How to use an air pistol: a means for self-defense

Is it advisable to use pneumatics?

For those people who do not want to spend time obtaining a license, the choice of pneumatics is reduced to models with muzzle energy not exceeding 7.5 joules. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not consider such pistols to be weapons at all. If the muzzle energy indicator is higher, such models are considered either hunting or sporting. To purchase pneumatics with muzzle energy greater than 7.5 J, you must obtain a permit/license.

In fact, an air pistol cannot cause any significant injury to an attacker, but it can be frightening in appearance. It shoots almost silently.

If the attacker is wearing thick outerwear, he is unlikely to feel that he was shot. That is why, before using an air pistol for self-defense, you should take into account some psychological aspects.

How to choose

Before choosing an air pistol for self-defense, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the model you like in action.
You can borrow a specific weapon from a friend and go to a shooting range or outdoors, setting goals. During operation, the positive and negative sides of the pistol will immediately become apparent, so a person may change his mind and decide to choose a different brand or a more advanced version of the model. It is important to know how to shoot a pistol correctly and whether you can carry an air pistol with you.

It is advisable to choose a weapon for which you do not need to obtain permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These are specimens of a caliber not exceeding 4.5 mm. If you are not sure about the need to constantly use pneumatics, it is advisable to choose an inexpensive weapon.

You cannot purchase the cheapest products or make a purchase from unverified suppliers offering to purchase a pistol at a reduced price. The quality of the metal and the mechanism in such specimens are imperfect.

For a detailed review of the Beretta air pistol, see here. Check out all the modifications of the Browning pistol here.

Before purchasing, you should evaluate the quality of the material from which the weapon body is made. Some people think that plastic is not suitable in this case, but this is not true. It is quite durable, easy to clean, and does not deteriorate from impacts. To learn how to purchase pneumatic weapons for self-defense, watch the video.

Plastic stores are also reliable and durable. Plastic should not be allowed to be part of the trigger mechanism, as the material will gradually wear out from intensive work.

In most cases, metal cases are quite fragile, since the material used is of poor quality. If you care for it properly, the user will not notice its negative qualities. Such weapons should be handled with care and avoid impacts and falls.

For self-defense, you can choose either a pistol or a rifle (for example, the Hatsan 125 rifle). An air gun is more suitable for hunting, as it is heavy and requires some time to set up. The pistol can be pulled out almost instantly, which is necessary for a person in a critical situation.

To maximize shot accuracy, it is advisable to give preference to single-shot weapons. If it is possible to repeat shots frequently, then the pressure in the gun does not change.

Each bullet is fired at the same speed. In this case, it always hits a predetermined target, which is most important for self-defense.

Many people do not know whether it is possible to use air guns for self-defense? Officially, it is used only to improve shooting skills and for sporting purposes. When choosing, you need to take this into account.

The tactical and technical characteristics of the Makarov pistol are excellent for self-defense.

You can read a detailed description and disassembly of the Colt 1911 pistol here.

Read about the most powerful air pistol for self-defense at:

The gun should not gather dust in your pocket. You need to improve your fighting skills, then this weapon will be much more useful in self-defense. Its prices are low, so you can afford this option for both protection from attacks and training. Prices for small-caliber pistols can be found here. It will be useful for athletes to read about choosing a sports air pistol.

Nuances of psychology

Most people mistakenly think that demonstrating the presence of a weapon may be enough to resolve a conflict situation.

Despite the fact that pneumatics will be very similar to military weapons, there is no guarantee that an attacker will not reveal the trick. For a person who at least somehow understands weapons, it is not difficult to find the differences between a pneumatic replica and a combat analogue:

  • pneumatics implies the presence of a gas cartridge pressure screw. On some models it is very noticeable.
  • The muzzle opening of military weapons is significantly larger than that of pneumatic analogues.

If a bully has even a slight understanding of air guns, he may be able to quickly spot the deception. Surely, this will only complicate the situation - the degree of aggression will increase. Naturally, this pistol can scare an unknowing person or in low light. But in the end, everything will fall into place as soon as you fire the first shot.

Lethal and damaging characteristics of pneumatics

If a person decides to use a weapon against an aggressive opponent, he must be sure that the shots will be able to stop the bully, disorient or immobilize him. When this does not happen, the attacker will only become more angry.

