Kubotan - a device for protection, invisible and effective

At first glance, it may seem that today all possible means of self-defense have been invented, both simple in design and the most ingenious. Even those people who are interested in military weapons are forced to note that all types of influence on humans are already embodied in more or less popular means of self-defense. However, more and more new devices are appearing, disguised as various household items, which can save life and health in an emergency.

A key fob, serving as a means of self-defense, as an impact-crushing weapon, was invented in the seventies of the last century. Many have seen the kubotan in real life, and that is what this keychain is called, but not everyone knows that if handled properly, it can become reliable protection in an emergency.

Currently, the Kubotan keychain has not only gained worldwide fame, but is also officially used in the USA, as well as in a number of other countries, as an element of police equipment.


In the original, Kubotan – Kubotankeychain – is a formalized trade brand of Grand Master Soke Kubota. It can be compared to a stick or rod; the material used for manufacturing is plastic:

  • length is 14 cm;
  • diameter – 1.5 cm;
  • weight – 56.6 g.

There are no sharp parts or edges on it. The body of the rod has six grooves designed for better grip, and a key ring is attached to one end. According to the classification, this product does not fall under the definition of a weapon.

There are also many other shapes and design options for the product. For the manufacture of rods, an aluminum alloy is used, the body of which may contain sharp, cone-shaped spikes and blades. They are sold under the Kubotan brand, but in fact they have nothing to do with the original.


The classic kubotan is a cylindrical rod made of hard plastic, wood or metal. Its dimensions are approximately 14 cm in length and 1.5 in diameter. This device weighs 60 grams or so. For ease of grip and use, six transverse stripes are usually cut on its surface. A hole with a ring at one of the ends is required.

Despite its small size and harmless appearance, the kubotan is a fairly powerful self-defense weapon, with which you can even cope with an enemy that is larger and stronger than you.

Methods of application

The use of kubotan is aimed at providing resistance during self-defense, influencing the most vulnerable and painful points of the attacker with the device. There are several ways to use it:

  • Applying striking movements with the upper end with keys or the opposite. Produced from bottom to top or vice versa. When performing this grip, the thumb is placed along the kubotan, and the rest is completely grasped.
  • The blows are delivered with a bunch of keys like a whip. The fingers are located as above, but the keys can be located either at the top or at the bottom of the wrist.
  • Delivering painful blows. The Kubotan must be grasped with four fingers, with the thumb holding the keychain that faces the wrist. In this way, a kind of pincer is obtained, with which, for example, the fingers of the enemy’s hands are clamped. Performing twisting movements causes pain to the attacker.
  • Special techniques. An example would be a piercing, furrowing blow, in which a bunch of keys is clamped in a fist, and the rod is held at the top between the middle and index phalanges. This coupling can be done in the reverse position, the kubotan is clamped with a fist, and one key from the bunch is placed between the middle and index fingers.

There are special manuals for using this device. In them, martial artists describe in more detail how to use kubotan for self-defense and in other cases.

But don’t think that holding it in your hands can easily defeat your opponent. Any type of weapon requires skills in its development. The traditional technique of using a kubotan involves influencing pain points on the human body. Therefore, first you should study them, know their location in order to hit them, and only then use them in battle.

After all, a targeted strike brings significant harm, compared to a blow with a fist. The disadvantage of this device is that its effective use only produces results at close range from the enemy, and this can threaten the life of the owner of the kubotan.

What is it like?

Kubotan is a modern, improved version of the ancient brass knuckles, yawara, which was widely used in China and Japan.

It was developed by Japanese martial artist Kubota Takayuki. Kubotan looks like an ordinary keychain with keys, without any danger. Dimensions usually do not exceed 15 cm, weight - no more than 60 grams.

Kubotan is a so-called plastic rigid rod, at the end of which a ring is inserted for fastening. It is usually attached to keys, which is why they called it a keychain.

Nowadays, kubotan is often made of metal and even wood, although plastic remains a classic. It doesn’t matter what material it’s made of, whether it’s grooved or not, the main thing is that it’s a rigid rod with a hole in the end. If necessary, even a pencil, pen or scissors can act as a kubotan.

This is interesting: the enemy’s blow is enhanced not by the weight of the kubotan, but by the strengthening of the blow itself. A defender who uses a kubotan is less afraid of being hit, and therefore hits harder.

Where to hit?

A blow with a kubotan to the soft area of ​​the neck under the Adam's apple or above the connection of the clavicle bones in the form of the Latin letter “V” will be effective. Strong pressure will force the enemy to retreat. If he grabs you and holds you tightly to his chest, take the kubotan by the ends and press its edge firmly against the base of the attacker's nose, tilting his head up and back until he lets go of you.

