T29 Guide - Game tactics / advantages and disadvantages

Disclaimer: the author does not claim to be the ultimate truth and in general there will be a lot of subjectivity here. The author's objectivity was greatly affected by the great love for the T29 VII


I’ll tell you right away if anyone suddenly thought, “Stop! Why is it now the best - did I miss something in the 9.22 putnotes? No, but another factor played a role here.

A small lyrical digression. Now in many team games, we can observe an interesting phenomenon - an indirect nerf of a character/tank/strategy.

This is again most clearly expressed in MOBA games. Here, in the next global patch, the conditional character “X” can receive a couple of small enhancements, but instead of starting to bend, he becomes unplayable.

Simply because the metagame changed, other strategies began to be used, characters against whom “X” is strong were no longer taken, and they began to more often take an item (let there be equipment) against which “X” would suffer. Or the battles have become more protracted/cautious, when “X’s” natural element is fast, aggressive battles.

And here a reasonable question may arise from the reader - As in the changed random T29 VII

could I start tanking better and become the “best tower in the game”? The penetrations are growing, a bunch of ST8 appeared with a penetration of 200+?

But the point is that my personal top 1, IS-7 X

, has seriously lost ground lately. And the point is not that the Ded7 turret no longer tanks, no, it still repels cumulatives/PT-X lightly.

But the point is that the “alcotank” beloved by many, aka Type 5 Heavy X

I received a high-explosive bomb with 1500 alpha on gold and in addition
the FV4505 X and also do not forget that, in connection with the withdrawal of the FV215b 183 X with its transfer to promotional stock, almost everyone from whom it was pumped bought it back.
Moreover, considering that in this case they gave a “badger” for free as a load. I think it’s already clear to everyone that now the IS-7 in the current randomization, to put it mildly, doesn’t matter.

Let's look at one illustrative situation:

IS-7 X
at Himmelsdorf .
If earlier Grandfather could aggressively press himself into the middle of the banana, he stands from the tower (that same imbued mound, playable from both spawns) and felt almost invulnerable, which in 80% of cases led to victory if at least a couple of tanks support you from behind. Now this is possible in 1/5 of the battles, at best, if you are in the top/two-level battle and there is no Type/British “bagger” against you. In ranked games, my favorite push has become completely unplayable, despite the fact that the art that punishes in ranked games does not throw a banana. In 10 out of 10 ranked battles in Khimki you will meet, at best, one full-gold type who will take 400-600 off you with each shot. And in the worst case scenario, if you were lazy and didn’t look at the team setup (which in ranked games, as a rule, almost always leads to a “failure”), then you can come, for all intents and purposes, to the pressure and find 2 types + a woman in front of you. And this is almost a guarantee of flying into the hangar with ~1 successful shot.

IS-7 X

- no longer a king among strong towers.

How to upgrade T-29

The T-29 becomes itself only in the top, so don’t rush to be disappointed after playing on a stock car. First of all, you will need to examine the chassis, then you should upgrade the top gun 105mm Gun T5E1 as quickly as possible

, it is placed in the stock tower T123, then examine the remaining modules - engines and radio station.

Through which branch to research the T-29

The T-29 can be explored while playing on the M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo


  • — When leveling up through a heavy M-6, you can unlock a 90mm Gun M3 gun on it, which will make it easier to play on a non-top T-29.
  • — When leveling up through Sherman Jumbo, the advantage is that you can simultaneously open the medium T-20.

So, if you want to upgrade the branches of US medium and heavy tanks, open the T-29 through Sherman Jumbo, if you are not interested in the medium tanks of this country, upgrade through the M-6.

In order to research the T-29

playing on the M4A3E2 will require 32,750 experience, playing on the M-6 tank - 27,850. To purchase the T-29 you will need 1,450,300 silver.


