In Russia, the rules for storing weapons have been tightened. Attention - important for hunters

Weapons are an item of increased danger, a product whose circulation in the country is strictly limited.

Improper use of weapons or violation of storage rules can lead to serious consequences. Not only do such actions result in criminal and administrative liability, but innocent people, including children, can suffer from weapons.

For whatever purpose a person owns a weapon: for hunting, personal self-defense or on duty, he is obliged to comply with the rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition.

Relevance of the issue

Many, even experienced owners, have many questions regarding the existing order. The fact is that according to the Law “On Weapons” (Federal Law No. 150), each region has the right to provide additional rules to federal acts. In this regard, the requirements in different regions of the Russian Federation may differ significantly. In addition, specialists from the licensing and permitting department can put forward their own requirements. There are no clear formulations in the legislation specifying regulations that directly concern individuals. However, there is a general procedure that must be followed.


Many experts consider the above formulation to be very vague. In this regard, experts recommend that before directly submitting documents for obtaining a license, you should find out from the territorial OLRR the rules it has established for the storage of firearms. This need is related to the requirement of security. The rules for storing weapons and ammunition require the installation of a safe. However, this is not enough. It is necessary to ensure reliable security of the metal box. Installing it in a separate room does not guarantee its safety. Real security can be achieved through a set of measures.

Weapons storage: how not to break the law

It is simply unwise to install a used gun safe at home, especially since the previous owner may still have duplicate keys to the lock.

The safe must be a metal box, the width of at least one side of which, when closed, will be less than one meter. To secure rifled, smooth-bore hunting or traumatic weapons, special holders and compartments must be installed inside. For cartridges - treyzers (boxes with additional locks).

This is a smart precaution that will take longer for thieves to look for your valuables, which means they have less time before the police arrive.

Everyone who plans to obtain the appropriate license or permit should know the requirements for safes for storing weapons at home by citizens of the Russian Federation. Not only safety depends on this, but also the very possibility of obtaining a positive conclusion from the local police officer who conducts a mandatory inspection of the facility.

If harm to health is caused due to non-compliance with the law on the rules of storing weapons, then the person responsible bears criminal liability for this. The law primarily spells out the requirements for safes for smooth-bore, rifled and traumatic weapons and ammunition, but no attention is paid to choosing a place in the house. Therefore, this part can be guided by considerations of safety and convenience. The most suitable would be closed technical rooms (storage rooms, workshops), work rooms to which access to third parties is limited.

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If you had a safe and it was locked (you can show the keys to it), then you have fulfilled all the legal requirements to ensure that weapons and ammunition are not accessible to unauthorized persons and you cannot be held accountable for further actions with your weapon.

Government Decree

This document specifies the general rules for storing weapons and ammunition belonging to citizens. In Government Decree No. 814 of July 21, 1998, attention should be paid to Ch. 59. It sets out the following conditions. Weapons and ammunition that belong to citizens should be stored at their place of residence in compliance with the rules that ensure safety and security. Access by unauthorized persons must be prohibited. Rules for storing weapons at home require a locked safe or box made of high-strength material. It is allowed to use a wooden cabinet upholstered in metal. The police department at the place of residence of citizens has the right to check the storage conditions of purchased and registered weapons. The maintenance of special equipment in places of stay must be carried out under conditions that exclude access to them by outsiders. In accordance with these provisions, any reinforced box or cabinet with a lock, which is located at the place of residence of the owner of the weapon, can act as storage.

The purpose of tightening the rules for storing weapons

Once again we were reminded that there should be no access to weapons by unauthorized persons. Ensuring public safety is the main goal of tightening the rules.

  • Important for hunters who own firearms

This information is important primarily for hunters who own firearms. Why?

If earlier in paragraph No. 59 of the above-mentioned law “On Weapons” there was not a word about primers and gunpowder, now, in today’s amendments and additions, attention is paid to them.

Now people related to weapons are required to store in safes not only weapons and cartridges, but also gunpowder and primers.

Who might have gunpowder and caps? Obviously, mainly among people involved in hunting, that is, amateur hunters and fishermen. It is they, the hunters, who often load the cartridges themselves, using gunpowder and primers. Of course, they use not only them, but also lead bullets, shot, wads, cartridge cases and devices for loading cartridges. Why am I listing them in detail - it is clear that lead, wads, empty cartridge cases without a primer do not pose a danger. But it would be a good idea to put them away from playful or stupid children. Sane people have done this before.

I don’t think that until now hunters kept gunpowder in the kitchen along with cans of coffee, and shot next to peas.


It reveals in more detail the rules for storing weapons and ammunition. The instruction was approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of April 12, 1999 No. 288. The rules for storing weapons established in it also prescribe the installation of reinforced structures that can be locked. The box or safe must be located not at the place of registration, but at the owner’s residential address. Moreover, if a citizen has a collection of weapons, the room where it is stored must be equipped with a security and fire alarm. The entrance must be equipped with a metal door with additional locks and a door frame. The rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition additionally establish requirements for windows. Grilles must be installed in rooms located on the first/last floors. If, for technical reasons, the room cannot be equipped with an alarm, the boxes/cabinets in which the weapons are located are attached to one of the walls with two or more steel bolts, the thread diameter of which is from 16 mm.

Rules for installing a gun safe - how to install it correctly in an apartment

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When obtaining a weapons license, you need to understand the full responsibility of such ownership, the possible risks and be prepared to bear responsibility for violating established legal norms.

For carrying a weapon by a drunk person in 2022, a fine of up to 5,000 rubles will be imposed with confiscation of weapons and ammunition.

