How to choose a telescopic baton: types, description. Is the telescopic baton prohibited or not?


Telescopic batons are classified as specialized edged weapons, which are used by law enforcement officials, military personnel and security personnel for personal protection and riot prevention. However, such products are often used by civilians as highly effective bladed weapons for self-defense, although this is prohibited.

The ESP telescopic baton, like devices from other reputable brands, has an intuitive action. Dealing with such a weapon in case of danger is not difficult compared to the same gas canister and stun gun, which need to be aimed at the enemy. Such tools have a well-balanced balance between the whip and the handle, making them extremely convenient to use.

Use of handcuffs by a 4th grade security guard

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Is the telescopic baton prohibited or not?

Currently, in the CIS countries, the presence of telescopic batons in free access to the civilian population is prohibited. The reason for this is the classification of such weapons, because these are cold weapons with crushing destructive effects. Therefore, domestic users who need means for self-defense often resort to using homemade batons.

Let's figure out whether a telescopic baton is prohibited or not? In our country, the presence of facts of the use of such weapons can serve as an aggravating circumstance during the investigation of criminal cases. This, in turn, often leads to an increase in punishment in the form of an increase in the term of imprisonment.

Factory models, as well as home-made products, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, are prohibited from acquiring, storing, using and transporting without special permits. Such papers are usually not issued to ordinary citizens.

However, in cases of use solely for self-defense, the owner of such a weapon does not face criminal liability. When a baton is discovered by law enforcement officials, the only thing the user is charged with is confiscation, a verbal warning, or a fine.

Rubber sticks in security activities: types, applications, limitations

The structure of the rubber baton is a molded rod made by vulcanization. At one end there is a handle with a lanyard. Some models of the rubber stick use an additional perpendicular handle. This variety is designed in the likeness of the tonfa, a traditional bladed weapon used in martial arts.

The use of rubber sticks in private security activities in Russia was introduced in 1992. However, the first attempts to introduce such special equipment into the practice of security agencies were made much earlier. In 1881, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ignatiev, turned to the emperor for permission to arm the police with wooden clubs, which were already in use at that time in a number of European countries.


There are several types of batons designed for self-defense:

  1. Plastic products are filled with rubber inside. The striking part is an elastic plastic whip, which contains a metal ball at the end.
  2. Rubber batons - products in this category are most often distinguished by their monolithic design. Thanks to the special plasticity of the design, they can inflict truly painful lesions.
  3. Steel devices - the folding structure is made in the form of several sliding, composite cylinders. A steel telescopic baton rarely contains an outer lining of elastic materials.
  4. Spring models are several metal cylinders connected by springs.
  5. Police batons are professional grade devices. Can be made from a wide variety of materials. They have an extremely durable design and are distinguished by the highest lethality.

Let's look at the design features of each type of baton separately, and try to reveal their advantages and disadvantages.

Security guard 4th grade baton handcuffs

How we work Client call Commercial proposal based on the client’s technical specifications Client’s technical specifications - number of posts, security methods Visit of a specialist - monitoring the facility for safety Commercial proposal based on our recommendations Preparation of a package of documents and signing of the contract In addition, every two weeks employees are checked by an auditor for confirmation quality of provision of personal security services. The agency's work algorithm

At the inspector’s command: “Start the exercise!” the person being tested removes the rubber stick from the suspension and strikes the dummy (at least six) in various areas allowed for impact with the rubber stick. After this, the person being tested reports: “The exercise has finished.” Time to complete the exercise: 20 seconds. When performing

Plastic models

A plastic baton is the simplest, cheapest device for self-defense. When folded, the length of most products is no more than 30 cm, and when unfolded, it is about 50 cm.

Plastic batons include only two sections. The internal cavity of the striking part is filled with rubber. Therefore, this structural element has quite an impressive weight. The handle is made of monolithic plastic, so it is much lighter.

Such batons are the optimal solution for self-defense. Especially for users who do not have special skills in handling more solid melee weapons.

