The military oath is a warrior’s oath of allegiance to the Motherland - Russia. - presentation

06/08/2018 Category: Useful articles

  • 2 Preparation for the military oath
  • 3 Military oath ritual
  • 4 Text of the oath
  • 5 Dismissal and privileges after taking the oath
  • 6 Conclusion

The realities of life for men in the Russian Federation are such that sooner or later they all face the same issue - the army. Yes, it would probably be difficult to find a young man who would not be concerned about this topic. Many are afraid to go to serve, others do not want to serve because of their convictions. There are also those who, on the contrary, strive to get into the armed forces and get the opportunity to prove something to themselves, or even make their homeland better. Be that as it may, everyone who, sooner or later, may encounter it, should know about the peculiarities of the internal structure of military service. Let's start with the very first significant event that awaits the future fighter - the oath.

Before taking the military oath

They take an oath to serve the Russian Federation, of course, not at the very beginning of their service. Before this, the recruits are prepared under careful supervision for this significant event. First of all, it is worth dispelling all false opinions regarding how long after the start of service the oath is taken. This does not happen in a week, as many are accustomed to thinking. Officially, a soldier is sworn in only upon completion of all the training required for him, a full study of his job responsibilities, the letter and spirit of the regulations, and many other concepts that he will need in the future.

If you have not yet read the article about the first days in the army, then we recommend reading - First day in the army

However, you cannot wait longer than two months, and by the end of this period the soldier is obliged to do everything necessary. As a rule, by this day the conscription has already ended, and the units are sufficiently equipped. We must remember that it is impossible not to perform the ritual under any pretext! From the moment he enters the service, a conscript can no longer enjoy the same freedom of choice as in civilian life. If you do not follow the orders of your commanders, life will not become easier, but, on the contrary, it will become more difficult. Extra outfits and jogging around the parade ground will take away that little personal time that conscripts so lack. The young recruit is completely at the disposal of the state (represented by the commander), so any disobedience will be met with severe punishment.

Drill training before taking the oath

History of the oath

Over the entire history of the Russian army, there have been more than a dozen different variations of the oath, but they all had a similar message that called on soldiers to love their Fatherland and be proud of the exploits of their ancestors. Just like today, the oath ceremony had a very solemn appearance.

This tradition was established by Peter the Great, who was also one of the creators of its text. In those days, soldiers took an oath before the Gospel. This process remained without any changes for a long time, until during the reign of Catherine II, the text of the oath began to be published in printed form. And under Paul I, the status of the banner was significantly increased, on which they now began to swear.

Today, a tradition has begun to emerge to conduct such a process at monuments of military glory and in places where the most serious battles for the country’s independence took place.

Preparing for the military oath

In army life, everything must be done clearly, correctly and according to the regulations. Preparing for the oath of office is no exception. Throughout the entire training period, soldiers must thoroughly memorize the text that they are to recite and the anthem of the Russian Federation that is to be performed. As a rule, employees are subject to disciplinary action for the slightest mistake. This is by no means an excessive punishment, since right now it is necessary to accustom military personnel to unconditional adherence to discipline and attention to detail. Such skills are needed not only for successful completion of military service - they are vital for survival in real combat conditions. Such preparations should be treated with understanding and due responsibility. The most intense training, predictably, occurs in the last few days before the event. During this period, military personnel can walk along the parade ground almost all day long, recite the words of the oath and practice other elements of drill training. The task of commanders is to train the necessary actions of soldiers to the point of automaticity. This is the only way to avoid funny and annoying mistakes that could disrupt the solemn spirit of the ceremony.

Taking the military oath

How does the oath take place when obtaining Russian citizenship?

The oath is a mandatory procedure when obtaining Russian citizenship.
An applicant who has received a notification must follow the following procedure:

  • report to the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration;
  • check with the inspector on the date set for taking the oath;
  • discuss the location of the event;
  • take an oath and certify the document form, which is then filed with the applicant’s migration file, putting the full name, signature and date of the event in the required column.

You can familiarize yourself with the form in advance by downloading it on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or on one of the thematic sites or communities on social networks.

Oath form for obtaining Russian citizenship (2930 downloads)

Please note: the oath must be taken within 10 days after the migration service receives a decision to recognize the applicant as a citizen.

At least that's what the law says. In practice, employees responsible for meeting deadlines may delay these deadlines. There is nothing you can do about it - you have to come to terms with it and wait.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the oath when obtaining Russian citizenship is taken at the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that accepted the documents and sent the applicant a notification of the decision.

There are, however, options. By agreement with employees, you can reschedule the event, for example:

  • to another government agency;
  • to the establishment of a local government body;
  • to an object of cultural, historical or architectural heritage;
  • to one of the buildings of military glory. These can be monuments, obelisks, monuments, mass graves.

Important: foreigners applying for Russian citizenship abroad take an oath at the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in the host country.

If a future Russian wishes to organize photo or video filming of an event, it is necessary to notify the officials who will take part in the procedure in advance and obtain their consent.

