10 best self-defense spray cans: advantages and disadvantages, reviews

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The Best Aerosol Cans for Self Defense
1Torch 2 (75 ml)Best spray range (3-3.5m)
2Pepper 11-A (65 ml)The optimum ratio of price and quality
3Shock (65 ml)The most effective action
4Hot pepper 65 mlThe lowest price. Improved recipe
The best gel sprays for self-defense
1C360 (100 ml)High efficiency of the damaging agent
2Fighter jet gelThe best means of self-defense in a confined space
The Best Inkjet Cans for Self Defense
1Sword (65 ml)Optimal price
2Black (65 ml)High lethality
3Pfeffer Ko JetThe longest jet. Convenient clip for wearing
The best self-defense means in non-standard design
1Aerosol gun PA-2 65 mlBest spray power. Neutralization duration 30 min
2Sprayer Anti-Beast 650 mlBest Jet Spray for Predator Control
3Keychain Control-AS (Anti-dog) 18 mlThe size of a lipstick. Carabiner for attaching to keys

The best self-defense means in non-standard design

The use of a gas protective aerosol should be carried out taking into account several factors: the possibility of bringing the product into a “combat” position, the direction and strength of the wind, the presence of other people in the area of ​​spraying the substance, the danger of air contamination in a closed space and exposure to microscopic drops. Manufacturers are constantly working to prevent possible problems and offer consumers cans of a new shape and with new filling, so that each of them can choose a model to suit their needs.


Spray cans for self-defense purposes are divided into the following types:

  • Aerosol. Sprayed in a wide cloud. You can inhale it yourself if you use it in a confined space.
  • Gel. A stream of viscous mass flies out to a distance of up to three meters and sticks to skin and clothing. It is very difficult to wash off.
  • Jet. The active substance is supplied in a thin stream; you need to contrive to get it into the villain’s eyes or nose. But if it works, rejoice. He won't find it enough.

Rating TOP 7 best spray cans for self-defense

The TOP 7 best spray cans included the following models:

  • Pepper 11-A,
  • Shock,
  • Hot pepper,
  • S360,
  • Sword,
  • Blak,
  • Pfeffer Ko Jek.

Let's look at each in more detail.

Pepper 11-A

One of the most powerful compounds for effective self-defense. Manufacturers note that the effect of the pepper consistency corresponds to the simultaneous consumption of 30,400 chili peppers; users are extremely positive in their statements. Almost everyone who has tested Pepper 11-A unanimously speaks of its performance against aggressive animals and people.

Jet range3m
Temperature rangefrom -10 to +55°C

Price: from 425 to 585 rubles.

  • contact with the skin and mucous membrane of the eyes causes an acute burning sensation, corresponding to an exorbitant portion of chili pepper;
  • effective against animals;
  • convenient bottle shape and spray button (easy and quick to press).
  • a powerful sprayer destroys the contents into a fine suspension, which has a damaging effect on the user.

I paid attention to him because of some transcendental con. I decided to try it for myself. The feeling is simply terrible. Of course, I didn’t splash it in the face, I just released a cloud and walked through it, but that was enough. At first everything seems to be fine, but then it immediately starts to sting in the nose, tears come from the eyes, and it takes your breath away. It’s impossible to open your eyes, your eyelids feel like they’re turning to stone. I started coughing and even felt nauseous. I immediately rushed to wash my eyes with milk, but it only cleared up after about 20 minutes, and the residual effects continued for several more hours.

Self-defense product against dogs Peretz 11-A


The shocking effect will not leave a chance for the unexpected enemy. The name is chosen perfectly: hot pepper concentrate, when it gets on the skin and mucous membranes, can cause a high burning sensation. The attacker, who suddenly becomes a victim himself, loses orientation in space and arrives on the verge of a severe state of shock.

Jet departure2.5 m
Temperature rangefrom -20 to +40°C

Price tag: from 535 to 780 rubles.

  • instant and long-term effect (severe irritation of the skin and mucous membranes lasts for about 30-40 minutes);
  • salvo with a large dispersion spot (easy to deal with several targets);
  • high range (up to 2.5 meters).
  • not found.

I tested the effects of Shock on myself. As I was rushing to work and rushing up flights of stairs, I instinctively started looking for my perfume in my bag so I could apply the scent on the go. She tilted her head towards the bag and gave it a good spray right in her face. For the first second, there really was a shock, as if an electric shock had struck me. In the second second, braking reaction. Beginning to realize the cause of the state of shock, my legs carried me out into the street at the speed of light. There was a severe cough and a burn throughout the nasopharynx.

Shock pepper spray

Hot pepper

One of the oldest developments specializing in the production of self-defense products. The hot pepper has been produced since 2009 and has been popular. And in 2012, it lost important changes in the external design and in the stimulus formulation. Capsaicin has become cleaner, and the sprayed liquid is correspondingly better colored, the contact patch is larger (up to 60 cm at a distance of 2 m) and the spray in the air is smaller. The developers decided to increase the force of pressing the feed button. Subsequently, security and efficiency of use increased.

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Viewgas aerosol
Jet range2-3 m
Temperature rangefrom -10 to +55°C

Price: from 250 to 550 rubles.

  • comfortable grip and correct placement of the thumb on the trigger;
  • thin spray (no side splashing);
  • long shelf life (36 months).
  • not suitable for repelling a pack of dogs (the jet hits only one object).

Recently, when I was returning home in the evening, an attack was committed, and the remedy helped me quickly neutralize the attacker. The product completely justified itself: it instantly caused a coughing attack, the active substance also got into the eyes of the attacker, disorienting him. I managed to escape. Now I will never part with him.

