11 Self-Defense Moves That Should Be Taught in School

In this lesson we will talk about self-defense without the use of specialized means, some hand-to-hand combat techniques, methods of attack and defense, and the ability to get out of a fight with an attacker with minimal losses.

The information is mostly intended for beginners, but those who already have certain knowledge and skills will also find it useful.

Below we will look at:

  • Features of self-defense on the street
  • Features of self-defense in a confined space
  • Most effective strikes
  • Basic defense techniques
  • How to free yourself from strangulation and capture
  • What to do if someone grabs your clothes
  • What to do if someone grabs you by the neck
  • What to do if they try to push
  • What to do if they want to punch you
  • What to do if you grab your body from behind
  • What to do if you are grabbed by the neck from behind
  • What to do if someone grabs your elbow
  • What to do if attacked with a knife
  • Safety rules for girls and women
  • Tricks for girls and women
  • Techniques for girls and women
  • How can you help a companion in a street brawl?

Whenever possible, we will provide the material with pictures or links to videos.

Nose fracture.

First of all, clasp your hands (Fig. 1). Then, keeping your fingers interlocked and your elbows bent, suddenly raise your arms from the waist and strike the attacker in the forearms with the hard part of your hands.

Continue the movement until your clasped hands are above the attacker's head and he loosens his grip (Fig. 2).

Finally, with all your strength, lower your clasped hands onto the bridge of the attacker’s nose (Fig. 3). Of course, this step does not need to be completed during training.

Features of self-defense in a confined space

Attacks in hallways, stairwells, bars, etc. far from uncommon. It is more difficult to protect yourself in a confined space than on the street, because... there is no room for sweeping movements, turns, etc. Here the strikes must be characterized by maximum speed, accuracy and efficiency. The distance from the enemy also matters: the closer he is to you, the greater the likelihood that he can use some kind of weapon unnoticed. You need to strive to attack as early and as hard as possible in order to retreat faster.

Hand grab.

Grab the attacker's right forearm with both hands (Fig. 1).

While holding his right wrist firmly with your left hand, slide your right thumb under his right palm and pull his arm toward you until it is straight (Figure 2).

Turn until you are on the side of the attacker (Fig. 3).

Keep his hand raised above the level of your hand (Fig. 4).

Now move the full weight of your body onto your left shoulder and elbow, pressing down on your right arm just above the elbow (Figure 5). If he doesn't give up, he will suffer a dislocated shoulder.


According to Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, depending on the circumstances of the commission of the offense we are considering, the penalties for the perpetrator will be as follows:

  1. For intentional infliction of light harm to a person’s health, manifested in a short-term health disorder or minor permanent loss of a person’s ability to work:
      penalties - up to 40 thousand rubles or in the amount of the total income of the perpetrator for three months;
  2. compulsory work – up to 480 hours;
  3. correctional labor – up to one year;
  4. arrest – up to four months.
  5. For the same criminal act, but already committed under the conditions reflected in Part 2 of Art. 115
      compulsory work – up to 360 hours;
  6. correctional labor – up to one year;
  7. restriction of freedom – up to two years;
  8. forced labor – up to two years;
  9. arrest of a convicted person – up to six months;
  10. imprisonment of the culprit for a maximum of two years.

We will discuss the possible application of other articles in similar situations, as well as the corresponding penalties, below. After this, we will tell you how you can avoid punishment if it was you who committed the illegal act.

Front grip break with hands locked.

Force the attacker to move away by striking him sharply in the groin with your thumbs (Figure 1).

As he pushes his hips back, pivot on your left foot and place your right foot in front of him (Figure 2). Now you and he should look in the same direction

As you turn, slide your right hand behind his back and grab his right sleeve with your left hand to press his body towards you (Fig. 3).

Bend your knees slightly, pull the attacker by the sleeve and keep your right hand on his lower back (Fig. 4).

Now straighten your legs so that it comes off the ground (Fig. 5).

The attacker is now balanced on your right hip, and you can throw him over you while continuing to pull on your right sleeve (Figure 6).

