What equipment to install on the Cromwell in World of Tanks: description, guide, mods and practical recommendations

A total of 1,070 Cromwells were produced, and a considerable number of vehicles were obtained by upgrading Mk VIII Centaur tanks to the Cromwell standard. During production, the tank was constantly modernized. The Cromwell was actively used by British troops in North-Western Europe in 1945; a significant part of the vehicles produced were also transferred to Great Britain's allies. The Cromwells remained in service until the 1950s, some of them being converted into Chariotir tanks.

Figure 1. Cromwell tank on the march, France, summer 1944

General characteristics

The main disadvantage of the Cromwell tank is the fact that it is thrown into battles with tanks of the 8th level, and okay, if these were medium tanks, but these are heavy tanks of the 8th level. Just imagine this situation - you are at the bottom of the list and against you are not “Tigers” or “ISs”, but all sorts of “IS-3”, “AMX 50 100” and “T34” (premium) with “Lion”.

Figure 2. Cromwell in the garage

So try to fight against them. Well, okay, we can still beat them at speed, helping our allies, but try and deal with a rare species called “T-59”. In general, the forces are clearly not equal and this balance on the part of the developers is clearly wrong, because the Cromwell is not a light tank like the ELC AMX, and therefore it should not play the role of light, if only because it is too big for such functions. In general, this is a tank from the period 1943-1945. and he had to fight against the German “Pzkpfw-IV”, as well as through joint efforts, together with the “Churchills” and “Sherman-Firefly”, to defeat the enemy’s “Tigers” and “Panthers”. And it was certainly not planned to use them against such monsters as the IS-3, which even the Royal Tiger was no match for. In general, you will have to put up with the hysterical antics of the balance, much like the French “AMX 13 75/90”, which are also thrown into very strange battles (I would call them survival battles). In short, the balance is still the same, well, now let’s move on to considering the main characteristics of the tank and gradually try to figure it all out.

Figure 3. Main characteristics of the Cromwell tank


The Second World War showed the readiness of the world's troops for combat. The armies of all countries found shortcomings in technology, weapons and tactics. The same thing happened to Britain, which in 1940 discovered the shortcomings of its military technology.

So, by the end of 1942, military designers decided to release a powerful and dynamic tank - the Cromwell.

Strength and weight

The tank's durability is average - 750 hp, a fairly standard indicator for level 6. Initially, this value is 700, but installing a tower adds as much as 50 units of strength, which is quite a lot for such an improvement. However, the tanks of the Sherman series have approximately the same indicators (“M4A3E8” - 720 (stock), “M4A3E2” - 730 (stock)) and only the German “VK 3601 (H) - 760 hp in stock. In general, the safety margin is even slightly greater than that of its colleagues, but taking into account the rather weak armor characteristics, as well as the lack of rational angles and streamlined parts (the tank almost did not use solid armored modules, such as, for example, in the USSR on the T-34) , "IS-3", "T-54"), we will have enough of this stock. In general, you can most often forget about armor and rely only on natural cover and speed. Our speed is simply remarkable - 64 km/h maximum, and this with a mass of 29.5 tons. This weight is quite moderate, as for medium tanks, we can say that this is a kind of golden mean. However, the combination of such mass and speed allows us, in a mutual frontal collision, to completely or 90% destroy such a tank, for example, as the T21 (weight - 23 tons). So with the “Anti-fragmentation lining”, the “Baming Master” skill and “Reinforced torsion bars”, you can safely ram targets that are weaker or equal to us, and you can also attack stronger ones, but this is already a risk. After all, we don’t know for sure whether the same “IS” has anti-fragmentation lining or not, and whether the driver “Bam Master” learned it. Actually, if the Kamikaze medal gives you a lot of positive emotions, then this risk makes sense (just ram such heavy tanks only when they have 5-10% strength left).

What are the disadvantages of Cromwell from world of tanks:

There is practically no armor. The top gun does not have high accuracy and takes a long time to aim.
Based on Cromwell’s performance characteristics, we choose the following equipment: rammer, aiming drives, optics, essentially a classic for a fast tank. And the consumables are no less classic - Manual fire extinguisher, Small first aid kit, Small repair kit.