Often, the muzzle energy of the selected air pistol rarely exceeds 3 J. In this case, copper-coated balls with a diameter of 4.5 millimeters are used, the mass of which does not exceed 0.5 grams. A good specimen will be able to break a champagne bottle with a shot from a few meters. For comparison: the Osa traumatic pistol shoots bullets with a diameter of 18.5 millimeters, the weight of which is 11.7 g. The muzzle energy is 85 joules.

Of course, after being shot with a bullet from an air pistol, the bully will feel pain, especially if at point-blank range. Such a weapon can pierce the skin, but nothing more.

Self-defense with air guns

The issue of using air pistols and revolvers as a means of self-defense is by no means new. For many years now, various non-specialized media have regularly published articles and reports on the “hot” topic of self-defense, which tell such miracles about the effectiveness of pneumatic weapons that, at times, it becomes simply funny. Many journalists, without really delving into the essence of the issue, in their works make a kind of “silent deadly weapon” out of pneumatics, which anyone can buy without any documents. In some places, in pursuit of the sensationalism of the material, there was even a definition of pneumatic weapons as “a killer’s weapon.” Of course, such materials do not pass without leaving a trace. The desire to have a powerful, “almost real” pistol without spending time on obtaining a license leads people to gun stores, where they buy themselves some kind of “Makarov air pistol” and carry it, satisfied and confident in their safety. Gas-cylinder pneumatic pistols are easily available, look beautiful, are inexpensive... The shot is fired using the energy of compressed carbon dioxide located in special replaceable cartridges. Most gas-cylinder pneumatic pistols copy the appearance of real-life models of military weapons - from the Makarov pistol to the Bereta 92. They are intended for sports and recreational shooting at short distances. But are they suitable for self-defense? Let's try to figure it out. WE SCARY I would like to start with this aspect of self-defense, which many call the “psychological effect.” This term usually means the action of a weapon, based on the fact that its owner with a scary face takes out this very weapon, jerks the bolt with a rich sound, and all the enemies immediately run away in panic. In general, even if you have military weapons with you, you shouldn’t particularly count on the fact that one type of weapon will be enough to eliminate the threat. Moreover, people who carry military weapons with them usually know this very well and, unless absolutely necessary, try not to take them out. But the desire to show off with a pistol and pull it out in any acute conflict is usually characteristic of those who first acquire any “under-weapon” - pneumatics or, say, a gas pistol. In the case of a gas pistol, by such actions they deprive themselves of the possibility of its effective use, which must be sudden. In the case of pneumatics, this is a provocation of aggression, which they simply have nothing to counter. Well, maybe just hit him on the head with this pistol. However, the effectiveness of pneumatics will be discussed below.

Now let's look at the external resemblance to military weapons. Yes, most models of air pistols resemble the shape of combat models in appearance. They repeat the shape, but are not a copy: for a person who has even a superficial understanding of weapons, it will not be difficult to distinguish an air pistol from a combat pistol. The main distinguishing features of pneumatics are the presence of a clamping screw on the handle and the small diameter of the hole at the muzzle. Let's take, for example, the most common air pistol in Russia, the MP-654k, which many call a copy of the Makarov pistol. You can offhand name a dozen differences in the appearance of the “copy” from its combat relative. Some of these differences are visible to the naked eye from a distance of several meters: the small diameter of the hole at the muzzle, a different shape of the front part of the bolt, a clamping screw protruding from the handle, the absence of an ejector, inscriptions on the bolt, after all... In general, a person who at least Once he saw a combat PM, he will always be able to distinguish it from pneumatics.

There are some factors that can prevent recognition of a pneumatic pistol: poor lighting, cosmetic tuning of the pistol (giving it more resemblance to its combat counterpart), in the end, simply the adversary’s ignorance of the materiel. In this case, how “real” the gun will be perceived depends on the correspondence of the appearance of the person holding the gun with the attacker’s idea of ​​​​the appearance of a person who might actually be holding a combat pistol. Or even simpler, the criminal may have the mindset to perceive any pistol as “not real.” In general, you should not think that they will be afraid of the pistol, and one demonstration of it will stop the criminals and put them to flight. This is possible in countries where military weapons are widely distributed among the civilian population. In our country, pneumatic, gas and “traumatic” weapons are much more common, which no one is afraid of, especially in a state fueled by alcohol and youthful enthusiasm. So, with a much higher probability, no one will be afraid of a gun. And the adversary (or several), with promises to combine your gun with your own body, will go on the attack. What then to do with an air pistol? Fire. And this is where the fun begins.