Use of special equipment - qualification exam questions for private security guards

Ticket number 1 Question :

What protection class of a body armor (protective vest) allows you to protect yourself from fire from a PM pistol and a revolver of the Nagan system?
Answer options:
1. First.
2. Second. 3. Third. Correct
answer : No. 1

Ticket number 32 Question:

Which of the following handcuffs are not used in private security work?
Answer options:
1. Convoy handcuffs with a connecting chain.
2. Handcuffs designed for permanent fastening to the walls of buildings. 3. Finger cuffs. Correct answer:
No. 3

Rubber devices

A rubber telescopic baton is most often made from a solid mass of material. This feature provides the product with increased elasticity, resulting in good bite and an impressive damaging effect.

Rubber batons are widely used by law enforcement officers. Products in this category vary according to the diameter of the rod (from 16 to 26 inches). They are produced in several versions: with a sliding or ergonomic handle.

What is a self-defense baton?

Compactness, reliability and ease of use made batons popular among the population.
Since carrying a long metal or rubber stick with you would be inconvenient, batons for self-defense began to be made folding. The telescopic baton consists of several cylinders of different diameters that fit perfectly together. This design operates on the principle of a telescope, when another part extends from one part, and consists of the following elements:

  1. Handle. It is very important that the baton fits comfortably in your hand, which is why most models have a rubber handle. As a rule, it has an ergonomic shape and prevents the baton from slipping out of the hand during the swing.
  2. Cylinders. These are retractable parts that allow the structure to unfold, locking in a certain position. As a rule, they widen slightly at one end, which ensures a secure fit.
  3. A pouch or holster that attaches to your belt. Its presence in the kit is optional.

Police batons

The telescopic police baton is particularly compact in size. When folded, products in this category take up minimal free space, making them ideal for concealed carry under outerwear. When attached to a tactical vest or secured to a utility belt, this collapsible telescopic baton causes less discomfort compared to a clumsy rubber baton with a cross handle.

The use of a folding device allows you to end any conflict almost after the first targeted, accentuated strike. However, the use of a police baton requires a careful approach, since there is a significantly increased risk of causing irreparable harm to the health of the enemy.

How to hit with a rubber stick correctly

During the practical lesson, we did not notice any particular interest in the process. “Before using special equipment, be sure to warn about your intentions,” says the lecturer. “Otherwise you won’t pass the test at the police station.” It's clear?"

How long does it take to become a certified peace officer? A little. The lowest qualification - fourth category - requires only two weeks, 98 hours. During this time, the future security guard will receive a certain amount of theoretical knowledge and take a practical course on the use of special equipment.

How to prepare a baton for use?

A telescopic baton for self-defense is a rather complicated device. Therefore, training is required to use it effectively. To bring the baton into combat condition, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the product from the case.
  2. Hold the handle tightly in your working right or left hand.
  3. Raise the device above your head and perform a sharp, whipping swing with your hand. As a result, the telescopic baton should expand along its entire length.

Before using this means of self-defense, you need to practice punches on any suitable model, be it a vertical log or a hanging punching bag. Having practice will allow you to quickly remove the weapon and bring it into working condition when the first danger arises. Ultimately, you should always remember that the attacker will not wait until the telescopic baton is removed from the case and raised above his head to strike.

How to hold an object correctly

The following factors when striking directly depend on how correctly you hold the baton in your hand:

  • impact force;
  • reliability of the baton in the hand;
  • efficiency of application;
  • possibility of long-term use.

If we consider each of the presented points, we can see the approximate direction of action and the necessary conditions for obtaining the strongest possible blow when using a baton of any size and with any initial physical capabilities.

This video will tell you about fighting techniques with a rubber baton:

Impact force

And indeed, its effectiveness largely depends on the force with which the blow is made. So, the more force is applied during the strike, the longer the enemy will be neutralized, the more damage will be caused and the greater the confidence that the attacker will not continue the attack.

It should be taken into account that the force of the blow will directly depend on the swing of the hand in which the baton is located. The larger the size of the baton itself, the greater the trajectory of its movement must be made in order for the blow to be as crushing as possible.

You should not think that a woman’s blow is weaker than a man’s: some women, even without special physical training, can deliver a very sensitive blow with a baton. A clear chopping movement with full impact guarantees a serious blow even with a small club size and with relatively little hand strength. The main condition for obtaining a strong blow while using the maximum available force is the maximum amplitude of movement and sharpness in lowering the baton.

