SU-152 in WOT – high-explosive tank destroyer for fun and statistics

Updated: May 4, 2022 at 11:10 World of TanksGuides

One of the most advanced tanks of the seventh level is the SU-152 self-propelled gun. This vehicle has separate tactics and a number of interesting advantages, including the highest one-time damage at its level. Let's look at its properties and tactics for playing this tank.

Brief historical summary

The SU152 tank is one of the Soviet tanks that took part in World War II. Although it is called a tank, the SU 152 is classified as a howitzer. On the Kursk Bulge, this vehicle showed itself brilliantly, actively destroying the latest German tanks, enemy howitzers and self-propelled guns. In total, over 600 of these vehicles were produced, and many of them survived until the end of the war.

The model carried up to 20 shells for the main cannon and could fire up to two shots per minute. The car was also called KV-14. She was the most terrible enemy of the German Tigers and Panthers, for which the soldiers nicknamed 152 St. John's wort.


Things are very interesting with the armament of the SU-152 World of Tanks. The fact is that it is precisely thanks to this nuance that this tank feels very comfortable both in stock and in top-end configuration.

So, the first gun of the sixth level is a high explosive with a caliber of 152 millimeters. Of course, it has no accuracy, huge scatter, long mixing times, and all that kind of stuff. But in this option, we absolutely don’t care who gets into the sights, we will inflict damage with a landmine in any case, and if the shot is fired at some vulnerable spot or at an unarmored target, the result will exceed all expectations. The DPM of this barrel is not very large - 2373, but you will get a lot of pleasure from the game.

For those who like to shoot gold, there are cumulative shells with a huge armor penetration rate; they almost completely compensate for shortcomings in accuracy, but the damage is not as great as landmines.

The second SU-152 gun is a familiar destructor with very mediocre armor penetration (it’s worth carrying gold shells with you) and very good one-time damage. The main advantage of this gun is the DPM, which has approximately 3163 units of damage per minute.

Otherwise, this barrel also has a fairly large spread and takes quite a long time to converge. By the way, both guns move down 6 degrees, which is not very comfortable, but you can get used to it. True, the horizontal aiming angles are also not the best, 8 degrees in each direction, which is probably the price to pay for the enormous damage.

It is noteworthy that even after upgrading the SU-152 tank to the top configuration, many still play with the stock gun in order to get more fun, and you certainly won’t feel deprived.

Guide to playing on a tank

This vehicle is interesting to players because it deals the greatest damage to enemy tanks, being the most powerful tank destroyer at level seven. At the same time, she has good speed, which makes her a versatile killer of enemy vehicles.

Advantages of the SU-152

  • The highest damage for self-propelled guns of this level
  • The gun is hidden behind a very strong and stable mask
  • Goes fast enough
  • The powerful weapon also has a decent rate of fire
  • Good penetration ability of a high-explosive gun

Disadvantages of the SU-152

  • Thin armor does not allow her to withstand enemy attacks for long
  • The large size means that the control system will be very noticeable on the battlefield from a long distance
  • The view is quite narrow and poor, which does not allow you to notice the enemy from the side
  • The main gun has very poor accuracy and poor accuracy
  • The stock gun takes quite a long time to reload
  • The modules and crew members are located close to each other, which leads to frequent critical defeats when both the vehicle and the crew come down.


Any of three guns can be combined with the SU-152 turret - 122 mm A-19, 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 and 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944 The choice of weapon depends on which tactics you prefer.

122 mm D-25S arr. 1944. It is the fastest-firing weapon of all available on this control system. 152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37 gives the highest amount of damage per shot. Two different engines can be used as a motor - V-2IS or V-2K, and the V-2IS has 100 horsepower more power, and therefore its price is 50% more. 2IS should be one of the first to buy, because it greatly increases the speed of the machine, and this is the most important parameter.

The best radio stations for this equipment are 12RT and 10RK. You can also add a stereo tube to improve visibility to spot enemies from afar, and a rammer that will increase the rate of fire of a powerful gun. It is also recommended to install reinforced aiming drives. The stereo tube will, to some extent, eliminate the main disadvantage of the SU152 - its low visibility, and reinforced drives will help to quickly point the gun at the target, which the SU usually does very slowly.


Initially, the car comes with a fire extinguisher, a repair kit and a first aid kit for the crew. There's not much to change here, although particularly sophisticated players can buy premium consumables that will really help you win the battle. Apart from this, there is nothing to add here.


Armor-piercing shells are the main part of this vehicle's ammunition load, but it will be important to carry a few sub-caliber shells in order to penetrate the armor of special enemies. To finish off low-strength tanks, carry landmines with you.


There is a Commander, a Gunner, two Loaders and one Mechanic, who is also a driver. Their leveling depends less on their leveling than on their equipment, but this factor also cannot be ignored, so try to assemble a strong team.

Combat tactics

Honestly, a lot in the game depends on the type of gun you choose, and all tactics are very different if you have a different gun model selected.

If you choose a high explosive, then it will be advantageous for you to fight from close and medium distances, and you must remember that our tank has weak armor, and therefore it can easily be knocked out in battle. It is almost forbidden to engage in close combat due to weak armor. Otherwise, we should stick to simpler tactics - we shoot and roll back, because then the SU152 will be in cover.

Those who chose the destructor, that is, the top weapon for this self-propelled gun, will benefit from a different tactic. It would be wise for them to stay in the bushes on the second line. With such a powerful gun, you can shoot from long distances, but even now you can’t sit in one place for a long time, and therefore keep an eye on the mini-map so that the position does not lose its relevance. If necessary, switch to a new one, especially if enemies have noticed you.

