Self-loading small-sized pistol (PSM) - a concealed carry weapon originally from the USSR

The Soviet Union has always been famous as a manufacturer of reliable, easy to maintain, and most importantly inexpensive weapons. Many models of small arms produced in the USSR can boast of technical solutions that have not been used in any other analogue in the world. Many systems developed by Russian designers subsequently began to be copied by foreign manufacturers. Chinese manufacturers were especially fond of copying Soviet developments, and while Western designers copied only some technical solutions, the Chinese did not hesitate to make complete copies, which turned out to be not as high quality as their Soviet counterparts.

One of the most unique developments from the times of the USSR is the original PSM pistol (small-sized self-loading pistol) of 5.45 mm caliber, which was created for the high command of the army, as well as for the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1974.

General characteristics of the PSM 5.45 mm pistol

Even in the 21st century, when many compact pistols for self-defense have been produced, especially in Europe and the USA, there is no pistol more suitable for self-defense and concealed carry than the PSM. The model released in 1974 turned out to be so successful that PSM is still produced in the same form as 40 years ago. PSM has the following characteristics that have allowed it to remain popular to this day:

  • PSM is still considered the flattest production pistol in the world, its width does not exceed 18 mm;
  • PSM is a very reliable and trouble-free pistol;
  • Despite the fact that the caliber of the pistol is only 5.45 mm, the weapon is distinguished by accuracy and accuracy.

Over all the years of use, the PSM has repeatedly proven itself in various military operations and conflicts around the world.

PSM was created by 3 Soviet designers:

  • Lozhnev;
  • Kulikov;
  • Simarin.

Currently, in addition to the main model of the pistol, its traumatic analogue is also produced, which is called IZH-78-9T. This weapon can fire both rubber bullets and gas cartridges. In addition to the traumatic pistol, the manufacturer produces an export model, which is specially converted for the 6.35x15 mm Browning cartridge, which is very widespread in the West. The performance characteristics of the export version are slightly higher than those of the base model. This is achieved by using a larger caliber.

In the CIS, the PSM pistol is still used as a weapon for special services and a means of self-defense for senior command personnel. This pistol is often used as a reward weapon.

History of the appearance and creation of PSM

Already in the late 60s, the USSR began to develop a special pistol for senior army leadership and representatives of various intelligence services. This pistol had to meet the following conditions:

  • The weight of the pistol should not exceed 500 grams;
  • Absence of any protruding parts on the pistol body;
  • Possibility of concealed wearing even under summer clothes;
  • Thickness no more than 18 mm.

At the same time, the tactical and technical characteristics of the future pistol had to be at the highest level, since it was supposed to be a fairly effective melee weapon. The cartridges that existed at that time in the USSR could not provide the new development with similar parameters, so it was necessary to create a completely new small-sized cartridge. This was done by a group of engineers led by Bochin. As a result of painstaking work, in the shortest possible time it was possible to create a “small-sized central firing cartridge” or MPC. The new cartridge had a caliber of 5.45x18 mm.

One of the main advantages of the PSM, in addition to its compactness and minimal thickness, was the successful combination of charge power in the cartridge and a pointed bullet. At a distance of 5 meters, this bullet successfully pierced most models of “soft” body armor of those years, which successfully withstood hits from 9x19 and 9x18 PM caliber bullets.

At the same time, a 5.45 mm bullet, despite its power, has a very limited stopping effect. Often, a person who received several fatal wounds from this pistol not only continued to run away, but often actively resisted. Although this is a big minus, the use of this particular caliber made it possible to achieve such a compact model.

The immediate history of the PSM pistol began with a competition that took place in 1972. In this competition for the best model of a small-sized pistol, 2 models took part:

  • PSM, the basic layout of which was reminiscent of the Walther PP. It was this pistol that most likely inspired the creators;
  • BV-025, which was a smaller copy of the Makarov pistol, only seemingly flattened.

As a result of the tests, PSM won in almost all nominations. Also in 1972, this pistol was put into service.