Reliable placement in hand

When striking, it is important to position the handle correctly in your hand. If this condition is met, then the baton will not slip in the hand either when swinging, or when striking, or during repeated blows.

On almost all modern models of batons, the handle has a corrugated surface and has a special coating that will more clearly fix the palm on it. Therefore, it is important to place your hand on the handle: lower or higher, the surface of the baton is already smoother, and this can cause slipping when making a swing.

Usually, for a more noticeable blow when using a baton, the handle is grasped with both hands: one slightly higher than the other. This allows you to more securely hold the baton in your hand and prevents the possibility of slipping.

Efficiency of application

What is important here is awareness of the target: when striking a specific part of the enemy’s body, the result will be different. Therefore, when using a baton, you should see where the blows are being struck.

Important points in increasing efficiency should also include a combination of both the direction of movement and the correct placement of hands on the baton and the maximum trajectory of its movement. All factors are equal and allow you to get the most effective impact on the attacker.

This video will tell you about the use of a baton in close combat:

Possibility of long-term use

Here we mean the most rational distribution of efforts in order to be able to use the baton for the longest possible time, because sometimes in order to repel an attack it takes sufficient time to use this type of means for self-defense. Therefore, a conscious calculation of the available forces, the weight of the baton and self-control will allow you to make the most of the potential contained in the baton.

It is also important to choose your own location correctly when striking: this factor cannot be discounted when repelling an attack. After all, the more often the blows are delivered, the more effective the impact is on the attacker.

Strikes should be struck from a near target to a further one. This means that at first it is necessary to create at least a short pause in the enemy’s attacking actions, for which blows are applied to the limbs, then, after at least a small pause occurs, you can move a little further: forearm, lower leg, shoulder.

This allows you to increase the time of pauses that occur, since with this method of advancement the blows become more and more sensitive. And this makes it possible to neutralize the enemy.

We will tell you below how to properly use a police baton, a telescopic baton, or just a rubber baton.

Tips for use

In order for a telescopic baton to become an effective means of protection against the actions of intruders, when using such bladed weapons, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is necessary to resort to the use of a baton only if you are sure that there is sufficient free space. Since most such means of self-defense do not have very impressive weight, a blow delivered without a wide scope may not produce the expected effect on the enemy.
  2. It is advisable to aim at the most vulnerable places on the attacker’s body. These are, first of all, the hands and areas unprotected by clothing.
  3. You need to understand that a telescopic baton for self-defense has a strong part - the tip area, and also a weak part - a third of the length closer to the handle.
  4. The main force of the blow should fall on the head of the baton, which greatly enhances the damaging effect.

Exam for a security guard

As we already wrote in the issue dated March 10, amendments to the law stipulate that now every security guard must receive a new type of certificate, having previously completed training in a professional training program for security guards and passed a qualifying exam. Those security guards who already have certificates do not have to undergo training, but they are required to pass the exam. The exam itself will be accepted for three categories. Thus, a grade guard has permission to use special equipment (mainly a rubber baton and handcuffs), a grade guard can use special equipment and civilian self-defense weapons (for example, a traumatic pistol), and a grade guard has the right to use special equipment and service military weapons. The cost of passing the qualification exam for categories is 500 rubles, for categories - 1000 rubles.

The training course (a separate fee is charged for training) includes several disciplines: fire, physical, combat, medical training, legal principles, the use of special equipment, and so on. During the course, future security guards are taught, for example, how not to sleep on the job and how to use a “rubber product.” In 15 seconds, the guard must hit the conditional villain with a baton on six pressure points. Many security guards of retirement age have stumbled over this task. Not everyone succeeds in passing the final test on the first try. And not least because of the specificity of the questions asked. For example, candidates for security guards are asked in what conditions a rubber baton should be stored. And the next question is: under what conditions can this baton be used? Every security guard should know that the baton must be stored at temperatures from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius, but it can be used against an intruder in both polar and tropical conditions: at temperatures from −30 to +40.