The changes will affect Article 13, which regulates the procedure for re-registration of hunting weapons. According to legislators, at the moment the procedure is too complicated, and the price is comparable to the cost of the weapon itself.

There are no specific requirements for storage, and especially for a gun safe, in the Federal Law, except for the wording in the same article (22) part above (i.e., 5): “Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety and security storage and excluding access to it by unauthorized persons.”

For individuals, the requirements for storing rifled weapons are exactly the same as for smooth-bore weapons. Firearms must be stored in locked safes or metal cabinets, or even in wooden boxes lined with iron. The main thing is to ensure the safety and security of the weapon and prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to it.

There are no strict regulations from the law, but there is advice from those security agencies who, as part of their duty, put such equipment into operation every day.

Let us also add that a number of fines of varying severity can be received for carrying: while drunk, in an inappropriate place (such as a school or a nightclub), at too young an age (under 21 years old), if you have a criminal record. The Ministry of Internal Affairs tightened its policies back in 2014, amid an increased number of crimes and tragic incidents.

In this article we will analyze all the legal aspects of storing weapons, give advice and help with choosing a spacious safe.

And this, in essence, is the answer to the question of what a safe for a hunting weapon should be like: the requirements for it coincide as closely as possible with the most standard ones. Therefore, those who are going to shoot a duck for the first time do not need to worry, but should take into account only 3 simple rules.

Let us also add that a number of fines of varying severity can be received for carrying: while drunk, in an inappropriate place (such as a school or a nightclub), at too young an age (under 21 years old), if you have a criminal record.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1591 also introduced changes for owners of weapons for service, civilian purposes and cartridges for them on the territory of Russia. According to the decree, users must store in special cabinets or safes not only barrels with ammunition, but also gunpowder and primers for reloading.

Requirements for legal entities

The rules for storing weapons in organizations, provided for in paragraph 164 of the Instructions, require that they be kept in boxes, pyramids, cabinets, which are installed in specially equipped rooms, in an unloaded state, with the safety trigger pulled. Items must be lubricated and clean. Storage is carried out separately from cartridges. Tags are attached to the box, pyramid, and cabinet. They indicate the model type and number, in accordance with the inventory and accounting book. This requirement is established for weapons assigned to employees of a legal entity. Some organizations may provide for the implementation of special statutory tasks. In this case, the rules allow cartridges to be stored with the weapon. They must be in clips, removable drums, magazines or blocks. Weapons in factory packaging (boxes, boxes) and cartridges in capping can be placed on racks. Placers may only be kept in metal boxes. In this case, they must be closed with two different locks.

Rules for carrying weapons

62. The carrying and use of weapons is carried out on the basis of licenses or permits issued by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies for the storage and carrying, storage and use of specific types, types and models of weapons, taking into account the restrictions established by the Federal Law “On Weapons”:

d) citizens of the Russian Federation - during hunting, sporting events, training and shooting exercises, as well as for self-defense purposes;

63. Long-barreled firearms are carried in an uncovered state, with a loaded magazine or drum set on the safety (if available), and short-barreled firearms are carried in a holster in a similar form.

Reloading a cartridge into the chamber is permitted only when it is necessary to use a weapon or to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency.

During hunting or sporting events, loading of weapons is carried out in the manner determined by the relevant rules.

Rules in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 (as amended on March 29, 2019) “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation” as amended for October 2019.

Separate placement

Separate metal cabinets, safes, boxes, pyramids contain:

  1. Cartridges and weapons, except those specified in paragraph 164 of the Instructions. In this case, items containing pyrotechnic compositions charged with tear gas or other irritating substances must be placed in separate packaging. A similar regulation applies to cartridges that misfire.
  2. Artistically designed models containing precious stones or metals.
  3. Weapons seized and accepted for temporary storage from employees of organizations and individuals, as well as those on the balance sheet.
  4. Gunpowder packaged in special metal sealed closures, as well as in plastic bags for retail sale.

The rules for storing rifled weapons require the installation of cabinets and drawers with locks, the walls of which must be at least 2 mm thick; in safes containing gunpowder, products including pyrotechnic charges or projectile equipment - 3 mm; in containers used for air transportation - not less than 1.6 mm.

Rules for storing, transporting and carrying weapons for hunting

I have compiled a small selection of legal acts relating to the storage of weapons, their transportation and carrying. It is interesting that for rifled weapons the requirement for metal cabinets to have a metal thickness of 2 mm has been removed, and the myth that the safe needs to be attached to the wall (floor) is also completely dispelled here. Please note that when transporting cartridges, they must be kept separately from the weapon and this is the only rule, a myth - there is no rule that they must be in some kind of packaging or box (leather case)!

Gaps in legislation

The above rules for storing weapons do not contain separate clauses relating to specific categories of owners. In particular, requirements are not established for legal entities that are detective agencies, sports, trade and other organizations. There are no specific regulations for athletes, hunters, collectors, hobbyists, and so on. In accordance with the Instructions, the procedure provided for legal entities is also applicable to citizens. At the same time, there are ambiguities in the requirements. For example, the rules for storing weapons provide for the installation of bars on windows. At this point it is not clear whether they apply exclusively to collectors or to other citizens too. Meanwhile, in rural areas, many individuals live in one-story houses. Accordingly, the requirement for bars is somewhat absurd. Another incomprehensible point concerns the conditions for attaching the box to the wall, the presence of an additional compartment for storing gunpowder and cartridges. It is not entirely clear whether this regulation applies to all owners or to certain categories. Experts recommend ensuring maximum safety. This means that it is advisable to study all the rules for storing weapons - general and special, developed in the OLRR - and create conditions that best comply with them.