Safety rules for girls and women

It is wrong to believe that criminals only attack frivolous girls walking around in the middle of the night in miniskirts. The results of studies conducted by the UN showed that around the world every third girl becomes a victim of street violence. Statistics are a stubborn thing, and therefore we recommend that ladies first familiarize themselves with the safety rules for girls and women:

  • If you notice that someone is following you, change your route several times to confuse the criminal. You should not allow pursuit all the way to the house, especially if you have to go through a deserted yard or if no one is home. In such a situation, it is best to call one of your relatives or friends and ask them to meet you.
  • When returning home in the dark, prepare the keys to the entrance in advance so as not to stand in front of the door, searching for them in your purse. The same goes for car keys.
  • Try not to enter the entrance with someone you don't know. It is better to quickly enter and immediately close the door behind you. A person going to visit someone can easily call the intercom so that the door will be opened for him.
  • Try to walk mainly on crowded and well-lit streets.
  • If suddenly there are signs of forced entry on the door to the apartment, you should not go inside. It is likely that someone is in the apartment, and it is better to immediately call the police and ask for help.
  • When you go to work or school and return home, from time to time pay attention to places where you can get help if necessary. Such places include private homes, convenience stores, offices, etc.
  • He who is forewarned is forearmed. Just in case, buy yourself a stun gun or a gas canister and put it in your purse.
  • If suddenly, while you are waiting for the elevator, an unfamiliar man appears at the entrance, it is better to let him into the elevator, and wait until he goes up to the desired floor. It is not recommended to ride in elevators with strangers.
  • If you spent the evening at a party or just visiting someone, if you are wearing a bright and provocative outfit, and if there is no one to accompany you home, be sure to call a taxi.
  • Always and everywhere remain vigilant so that in the event of a potential threat, pay attention to it in time.

In addition to safety rules, there are a few more tricks for girls that are very easy to use. True, they already concern situations where an attack has occurred.

Tricks for girls and women

The following recommendations apply for psychological effects on men:

If you are attacked, you need to buy time. To do this, no matter how strange it may sound, you can offer the attacker to go to a more suitable place where he can accomplish his plan. You can also offer to drink something “for courage” or have a snack. Sometimes it is effective to talk about your poor health, pregnancy, menstruation, venereal or some other dangerous and contagious disease.
If an attack on you is carried out in a deserted place or a confined space, and the attacker is armed and firmly intends to carry out his plans, you should not insult him or irritate him. You should choose the lesser of two evils. The main thing is to stay alive.
An effective trick is to pretend to faint or have a heart attack, an epileptic seizure, or a bout of vomiting. If you become a vegetable for a while, the criminal will most likely lose interest in you. If not, you will have an advantage - at a moment unexpected for the villain, you can strike him in the groin or jaw, grab his nails into his eyes, or start scratching his face with all his might.
If an attack occurs in the entrance or yard of your house, start calling someone you know by name. You can shout whatever you want: “Vasya, help!”, “Sveta, we’re burning!”, “Sasha, they’re killing us!” Help!”, “Vitya, save me! They're robbing us! etc. There is a high probability that one of your friends or neighbors will pay attention to your screams and take the necessary measures.
Rapists most often think that by frightening the victim, they will plunge her into shock and stupor. But a different scenario could disrupt all their plans. If you have enough determination, start attacking the aggressor as fiercely as possible so that he himself feels like a victim. But here you should be careful: if a maniac has a weapon or looks like a seasoned criminal, such tactics can provoke him to more decisive actions.

When tricks do not help, and preventive measures have not worked and there is nowhere to wait for help, the time comes to use self-defense techniques.