Penetration (mm)Damage (HP)Rapid fire (rounds/min) Spread (m/100m)Mixing (c)Weight, kg)Price (|)
VI76 mm Gun M1A2128/177/38115/110/18516.720.42.29159062000
VII90 mm Gun M3160/243/45240/240/3207.880.382.29205081000
VIII105 mm Gun T5E1198/245/53320/320/4205.250.422.292400118000
Armor (mm)Rotation (gr/sec)Review (m)Weight, kg)Price (|)
Power (hp)Fire probability (%)Weight, kg)Price (|)
VIIFord G.A.C.7202055643500
VIIIGMC Allison V1710-E327602055648500
VIIIContinental AV-1790-38002056959000
Max. load (t) Turning speed (gr/sec)RminWeight, kg)Price (|)
Communication range (m)Weight, kg)Price (|)
VISCR 50839510021600
XSCR 5287458054000

How to play T-29

To play the T-29 in World of tanks as successfully

you need to understand its strengths and use them skillfully. The top-end T-29 has a well-armored turret (the front thickness of the T136 turret is 279 mm) and an excellent gun, with good one-time damage and excellent elevation angles. The average damage of the top gun 105mm Gun T5E1 is 320 units, the armor penetration of the basic projectile is 198 units.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the weak hull armor and low speed.

The T-29 is a heavy tank that can and should be used for tanking. .

When playing a T-29 in WoT, you need to hide the hull, exposing only the well-armored forehead of the turret to shots

. This can be done using hilly terrain, because... the T-29's gun can go down well, you can shoot without rolling over the hill, this is how you protect your hull from hits. The body can also be hidden behind low stones or dilapidated buildings.

You can stand up on the T-29 and clinch

with most opponents. In World of tanks, a clinch is a confrontation between tanks when they rest their foreheads against each other (more about). When clinching, enemies cannot get into the hull, the weak point of the T-29 can be the hatch on the turret, but it will be difficult to get into it, especially if the T-29 slightly turns the turret left and right, do not overdo it when performing this technique, do not expose your side towers.

When playing on the T-29, beware of artillery

, the tank is poorly armored on top, and the T-29 is quite slow, so it often becomes a target for self-propelled guns. So try to move unpredictably, and, most importantly, do not stand.

Leveling up

  • You can upgrade to T29 from M6 for 42,070 experience points or from M4A3E2 for 55,500 experience points.
  • The pre-top gun will be inherited from the elite M6. We ride with him until the top gun opens.
  • You need to study the chassis to be able to install the following modules.
  • We are studying a top weapon to increase damage and penetration. This will allow you to fight even tanks of a higher level.
  • The top turret will give an additional 50 m of vision, 100 HP and speed up reloading.
  • Having studied the pre-top and then the top-end engine, we will add a little more dynamics to the tank.
  • A top radio station will double your communication range.

What equipment to install on the T-29

The T-29 is usually equipped with equipment familiar to heavy tanks, a rammer, reinforced aiming drives and a fan

If you prefer to play through a good view, then the drives or fan can be replaced with a stereo tube
; this set is preferred by significantly fewer players than the one mentioned earlier.

A T29 heavy tank in Aberdeen on October 31, 1947. The tracks have five-inch spurs, so that the total track width is 28 inches.

After the landing of American troops in Normandy in June 1944, more and more American military personnel began to understand the need for a heavy tank. The medium tank T26E3 (M26 Pershing) that soon appeared, although it was temporarily renamed a heavy tank to raise the morale of its troops, was still not suitable for this role. The Pershing could be seen as a countermeasure against the German heavy Tiger I, but other German heavy vehicles were clearly superior to it. While many American generals tried to simply ignore this problem, the Artillery Department, which was responsible for creating new types of armored vehicles, approached the issue with the utmost seriousness. On September 14, 1944, protocol 25117 of this department recommended the development and production of four pilot vehicles of a new heavy tank. Two of them were allocated for the T29 heavy tank with the 105mm T5E1 gun. The remaining two vehicles are for the T30 heavy tank with a 155mm T7 gun.

The new T29 heavy tank was equipped with a Ford GAC, V-12, liquid-cooled engine with a power of 770 hp. at 2800 rpm. The engine was equipped with a new transverse transmission developed by General Motors. The new product performed the functions of a transmission, steering mechanism and brakes. The original EX-120 model had an electric transmission control system, which the parent used as the main one. In case of an accident, the driver additionally had two mechanical levers to control the movement of the tank. However, it soon became clear that the electric control did not allow the driver to “feel” his car and the electrical system was replaced with a mechanical one. The new model had one steering lever and resembled a modern joystick. At the same time, the emergency system with two mechanical steering levers remained in the tank. It was possible to control the movement of the tank both from the driver’s seat and from the driver’s assistant, whose control system was duplicated. The T29 was given to the troops already with a CD-850-1 transmission with hydraulic gear shifting. The brakes were disc brakes using foot pedals. During testing, the transmission was replaced with a new one - CD-850-2, more efficient at high speeds. A feature of the transmission on the T29 was its ease of operation. To change the movement of the tank to the left or right, it was necessary to tilt the steering lever in the corresponding direction in first or second gear. The same actions in neutral gear turned the tank in place, with one track running forward and the other running back.