Types and characteristics of gun safes

The current requirements for the characteristics of gun safes are such that they must be made of metal or wood, but lined with iron, and the safe must have a lock to limit unauthorized access to weapons and ammunition stored inside the safe. . In addition, the safe must be fire-resistant and burglar-resistant, while you can either buy a ready-made gun safe or make it either yourself or to order, the main thing is that the thickness of the metal wall of the safe is at least 2 mm . The gun safe must have a deadbolt system that can lock the door in at least three directions.

It’s worth mentioning separately about locks for safes; there are several types and many models on the market; they can be classified as follows:

  • Mechanical key locks.
  • Mechanical locks with code.
  • Electronic locks with code.
  • Electronic locks with magnetic keys.
  • Electronic locks with biometrics (fingerprints, retina pattern).
  • Combination locks that include several types of security.

Before buying a gun safe, you should study its characteristics and read reviews on relevant websites and thematic forums in order to choose the optimal price-quality ratio, as well as dimensions that will allow you to conveniently place the safe in your apartment or house.

Fire resistance of gun safes

Since cartridges and gunpowder are stored inside a gun safe, it must be fire-resistant, the requirements for this characteristic are given in GOST R 50862-2005, while the temperature regime for exposure to safes is established by GOST 30247.0-94 (ISO 834-75). Gun safes must be resistant to fire hazards and comply with one of the fire resistance classes.

Yes, the high fire resistance class of a safe raises its price, but safety is more important, so pay attention to this characteristic when choosing a safe for storing weapons and ammunition.

Requirements for the interior of gun safes

A gun safe should have compartments for storing gunpowder and cartridges, as well as fixtures and fittings that can secure the weapon in a stationary position to prevent the weapon from falling and causing accidental discharges. Such clamps (cradles) can be made of both metal and polymers.

At the bottom of the gun now there should be a stock made of wood, plastic or felt, in which there are recesses for fixing the butts of hunting shotguns / rifles.

According to GOST R 56367-2015, safes and metal cabinets for storing civilian weapons must be equipped with a lockable tray (a compartment whose metal walls must be at least 3 mm thick) for storing cartridges.

Requirements for placing gun safes indoors

Separately, it is worth considering the rules for placing gun safes in residential premises, noting that the legislation imposes different requirements on the conditions for storing firearms for individuals and legal entities. For example, Federal Law 150-FZ “On Weapons” contains the following lines:

“Civilian and service weapons must be stored in conditions that ensure their safety, security of storage and exclude access to them by unauthorized persons. Requirements for the storage conditions of various types of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.”

And the “Instructions for organizing the work of internal affairs bodies to control the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation” to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 12, 1999 N 288 contains the requirements:

"162. Citizens of the Russian Federation must store weapons and ammunition that belong to them at their place of residence in locked safes or metal cabinets, boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron in compliance with conditions that ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition, the safety of their storage and exclude access to him of strangers."

At the same time, for legal entities, the requirements for placing gun safes indoors are specified more specifically in the instructions to Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 288 dated April 12, 1999:

"167. Safes, cabinets, pyramids, boxes and racks are placed in rooms no closer than 1.5 m from the entrance doors and 0.5 m from window openings, and boxes with cartridges and aerosol packages - no closer than 1 m from heating devices. The distance in front of safes, cabinets and pyramids must ensure that their doors can be opened without hindrance.”

And in paragraph 169 of this “Instruction” all the requirements are spelled out in detail - the thickness of the walls, the equipment of door and window openings, connecting the room to a security alarm, etc.

It turns out that the place in the apartment (private house) for installing the safe is chosen by its owner independently , guided by common sense and safety; current legislation does not regulate this for citizens, owners of hunting or traumatic weapons.

Yes, in accordance with GOST R 56367-2015, a gun safe weighing less than 100 kilograms must have an anchor hole for fastening it indoors. When the height of a gun safe is up to 0.5 m, at least one hole for anchor fastening is required, and when the height of the safe is more than 0.5 m, at least two holes are required for anchor fastening: the first anchor hole must be located in the bottom of the safe, the second hole must be located in the back wall of the gun safe at a distance from the bottom of at least 2/3 of the height of the safe. But these requirements formally do not apply to individuals , but to organizations.

But the district police officer who will check the conditions for storing weapons, seeing a safe that is not secured (to the floor or to the wall), may regard this as a failure to comply with “the conditions that ensure the safety of storing weapons and ammunition and precluding access to them by unauthorized persons.” After all, very often safes weigh a couple of tens of kilograms, and can simply be taken out of the apartment by criminals. Therefore, our advice is to, if possible, anchor your gun safe to the floor or wall.

How to hide a gun safe

Let us remind you that the law does not regulate the location of a gun safe in a residential area, but if the owner does not want to draw the attention of potential guests to the fact that weapons are stored in the apartment or house, then the safe can be “hidden” by placing it so that its presence is not obvious in the eyes. It is logical that installing a gun safe in the hallway or living room is undesirable, but the bedroom, closet or dressing room are quite suitable places where you can place the safe.

At the same time, you can take an even more creative approach to disguising the safe - you can mark it inside the closet, in which case it will be located behind the door, and even hidden by the clothes stored in the closet, which will make it extremely unnoticeable. You can go by placing the safe inside the wall, if you have your own home and the wall is not load-bearing, and cover it with interior items from the outside.


