Air rifle "Jager": technical characteristics and reviews

Air rifles "Jorge Jaeger" can be confidently attributed to the segment of high-tech pneumatics. One of the main advantages that the Klimovsky Cartridge Plant models have is their price, which distinguishes them favorably from their European or American counterparts. And this despite the fact that the design uses original components from Germany.

So, the hero of today’s review is the “Jager” air rifle. Let’s try to outline all the advantages of the line along with the disadvantages, taking into account the opinions of experts and reviews of pneumatic owners.

Main characteristics

The high performance characteristics of the line are due to the presence of a relatively simple mechanism coupled with minimization of backlashes, which allows to significantly increase shooting accuracy. In addition, the Jaeger air rifle is equipped with a system for adjusting the speed of the bullet at the initial stage, which allows it to be used to solve a large number of problems.

At maximum power, pneumatic guns have a rather loud firing sound, so to compensate for the inconvenience, a standard sound moderator is provided, covering the diameter of the barrel. In addition, the sports-type “Jager” rifle is equipped with a special nozzle on the muzzle, which reduces the impact of compressed air on the further flight of the bullet.

According to the passport data, the target firing range of pneumatics does not exceed 100 meters. In fact, the Jaeger rifle allows you to effectively fire at longer distances, regardless of the type of target..

What is PCP pneumatics?

We have previously written about air rifles and their choice, in short - in all such weapons, the source of energy is compressed gas. Unlike spring-piston or gas-cylinder rifles, in weapons with pre-pumping of a compressed gas accumulator there is a special reservoir in which the air is under a colossal pressure of 200-300 bar. This allows you to endow the PCP rifle with power inaccessible to any other type of pneumatic - the energy of the best models can exceed 1000 Joules!

It is technologically difficult to manufacture such weapons, so even the most budget models can easily exceed the price of firearms. But unlike firearms, PCP pneumatics do not need to be registered, since most models, according to Federal Law “150”, are not weapons at all and are freely sold without a license.

Often, the opportunity to purchase a rifle comparable in accuracy and power to small rifles, but without licensing and permitting red tape, becomes the main argument in purchasing PCP weapons.

Build quality

In the production of Jorge pneumatics, high-quality barrels are used, patented and developed by the famous Lothar Walther. Each unit is equipped with a small diametrical narrowing - a choke, where, due to compression, the stabilization of the bullet at the exit is significantly improved.

Judging by the reviews of pneumatic owners, there are no questions about the build quality. The rifle is designed with love and using really high-quality materials, so the high price of the model range is fully justified.

Execution options

All models in the line have the same design and the only fundamental difference from each other is the caliber. Along with it, the muzzle energy and the method of air supply at the moment of firing (reducer or forward flow) change accordingly. The distinctive caliber is determined by different areas of application, including legislative acts - on our territory it is allowed to purchase pneumatics with a power of no more than 7.5 J.

The Jaeger air rifle 6.35 and 5.5 mm has the following varieties:

  • Caliber. The value is printed on the body in abbreviated form - Cal, and is indicated in millimeters (6.35 mm or 5.5 mm).
  • The presence of a gearbox in the design. If there is a Latin letter R on the case, then the sample is equipped with a special gearbox.
  • Muzzle energy. In total, you can count three gradation powers, which are designated in English: Soft Power (SP), Middle (MP) and Extra (XP), or 0.5-2.8 J, 2.8-7.3 J and 7. 3-24 J respectively.

Models marked SP can be confidently classified as air rifles, and the MP mark designates a weapon intended for amateur and sport shooting. In addition, MP marking implies compliance with general safety rules when shooting. All other powers require special permission and are prohibited from free distribution.

The “Extra” category is intended for hunting small birds or small animals, and accidental hits on a person can cause serious injuries. Very often you can see the XP marking on models without gearboxes, so don’t be surprised if you come across one. Naturally, high power costs a lot of money, but judging by user reviews, you can convert a model with the SP brand into MP or even XP in any “garage”.

