high accuracy of shots and destructive power are increased. Shot accuracy is achieved due to the absence of recoil. Hunters widely use this caliber when hunting hares and large field birds.
  4. An air gun with a caliber of 6.35 mm can kill a medium-sized wild animal, such as a fox.
  5. The caliber from 9.0 mm is intended for hunting large wild animals, including ungulates.

Calibers 5.5, 6.36, 9.0 with DE of 7.5 J or more require licensing.

Review of popular models

Let's start presenting some models with the most affordable ones. The leading place is occupied by the Czech rifle CZ-200T(S). It is considered single-shot with PCP cocking. At a low cost, such a rifle has high quality and excellent performance.

"Jager" 5.5 SP NEW is a domestic product. It's gratifying that he was among the leaders. In general, domestic air weapons look quite good compared to world leaders.

Hatsan 125 TH is a Turkish rifle of 4.5 mm caliber. Moreover, its muzzle energy is 7.5 J. That is, this specimen is “clean” in relation to the law and can be used for hunting without a license.

Crosman Benjamin Titan XS rifle (4×32 scope) spring-piston type. The presence of a muzzle brake reduces the resulting recoil, which increases the accuracy and convenience of shooting. According to its parameters, it fits into the list of those permitted for free sale.

Another representative of pneumatics is the German Diana 460 F rifle. It is distinguished for its finishing features. Some elements are made of natural wood. Naturally, this model surpasses its analogues in price.

As we found out, there is no clear distinction for powerful pneumatics. In Russia there are no rules for hunting with air guns, since hunting is prohibited. Weapons that do not require a permit have rather low stopping power, which is not to the liking of a real hunter.

Powerful pneumatics with energy exceeding 25 J are capable of hitting large living targets. With such rifles, the huntsman can let the hunter into the area, or he can refuse, having every legal right to do so. In the event of a meeting with law enforcement agencies, only the owner of the weapon will be punished. It must be added that this punishment is quite serious and is qualified under several articles of the administrative and criminal code.

Top 5 best air rifles for hunting

Based on which brands and types are most in demand in our country, we can make the top 5 best air rifles for hunting. More about them below.


Russian pneumatics from the Izhevsk manufacturer (the largest concern in our country) have been known for many decades. The main parts and body are made of plastic, have a compression type design and a rifled barrel (6 grooves) made of steel. The caliber of the model is 4.5 mm, and the energy is up to 7.5 J (no license required).

Has the following advantages:

  • low price (from RUB 6,500) – easy to buy;
  • light weight – 2100 g;
  • compact model, adjustable butt;
  • sight mount - dovetail;
  • multi-shot – 5 rounds;
  • possibility of tuning.

Disadvantages of weapons:

  • small volume of the compression chamber;
  • low bullet speed at departure of 150 m/s;
  • A coil spring is installed, which will have to be replaced periodically.

The weapon is designed for small and light bullets. This is an ideal option for beginners; it will allow you to get used to the weapon, learn shooting techniques and accuracy.

Crosman Fury NP

For seven decades, the company has been producing pneumatics - air blowers. The brand occupies a leading position in the global market. It is equipped with a strong gas nitro piston, the main parts are made of metal, there are few plastic elements (stock). The rifled barrel has 12 grooves. Pros of the model:

  • high power;
  • optics included;
  • good accuracy and accuracy;
  • comfortable shape;
  • there is a fuse.

The price of pneumatics is inexpensive from 12,500 rubles.

The disadvantage of the weapon is the following: if the sight is loosely tightened (on the optics), it can crawl. To prevent this from happening when installing the optics, it is worth tightening the fasteners well.

Striker Edge

Striker Edge from the Hatsan brand from Turkey is an inexpensive and high-quality weapon. It competes with domestic options, but is significantly superior to them - the resource is much greater. The design is comfortable, lightweight, made of modernized plastic with a rubber butt plate (recoil damping), and the barrel and clutch are made of metal. Has a 12 rifled barrel.

The advantages are as follows:

  • convenient location of the automatic fuse;
  • reflective front sight;
  • low price - from 8600 rubles;
  • good accuracy, even with an unshooted rifle;
  • soft, comfortable descent;
  • fastening - dovetail.

It is possible to select a nitro piston for this model.

Hatsan 125 and 125E

The main parts of the Turkish rifle are made of metal, the models have a long service life, the caliber is 4.5 mm, and the DE is 7.5 J. (you can safely take it without a hunting license). Pros of the weapon:

  • adjustable sight;
  • adjustment of trigger length, trigger force;
  • convenient location of the fuse;
  • good accuracy;
  • recoil damping.

The model is very powerful - the chamber volume is 80 cm3. Prices for the Hatsan 125 model are from 14,500 rubles, Hatsan 125 E from 17,000 rubles.

