Tactical pen, effective self-defense tool or just a marketing ploy

It is not known exactly who invented such a miniature self-defense weapon. Tactical pens have become popular and known throughout the world because of the unusual appearance of the product and because of the excellent marketing campaign of the manufacturers, who constantly pointed out the versatility and usefulness of this item.

Every commercial for a tactical pen shows how this small object can easily and effortlessly neutralize even an armed enemy. The brutal appearance makes the product attractive, but still its real effectiveness leaves many questions. Let's try to figure out what's true here and what's just advertising.

History of occurrence and methods of application

The tactical self-defense pen was invented as a type of concealed weapon of the brass knuckle type. Essentially, these are yawara or kubotan disguised as office items. At the same time, a tactical pen is not recognized as a shock-crushing weapon (according to GOST-r 51215-98). You can always carry such an item with you without raising questions from people around you, security guards or police officers.

The handle can be used for various purposes:

  • a tactical ballpoint pen is suitable for taking notes (although it is not very convenient for this);
  • as a stop or lever (titanium products are strong and reliable, so they can withstand significant weight);
  • as a means of self-defense.

When used in self-defense, the technique of wielding a tactical pen is similar to the technique of wielding a combat knife.

Bottom line

A tactical pen is a javara disguised as an office item that, in the right hands, turns into a formidable weapon, although it does not look like one.

To use it, you need quite long, possibly expensive training, but what could be more valuable than your life?

Finally, a piece of advice: be careful where you store and how you transport this weapon. It is about the same size as a regular pen. There is a risk of losing an expensive and sometimes irreplaceable self-defense item that does not require a license or any other permission to carry.

Using a pen for self-defense

In many promotional videos you can see how a tactical pen can be used to easily neutralize a stronger enemy, even if he has a knife. Having completed a self-defense course with such “PR people,” many are not afraid to engage in combat even with an armed enemy, often losing their life or health during this unequal fight. Never forget that a tactical pen is nothing more than an ordinary object, and a knife is a murder weapon.

The main thing in the technique of using a tactical pen in combat is various thrusts, and the use of the pen occurs in the manner of knife fighting, using the same grips. We must not forget that this is not a knife, and the injection does not have sufficient penetrating force.

So, to cause significant damage, blows must be delivered to pressure points unprotected by clothing, the face, neck or throat. In real combat, it is very difficult to poke a pen into the neck or face, and our climatic conditions are not very conducive to light clothing.

The second option for effectively using a tactical pen is to deliver a lightning-fast series of many strikes on the enemy. To implement this tactic, you need to surpass the enemy in combat skills by several levels.

In a street fight, no one will allow you to poke at a painful point that is not covered by clothing. Any technique using a tactical pen requires good skills and long training. An untrained person will only be able to effectively use a tactical pen if they accidentally get it in the eye or throat.

Caution is the key to your safety

No matter how advanced modern tactical pens , yawaras and kubotans are, they will not help you get rid of bullies if you are not psychologically prepared. Even the presence of such improvised means of self-defense changes little if a person is confused and does not know how to act in critical situations. Therefore, always be careful and attentive to the people around you on the street - especially in the evening and in deserted areas, where attacks on civilians most often occur. And remember that your safety is in your hands.

Kubotan - pens not only for writing, but also for self-defense PS Choose tactical pens as a gift - think about the safety of your loved ones.

Tactical pen technique

If you nevertheless decide to buy yourself this item for self-defense, then it is recommended to study the basics of its use in practice. Knowing how to hold an accessory correctly is half the battle.

There are three types of grips:

  1. Straight knife. It cannot be considered one of the most convenient if you have a handle in your hands. Compared to a knife, it does not have a stop, so it can slip into a fist.
  2. Reverse grip. It is considered to be in demand and effective. With its help, the handle is securely fastened in the hand, and the thumb placed on the reverse end prevents the handle from slipping out.
  3. Palm rest. This grip can only be recommended for experienced fighters whose palms have hard calluses. With this grip, the end of the handle rests in the middle of the palm, and the rod itself passes through the fingers clenched into a fist between the middle and ring fingers.

The owner of a tactical pen in his pocket must learn the basic rule of successful combat - surprise use. Set yourself up to use the pen once and as unexpectedly as possible. So, you can deliver a strong blow that will neutralize your opponent for a while.