Based on the information above, the following rules for storing hunting weapons and ammunition can be formulated:

  1. The thickness of all walls of the metal cabinet is at least 2 mm.
  2. The presence of 2 different locks.
  3. Installation of a separate metal box for ammunition and gunpowder. It must also have 2 locks, and the thickness of its walls must be at least 3 mm.

The rules for storing hunting weapons allow the installation of an additional lockable compartment in the cabinet. Its walls must also be at least 3 mm. It is important to understand that these requirements are the minimum required to ensure safety. Accordingly, if a citizen is the owner of a particularly valuable gun, then a cabinet with 2 mm walls cannot guarantee safety.

Firearms storage: a little about the premises

Storing hunting rifles on walls decorated with carpets, as in the old days, is not possible these days. When an avid hunter has a whole collection of weapons at his disposal, therefore, he will have to start equipping a room for storing weapons.

It is known that every collector or hunter wants to show off his arsenal and naturally demonstrate it, but how to do this, without breaking the law, how to comply with the conditions for storing weapons? For these purposes, it is possible to equip a so-called exhibition room. Such premises must have properly functioning fire and security alarms.

Sometimes, due to planning or other reasons, it is simply impossible to install the above equipment. In such cases, collection owners will have to worry about placing metal boxes near the walls. In this case, it will be necessary to ensure that storage areas are securely fastened. This is done with steel bolts of certain sizes. So, the diameter must be no less than 16 mm and the number of at least two units.

Approaches with this degree of fastening of boxes to the walls are necessary to ensure personal safety, for example to prevent tip-overs that can occur when opening doors. However, to simplify everything related to the weapons storage room, you can use special built-in cabinets, which are actually designed for storing firearms. These cabinets have additional locks, which means you don’t have to weld them yourself again or order the services of a welder, which would happen when using a simple metal box.

In addition, the room with chemical and chemical equipment must be equipped with high-quality doors, and the windows must have metal bars. In this case, it does not matter how many floors the apartment is located, even if it is a “high-rise building”.

Expert recommendations

Experts advise choosing cabinet locks with special attention. Locking mechanisms must be resistant to burglary and many years of frequent opening. Don't save money and buy boxes with postal locks. The resource of such mechanisms is very limited, and the reliability is minimal. Experts also recommend avoiding purchasing cabinets that have door locks. As practice shows, Chinese mechanisms last no more than a year, Italian and Israeli - 4-5 years. According to the results of the research, it was found that the owner of the weapon uses the cabinet for an average of 25 years, and opens it about 20 times a year. Thus, the need to install a quality lock is obvious. Most cabinets and gun safes are heavy and tall. To prevent such a structure from falling, it is advisable to attach it to the floor or walls with bolts. This is also true for a private home. Country property owners should pay attention to the built-in designs of safes and cabinets. Such structures are highly resistant to burglary. In addition, they can be disguised quite easily. Don't forget about fire safety. Cartridges should be stored separately in a safe located away from heating appliances. You can purchase a fireproof cabinet in specialized stores.

Gun and Ammunition Storage Laws for 2022

For this purpose, the circulation, process of production and sale of weapons and ammunition for them are regulated in detail. The law regulates both the circulation of civilian and service weapons. The law establishes the basic concepts - what is considered a firearm, pneumatic, gas, bladed, throwing weapon, etc.

The main thing is that the cartridge compartment in the safe is not just for show, but is spacious enough. So that later you don’t have to rack your brains about where to store some of the cartridges.

Let's pay closer attention to the last two characteristics. The issue of fire resistance has its own clear rules: gun safes must meet the conditions of GOST R 50862-2005 and 30247.0-94 (the latter corresponds to industrial ISO 834-75). These interstate standards imply that a model that satisfies them effectively resists all fire factors and threats.

In order to protect yourself from a lot of different difficulties, you need to understand what requirements for a gun safe you must adhere to. These are such as:

  • Place of deployment.
  • Physical parameters.
  • Locking mechanisms and much more.

Let's pay closer attention to the last two characteristics. The issue of fire resistance has its own clear rules: gun safes must meet the conditions of GOST R 50862-2005 and 30247.0-94 (the latter corresponds to industrial ISO 834-75). These interstate standards imply that a model that satisfies them effectively resists all fire factors and threats.

This wording expands the previous statement, directly indicating the need to surrender weapons if they are found or unlawfully obtained. If a citizen wants to hand over such a weapon, then he needs to call the single emergency number at “112” and describe the situation.

Hunting weapons are a type of civilian weapon and have similar acquisition and storage rules as weapons for self-defense.

The storage of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them is carried out by legal entities and citizens who have received permission from the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms circulation, or its territorial body, to store or store and carry weapons.

So, while waiting for a license, you can choose a gun, sort out the safe, while you are waiting for a hunting license, you can do inquiries, etc.

The Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies, internal affairs bodies at the place of residence (stay) of the owners have the right to check the storage conditions of registered weapons.

Code of Administrative Offenses

The rules for storing and carrying weapons must be strictly followed. Failure to comply with requirements will result in liability. For violation of the rules for storing firearms, administrative sanctions are established. Officials face disqualification for a period of six months to a year, and organizations face suspension of activities for 10-60 days. There are also fines. For officials, the penalty is 4-5 thousand rubles, for organizations - 40-50 thousand rubles. Failure to comply with the procedure for issuing a certificate of completion of training, testing knowledge of safety requirements when handling weapons, or medical reports on the absence of contraindications for citizens to own weapons is punishable by an administrative fine. For officials it is 10-50 tr. The perpetrators may also be disqualified for 0.5-1 year. If these actions were committed by an entity brought to administrative responsibility within a year for violating the rules for storing weapons, their production, sale or accounting, they will entail a monetary penalty. It amounts to 20-50 thousand rubles. In addition, the offender's weapons will be confiscated. Failure to comply with the procedure for detention or transportation by citizens who have permission from the Department of Internal Affairs will result in a warning or a fine. The amount of recovery is 500 rubles - 2 thousand rubles. The legislation also allows for the seizure of weapons for a fee.