Techniques for girls and women

If it is necessary to engage in a fight, you need to attack the offender in such a way as to neutralize him for sure. Otherwise, you can only anger the attacker and provoke him to attack without regard to belonging to the weaker sex. Here are self-defense techniques that work almost flawlessly:

  • A blow to the groin or a grab of the scrotum. A very painful and effective technique. It must be performed as forcefully and quickly as possible so as not to enrage the attacker. To hit hard, you need to fold your palm into a “boat” and hit with the side surface of your fist from the side of your thumb (approximately the way you hit with a knife from the bottom up). When the enemy is behind you and holds you by the hair or throat, you need to hit the groin with a backhand downward and backward with the base of the fist, or with the edge and base of the palm. If the opponent is significantly taller than you, you can hit with your elbow. You can also kick him in the groin - as we described in the first block of the lesson. You can also “play along” with the rapist: pretend that you don’t mind satisfying his “request” and that you yourself enjoy it. When he loses his vigilance and exposes his “device,” squeeze his scrotum with all your might, pull it towards you or twist it to the side.
  • A poke in the chest cavity. To perform the technique, fold all your fingers as if you were taking a pinch of salt, and then poke them as hard as possible into the opponent's chest cavity. The blow is delivered at an angle of 45°, either from bottom to top or top to bottom, depending on the height of the attacker. If everything is done correctly, the villain will cough and his eyes will begin to water. A strong blow causes fainting. By the way, you can hit not only in the chest cavity, but also in the throat and any part of the face (preferably in the eyes).
  • A blow to the nose or upper lip. Apply with the edge of the palm from the little finger side. To disguise an attack, you need to fold your hands in front of your chest, palm to palm, in a “pleading” gesture. Ask the criminal for mercy to confuse him. At the right moment, pull your right palm slightly (if you are right-handed) towards you and sharply hit the attacker in the upper lip (under the nose) or on the nose.
  • A blow to the ears. Masked in the same way as the previous one. At the moment of the attack, the arms are sharply, but not strongly, spread to the sides, after which a blow is made to the attacker’s ears. A strong blow causes rupture of the eardrums, painful shock and ear bleeding. Having stunned the rapist, you can continue the attack: grab him by the ears and start twisting his head sideways and down in a screw-like motion.
  • A blow to the leg. There are two variations of the kick. Both are performed at close range to the attacker. First: if you are wearing heels, pull the toe slightly towards you, lift your foot and sharply lower your heel onto the intruder's instep or toes. Second: put one foot back a little, and then sharply kick the criminal's shin with your toe.
  • Eye gouging. The thumbs need to be thrust into the villain’s eyes with force, and the remaining fingers need to be grasped on both sides of the corners of his lower jaw to create pressure. You need to press with your thumbs until the offender loosens his grip and steps back. If there is a wall behind the attacker, at the moment when he is disoriented, you can hit him with the back of his head against it.
  • Female blow. At a moment unexpected for the criminal, you need to lightly press your leading (or free) hand towards you, and then hit the attacker in the face with the edge of your palm or with your knuckles, as if you were slapping him in the face with a glove. Remember that at the beginning of the blow, the elbow is brought forward, and then the forearm and hand are “thrown out”.

It is very important not to turn your back on an opponent lying on the floor or covering his face with his hands, because this mistake can cost lives. If you managed to gain time, you need to leave the scene as quickly as possible, finish off the enemy (remember the limits of necessary defense), call for help or call the police.

But there is another scenario: attackers can attack when a guy is walking with a girl. In general, according to the laws of the street, this cannot be done, because... This is “not like a boy,” but still such cases are far from uncommon. In most situations, the man enters into a conflict, and the lady simply looks, gasps and groans, compassionately pressing her hands to her chest. Shyness, fear, shock - all this is understandable, but you cannot stand still, and your companion needs to be helped.

How can you help a companion in a street brawl?

There are several options here. Firstly, you can start screaming as much as you can and calling for help, attracting attention, etc. But this can work when the attackers are amateurs, themselves tense and afraid of unnecessary witnesses. If experienced criminals attack, it is better not to get into trouble and use cunning at the right moment.

Secondly, if a criminal puts, for example, a knife to the throat of your spouse or friend, you can play on surprise and stun the attacker with a blow to the head from behind. As a rule, the villain's attention is focused on the victim, and he forgets about the nearby woman. At this moment, you just need to sneak up from behind and hit the villain in the back of the head as hard as you can.