Pepper spray Hot pepper


A very worthy representative with gel-like contents. Unlike jet and aerosol sprayers, the device is considered more effective: the gel is made using hot pepper concentrate. Once on the skin, it envelops the affected area and begins to act immediately, irritating the integument and mucous membranes. It is not easy to get rid of it and the likelihood of continued pursuit or aggressive actions is very small. Effective, inexpensive, and most importantly, safe.

Jet departure3m
Temperature rangefrom -10 to +55°C

Price: from 855 to 1050 rubles.

  • works at any angle of inclination;
  • the gel contains hot pepper extract;
  • the sticky substance allows you to effectively neutralize the enemy, be it an animal or a person.
  • none.

A very active and effective drug that allows you to neutralize attackers. It is convenient to use, because its compact size allows you to carry the bottle in your pocket and not feel any inconvenience. Beautiful design is important, and the bottle attracts attention with its laconicism and style. I’m also pleased with the price, it makes the C360 can affordable. I recommend to everyone

C360 gas cartridge


A jet-type canister capable of causing significant damage to a potential aggressor. Despite the obvious affiliation with jet means, there is some dispersion of the volley (in the documentation the spraying method is indicated -

"wide stream") Coupled with a three-meter range, the “Speech” is a very formidable self-defense weapon, and also at a very affordable price.

Temperature range-10 to +55 °C

Price: from 355 to 685 rubles.

  • contains an irritant used in military and police operations;
  • the jet emission range is three meters;
  • efficiency does not depend on weather conditions.
  • in high concentrations can cause serious harm to health.

Fits perfectly in the hand, as well as in a pocket or small bag, the can (65 ml) is quite easy to use. The emission button reacts very quickly to even the slightest press and activates the mechanism, and the price simply surprised me. I bought the same can for my wife. Now I am confident in her complete safety.

Epee spray can for self-defense


Black is considered a combination of jet and aerosol spraying. This combination is only beneficial - the effect of use is excellent. It is comfortable to use both at a long distance against one aggressor, and at close range, if there are two or more targets. Thanks to the action of pepper spray and tear gas, the impact of which lasts for at least half an hour, ensuring protection is a matter of just pressing a button.

Range2-3 m
Operating temperature rangefrom -10 to +55°C

Cost: from 515 to 785 rubles.

  • composition containing tear gas;
  • combined action of two types of spraying (jet and aerosol);
  • high range (up to three meters).
  • there is a chance that you yourself will fall into the zone of action of a cloud of caustic suspension.

I used a model with a volume of 25 ml. The compact size made it possible to carry the gas canister in your purse, which should be considered a big plus. A stream of the drug hit the attacker’s eyes, he instantly stopped seeing, and I was able to continue on my way unhindered. Satisfied with this model.

Black gas spray

Pfeffer Ko Jek

It was developed for the needs of the German police and has characteristics exceeding ordinary civil defense equipment. The main advantage of the gel version is its exceptional range: it is capable of removing danger from a distance of up to 6 m. The product has all the advantages over the gas version - no respiratory effect, the possibility of use indoors, trouble-free operation in the wind or during rain.

Jet departure3 - 3.5 m
Temperature rangefrom -10 to +55°C

Price category: from 1300 to 1850 rubles.

  • high quality pepper irritant and rapid deprivation of the ability to display physical aggression;
  • convenient housing (reliable high-frequency valve and a clip for fastening on a belt or pocket);
  • universal volume (40 ml is enough for several uses).

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  • inconvenient for girls - they won’t wear it on a belt, and the clip interferes with carrying it in a bag;
  • rarely found on sale.

I purchased a can and decided to try it for myself. The first feeling was as if sand had gotten into my eyes. Then the eyes closed. Immediately, instinctively, I tried to wipe them with my hands. There was a feeling of something oily on the face, probably it was a solvent. My face and eyes burned badly. I lost my breath, started coughing and choking, but after 10-15 seconds it passed. After about 15 minutes I was able to open my eyes. Can be used indoors.

self-defense spray Pfeffer Ko Jek gas

Which pepper spray is right for YOU and will solve YOUR problem?

Confident in your skills and reactions? Feel free to choose the best-selling spray - a similar composition is used by police from around the world.

Do you always forget your pepper spray at home when you go out? A spray keychain will suit you and will always be with you.

Are you afraid of strangers in the elevator? — Drops of the spray can fly away and harm you. But pepper gel is ideal for any enclosed space.

Are you a fragile girl and want your protection to not attract too much attention? A spray is suitable for you - “lipstick”, which is impossible to recognize when closed.

Is there simply not enough space for a spray can in a small women's handbag? Choose the most compact, stylish and elegant of all. It is only enough for 6 uses, but it will fit even in the smallest clutch.

Want something more powerful than just a can? You need a pepper spray gun that shoots 10 meters

Have you already understood what you need and know what to expect from such a means of self-defense? Then go straight to the TOP 9.

Tips for choosing

When deciding which canister to purchase, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Damaging substance. Contains a mixture of hot pepper. This option is considered more famous in our country. Asphyxiating gas and tear gas are available. But most often, combinations of the above components are presented on the market.
  • Spray range. An equally important criterion. Keeping the aggressor at a distance will change the course of the entire situation. The further away the attacker is, the higher the chances of maintaining health and life intact.
  • Volume. Often the market offers bottles from 25 to 100 ml. In fact, the smaller, the more convenient it is to carry. But there is one thing - the amount of the substance should not be limited, because you may not have enough to eliminate potential attackers at once.
  • Mechanical damage. Carefully inspect the bottle to ensure it is intact and undamaged. The spray button must be intact. If you do not comply, then at the moment of urgent need you may encounter a malfunction of the spray can.

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