Let's shoot A hit from an air pistol breaks a beer bottle very beautifully. And even a more durable champagne bottle. And among supporters of the use of pneumatics for self-defense (there are others, more about them below), this is often an argument in favor of the fact that pneumatics are effective against humans.

Gas-cylinder pneumatic pistols and revolvers, which are freely sold in weapons and sporting goods stores, have muzzle energy from 3 to 7.5 joules and have a caliber of 4.5 mm. These restrictions are introduced by the Law “On Weapons”. Such pistols fire balls or bullets, the mass of which does not exceed one gram (on average, the mass of a bullet for pneumatics is 0.5 g). Pneumatics with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 joules and a caliber of more than 4.5 mm are subject to registration and are not freely sold.

How can a bullet stop an aggressive person? The stopping effect can be achieved in two ways. The first is the high penetrating effect of the bullet, which causes damage to vital organs and leads to death. Moreover, in order for this death to occur before this person does something terrible to the shooter, you need to hit the head or heart. Therefore, throughout the world, even .22 caliber firearms are considered ineffective. The second way is that the bullet must have a large mass and energy, which is transferred to the target upon impact. This principle is the basis of traumatic weapons, where the bullet, theoretically, has no penetrating effect at all. Attention, question: according to which of these two principles can a tiny and weightless bullet from an air pistol, which has very little energy, stop a person?

Let's try to compare the most important parameters of a shot from an air pistol with the same parameters of “traumatic” cartridges 18x45 (PB “Osa”, “Strazhnik”) and, say, 9mm PA (“Makarych” and other “rubber arrows”). At the same time, we’ll give pneumatics some head start: we’ll proceed from its maximum muzzle energy of 7.5 joules, despite the fact that the vast majority of gas pistols fall significantly short of this figure. Again, we will make a comparison based on the stated indicators, which may differ slightly from the actual ones - not in favor of pneumatics.

What do we see? In terms of such important parameters as bullet mass and its energy, a ball fired from a pneumatic gun is significantly inferior to “traumatic” cartridges. The mass of the pneumatic ball is 23 times less than the mass of the Osa bullet, and its energy is approximately 9 times lower. Considering the fact that even a hit from the Wasp is not always effective, it is not worth talking about the effectiveness of the stopping effect of such a ball. A bullet from the 9mm PA cartridge is closer in characteristics to pneumatics and has a comparable mass. But, again, in terms of muzzle energy, pneumatics are 5-7 times inferior to this cartridge (depending on the manufacturer of the cartridge and the pistol for shooting).

I hope no one doubts the fact that a ball fired from a pneumatic gun cannot provide a sufficient impact. The transferred energy of 7.5 joules (remember, we are considering an ideal situation, in fact this energy is less) is clearly not enough to provide a stopping effect. What do we have in terms of penetrating ability? The extremely small diameter of the ball (in fact, less than 4.5 mm) allows it to pierce the skin even at such low energy if it is not protected by thick clothing. After all, its contact area with the skin is much smaller than that of bullets from 18x45 or 9 mm PA cartridges. But its energy is too low to penetrate deep enough to cause any serious damage. Roughly speaking, it breaks through the skin and gets stuck in the fat layer or muscles on the surface itself. The result will be a small clean wound, possibly accompanied by a hematoma. It hurts? Yes, definitely. Can this stop a person and deprive him of his ability to continue active actions? No. And if it hits an area that is covered by more or less thick clothing, then the ball most likely will not even reach the skin. And if the attacker is drunk, and even righteous anger is burning in him because a gun was pointed at him, he may not notice the ball under the skin at all, but will be surprised to discover it when he is already done with you and the adrenaline begins to gradually leave him.

But the pneumatic gun hits bottles, without a doubt, very beautifully!