Frequently asked questions on the circulation of civilian weapons in Russia

How to get a weapons license?
The process of obtaining a firearms license is described in detail here.

I heard that you can legally carry a service pistol by getting a job as a security guard at a private security company. Tell me, is this another myth or does such a possibility really exist?

Yes, a security guard at a private security company does have the right to carry service weapons, in particular short-barreled ones. But at the same time, he is obliged to work under an agreement concluded with the owner of the protected property. Must carry a service weapon only during a shift (including traveling to and from a security facility) and for no more than 24 hours in a row (break between shifts is at least 8 hours), with the exception of business trips on which he goes for a period of more than 24 hours. At the same time, it must be understood that any actions of a private security guard outside the security facility related to the use of weapons will initially be interpreted by the OLRR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a violation. Even absolutely legal self-defense with a service weapon outside the facility will lead to an investigation into the reasons for the appearance of a security guard in a given place and at a given time, and punishment of both the security guard and the private security company, up to and including the deprivation of both the security guard’s permit and the private security company’s license. Therefore, in order to carry a pistol for self-defense according to this MODEL, it is necessary to fulfill so many legal conditions that it makes the model itself very difficult to implement.

Good afternoon, I am planning a business trip to Kazakhstan, can I bring a registered gas pistol with me on the plane (by handing over the weapon to a special detention center)??

To export weapons, including gas weapons, from Russia, you must obtain an export permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs; at the airport, the weapons are handed over to the ASB (aviation security service). The procedure for importing weapons into Kazakhstan or any other country is determined by the laws of that country; you can consult the embassy or consulate. And one more thing: ammunition for gas weapons is prohibited for transportation by air.

I would like to know whether it is possible to convert weapons found at battle sites into a mass-dimensional model? How to do this correctly, in accordance with the law? Can I do this myself, or should I take it to specialists?

Any manipulations with the found military weapons fall under Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To bring the found weapon into MMG condition, it is necessary to provide it to the LEA with a letter allowing, in the conditions of a licensed weapons workshop, to manufacture an MMG based on this weapon.

Can I carry an air gun around town for self-defense?

Pneumatic weapons available for free sale (3-7.5 J) are classified as civilian sporting weapons and cannot be worn for self-defense. Pistols up to 3 J are not considered weapons; you can carry them. But, due to their extremely low effectiveness in self-defense, I categorically do not recommend them.

Let's say I found a pistol on the street and decided to hand it over to the OLRR for a reward (as far as I know, this can be done). But during his transportation to the OLRR, I could be stopped and checked by police officers - and on my part it would be illegal to carry a weapon. How to deliver a gun without breaking the law?

There is no such method. The only correct solution is to call 02 and call the police.

The inconvenient format of a license for a self-defense weapon forces you to bend it in half. Over the course of 3 years, it has become so worn out that some of the inscriptions are difficult to read. Is there any way to replace the license form? And is there any liability for its damage?

You should, without waiting for verification, contact the OLRR with an application to replace the license. Liability for wear and tear of a license is not provided for by law.

Please tell me, do I have the right to carry gas/traumatic self-defense weapons on the subway?

Yes, you have. The metro rules do not prohibit the transportation of civilian self-defense weapons.

An acquaintance gave me a deactivated F1 grenade as a souvenir. All the “filling” has been taken out of it, only the body remains, but it looks like the real thing. Do I have the right to keep such a souvenir? If not, what awaits me for this?

Keep it if you wish, you are not breaking the law.

I inherited a gun from my grandfather, but there are no documents for it. How can you register it in your name to avoid problems with the law?

Such a procedure is not clearly defined in the law. The following option is possible: first, in the general manner, obtain a license to purchase the appropriate type of weapon, then submit an application addressed to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate with a request to register the weapon that was inherited, acquired by the grandfather a long time ago and therefore not registered.

What documents should I have with me when transporting a shotgun?

Permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to carry (storage) weapons - always. Russian Federation passport. If you are in hunting grounds and hunting - a hunting license and an appropriate license. In the case of transporting more than 5 weapons or more than 400 rounds of ammunition in another subject of the Russian Federation - an extract from the OLRR at the place of registration.

What the owner of a firearm needs to have with him when crossing the state border with this weapon in his pocket (or bag - not the point).

In addition to the usual kit, permission for export (from the Russian Federation) and for import into the country of destination, if the circulation of this type of weapon is limited in it (this will be asked at the entrance).

Tell me, do I have the right to carry smooth-bore bullets when hunting ducks and fur-bearing animals? Or, if I have a combined “Sever” with a rifled 5.6x39, and the permit is only for duck, is it legal for me to carry cartridges for this barrel with me?

Nothing prohibits having these cartridges with you, but loading them into a weapon can be regarded as a violation of hunting rules.

Many establishments are now prohibited from entering with legal weapons. Tell me, is it legal for private security guards to accept weapons (for example, OSA) for temporary storage? What conditions must be met?

For storing weapons legal. persons, the following conditions must be met: A room for storing weapons is equipped (in accordance with Order No. 288 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), and its security is ensured during use, in accordance with the same order. In addition, the owner of the weapon is responsible for transferring the weapon to third parties if they are not specified in the legislation as responsible for its storage. Thus, there must be a room for storing weapons, a licensed security service, all this data must be reflected in the document issued to you in exchange for your weapon. Moreover, all these actions are carried out free of charge, since paid services for storing weapons are not provided for by law in the charter of a security organization.

