New rules for transporting weapons and ammunition in a car for Russians

Today, every motorist is not immune from aggressive actions by intruders and even criminals. Therefore, the issue of driver self-defense does not lose its relevance even now. To feel protected, a person driving has the right to carry and use certain means.

At the same time, it is important for the motorist to have a clear understanding of which means are permitted by law and which are not. Otherwise, there is a risk of being prosecuted. Therefore, before deciding to purchase any type of weapon, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Permit to own a weapon

Unauthorized trafficking of any firearms on Russian territory is strictly punishable by law. This also applies to smooth-bore guns, as well as cartridges with buckshot, hunting knives, etc. To store or transport weapons, a permit is required - a license. It is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to citizens of the Russian Federation over 20 years of age who have passed a medical examination. In some cases, by decision of regional authorities, as well as for the military, a license is issued from the age of 18.

Legally on the territory of the Russian Federation you can purchase not only hunting rifles (including rifled ones), but also sports rifles, bladed sabers and checkers, and various self-defense weapons (OOO up to 91 J).

A license is not given to citizens who fall under the following parameters:

  • poor vision, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • have a criminal record for an intentional offense;
  • are serving a sentence;
  • do not have permanent residence.

Acquisition and storage

A citizen over 18 years of age who is legally competent and has not been prosecuted for intentional crimes can become the owner of a weapon. In addition, you need to know the basic provisions of the law on civilian weapons, the rules for their use, storage and transportation.

Purchase is possible only with a special license obtained from the territorial division of the Russian Guard. To obtain permission, you will need a certificate of absence of a condition registered in a psychoneurological and narcological dispensary and a special medical form with approval from primary doctors, as when obtaining a driver's license.

“In addition, it is necessary to take special courses in the use of small smooth-bore weapons. We do not have government institutions where you can go through them. These are private organizations that have received licenses from the Russian Guard. The training is short - about a week,” said Lev Tropin.

After obtaining a license to own and store weapons for civilian use, the question of purchase arises. But this stage will also require approvals.

“Before purchasing a weapon, the Russian Guard instructs the local district police officer to go to your home and check the storage conditions. This must be a safe, specially equipped place, inaccessible to third parties. Simply put, a safe that must meet certain requirements. As a rule, they are now standard. The district police officer checks, writes a report to the inspector, after which the citizen is given a special permit with which he can go to a specialized store. You won’t be able to buy without it,” the lawyer noted.

As a rule, there are no restrictions on the purchase of weapons. But each purchased unit must be registered, that is, you must return to the inspector and receive a special card where the model and serial number are written down, which are entered into the Rosguard file.

What equipment does not require a permit?

There are some types of self-defense equipment that do not require a license. Here are the types we are talking about:

  • a single-shot or gas-cylinder air pistol can be carried, but only with a caliber of 4.5 mm and a power of no more than 7.5 J;
  • gas spray - including pepper spray or nerve agent;
  • a regular stun gun or one that shoots with electrodes - hits the target from a distance of 4 meters;
  • speargun - transportation is permitted only in a special case;
  • sound-light pistol "Wasp", capable of stunning and blinding an attacker;
  • household knife or ax;
  • mechanical aerosol device for dosed spraying “Udar” with capsules - hits the target at a distance of 5 meters;
  • a signal pistol or rocket launcher with a caliber of up to 4.5 mm, without the possibility of conversion into a military weapon;
  • rubber and wooden clubs, sticks, canes, bats.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority can purchase the above equipment and transport it in his car.

Required Permissions

In general, despite the fact that on the Internet you can often find information about the need to obtain special permits from the police department, allowing you to transport rifle guns in the train, in reality, the situation with permits is completely different. It is necessary to understand that the police do not issue such documents, since they are not provided for by current Russian legislation.

Therefore, in fact, to transport weapons on a train, a passenger, in addition to complying with current safety rules and requirements for such cargo, must have a permit to carry them, issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is also recommended to take with you documents for the weapon itself, which will indicate its type and serial number to facilitate identification of the weapon when it is checked by police officers.