It is theoretically possible that a person defending with pneumatics can “successfully” hit some nerve center located close to the surface and cause the attacker such pain that he is incapacitated. But this probability is so insignificant that it should not be taken seriously. Let's not forget that the main quality for a self-defense weapon is reliable stopping power. And hoping for a “lucky hit”, the probability of which is only a fraction of a percent, is not very reasonable.

It’s worth looking at this aspect separately. Our body has such an interesting part as the head. It is used by different people in different ways, but for all of them it has one most unpleasant feature - it is vulnerable to various types of damage. Accordingly, the possibility of using pneumatic weapons in the head should be considered separately.

A hit to the head, unlike other parts of the adversary’s body, will certainly not go unnoticed. I think it is obvious to everyone that a gas-cylinder pneumatic pistol is not capable of piercing a skull. Energy of up to 7.5 joules, transferred to the brain through contact with the skull, can cause disruption of its functioning (fainting, etc.) except in a sick teenager. But why shoot at such a thing? Getting hit in the face will cause a lot of pain, but again, can't stop it. The worst thing a commercially available air pistol can do is knock out an eye with a precise hit. In other words, the only way to stop an attacker with a pneumatic weapon is to shoot balls all over his face with a powerful pistol, damaging his eyes. In this article we did not touch on the legal aspect of self-defense with pneumatics, only the practical one. But it is definitely worth noting that, in the event of a trial on the fact of such “self-defense”, not only will the very fact of having a loaded air pistol not work in your favor (the air pistol must be transported unloaded), but also inflicting such bodily injuries on your adversary damage will clearly not increase your chances of a successful outcome. Also, pneumatics have some design features that significantly complicate their use as a self-defense weapon. As mentioned above, the compressed gas is contained in a replaceable cartridge. And it doesn’t stay there forever—the valve slowly leaks. It can poison with varying intensity, depending on the model and condition of the pistol, but the pressure decreases irrevocably over time. Those. When wearing a pneumatic gun with a punctured cylinder, you will have to change it every couple of days. And if you carry a gun without piercing the cylinder, then you will need to tighten the clamping screw and pierce it immediately before use. To do this, you will have to ask the attacker to “wait a little.” In addition, such manipulations and the hissing emitted by the can will certainly strengthen his belief that you have a combat pistol.

Yes, in the cold the pressure in the can decreases, and the energy of the ball decreases accordingly. And frost is not necessary - during tempo shooting, the canister cools on its own, and the energy of each subsequent shot is lower and lower.

We think what happens? But it turns out that in the form of gas-cylinder pneumatics we have an object that looks like a pistol, but is not capable of an effective shot and is intended for completely different purposes than self-defense. The only condition under which pneumatic guns will be at all effective is shooting in the face. And then, it will be exactly as effective as a blow to the same face with a fist. And it is less effective than spraying a good gas can into this face, which is more compact, lighter, cheaper, easier to use, and does not cause damage.

Why carry such a useless and dangerous item with you instead of a gas canister that is superior in all respects, specially created for self-defense purposes? As practice shows, those who carry pneumatic guns for self-defense can be divided into two groups.

The first group are people who are really concerned about their own safety, but are not keen on weapons. Just those who heard a glimpse in some TV show about “deadly air guns” went to the store and bought themselves such a pistol. And, as a rule, if it is reasonably explained to such people that pneumatics are not suitable for these purposes, then they calmly leave it for shooting at bottles, and buy a spray can for carrying. Or they go to get a license.