Technical characteristics of the "Jager"

Initially, the manufacturer set itself the task of creating a powerful high-tech weapon that would be suitable for hunting even large animals. However, during the production process it became clear that the rifle was too expensive, which is why it was unlikely to be in demand among ordinary people. It was decided to reduce the power to 7.5 J, giving people the opportunity to buy a rifle without a license, and also reducing the price tag by several tens of thousands of rubles. However, the fundamentally new systems in the Jaeger remained untouched, which is why the rifle to this day costs around 52 thousand rubles. The combat characteristics of the weapon look something like this:

Caliber4.5 / 5.5 / 6.5 mm
Barrel length450 mm
Barrel typethreaded
Ammunition typeBB balls
Magazine capacity10 bullets
Shot speedup to 300 m/s
Rate of fire120 rounds per minute
Power7.5 J
Aimfront sight, optics on "Picatinny"
Energy sourcegas cylinder (PCP)
Weight3200 grams

What do buyers get in the end? A powerful rifle, with a huge selection of various modifications from the official manufacturer. A weapon that is ready to knock down even an adult wolf. “Vozdushka” with a wide base for modernization (through the use of a 22 mm sighting bar). Pneumatics suitable for improving shooting skills and participating in competitions. “Jager” represents all this and much more.

New model with biathlon platoon

Among the standard models of pneumatics, a particularly successful model can be distinguished - this is the “Jager” 5.5 SP NEW rifle. In appearance, it is not much different from its older brothers, but, nevertheless, it has a number of significant advantages.

Distinctive features of the biathlon model:

  • Extremely fast reloading due to jerking the bolt with the shooting hand (the same as with biathlon analogues).
  • A much smaller number of running metal parts that are easily damaged during extreme handling or in the hands of a novice.
  • Aesthetic pleasure when handling a rifle, close to owning a firearm.

Reviews about the new model vary greatly: some believe that pneumatics do not need such a reloading scheme at all, while others, on the contrary, are attracted to it. Therefore, choosing a rifle of this particular type is a matter of personal taste and some preferences.

How to buy a good PCP rifle?

Beginners are sometimes wary of pre-pumped air rifles: they are more expensive than traditional spring-piston rifles, they have unusual calibers and a complex filling system.
You can hear stories about the unreliability of such weapons: the high-pressure cylinder under the barrel is a source of increased danger. These are all myths. PCP pneumatics are safe for the shooter, have enormous power, and their accuracy of fire is often superior to firearms in comparable calibers. But first things first, read the article and learn everything about the nuances of purchasing, modifying and using PCP weapons.


Regardless of the caliber, the Jaeger air rifle (5.5 mm and 6.35 mm) is equipped as standard, although the manufacturer can make some changes without additional agreement with the buyer.

The regular set includes:

  • drum;
  • sound moderator;
  • single charging tray;
  • ZIL kit;
  • fitting for recharging through a cylinder or from a compressor;
  • a copy of the license with a certificate;
  • instruction manual in Russian.

In some cases, the Jaeger rifle can be additionally equipped with targets with factory shooting, which allows you to evaluate the accuracy of a shot of a particular model on the spot and thereby avoid buying a “pig in a poke.” Many users respond extremely positively to this innovation and complain if the model they like is not equipped with factory targets.


The “Jager” rifle is deservedly a leader in the domestic market and is highly valued among fans of air guns, as well as among athletes and even small game hunters. The operating temperature range of Jorge pneumatics ranges from -10 to +50 degrees, which allows it to be used not only in summer, but also in cold weather.

Main areas of use:

  • Caliber 4.5 – sport shooting plus hunting for small pests (magpies, mice, etc.).
  • Caliber 5.5 – hunting waterfowl and small animals.
  • Caliber 6.35 – hunting medium game (hares, foxes, etc.).

In principle, any Jorge model, even the Jaeger 6.35 rifle, can be used as a weapon for recreational air shooting. But the high price, due to the absence of a spring-piston mechanism, will certainly repel newcomers from the line, so owning such a model is considered something prestigious and in some cases even adds respectability to the owner.

The most versatile option, the 5.5 caliber, is in great demand among hunters of small fur-bearing animals, especially since the difference in results between a small-caliber rifle and this kind of pneumatic is almost invisible, so why overpay?

The presence of a sound moderator allows you to use the “Jager” as silently as possible, without fear of being detected in front of a small and extremely timid animal during a shot. This is precisely why, judging by user reviews, hunters prefer to use pneumatics instead of small guns.