I have several guns, registered to me, stored properly, in a safe. My wife knows where the keys to the safe are and knows how to use a gun very well. Question: if in the event of an attack on an apartment they use this weapon, which leads to the death of the attacker, what consequences await her or me?

If it is established that your wife acted within the framework of necessary defense, then from the point of view of the law her actions are lawful and not punishable. If she exceeds the limits of necessary defense, she can be prosecuted under Part 1 of Article 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum punishment does not exceed two years of imprisonment. As for you, formally you can also be brought to criminal liability under Article 224 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for careless storage of firearms, which created conditions for its use by another person, which entailed grave consequences. This article does not provide for punishment in the form of imprisonment. I think this is not too high a price to be able to save a person’s life.

Arched metal detectors are now installed at the entrance of many establishments. Is it legal for private security guards to refuse to let me in if I have an IZH-79 9T “Makarych” traumatic pistol, the right to carry which is confirmed by the appropriate license? Indeed, on the basis of the “CIVIL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”, “The refusal of a commercial organization to conclude a public contract if there is an opportunity to provide the consumer with the corresponding goods, services, or perform the corresponding work for him is not allowed.” (Article 426, paragraph 3)

The refusal of the guards not to let you inside will be legal if the requirement for visitors to be “unarmed” is posted at the entrance, at the ticket office or other place and you could (and are obliged) to familiarize yourself with it, along with other rules for visiting this establishment, BEFORE PURCHASING A TICKET. By purchasing a ticket, you, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, confirm your agreement with the terms of service and, accordingly, the absence of weapons during entry. If you do not agree with this condition, then you may not conclude the deal, and, accordingly, not buy a ticket.

If a weapon (both gas and firearms) has become unusable and I have not renewed the permit for its storage, is there any criminal or other liability for me in this case?

The issue of the unsuitability of a weapon is resolved by submitting a corresponding application to the OLRR of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence (registration of the weapon) and sending the weapon for examination by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (in case its unsuitability is not determined immediately, such as, for example, a rupture of the barrel of a gun). The examination examines the weapon and issues a conclusion, on the basis of which your weapon is either written off from you to the OLRR or not. If your weapon is recognized as suitable, and you have exceeded the deadline for re-registration, then you may face the sanction provided for in Part 2 of Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, namely “entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five to twenty times the minimum amount payment for labor with or without paid confiscation of weapons and ammunition.”

I’ve had a gas pistol at home for about 15 years now. It was brought from Germany even before a license was required for this type of weapon. Tell me, will I face any responsibility if this gun is found in my home? What if it’s in your pocket on the street?

The gas pistol is classified by the legislator as a civilian weapon. You can purchase this weapon only with a license. Storing and carrying gas weapons without the appropriate permit entails administrative liability in accordance with the requirements of Art. 20.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences. You may be subject to administrative punishment in the form of a warning or a fine in the amount of five to twenty minimum wages. The pistol will be confiscated from you.

My car was stolen a year ago, and there was a registered OSA in the glove compartment. Didn't report it to the police. I only came to my senses now... What to do in this situation? Write a statement about loss? And what consequences await me?

You will receive a sanction from the OLRR at your place of residence. According to the Law “On Weapons”, you are obliged to store weapons (and your Osa is a civilian self-defense weapon) in a place that excludes access to it by third parties. Namely, a box or safe in your apartment.

Is it possible to conduct training shooting from Makarych or other gas/traumatic self-defense weapons in a suburban forest?

No. Conducting training and practice shooting is allowed in specially designated and equipped places for this purpose - in shooting ranges and shooting ranges. Firing a weapon in non-designated areas is an administrative offense. Fine and possible confiscation of weapons.

I have a Saiga-20 K self-loading hunting carbine, permission to store and carry it. Tell me, can I take it when traveling into nature outside the hunting season?

Field trips are recreation. Carrying weapons is permitted by law only during hunting, sporting events, and shooting at a shooting range. In addition, the Law “On Weapons” contains a direct ban on carrying for the purpose of self-defense. So from the point of view of the letter of the law, carrying weapons during recreation is prohibited. But if after a walk you decide to visit a repair shop or a shooting range, then this type of manipulation with weapons is called transportation and is possible with a permit to carry.

Tell me, is hunting with weapons under a collector's license prohibited?

Hunting is permitted with weapons that have been issued a permit to store and carry hunting weapons. If the permission is only for storage, then it is not possible. The question of what kind of permit should be issued when registering weapons purchased as a collection is not regulated by law, but the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prescribe the issuance of a storage permit.

Is the desire to minimize harm to the attacker by using traumatic cartridges for smooth-bore hunting weapons usually taken into account in court on the fact of self-defense?

The court, assessing the actions of the defender, takes into account all the circumstances of the incident. If you are asking about the court’s assessment of actions, therefore, we are not talking about self-defense, but about exceeding its limits, namely about liability under Art. 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Causing grievous or moderate harm to health by exceeding the limits of necessary defense or by exceeding the measures necessary to detain the person who committed the crime.” Together with other objective circumstances of the case: whether the actions of the attackers posed a public danger, whether these actions were completed at the time of causing harm to the attackers, whether the defender himself provoked the situation (for example, started a fight) in order to use it as a reason to commit an act of revenge, etc. .p., the court, of course, takes into account if the defense was carried out with the use of weapons, and the circumstance where exactly the shot was fired, what cartridges were used. If you are shot in the head or another vital part of the body, the consequences may be more severe than if you are shot in the leg or arm. But in any case, when determining the extent of responsibility of the defendant, the court will examine and evaluate the entire body of evidence collected in the case.

