Traumatic pistol Groza-03: technical characteristics, performance characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

According to its purpose, traumatic weapons are primarily created for civil self-defense, so their dimensions should be smaller than those of combat weapons. But, despite this, pistols and revolvers, similar in size to military weapons, are very popular among buyers. The Groza-03 traumatic pistol evolved from Groza-02 by increasing its size.

Is barrel length important when choosing a trauma weapon?

Why do many gun lovers choose dimensional trauma? The point here is not that such weapons exert more intimidation on the attacker. It all lies in the practical side of the issue.

The fact is that gunpowder in traumatic cartridges burns very slowly than gunpowder in live ammunition. To get all the power from the charge, you need to give more acceleration to the charge, which is why you need a long barrel. Of course, increasing the barrel without increasing the overall dimensions is impossible.

You can get used to the high trauma and high weight, but what about concealed carry? The fact is that, in the case of a small physique, it will not be possible to carry such a weapon covertly, and this is one of the main guarantees of effective self-defense.

On the other hand, a long barrel is very useful in sports shooting, where such a pistol is so often used. Thanks to this, the energy and speed of the bullet increases, it is less influenced by the wind, so it flies further and better. That is why for sports shooting it is better to use traumatic guns, which are close in size to combat weapons.

But the length of the barrel should not be determined as the most important criterion when choosing a trauma weapon. The fact is that a long barrel allows you to improve the effectiveness of both weak and strong cartridges. If in the first case there is nothing critical, then in the second case a shot at the attacker can become critical for him. In this case, the owner of a traumatic pistol cannot avoid problems with the law.

To sum up the review in conversation about the length of the barrel, we can say that this is an important parameter, but not decisive, and moreover, it can have a negative impact on the owner. The main thing you should pay attention to in this situation is the design of the barrel; the entire effectiveness of the gun depends on it.

Advantages of the model

The revolver has average (one might even say standard) dimensions, thanks to which it fits perfectly into a holster and does not create any discomfort for the civilian who operates the weapon.

As mentioned earlier, traumatic ammunition of 9 mm caliber is used as cartridges. Thanks to such ammunition, the user of the weapon (if appropriate situations arise) has the right to use the weapon and provide an effective response.

By the way, the use of a pistol provides not only self-defense when attacked by criminal elements, but also when attacked by dangerous animals. In other cases, we recall, when the use of traumatic weapons is not regulated by regulatory documents, the use of traumatic weapons is prohibited.

Thanks to some of its qualities, the “P-03C” model of the serial model range of “Groza” revolvers for traumatic purposes becomes a very valuable weapon, which, by the way, can be used not only for defense purposes, but also for sporting purposes. For example, for sports target shooting. These properties include the classic appearance of a pistol, the balance of a revolver, as well as an excellent combination of shooting and ballistic parameters (dimensions - power - accuracy). Thanks to everything previously mentioned, the “P-03C” model can rightfully be called a unique and versatile weapon.

What kind of barrels does Groza-03 have?

This type of weapon has 4 barrel options. There is no point in dwelling on each in detail; they can be combined into two groups. The first will include 3 trunks, which are popularly called “toothed trunks.” They have a very primitive design: to limit the firing of live ammunition, two simple barriers are installed here. Three modifications of such a barrel, as a rule, changed in shape and size.

The most interesting option for buyers is the Groza-031 pistol. The barrel design here is based on the V4 and is called Evo; the engineers managed to improve all the performance characteristics of such a barrel. There are no barriers here. Firing with live ammunition is not allowed due to an interesting idea: the chamber and barrel are on different axes. But the main feature of such trunks is the longitudinal valleys, which are located inside the trunk to weaken it. The shooting performance with such a barrel is much more effective even than barrels with a smooth design.

The spread of bullets at the Evo barrel is much lower than those guns whose barrels have various obstacles. In addition, the accuracy of hits is much higher than that of all smooth-bore pistols, which use higher quality ammunition. Groza-031 has high bullet energy. This is achieved due to the fact that the cartridge itself does not deform during firing due to the absence of obstacles in the barrel, and also, due to the increased length, the speed of the bullet increases.

When reviewing this weapon, some attention should be paid to the appearance of the muzzle. It looks like a full-fledged combat pistol. Of course, during an attack, the enemy most likely will not look at it, and it will not be possible to do this in poor lighting, but if you look at it carefully, the desire to attack will clearly decrease. Therefore, appearance also plays a certain role.