Setting up Jaeger air rifles with polygonal barrels

When you purchase a Jaeger air rifle from the Russian Arms Company, you and I receive a rifle with a power of 3 J. If this is a carbine for full-bodied bullets, then when firing we will not get the bullet to fly out of the barrel at all. What to do? It is necessary to reactivate the rifle to the required parameters, using the example of the Jaeger bullpup with a long barrel (Long) and polygonal rifling, for high-quality shooting with bullets from 3 to 4 grams. we will need the correct setup.

Example of a finished kit: Jaeger bullpup with a Lothar Walther 550 mm barrel. under a 3.65 gram bullet. Also, at the customer’s request, we installed and zeroed the Discovery HD 5-30X56SFIR FFP optical sight at 50 meters. Work was carried out to install swivels for attaching the shoulder strap and quick-release compact bipod. The main characteristics have also undergone significant changes. Now the bullet of the stated weight flies in a smooth corridor at the correct speeds. And the refill is enough for 18 shots.

And here is the setup of such a device for a solid body of 3 grams with a composite flask with a capacity of 0.6 liters. Alsafe company:

The same work was carried out with the Jaeger carbine, the barrel is German, the longest is 550mm. (on request, it is possible to assemble a rifle with a 590 mm barrel), top-end Discovery sight, adjustment and zeroing.

And also a wonderful roomy case.

This carbine with a German LW barrel has a number of advantages:

1. A 0.6 L composite flask is installed. The number of shots has been increased and the overall weight and balance has become much more pleasant.

2. Quick-release bipod with a swinging base - a complete analogue of Harris, only half the price.

3. The Discovery 4-24×50 super sight is installed on high hawke steel rings. Gorgeous picture and tall tactical drum towers.

This kit is suitable for any task, zeroing and shooting for accuracy were carried out. At 100 meters the result is close to professional.

Beautiful compact scope Discovery ED 4-16×50, the picture is simply crazy, this is achieved by using German glass and high-quality anti-reflective coating. With such a scope you can see perfectly both at dusk and in very bright sunlight. With such a sight, 100 meters is yours!

This is a carbine with a 590 mm barrel. LW 6.35, as you can see, a lightweight Alsafe composite flask is installed here, weighing only 540 g, versus 950 g. aluminum The balance was excellent.

The plateau turned out to be 240-190 bar, 16 shots with minimal error. Therefore, we expect excellent results at distances over 100 meters.

And such a carbine was equipped with a Hawke sight, quick-detachable bipod (swivels were drilled), and, at the request of the customer, the flask was “covered” with camouflage tape.

The carbine was configured for Katyusha bullets weighing 3.5 grams.

And this is a mini bullpup from ROK, in caliber 6.35. It shoots quite accurately with 2.2 g and 1.645 g bullets; the most powerful and interesting in terms of reliability and accuracy is the direct-flow version; this little guy, like no other, requires thoughtful and high-quality tuning, because its tank is small due to its compactness, and you want to get more shots.

Convenient compact layout is suitable for shooting from a vehicle, cover, or simply for those users who like everything compact and convenient. At the same time, its power is quite enough for hunting small game and for near-sport shooting at a distance of about 50 meters. Personally, we really liked this new product for the end of 2021 from the Russian arms company. The barrel of caliber 6.35 is 312 mm, and that of the younger caliber is 5.5 mm. the barrel is slightly shorter - 292 mm. There is an option with both a gearbox and direct flow.

The bipods on the Jaeger are installed like this, they are compact, quite reliable, can be quickly removed, and provide stability. A good budget option for a stop.

Many unscrupulous craftsmen tune rifles with an increased number of shots (up to 25-30 pieces) on the bulb. What does this mean? The speed corridor increases from 10 to 15 m/s. There can be no talk of any sporting results with such a setup. Even at a distance of 50 m, accuracy leaves much to be desired. Of course, many will say, so what? good for hunting... But on a hunt, more than anywhere else, a very accurate shot is extremely important; often there may be only one chance per day. Therefore, the most important thing is not the number of shots, but absolute accuracy!

As an example, a Jaeger with an AP barrel, for a bullet weighing 3.65 g. was configured with a speed spread in the plateau of only 2 meters per second. With such a spread, the plateau is as much as 12 shots. This is what high-quality and conscientious tuning for full-bodied bullets means!

Selected stock, barrel 590 mm. high-quality setup, excellent sight, we prepared such a kit at the beginning of March for our dear client. We also equipped it with a compressor for PCP and bullets of the highest quality, these are bullets weighing 3.65 grams and 4 grams of “monolith” expansive. The hunt will be successful, of course, with such a set it’s very difficult to make a mistake!