When Cromwell is in the top, we still can’t rush in the first line, we’re cardboard. Therefore, we stand further away, preferably in a fold of the terrain, and while our ISs and KVs receive ricochets and are not penetrated, we ourselves shoot at the enemy. This way we maintain our safety margin to the maximum.

Cromwell B (the letter B stands for Berlin), a promotional premium tank of the 6th level of the British branch of World of Tanks. The vehicle was sold for a limited time in the game store, together with three more tanks that participated in the Berlin Operation.

In terms of its characteristics, the Cromwell B is very similar to its pumpable brother, so many tankers did not see the point in spending hard-earned money on purchasing a gift bag.

As it turned out, in vain. Cromwell B turned out to be a good farmer, capable of bringing about 55,000-60,000 silver from battle. Of course, provided that the tanker's hands grow from the right place. Currently, the promotion period has ended and the tank has been withdrawn from public sale; it should be expected to appear in the month of May.


The Cromwell tank has armor, but in the battles where we find ourselves we can say that it is practically non-existent. The thickest armor plate - 76 mm - is located on the front part of the turret, and the hull is protected by a 64 mm armor plate. In principle, the turret is well protected - on the side - 63 mm, and on the rear - 56 mm, but the thing is that the turret is the same type as that of the VK3001(P) tank, "Tiger", that is, the armor plates are located almost at right angles. Therefore, we can’t count on ricochets, and considering that tanks with guns that can penetrate at least 100 mm will “butt heads” with us, the picture becomes even more colorful. In general, if the tower can still be exposed from behind cover, and it sometimes does not allow damage, then the hull must be hidden by all possible means. Given these armor values, frontal firefights with opponents, that is, duels, are extremely contraindicated for the tank. You don’t need to assume that if, say, you stood behind cover, and “M4A3E8” did the same, stuck out the turrets and shot at each other, then you will have a better chance of winning. Of course, our penetration is better, but “Mazai” has a ricocheting turret and a powerful gun mantlet, which catches hits not even from guns like ours.

Figure 4. Towers for "Cromwell"

Pay attention to the indicators of the stock and top-end towers - they are absolutely identical, which means that the improvements most likely affected the internal structure. In the game, such little things are not taken into account (there is no “Comfort” modifier), so formally we only have an improvement in strength by 50 units. Our visibility is average - 360 meters, neither more nor less. It is also worth remembering that we have only 32 mm of armor on the side of the hull, which is absolutely not enough, and even the MS-1 can penetrate such armor, so try not to expose the sides, they are too cardboard. To summarize, we can say that when playing with this tank, you should not rely on armor at all, but give preference to speed and maneuverability, they definitely justify themselves, and according to these indicators, the Cromwell cruiser tank is one of the best in the game.


The premium German heavy tank is considered the most expensive in the Wargaming store. This machine is also recognized by all players as the best silver miner. But this is not the only thing the German is capable of. Lowe can also earn a lot of experience, which, accordingly, will effectively upgrade the crew.

There is a crew of 5 people on board the tank:

  • commander;
  • gunner;
  • driver mechanic;
  • radio operator;
  • charging.

The most important characteristic that will be most influential in the accelerated leveling of the crew is the viewing radius of 400 m. Not all tanks at level 8 can boast of such indicators. With good tilt angles and a strong turret, it will be possible to conduct aggressive reconnaissance on terrain. If you install the appropriate equipment, you can safely replace the role of the firefly in the game.

Lowe can be considered one of the best tanks for leveling up the crew. This machine has everything you need to regularly earn a lot of experience. But this technique is suitable for those players who like leisurely battles, since the prem is very slow.

Engines and chassis

The stock engine has 410 hp. and is the brainchild of this product and is called “Newfield Liberty Mk.V” and has a chance of ignition of 20%, which is actually normal for aircraft engines. The stock engine gives us at least some dynamics, although only to the extent that an engine that has been bitten to the ears later can give us. The first type has a power of 600 hp, and the second, with the modification code “Mk.IVB” has as much as 50 hp. more. This is all strange, because the engine went through at least 8 modifications and added only 50 horsepower. However, its power is enough for us to accelerate the tank to 60 km in a matter of seconds (about 10-12 seconds).