Is it legal for the ULRS to have an apartment set up with an alarm system before obtaining a license for a rifle?

No. “Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814, establish uniform rules for storing weapons for citizens, regardless of their type.

Tell me, can I use the smooth-bore hunting weapon I legally have in my apartment in the event of an attack by one (several) NOT armed criminals?

Yes, you can. An attack by a criminal on you in your apartment, if it is accompanied by a threat to the life and health of you or your relatives, even if it is carried out by one criminal, may cause you to use any method of defense, including the use of firearms. The new version of Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation assumes the possibility of any method of defense in case of a surprise attack, since the defender cannot really assess the degree of danger to his life and has the right to maximum protection.

Is it permissible to carry a civilian weapon with a cartridge in the chamber and the safety on?

Acceptable, because legislation restricts the ban on carrying a cartridge in the chamber only to firearms, and gas weapons are a different class, falling into the category of civilian self-defense weapons

My son is 16 years old, he often goes hunting with me. From a legal point of view, having taught him safety rules, can I put a gun in his hands to teach him how to shoot?

No, because in this case you will commit an illegal transfer of weapons, and your son will commit an illegal acquisition (temporary possession), which is an administrative offense in the case of smooth-bore hunting weapons, and a criminal offense in the case of weapons with a rifled barrel. Your son also falls under administrative liability for violating hunting rules - hunting with an unregistered weapon.

Is it necessary to re-register a rifle after an upgrade?

Even without knowing what kind of “rifle” you have, I can say that if the changes you made to the design of your weapon did not violate the legal requirements regarding ballistic characteristics (type of projectile, its energy, etc.), mechanical parameters (dimensions and appearance) and others (magazine capacity, burst firing, presence of a silencer and a night sight...), then its re-registration is carried out only after the expiration of the period specified in the storage (carrying) permit. If you “created” a firearm with your changes, and the changes in their characteristics violate the above parameters, then you can be prosecuted under Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Even if you come for re-registration.

I have a 6p42 gas pistol of early series, which is very difficult to distinguish externally from a service police PM. Tell me if, in the event of an attack on me or another offense against someone, I, taking out a pistol, shout “Stop, police!” (I am not an employee), if I detain the offender and hand him over to the person summoned, will I have problems due to the fact that I myself introduced myself as a police officer?

You will not have any problems from law enforcement agencies in such a situation. I believe that the gas pistol is in your possession legally.

In what cases can you legally use bladed weapons for self-defense? In the case of necessary defense or exceeding its limits, does the level of responsibility depend on what weapon the person used to defend himself? That is, it is likely that the harm when using knives can be greater than, say, gas weapons?

If a situation of necessary defense arises, as defined in Article 37 of the Criminal Code, then it is lawful to use any weapon or improvised objects. That is, if your or someone else’s life is in immediate danger, or the attack was carried out suddenly and there is no time to assess the threat, everything can be used. In theory, if a person uses an illegal handgun in legitimate defense, he should only be held liable for illegally carrying a firearm. But in practice, the type of weapon used often influences the assessment of actions, whether they will be recognized as necessary defense or not. We traditionally “don’t like” knives - they are habitually considered by many, including investigators and judges, as a “criminal attribute.”

I have a Saiga-410, I want to carry out a strong cosmetic tuning, after which it will not look like itself. Tell me, is this kind of tuning legal?

What is legal in this case is that it will not affect the basic requirements imposed by law on civilian weapons: no more than 10 rounds in the magazine, the impossibility of firing in bursts, the impossibility of shooting with the butt folded, etc.

I have the following question: a noisy group often gathers at my entrance, they often pester passers-by, behave aggressively... Many of them appear to be under 18 years old. If they attack me or try to take my purse, I can’t handle them alone. In this case, can I use a legal OSA pistol to protect against them?

Citizens of the Russian Federation may use weapons legally available to them to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency. The use of a weapon must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning to the person against whom the weapon is used, except in cases where delay in the use of a weapon creates an immediate danger to human life or may entail other grave consequences. Moreover, the use of weapons in a state of necessary defense should not cause harm to third parties. It is prohibited to use firearms against women, persons with obvious signs of disability, and minors when their age is obvious or known, except in cases where these persons commit an armed or group attack. The owner of the weapon must immediately, but no later than 24 hours, report to the internal affairs agency at the place where the weapon was used about each case of the use of a weapon that resulted in harm to human health. In addition, please remember that the OSA is a completely unpredictable weapon in its consequences. When firing a shot from a short distance (which most often happens in self-defense), serious harm to the health of the attacker can be caused. If your actions are deemed to exceed the limits of necessary defense, then you will be prosecuted under Part 1 of Art. 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (maximum punishment up to one year in prison). Causing less serious consequences does not constitute a crime, so if you decide to use a weapon, then try not to hit the attacker in the vital organs.

Does an athlete involved in shooting sports have the right to use his sport pistol for self-defense? In general, does he have any special rights or privileges in the field of weapons that distinguish him from an ordinary citizen?

In a situation of necessary defense, you can use whatever is at hand. An athlete does not have any special rights in the field of weapons; he cannot purchase short-barreled firearms just like anyone else.

I read that not long ago the MP-471 service traumatic pistol appeared on the market. In design, it differs minimally from the civilian Makarych. Tell me, is it so superior in efficiency to the IZH-79 9T that it was made into service? Can it be compared to the efficiency of the 18x45 cartridge?