“Groza” is a pistol using 9 mm PA caliber cartridges. Today, this traumatic cartridge with various energies is the cheapest and therefore the most widespread. The “Groza” series pistols are suitable for cartridges of various energy sources from different manufacturers. The weapon uses gas and rubber cartridges.

To choose the type of cartridge, you need to know the purpose of its use. It must be taken into account that the higher the bullet speed, the lower the accuracy of fire. In this regard, sports cartridges have lower energy than standard ones.

According to the conditions of certification of Russian weapons, when sold, pistols are equipped with a magazine capacity limiter of up to ten rounds. By registering the purchased weapon, the owner has the opportunity to remove the limiter and increase the magazine capacity of the Thunderstorm-03 pistol to 17 rounds, and in other models - up to 15.

In order to increase ammunition, the owner of a pistol can purchase additional magazines for his weapon.

Appearance Groza-031

I would like to say that outwardly Groza-03 and 031 are in no way different. The only difference is the markings on the gun body.

The body of this pistol is made entirely of high-strength steel. The only plastic elements are the brushes on the grip, which are made for the convenience of the shooter so that it does not slip out of the hand while using this pistol. Most manufacturers of trauma weapons use plastic for the body to reduce the overall weight of the weapon. It would be logical to make a pistol plastic when using powerful cartridges, but the Groza-031 pistol goes against all principles. Such a weapon, made of metal, looks very solid in the eyes of the enemy and is intimidating.

Despite all the advantages of appearance, there are also disadvantages. They relate to the angularity of the design, which negatively affects the ergonomics of the pistol grip. As a rule, this drawback can be solved by simply replacing the inserts on the handles with better and more comfortable ones. Of course, this won’t make it ideally comfortable, but you can choose the inserts specifically for your hand, and then you’ll just need to get used to it over time.

Despite the angularity, no elements of the body cling to clothing when removing the pistol. In addition, the Groza-03 holster simplifies the carrying and removal of the pistol, and is made to suit all the design features of the gun. For appearance and convenience, this weapon gets a B, albeit with a minus.

Weapon material

“Groza” is a pistol developed on the basis of service and combat weapons with a caliber of 9x17 and 9x18 mm. The assembly of these weapons is carried out using the same elements and parts that are used for service and combat types of pistols. The exception is the barrel, which is specially adapted for shooting rubber bullets.

The material from which the frame is made can be steel or polymer. This does not in any way affect the strength characteristics of the pistol. Most modern types of non-combat weapons are manufactured using polymer materials, which is justified for several reasons:

  • this allows for a significant reduction in the weight of pistols;
  • Comfort is achieved with constant wearing;
  • the price of the product is greatly reduced;
  • a polymer frame is more aesthetically pleasing;
  • polymer frame makes it possible to use replaceable attachments on the handle and attachments;
  • the polymer is not subject to corrosion;
  • such a frame does not change its geometry when a compression force is applied to it, since it is more durable.

How can I improve this pistol?

There is no room for the owner's imagination to run wild. Standard finishing includes grinding all active parts that are subject to maximum load. Everyone knows how this is done, because this procedure is used in almost all types of trauma.

Particular attention should be paid to the return spring of the pistol. The fact is that it is designed to use powerful cartridges, however, as mentioned above, the use of such charges is fraught with danger for the owner of the weapon, since the shots can become critical for the attacker. Using weak cartridges is impossible with such a spring; it simply will not bring the bolt to the desired position. To fix this problem, just install a softer spring.

It is also possible to use a standard spring, but then it is better to use medium-power cartridges. In this case, the number of failures is reduced to a minimum, the released energy remains at an acceptable level.

Assembly/disassembly, warranties and additions

The sequence for disassembling the pistol is as follows:

remove magazine; move the fuse to the off position; twist the bolt to make sure there is no cartridge in the chamber; Press the slide stop axis from right to left and remove it from the frame; Pull the bolt back all the way and lift its rear part from the guides; remove the bolt from the barrel, carefully pushing it forward; pull out the return spring.

The reverse sequence is used when assembling the pistol.

When purchasing a Thunderstorm pistol, the price of which varies depending on the model from 27 to 36 thousand rubles, it is supplemented with an annual manufacturer’s warranty, which has no restrictions on the number of shots fired.