Our chassis is called “A27” and has differences in the designation “M/L” (I assume light/medium). So, the top-end chassis has a turning speed of 2 degrees/sec more, and a load capacity of 1.5 tons more. The turning speed is above average and allows us to take incredible turns with the help of powerful engines. The tank becomes so fast and maneuverable that it is able to spin even such fairly fast heavy tanks as the IS-3. The small difference in load capacity between the stock and top-end chassis suggests that most modules can be installed on the base chassis.


Figure 7. Selection of guns for the Cromwell medium tank

What can you say about the guns for the Cromwell tank? – there are a lot of them, but they are all almost useless except for the top version. Nevertheless, we will get acquainted with them all, after all, before the top configuration we need to fight somehow, so:
QF 6- pdr Gun guns. Mk. III/ Mk. V"
- they have a high rate of fire, good armor penetration, and aiming speed, but at the same time they have poor accuracy and low DPM.
Suitable for tedious picking at the armor of juggernauts such as the Tiger or KV-3, the main thing is not to get hit by return fire, since it will take a long time to shoot, and the stationary Cromwell is a tasty morsel for both artillery and tanks opponents; “The 3.7 inch Howitzer
is a vivid example of what a high explosive should not be, in other words, a howitzer-type gun mounted on a tank or tank destroyer.
It has very low accuracy - 0.51-0.58, average rate of fire - 5-8.57 v/m, and the reduction time reaches 3.4 seconds (also an average value for high-explosive weapons). At the same time, we have the lowest level of armor penetration in our class - a 47-mm base AP (with damage of 370 units) and a 110-mm cumulative, while the damage is only 280 units. For comparison, the German 105-mm high explosive "KwK 42 L/28" has a cumulative penetration of 150 mm, with damage of 350 units, and a regular high explosive penetrates 53 mm and causes damage of 410 units. But this would be all right, but the projectile has a very low initial speed and it is quite difficult to shoot at highly mobile targets. However, on city maps, when battles are back-to-back, this weapon can bring a lot of pleasure; “The 75-mm Gun Mk. V"
is a direct clone of the gun, which is well known to us from tanks such as the T14, M3 Lee, and M4 Sherman.
The gun fires quickly, with good one-time damage for level 4-5 battles, and has average accuracy and aiming speed. The advantages include a high rate of fire - up to 20 rounds per minute. But the whole point is that this gun still needs to look for targets, and if the same “T14”, due to its armor, can defeat a “KV” or “T1 Heavy” in a duel with this gun, then we are unlikely to. There is only one choice - the active use of expensive gold shells. However, I don’t consider this a good choice, since the battle scores are then full of such disadvantages that I want to quickly choose another weapon. I remember the following incident - on the Highway map, near one of the buildings I was waiting for the slow strands to emerge, which usually crawl out of there 3 minutes after the start of the battle. Naturally, the fast Cromwell took the position first thanks to its speed. Well, soon the enemy T1 Heavy appeared - I let it drive a little so that it exposed its sides and began methodically shooting there. And imagine my surprise when the undercarriage of the American heavyweight absorbed 4 out of 5 shells fired at it. Then it was even better - he turned around and started shooting, his gun was not bad, fast-firing and well-balanced. Unfortunately, the position was in a corner, so there was little chance of getting out of there. As a result of the head-on firefight, I was only able to hit the American three times (I’m only counting hits with damage), everything else went into the armor and got stuck or ricocheted there. And the T1 Heavy had no choice but to dismantle the “cardboard” Cromwell, which could not oppose anything to it in this position on the map. In general - sadness, and only, in short, if you install this gun, then stock up on sub-caliber ones. In my opinion, it is better to install the six-pound gun described above and cause less damage, but at the same time penetrate the target, than vice versa. The 75 mm Vickers HV
is a top gun and the best in all respects. The accuracy is slightly above average, the aiming speed is 2.3 seconds, while we can penetrate 145 mm of armor and deal 135 units of damage based on the average for a basic AP projectile. Moreover, the sub-caliber can penetrate 202 mm of armor (on average), which is very helpful when meeting with 7-8th level TTs. In general, the gun is very good, it just takes a little longer to aim than we would like, because the rate of fire of 15.4 r/m implies a high rate of fire, and here it is very important to quickly aim at the target. However, you can improve things a little by installing “Reinforced aiming drives”, with which the maximum aiming time will be a little more than two seconds (2.07). The gun is quite accurate and at the same time the projectile speed (initial) is high, which allows us to shoot even such complex targets as “T29” and “IS” from a distance of 400-500 meters. In general, install the gun and enjoy, you will forget what it means to not be able to penetrate the Tiger or IS in the forehead, and this will certainly increase the effectiveness of battles on this tank.

