Heavy tank is. What equipment should I install on the IP? What to bet on

Leveling up

  • To research the SU-152, 31,500 experience points are required. The previous tank was SU-100;
  • First of all, we study the chassis, even though a top-end gun can also be installed on a stock one. We will be able to install additional equipment and be able to rotate the body 3 degrees faster.
  • The pre-top gun is a pass-through weapon and does not have any advantages.
  • Engine. Increases the maximum speed and dynamic characteristics of the SU-152.
  • The top gun exhibits high damage per second, but it comes with a high price for shells.
  • We study the radio station last.

What equipment to install on the IS-4

Equipment on the IS-4, like on any other tank of the tenth level, is mandatory. We bring to your attention two configurations: the main one turns our heavyweight into a universal fighter, maximizing his strengths. The second one is suitable for more careful players who prefer to play in the second line.

Basic arrangement:

  1. Rammer;
  2. Improved ventilation.

Alternative arrangement:

  1. Rammer;
  2. Vertical stabilizer;
  3. Coated optics.

Excellent penetration allows you to get by with a small amount of gold. If credits are really tight, you can play entirely on armor-piercing shells. However, it is worth putting one or two land mines - to knock down the capture of heavily armored opponents.

The choice of items for the crew is not that great. Oil will not make the tank noticeably more mobile, so you should stick to the classic three: a repair kit, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher.

Top equipment

Price1.305.000 kr.
Strength870 HP
Weight/max.45.83/48.3 t.
Power600 hp
Speed43/11 km/h.
Agility23 °/s
Frame75/60/60 mm.
Damage390/390/465 HP
Breakthrough175/217/64 mm.
Reload7.39 sec.
Angles GN-8…+8°
Angles VN-6…+18°
Review330 m.
Connection625 m.


122 mm D-25S arr. 1944

Choosing a fast-firing and accurate weapon with low damage - 57 mm ZiS-8S on the AT-1, 57 mm ZiS-2 on the SU-76, 85 mm D-5S on the SU-85, 100 mm D-10S on the SU-100 - then recommended choice - 122 mm D-25S mod. 1944, the top gun of the SU-152, has the highest DPM (damage units per minute) indicator - an excellent ratio of single damage and rate of fire, good accuracy, as well as good armor penetration. For shooting, it is best to use predominantly armor-piercing shells, since high-explosive fragmentation shells have fairly low damage. This gun is great for "close attack support" tactics.

152 mm ML-20 arr. 1931/37

Giving preference to guns with high one-time damage - 76 mm L-10S on the AT-1, 76 mm ZiS-3 on the SU-76, 122 mm M-30S on the SU-85, 122 mm D2-5S on the SU-100 - then your choice - 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 — basic gun SU-152. “High Explosive”, “Dryn”, “Suppressor”, “Log” - the nicknames of this weapon speak for themselves. 48 kg shells 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37, despite its rather mediocre armor penetration, have enormous damage.

Armor-piercing shells are capable of penetrating the armor of such “tough nuts” as the KV, Tiger, Royal Tiger, Ferdinand and even the formidable VK4502(P) Ausf. B". However, remember - if you have a loaded AP shell, do not take risks, aim very carefully at the most vulnerable and weakly armored points of the enemy. Otherwise, if the armor is not penetrated, you will be destroyed before you even reload. In general, it makes sense to load one AP shell at the beginning of the battle, the first enemies you see will most likely be fireflies, and they are usually lightly armored.

High-explosive shells 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 They have even greater damage, but their armor penetration is very low. Basically, these shells are used to cripple and minimize the effectiveness of enemy heavy tanks: often, after a single hit by a HE shell, for example, on the Royal Tiger, half of the latter’s crew is disabled, and several modules are seriously damaged at once: the gun, ammunition rack, tracks, surveillance devices.

