Concealed weapons: types and methods of camouflage

Military personnel and law enforcement officers often encounter devices such as concealed carry weapons. It can be used for self-defense against attacks by people or dangerous animals. There are several types of weapons that can be easily hidden under clothing or in personal belongings. If a person intends to carry it with him for self-defense, he must first take care of having permission to purchase and use such a device to injure his opponent.

Types of concealed weapons

There are several groups of devices that are used for self-defense. Self-defense weapons can be bladed or firearms. Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account by a person intending to purchase a similar item for himself.


Concealed carrying of bladed weapons gives its owner a minimum of problems. It has several important advantages over firearms:

  • It is easy to hide a knife under clothing and thereby create the illusion of an unarmed person in front of the enemy;
  • When using a knife, the surprise factor is triggered, due to which the opponent may lose his vigilance and lose the fight.

Hidden bladed weapons can be folding and static. Both options are used by military and security personnel who engage in particularly dangerous missions.

When using a concealed weapon (a pistol or a knife), it must be drawn as quickly as possible. It is strongly recommended that you refrain from opening a folding knife if a person is in a state of severe nervous tension. In this situation, he is not able to adequately evaluate and control his own actions. Therefore, it can become a source of danger as a result of improper handling of a concealed weapon.

Often, buyers refuse a folding knife because they believe that with it the effect of surprise is lost. In fact, modern models open in a matter of seconds. Therefore, the owner of such a weapon should not worry about losing control of the situation.

Knives with a static blade are considered less convenient. This is due to their impressive size. The longer the blade, the more difficult it will be to remove it from the sheath in the shortest possible time. In this regard, these models are significantly inferior to folding products.

Today, hidden knives, which are also commonly called “shoe knives,” are very popular among women and men of certain professions. On the back of their sheath there is a spring clip, with the help of which they are easily attached to boots. The option of attaching a hidden bladed weapon to a trouser belt or breast pocket is also being considered. Due to the special structure of the clamp, the knife in such hiding places can only be positioned with the handle facing up. Few people are happy with this option. It is much more convenient to get the weapon if it is located with the handle down in the boot area. In this case, you don’t have to waste time raising the trouser leg.

Carrying a concealed bladed weapon in an internal pocket located near the sternum may cause certain inconveniences. The owner of the knife is required to bend his arm at the elbow and grab the tool, making a semicircular movement near his face. This is not only dangerous for the person himself, but also risks losing the effect of surprise. From a tactical point of view, this is a big drawback that can ruin the entire operation and deprive the advantage over the enemy.


A hidden pistol should not restrict hand movements.
Not only bladed weapons, but also firearms can be hidden. It is permissible to use it during an attack or self-defense against a person who poses a danger to health or life.

In most cases, concealed firearms are disguised as various objects that in ordinary life do not cause any suspicion in a person. It can take the form of an umbrella, keychain, ring or cane. This camouflage has a beneficial effect on the surprise factor.

As a rule, a concealed firearm has the following components:

  1. Trunk.
  2. Butt.
  3. Straps for fixing in the hand.
  4. Platoon dog.
  5. Chamber.
  6. Shutter box.
  7. Movable element.
  8. Ammo magazine.

Blade type weapons

As for weapons of this type, hiding them and camouflaging them in every possible way is quite easy and simple. Bladed weapons are usually used in military-type formations. This is where it is used most often. But relatively recently, ways to disguise this or that weapon have appeared, and this allows us to have it with us absolutely always. The need for such material is to carry out one kind of sabotage or another, and so on.

This type of hidden weapon may include a sword, which is disguised as a cane, and a sword in a staff. These two options are quite interesting and no less effective. In order for this weapon to be in your hands, it is not useless to know tactical techniques and methods of carrying weapons concealed.

How to choose a weapon

When choosing a camouflaged type of concealed weapon, you need to pay attention to a number of important points that will allow you to avoid purchasing the wrong device. Certain requirements are presented separately for cold and firearm types of self-defense tools.