Diana 460 Magnum T06

The German manufacturer produces a model of spring-piston type weapon, with an under-barrel lever that cocks the spring - the result is high shooting accuracy. The impressive design is set by wooden elements. The main working parts are made of metal, the barrel is rifled. Small elements are made of durable plastic. Pneumatics have the following advantages:

  • German quality;
  • automatic fuse;
  • in Russia it is supplied with a limited power of 7.5 J (and can reach 26 J using a replacement configuration);
  • calibers from 4.5 to 6.3 mm.
  • rubber shock absorber on the butt;
  • initial bullet speed up to 350 m/s.

The disadvantages include:

  • additional care for wooden surfaces (do not store in high humidity);
  • difficulty finding an optical sight.

This pneumatic also has a high price of 40,000 rubles, but this fully justifies the capabilities of the weapon. Recommended for hunters with experience.

Hunting with air guns

Every year such tools become more and more popular. Why do they attract hunters so much?

Pneumatics for hunting have a number of pleasant qualities:

  1. Pleasant quiet sound of the shot and its low cost;
  2. Ease of maintenance and survivability of the main components;
  3. Low recoil and less requirements for the sight;
  4. Greater safety with the accuracy of fire characteristic of rifled barrels;
  5. Free sale of low-power models and autonomy of ammunition.

Figure 1. Options for the MP-512 air rifle
You should start your choice of which pneumatic to buy for hunting by studying the regulatory framework:

  • A pneumatic weapon is considered to be one whose muzzle energy does not exceed 25 J;
  • All other rifles are banned and are considered poaching.

For beginners, pneumatics for hunting without a license are best:

  1. This category includes trunks with values ​​up to 7.5J;
  2. For example, the MP-512 model with an initial bullet speed of 150 m/s (Figure 1);
  3. Its improved modification, MP-512M, has a power of 225 m/s.

To understand how a rifle works in practice, watch the video hunting with air rifles 2022 in Russia. It will also help you decide on the choice of your battle friend.

The most powerful air rifle

In recent years, innovative models can please hunters from many brands. The PCP models are considered the most powerful. The best air rifles for hunting are the English models of the Daystate brand. Without exaggeration, this company is considered a leader in the world market, and rifles manufactured under this brand are the pinnacle of weapons art. The company has been producing PCP pneumatics for more than forty years. Each hand-assembled model has its own style in design and technical content.

Daystate Wolverine 2

This PCP-type air rifle has been constantly upgraded since its release in 2013. Spectacular design with wooden elements on the stock (Turkish walnut), working parts made of steel. There is a very capacious 480 ml tank, a pressure indicator, and the magazine can hold up to 10 bullets. Calibers from 4.5 mm to 6.35 mm (for Hi-Lite) and up to 7.62 mm (for HP). Pros of the rifle:

  • mechanical trigger of two stages;
  • bolt platoon;
  • rifled barrel;
  • all working elements are conveniently located and work clearly;
  • optics included;
  • weight 3400 gr. (Hi-Lite) and 3800 gr. (NR);
  • pressure up to 250 atm;
  • HP model with 7.62 mm caliber in the magazine 5 bullets;
  • shots on one charge - Hi-Lite up to 100 (40 J), HP up to 18 (135 J).

The price of this rifle is high - from 230,000 rubles, but the reviews are only positive - excellent accuracy, good bullet speed and accuracy. The Daystate brand produces several series of air rifles, which are constantly being improved with innovative new products. Replacement of individual parts is possible.

Which bullets are best for hunting?

More often, bullets are intended for rifled barrels; they are usually made of lead. It should be noted that pneumatics must have not only good power, but also high accuracy. The following calibers of bullets are sold in Russia: 4.5; 5.5; 6.35 mm. You need to choose:

  1. Maximum heavy bullets - this guarantees maintaining flight speed. But the heavier the bullet, the larger the caliber. For example, in a 4.5 mm caliber, the mass of a bullet ranges from 6 to 10.5 g.
  2. The appropriate form. Pointed bullets don't fly well. They are recommended to be used at close range (up to 20 m). Flat-headed forms are not stable in flight due to air resistance.

Bullets from do not have good accuracy in terms of accuracy. For long distances, experts recommend purchasing better options from the RWS or Beeman brands.

For most air rifles, the speed of the ejected bullet is 120-250 m/s, but it can be up to 340-380 m/s.

Bullets for hunting pneumatics

Special attention is paid to rifle shells - the wrong caliber will ruin the barrel, and different shapes of bullets (Figure 9) will somehow affect the catch.

The following airgun bullets are commonly used for hunting:

  1. For partridges, hazel grouse and pheasants - with a sharp head;
  2. To drive away the crows - flash-noise devices with a metal head and an explosive charge;
  3. For wild boars and beavers - expansive, increasing in diameter when hit;
  4. For long distances - hemispherical light and heavy types.

For hunting game with pneumatics, most hunters use JSB brand bullets, since flash-noise projectiles detonate upon impact and have no stopping power. They are good only for scaring and are used on low-power weapons that do not require a permit.

Figure 9. Variety of pneumatic bullets

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