Popularity of M4A1-S. Why is the slot machine not popular in CS:GO?

The M4A1-S and M4A4 form of the Arsenal St highways are the most commonly purchased rifles on the counter-terrorism team. Despite a fierce rivalry with the Terrorist AK-47, or even the SG 553 (also on the Terrorist Team) both CT M4s can hold their own in gunfights against most of the weapons most commonly used in the meta. However, despite being fairly similar in appearance and stats, both the M4 require radically different playstyles that make a "better" weapon a hot topic in the CS:GO community. So let's get into the statistics that make these two identical rifles so different from each other in actual gameplay practice.

Damage M4A4 VS M4A1-S.

As mentioned earlier, both guns are very similar, however, there are key differences to point out, starting with damage. At point blank range, both firearms do the same damage. Both weapons (against unarmed targets) kill with one shot to the head, 4 shots to the chest and arm, three shots to the stomach and pelvis, and five shots to the legs, making both M4s a solid choice against unarmed targets, especially with the M4A4 as we'll get in later. Both rifles sport a 70% armor penetration stat, which is on par with the FAMAS, but lower than the AK-47 and Galileo, and not nearly as good as the SG 553. This means that both rifles lose the ability to one-tap fully armored targets at any range . Both rifles only deal 92 head damage, making them two shots to kill against fully grappled, full health opponents. The chest and weapons drop to a 5-shot kill for both rifles, at least maintaining a 4-shot kill for the stomach and pelvic area. The legs remain unaffected since these areas of the body are not covered with armor. Compared to the AK-47 it deals 36 raw materials, along with 77.5% armor penetration, which makes the damage figures for both of these rifles lower than those of the AK-47 and the next-to-budget terrorist assault rifle, the Galil AR, which, surprisingly, sports higher armor-penetration value compared to M4's. Note: Removing the muffler does not increase damage. style=»display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout=”in-article” data-ad-format=”fluid” data-ad-client=”ca-pub-7039887475540923″ data-ad-slot=”3894046622″>


This rifle has 20 rounds at the ready and 40 rounds in reserve. A special feature of this rifle is the silencer, which can be removed, which takes a little time. The muffler is installed immediately upon purchase. In all other respects, the rifle is identical to the M4A1 in previous games.

Without reservationWith armor
Chest and arms3221
Red means fatal hit

Dependence and difference of damage on distance to target.

All rifles in CS:go have a range cutoff of 8,192 units, which is further than any situation you will encounter in any official map. Interestingly, the M4A1-S has a lower damage drop compared to the M4A4. To clarify, damage is the amount of damage a weapon loses in range compared to the gap. The SlothSquadron table highlights the difference in damage for a single head hit with both rifles at 512 HP, 1024 HP, and 2048 HP respectively. As the range increases, the M4A1-S's damage extends forward, however in practice this does not change shots to kill against fully armored, full health opponents. However, this can make a difference with slightly wounded targets, where the M4A1-S will down such an enemy in one shot, where the M4A4 will be unable to. The unsuppressed M4A1-s does the same damage to the range with a separate silencer, and has the same cutoff range.

Rate of fire of M4A4 VS M4A1-S guns.

The M4A4 fires at a respectable 666 (no, that's not a typo) rpm, which is the fastest rate of fire among assault rifles, along with the August, FAMAS, Galil, and SG 553. The M4A1-S, however, is on the slower spectrum for assault rifles , only at 600 rpm, which is associated with the AK-47. Keeping damage and fire rate in mind, the M4A1-S not only does less damage than the AK-47, but it also has the same fire rate as the A1-S, making it one of the slowest, if not the slowest killing assault rifle. rifles in tight quarters. In this case, the M4A4 ends up ranking near the middle of the table, and is deadly against unarmed targets. With a lock on the enemy on your side, a fast rate of fire and high damage, the M4A4 is deadly against unarmed opponents at any range.