Radio stations

We have three radio stations to choose from, and one is more beautiful than the other, although they do not differ in their sky-high range, which is a pity, because in a minute we can move from one side of the map to the other. However, we have the “Repeater” skill (or maybe it’s not a skill, but the radio operator simply stole the repeater from the warehouse, and told everyone that he had miraculously retuned the radio station and that it now picks up the wave farthest). But seriously, even a top-end radio station only reaches 550 meters, which is not enough for the fast Cromwell, so pay close attention to the corresponding skill of the radio operator (with him there will be 660 meters).

Tactics and modules

The main trump card of the tank is its speed and accurate, rapid-fire gun, but since we have completely cardboard armor, and even located at right angles, it will not be possible to realize the potential of the gun in a head-on collision. Frontal collisions are generally contraindicated for us, because if the same T-34-85 can sometimes count on ricochets on the streamlined and inclined parts of the frontal armor (turret, hull), then we don’t even have that chance. Therefore, there are two main ways - fast movement and entering the rear or flank and shelling at full speed, with “carousels” around the enemy, or skillful use of the terrain, which allows us to enter an area overgrown with vegetation, and work by illuminating our allies, or themselves to work as light. To do this, you must definitely learn “Camouflage”, “Eagle Eye” and “Radio Interception”, or at least install coated optics instead of these skills. Although they clearly work better in combination, however, this is enough for most combat situations. The overall maneuverability of the tank and, in general, all of its characteristics (except for armor and other permanent characteristics) can be increased by using the “Combat Brotherhood” skill, but the skill itself will be inconspicuous, but it will take a lot of time to level it up, and therefore you should think carefully that you plan to explore. It makes sense to develop the “Combat Brotherhood” if you install ventilation on the tank. Based on this, you will receive a 10% bonus to all the main specialties of the crew, and if in addition to this you have at your disposal analogues of the game “doping” such as “Add-on ration”, “Chocolate” or, as in the case of the British, “Pudding with tea”, then a bonus for the battle will be 20%. This would be roughly what it would be like if you had a crew with 80% training and in an instant they would get 100% skill for the entire next battle. Those who have been playing tanks for a long time are well aware of the difference between a 75-80% trained crew and a 100% trained crew. This all immediately affects the accuracy of fire, the rate of fire, the overall dynamics of the tank and the viewing range. So such a combination makes sense, especially if you are ready to level up your crew persistently and persistently, since “Combat Brotherhood” begins to work only after one hundred percent study (although it looks strange, we fought side by side for so many days and battles, and one fine day “Combat Brotherhood” suddenly turned on for us, I don’t know what caused this, it’s probably easier to add a skill to the game this way than to describe its impact on percentages with each degree of development of crew members). Since constant movement is very important for us, the performance of the chassis is on the agenda. To maintain its integrity, we need torsion bars, and we also need to repair it quickly, since any downtime in seconds could cost us an early visit to the hangar. For these purposes, teach “Repair” to as many tankers in the crew as possible and place a “Tool Box” on the tank. If all 5 tankers have “Repair” at 100% and with the box we get a bonus of another 25% to the repair speed, then the process of repairing the tracks will take seconds. All this, together with the increased survivability of the chassis due to torsion bars, will help the tank survive in difficult combat situations. https://youtu.be/D3w_8Bw8h2U Based on the above, we again focus on the integrity of the tracks, but we know how effectively splash from artillery (already from level 5) can knock down tracks, especially unpleasant when at full speed, and the static Cromwell is a tasty target for almost any tank. So, anti-fragmentation lining will help us save the tracks, which, although it has a nominal protection of 15% from artillery, protects against the splash itself much better than against a direct hit. Considering our rate of fire, as well as the fact that we often have to hit at short stops, or even on the move, the minimum dispersion and high aiming speed are very important for us, which will allow us to hit closely and without pauses. For these purposes, we need the “Reinforced aiming drives” module, as well as the learned “Smooth movement/turret rotation” skills. Their combination will help to significantly reduce the spread, and will also allow us to quickly converge on the target, so that we will be able to conduct heavy fire on the enemy with minimal delays (we will only need to wait a second to converge on the target). Even though the tank has an aircraft engine, the tank itself rarely burns. In general, the engine is damaged more often than it is set on fire. However, if you drive exclusively with high-octane gasoline, then it is worth filling the tanks with carbon dioxide, learning “Cleanliness and Order” for mechanical driving, and also training three crew members in “Fire Extinguishing.” All this will allow us to reduce the chances of fire to an almost impossible minimum. That is, you can completely safely forget about the fire extinguisher and cross the expanses of the “World of Tanks” with high-octane gasoline, which gives a noticeable bonus to the dynamics of the tank. And this is even more important on maps like Ensk, where maneuvers on city streets sometimes replace powerful armor and allow you to hit where the enemy least expects. Although the British do not have their ammunition rack knocked out nearly as often as their American colleagues, you can still be concerned about this issue. The combination of the “Non-contact ammo rack” and “Wet ammo rack” skills will provide 62.5% protection that the tank will not receive ammo damage and will not explode. Considering that a high rate of fire is also our strong point and maintaining it constant is also very important, this module and skill will always be in demand.