And the last thing: 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 - one of the most inaccurate in the game. However, practically the only “niche” of the 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 in the game - firing from long and medium distances. In practice, close combat for the SU-152 ends very quickly - having discovered you after your shot, the enemy first of all tries to knock off your tracks, get closer and come in from the side. In this case, without the support of her comrades, the SU-152 is doomed to death.

What weapon to install on the IS

With the D-25T gun the IS is good in close combat

, especially on city maps. Having installed this weapon, choose an area with shelters - buildings, rocks, hills, where you can wait out reloading, and the confrontation with your opponent takes place face to face.

D-10T is better suited for neighing at medium distance

. You will feel confident on maps with open terrain, where you can hit enemies at a considerable distance.

Most players choose the D-25T gun, because dealing 390 damage with one shot is a powerful argument. But to make a choice, it is better to try both and choose the most convenient for yourself.


SU-152 is a powerful argument on the battlefield. In terms of tactics and combat power, the SU-152 is a bit like a heavy tank. When using HE shells with 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 Even the “fattest” high-level enemies receive significant damage from any position and often “stand on the harp,” which is a good help, since you can wait for a long reload behind cover. However, the real nightmare for the enemy comes if you manage to hit the weakly armored sides and stern: in this case, the absorption of high-explosive damage is minimal, and damage of 600 and above allows you to feel like you are in control of the situation.

Soviet tanks in the game are not ideologically designed to withstand enemy fire, however, starting with the SU-152 (and further along the branch), the player has advantages - a thick and rather large gun mantlet, which is completely normal not to be penetrated by level 10 guns. Therefore, if you have a choice, you should lean out from behind cover on the right. If, nevertheless, a head-on close combat occurs, you need to monitor where exactly the enemy is aiming and “dance”, trying to substitute the tracks or mask. Sometimes this allows you to “miraculously escape” from certain death, when some IS-3 receives a couple of non-penetrations about the SU-152.

The most ideal tactics are attacks and breakthroughs. The SU-152 inflicts enormous damage, leaving incapacitated half-dead opponents for the allies to finish off. Speaking of allies, never neglect their support. Reloading 152 mm ML-20 mod. 1931/37 very long and at this time the SU-152 is completely defenseless. Although the SU-152 resembles a heavy tank in tactics, this tank destroyer cannot quickly distribute damage left and right while simultaneously taking shells.

It’s better not to stand on defense for the same reason that it takes a long reload. By putting the SU-152 on the defensive, the attacking group will immediately lose the fire support of the SU-152. And 700 damage per shot will never be superfluous.

The choice of weapon depends on the tactics the player follows.

Guide to SU-152 (Updated)

Guide to SU-152

Performance characteristics : I. Crew :

1. Commander (radio operator) 2. Gunner 3. Loader 4. Loader 5. Driver

II. Running gear :

1. SU-152 (basic) / Max. Load 45.9 / Turning speed 20 degrees / sec. 2. SU-152M/Max. Load 48.3 /Turning speed 23 degrees/sec.

III. Engines :

1. V-2K (basic) / 500 hp . / 15% chance of fire

2. V-2IS/ 600 hp . / 15% chance of fire

If you went through KV-13, KV-1S, IS, KV-3 then it should be there.

IV. Radio stations :

1. 10P(base) / 410 meters

2. 10RK / 500 meters

3. 12RT / 700 meters

If you went through KV-13, IS, KV-3, IS-3, KV-4, IS-8, ST-I, SU-122A, SU-8, S-51, SU-14-1, SU- 14-2, 212A , then you should study it.

V. Armament:

We have a stock gun ML-20, and then A-19 and D-25s.

