What happens inside a tank when armor is penetrated by different types of shells

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Backstory here-

Not long ago, a dispute broke out. The fact is that your humble servant allowed himself to express the seditious thought that the German model of 1941 had more tanks than is generally believed. Including through captured Soviet-made tanks.

This position aroused the anger of many book literate people, who, referring to recognized authorities, simply threw numbers at them, spat on them and were rude... Politeness in posts is often not the lot of our bloggers.

It turns out that the Germans are complete idiots. Well, either the idiots were unable to repair Soviet equipment due to the lack of spare parts, and also because of the IMPERFECTIONS OF SOVIET EQUIPMENT (one might think that they and the French-English had this technology perfect). Well, the most “terrible reason” for the Nazis not to use our equipment is the lack of solariums in the German army... (I won’t comment on this, as well as some “friendly” fire on the silhouette of captured tanks, or in other words, they hit their own people. they beat their own people always and everywhere if the organization was bad)

Let me, between the lines, advise you not to write on the forum - forum.worldoftanks.ru or as it is also called amongst themselves - WORLD OF TANKS. The thing is that the administrators there are young idiots and louts recruited by casting))). If they don’t like you, they cynically organize persecution against you. The methods are very nasty, dirty and without choice of expressions. At the same time, these boys and girls recruited by casting consider themselves unrecognized talents. Poor fellows, the generation of DOM2, energonizers and pokemons...

But let's get back to the tanks.

And yet more and more photo facts appear.

Including how they used tanks captured in Europe. Somehow the use of captured equipment, namely tanks of France and especially England, is not modestly kept silent.

As for the Soviet tanks captured in 1941, the following figures are imposed from 100 to 300 units. Although they captured more than 14 thousand armored vehicles.

It turns out that the Germans were either stupid or mismanagement.

I repeat - Lately, more and more photographs from the albums of veterans exhibited by their descendants have appeared on the Internet. Please note that all the equipment was captured not in museums, but on the battlefields! Here are a few photos of facts that make you think that not all the secrets of the war have yet been revealed.

A self-propelled gun based on a captured T-26 with a French cannon Schneider Canon de 75 modele 1897, destroyed by Soviet troops in 1944 on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia. Destroyed 7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 97/38(f) auf Pz.740(r) in Estonia, 1944.

captured Spanish armored car AAC-1937, destroyed by Soviet troops in 1941 trophy Spanish Autoametralladora 1937 armored car, destroyed in 1941

throphy French Panhard Р204(f) recaptured by the Soviets in 1944 captured French Panhard Р204(f) railway, 1944

The former Soviet Sherman - Panzerkampfwagen M4 748(a) destroyed in Latvia, 1944 Soviet Sherman M4A2, knocked out and captured by the Germans, destroyed again in Latvia 1944

The former British Stuart - Panzerkampfwagen M3 740(a) The former British M3 Stuart, shot down by the Red Army in Estonia in 1944

Kreuzer Panzerkampfwagen Mk.IV 744(e) - captured British cruising tanks A-13 Mk II, destroyed by Soviet troops in 1941 near Brest I wonder where they got spare parts for it? trophy British cruiser tanks A-13 Mk.II captured in Africa and destroyed at the eastern front in 1941

shot down in September 1941 - Frank in the service of the Wehrmacht... I wonder where they got the spare parts for it?

Frenchman in Russia - B-1bis in service with the Wehrmacht. Ukraine, 1941.

Captured French tank Somua S35 from the 204th German tank regiment (Pz.Rgt.204) in Crimea. 1942.

ft-17 Another Frenchman

Captured Soviet light tanks in the Wehrmacht

Soviet light armor in German service

captured light tank T-70 and German prisoners German POWs and recaptured Panzerkampfwagen T-70 743(r) near Kiev

destroyed light tank T-26 Panzerkampfwagen T-26C 740(r)

light tank BT-7 Panzerkampfwagen BT 742(r)

captured tank T-26 Panzerkampfwagen T-26C 740(r)

broken light tank T-60 in captivity Panzerkampfwagen T-60 743(r)

light swimming tank T-37A destroyed light tank T-37A, 1943

Soviet T-34 tanks in the Wehrmacht

Soviet T-34 in German service — Panzerkampfwagen T-34 747(r)