Advantages of M4A1-S

  • The sound of a shot is very quiet , and it is not always possible to hear from which side the enemy shot is coming. Especially if the overhead is obscured by shots from noisier guns;
  • If you compare it with the same Kalash, the recoil is much less ;
  • When hitting an enemy, the enemy's location on his radar is not determined until he physically sees you (if a silencer is worn);
  • Single shots hit the target very accurately.

Spread, accuracy and recoil.

Spray shooting tactics are a very important skill, and in the case of the two M4s, it is no different. With a slower rate of fire, the A1-S has a smaller spray pattern compared to the faster-firing M4A4. In practice, this makes the M4A1-S easier to spray, and generally has less spread than the M4A4 when sprayed. However, those who have mastered the M4A4's spray pattern can be greatly rewarded with a decent, damaging, fast-firing weapon. Both rifles have less spray compared to the AK-47. However, with the unsupported M4A1-S, it's a different story. It has larger and more random spray patterns compared to the M4A1 and M4A4 and AK-47, only with less damage and a slower rate of fire.

Other differences.

Magazine Capacity and Ammo:
The M4A1-S has 20 bullets per magazine with 40 in reserve. When using three magazines, you will only have to resort to using a knife or pistol. The M4A4, on the other hand, holds 30 bullets in a magazine with 90 in reserve, which is the same as other rifles like the August, SG 553, and AK-47, with the Galil being the only rifle that holds more rounds. Keeping that in mind, 60 rounds isn't that much, 20 rounds per mage means you'll be constantly reloading after every fight, and spamming through walls is not recommended. The low rate of fire helps save what little ammunition you're equipped with on the M4A1-S, but it's important to choose your shots accurately and at the right time.

How to play with Colt M4A1-S

  • We recommend pressing the spray into opponents if they come out more than 1 on the passage you are holding;
  • This gun requires good shooting. How you aim and fire 1-3 bullets at long and medium ranges is very important. You should always try to shoot in the head, as the cartridges fly quite accurately; What does a Colt clamp look like:
  • We recommend that you always play with a silencer. As we have already mentioned the fact that the enemy does not see you on the radar when you are wearing a jammer. Plus, it makes the spread of bullets slightly smaller and makes the game much more comfortable;
  • the jammer only if you are standing behind a wall from which it may stick out. It will be a very awkward moment if the enemy notices part of the trunk sticking out from behind the wall;
  • Working with such a weapon is very effective when using the right smoke. If you cover your opponents' exit positions with smoke, then by shooting your opponents through the smoke you will have a good advantage of your position. Terrorists will not know where you are shooting from and what position you are in, since m4a1s is inaudible even at medium distances;
  • This machine has good technical characteristics, but they are inferior . At least in terms of firepower. Therefore, if you have the option to change the M4A1S to an AK-47, then do it without hesitation;
  • Recent changes to this Colt have significantly increased its effectiveness, as well as the comfort of play. Of course, you choose which main barrel to play on the defensive side.
  • When compared with the m4a1, it is inferior only to the number of rounds in the magazine and reserve (25 rounds versus 30, and 75 versus 90 in stock) and the rate of fire is 9% slower.

Sound of M4A4 and M4A1-S rifles

Equipped with a silencer, the M4A1-S is dead silent when firing compared to any other rifle in the game. The M4A4 is significantly louder when shooting from third person and first person, which means it would be easier to keep silent, quick kills with the M4A1-S compared to the M4A4, which could be a contributing factor to choose the M4A1-S over the A4, depending on style of play. Interesting to note: The M4A1-S does not show tracers when fired, where with every other assault rifle it would show tracers after every third bullet, adding a stealth factor to it.

Skins for M4A1-S

Skins are the favorite theme of all the players of this game. And so let's start with skins that have a good price and popularity among players.

Fire Chantico (price ~420$, 12000 UAH, 25000 rubles):

Knight (price ~600$, 18,000 UAH, 36,000 rubles):

Cyrex (price ~220$, 7000 UAH, 15000 rubles):

Hot rod (price ~170$, 4700 UAH, 11000 rubles)

Speedy beast (price ~90$, 2200 UAH, 4700 rubles)

Video with the coolest skins on M4A1-S:

Movement speed.