The delivery set includes the weapon itself, an instruction manual and a cleaning rod.

Additionally purchased:

  • fuses, springs, guides, magazines and other elements;
  • artistic wood trim for 02 and 03 models;
  • plastic overlays for weapons of models 04 and 05 to adapt the handle individually to the owner’s hand.

What cartridges does Groza-031 use?

There are no problems with cartridges in this pistol. When shooting, you can use any 9 mm RA cartridges; in this regard, Groza is omnivorous. The only disadvantage, which was mentioned above, is associated with the use of charges that are weak in power.

As a rule, the most powerful cartridges are used for self-defense. The most popular loads for this pistol are Magnum from AKBS, Lethal+ from KSPZ and the same Magnum with a hard bullet, which are used for shooting from Tanfolgio Inna.

Do not forget that before you trust your protection to certain cartridges, you need to test them at the shooting range. It is enough to shoot through two or three magazines to understand whether it will be convenient for you to use such cartridges or not. As a rule, such a sighting will also allow us to identify possible defects in the purchased gun. Of course, this does not happen often, but you will know that your weapon is probably free of any manufacturing defects.


The design of the pistol is very, very reliable. Which, in turn, allows you to fire 6 shots, each of which will be carried out. It should be noted that due to some design features, as well as technical aspects, the reliability of shots does not depend on the quality of the cartridges used as ammunition. Automation also does not affect the reliability of the weapon, and this cannot but be noted as an obvious advantage of the series model.

The reloading process occurs very quickly, which allows you to quickly replace cartridges and continue continuous shooting at targets. This was largely possible thanks to the use of special clips (they are also called clips). Each clip allows you to place up to 6 rounds of various types of 9mm caliber.

To remove spent cartridges, as well as insert new cartridges into the clip, just press the drum extractor just once. It is worth noting that the factory equipment here is similar to that of the Groza R-02S. That is, the revolver itself also comes with two clips.


What conclusion can be drawn from the review of the Groza-031 weapon? With the Evo barrel design, or original version, this pistol is very reliable, efficient and durable. This weapon has many advantages, although it is not without its disadvantages: impressive dimensions, weight, angular design. This weapon can easily claim to be one of the best in the trauma category. If you want to be sure of your own safety, then for self-defense you need to purchase it.


  • Any 9 mm PA cartridges are used;
  • 207 millimeters in length;
  • 135 millimeters - barrel length;
  • 131 millimeters in height;
  • 32 millimeters wide;
  • The weight of the unloaded pistol is 860 grams;
  • The magazine holds 15 rounds.


To zero a pistol, it is better to give the weapon to a specialist, since for this procedure it must be secured in the machine or shots must be fired from a hard stop. Shooting during zeroing should be carried out from a five-meter distance at a 30-centimeter target with cartridges having an energy of 50 J.

The general rules for shooting are as follows:

  1. If, during zeroing, the bullet deviates to the right or left horizontally, then you need to simultaneously shift the front sight in the direction of the bullet deflection and the rear sight in the opposite direction, selecting the amount of displacement experimentally.
  2. If the bullet deviates downwards from the target, there is a high probability of poor shooting skill.
  3. If, with good skills, the bullet still deflects downwards, then a smaller front sight and a larger rear sight are installed using the selection method. If it's up, it's the other way around.

Responsibility for violations and obtaining permission to carry

It should be noted that the legislation of the Russian Federation, namely Article No. 222 of the Criminal Code, states that there is no criminal liability for improper implementation of the rules for carrying, storing and purchasing traumatic civilian weapons.

These violations are administrative and are punishable by a fine. In rare cases, administrative arrest.

Permission to carry traumatic weapons

Since the Groza-02 pistol is a civilian firearm with limited action (traumatic), a special license (permit) is required to purchase, carry and store it. Which is issued by supervisory authorities in a certain order.

The procedure for obtaining a permit to carry weapons:

  • undergo a medical examination;
  • collect and submit documents to the Department of Licensing and Permitting;
  • undergo testing at a special training center;
  • attend an appointment with the local police officer and obtain a permission signature from him;
  • pay the state fee.

A medical examination includes a visit to a psychiatrist, narcologist, ophthalmologist and local therapist. Permits for traumatic weapons will not be issued to those who are registered in a psychoneurological or drug treatment clinic.

Examinations by an ophthalmologist are also not just for show.