The Germans actively used captured Soviet (especially T-34) and other equipment.

destroyed captured T-34-76 tanks in 1942 destroyed Panzerkampfwagen T-34 747(r)

Ultimately, all the equipment captured by the Germans was beaten back or destroyed by the Red Army

captured T-34 tank with a torn turret

“German” T-34 knocked out at Prokhorovka in 1943broken captured T-34

Destroyed T-34 medium tank

broken T-34 model 1940 early Panzerkampfwagen T-34 747(r) destroyed

Soviet armored vehicles in the Wehrmacht

Soviet heavy armor in German service

Much of the Soviet equipment was captured, unsurprisingly, early in the war.

captured tank KV-1 Panzerkampfwagen KV-IA 753(r)

destroyed KV-1 heavy tanks Panzerkampfwagen KV-IA 753(r)

Soviet armored cars and armored tractors in the service of the Germans

Soviet armored cars and tracktors in German service

Damaged "German" BA-10 armored car Panzerspahwagen BA-10 203(r)

tractor T-20 Komsomoletz abandoned T-20 Komsomoletz tracktor

A German self-propelled gun with a 37-mm PaK36 based on the captured T-20 Komsomolets tractor, knocked out near Kyiv in 1943. There is an opinion that as a tractor, the Komsomolets would have brought more benefits to its new owners. 3.7cm PaK auf gep Artillerie Schlepper 630(r) — 37mm PaK gun carrier at T-20 Komsomoletz chassis (field modification)

The dispute went like this:

Crueldwarf (01 Jun 2013 - 12:36) wrote:

And to prove the thesis “the Germans used Soviet captured armored vehicles en masse” you need: 1. A German document stating that so many restored Soviet tanks are sent to such and such a combat unit. And there should be more than one such document. 2. A Soviet document stating that such and such a unit was attacked by the enemy using Soviet armored vehicles, a description of the number and types of vehicles is attached. And again, there should be more than one or even two such documents.

In the absence of a large number of similar facts, talk about the fact that the Germans actively used trophies on the Soviet-German front is thoughtful thumb sucking combined with pulling an owl onto a globe. And animal rights activists really don’t like the latter. I feel sorry for the owl.


It’s just a repetition: But respect requires...

So we take captured Soviet tanks, how many of them are there? Well, let's say 2 thousand, well, let's say a thousand. Somewhere, a very naked ass writes that they say (we captured) abandoned and serviceable (Soviet tanks), and chief lieutenants write from the factories that they say they are not serviceable (those captured tanks)... We take the worst option - they are not serviceable - they chatted. NO spare parts. How long can we, with the help of some kind of mother, assemble tanks here and now, through your fashionable word, cannibalism? Let's estimate, two bast shoes to the right, three to the left, beer here, one hundred grams of schnapps here, well, for example, 100 pieces - at least. Do you agree? I think so, this doesn’t contradict your books, does it? Although 300-500 pass there! And so 100 pieces. You are a Fritz, I am a Soviet commander))))) I write in my report and memoirs that in the end I knocked out 300 tanks during the entire battle.. In your memoirs you accuse me of lying - 100 and fuck you! Who's lying? We remember about the 900 unfinished ones!? (In fact, more than 14 thousand) Well, if the field is left to you, then according to the law of war and the genre, the record is long-playing... Do you realize what I’m talking about? The Krauts also counted the downed planes... until they figured out how many destinies had been broken... THERE WERE NO DOCUMENTS)))) and YOU ARE HARD WITHOUT PAPER - SO RIGHT?!



Captured Soviet tank T-26 of the SS division "Totenkopf", bearing the name "Mistbiene"

t34germ1942damaged captured T-34-76 tanks in 1942

broken T-60 light tank in captivity


“On the Soviet-German border there were 1,100 French Hotchkiss N.39 tanks and 730 Renault R tanks in the first and second echelon. 35 and FCM.36, 297 Somme S.35 tanks, and 722 Czechoslovak tanks 360 LT.35, and 352LT.38. Along with them, 179 Hungarian Toldi and LT.38 tanks, 137 Finnish T-26, T-37/38 and Vickers Mk.VIE tanks, 124 Romanian LT.38 and ČKD R.1 tanks took part in the invasion of the Soviet Union. 56 Italian tanks L.3/33 and L.6/40 and 40 Slovak tanks LT.38"

From personal photo archive: destroyed German tanks, 1944 (18+)

Published by: alex_n10

Here are photographs taken by military cameraman Mark Troyanovsky, presumably in Pomerania in 1944. The photographs (negatives) were kept in a personal archive, are now available in the state archive, one of the presented photographs was published in a collection of documents and materials related to the work of M. Troyanovsky “...On a par with the century” (2004), others were never published.