This result is shown by the Jaeger 6.35 carbine in aluminum with a reservoir, the barrel, by the way, is made in Russia AR. It is configured for 11 shots, which is a lot for a tank. Good bullets, a good rifle and this is the result, although who would be surprised by the accuracy at 50 m.

Accuracy of the rifle when shooting at 75 meters. Our bullets are 3.65 grams in 6.35 mm caliber.

A These are full-bodied Katyusha bullets, their caliber is 6.38 and they are perfect for Izhevsk AR barrels; for German LW it is better to use 6.42, the weight of such a bullet is 3.5 grams.

Very reliable and high-quality magazines for Jaeger rifles, characterized by increased durability and reliability.

Use of full-bodied heavy bullets of our own production. We are responsible for the quality of work at every stage of setup and shooting.

By the way, this rifle, a bullpup with a bulb, is configured for expansive bullets weighing 3.5 grams; at the buyer’s request, the speed was slightly increased so that it would be possible to shoot his own bullets weighing 3.8 grams. The result was 14 stable shots from one fill. He plans to install a pard scope on the rifle.

Beautiful bed, isn't it?! Discovery digital sight, a direct competitor to PARD sights. Now there is no hiding at night.

Lightweight composite flask 0.5. Quite expensive, but a pleasant purchase, the balance immediately falls into place.

And here is an example of a standard classic Jaeger roll in caliber 6.35. At the request of the buyer, it was configured for bullets weighing 4 grams! There are few shots from one fill, since it takes many shots from one feed to accelerate such a heavy bullet to high accumulative speeds. But for a hunter this is not a problem. A few well-aimed shots are usually enough. For this rifle, we ordered an optical sight from ]Marcool[/anchor], a scope with a reticle in the second focal plane. The scope's magnification ranges from 1 to 8, which allows you to quickly find the target and make an accurate shot. This increase is quite enough for hunting at 100 meters or more.

This bed is beyond praise, the buyer asked to select the darkest possible one, it turned out not only to please with the shade, but also to choose a structured beautiful tree, that’s how beautiful the Jaegers are - if you can choose! And this is possible precisely at

We installed the Discovery HD 3-18×50 FFP sight, at 34 mm. rings Compact, good aperture optics.

A 0.5 composite bulb from Alsafe was also installed, which allowed us to level the balance, and after tuning the rifle, we got excellent results with our 3.65 gram super bullets. Plateau 250-200 bar. The speeds are excellent, the quantity is as many as 19 pieces! This is not a collective farm setting with interval breaks of 10-15 m/s. Everything is serious here.

Just recently, we had this black aluminum folding Jaeger in our work. Also direct flow, also 6.35 with a reservoir. It was configured for relatively light, exactly 3 gram bullets.

Pay attention to the platoon earring! A very convenient thing, it significantly improves grip with the factory-type biathlon handle.

A mini carbine is for those who like compact and lightweight solutions; it is not “mini” at all in terms of power and is capable of working with fairly heavy shuttlecocks.

This is also a folding carbine, but the “mini” one has an alpha 292 mm barrel, 5.5 caliber. The kit is prepared for partridge hunting from a car window, so compactness and noiselessness are a priority. Configured for 15 shots, with a JSB 1.645 gr hollow point bullet. A fairly effective bullet, not only for partridge, but also for black grouse. A Marcool 1-8×24 driven sight with a tactical reticle will be mounted and zeroed.

And this beautiful carbine is nothing more than a flask-shaped “choke” version of the Jaeger carbine for standard sports bullets “shuttlecocks”. The flask here has a working pressure of only 200 bar. But despite this, even in the direct-flow version, such a rifle is capable of firing at least 1 magazine more shots than the polygonal model. Universal adjustment possible for 2.2 and 1.645 gram bullets. The operating pressure range is very short.

On the choke versions we see a different moderator. And the rifle itself is much quieter than the full-bodied model.

Folding carbine with a bulb in 6.35 caliber, adjusted and zeroed with 3.65 gram bullets of our production. Great compact option.

Refueling rifles on site is carried out with a portable compressor, a very convenient travel item that requires only 12V or 220V voltage.