There is little to note regarding appearance. Relatively small size, which, by the way, is a plus during the game, because it is much more difficult for the enemy to hit a small object. We can also say that the “British” of the sixth level has enough detailed parts like a small machine gun on the front side of the hull, a headlight on the side of the turret and much more. Although, compared to the same Tiger or T-34-85, the Cromwell is a tank (see photo below), the image of which is not so well developed.

Yield table

Figure 9. Cromwell tank profitability table

What do we see on the table? The income for 10 battles without PA was 214,561, and with a premium account, respectively, 321,842. The amount of costs is ∑=82657+21000+127160=230817, it is immediately clear that without PA there are disadvantages, although we used gold shells infrequently. The “new economy” is to blame, which cut the profitability of tanks of the 6th and 7th levels. So, without PA we have -16256, and with PA +91025, the difference is obvious (the answer naturally suggests itself as to why they introduced the “new economy” - a hint - so that they would buy a premium account more often). A total of 10 battles took 1.18 hours, the average duration of a battle was 7 minutes. We earned 6671 units of experience, and with a premium account – 10007 units. This is a pretty good indicator and it means that on average, without PA, we earn more than 600 units per battle, and taking into account the premium account - 1000 units. In general, in terms of gaining experience, the tank is quite comfortable, but in terms of money, we have small minuses or zero, and only with PA we make a profit. This is due to the fact that the tank often serves as light, and also goes to the forefront of the attack, and therefore takes risks and often suffers a lot of damage, which affects the amount of repairs.

Research and leveling

The Cromwell medium tank can be researched on the Crusader for 25,000.

  • The A27M chassis will increase the load capacity and increase the turning angle by 2 g/sec.
  • Engines Rolls-Royce Meteor and Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk. IVBs are studied second, since for this tank it is not the armament that is important, but its driving characteristics. The first of these engines will add 190 horsepower, and the next one will add another 50 hp.
  • After examining all the modules that affect driving performance, it’s time to examine the tank’s weapons. The first gun to be examined is the QF 6-pdr Gun Mk. V, it has good penetration, but low damage, so the tank’s effectiveness in dealing damage is not yet so high and insufficient for the levels where it is thrown.
  • Cromwell Mk turret IV does not make any changes to the characteristics of the tank, except for increasing the rate of fire of the guns: it only provides the opportunity to install more advanced guns. Externally, the top tower can be distinguished from the stock one in this way - the top tower does not have a box attached to its back.
  • Gun 75 mm Gun Mk. V already has more damage than the previous ones, but penetration is worse than that of its predecessors.
  • The 75 mm Vickers HV gun has all the positive qualities borrowed from its predecessors. A high rate of fire, good armor penetration and high damage make this weapon ideal for this level of combat, and good on-the-spot accuracy will allow you to support allied tanks from afar. The only drawback is the large scatter on the move.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since a detailed analysis of the machine’s characteristics is left behind, it’s time to summarize all of the above, highlighting the most strengths and weaknesses of the Cromwell WoT