At the top is the driver’s workplace, at the bottom is the driver’s assistant.

The new tank inherited many components and assemblies from the M26 Pershing. For example, the T80E3 tracks were 23 inches wide, but the addition of spurs made them wider to 28 inches. The drive wheel was at the rear. Pershing's road wheels were increased to 8 on each side to increase the supporting surface of the 70-ton vehicle. The hull consisted of folded cast parts and rolled armor plates, like on the M26 Pershing. Even the thickness of the frontal armor remained unchanged, 4 inches, but its angle was changed to 54 degrees from the vertical. In the body there was a driver (on the left) and an assistant driver (on the right) in front. The latter operated a .30cal machine gun. Each of them had one periscope in its hatch.

The large cast turret was mounted on an 80-inch shoulder strap. The frontal armor was 7 inches, the rear armor was 4. There were 4 people in the turret. In the center sat the driver, who had a commander's cupola. On the right in front sat the gunner, who had a direct telescopic sight and a periscope on the roof of the turret. At the rear, on each side of the gun, there was one loader.

There were three hatches for the crew on the roof of the turret: a commander's hatch in the center and two on the sides. On the right wall of the tower there was a pistol loophole.

The 105mm T5E1 gun was mounted on a T123 carriage. The ammunition consisted of 63 rounds placed in the turret and hull. The gun had two .50cal coaxial machine guns on the left. Another .50cal anti-aircraft machine gun was mounted on a machine, on the roof of the turret in front of the left loader's hatch.

The 105mm T5E1 and T5E2 guns had a length of 7.062724 m, and with a T10 muzzle brake an additional 46.99 cm. The length of the rifled part was 6.072124 m. The barrel had 36 right-hand rifling with a pitch of 30 calibers. The total weight of the gun is about 2,941,09293 kg. The shutter is semi-automatic, vertical. The ammunition was separately loaded, and its development stopped even before testing of the new tank was completed. Rate of fire 6 rounds per minute. The ammunition included:

ammunition 105mm guns T5E1, T5E2 and their armor penetration against homogeneous armor
projectile typeNameWeight, kginitial speed, m/srange, m
Armor-piercingAP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T)34914135mm/84mm*119mm/69mm*
armor-piercing sub-caliberHVAP-T T29T3 Shot (APCR-T)271128??
high explosiveHE T30E1 Shell (HE)31945??
high explosiveHE T30E1 Shell (HE) with reduced speed31762??
* The numerator is armor penetration against homogeneous armor at an angle of 30 degrees. from the vertical The denominator is armor penetration against homogeneous armor at an angle of 60 degrees. from vertical

Separately loaded ammunition for the 105mm gun of the T29 heavy tank. Top - armor-piercing HVAP Bottom - high-explosive

Ventilation was provided by two fans pumping 1,500 cubic feet of air per minute. One was installed on the roof of the turret behind the commander’s workplace, and the second on the roof of the hull between the driver and his assistant.

In April 1945, the release of four additional pilot T29s was authorized. One pilot was later ordered to be armed with the T53 120mm gun and renamed the T34.