General advice regarding this type of tank is to be aware of poor visibility. Working as a team will help you out here - your allies will help you illuminate the enemy so that you, in your SU-152, can take aim and strike at him with powerful damage. Take care of your health and don’t let them light you up, much less shoot and hit you. Also beware of small and light enemy tanks, which will be easy to run away from you and will have no difficulty in highlighting you.

Farming on a tank

It is believed that this self-propelled gun is quite bad for farming, but it is very good for destroying enemy bases and fans. As one of the users of this model said, you can farm rather mediocrely with it, but farming is fun.

TTX SU-152

Let's start looking at this unit with the most obvious performance characteristics, because we have a safety margin typical for tank destroyers of our level and the poorest visibility among classmates.

If you pay attention to the armor characteristics of the SU-152, then again you won’t see any amazing numbers, everything is rather weak. However, we have a large and very strong gun mantlet, which really holds up well, and some bevels in the frontal projection, which periodically save us from random shells from lower-level tanks.

As for mobility, the SU-152 WoT tank destroyer is a somewhat controversial vehicle. On the one hand, we were endowed with a good maximum speed, due to the fact that the specific engine power is a little more than 13 horses per ton, we accelerate quite quickly and have good dynamics. But the problem is different, this Soviet unit is clumsy and the speed when moving backwards is only 11 km/h, and this often backfires.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since all the characteristics have already been considered, and we have talked about both guns, it’s time to sum up the first results and tell you what the strongest and weakest aspects of this tank destroyer are.

Pros: • Variability of weapons; • Excellent high explosive with a huge alpha; • Huge DPM for the top gun; • Good mobility and dynamics; • The strongest gun mantlet.

Cons: • Weak general reservation; • Low maneuverability; • Poor speed when moving backwards; • Uncomfortable UVNs and UGNs; • Disgusting review.


The ISU-152 had the same layout as other Soviet self-propelled artillery units. The only exception was the SU-76 “St. John’s wort” with a fully armored hull consisting of two parts. The armored cabin became the location of the crew, guns and ammunition. Thus, the combat and control compartments were placed in the control room. The designers installed the transmission and engine at the stern. The workplace of the driver, gunner and loader is the left half of the wheelhouse from the gun. The mechanic and gunner are in front, and the loader is behind them.

In the right half there is space for a round landing hatch. The crew could also leave the cabin through a rectangular hatch between the roof and rear sheets of the armored cabin. There is also a third round hatch in the left half. However, it is not intended for boarding and disembarking the tank crew. The extension of the panoramic sight is brought out through it. The emergency hatch was the fourth hatch in the bottom of the tank. The combat vehicle was also equipped with several additional hatches, which were used when loading ammunition, during the repair of necks in fuel tanks, components and other units.


  1. Crew commander (radio operator);
  2. Gunner;
  3. Driver mechanic;
  4. Charging;
  5. Charging.

Learning additional skills for the crew:

Standard crew



For the first slot, we teach all crew members the “ Camouflage” , and for the commander the “ Sixth Sense” skill - the “Camouflage” skill will reduce the overall visibility of the tank, and the “Sixth Sense” will allow you to determine whether his tank is detected by the enemy. Also, all crew members need to learn an additional skill “ Combat Brotherhood” , which improves the level of proficiency in the specialty, must be studied by everyone at once, preferably used in the second or third slot.

  • the Eagle Eye skill , which increases the viewing range.
  • For the gunner we learn the skill “ Smooth turret rotation” , which reduces the spread when turning the turret; and the Sniper , which increases the chances of causing damage to modules and crew members.
  • For the driver mechanic, we learn the “ Smooth Move” , which reduces the dispersion of the gun in motion; and the Off-Road King , which reduces drag on soft to medium ground when driving.
  • “Desperate” skill , which reduces the reload time when less than 10% strength remains; and the “Intuition” , which creates the possibility that when changing the type of shells, the desired one is already loaded.
  • For the loader, we learn the skill “Non-contact ammo rack ,” which increases the strength of the ammo rack; and the “Intuition” , which creates the possibility that when changing the type of shells, the desired one is already loaded.

Equipment for SU-152

For the SU-152, equipment plays a very important role, because only through its correct selection will it be possible to feel most comfortable in battle and bring maximum benefit to the team. Based on this, the choice will be as follows: 1. – higher rate of fire means higher damage per minute, this is true for both guns. 2. – is also extremely important in both cases, because the aiming speed is poor for both the high explosive and the D-25S. 3. – we have a very poor review for our level and only by installing this module can we somehow improve this indicator. Keep in mind that the above three options for the SU-152 WoT are the most effective; changing them for something else is not advisable, because neither , nor , nor will be able to fully compensate for our shortcomings.

About production

The SAU-152 (photo of the tank is presented in the article) began to be mass-produced in November 1943 at the Kirov Plant in Chelyabinsk (ChKZ). In December, in addition to the new combat unit, old installations were also being produced due to the special needs of the front. However, in 1944 - exclusively SAU-152 “St. John’s wort”.

According to experts, minor changes were made to the design of the vehicle in the production process in order to reduce costs and improve combat and operational qualities. For example, in 1944, rolled armor plates were used to make the nose of the installation, rather than one solid cast part. The thickness of the armored mask was increased by 4 cm and amounted to 10 cm. In addition, the installation began to be equipped with a 12.7-mm DShK anti-aircraft heavy machine gun. The 10P radio station was replaced by an improved version 10RK. The designers also increased the capacity of the external and internal tanks. Due to the fact that ChKZ was too busy with work, armored hulls for self-propelled guns were supplied from the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant.

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