, because this knowledge will be your starting point in battle. Pros: High rate of fire and good DPM; Decent armor penetration parameters; Excellent mobility (maximum speed, dynamics, maneuverability); Good accuracy and fast mixing; Comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: Weak armor; The review is rather weak; Poor stabilization.

Combat effectiveness

Cromwell is a classic support tank. Thanks to his high speed, he can be the first to occupy key positions on the map or intercept enemy light tanks.

Cromwell has an excellent rapid-fire, penetrating and fairly accurate weapon, but weak armor. This suggests a cautious playing style.

An effective tactic would be to support heavy and medium tanks from the second line, as well as attack single, slow-moving targets, such as tank destroyers and heavy tanks. The Cromwell is also ideal for attacking enemy SPGs left without cover.

Cromwell B performance characteristics

In general, in terms of characteristics, Cromwell B is practically no different from the pumped-up twin. The tank's health reserve is 750 units

, which is a good indicator for the 6th level.
Considering that we are talking about a medium tank, the very modest viewing radius of 360 meters
However, this indicator can be improved. The lack of armor had a positive effect on the driving characteristics of the tank. Cromwell B accelerates quite quickly to 64 km/h
and feels confident on climbs and difficult soils.
At the same time, the vehicle is very maneuverable: the chassis turning speed is 50 degrees/sec. In terms of weapons, CROMWELL B looks solid for the 6th level. The tank is equipped with a 75 mm VICKERS HV gun
, with armor penetration of
145 mm
armor-piercing projectile, one-time damage -
135 units
. Firing with sub-calibers increases this value to 202 mm, so the tank feels quite comfortable against Tier 7 tanks. Unfortunately, the Cromwell B eights have practically nothing to oppose: penetrating the IS-3 will be problematic even with gold. However, the gun has an excellent rate of fire, which provides one of the best DPM indicators at the level, has minimal dispersion, but rather long aiming.

When purchasing additional modules, you need to try to eliminate the existing shortcomings as much as possible in order to increase the efficiency of the equipment. In the case of CROMWELL B, you can try this set: Reinforced aiming drives

– correcting insufficient mixing speed.
Coated optics
– increasing the viewing radius.
Improved ventilation
– we get a slight bonus to the main characteristics of the machine. Some tankers, following the standards, install a gun rammer on the CROMWELL B, but given the gun’s rate of fire, there is no urgent need for this. For the “British”, stabilization is more suitable to increase the accuracy of shooting while moving. Equipment from water makers

Selecting equipment, consumables and crew perks

Upgrading the crew. This perk setup will improve all the strengths of the car:

  • Commander: “Light Bulb”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Repair”, “Eagle Eye”
  • Gunner: “Repair”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Smooth Turret Rotation”, “Sniper”
  • Mechanical drive: “Repair”, “Combat brotherhood”, “Smooth ride”, “King of the off-road”
  • Radio operator: “Repair”, “Combat Brotherhood”, “Radio Interception”, “Inventor”
  • Loader: "Repair", "Combat Brotherhood", "Proximity Ammunition Rack", "Desperado"

Selection of equipment. The following set of equipment is ideal for this tank: Rammer, which increases the rate of fire, Aiming Drives, in order to improve aiming time, and Ventilation, which increases the general parameters of the crew. Such a kit will highlight the advantages, correct the shortcomings of the tank and increase the overall comfort of the game. However, those who like to play LT can replace “Fan” with “Optics” to achieve maximum visibility.