This is the result our rifles show at a distance of 100 meters using our 3.65 gr bullets. designed specifically for polygonal barrels of products of the Russian Arms Company. By the way, bullets for Jaeger rifles can be viewed at the link. The shooting was carried out in a hurry, as the buyer was in a hurry, they shot from one bag using a Discovery sight.

What pressure does the rifle operate at? This depends on each specific product, identifying the so-called “plateau”, that is, a certain number of shots almost equal in speed, is quite painstaking work, for example, if we take the average values, then it is usually from 250 to 200 atmospheres on the pressure gauge.

We tested a new portable compressor with a built-in unit, it’s very convenient, I also liked the built-in auto relay, you don’t have to monitor the pressure, it turns off on its own. But the temperature was disappointing, such a compressor operates at 60 degrees Celsius, how will this affect its service life? We need to test it before offering it to customers, which is what we are doing at the moment. And the rifle is great! As proof, photographs of the group at 60 meters, with a 3.65 gr bullet.

By the way, the factory pressure gauges that are installed on rifles from ROK are not very high quality and informative; in our workshop you can install an FX pressure gauge made in Sweden; together with the installation, such a pressure gauge will cost no more than two thousand rubles. But at the same time, it will be much easier for you to focus on the amount of air in the system, and also to always have accurate parameters before your eyes without the needle hanging and the working spring of the device itself sagging.

Zeroing the optical sight is not included in the price of setting up the rifle, this is a separate service, but after purchasing, you can be sure that tomorrow you will go hunting with the rifle and will be able to use it immediately, without any investment in time or effort.

An example of zeroing a rifle at 100 meters in the open air; the Discovery[/anchor] sight is installed and adjusted, with magnification up to 30x.

The main thing is not to forget that adjusting the rifle yourself can damage not only the high-pressure system, but the procedure itself can be dangerous for an unprepared person. Therefore, we advise you to turn to professionals in your field and leave your rifle or bullpup Jaeger in good hands.

Replacement of the firing pin spring and modification of the valve group with partial disassembly of the carbine with a polygonal barrel.

Finishing touches, filling and preparation for tuning the Jaeger flask in 6.35 caliber with a German Lothar Walther polygon barrel.

Light, but very interesting bed. The beautiful, pronounced pattern of the tree, such beautiful specimens, are the result of selection.

Ready-made stocks for bulbs, awaiting assembly and installation!

It is possible to purchase an improved moderator; it copes much better with the task of suppressing the sound of a shot.

This is how our rifles shoot after modification and zeroing. Whom to contact and where to buy the Huntsman is up to you to decide!

Advantages and disadvantages of "Jager"

Like any other model of a competing brand, Jorge pneumatics are not without their disadvantages, as well as advantages.

Positive points:

  • It is possible to choose a configuration - with a gearbox or direct flow.
  • Good spread of muzzle velocity.
  • The rifle can be used by both left-handed and right-handed people, due to the rearrangement of the platoon.
  • Relatively high shooting accuracy at the specified distance (in some cases not much worse than special small-caliber weapons).
  • The sound moderator allows you to hunt small and shy animals almost silently.

Design disadvantages:

  • The problem with all pneumatics is the need to inflate the cylinder, which means limiting the autonomy of use.
  • Reduced accuracy during a large series of shots, even despite a barrel specially designed for such cases.
  • The air requirements (when using a gearbox) are too high, and even for this point alone the entire design can be called finicky and specific.

The main pros and cons of the rifle

The Jaeger is one of the most controversial air rifles and has been the subject of controversy on the Internet for many years. The thing is that weapons have a lot of advantages and disadvantages. We decided to form our own unbiased opinion about this model, highlighting the following pros and cons:

A large number of official modifications (you can choose a rifle “to suit yourself”)High cost (even for a rifle that uses fundamentally new systems)
Possibility to purchase weapons in three configurations: “basic”, “master” and “pro”The warranty for the basic configuration is only 2 years of service, which is very short for a rifle that costs 52 thousand
Versatility (the rifle can be configured for hunting, biathlon or target practice)Low accuracy when firing in automatic mode (result of double recoil)
Good penetration power for a rifle whose power does not exceed 7.5 JThe rifle is difficult to find in regular gun stores, and it is not always available on the manufacturer’s website

However, even after comparing all the pros and cons, the answer to the question of whether the Jaeger is worth the money can hardly be given with 100% certainty. A lot depends on the purpose for which a person buys pneumatics and how exactly he will use it.

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