If a Russian Railways employee (conductor) or the police demands that the passenger present any additional documents or permits, then you need to understand that such demands will be illegal. Therefore, you can safely write a complaint about such actions on the part of officials.

Who does not need a permit due to the type of activity

Some persons do not require permission to transport, as this is related to the nature of their activity.

  1. Legal entities transporting equipment by car within a certain province, region, district. This, of course, must be confirmed by relevant documents;
  2. Military, police, special forces. Their actions are determined by army regulations and orders from commanders. Therefore, they have the right to travel in a car with weapons in the territory of their native district and outside its borders;
  3. Athletes. They must have a certificate and all supporting documents with them.

Employees of the following services of the Russian Federation do not need a weapons permit due to their type of activity:

  • MO;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • FSB;
  • SVR;
  • FSO.

Also, the hassle-free transportation and carrying of weapons is permitted to drug control officers, collectors, bailiffs, customs officers, prosecutors, employees of private security companies and special facilities under the President of the Russian Federation, and employees of the VGO.

At the same time, only persons who have received special skills have the right to carry and use firearms. In other words, accountants or technical staff are not affected.

Pneumatic and traumatic weapons: are they allowed to be carried on a train?

Today, the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as the internal rules of Russian Railways, allow passengers to carry pneumatic weapons on the train, as well as various types of traumatic weapons. However, in this case, the passenger, when transporting traumatic rifle guns, must have with him a permit for its use, issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, a person is obliged to comply with all the rules and requirements for wearing such self-defense equipment.

As for pneumatic weapons, they can be freely transported in the train cabin without any permits due to the fact that such a sports shooting weapon does not require the need to obtain a permit to carry from regulatory authorities.

For such types of cargo, Russian Railways imposes the same requirements in terms of maximum permissible dimensions and weight as for regular passenger luggage.

Rules for transporting weapons in a car on the territory of the Russian Federation

According to the ZRF, the rules for transporting weapons must include the following mandatory items:

  • the pistol or carbine must be unloaded or disassembled, since when hitting a hole or other obstacle, a spontaneous discharge may occur;
  • weapons must be transported in holsters or safes;
  • hunting rifles must have factory certificates and other related documents;
  • cartridges should be transported in special plastic containers - it is forbidden to transport them open in the trunk or bags with other things;
  • knives must be in sheaths or sheaths.

One person does not have the right to carry more than four hundred rounds of ammunition and five weapons at a time. If the amount of equipment is more than normal, then it must be accompanied by a group of two or more people. Everyone is required to have the appropriate permits. With law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to plan the vehicle’s route in advance.

What must a driver show when transporting firearms?

So, the man firmly decided to provide for self-defense and acquire weapons. He carefully studied the relevant requirements, collected all the necessary documents, received the go-ahead from law enforcement agencies for the purchase and purchased the desired item so that he could travel with it all the time. It's time to get ready for the road. Here you need to know exactly what documents you should have with you in case you are stopped by traffic police officers, so that no misunderstandings arise with them.

Of course, a passport, a driving license, along with which you will have to present a permit for the right to carry and transport purchased weapons. Such a document is very serious, because without it, law enforcement officers will immediately face big claims against the driver. The easiest way to obtain such official permission is in one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The deadline for receiving it is one month after the corresponding application with all the necessary documentation is submitted. The rules for issuing such permits are regulated accordingly by a government resolution and an order of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Transportation of equipment in hunting grounds

Is the transportation of hunting weapons in a car punishable if it occurs on land that is not confirmed by an invitation card? According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Hunting,” it is stated that the presence of individuals in hunting grounds with guns and rifles is equivalent to hunting. But what if the equipment is sheathed as required and is in the car? There is a lot of controversy about this. How to understand the rights of a hunter who does not intend to hunt in the area of ​​the site, but is only transporting weapons in the hunting grounds to the place of upcoming fishing, but for some reason stopped on the side of the road or near the lake?