Military oath ritual

The day when conscripts will finally be able to demonstrate themselves in front of relatives, acquaintances and their commanders begins just like any other with getting their appearance in order. It’s just that on this day, the appearance should be absolutely impeccable. You can spend a lot of time trying to look exactly the way management wants you to, but it's worth it. At the beginning of the event itself, the soldiers are lined up on the parade ground. The first two ranks are given machine guns. A solemn speech is made, and after it the banner of the military unit stands in front of the formation. One by one, the soldiers, called by the commander, come to the table where the red booklet is located and read it out with expression. Of course, they “read out” purely from memory - the recruit’s gaze is directed forward, so it is unlikely that they will be able to peek at the text. This is why the text is memorized! At the end, the soldier shouts: “I serve the Russian Federation!”, stands at the end of the line and passes the machine gun forward. The ritual ends with a solemn march.

Parade after the oath of office


This is so, for the common development - Germany Oath of a soldier of the National People's Army of the GDR I swear at all times to faithfully serve the German Democratic Republic, my Fatherland and to protect it by order of the government of workers and peasants from any enemy. I swear as a soldier of the National People's Army to always be ready on the side of the Soviet army and the armies of the socialist countries allied with us to defend socialism from any enemies and to give my life to achieve victory. I swear to be an honest, brave, disciplined and vigilant soldier, to show unquestioning obedience to superior military officials, to carry out orders with all determination and to always strictly guard military and state secrets. I swear to consciously acquire military knowledge, comply with military regulations, and always and everywhere uphold the honor of our republic and its National People's Army. If I ever break this solemn oath I have taken, may I suffer severe punishment according to the laws of our republic and the contempt of the working people. Bundeswehr Soldier's Oath I swear to faithfully serve the Federal Republic of Germany and bravely defend the rights and freedom of the German people. May God help me!

USA Officer's Oath I (name, first name), upon entering upon the office of (position or rank indicated), do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all its enemies, foreign or domestic, and to treat it with faith and allegiance. I accept this obligation freely, I take it literally and have no intention of breaking it. I will perform well and conscientiously the duties imposed on me by the title that I receive. May God help me!

Turkey I hereby swear on my honor that in peace and war, on land, sea and sky, always and everywhere, I will serve my nation and my republic with faith and love. I will obey laws, rules and my commanders. I will value the honor of the army and the glory of the Turkish flag more than my own existence. If necessary, I am ready to spare no life in the name of country, republic and duty.

Finland I (last name, first name) promise before the almighty and omniscient God to be a worthy citizen, devoted to the Finnish state. I will serve my country honestly and will use all my strength to promote its happiness and well-being. I will defend my Fatherland, its constitutional state system and its legitimate head of state everywhere and in any conditions, in peacetime as well as in wartime. If I learn of anything that poses a threat to the legitimate head of state or to the foundations of the country's constitutional order, I will immediately report it to the authorities. Under no circumstances will I leave the location of the military unit to which I belong, or my post within this unit, and to the last strength I will carry out the task that is entrusted to me. I promise to conduct myself honestly and openly, to obey my military superiors, to follow laws and regulations, and to maintain official secrets entrusted to me. I will also stand level with my comrades in arms and will help them. I will never transgress my official duty, be it because of family ties, friendship, envy, enmity, for the sake of receiving gifts or for any other reason. If I am placed in a leadership position, I will be fair to my subordinates, look out for their well-being, learn about their wishes, be their advisor and guide, and strive to be a good and encouraging example to them. I will do all this, following my honor and conscience.

I got it here -

Ibid How the text of the military oath was transformed in Russia

Text of the oath

I, (last name, first name, patronymic), solemnly swear allegiance to the Fatherland - the Russian Federation. I swear to sacredly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors. I swear to fulfill my military duty with dignity, to courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional system of Russia, the people and the Fatherland.

Who needs to take the oath?

Let's turn to the original source, Federal Law No. 62 “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, Article 11.1. Oath of the person acquiring citizenship of the Russian Federation. According to this article, the following categories of citizens who acquire citizenship on the following grounds must take the oath:

1. As a result of admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation;

2. As a result of restoration of citizenship of the Russian Federation;

3. On other grounds provided for by this Federal Law or an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

That is, everyone who receives citizenship takes the oath, with the exception of those who receive citizenship by birth.

Dismissal and privileges after taking the oath of office

Once those participating (now officially defenders of their native land for the whole year) have completed their festive outing, they can be given free time to see relatives, share their feelings and rejoice at what happened together. In addition, it is a common custom to give dismissal for the rest of the day. Ahead of them lies a long military service, many difficulties and trials, so it is quite appropriate to give them a rest for at least a day. And if their parents, girlfriend (or wife), and best friends join them at this time, then such a dismissal will leave many bright and pleasant memories that will help them cope with any adversity.

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After the oath

After taking the oath, the soldier is given his first leave of absence. In most military units, a soldier is released on bail with the passport of one of the parents. Before going on leave, the soldier must bring his uniform into proper condition, even if he changes it later, otherwise he may be reprimanded and prohibited from further leave.

During leave, certain restrictions are imposed on the soldier, which include prohibitions on:

  • Consumption of any type of alcohol and drugs;
  • Driving a vehicle;
  • Swimming in any body of water.

If a soldier is caught by the military police during a violation, he will be subject to disciplinary punishment in the form of a reprimand or fine.

The military oath is a very solemn event that a soldier will probably remember for the rest of his life. It is prepared for a long time, during which the recruit will be able to overcome his anxiety before such an important event.

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