105mm GUNS T5E1 and T5E2 105mm T5E1 and T5E2 guns
accommodation T29 heavy tank, on a T123E1 carriage (T5E2 gun); heavy tank T29E1, on a carriage T123 (T5E1 gun); heavy tank T29E2, on a carriage T123E2 (T5E2 gun); heavy tank T29E3, on a carriage T123 (T5E1 gun)
chamber length (without rifling)83.1088 cm
threaded length599.6686 cm
chamber length (to the edge of the projectile)73.1774 cm
channel length609.6 cm
barrel length682.7774 cm, 65 calibers
shutter release length23.495 cm
length from the barrel to the back of the bolt706.2724 cm
extra length, with T10 muzzle brake46.99 cm
total length753.11 cm
channel diameter10.50036 cm
chamber volume615 cc inches
barrel weight (without muzzle brake)2 345.07255 kg
weight of the entire gun (without muzzle brake)2 857.63193 kg
muzzle brake weight T1083.4609961 kg
total weightapprox. 2,941.09293 kg
shutter typesemi-automatic, vertical
rifling36 rifling, right hand, 1 turn/30 calibers
ammunitionseparate loading
fuseimpact type
total ammunition weightAP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) 34 kg HVAP-T T29E3 Shot (APCR-T) 27 kg HE T30E1 Shell (HE) 31 kg
projectile weightAP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) 17.7 kg HVAP-T T29E3 Shot (APCR-T) 11.2 kg HE T30E1 Shell (HE) 15.2 kg
highest pressure of powder gases289 579 806 Pascal
highest rate of fire6 rounds/min, with two loaders
starting speedAP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) — 2433 ft-tons HVAP-T T29E3 Shot (APCR-T) — 2335 ft-tons HE T30E1 Shell (HE) — 2232 ft-tons HE T30E1 Shell (HE) red.vel . *
— 1451 ft-tons
projectile muzzle energyAP-T T32 Shot (APBC-T) — 914 m/s HVAP-T T29E3 Shot (APCR-T) — 1128 m/s HE T30E1 Shell (HE) — 945 m/s HE T30E1 Shell (HE) red.vel . *
— 945 m/s
firing range?**
* - ammunition with a reduced initial velocity ** - development of ammunition was stopped before the completion of the test program

With the end of the Pacific War, the production contract with Pressed Steel Cat Inc. was terminated, with one T29 already completed and another unfinished. According to OCM 28848 dated August 23, 1945, all materials were transferred to Chrysler Corporation to complete the production of ten pilot vehicles for post-war research. Later, by decision of OSM 31645 of July 10, 1947, the number of pilots was reduced to eight.

The first T29 was delivered to the Aberdeen Proving Ground in October 1947. Since the purchase of a T29 tank was no longer planned, testing was limited to the study of various power train components for use on new tanks. In April and May 1948, two more T29s arrived in Aberdeen, which were also subjected to reliability and technical tests.

T29 number 1 was transferred to General Motors to install a modified version of the Allison V-12 liquid-cooled aircraft engine. To accommodate the Allison V-1710-E32 engine and CD-850-1 transmission, the hull had to be lengthened by 1 31/32 inches. The new engine produced 870 hp. at 2800 rpm and had a dry weight of 1600 lbs. In December 1945, this vehicle with a 105mm T5E1 gun on a T123 carriage received the designation T29E1.

105 mm T5E2 gun

T29 number 2 received a T5 tank turret. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology equipped the turret with a hydraulic drive to rotate the turret and vertically aim the gun, as well as a computerized sight. Changes also affected the main armament of the tank. Initially, the 105mm T5E1 gun was mounted on a T123 carriage with three recoil cylinders. This design was modified by reducing the recoil cylinders to two - one at the top of the cradle and one at the bottom. This modification of the carriage was already called T123E1, and the modified gun was called T5E2. The installation of a turret rotation drive and gun elevation forced new changes to be made, which was reflected in the new name of the T123E2 carriage. According to OSM 32107, this vehicle was named the T29E2 heavy tank.

Heavy tanks T29 numbers 3,4,5,6,7 were all armed with a 105mm T5E2 gun on a T123E1 carriage.

Heavy tank T29E3 at the Aberdeen Proving Ground on May 4, 1948. The vehicle is easily recognized by the optical rangefinder boxes on the sides of the turret.

Heavy tank T29 number 8 had a 105mm T5E1 gun on a T123 carriage. This vehicle was modified to mount a T31E1 optical rangefinder and a T93E2 telescopic sight on a T136 carriage. In addition, panoramic telescopic sights T141, T144, T145 were tested on the tank for firing 105mm guns from closed positions. The T141 and T144 sights were mounted on the gunner's telescopic sight mount, and the T156 on the T145 telescopic sight mount fixed on the turret roof. All this was part of a program to study the effectiveness of integrated fire control systems. With a new fire control system, the vehicle received the designation T29E3 heavy tank.