Thirdly, if a fight breaks out, the offenders will most likely forget about you, and an attack from a woman is a phenomenon that does not fit into the standard bandit scenario. You can throw a strap from your bag around the neck of one of the attackers and begin to choke him, hit him with a bag or some improvised object in your field of vision, take pepper spray or even hairspray from your bag and direct the stream at the attackers.

Of course, all self-defense techniques need to be practiced. You can practice with your friend or other half in their performance. Having repeated each technique 10-20 times, you will already know approximately what to do in an extreme situation.

And in addition, a little video on the topic of self-defense for beautiful ladies:

  • Women's self-defense: pain points
  • Rape protection for girls
  • The simplest defense techniques for girls
  • Master class “Self-defense for women”
  • 7 Self-Defense Tactics for Women, Based on Advice from a Pro

In conclusion, let's say a few more words.

It is necessary to understand that along with the right to self-defense, a person also bears responsibility for his actions. If you have only managed to bring the attacker into consciousness or put him in a state in which he is no longer capable of causing you harm, you should not finish him off under any circumstances, otherwise you may be charged under Articles 108 and 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which deals with finishing off a defeated enemy.

The best option is to avoid the dangerous place or run away. There is no need to think that this is a manifestation of cowardice, because... many brave souls paid with their lives, acting as heroes for the sake of self-affirmation. Life is the most valuable thing you have.

Canadian self-defense specialist Richard Dimitri, who has studied the factors influencing the outcome of a street fight, says that 60% of the success of self-defense depends on how prepared a person is psychologically for a critical situation. 25% depend on emotions and only 15% on physical fitness and the ability to defend. That is why you must always keep in mind that there is a potential threat of attack everywhere.

Naturally, no one has yet canceled physical strength. Based on this, it is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in at least some sports and pay attention to the development of your body. If you are seriously interested in the topic of self-defense, you can enroll in the combat section, where you will be taught how to effectively defend and attack.

We will talk about which sport to choose in the final lesson of our course. We'll cover the basics of two popular and powerful martial arts, Krav Maga and Sambo, as well as introduce you to a variety of other martial arts that you might want to consider.

Protection from a kick to the face or stomach.

Grab the attacker's leg by bending your knees and crossing your arms in front of you (Figure 1).

When his shin touches your wrists, rotate your left hand (Figure 2) to grab his leg firmly.

If the attacker kicks with his right foot, turn to the right, throwing him forward face-first (Fig. 3). When she falls, follow him to the ground.

In the last position (Figure 4), your left forearm is behind his shin, your left hand is on your right bicep, and your right hand is on his foot. Be careful: if you perform this technique abruptly, you can dislocate your leg.

Peer review task

Above you got acquainted with several of the most effective strikes, and now we suggest you practice a little. Yes, of course, there is no need to hit your family or friends in the shin or neck, but it is quite possible to imagine a situation where you are being attacked.

So, below are three attack situations:

  • One person attacks you from behind (grabbed you by the neck).
  • One person attacks you from the front (walks towards you).
  • You are attacked from the front by two people (both standing opposite).

Your task is to offer your own defense options for each situation, which should be a combo of three striking strikes.

This is a peer review assignment, so you will need to check 2 other people's work first and then upload yours. When reviewing someone else's work, you need to evaluate the effectiveness of defensive measures, the variety of strikes, and the likelihood of eliminating the threat.

Statistics Full screen

We are sure that your understanding of what you will do in the event of an attack has now improved. But it will get even better once you become familiar with defensive techniques, so let's continue.

Rear strangulation protection. Hand grab.

Grasp the hand that is choking you at the wrist with your left hand and place your right hand under the attacker's elbow (Figure 1). Press your left hand down and your right hand up, while rotating and bending your body. This should give you enough room to release your head from the grip.

As you turn, step your left foot back so that you are on the side (Fig. 2).

Twist the attacker's right arm behind his back (Fig. 3).

Once his right arm is curled as far as possible, slide your left hand under his right wrist (Figure 4).

