T-54 Region in World of Tanks – complete guide, battle analysis, game tactics

T-54 is the first example of a medium premium tank of the USSR. Previously, he was the only Soviet level 8 ST that allowed you to farm silver and upgrade your crew. During its history in World of Tanks, this vehicle has received many mixed reviews. This reaction from the public prompted the developers to upgrade its characteristics in order to increase its competitiveness compared to other classmates. Let’s take a closer look at how he feels after upping in random, how he farms, and whether he’s worth buying in 2022.

TTX T-54 first sample

The tank upgrade primarily affected the gun and armor. Changing most of the characteristics has qualitatively improved the gameplay. A pleasant bonus was the increase in visibility from 360 to 380 m. Engine power was improved from 520 to 760 hp.


Damage (units)250250330
Armor penetration (mm)19024750
Rate of fire (rounds per minute)7,5
Average damage per minute (units)1875
Aiming time (sec)2,2
Spread at 100 m0,36
Angles GN360°
Angles VN-7…+17°

The tank's armor penetration was increased, aiming time was reduced, and stabilization was significantly improved by reducing gun dispersion.

Where to punch

The first T-54 model has good armor. The frontal projection of the turret was strengthened from 180 mm to 200 mm. In the frontal part of the hull the armor is 120 mm, and at an angle it is 240 mm, sometimes making it possible to deflect shells not only from eights, but also from some nines.

With a penetration of less than 200 mm, it is necessary to shoot at the NLD, even level 6 can penetrate there. The commander's cupola is more difficult to target, and the sides and rear of the tank are quite vulnerable, but the tracks can sometimes absorb damage.

In general, the first T-54 model can count on armor being only at the top of the list.

Modules and crew

Analyzing the T-54 region, it was not entirely clear with whom to compare it with the LT or ST. However, it is still in the class of light tanks, so we will do it as intended by the developers.


The top gun D-10TM 100 mm caliber is one of the worst among light tanks of the ninth level.

Characteristics with 100% crew: gun loading - 6.9 s, aiming time - 2.11 s, dispersion per 100 m - 0.4. The declination angles are also not encouraging: only -5 degrees down and 17 degrees up.

The disadvantages of these characteristics are partially compensated by shells. Since the basic and “gold” shells are sub-caliber, which is comfortable for firing with any of them. The flight speed is 1050 m/s and 1119 m/s, respectively, this allows you to target fast targets. High-explosive fragmentation shells are of no interest due to their extremely low armor penetration.


All the shortcomings of the gun are compensated by the armor characteristics of this light vehicle. They are simply amazing. Not all medium tanks of this level have such armor, and light tanks can only dream of it. The tower has a cast shape, which does not always break through even 10 levels. After all, like any light tank, the T-54 region. is constantly on the move, and it is almost impossible to target vulnerable spots. Below is an example of the thickness of the turret armor if you shoot not in the center, but to the right.

The VLD and NLD are located at rational angles, which is also not always possible, especially if the tank is turned toward the enemy in a diamond shape. Of course, tanks of the 9th and 10th levels will penetrate such armor, but for tanks of 8 and below such armor may not be “too tough”.


Surprisingly, with such armor the tank is very mobile. It has excellent speed and the best chassis turning rate at its level.

The T-54 also has a region. Another feature is the mass of the tank. Ramming a French light tank with this tank is a real pleasure. And finishing off with a couple of shots is no longer difficult.

Stealth and visibility

Stealth and basic visibility are average for a tank of this level, and if the tank is configured correctly, the gameplay will not suffer from this.


Since the T-54 region. stealth and visibility are a little compromised, it makes sense to strengthen these parameters by installing the following set of equipment: “Coated optics”, “Improved ventilation”, “Low noise exhaust system”. This arrangement will not allow the enemy to “overexpose” the tank.

However, this equipment is not the only correct one, and the player can experiment at his own discretion. You should definitely install “Coated optics”, and the two remaining slots depend more on your playing style. If a tanker is used to shooting more, then in addition to optics, you can install a “Gun Rammer” and “Improved Rotation Mechanisms” / “Vertical Stabilizer”.


Almost all skills will be useful for the T-54 region. However, first of all you need to learn: for the entire crew, “Combat Brotherhood” and “Disguise”. For the commander – “Sixth Sense” and “Eagle Eye”, gunner – “Venedictive”, driver – “King of the Off-Road”, “Smooth Move”, loader – “Radio Interception”.