Both M4s go to 225 units per second when worn. To give some examples of movement speeds compared to other popular weapons, the AK-47 (215 units per second) FAMAS (220 units per second) and, oddly enough, the MP7 SMG (220 units per second) all move slower. In short, the two M4s are the fastest rifles in terms of movement speed in CS:go. Worth noting: CT rifles all move faster compared to Terrorist rifles.

What do I suggest using?

It all comes down to personal preference. The M4A4
is a great weapon.
It has a faster fire rate and higher accuracy compared to the AK-47, but sacrifices raw damage and one headshot against armored opponents. Compared to the M4A1-S, it advocates a more "hard line" approach, great for challenging enemies around corners and mid-range gunplay. It has double the bullets that the M4A1-S comes with, and for this reason, it doesn't penalize you for missing too many shots. The rifle is also great for medium-long range combat. While not as accurate as the A1-S or scoped rifles, the A4 delivers on its own with impressive first-shot and burst accuracy while still being very competitive in close quarters combat. The M4A1-S may sound worse in some areas. It has the fire rate of an AK-47 but with less damage and armor penetration, it has almost no ammo in its magazine and also in reserve, but in the game, playing with the strength of a pistol, it can be a very strong rifle, even among the compelling choice of rifles. Its built-in suppressor allows for silent, mid-range take-off kills while sporting more competitive damage range compared to its CT counterpart. This can be very useful against stationary snipers when playing from entrenched or covered positions. While the small magazine size may keep the M4A1-S from being great against multiple targets, it can easily counter a good target and cause discipline. Practice makes perfect, and the M4A1-S rewards players with good launch discipline, accuracy, and an element of surprise.


M4a1-s tactics of playing cs go


  • If you can conserve ammo and/or if you can't stand up to two or more attackers, use the spray at close to medium ranges.
  • To save ammo, shoot in bursts at medium and long distances. Be sure to aim for the head or body if the recoil is high.
  • Try not to remove the muffler. When you remove it, you will get some disadvantages: increased recoil and spread, decreased accuracy when jumping, you will begin to give away your location, the rifle will become less effective than the M4A4. Shooting with a silencer won't always hide your location, but it will make you harder to find anyway. The suppressor also increases the length of the barrel so it can be removed to make defending positions easier. (But when driving, the M4A1-S with the muffler removed has slightly better accuracy than the M4A1-S with the muffler on)
  • Shoot and run is a good stealth tactic. By doing this, you will not only be more effective, but you will also be able to keep your location secret from the enemy if you are shooting from a long distance.
  • If for some reason you want to remove the muffler, then you are advised to stay close to your partners. If you are alone, without a silencer you will have a very difficult time against most enemies.
  • This rifle has the smallest magazine capacity and ammo capacity. To save them, try not to “pre-fire”, try to kill accurately from afar.
  • You can pair the M4A1-S with the USP-S for added stealth, but both are low on ammo.


  • Since this rifle is unlikely to be silenced, be sure to have a partner nearby. With the M4A1-S you can hide and kill enemies unnoticed, especially in some open areas if you have a silencer.
  • Almost any other rifle can be used against the M4A1-S. The AK-47 is a great weapon, it has high damage and a lot of ammo (but high recoil).
  • Another good example is the SG 553 which requires 1-2 shots to kill, its good armor penetration can easily kill the owner of an M4A1-S.
  • The P90 is a good submachine gun with a magazine capacity of 50 rounds. Since the M4A1-S's power is not very high, the rifle is unlikely to win a duel, even at close range. If you're short on cash, another option is the PP-19 Bison. It has a large magazine capacity and easily controlled recoil. It is worth using this PP at close range, because bullet damage is small.
  • Use the rifle's small magazine capacity to your advantage. After a duel with even one player, the enemy may have too few bullets left to kill you, which allows you to deal with him at close range.
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