Move your left hand along his back (Fig. 5) until it rests on your left elbow. To apply more grip pressure, lift your left elbow in a forward circular motion while holding the attacker's right elbow steady with your right hand.

Precautionary measures:

Instead of being horrified at the obscurantism we live in, let's face it - women are physically weaker, and according to the same official statistics, the majority of attackers are men. But this does not mean that nothing can be done. Be sad, depressed, attack society in the comments to a new batch of articles about violence, but keep a list of tips on self-defense at the ready.

What to do in a situation where no one has attacked you yet, but your intuition tells you that it’s better not to enter this alley unless you have a pepper spray lying around in your pocket, and the caring eye of Batman is not watching over the city:

Rear strangulation protection. Shoulder throw.

Grab the attacker's sleeve at the elbow with your left hand, and with your right, squeeze his shoulder (or arm, as far as you can reach) (Fig. 1).

Bend your knees, but keep your torso straight. Lean forward with your body. Pull your left hand down and to the left, and with your right hand forward and slightly to the left (Fig. 2).

At the same time, arch your hips back towards the attacker, and he will fly over your shoulder (Fig. 3).

Minor harm to health

In the case where the blow caused loss of ability to work, the perpetrator will be liable only within the framework of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for several articles for this, the application of which depends on the degree of harm caused.

A mild degree of harm to health is considered to be loss of ability to work for no more than 21 days, or minimal damage to health that does not affect the victim’s ability to work.

In this case, Article 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is applied, the sanctions of which almost completely repeat the punishment under Article 116 for beatings:

  • Fine up to 40 thousand rubles (income for 3 months).
  • Mandatory work up to 480 hours.
  • Correctional labor for up to 1 year.

Hooligan motives, hatred of a certain social group, as well as the use of weapons are considered aggravating circumstances of the crime. In this case the Punishment includes:

  • Compulsory work for 360 hours.
  • Correctional labor for a year.
  • Forced labor for up to 2 years.
  • Imprisonment for the same period.

Thus, even for causing minor harm, the perpetrator can expect actual imprisonment.

Rear strangulation protection. Shoulder throw.

This move starts the same way as the shoulder throw. First of all, grab the attacker by the right sleeve in the area of ​​the elbow and shoulder. Now you just need to get down on your left knee, while extending your right leg to the side (Fig. 1).

Pull down with your right hand and the attacker will be thrown over your shoulder (Figure 2). These techniques can only be practiced on mats or soft grass.

Features of self-defense on the street

The street is not a gym, and compliance with sports and moral rules is not provided here. Almost always any street fight is a fight without rules. Also on the street there is a factor of surprise: a criminal can attack at any time and from anywhere. The stake here is on fear and shock, in which it is difficult to take any adequate action. When walking or going somewhere, you should always keep in mind that an unforeseen extreme situation may arise in which you will have to defend yourself. Of course, there is no need to be paranoid, but you should always and everywhere critically evaluate the situation. The advantage is that when attacked on the street, the defender has many options: from running away to using a wide variety of techniques.

If someone grabs you by the hair with one hand.

Use your right hand to grab the attacker's wrist.

While holding his hand on your head (or on your throat), turn to the right and raise your left arm high (Fig. 2).

Place this hand on the attacker's shoulder, placing your left leg in front of him (Fig. 3). If you perform the technique quickly, you can cause serious damage. Be careful while exercising.


The main idea that follows from the recommendations given is that effective self-defense techniques are very diverse and, in any case, require serious preparation. This is what we advise everyone to do. In addition to practical benefits, any martial art is a good sport for general physical development and recovery.

In addition, it is important to remember balance in everything, including protection. On the one hand, being a hero can lead to bad consequences and, perhaps, in some situations it is better to obey the criminal. On the other hand, hand-to-hand self-defense should not pose a danger to the life and health of anyone. Her only task is to eliminate the threat, but not to carry out a fair lynching on the spot.

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For you, we collect the best workouts, recommendations for proper nutrition and, of course, humor from the world of beautiful, energetic and healthy people - like you and me!