The only parameter in which this pistol is superior to the IZH-79 9T is the energy of the rubber bullet, which is 60-70J higher than that of the Makarych. Thus, greater bullet penetration is achieved, which generally increases the overall effectiveness of the weapon, but still leaves behind the scenes the issues of reliable stopping power and non-selectivity of hits. After all, if this soft, lightweight rubber bullet hits, say, a belt buckle or a wallet carried in a pocket, then it becomes completely ineffective. While the heavy, low-velocity bullet of the 18x45 traumatic cartridge will transfer its energy even when hitting the above obstacles.

Does a private security guard have the right to search me if he suspects that I have a weapon? Can he, under any conditions, confiscate my legal self-defense weapon?

These actions can be carried out by a security guard (like any other person) only if you commit an offense with a weapon or a crime, and you provide physical resistance - solely as a security measure. The seizure of weapons (as well as any other property) falls under the exclusive competence of law enforcement agencies. Those. When a security guard takes possession of your property and has reason to believe that you have committed a crime, he is obliged to call the police, who must continue the investigation. In the case of your law-abiding behavior, these actions of the security guard are an excess of the powers granted to him by law, and can be appealed by you in court. He cannot take your property, even for temporary storage, without your permission.

I want to buy myself a knife for hunting... I looked in the store - some of them are sold freely, and some are only available with a hunting ticket. But in appearance they are almost the same... Tell me, what is the difference?

The first are products for household purposes - cutting knives, tourist knives, etc., and do not belong to edged weapons. The latter are precisely hunting edged weapons, and they are purchased not with a hunting license, but with a permit to store and carry hunting firearms, and are only registered in the hunting license. The only difference is that some meet a number of formal requirements stipulated by GOST “Hunting knives and daggers”, since, theoretically, they are intended primarily for catching animals while hunting, while others meet GOST “Cutting and skinning knives”, “Tourist knives” ", etc., since, again theoretically, they are focused on performing household work.

Do I need a license to purchase a crossbow?

No special license is required to purchase a crossbow.
All crossbows officially sold in the Russian Federation have a certificate certifying that this item is NOT
a weapon.


When installing a device on a weapon that ensures silent shooting, or a night vision sight (except for devices for hunting), the perpetrators are fined 2-2.5 thousand rubles. In this case, the equipment used is subject to confiscation. The procedure for using devices that ensure silent shooting, as well as night vision sights, is established by the Government. Illegal manufacture, transfer or sale of pneumatic weapons with a caliber of 4.5 mm, the muzzle energy of which is more than 7.5 J, involves an administrative penalty of 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles - for citizens, 3-4 thousand rubles. – for officials, 30-40 thousand rubles. – for legal entities. In this case, confiscation of the product is allowed.

Tightening the order

The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to complicate the rules for storing and transporting weapons for individuals. Thus, it is proposed to make a change in order, consisting of the following. Storage of weapons is permitted by persons only at their place of permanent residence (registration address). A subject who is temporarily staying, for example, with relatives or in a rented apartment, cannot keep the corresponding products on him. Another innovation concerns transportation. The rules stipulate that weapons can only be transported with police permission.

Safe for storing weapons: requirements, selection, installation

Dealing with the issue of a safe for storing weapons is only a simple task at first glance. First you need to choose it correctly and so that the price is appropriate. Then you need to choose a place in the room where it will be installed, mount it, and everything is in accordance with the regulations.

And if you made the wrong choice and were lazy at the first stage, then not only will the remodeling cost you a pretty penny, but also how much time will you have to spend on dismantling and installing a new one. Therefore, approach this issue thoughtfully and slowly.

Rules for storing weapons in a safe: requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a safe for storing weapons at home

At first, I thought that there were a lot of these rules and they were quite strict, but the most interesting thing is that I did not find any specific rules enshrined in law.

Criminal penalty

In Art. 222 of the Criminal Code establishes liability for failure to comply with the procedure for storing cold steel, gas and throwing weapons. Punishment ranges from restriction of freedom to 3 years. to imprisonment up to 8 years. In Art. 222 of the Criminal Code defines sanctions for the illegal sale of products. Criminal liability (from 180 hours of compulsory labor to 2 years' imprisonment with or without a monetary penalty) is also established for the illegal (in the absence of a license) manufacture or repair of weapons, their components, as well as the production of ammunition, explosives and explosives . Punishment is also imposed in the case of making products using handicraft methods. At the same time, an examination is carried out.


As you know, there are different types of weapons. Most of them require obtaining permits. The rules for storing traumatic weapons require, as in other cases, to ensure safety conditions. Negligence in this case is equivalent to a criminal offense. The criminalization of non-compliance with the established procedure is determined by its high danger. The object of the crime is the health and life, and in some cases, the property of a person. By failing to comply with the rules for storing smooth-bore weapons or any other type, the subject creates conditions for their use by unauthorized persons. This can lead to serious consequences.

Prohibitions on transportation and restrictions on use

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for liability for the shipment, violation of the procedure for transportation or use of weapons and ammunition. Sending products involves a fine of 1-1.5 thousand rubles. In case of violation of transportation rules, the perpetrator faces a penalty in the same amount. Failure to comply with the procedure for using products will result in a fine of 1.5-2 thousand rubles. with or without their compensatory seizure. Liability has also been established for the use of weapons in violation of current rules. Thus, in the case of shooting in places not designated for this, the perpetrators face an administrative fine of up to 1 thousand rubles. In this case, the product may be confiscated from the subject.

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