If the blow is of insufficient force or is aimed at the “wrong” place, then the second blow will already be expected by the opponent and will not bring the desired result.

Practical application technique

You need to know how to use a tactical pen correctly. Randomly waving an object will not give the desired result. To use the pen effectively, you will need to learn the technique of using it. Basics of learning - grips. Those people who know how to hold a knife correctly with different grips will not have problems with the handle.

Here are the most important grips, knowledge of which will help protect yourself in emergency situations:

  • a direct grip of a knife using a technique with a handle will not be effective, since upon impact it will easily slide into a fist due to the lack of a stop like in a knife;

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  • In this case, a reverse grip will be effective, in which the thumb rests on the end and prevents the handle from sliding;
  • A palm resting grip is more suitable for experienced fighters.

The main advantage of the pen is its unexpected uses. By delivering one sudden, quick blow, you can confuse the enemy and thereby gain a tactical advantage.

Penetration test

At the request of manufacturers of tactical pens, an experiment was conducted to test the penetration ability of some models. The testing also involved a kubatan (a special knife) and a simple plastic handle.

The target was an ordinary sports mat wrapped in a jacket.

As a result, as expected, the victory was won by the Chinese kubotan, which was completely stuck into the mat up to the hilt.

Penetration ability of various brands of tactical pens

A group of enthusiasts conducted a special experiment to determine the best model of tactical pen. Several popular models of tactical pens and more were selected for the experiment:

  • Boker Plus Tactical Pen CID;
  • Tactical pen laix B5;
  • Smith&Wesson M&P Tactical Pen;
  • Chinese kubotan knife;
  • An ordinary ballpoint pen made of rigid plastic.

The test subject to experience the injections on himself was a rolled up yoga mat, which was wrapped in a jacket for a complete simulation with a person.

The test result was initially predictable, but ended unexpectedly. The Kubotan knife took first place (which is not surprising). His blade stuck into the rug the entire length. The Smith Wesson M&P series pen took first place among tactical pens. Its bullet shape is perfect for delivering painful blows. The laix tactical pen and the boker tactical pen shared an honorable second place, their results are approximately the same. Suddenly, a simple plastic handle took first place after the kubotan knife. It penetrates 50 percent deeper than the leading tactical pen, Smith Wesson. Considering its smaller diameter, this result does not contradict physics, although a more serious result was expected from tactical pens.

With a high level of combat training, a tactical pen is a fairly effective weapon. If a person is not prepared, then a brick, stone or stick picked up from the ground will be a more effective weapon.

Characteristics and Features

Fashionable, practical and convenient accessory - that's what the tactical pen is all about. It combines a number of useful functions that, if necessary, will allow the owner to get out of any emergency situations.

This item will be useful for both men and women.

Characteristics of a quality tactical pen:

  • metal body;
  • structural strength;
  • use as a kubotan;
  • compactness - small size and weight;
  • the ability to disassemble into separate parts;
  • built-in glass breaker;
  • stylish look.

Choosing the Best Tactical Pen Model

To protect against attack, it is good to have a pistol or an impressive arsenal of knives. However, the law prohibits having pistols, and if you use a knife in self-defense, you can end up in jail yourself. A tactical pen is an item that is not prohibited from being worn and used, since in its essence it is an ordinary pen. And if a knife can cause fear and wariness among people around you, then a tactical pen is not a “combat” item at all.

When choosing a tactical pen, you need to decide for yourself whether it is worth paying for a branded model, such as the boker tactical pen, or buying an inexpensive Chinese model. A good tactical pen should have a number of features:

  • The most important thing is strength. It is better to choose a steel or titanium model, it will be able to deal many blows and will not break;
  • The ease of holding the handle plays an important role, because this will affect the force of the blow, during which the handle must remain in the firing position (the Smith Wesson tactical handle has an aggressive ring notch that prevents slipping);
  • A good model should have a pronounced “edge”; the Smith Wesson M&P tactical pen is a prime example of this shape.

The Smith Wesson M&P tactical pen is an excellent example, except for one detail. An aggressive appearance combined with a company logo may attract unwanted attention from law enforcement. If your smith wesson tactical pen will be used for writing, be prepared for the aggressive checkering to bruise your fingers.

If you are ready to spend a significant amount on the purchase of this device, be prepared for the fact that the handles tend to get lost. It may be better to purchase several high-quality Chinese models that you won’t mind losing.