Choice of shells. The ammunition load of our tank holds 64 shells, which should be enough for almost any battle, but do not forget about the high DPM. Each of you will decide on your own what ratio to arrange the ammunition in, I can only recommend the following set of shells:

Shell setup for playing in random (BB/BP/OF):

  • “Top of the list” - 36/26/2
  • "Bottom of the list" - 26/36/2

Selection of equipment. The set of equipment is identical for any car - repair kit, first aid kit and fire extinguisher. You can, of course, install “Pudding with tea”, but for a mid-level tank such an idea is quite wasteful, especially for a “prem”.

Perks for the crew on Cromwell B

The tank is a promotional vehicle, so the basic purchase package includes a 100% crew and a non-resettable “Combat Brotherhood” skill. Among the general skills, it makes sense to upgrade repairs and camouflage; the personal skills of tankers can be researched in the following order: Equipment is selected as standard, and it is not recommended to replace the usual consumables with a cup of coffee and a biscuit. Cromwell B has a shortage of armor, so crits of internal modules, fires and crew injuries will be commonplace.

Crew skills

Before upgrading the crew's perks, you need to study the strengths and weaknesses of the tank. Recommended skills that need to be upgraded step by step for the crew:

driver mechanic
radio operator

Since this is a medium tank with phenomenal speed and reload, it first needs to upgrade its firepower. First, you need to improve the stabilization of the gun using the “smooth motion” and “smooth turret rotation” skills. There is no vertical stabilizer for level 6, so these skills will improve the British's poor stabilization. "Combat Brotherhood" will improve the characteristics of the entire crew by 5%. What else a medium tank with good dynamics needs is a good viewing radius and camouflage. It costs about, which will be very effective for the Cromwell B, since in collisions with similar medium tanks, the Briton will take away a large amount of the safety margin, not to mention light tanks. Camouflage is needed for tactical ploys. A tank can, like a predator, hide in the bushes, and then suddenly jump out at the prey when it does not expect it.

Cromwell B reservation

There are no surprises expected in terms of booking. Frontal projection of the tower – 75 mm

, housing:
63 mm
. If the car is randomly thrown into the top, CROMWELL B can tank damage with its turret and even its hull. However, there is no preferential level of combat for the vehicle, so the formidable eights will penetrate the British into any part, without bothering with targeting vulnerable areas. To be fair, we note that the gun mantlet completely covers the front part of the turret, which creates the possibility of a ricochet even from high-level equipment, but this will be more luck than regularity.

Historical reference

Main article
History of Cromwell B
As the "Cromwell Berlin" the game features a real-life vehicle, the Cromwell Mk.V with tail number T120582, with Ajax markings, the emblem of the 7th Panzer Division ("desert rats") and the number 51 in a red square , built from two cars by British enthusiast from Manchester Rick "eddy8men" Wedlock in 2011-2013. The tank's chassis was taken from Charioteer, and the turret donor was an A27 Centaur. For some reason, Rick himself calls the tank he restored Cromvell Mk.6, although this designation implies that Cromwell is equipped with a 95 mm howitzer, while his vehicle carries an Ordnance QF 75 mm gun.

Currently, the car has been completely restored, is running, and regularly appears at various themed events.

At the War & peace Revival festival, Folkestone, UK, 2014At the same festival, flames from the exhaust nozzles

How to play Cromwell B

The characteristics of the chassis and armament indicate that the "British" is an ideal support vehicle that can help heavy forces, push through directions, make daring forays behind enemy lines, or return to shoot down captured troops from its base. Thanks to its high speed, the tank can quickly change its attack vector, bringing maximum benefit to the team in any direction. In addition, the Cromwell B has a phenomenal rate of fire, which allows it to quickly deal with classmates and cause a lot of trouble for high-level opponents by making holes in the sides and stern. The main thing is to try to avoid direct confrontation and fire from afar, taking advantage of the accuracy of the weapon. It would be unwise to enter into an open battle and exchange HP: the tank has a small one-time damage, so the same IS-3 will have time to send the “British” to the hangar before (in 2 shots!) before the Cromwell B can inflict significant damage on the Soviet heavy. Therefore, we act as carefully as possible, soberly assessing our capabilities.

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