How to play the T-54 region correctly.

The tank is very versatile. The main thing is not to stand still in the bush closest to the base, but to actively shine , this almost always provides a good result. You also need to try to survive , because at the end of the battle the LT always reaps a lot of tasty things in the form of self-propelled guns and those who like to stand in the bush near the base.

When you get to levels 9-10, at the beginning of the battle you need to focus on active light, especially from the tower, it is not easy to target and penetrate. This, however, does not cancel shooting at the enemy, since a light tank easily enters the sides and stern, and sub-calibers penetrate almost all tanks in the game into these places. After the opponents have dispersed, you can look for single players and take them out, taking advantage of your advantage in visibility, or carefully drive forward and highlight tanks and self-propelled guns stationed at the enemy base. Such actions must be performed depending on the situation on the battlefield and the type of map.

If the tank hits the top, it is recommended to place more emphasis on shooting. At these levels, the allies are very often inexperienced and can do little damage by flashing. If the player sees that no one needs the light, it is better to play as ST. Active shooting in this case will give great results, and low-level tanks will hardly be able to penetrate the armor of the T-54 region.

Advantages and disadvantages

The T-54 first sample is a variant of a deep modernization of the researched Tier 8 T-44 tank. Let's take a closer look at what actually happened.


  • excellent hull and turret armor for a medium tank;
  • the low silhouette, which is complemented by good armor angles, will give the enemy problems with hitting and penetrating the tank in motion;
  • good maximum speed considering the armor;
  • Level 9 walkie-talkie provides good communication range;


  • The tank paid for good armor with mediocre dynamics and low launch speed;
  • mediocre gun accuracy;
  • average damage per shot combined with low penetration makes the tank “gold-dependent”;
  • full level of battles;
  • the need to load sub-caliber shells to penetrate levels 9 and 10 significantly reduces the vehicle’s profitability.

Leveling up

The stock chassis has a large load capacity, so all modules and equipment can be installed on it. After purchase, you can immediately install the R-113 radio and the 100 mm LB-1 gun, if they were researched earlier.

  • Researching the T-54 requires 142,000 experience. Previous tank - T-44;
  • Researching the T-54 requires 150,500 experience. Previous tank - Object 416;
  • The first thing we study is the top T-54 turret mod. 1949. It has enhanced armor and adds 100 HP to durability;
  • We will examine the top 100 mm D-10T2S gun, which is distinguished by its high accuracy and rate of fire (opens the way to Object 140);
  • Then we study the chassis of the T-54 mod. 1949 and we get improved cross-country ability and turning speed;
  • Next we will examine the V-14 engine. It will add an additional 80 hp to the power;
  • Lastly, we are studying the alternative 100 mm D-54 gun. Its disadvantages include: worse aiming, accuracy and rate of fire (opens the way to the T-62A);
  • To obtain elite status, you must study Object 140 and T-62A for 206,000 and 200,000 experience, respectively.


To enhance the combat characteristics of the T-54, the first sample can be supplied with the following set of modules:

  • rammer to increase average damage per minute;
  • a vertical aiming stabilizer will help improve shooting while moving and reduce the likelihood of a miss;
  • coated optics, because a review of 380 meters is still not enough.

The choice of modules depends on what style of play you choose: aggressive or support from the second line. For the second option, if you have the “Combat Brotherhood” perk, the stabilizer can be replaced with ventilation or aiming drives.

Brief description of characteristics

So, you have at your disposal a standard safety margin and a quite decent basic visibility of 390 meters, and these indicators can be increased to the maximum possible values ​​without much difficulty.

As for the armor characteristics, the T-54 has something to be proud of: this tank has a strong ricochet-shaped turret, therefore, by taking a strategically correct position, the player can get many non-penetrations.

The body of this vehicle is somewhat softer, but the VLD is located at a good angle, which allows for good maneuvering in some situations. As for the stern, sides and NLD, it is still better to hide these parts of the “body” from impact.

Crew training

The crew will help level out the mediocre characteristics of dynamics, mixing and visibility.