Another area of ​​attack is the soft tissue under the jaw, in line with the ear. Using a circular motion, direct the kubotan from bottom to top under the jaw. This is effective when someone is attacking you from the side, such as someone sitting next to you in a car. If the attacker is not close to you, the soft area of ​​the shoulder may become a target. By striking the area between the collarbone and shoulder joint with a kubotan, you can force the attacker to withdraw his hand. A punch will be more effective if you hold a kubotan or any other small heavy object in it.

Making a kubotan with your own hands

Kubotan is easy to make from wood or plastic. The simplest option is to cut it out of wood, the most difficult is to turn it out of metal on a lathe.

To make a wooden kubotan you need:

Find a drawing of a kubotan that suits you on the Internet; Buy a wooden handle for a hammer at any hardware store; Saw off a piece of it that suits the length; Cut out the kubotan of the parameters we need from the blank.

If desired, the newly made kubotan can be decorated with decorative carvings, covered with stain and soaked in drying oil or special oil. Don't forget to drill a hole in one end for the ring.

Kubotan is easy to make yourself or purchase in specialized stores. An ebonite massage stick of suitable size can be an excellent kubotan. The main thing is not to forget about training and practicing strikes using the kubotan. Without knowledge of technology, not only the kubotan, but even the Japanese katana will not help you. If you have to use a kubotan to protect your life and health or to protect your family, feel free to engage in battle. Remember that if you are determined to win, this is already half the success in battle.

Advantages and disadvantages of Kubotan

Kubotan has its advantages (for example, Yawara is an analogue of Kubotan).

This is a keychain - completely legal, unlike the javara, which is a weapon, and in case you have to defend yourself from an attack on the street. It is extremely unlikely that there will be problems with the law due to the use of Kubotan.

If there are only a few metal keys in the Kubotan bundle, then they can also be used as weapons with the Kubotan-handle. People usually carry keys with a key fob with them at all times. For police officers, this is a safe and effective weapon option that cannot be harmed through negligence.

Along with the advantages, this method of protection also has disadvantages.

  • To use Kubotan you must be in close proximity to your attacker, this can be quite dangerous in some cases.
  • Very short range of action, which must be taken into account when using.

How to use Kubotan

Kubotan is used to cause pain in your attacker without causing any harm to them. The Kubotan can be pressed into the attacker's neck area or from the bottom up under the jaw. The jaw attack is especially good when the enemy is on your side. If you don't have a kubotan, any similar shaped object, such as a ballpoint pen, will do. If someone grabs you by the lapel of your shirt or jacket, for example, place the kubotan on the attacker's wrist. Holding both ends of it, roll it down, pressing it tightly to your chest. This will cause the opponent's wrist pain and he will lose control of his actions. Before you run away, you can knee him in the face. It will also hurt no less if you insert the kubotan between your fingers and then squeeze them tightly.

The Kubotan can also be used to deliver a sharp blow to the soft tissue of an attacker. For example, if someone puts their hand on your thigh, you can give them a sharp blow to the back of their hand with the Kubotan. It's best to aim for the base of the bone between the middle and ring fingers. It’s a good idea to use this technique if you are grabbed by the arm and dragged somewhere. If you don't have a weapon, hit the indicated area with your thumb and press until you are released. In general, you can use any pointed object: a ballpoint pen, a comb handle, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using kubotan include:

  • Its legality, since it is not officially a weapon, unlike, for example, a yawara.
  • Keys can play the role of a handle or pliers, always remaining at hand.
  • The Kubotan is always carried with you, as it doubles as a keychain.
  • The police can act with virtually no restrictions, because the kubotan is not capable of causing any particular harm to human health.

The disadvantages include only a short range of action, that is, in order to use the rod on an enemy, you will have to be in close proximity to him. Not every unprepared person will maintain composure.

Fighting technique

The main secret of the effectiveness of using kubotan lies in striking special sensitive points on the human body. The main problem is that you need to know the location of these points, as well as be able to influence them correctly.

However, even without special training, the use of a kubotan can still be justified. Firstly, this is basic protection of the hand from damage upon impact. Secondly, since school we all know that with the same force, the pressure on a smaller surface area will be higher. A precision strike with a kubotan will be much more noticeable than with a fist.

The technique of owning this item itself consists of the following four schemes:

  1. The simplest fighting technique is to use the kubotan as a form of brass knuckles or knife. Involves striking with a weapon held tightly in the hand. This scheme can subsequently be used as a base for knife fighting.
  2. Impacts in which the kubotan acts as a handle, and the keys act as a weight. This is one of the most ineffective techniques in practice, since light keys tend to fly apart in different directions and thereby dampen the initial force of the blow.
  3. A fighting technique that involves direct impact on pressure points and twisting of fingers. Requires extremely serious special training.
  4. Techniques using kubotan combinations with keys held between the fingers. The main disadvantage is that it is traumatic for the user.


