E-100 - German heavy tank level 10 WOT

Good day everyone and welcome to aces.gg! We will now talk about an unshakable German stronghold, a real stronghold of steel and firepower, a heavy tank of the tenth level of Germany, in front of you E 100 guide


Needless to say, this device is the target of many tankers; it is in the hangar of most veterans of our favorite game, because E 100 World of Tanks

is a truly powerful vehicle that can influence the outcome of a battle, but to do this you must know your tank and be able to take advantage of its advantages.

TTX E 100

As often happens, first of all it is worth saying that we have at our disposal not the largest, but a very significant margin of safety and, no less important, a good basic overview of 400 meters.

Needless to say, the E 100 has characteristics

bookings are excellent and survivability potential is very high. Let's start with the fact that the tower in the frontal projection has a thickness of 250 millimeters, but the 30-degree inclination of the frontal plate increases this figure to 289 millimeters; some PT-10s or with the help of gold can penetrate us here.

Regarding the hull, it makes no sense for this German to shoot at the VLD, since this is an E 100 tank

in real life it is about 440 millimeters, not counting the additional rotation of the body and other things. But the NLD in our case is very vulnerable, its thickness is only 230 millimeters, so it needs to be hidden in any situation.

In addition, there are two more vulnerable spots in the frontal projection: • A small strip on the roof of the tower (painted orange on the model's frame) has a thickness of 250 millimeters; • The base of the tower does not have slopes, so the armor here is also 250 millimeters, enemies falling here can cause damage.

Now let's pay attention to the sides, which are also very thick on our giant. If the heavy German tank E 100

shows the side at an angle from behind the building, while hiding the NLD; the reduction here also exceeds 400 millimeters, even with a slight additional rotation. In addition, there is a screen along the entire side, which serves as excellent protection against any cumulative projectiles.

But as you all understand, you have to pay for such impressive weapons, and mobility becomes the price. Maximum speed for E 100 World of Tanks

low, the ratio of horsepower per ton of weight is weak and we also spin very slowly.

Side penetration

Breaking through E100 from the side is not the easiest task. The entire side part is almost completely covered with a large and thick armor plate. Therefore, you need to look for other options, the best of which would be the gap between the hull and the turret - there is a minimum layer of armor, which is incredibly thin. Therefore, penetration in this zone will not be a problem at all. The problem is getting exactly where you are aiming, because one centimeter lower and you will already hit a thick armor plate that you are guaranteed not to penetrate.


The situation with weapons in the case of this giant is very interesting, the gun available to us is excellent and powerful, but not everything is so simple, now you will understand everything yourself.

The fact is that after pumping out and purchasing a heavy tank E 100

, you don't get it in the top configuration. The initially installed gun does not have enough one-time damage, and although the DPM is almost as good as the top gun, and also has more comfortable accuracy, you won’t be able to get all the pleasure from playing with this gun. But it’s worth saying that you can play with it quite well, it’s quite decent.

But it’s much nicer when there’s a gun on the E 100

It costs top-end, because it has a truly powerful alpha strike and even a long reload will not prevent you from inflicting about 2250 units of pure damage per minute.

If we talk about the penetration of our gun, it is good, it is enough for most situations, but for head-on collisions with enemy heavy weapons it is not enough. For such cases, the E 100 WoT tank

should have about 15 cumulative shells with you, just remember that you cannot shoot them at tracks and screens, try to target vulnerable areas.

It is quite obvious that for the opportunity to knock out more than 700 points of strength from an enemy tank, you have to sacrifice accuracy. This means that the E 100 World of Tanks

large spread, long mixing, but apparently due to poor mobility, and also provided that the equipment and perks are correctly selected, the stabilization at our disposal is quite good and there is no great discomfort.

Yes, by the way, heavy tank E 100

has rather mediocre elevation angles, the gun bends down by 7 degrees, this is not so little, but in some cases it can get in the way.

Breaking through the diamond

So, now you know where to punch the E100 tank when meeting it head-on. However, not all collisions look this way. Sometimes you can meet, as gamers say, when posing “in a diamond.” This means that the enemy tank will stand half-turn towards you. And here there are certain advantages that you should take into account when fighting. However, first of all you need to consider the strip on top of the tower, since it will still be visible. However, please note that its visibility will be slightly worse than when meeting face to face. Accordingly, it becomes even more difficult to hit, so you should only think about this if you have a fairly tall tank (so that the strip does not disappear from view in close combat due to the difference in the size of the vehicles), and also enough courage to get close to this tank. After all, people who know how to play E100 are unlikely to just let you in.

Advantages and disadvantages

I think everyone understands that we are now talking about a really strong and powerful tank, however, the truth lies in the details. To play E 100 World of Tanks

It’s really good to be able to influence the outcome of the battle; you need to clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of the machine.

Pros: • Large margin of safety and good visibility; • Excellent all-round booking; • Screened sides; • Powerful one-time damage; • Very large ammunition capacity. Disadvantages: • Presence of weak zones in the frontal armor (especially NLD); • Large dimensions of the tank; • Poor mobility; • Mediocre accuracy of the top gun; • Not the best vertical aiming angles.