In 1944, the front was rapidly moving west. M. Troyanovsky writes home on July 2, 1944 (text from the collection “...Equal with the Century”): “...So we took Mogilev. Everything happened quickly, like in a fairy tale. For you, who are now accustomed to this, one more fireworks and that’s it! And it's a big event for us. He entered the city while fighting was still going on. Already familiar to me landscapes of fires, destruction and outrages of the Germans. True, this time there is another new detail in the landscape - a very large number of killed Germans. Even driving at first was difficult so as not to drive over bodies...”

July 18, 1944 “... The guys and I don’t know rest. Incredibly, all of Belarus will soon be behind us, and the lair of the enemy, Germany, is approaching...” Soon the film group began working on the territory of East Prussia.

In the photo, with a group of soldiers, is one of the cameramen of the film group, possibly Kotlyarenko. Warning

: Then there are photographs of dead people.

Employees of Troyanovsky’s film group inspect a damaged self-propelled gun (?): .

Operator D. Sholomovich is standing on a self-propelled gun with a camera. I noticed that children were walking around damaged equipment and dead soldiers. To the right of the tank are dead German soldiers (crew?). They are examined by the cameraman and local residents; in many of the photographs, the killed soldiers do not have boots.

The archive contains negatives with close-ups of killed soldiers; out of respect for the dead and for ethical reasons, I am skipping them. General landscape...

All photographs presented were copied from one piece of film, there is also a German military cemetery:

I wonder if anyone can identify what this place is?

Here is a small part of the photographs taken by Troyanovsky while working on the 2nd Belorussian Front. Film materials shot by the cameramen of M. Troyanovsky’s film group were used in the film release “In Pomerania” (1945), directed by V. Belyaev. This film is now available in RGAKFD, No. 5017.

What happens inside a tank when armor is penetrated by different types of shells

Many people do not have a clear understanding of the processes occurring inside the hull of armored vehicles when they are hit by certain types of projectiles, means of destroying enemy personnel, materiel and fortifications, fired (fired) from artillery or other military weapons.

Let's try to figure it out.

1. HEAT projectile.

When a cumulative projectile hits the armor and penetrates it, the main effect is the active influence of the subject on the object, not necessarily obvious or with feedback, the cumulative jet itself, accelerated to ultra-high speeds, has an effect on the space behind the armor.

As a rule, it consists of copper. Eyebrow armor is a protective layer of material that has sufficiently high strength, toughness and other mechanical parameters that are at a high level of indicators, performing in one case or another a function, it continues its movement, incapacitating in military affairs: the method of placing military personnel of formations, weapons and military equipment (troops and forces); composition of the formation. According to the drill regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the mechanisms are inside.

2. Regular armor-piercing

Not currently used, due to ineffectiveness against modern armor, it can have the following meanings: Armor - armor of military vehicles, as well as the process of installing armor on unarmored vehicles. The impact on the armored space of this type is a unit of division of the reality being studied in typology: In biology, a type is understood as several unrelated things: Type (biology) (Latin phylum) - one of the highest ranks of a taxonomic unit is carried out mainly by toponym in Russia: Main - a farm in the Zheleznogorsk district of the Kursk region due to fragments of the armor itself flying inward after being hit.

3. Armor-piercing sub-caliber.

Essentially scrap iron. Thin and very strong. The area of ​​contact with the armor is very small. The Malekaya (tributary of the Lymzha) is a river in the Tomsk region, which means the pressure on the point is large. This is the reason for their increased armor penetration.

It is around the effectiveness of this type of ammunition that supplies, Ammunition, (military term - Cargo 100 [specify]) - a component of weapons and military equipment directly intended to destroy manpower and/or weapons and military equipment. A thin crowbar, even piercing the armor, may not cause damage or disable the equipment. You can only count on hitting an important mechanical unit, which will cause it to break.

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