Criterias of choice

It's no secret that the best option for protection against bandits is a pistol. But, as you know, you need to obtain special permission to wear it. The law prohibits the unreasonable use and carrying of bladed weapons. Using a knife, even for self-defense, can turn out in the most unexpected way and lead to prison.

An alternative option is a tactical pen. There are no restrictions or prohibitions on its use; anyone can carry it, because in fact, it is just a pen. They do not cause fear or anxiety to anyone.

When choosing a pen, first of all, you should decide whether to take a branded item from Boker or take an ordinary Chinese one.

A high-quality tactical model should have the following characteristics:

  • strength - does not break upon impact (material is titanium or durable steel);
  • comfortable body - does not slip, is always placed in a position convenient for combat (notches on the body);
  • pointed end.

Interesting Facts

This product, unlike a knife, is not prohibited from being carried and used, since, in fact, it is an ordinary pen. Plus, the handles in front of the knife are also safe for the owner. The knife is an offensive weapon. It is not so safe to use it for self-defense.

When choosing a tactical pen, you need to focus on the following features:

  1. Product strength. It is better if it is made of stainless steel or titanium: this model will withstand many impacts. A tactical pen can be made from hard wood (bamboo, etc.). Products made from aircraft aluminum also work well, but plastic is definitely not suitable.
  2. Comfortable and stable in the hand. Holding in the hand is an important, but highly individual factor. You need to check in advance how firmly and comfortably the product is held in your hand: the force of the impact depends on this. It is advisable to choose a product with ring notches - they prevent slipping. Special knurling, curly protrusions or corrugation will not be superfluous.
  3. The tip of the product. It should be sharp enough and strong. A super-sharp handle is not needed (there is a risk of unintentionally killing the attacker) - a reinforced tip with increased penetrating power will do. It’s good if the model is equipped with a reliable clip or clip, thanks to which you can hide the product in your pocket.
  4. Which rod is suitable for this product. It is advisable that it be the most common type that can be purchased at a regular office supply store.
  5. Attaching the cap. There are two options: manual fixation (like with simple fountain pens) or using a thread. The last method is more reliable.
  6. There are also additional elements. For example, a model may have a glass breaker, which is used to break a car window in emergency situations.

Look at the appearance of the handle. Since it can successfully write, it will become a stylish accessory.

Characteristics of tactical pens

Things you should pay attention to before purchasing. Firstly, the strength of the product, it is dictated by the use of the handle for self-defense purposes. Therefore, carefully study the build quality and material of the fountain pen. Original tactical pens are made of metal, since plastic is not suitable for such purposes, it either does not withstand stress and breaks, or does not have sufficient stopping power.

Comfortable grip and non-slip surface. The same principles apply here as when choosing a knife. You should evaluate the handle as you would evaluate the handle of a combat knife - it should not slip in your hand, it should be comfortable and ergonomic.

The size of the fountain pen is also critical. It should not be too long so as not to simply get stuck in a pocket, sleeve, etc. And at the same time, not so small as to get lost there and not be able to cause any harm to the attacker. Depending on the size of your palm, you need to choose the length of the pen so that, if necessary, it can serve you as a good weapon for self-defense.

Pay attention to the pen clip and how securely it is held on clothing or equipment. Otherwise, you risk not finding the weapon that was your “last hope.” However, the clip that tightly fastens the pen to your pocket is also a problem; you simply may not be able to get it out in time.

The tip of a tactical pen also has its purpose, and should correspond to it. Evaluate the penetrating power and the ability to wear it yourself so as not to get hurt. The tip should not be either blunt or too pointed. But it must be durable a priori. You should not choose a fountain pen that closely resembles a bladed weapon. This will attract unnecessary attention and questions. Also, it is worth choosing a tactical pen, the refills of which are the most common, and which can be purchased at an office supply store, rather than ordering them by mail. When choosing such everyday items that are designed to help you in critical situations, you should use common sense and be aware of responsibility for your actions.

Every person tries to protect themselves. Some enroll in self-defense courses, others find allies or defenders, and still others purchase self-defense equipment. Buyers have high demands, so manufacturers are trying to keep up with the times and produce devices that are accessible to all age and gender groups, and also have an acceptable price-quality ratio. Among such self-defense items, the tactical pen stands out.

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