Equipment for E 100

Among the shortcomings of our tank there are points that can and should be corrected by installing additional modules. In addition, it never hurts to improve the existing strengths of the heavy lifting and you need to do all this wisely. So that you don’t rack your brains for a long time, the equipment for the E 100 tank

should be set in this form: 1. – our damage per minute is not that high, and it’s trivial to implement such a powerful alpha, we want to do it as often as possible. 2. – the accuracy of the gun leaves much to be desired, and as mentioned above, improving stabilization allows this to be corrected at least partially. 3. – will give an increase to such important parameters as rate of fire, aiming speed and visibility, what could be better?

However, despite all the benefits of the third module, there is a good and reasonable replacement for it -. The fact is that due to the huge dimensions and poor mobility along the E 100

Artillery loves to shoot, and the enemy, who cannot penetrate us, also loves to load landmines. By installing this module, we partially extend our life, and in this case it’s more pleasant to go for a ram.


• An excellent top-end weapon with one-time damage of 750 units.

The armor penetration of this AP gun is low, only 235 mm, but on the KS it reaches 330 mm. Such armor penetration allows the tank to inflict damage on any target that the E-100 encounters along the way, and the damage will be colossal. The E-100 is the only TT-10 that opponents, even the most durable ones, are afraid to fly. The DPM of a top gun with full pumping and equipment can even reach 3000 units;

• One of the best armor in the game allows the E-100 to feel like a real tough guy.

The strong turret and VLD do not allow shells to pass through. Of course, the tower can absorb shells with a penetration of 260+, but by setting the right angle, it becomes invulnerable. The only weak point of the tank in the forehead is the NLD, which is quite large and also, perhaps, the upper part of the turret forehead, where there is a small 160 mm strip, but it is almost impossible to get there. The sides of the tank have thick screens that often absorb not only CS, but also armor-piercing shells;

• High safety margin – 2600 units. This is perhaps the highest strength indicator. Here the E-100 is second only to the Maus and the Japanese Type 5 Heavy. This allows him to survive a huge number of hits;

• Not a bad speed for a tank weighing 130 tons – 30 km/h maximum forward. Keeps the tank's speed stable, especially on hard ground;

• The tank also has a large ammunition supply - 50 shells, and this allows its driver to take land mines, AP and KS without fear - they will never run out, because the E-100 with such a reserve can theoretically shoot all 15 enemy tanks.

Crew training

Another very effective way to improve the initial characteristics of a tank, which you should definitely use, especially when it comes to top-end equipment. In the case of E 100 perks

are pumped up in order to improve the survivability of the tank in every possible way, increase its firepower, and also influence several other important parameters, that is, the pumping scheme is as follows: • Commander – , , , . • Gunner – , , , . • Driver mechanic - , , , . • Radio operator – , , , . • Charger – , , , . • Charger – , , , .

My choice:

Selection of equipment for E100

Regarding assemblies on E100 . For a 12.8 cm gun: try, if possible, to take only equipment for firepower:

Otherwise, such an assembly does not make too much sense, although you can install Improved hardening:

For a 15 cm gun: the gameplay is leisurely, so you don’t have to rush. Assembly with equipment for survivability is a priority here:

Well, if you’re also fed up with the artillery, and the men with landmines won’t let you tank, then feel free to take Anti-Shrapnel Lining to boot:

Equipment for E 100

Before you go into battle, you must remember that you have a real heavy tank in your hands, which often has to take a lot of damage, and in order to add to your life, as well as increase the benefits of being in battle, it is better to carry E 100 equipment

from , , , where, if there is a sufficient amount of silver, the last item can be replaced by . But when playing on this German, the costs are often high and periodically the reserves of silver credits begin to run out, in such situations you can buy, , .

Tactics for playing E 100

The tank we are talking about now is a real rock, it is created in order to “absorb” a lot of damage with the least harm to itself, and, accordingly, to the entire team. In addition, we have excellent weapons at our disposal, but the main disadvantage is mobility, for this reason on the E 100 tactics

combat comes down to choosing one flank with the aim of protecting it from the enemy and/or further pushing through.

So, you must choose the directions for attack in advance, while the report is going on before the start of the battle. At the same time, make sure that when you reach the desired point, according to your E 100 World of Tanks

artillery could not fire and you had a place where you could stand on which you could hide your vulnerable zones and tank, “absorb” the damage, enjoy the sounds of ricochets and your importance in the battle.

Let me remind you that for more efficient tanking, the German heavy tank E 100

must hide the NLD, and also constantly dance (move back and forth, wiggle the body left and right) to make it more difficult for opponents to target the base of the tower, cheeks, and roof bar.
The ideal option would be tanking on the side, while the frontal projection of the E 100 WoT
should be hidden behind some obstacle, and the turret should stand level, forming a monolithic wall together with the hull.

As soon as the enemy or opponents fire at you, we calmly move forward, target the weak spot in the armor of the most impudent one and knock out 750 units of safety from his carcass with our cumulative force. If shooting cumulative shells is too expensive for you, the E 100 tank

is capable of causing damage with armor-piercing blanks, but in such cases you need to aim even more carefully.

At the same time, you must remember to monitor the mini-map and the situation around you, beware of artillery, try not to let anyone on board and don’t let yourself get caroused. Remember, E 100 World of Tanks

- this is a very strong machine, but one in the field is not a warrior, superior numbers of opponents will always gain the upper hand, so it is always better to act in tandem with one or more allies.

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