The new pistol, oddly enough, was enthusiastically received by many representatives of the special services. PSM, having small dimensions, was perfect for concealed carry. In addition, its system made it possible to open fire immediately after extraction. The only complaints were due to its small (according to the intelligence services, accustomed to larger and more powerful weapons) power. Typically, when the Americans began to buy the PSM export model en masse, it was its power that caused great criticism among the police, which made it possible to penetrate light body armor, while inflicting fatal wounds.


The pistol ensured high accuracy of combat and was highly appreciated by members of the Soviet special services. Due to its small dimensions, the PSM is very convenient for concealed carry, even under light clothing.

The new cartridge had a high penetration effect, thanks to which a fighter could use this weapon to hit a target dressed in a body armor of the first class of protection, which was also called “soft.” From a 5-meter distance, the projectile easily penetrated armor that was inaccessible to the Makarov pistol. Even light cover could not save the target. The projectile flew along a flat trajectory. Due to this feature, judging by numerous reviews, uniform aiming was ensured from different distances.

PSM in modern Russia

After the collapse of the USSR, the country's powerful defense industry was left virtually without work. The difficult economic situation has led to the fact that most models of small arms, which were previously supplied to the army and a number of friendly countries, had to be reoriented to the Western market. Most of the popular Soviet models were modified in accordance with the requirements of foreign countries. Since Soviet cartridges were extremely unpopular in the West, models for popular Western cartridges appeared.

PSM did not escape a similar fate. True, the caliber of the pistol had to be urgently changed, since the 5.45x18 mm cartridge was not used at all in the West. Instead, the 6.35 mm Browning small-caliber cartridge, popular throughout the world, was chosen, which was used in most models of foreign civilian weapons.

The appearance of PSM of this caliber allowed the pistol to confidently enter the international arms market. Thanks to its qualities, the pistol quickly won an army of fans all over the world. The main advantage of the PSM was the ability to carry it concealed, making this pistol ideal for self-defense. In addition, the power of PSM made it popular not only among respectable citizens, but also among criminals who began to use it as an offensive weapon. It is for this reason that American police are very wary of owners of such weapons.

Abroad, pistols of this brand were often used for assassination attempts, which is why it was banned in a number of countries. Currently, the PSM is most often used abroad as a sporting weapon, although its combat qualities, even today, make the PSM an excellent self-defense weapon. For Russia, this is irrelevant, since local legislation prohibits the use of such weapons by civilians. As an alternative, Russians can be advised to use the traumatic version of the PSM, although in Russia they traditionally gravitate towards pistols with large dimensions.


Soviet designers have created several reliable, easy-to-use, and most importantly, inexpensive models of small arms. Some samples, according to experts, use technical solutions that cannot be found in world analogues. The advantages of pistols produced in the USSR were highly appreciated by foreign arms manufacturers, who used Soviet shooting models as the basis for their products. According to experts, the Chinese were especially zealous in this matter. If Western designers used only some, in their opinion, the most complex or best technical solutions, then the Chinese copied the weapon completely. One of these unique creations of USSR designers was the PSM. The small-sized self-loading pistol is a self-loading rifle unit using 5.45x18 mm cartridges. In the technical documentation it is listed under the index GRAU 6P23. The PSM 5 45 pistol was developed in 1971 by Soviet designers T. I. Lashnev, A. A. Simarin and L. L. Kulikov at the Tula TsKIB SOO. In 1973 it entered service with the Soviet army, and later with the armies of Russia and Ukraine.

Design features of PSM

The PSM design has the following features:

  • The automatic operation of the pistol, like most other models of the USSR, is based on the recoil of the free shutter;
  • The trigger mechanism of the PSM pistol is double action, the trigger is located openly. The pistol is only capable of single-shot shooting;
  • The pistol frame has a reliable connection to the barrel;
  • The return spring is the same as that of the Makarov pistol, that is, it is simply put on the barrel;
  • Under the trigger of the pistol there is a sear and rod;
  • The box magazine holds 8 rounds;
  • After the ammunition is used up, the pistol bolt is locked in the rear position, which significantly speeds up the process of reloading the pistol.