But there is another category of people. These are young people who, due to age or other reasons, are not able to obtain a license, but are obsessed with the idea of ​​having a “gun” in order to be like their favorite characters from the movie “Boomer”. Actually, these are the main consumers of carry pneumatics. The gas can, although it has significant advantages over the air pistol, is not able to help them impress their friends. That’s why they carry pneumatic guns with them, trying to proudly demonstrate them at every opportunity. This category just foams at the mouth and proves to everyone that pneumatics are an excellent means of self-defense. The arguments are usually the same bottles broken from ten meters away and the stories of their mythical acquaintances about how one man fought off a gang of thugs with a pneumatic MP-654k. And they declare that they simply don’t need anything else. It’s strange why, in this case, cries in defense of pneumatic weapons as a weapon of self-defense are heard only from people who do not have a license? And those who have a license and, accordingly, the opportunity to use weapons specially designed for self-defense, only grin at pneumatic carriers. Some might argue that it is better to have an air pistol than to have nothing. This is a moot point. A pneumatic gun tucked into a belt is, as a rule, mistakenly perceived by its owner as a full-fledged weapon, which can be fired if necessary. And in this role, an air pistol, like other weapons, dulls the sense of danger and caution, creating that very “illusion of safety” that many people love to talk about in relation to self-defense weapons. In other words, if a person without a weapon does not walk through a dark courtyard, from which the screams of drunken youth can be heard, and walks around the illuminated street, spending an extra minute, then for a person with a pneumatic gun in his belt, this will be a strong blow to his self-esteem. He's the one with the "trunk"! Therefore, he will go straight through that very yard. And the same pneumatics that brought him there will not be able to help him if he gets into trouble because of it. A person who treats an air pistol the way it should be treated (as a sports equipment) will never carry it for self-defense. It turns out that in the case of pneumatics, it is better to have nothing than to carry an item that can get you into trouble, but cannot help you get out of it. Well, unless you use this gun as a heavy, blunt object.

Conclusion From the above, someone can conclude that I am against pneumatics in principle. This is by no means true. Pneumatics are a wonderful thing for its purpose, i.e. for inexpensive sport and recreational shooting. Pneumatics are great for teaching children and teenagers the rules of safe handling of weapons. In addition, we only considered gas-cylinder air pistols. There are powerful PCP hunting rifles that can actually harm a person. But it’s hard to imagine who would think of wearing them for self-defense. After all, they carry something that is easily accessible, compact and looks impressive - low-power gas pistols. An air pistol is ideal for shooting bottles for fun or practicing shooting on a budget. But you shouldn’t expect it to be effective in something for which it is not intended. Nobody will try to cross the river by car, will they? To do this they will take a boat. It’s the same in our situation: you shouldn’t use an object for self-defense that is not intended for this and that cannot cope with this task. It's better to take a good can. Or a license.

Take care of yourself.
September 23, 2013

Technical aspect

Using a pneumatic replica as a means of self-defense is also difficult for technical reasons. This weapon fires thanks to the compressed gas pressure that occurs in a can of carbon dioxide. In winter, at sub-zero temperatures, the pressure in the can decreases, which means the shot becomes weaker.

Pressure is also lost if you carry a gun with a punctured cartridge for a long time. To prevent the power from dropping, you will have to change it regularly (every couple of days), and this is not very convenient.

It is worth noting that even such a “harmless” purchased weapon can cause serious injuries, for example, when a bullet hits the eyes. This means that you will have to answer before the law for exceeding self-defense.

Classification of air guns by power

The legislation of the Russian Federation classifies models whose muzzle energy is in the range of 3-25 J as sporting weapons. From this it is clear that this type of pneumatics is used in sports or for recreational shooting. It can be a means of protection only in a situation if you fall under Art. 37 of the Criminal Code of Russia “Necessary defense”.

According to the Law “On Weapons”, the consumer has the right to purchase:

  • pneumatics, the muzzle energy of which is up to 3 joules. The products are structurally similar to military weapons, but the law does not apply to them. According to the Administrative Code, the circulation of air rifles and pistols is not prohibited.
  • Sports air guns with muzzle energy less than 7.5 joules. It can be purchased upon reaching 18 years of age. Shooting with rifles and pistols is permitted at shooting ranges, training grounds and in places where sporting or hunting stands are installed. The established safety rules are observed here, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Sports and hunting pneumatics with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 joules. It can only be used after obtaining a license. Shooting is allowed during the season if the owner has a voucher and a hunting license, as well as all year round - in specially equipped areas.

If your actions fall under the features of Art. 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is important to take into account that when shooting at a person with an air pistol, Russian legislation establishes a certain list of actions:

  • If it has been proven that the use of an air gun had no chance of preventing violence against you, this is considered a legal action.
  • Before opening fire, the enemy must be warned about this.
  • It is imperative to call the police and an ambulance to the scene of the incident, regardless of the severity of the injuries caused by pneumatic guns. While the ambulance is on the way, it is better to provide first aid to the hooligan, as well as find witnesses who could see what really happened. Ideally, you need to find out their full name and residential address.