ML-20: Penetration (BB/KS/HE): 135/250/86 Damage (BB/KS/HE): 700/700/910 Spread: 0.5 Roll: 3.4 Rate of fire: 3.39

A-19: Penetration (BB/KS/HE): 175/217/61 Damage (BB/KS/HE): 390/390/465 Spread: 0.43 Roll: 2.9 Rate of fire: 6.67

D-25s: Penetration (BB/KS/HE): 175/217/67 Damage (BB/KS/HE): 390/390/465 Spread: 0.41 Roll: 2.9 Rate of fire: 8.11


VII.Yield : Purchase cost 1,305,000 silver Here is the table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArUmC4tXSuBndHNvcGNYdENITUctVlNkaWEzWExzRXc#gid=0

VIII.Pros/Cons : From the above we can say the following: Pros:

  • High one-time damage of a stock high explosive, which covers all the disadvantages of this AT;
  • Strong and large gun mantlet;
  • Acceptable mobility;
  • High rate of fire of the top gun;
  • High penetration by a cumulative projectile.


  • Weak armor;
  • High visibility;
  • Poor review;
  • Extremely low accuracy of the stock high explosive;
  • Long reload time for stock guns;
  • Low penetration by armor-piercing projectiles;
  • Small UVN.

Modules and perks: Modules from the developers: Dosyl , Horns (stereo tube), ventilation (pumping the BB in this case is necessary) Modules from me: With ML-20: Dosyl , information/mass network, horns . From D-25s: Dosyl , information, horns. “End-to-end”* passage: horns, mass network .

*- I install mass network and horns on those tanks (PTs) that I don’t want to spend money on and that I won’t have in the hangar, as a rule, starting from lvl 2 and up to lvl 8.

his 6th sense first , then BB, camouflage and repairs . The Gunner has a sniper, AP and camouflage and repairs. Mechanical water virtuoso, BB and camouflage with repair. The Charger has a contactless BC, because she is very vulnerable, then BB, camouflage and repair . At the 2nd loader you can pump up the desperate one, using the same scheme as with the others .

Tactics: The tank has no armor, which is why it is worth conducting an ambush type of battle, although you can go on an assault with your allies, but only in the second ranks and support your allies. Having the ML-20 in service, it’s worth going to support at close range because of the terrible accuracy; if we have the opportunity to take the tank for ourselves (the tank should have less than 200 HP left if it’s facing forward), then it’s worth taking advantage of it and taking away the barrel. With a gunner we feel comfortable at our level, and at high levels too... especially with gold. Of also takes one-shot SU-152 and ST with PT lvl 6. With the D-25s cannon you can fire from a medium-long distance, the accuracy allows us, and the frantic rate of fire will not allow the enemy to crawl out of cover. At high levels, we are not as confident without gold as we are with a high explosive.


Historical reference

SU-152 is a heavy Soviet self-propelled artillery unit (SAU) from the Great Patriotic War, built on the basis of the KV-1S heavy tank and armed with a powerful 152-mm ML-20S howitzer gun. In terms of its combat mission, the SU-152 was equally a heavy tank destroyer and a heavy assault gun.

The construction of the first prototype of the SU-152, called Object 236 (also KV-14 or SU-14), was completed on January 24, 1943, and its serial production began the following month. Due to the discontinuation of the KV-1S base tank in December 1943, the SU-152 was replaced in production by the equally armed and better armored ISU-152; a total of 670 self-propelled artillery units of this type were built.

Where to shoot the IS-4

The heavy armor of the fourth IS can be a serious obstacle. And a platoon of fours pressing in the direction looks completely terrifying. Let's figure out where and how to penetrate the IS-4.

The diagram shows that the main penetration zones for the IS-4 are the hatch on the front of the hull, the side under the tracks and the rear of the tank. If mobility allows, then it is better to bypass the four from the rear. Poor steering will allow the opponent to strike and escape with impunity.

Owners of precision weapons can try to target two key points:

  1. Commander's hatch. It is quite large and located in a conspicuous place, so drivers of fourth ISs do not always have time to hide it.
  2. Roof of the tower. The armor there is the thinnest in the entire tank, so you should not disdain the opportunity to attack from a hill.
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