Knife selection

When choosing a knife for concealed carry, you should proceed from your own wishes and goals.
When choosing a concealed knife, it is recommended to consider the following important points:

  • It is worth taking a closer look at the appearance of edged weapons. The potential owner should like it with its design and design.
  • The item should fit well in the hand and not cause any discomfort during contact with it. It is necessary to ensure that the knife does not slip in the palm and does not rest against the handle. Otherwise, such a tool will easily injure a person even if handled carefully.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the knife is made. It must be high quality and durable. Otherwise, such a purchase will not serve its owner for long. The material of the handle is not particularly important. In this matter, a person can rely on his own preferences. But the blade should ideally be made of durable steel or another similar alloy.
  • It is not advisable to try to buy the cheapest knife designed for concealed carry. Such a purchase is unlikely to be useful. It is best to save up a certain amount of money in advance to avoid saving on your own safety.
  • Buyers always pay attention to the shape of a concealed carry knife. In this case, everything again depends on the preferences of the future owner of the bladed weapon. Although experts usually recommend choosing stick models, as they are convenient to hide and hold in your hand.

It is usually recommended to purchase folding knives that have a simple lock. It is enough to spend a couple of trainings to get used to quickly and correctly taking out edged weapons from a hidden place in a moment of danger. The most important thing is to take care that there are no problems on the part of the closing mechanism, since it is often this that fails a person at the most crucial moment.

Advice! To make the right choice of bladed weapon, it is recommended to practice working with different types of knives. Such training allows a person to understand with which design he is best able to perform training exercises.

Pistol selection

When choosing a pistol for concealed carry, you should choose its small modifications.
No less requirements should be placed on a firearm at the time of its selection and purchase. A qualitative model must meet the criteria specified in the table.

How to disguise a weapon

A firearm can be easily disguised under a trouser leg using a special belt attached to the leg.
Not everyone knows how to properly disguise and hide a purchased weapon. Many people who choose a pistol immediately buy a holster for carrying a concealed weapon. This is the right course of action. It is worth considering in more detail the issues of camouflaging cold steel and firearms under different circumstances.

It is not always possible to carry a hidden weapon on the body under clothing. It is especially problematic to do this in the summer season. In such cases, experts suggest using small handbags or purses. You can also hide a knife or pistol in a briefcase, vest or belt bag. The most important thing is that the chosen item guarantees concealed and at the same time safe carrying of weapons.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to hide a weapon on the ground or in the grass. For this purpose, it is customary to use special dyes that allow the device to merge with the surrounding nature. To complete this task, you need to prepare in advance spray paints in dark green, beige and brown, as well as duct tape. Before you start working, you must thoroughly wipe the weapon from dust and other contaminants. Otherwise, the paint will lie unevenly.

Now you need to apply beige color to the weapon. After it dries, you can cover the product with other tones. But before that, you need to mark a camouflage pattern on it using adhesive tape. The action with the tape must be performed twice to achieve the most natural pattern on the weapon. Afterwards you need to give it time to dry completely.

Very often, weapons are disguised as household items. This is the best option for people who want to constantly carry a knife or gun with them without arousing any suspicion among others.

Many people prefer to hide knives in their shoes. This is the most common and most convenient place for their secret storage. You can also meet fans of carrying bladed weapons in the inner breast pocket. But its use can cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. Most of them are associated with the inability to quickly and safely remove a knife from a hidden place on the body.

Sword in a cane

If we talk about the historical beginning of this type of weapon, then history says that it all began since the Second World War. First of all, the invention of this method is tied to two military types of intelligence. Such intelligence services are British and American. Such weapons were primarily aimed at removing the allies of Nazi Germany and Germany itself.

Weapons of this method as blade carrying include a variety of types of daggers, swords and swords. People have adapted to carry this type of weapon in their jackets, in their sleeves, in their forearms, on their backs and everywhere where a certain type of fastening of one or another material can be carried out. In many cases, a concealed weapon belt helps a lot.

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