The left photo shows the gunner's workplace. At the top right is a T145 panoramic telescopic sight on a T156 mount. The right photo shows a T144 panoramic telescopic sight on a periscope sight mount. In the background is a T145 panoramic telescopic sight on a T156 mount.

The T31E1 optical rangefinder had a base of 8 feet. It was not connected to other fire control systems, but was operated by the commander, who manually determined the range to the target using a control box located immediately below the rangefinder. When the range and necessary corrections were made in the control box, this data was transmitted through an elastic rod to the T136 telescopic sight mount. Thus, the gunner could continuously monitor the target, and not be distracted by determining the distance and making appropriate adjustments. However, this useful device turned out to be very unreliable - the backlash, as well as the inaccurate tension of the elastic rod, introduced large errors. However, tests have shown the usefulness of a stereoscopic rangefinder in detecting targets and determining where shots landed. The need for a rangefinder was also noted when shooting at more than 1000 yards.

On the left photo is a view through the hole in the commander's cupola at the T31E1 rangefinder control devices. On the right photo is the T141 panoramic telescopic sight mounted in the gunner's periscope sight mount on the front right. At the top left is the rangefinder eyepiece.


Peter Chamberlen and Chris Ellis - British and American Tanks of World War Two

— Silverdale Books, 2004

RP Hunnicutt — — Feist Publications

Robert J. Icks – A History Of The American Heavy Tank

— AFV Weapons Profile, 41

14-12-2017, 21:31

Hello to all fans of tank battles and welcome to the site! Tankers, today in the guide we will talk about a vehicle with a difficult fate from representatives of the “sand” technology, the Soviet medium tank of the third level - this is the T-29


In the month of April, and at first this tank was supposed to be a gift for the birthday of tanks in 2022, when the release of World of Tanks turned 7 years old. But the developers did not give this tank as a gift, citing the fact that the players do not like the sand technology and they are selling it. This is where he raised the vine among the community. As a result, thanks to the vine or some other reason, we received this tank as part of the “New Year's Offensive 2018” in WoT.

How to punch T29

The main feature of the T29 is its head-on turret. Therefore, a competent T29 player will tank from the tower and, accordingly, substitute it. Our task is to work along the hull and try to drive around the side of the tank.

Red: Engine Blue: Fuel Tank White: Ammunition Storage Yellow: Crew Purple: Weak Point

The open body of the T29 is the sweetest morsel, so if it is not protected, deal damage before it’s too late. If for some reason the tank's hull is not accessible to fire, then the best option would be to shoot at the hatch on the top of the turret.

From any side, the best option would be to shoot at the fuel tanks and the engine. You have every chance of setting the tank on fire.

The tower does not penetrate head-on, but it rotates slowly. Avoid shooting at the tower, as it ricochets well.

If there is such an opportunity, it is better to drive around the tank and cause damage to the ammunition rack located in the rear of the turret.

TTX T-29

As we see in front of us is a real medium tank with very good mobility and dynamics, good visibility and damage per minute. That's all, the armor penetration of the gun is not encouraging, but nevertheless it will be enough in most cases, and KS is also used as premium shells here. There is simply no booking at these levels. In addition, in terms of dimensions, our premium tank is far from the smallest. In addition, our gun has a simply disgusting spread of 0.55, which will make it very difficult for us to play sniper.

The visibility, of course, is not top-end at these levels, but 300 meters of basic visibility can be improved quite well with the help of equipment and perks, because do not forget that this tank has 2 radio operators in its crew.

T-29 gun

T-29 armor

Equipment for T-29

The choice of additional modules in our case is also a huge plus. So, as you already understand, the choice will be pleasant, but everything needs to be done correctly, that is, equipment for the T-29 tank

We put the following: 1. – it is impossible not to take advantage of such a unique chance and make an existing good CSA even more powerful and dangerous. 2. – as you already know, all the guns available to us have problems with alignment, so we need to improve this parameter by speeding up the alignment process. 3. is a worthy solution that will allow you to squeeze all the juice out of the tank, because we get several important increases to the parameters at once.