First of all, the St. John's wort must have with him a ticket or an invitation to hunt in the area of ​​land to which he is actually heading. If he strays from the route, especially intentionally, this is already a violation of the law. If something happened to a car or a person simply stopped to rest on the shore of a lake, this fact will have to be proven in court or to inspectors. And if there are no arguments, then it’s easy as hell to suspect a hunter with a gun, even a sheathed one, of malicious intent.

Driving with a barrel: how to properly and safely carry your weapon with you?

In principle, there are not so many requirements from the law for the owner of a weapon in case of traveling with it in a personal car, says Alexander Belkin, a specialist in the circulation of civilian weapons, moderator of the thematic section “Weapons Legislation” of the largest domestic weapons forum

Weapons must travel in the same car with their owner, unloaded, in a case or holster inaccessible to unauthorized persons, in an amount of no more than 5 units and with no more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition per person. There are no territorial restrictions on moving within the country with weapons. You must have with you:

  • Permit to own a weapon (or license to purchase a weapon);
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (a driver's license is not enough!);
  • A hunting license of a single federal standard (if the weapon is hunting and not self-defense).

True, from this simple series of recommendations comes many tricky nuances that are highly desirable to know...

Rights – separately, license – separately!

  • Never... No, not like that - NEVER keep documents for a car (license, registration certificate and insurance) and a permit for an existing weapon or a license to purchase a weapon in the same wallet!
  • In most cases, the traffic police officer is in the mood to “make sticks”, and, having seen a weapons permit along with your license, he will be extremely happy to have the opportunity to sniff and find fault with some little things in terms of weapons, since you have not violated traffic rules, and with the documents for the car you turned out to be okay.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need to voluntarily and for no reason inform the traffic cop about the “guns” you have with you. You carry it and carry it, without thereby violating anything. If an employee accidentally sees a gun or a traumatic pistol in the salon and asks to see the weapon itself and the documents for it, no problem, it’s his right. Present it. If he doesn’t see it, thank God, you’ll quickly get your driver’s license back and move on.

Driver Responsibilities

The roadside police officer who stopped your car has every right to examine your documents for the weapon, passport and the weapon itself, taking it in his hands. This is a normal procedure for checking the model, number and caliber. You should not prevent him from doing this, even if you are in a hurry.

If he doesn’t like something in the documents (sloppy, crumpled or stained documents or crooked numbers are not uncommon), the officer can take you to the nearest police station in order to establish accurate information about the weapon and the owner.

Speaking of traffic cops, most often the reason for threats to visit “where you should” is hidden in an attempt to deceive you into a fussy and frightened bribe, rather than in real questions and claims. There is no point in resisting this; it is not your fault. You need to calmly agree and not make attempts to “resolve the issue on the spot.”

Usually this is followed by a long, dissatisfied and intent look, the return of documents and a not very sincere wish for a good journey.

“I’m going hunting! And period!”

Like any government officials, traffic cops love to ask tricky questions. You may not answer them, but why escalate the conversation? We can talk...

Why do you need Saiga in your car? - I’m going far, I took it for self-defense...

Oops…. So the driver of the car created trouble for himself out of the blue. Any long-barreled smooth-bore or rifled weapon issued with a permit like ROX is “considered” a hunting weapon and is not intended for self-defense purposes! One must remain silent about the “self-defense” goal; the principle “silence is golden” applies here. And period.

If you do use it for self-defense, it will be completely legal, but openly announcing such intentions can be fraught! When they talk naively about self-defense with a gun, traffic cops like to draw up protocols for violating transportation rules...

Rules for the import and export of weapons across the border of the Russian Federation

Crossing the border of a country with a weapon implies two concepts:

  • for non-residents of the Russian Federation - in this case it is allowed to carry only smooth-bore guns or sports pistols;
  • for residents - no more than 5 items, necessarily with accompanying documentation from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

Before export, of course, you need to go through customs control. It is recommended to undergo certification in advance. However, this may not be necessary if there is an international agreement with a license or the equipment is being delivered for short-term use in competitions or hunting.