In addition, the PSM has two features that made it the favorite pistol of the USSR special services:

  • The location of the flag on the left side allows you to immediately cock the hammer if the safety is turned off;
  • If the pistol is put on safety, the trigger is immediately released from the cocking position.

These features made the PSM a real operational pistol, which could be put into combat readiness in a few moments, which could save lives in a critical situation.

The pistol grip turned out to be very ergonomic. Its shape allows for excellent control of the pistol, both during normal holding and when firing. The handle is attached to the pistol frame using a conventional stopper. The first models of the pistol were equipped with duralumin “cheeks”, then they began to be made of polyamide.

The long barrel of the pistol, despite the overall miniature nature of the model, gives the weapon excellent ballistic performance. For domestic intelligence services, a huge advantage is the fact that the pistol can be disassembled and assembled without the use of tools, which allows it to be cleaned in any conditions.

About the appearance of the pistol

The appearance of any weapon is perhaps its main advantage. It happens that all other characteristics of a weapon are very mediocre, but if at the same time it has an excellent modern design, then such a weapon is simply doomed to popularity. As for the appearance of the PSM, according to many of its users, it is quite up to par. Its handle has specially made sidewalls (cheeks). Thanks to them, the design of the weapon is improved, and, in addition, the pistol is more convenient to shoot. The cheeks mask the side windows, as well as the back of the frame. At the very beginning, the cheeks were made of duralumin, later they became polyamide.

Again, according to the testimony of many weapon users, the pistol grip is quite successful and ergonomic. The handle fits freely and comfortably in any palm - be it large or small.

There are no protrusions on the pistol's slide. Thanks to this, the pistol was always easily hidden in a pocket or in the folds of clothing, as well as in handbags (remember movies about spies), and was removed from there without any problems.

Various modifications and options of PSM

Since in the modern world, not a single manufacturer of small arms can focus only on the military market. The civilian weapons market, especially in the West, is constantly evolving and forces weapons manufacturers to constantly modify their weapons, modifying them in accordance with customer requests.

The PSM pistol, due to its design, is very popular on the civilian weapons market. The following PSM samples are the most popular in Russia:

  • 6P37, which is a gas modification of the combat pistol. This model has been produced since 1993 and quickly gained popularity not only among the civilian population, but also among criminal circles;
  • Traumatic PSM “Kolchuga”. This pistol is designed specifically for use with rubber bullet cartridges of 9 mm PA caliber. Since this caliber is significantly larger than the standard one, the PSM pistol has undergone significant changes. The design of the receiver has changed, the feeder has changed, and has become much thicker. The magazine now held 6 rounds instead of 8, which is what made it possible to maintain the dimensions of the pistol. Despite such significant changes, the Kolchuga traumatic pistol turned out to be almost a copy of the combat original. Externally, pistols can be distinguished from each other only by checking the number of cartridges in the magazine or the manufacturer's mark, which contains the data necessary for recognition. The barrel was altered, as a result of which protrusions appeared in it, which made it impossible to fire live ammunition. In addition to the protrusions, the geometry and density of the pistol barrel were changed. Some enthusiasts have seen from their own experience what an attempt to fire a live cartridge from a Kolchuga can lead to. At best, the barrel will simply become deformed; at worst, it will burst in the hands of the shooter, causing serious injury. In any case, on the traumatic weapons market, the PSM “Kolchuga” is one of the most popular models.

The small-sized PSM pistol is a very successful development, which remains popular today. Its use by foreign intelligence services once again proves that the PSM has excellent combat characteristics that meet all international standards.

What can be concluded?

PSM-R is a reliable medium-power weapon. It is best suited for those people who are looking for a second weapon for self-defense. 50 Joules is enough when all the main gun's ammo is used up.

Having purchased this weapon, you do not need to do any finishing work, with the exception of minor grinding of the barrel, but this is optional. The weapon is completely ready for use, all that remains is to charge it and can be carried with you. It has excellent technical characteristics and a high working resource reserve.

Having purchased this small-sized weapon, we strongly do not recommend that you use powerful cartridges or change the design of the pistol, as this may cause you to have problems with the law, especially if you have to use this weapon in practice in a critical situation.

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