It is worth noting that the law “On Weapons” does not contain any specific instructions. What kind of protective equipment is allowed to be used for necessary self-defense. The only condition for legality is proportionality of the harm and the degree of danger of the attack. That is why the consequences of using pneumatics with or without a license in self-defense are no different.

Types of weapons



Price: 4000 rubles.


This is a budget option for those who intend to use weapons only in emergencies. It can be used for sports activities or for entertainment purposes by setting targets. This pistol is a copy of the KWC Sig Sauer SP 2022.

Performance characteristics

The weapon is made from high quality plastic. The barrel is made of steel, comfortable to hold. The gun runs on carbon dioxide. Before use, you will need to insert a can of standard weight 12 grams into the handle . The magazine holds up to 23 bullets.

Steel balls of a caliber suitable for free purchase are used (4.5 mm). Sighting devices are not adjustable. The fuse can be adjusted with a slight movement of the hand. Device weight 600 mg.

Crosman C-31

Crosman C-31

Price: 4500 rubles.


One of the most common types of air pistols for self-defense. All standards are strictly met, the parameters meet the needs of most users. This weapon can be prepared to fire a shot almost instantly. Read a review of the Crosman c31 air pistol here.

Performance characteristics

The lightweight pistol, weighing 680 grams, is made in the likeness of the popular Beretta 90two. It works using a carbon dioxide cylinder, which is replaced after moving the handle. The magazine holds 18 bullets. To place it in the gun, you need to press a special button, only then the device is placed in a specially designated container.

Installation with a sudden movement is prohibited, as this may lead to damage to the model. Many believe that this specimen is the best air gun for self-defense.

IZhmekh Baikal MP-654K

IZhmekh Baikal MP-654K


MP-654K 32 is suitable for any purpose. Primarily intended for training and use as a sports game. Compared to the previous model range, it stands out due to its large barrel (9 mm in diameter) and the presence of a designer overlay on the handle. The model looks like a combat one.

Performance characteristics

This is a bright copy of the original Makarov pistol, so it has great advantages:

  1. Characteristic appearance, powerful design.
  2. High strength metal body.
  3. Excellent execution of parts, their correct and high-quality assembly.
  4. Comfortable use.

It is worth paying attention to the PMM 12 pistol with a silencer, which is also popular. Along with it is the Pugach Makarov pistol. Fans of silent shooting will like the Vul pistol and the Kedr pistol.

It is possible to conduct a firefight in two ways: with constant cocking and self-cocking. To keep the trigger in a safe position, simply install the safety while it is cocked. See photo.

Shooting from Makarov

It is important to comply with safety requirements when handling weapons.

All devices that form the firing mechanism are located in a separate compartment. This is a magazine, a carbon dioxide cartridge and a valve. They all fit together into the handle, as in standard models there are only magazines.

Cans of 8 g and 12 g are available; domestically produced devices can be used. To fire, you need to load the magazine with spherical bullets made of steel.

Zoraki HP-01 Ultra

Zoraki HP-01 Ultra

Price: 24,000 rubles.


This is an advanced multi-compression gun. Truly one of the best options for shooting. Intended for sporting purposes, but in spontaneous situations it is used as a means of self-defense.

Performance characteristics

  1. Convenient long barrel.
  2. There is no need to apply force to pump air.
  3. The trigger mechanism can be customized to suit your own needs.
  4. The handle is made according to orthopedic standards, adjustable to the user’s needs, and designed.
  5. A rail for additional accessories has been developed.
  6. The fuse operates automatically.
  7. When a bullet is fired, a person does not feel the recoil, which makes it possible to shoot without any harm to the hands.
  8. The rifled barrel is made of anti-corrosion steel.
  9. The front sight and aiming bar can be adjusted at your discretion, that is, zeroing can be done.
  10. There are designer polymer inserts.
  11. The pistol is purchased in a beautiful case. It comes with a hex key. There are devices for proper cleaning of weapons. This is a rod and quality oil.

Classic lovers may also like the Walter pistol. A ladies' pistol is also produced under this brand; more on that later.

Hatsan AT-P2

Hatsan AT-P2

Price: 34,500 rubles.