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Price issue

How much does a telescopic baton cost? The price of budget models made in China, made of rubber and plastic, ranges from 600 to 1,500 rubles. However, despite its wide availability, such a solution cannot be called truly reliable when used in the event of an extreme situation.

How much does a good telescopic baton cost? The price of European and American-made products is significantly higher compared to Chinese products. Czech-made devices deserve special attention from consumers. For example, the steel telescopic baton ESP is in highest demand among domestic buyers. Depending on the design features, diameter and configuration, its price on the Russian market can range from 3,000 to 6,500 rubles.

Security guard 4th grade baton handcuffs

// The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy. After this, the person being tested reports: “The exercise has finished.” Time to perform the exercise: 20 seconds. When performing the exercise, blows must be applied in a fixed manner, without using excessive force that could damage the dummy. Positive result: performing at least six blows with a rubber stick on the dummy within the specified time , preventing blows from being applied to areas corresponding to areas of the human body that are not allowed to be impacted. Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations on the conduct of internal organs

networks. To prepare for the qualification exam of a 4th category security guard online in 2022, you need to study one hundred and nine questions on legal training, thirty-nine questions on tactical-special training, thirty questions on technical training, forty questions on medical training, forty questions intended for study special means.

How to make a baton with your own hands?

You need to understand that the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for criminal penalties for the sale of edged weapons. This means that a telescopic baton, made with your own hands, can be confiscated by law enforcement agencies, and a fine of 300 rubles is imposed on the owner.

To assemble the telescopic device yourself, it is advisable to use a lathe. Metal plates can be used as the main manufacturing material, preferably hardened steel. This is the only way to ensure a long service life for a homemade baton.

Metal plates do not need to be carefully processed. This way you can make a telescopic baton with your own hands much faster.

It is recommended to perform the work in the following sequence:

  • to begin with, several individual tubes of different diameters are made from steel plates;
  • before assembly, you need to make sure that all the component elements can be connected into a single whole;
  • at the end of each tube a seal is created in the form of a leather or rubber cuff;
  • on the segment that will play the role of the end of the baton, a heavy knob is installed;
  • then tubes of smaller diameter are threaded into wider cylinders, and the baton is equipped with a rubber or wooden handle.


The telescopic spring baton was named so obviously not by chance. The design is based on spring elements, and it itself is built on the principle of a telescope. That is, according to the principle of advancing the subsequent part from the previous one.

In such devices, parts are inserted one into another. They are most often made of metal materials rather than plastic. The parts are made in the form of cylinders.


As you can see, the telescopic baton is quite effective, easy to transport and safe for the user as a means of self-defense against the actions of intruders. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to purchase an expensive factory-assembled device. If a person wishes and has the means and materials, a telescopic baton can be made with his own hands.

When danger arises, a folding baton turns out to be a more useful means of self-defense compared to the same gas canister. The folding rod is quickly brought into working condition. However, most opponents do not expect the telescopic device to be abruptly removed from the pocket. Therefore, the owner of the baton has the opportunity to take the enemy by surprise. Even if the attacker manages to place blocks with his hands, a sharp blow from a heavy rod causes the most painful, disastrous consequences, no matter where it lands.

How to pass the practical part of the security guard exam

You do not need a handcuff key to handcuff the mannequin. Most often, handcuffs are triggered instantly when struck on the wrists. Also, do not put pressure on your wrist with the handcuffs; the rings of the handcuffs should turn freely.

To successfully pass the qualification exam, a security guard must answer all questions in the theoretical part (one mistake is allowed) and successfully pass the test of practical skills in handling special equipment. Therefore, test takers often receive an unsatisfactory grade precisely when passing the internship.

Main advantages

Of course, the main advantage of a telescopic baton is its small size. Like some models of traumatic pistols, such weapons can easily be placed in a pocket, while being hidden from prying eyes. In addition, you can attach the baton to your belt. Carrying will still remain hidden.

The second advantage of this model from the category of impact-crushing bladed weapons can be called reliability. The principle of transformation has already been mentioned earlier and described in detail. Reliability also includes strength. After the first blow, a real, high-quality telescopic baton will not break. By the way, if handled properly, it can last quite a long time.

The third advantage is ease of use.

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