Two techniques against a boxer.

As the attacker prepares to strike, turn sharply to the right, placing all your body weight on your right leg. Bend your left leg at the knee and straighten it sharply, hitting the attacker with all your might with your foot above the right knee.

As you kick with your left foot, move your head to the right. This balances the body and also moves the head away from the attacker's fist (Figure 1).

An alternative way is to block the blow with your right forearm and counterattack with your knee to the groin (Fig. 2). During training, a blow to the groin should be avoided.

How does the severity of injuries influence the decision to bring penalties against the attackers?

In all cases, without exception, contacting the police with a statement of battery is advisable. Through the preliminary actions of law enforcement agencies, the victim not only receives assistance in stopping the crime and gets rid of further violent actions by the attacker.

He also receives significant support in accompanying the procedure for punishing the offender or criminal.

However, if insignificant and minor injuries are received that result in health problems, then without a statement from the injured citizen, a penalty cannot be imposed on the perpetrator.

Such legal norms apply to crimes for which administrative or criminal liability arises due to Article 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and (Part 1) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if the actions were not of a public nature and the interests of third parties were not harmed as a result of the street fight .

In other cases, if the injured person receives injuries included in the list of corpus delicti according to the provisions of Articles , , 113, 117 (Part 2) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a statement is not required. Typically, in these cases, they call a team of emergency doctors, or go to a clinic for outpatient or inpatient treatment.

shall be punishable by correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or restriction of liberty for a term of up to two years, or forced labor for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for the same term.

Based on an application to a medical institution, the following occurs:

  1. examination of the severity of injuries;
  2. transfer of information to the police station;
  3. provision of medical care.

That is, if the severity of the harm caused is stable or irreversible, as well as when causing short-term but serious harm to health, allowing the victim’s body to be incapacitated, a criminal case is opened automatically.

Important. If, at the time of contacting a medical specialist, the bruises and wounds no longer look fresh and the skin structure already looks restored, in this case the doctor, of course, will record the damage, but the severity of the damage may be indicated less than it was in its original form.. Therefore, it is so it is important to make a timely request to record the beatings

Therefore, it is so important to make a timely request to record the beatings. What liability is provided for assault under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation? And other nuances that will help you better understand the provided punishments:

What liability is provided for assault under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation? And other nuances that will help you better understand the provided punishments:

  1. Classification of beatings.
  2. What is mild battery and what is the liability for it?
  3. What is moderate battery and responsibility for it.

Also, in what case will the liability be administrative (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and when will only a fine be imposed as a punishment?


Over the 19 years of its existence, the Center has turned into an educational and training club with its own traditions and extensive experience in working with ordinary people who do not have any sports training. The natural desire of a person is to be more secure in the modern world, to be stronger, to stop being afraid and to have many friends.

The program is based on non-sports (applied) hand-to-hand combat, the ability to avoid injuries in everyday life and psychological readiness for survival.

Currently, the club unites more than two hundred people, men and women, of different ages and social status.

Regular training in the gym, various seminars on self-defense and self-defense, outdoor classes (in real conditions), hikes, forced marches, participation in competitions and internal club events - all this is the Garda Special Training Center, a self-defense and survival club.

Self-defense techniques without weapons: a review of effective easy simple techniques, prohibited and combat

This article will talk about self-defense without the use of weapons, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and how to get out of a street fight with minimal losses.
Every day, leaving home, or, conversely, returning home along a dark street, people are at risk of attack by criminals.

Some of the asocial elements are even capable of killing a person just because he liked the jacket or expensive phone of a late citizen.

How to protect yourself from them? Yes, you can buy a stun gun , a gas spray or a traumatic pistol . But you still need to get the shocker, and this is not easy to do with shaking hands, the same goes for a pistol, but a spray can cannot be used in a headwind, or in a closed room.

There is a second option to ensure your own safety - learn basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. You don’t need to be a titled boxer or have a black belt in karate; it’s enough to master two or three simple techniques to fight off one or even two gopniks.

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