However, I want to remind you that this tank has very bad visibility and if you don’t want to remain blind, can’t rely on allies and want to have a good viewing range, it makes sense to replace the last point with .

Tactics for playing the T-29

As you can see, our tank does not have a specific specialization for one reason or another. To shine well, we don’t have the best visibility at the level, and the dimensions of the tank are not the smallest, but nevertheless we can do it, and sometimes even quite well. We won’t be able to sniper on this premium tank due to the poor armor penetration and disgusting spread. What can we do? — play the role of a support tank on the front line, thanks to good dynamics we will be able to support strike vehicles, our team, and, if necessary, break into the enemy’s ranks.

Bottom line

As you can see, there is a lot to say about this tank and there is nothing that will appeal to it except collectors, due to its interesting appearance. The tank will also appeal to fans of sand gameplay: tolerable armor penetration, good mobility, good visibility and acceptable DPM will allow such players to have fun. The rest will sell this tank for a slot and 1000 credits.

T29 World of Tanks video guide review

Review of the video guide tank T29 World of Tanks is a (TT) level 7 tank. T29 World of Tanks occupies a high position among all single-level TTs. He is better than anyone else in cities, as well as in open areas and is very useful when pushing in a certain direction.

    This one is subject to research of various modules, after its acquisition: Chassis, two different Engines, Radio Station, Turret and two different weapons (one of which should have been inherited from the M6). Be sure to bleed the chassis first and install it, because... Without it, we won’t install anything on the T29 tank. Next, you will be faced with a choice: Engine, Turret or Top Gun, which is installed on the stock turret, all of course at your discretion. If there is not enough penetration, and you are tired of hearing the phrases “Didn’t penetrate” - feel free to take a top-end weapon. The penetration zones of the T29 tank have changed from (cardboard): sides, rear, forehead, we also separately note the so-called “ears” on the turret and the machine gunner’s hatch.


  • Excellent top speed for a TT;
  • An excellent weapon - the best among all 7th level TTs (good accuracy, armor penetration);
  • Excellent resistance to turret strikes;
  • Good viewing range;
  • Excellent vertical aiming angle;
  • Severely harms enemies at levels higher than you;
  • Ricochet armor.


  • Poor hull armor;
  • Poor hull rotation speed;
  • Long reload time for the gun.


  • Commander;
  • Gunner;
  • Radio operator;
  • Charging;
  • Charging;
  • Driver mechanic.

The crew is almost identical to the previous level 6 TT M6, but we will not be able to completely transfer the crew, because a second loader was added. Five crew members can be retrained and transferred to the American T29 tank, which is what we are doing, and the loader is recruited and upgraded to 75%.

Crew skills and abilities:

The choice of skills and abilities for the crew is purely individual, as they say, depending on who is comfortable and who has what their hands are suited for. I will describe the commander in detail, because... For other crew members, the learning of skills and abilities is similar.

Commander: first of all, you can take the individual skill “Sixth Sense” (valid with 100% study). Very useful because... makes it clear whether you are exposed or not. Next, “Repair” (effective when studied) gradually increases the repair speed. Another general skill is “Camouflage” and an individual “Eagle Eye” that increases the maximum viewing range. After that, we download individual skills according to your choice and style of play.

Penetration zones - Video guide

Gunner: “Repair” - “Camouflage” - “Smooth turn”. Next, the rest of the unpumped skills are up to your choice and style of play.

Radio operator: “Repair” - “Masking” - “Radio interception”. Next, the rest of the unpumped skills are up to your choice and style of play.

Driver: “Repair” - “Disguise” - “Virtuoso”. Next, the rest of the unpumped skills are up to your choice and style of play.

  1. Modules Additional modules. Characteristics and brief description

The T29's weapons in World of Tanks are superb, the best among all level 7 TTs, and the reason for this is good penetration and good reloading. With this weapon, you can easily throw enemy TTs and STs into the stern, and calmly go into a clinch.

An important additional module (DM) is the “Medium-caliber gun rammer”. It is insignificant, but it will speed up the reload time of the gun. Also very useful DMs will be “Vertical Stabilizer” and “Improved Ventilation Class 3”. All this is also from our predecessor M6.