Rules for transporting weapons by organizations

Companies have the right to move registered weapons and ammunition if there is a permit issued by the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. At the same time, they are obliged:

  • 1. Transport weapons in special containers or original packaging (must be protected from unauthorized opening by installing a seal or sealing).
  • 2. Coordinate the route and type of vehicle on which transportation will be carried out with the Russian National Guard. Educational institutions and sports federations in sports disciplines related to shooting carry out transportation based on event schedules and copies of permitting licenses.
  • 3. Provide adequate security: at least one guard with a weapon. Without armed guards, it is allowed to transport sporting weapons by employees of organizations appointed responsible for transportation. In cases of transportation of a large consignment of weapons (in a convoy of 2 or more vehicles), an armed guard of at least 3 people is required, traveling in a separate vehicle.


A special permit from the Russian National Guard is not required if weapons and ammunition are transported across the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which they are registered or if transportation of weapons is necessary that is not subject to registration with the National Guard of the Russian Federation. Also, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Defense, the National Guard, the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the customs service, the Foreign Intelligence Service, bailiffs, the State Fiscal Service, the State Administration for Emergency Situations, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not need special permission.

Vehicle requirements

Vehicles used by legal entities must be in good condition and equipped in accordance with the requirements for the transportation of dangerous goods.

If signs of vehicle opening, damage to seals, or containers have been identified, the senior armed guard is obliged to immediately report this to law enforcement agencies, draw up a report and guard the scene until the police arrive.

Responsibility for violation

Failure to comply with the rules for transporting hunting weapons may result in fines or other penalties. If you are lucky, on the spot with a traffic police officer, without drawing up a report, you can resolve the issue with an administrative fine of 1000-1500 rubles. Initiating criminal proceedings may lead to:

  • restriction of freedom for 4 years with or without forced labor;
  • six-month arrest.

It happens that the fine is increased to 80 thousand rubles or the amount of working income for the last 3 months.

Be extremely vigilant when transporting. Prepare all the necessary permits in advance to avoid getting into trouble.

Charged or not

There are strict requirements for the transportation format, regardless of what kind of cargo it is - hunting weapons or others. The key of these requirements is that during the trip it should not be in a charged state, and the clips should be removed. This is dictated by the high probability that a loaded gun may fire spontaneously during transportation. For example, if a car wheel falls into a hole on the road as a result of a strong push, the hook may spontaneously release.

It is clear that such an unexpected unplanned shot can not only frighten the driver or passengers of the car, but also injure them or, even worse, lead to more undesirable consequences resulting in death.

What do the lawyers say?

I also turned to my friend, an auto lawyer! And this is what he told me:

“You can carry an air pistol in a car if it does not violate the law (power less than 7.5 J). We also make sure to take it apart, and ideally put it in a special bag, in which the passport for this sample MUST also be stored. Then there will be no complaints against you.”

However, if it lies ready to fire immediately, then this is no longer legal and it is subject to confiscation - This must be remembered!

He also urged never to argue with traffic police officers, because they really know all the laws, and especially before such a raid. And if you resist, then this can be regarded as disobedience to traffic police officers, which can only come to your detriment; at least you can be imprisoned for 15 days.

What I would like to say at the end is, guys, follow the law, transport it in the car only as I indicated to you, then there will be no problems. Also, you should not shoot at passers-by or animals just like that, not for the purpose of self-defense. For this you can get a very real sentence, and not a small one.

Now the video version of the article.

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Along with various measures used for self-defense, there are a number of objects of the same effect with different methods of physical influence. Many of them are prohibited by law for private use. However, what should you do if there is a need to ensure your own safety, but knowledge about the legality of storing any things intended for self-defense is not enough? Of course, you can fill this knowledge with the help of a trusted source - the law or our car club, which is even more convenient, since you don’t have to kill your precious time searching for the relevant legislative document, we did everything for you.

So, today we will talk about whether it is possible to carry an air pistol in a car. But first I would like to remember what it is all about.

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