To obtain a traumatic weapon, you need to collect and submit the following documents to the licensing department:

  • application in the prescribed form indicating the type of weapon;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • certificate 046-1;
  • 2 photographs size 3x4;
  • referral to weapons handling courses;
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee for permission to wear traumatic clothing;
  • referral to the local police officer.

To obtain a certificate of completion of weapons handling courses, you must come with a referral in hand to a special training center. It teaches the skills of safe use of trauma for self-defense.

It is worth noting that not everyone will be able to obtain permission to carry a traumatic weapon. The following persons will receive a guaranteed refusal:

  • under 18 years of age;
  • with an outstanding criminal record;
  • who were brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order;
  • with significant deviations in mental and physical health.

Pistol Groza-021 chrome plated - complete set

The purchase of traumatic weapons should be approached with special care.

Gun Thunder

Weapons have always been a fascination, and when buying a gun for pleasure, you should remember that this is a weapon and it is dangerous. When purchasing an injury for specific needs, you should also remember all the rules for its use and storage.

And don’t forget that the best weapon is the one that didn’t fire.


Any weapon sooner or later needs cleaning or repair of components. Cleaning can be done using a brush or rag. The rag is put on a loop of wire and threaded through the barrel and absorbs gun oil. When cleaning, it is important to go over the groove area where dirt and oil can accumulate.

A brush is an option for cleaning barrels without welded inserts.

Repairs are carried out directly by the manufacturer with the damaged components sent to him at the place where the weapon was purchased.

What could go wrong?

Additionally, gardeners note the following circumstances:

  • If there are a lot of slugs, especially if they are large, then it is unpleasant to see the bodies of dead mollusks scattered around the area. And the invasion of the Spanish slug, 15 cm long, has already reached Russia.
  • A lack of pesticide can lead to the persistence of pest populations, and an excess is unsafe. A particular threat is created by the heap placement of the product.
  • Dead shellfish, covered with granules containing poison, can poison predators, including domestic animals.

Therefore, it was proposed to scatter “Groza-3” not on the soil, but in the middle part of the substrates with an area of ​​​​a quarter square. m or more. On top you need a shelter made of a similar material that isolates the drug and attracts slugs. It is convenient if the material is flammable (for example, it is pieces of cardboard or roofing felt), then all residues are disposed of by burning.

Regulations for the use of Groza-3, G in private farming

Norm of use of the drugCulture, processed objectHarmful objectMethod, processing time, application featuresWaiting period (multiplicity of processing)Output deadlines for manual (mechanical) work
7 g/10 m2 (L)Vegetables, berries, ornamental crops, grapesSlugs, snails Sieving of granules on 4 bait areas measuring 0.25 m2, located on 10 m2 of protected area-(3)1(-)
30 g/10 m2 (L)Vegetables, berries, ornamental, fruit and citrus crops, grapesGastropods (slugs, snails) without relatively specific species Sifting on the surface of the soil between rows and paths-(1)1(-)
7 g/10 m2 (L)Fruit and citrus cropsGastropods (slugs, snails) without relatively specific species Sowing of granules on 4 bait areas measuring 0.25 m2, located on 10 m2 of protected area (preventing the granules from getting on the protected plants.

Interval between treatments 7-14 days



one active ingredient, the content is halved due to innovative distribution technology in granules; it works perfectly in humid conditions and in the rain it is allowed for organic farming

Why and where to use it

for the control of snails and slugs on vegetables, berries, ornamental crops, grapes

How to use the drug

ready for use - two methods to choose from: scatter granules on the surface of the soil around plants, in places where pests accumulate and move, 30 g per 10 sq.m, spread on a bed, in a flower garden in the form of bait areas, 7 g per 10 sq.m

Action and result

contact-intestinal effect granules attract slugs and snails pests eat the bait or crawl through the spilled preparation and die protective effect for at least 2 weeks


Sighting is carried out before using a new or repaired weapon. To do this, a target (diameter of at least 300 mm) is installed at a certain distance (about 5 meters). The pistol is mounted on a special machine. Thus, zeroing serves to adjust the relative position of the sight and target. This will help the shooter aim in real conditions with minimal deviations. At home or in the field, shooting a pistol is quite problematic, and as a rule, it is simply not necessary. If you find yourself in a situation where such a measure becomes necessary, I recommend turning to professionals.

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