Mandatory set of consumables (consumables) for: “First Aid Kit”, “Repair Kit” and “Fire Extinguisher”. Although, the T29 tank does not burn often (1 time in 70 battles), so instead of a fire extinguisher, you can take anything you like, at your discretion.

  1. T29 playing technique

The tactics of playing T29 WOT are very simple. Because This is a heavy tank, therefore, there is only one tactic - “Tanking”. Choose a direction and move forward. Preferences in open areas: slopes, hills, uneven areas, because We have excellent vertical guidance and excellent armor on the upper part of the hull, which must be exposed when firing. Reloading the gun takes quite a long time, so we slowly target the enemy’s weak points and shoot. It will be difficult to carousel you, because... The T29 has excellent turret traverse speed.

So we have an excellent TT that will pull out battles with excellent turret armor, super weapons, and excellent armor penetration both for urban travel and in open areas.

vod on the American T29 tank - 8 frags. Master, Warrior, Steel Wall, Sniper, Belter Medal, Death Scythe

6 years and 2 months ago Comments:
The T29 is an American tier seven heavy tank.

On it you will either learn to play “through the tower”, that is, use hills and shelters, or you will quickly go to the hangar. T29 is somewhat difficult to master if you do not know how to play “over the tower”, and involves quite specific tactics.

Pros and cons of the T29 tank

Let's first look at its pros and cons, and then consider the most effective tactics of the game. The T29 has very uneven armor. So the armor of the front of the hull is only 102 mm, which is not enough for a heavy tank of the seventh level. The side armor is 76 mm, which makes it possible to sometimes effectively tank in a diamond formation against opponents at a lower level. But the front of the turret is simply superbly armored: as much as 279 mm! Together with the gun mantlet, the thickness of the armor is close to 400 mm, so even the most powerful guns in the game often fire T29 gold shells into the front of the turret. What can we say about tanks of the seventh level...

T29 gun

The gun of the T29 for the seventh level is, in general, quite good: penetration is 198 mm, average damage is 320. Accuracy is mediocre: the spread is 0.42, only Soviet guns have more. But the convergence speed is 2.3 seconds, which is a fairly good indicator. It is also worth saying that with the increase in the accuracy of all guns in patch 0.8.6 (shells began to fly more often to the center of the aiming circle), the T29 can confidently hit targets at medium distances and even target weak spots. Although the tank is still not intended for long-distance shooting.

Tower overview

The view of the top tower is 380 meters, which is a good indicator for the seventh level. The tank is quite large in size, so there is no need to talk about stealth: the T29 is difficult to hide in the bushes, and it is not intended for this. Separately, it is worth mentioning the excellent vertical aiming angles: the gun moves down 10 degrees.

Tactics of playing American heavyweight T29

It is the excellent elevation angles and the impenetrable forehead of the turret that create the opportunity for the specific tactics of heavy American tanks.
It consists in the fact that the vulnerable hull hides behind cover, and only the forehead of the tower is shown to the enemy, which is almost impossible to penetrate. If the enemy does not have the opportunity to bypass you, then you will destroy him without harm to yourself. In general, getting the “Steel Wall” at T29 is not difficult. In general, when shooting at the front of the T29 turret, you can target weak points, but this is difficult to do. For example, although observation devices are quite large, they are rarely penetrated, and only a tall tank can hit them at close range. There is a possibility of penetrating into small areas on the sides that are not covered by the gun mantlet, but the “cheeks” of the T29 are rounded, which increases the reduced armor and the chance.

Consider the tank hull

The body can be hidden either behind a variety of objects (cars, stones, dilapidated walls), or behind low folds of terrain.
The very good elevation angles of the T29 allow it to show only the impenetrable forehead of the turret when firing from behind the hills. For example, German and Soviet tanks often have to move out completely in such cases and expose themselves to fire. The maximum speed is 35 km/h, but it can only be approached on hard ground (asphalt, paving stones). On soft soils, the T29 turns into a slowly crawling turtle; then you can even hit it with high-explosive guns, the shells of which fly very slowly.

As you can see, T29 is highly dependent on the terrain and the presence of shelters on it.

In open spaces, the T29 is practically defenseless. A good view often allows you to fire the first shot, but then it is quickly discovered and destroyed. But if you shoot from behind a hill or cover, showing only the front of the tower, it will be very difficult to cause damage to you.