CommanderSixth SenseRepairThe Brotherhood of WarDisguiseAn eagle eye
GunnerSmooth rotation of the towerRepairThe Brotherhood of WarDisguiseSniper
Driver mechanicSmooth rideRepairThe Brotherhood of WarDisguiseKing of off-road
ChargingNon-contact ammunition rackRepairThe Brotherhood of WarDisguiseDesperate

To increase maximum efficiency, you need to upgrade your military fraternity as soon as possible. To speed up getting a perk, after leveling up 2 levels, you can reset your skills and choose it instead of repair. One of the advantages of this method is that the combat fraternity operates only with 100% crew skill, and repairs immediately from the moment of study.

Attention! When resetting skills, 10% of experience is lost (when retraining for silver), so you need to accumulate it in advance (at least 40,000), so that later it will be enough to fully study two perks in the regimental school (for 20,000 silver).

Non-contact ammo rack is a must-have perk because it is often criticized. Given the low silhouette of the tank, camouflage will greatly increase the stealth coefficient.

How to play the T-54 first sample

When playing on this vehicle in most battles, it is worth starting from the fact that it is a support tank. The lack of large one-time damage does not allow you to exchange shots with heavy tanks at close range. We must not forget about drum tanks, which during our CD can knock down half their strength.

Playing at the top of the list provides an opportunity to get a little bolder, pushing in the front rows, where the armor can still forgive a couple of mistakes. The fights at the bottom of the list are a completely different matter. The first sample of the T-54 will not be able to oppose anything to 10 levels: the visibility is too small, it can be penetrated using mainly sub-caliber shells, and no one will notice its armor there at all.

The tank's air defenses will not allow you to play comfortably from the terrain; sometimes you will have to move out, opening the NLD or the side of the hull. Even levels 6 and 7 can be punished for such indiscretion, so don’t rush forward unnecessarily. If possible, you should use the frontal projection of the tower; there is more than enough armor there to repel shells of levels 8 and some 9 (with the exception of opponents with landmines).

After the upgrade, the tank's engine power has significantly improved, which gives it a chance to drive into the enemy's rear or flank it. In many cases, this will be much more rational than exchanging strength points for inability to penetrate enemy vehicles. Mobility allows you to change your flank or position in time, so you need to keep an eye on the map. Sometimes, in order to win, it is better to use the strengths of the machine and try to capture the enemy base or defend your own.

Brief summary

Of course, after the TTX update, the tank became more playable than at the time of its introduction into the game. In the modern realities of World of tanks, anyone can buy gold shells for silver, which minimizes the main feature of this tank - good armor. The low penetration of the T-54, the first sample, pushes the player to use sub-caliber shells, and in order to maintain a positive ratio of damage caused/received, they will have to be used often. In addition, even when using more expensive shells, there is no guarantee of 100% penetration, because 247 mm is not enough for a tank with a full-fledged level of combat. Therefore, the tank is more suitable for experienced players who know the weak points of other vehicles. From all of the above, we can conclude that the tank copes poorly with its main task of a premium vehicle (silver farming).


Frontal armor

Our frontal armor is pretty good. The mask (highlighted in red) is VERY difficult to break through. From a distance of more than 300-400m, it’s unlikely who will break through. The cheeks of the tower (highlighted in orange) are already easy to penetrate, but it is also difficult, the armor there is not very thick, but it ricochets very often. According to the technical characteristics, the turret front is 200mm.

The front of the hull has less armor in thickness than the front of the turret, but it is no easier to pierce it, since the remarkable angles of inclination work wonders, sometimes even standing at point-blank range many do not penetrate. In terms of performance characteristics, we have 120mm of armor here, which is not enough, but it’s difficult to penetrate due to the sloping armor, as I already said.

The weak point of our forehead is the NLD and the track rollers. Try not to set them up.


Our sides are very cardboard, even when tanking the side at a high angle it is very easy to penetrate. Like the IS-7, we have a false side (highlighted by a small stripe). according to performance characteristics 80mm.

The side of the turret is difficult to penetrate, as are the cheeks of the turret. according to performance characteristics 160mm


Our food is also very cardboard (like everyone else #haha#).

It’s very easy to break through the side from behind, and it’s just as easy to set us on fire. We carry a fire extinguisher with us, MANDATORY.

The stern of the tower is also not difficult to break through. So don't stand with your ass towards the enemy)

We sorted out the armor. Now let's talk about the gun. We are given a choice of two guns. 100mm D-54 and 100mm D-10T2S.

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