This pistol is a representative of the highest quality and high-power pneumatic weapons. Has many advantages.

Performance characteristics

  1. Aesthetic design.
  2. All details are made in compliance with ergonomic standards.
  3. The comfortable handle perfectly follows the contours of a bent arm. It can be comfortably charged manually.
  4. The stock is made of polymers. It is easily removable and can be adjusted at the user's discretion.
  5. The aluminum tank is created using a special technology and constantly maintains the same pressure. It reaches 200 atmospheres, which is a very high figure.
  6. Built-in pressure gauge.
  7. A special anti-knock system, patented by the manufacturers, does not allow gas leakage, therefore, complete safety for the shooter and reliability of the weapon is guaranteed.
  8. The trigger is decorated with gilding. Has both manual and automatic fuses.

Despite all the positive qualities, this weapon can be used without a permit for pneumatic weapons from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since its caliber is 4.5 mm. The initial speed is from 245 m/s, which indicates the range of the pistol. PCP is used as an energy source. Based on these criteria, IZH 53m can also be distinguished.

Responsibility for the use of pneumatics

If you plan to use a pneumatic weapon with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J, a license must be issued for it. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, storage and operation of such air pistols and rifles without a license entails administrative liability. The pneumatic gun will be confiscated and a fine will be imposed. For an individual it ranges from 3-5 thousand rubles. It is possible to replace the fine with administrative imprisonment for a period of 5-15 days.

According to Federal Law 150 “On Weapons”, the use of a pneumatic replica in self-defense is prohibited. Shooting within a populated area will result in an administrative fine of about 1,000 rubles, and pneumatic weapons and ammunition will be confiscated.

It is possible to receive a sentence depending on the severity of the injuries inflicted. According to Article 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, intentional infliction of grievous harm to health as a result of exceeding the norms of self-defense is punishable by restriction of freedom for up to 12 months.

Of course, there may be a situation in which air guns can protect you, but it is important to understand their low effectiveness.
Unexpected consequences can arise if the attacker is under the influence of prohibited substances or is simply inadequate. In this case, air guns can only cause more aggression. May 21, 2022

The best

Makarov pistol (pneumatic)

Makarov pistol (pneumatic)

Price: 5500 rubles.


Pneumatic types of these weapons are adapted versions of the Makarov pistol. Standard spherical bullets are used, 12 mm cans are needed. The most successful option is the Makarov MP-654K model. It was developed on the basis of the famous IZH-71.

Performance characteristics

The appearance meets the standards of high-quality and expensive weapons. Used with comfort and great efficiency. The trigger mechanism is universal. Fighting is allowed using a self-cocking mechanism. Sometimes a preliminary cocking of the hammer is used.

Basic training must be completed before using this pistol on a regular basis and being confident in its proper handling. You need to learn how to add bullets to the magazine, replace it, and quickly navigate the trigger mechanism.

You should also get used to the peculiarities of shooting from this weapon. It consistently lowers the bullet's direction by 1 cm when shooting at long distances. This is a slight deviation, after adapting to which a person will be able to freely use the pistol and hit the target accurately. Sports pistols are also especially popular.

Pistol Tula Tokarev

Pistol Tula Tokarev

Price: 25,000 rubles.


The weapon is very light and convenient. Its production costs are significantly reduced, and along with them the final price of the product. The pistol has high power for its size. The muzzle energy is 500 J. The release is instantaneous, the bullet flies quickly and with great intensity, clearly reaching the target at more than 50 m.

This pistol can be used as a means of self-defense without fear of effectiveness.

Performance characteristics

The pistol is convenient to use, there are many pre-designed improvements:

  1. The design of the weapon is simplified, but quite convenient. The firing mechanism is located in a separate block. It must be cleaned and lubricated regularly. There are no problems with this, since it is very conveniently separated from the base.
  2. The width of the handle is comfortable, as it has a small volume. This advantage was achieved by placing the mainspring in the free part of the trigger.
  3. The pistol is easy to disassemble. The sides of the handle open when special bars are turned.
  4. There is no safety mechanism provided. Instead, a safety cocking mechanism is used.

Read about which air gun is best to buy here. Smoothbore weapons are often chosen for self-defense.

You can watch the use of air guns in the following video:

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