In a narrow place behind good cover, the T29 is capable of single-handedly stopping several opponents of a higher level. Still, the average damage of 320 is a compelling argument. In open areas, even with cover, it will no longer be possible to hold off several opponents alone: ​​T29s are quickly shot at on the sides, which can be penetrated by level 5 tanks without any problems.

The T29 performs very well in a clinch with other heavy tanks, if you expose the impenetrable front of the turret to shots. A tall enemy with poor elevation angles will not be able to lower the gun to penetrate the hull and will be forced to shoot at the turret. But a low opponent (for example, IS-3) can get into the clinch and punch into the T29’s body. Also, you should not enter into a clinch with maneuverable medium tanks, if the enemy knows how to play at least a little, he will spin the T29 and shoot it into the defenseless stern and sides.

We should also focus on upgrading T29.

It can be opened from both the M4A3E2 medium tank and the M6 ​​heavy tank.
It is better to choose the latter option, since when you open a T29 with an M4A3E2, you will only have access to a stock gun, which is ideal for a medium tank of the sixth level, but looks downright weak on a heavy tank of the seventh. When you open it from a fully upgraded M6, you will be able to install the 90 mm Gun M3 gun. Its penetration and damage are mediocre for the seventh level, but it has fairly good accuracy and rate of fire, so you can sometimes even play the role of an ambush sniper with this weapon. With a top-end weapon, you will be able to deal more damage, therefore, receive more experience and silver per battle, but you won’t be able to install it right away; you need a top-end chassis. After these two modules, you can open the top tower; an increase of 50 meters of visibility will not be superfluous. But you can improve the dynamics by opening and installing engines; it all depends on your preferences.

The equipment definitely needs to include a rammer and a vertical stabilizer.

The first increases the rate of fire and damage per minute, which is of primary importance for almost any tank, while the stabilizer reduces dispersion when turning the turret and moving, which reduces aiming time. With the third module, not everything is so simple. You can increase your visibility using coated optics or further reduce the aiming time with enhanced aiming drives. The choice is yours, but it’s worth saying that an extra fraction of a second of information time is often more important than several tens of meters of visibility.

As for skills and abilities, everything is standard here.

For the commander, we first take the sixth sense, which is not as useful on the T29 as, for example, on a tank destroyer, but will also not be superfluous. The rest choose repair. It is worth saying that even with pumped repairs, the track takes a long time to repair, so there is no need to neglect this skill. For the second gunner, you must take the “Master Weaponsmith” skill. The fact is that high-explosive shells are often fired into the forehead of the T29 turret to damage the gun. And from a regular armor-piercing projectile, there is a fairly high chance of getting critical damage to the gun when you show only the gun mantlet to the enemy.

Video guide to the T-29 tank

Crew on T29:

Then I already noticed that I had mixed up the driver/gunner positions, but here is an article for advanced benders, you’ll figure it out, of course ;)

Two nuances:

  • Most crew members reach almost maximum condition with 3 perks, the 4th is luxury. Masking with the 4th perk generally gives a weak advantage. By increasing camouflage by an average of 30% for the crew, we will get a smaller increase than from camouflage, which now costs a ridiculous 750 silver per battle. It is better for the last 3 crew members, when reaching the 4th perk, to simply leave the experience undistributed, which will allow you to transfer, if necessary, some loader to another tank and immediately receive 100% of the main ability.
  • A mechanical driver , for good measure, needs 5 perks . The author did not find a way out of this situation, so he stupidly took the female driver for the LBZ on the Americans and methodically rocked it on the pilot. In fact, it would be possible to take the 4th or even 3rd perk of the “king of off-road” because the resistance to hard breasts is disgusting . I couldn’t think of anything better than to ignore the perk and just try not to go to all sorts of swamps/in the gorge of Lassville. Lassville Gorge is a separate topic. With our resistance of 11.5 horses, you can go to the gorge and not get there, we are very sluggishly riding through all sorts of shit. In general, it’s a matter of style; no one forbids you from combining “virtuoso” / “king” / “smooth move” to suit your playing style from the third perk. My choice is definitely a virtuoso. A smooth move gives only 7.5% of the “body movement” only; it does not affect the “body rotation” in any way.
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