According to Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Weapons”, on the territory of the Russian Federation it is prohibited to trade in: “flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other objects of impact, crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons, with the exception of sports equipment.” Kubotan is officially a keychain and is not automatically subject to this ban. Unlike some of the items above.

In many other countries of the world, the same principles apply in matters of impact weapons as in the Russian Federation. Therefore, when traveling abroad with such a key fob, you should not have any problems there either.

Spread around the world

It is difficult to find a country where the kubotan is not used in its original version. It makes no sense for people who know how to handle it to supplement the product with “different things” to enhance the effect.

Others believe that the plastic kubotan is not capable of providing adequate protection; this can only indicate ignorance and reluctance to study this device thoroughly. Therefore, on the market of many countries you can find a variety of metal products, sharpened and supplemented with various “things”. For example, there is a Kubotan knife; many consider this development interesting, but in everyday life it is inconvenient.

It will take time to bring it to combat readiness, and this is not beneficial in certain situations. In addition, striking them can lead to death, and this already equates the kubotan knife to a bladed weapon and, accordingly, the person faces criminal prosecution.

It was developed for the purpose of self-defense, and to avoid problems with law enforcement agencies. The product is considered multifunctional; the middle may contain a handle or a knife. The handle body is made from the following materials:

  • aviation aluminum;
  • become;
  • titanium.

Some products with a metal body have two or more protrusions, which ensures a comfortable and reliable grip with the hand. Thus, a seemingly ordinary ballpoint pen can turn into a brass knuckle-type percussion instrument that can be used in self-defense.

Some prefer to make a kubotan themselves according to the original drawing, while others can purchase a ready-made product in a specialized store

But it is important not to forget to train and practice strikes using a kubotan, because its presence does not mean security. You also need to know that attaching heavy balls, spikes or other devices instead of keys can equate the kubotan to a bladed weapon, and this is fraught with consequences

World fame and modifications

Kubotan in its original form is known in almost every country in the world. If a person knows how to handle it, then he does not need to purchase modified or modified versions. Those who claim that a plastic rod cannot be used as an effective means of self-defense simply do not want to hone their skills in using this device.

Sellers in different countries are ready to offer different variations especially for them. At first, the kubotan knife arouses interest, but upon studying it thoroughly, it becomes clear that such a combination of functions is simply impractical. The defender does not always have the necessary time that he has to spend on bringing the knife into combat readiness. On the other hand, carrying piercing and cutting devices can lead to problems with law enforcement officials.

The next modification, which is often found in different countries, is a kubotan combined with a ballpoint pen. This device has a second name - a tactical pen. The main goal of the developers was to disguise the weapon (even though the Kubotan is not a weapon) to avoid problems with the law.

The pen body is made of steel, titanium or aircraft grade aluminum. To make it easier to place the device in your hand, special protrusions can be molded on the body of the handle. In principle, anyone can modify the product. However, you should remember that you may accidentally cross the thin line that separates your homemade device from a bladed weapon.

Various types of kubotans

The Japanese master, having created the kubotan, did not take out a patent for his invention. After the kubotan gained popularity, many companies began to produce similar items for self-defense.

Many did not like the idea of ​​a plastic kubotan, and the market was filled with metal products with a pointed end. There is even a specific kubotan knife, the blade of which is hidden in a hollow tube and is removed when twisted. The kubotan knife is an interesting development, but there is little point in it, since it will take too much time to bring it into a fighting position with the blade facing outward. Moreover, such a kubotan knife contradicts the very concept of this weapon, self-defense without causing serious injuries, because if you manage to bring the kubotan knife into its combat position, then serious, possibly even fatal injuries will be inflicted on your opponent.

Strikes and techniques using the kubotan

All techniques for mastering this subject can be divided into four sections:

Strikes with the ends, top or bottom. The simplest technique and easiest to learn. Kubotan can be held with a knife grip, either straight or reverse. Instinctively, a person tries to hit with an object clenched in his fist. In addition, this technique is easy to transfer later to knife fighting; Strikes with a weighting agent, which is usually played by keys. Not a particularly effective technique, since the keys are quite light and fan out in different directions when hit. To be effective, you need to put a special case with a tightening rope on the keys, then the impact force will increase several times; Painful techniques, which include impact on the points and twisting of the fingers. They require quite serious preparation. Again, with this level of training, a kubotan will not be needed; Special techniques using kubotan combinations with keys held between the fingers. Quite traumatic techniques for the owner of a kubotan; you can easily twist your fingers.

History of Kubotan

The idea for Kubotan came from former Los Angeles Police Chief Edward Davis, who, according to Soke Kubota, mentioned two problems that police officers face in their work. On the one hand, police officers must be as careful as possible in their use of force. The use of batons was often condemned by the population. On the other hand, women increasingly became police officers and were expected to work equally with men. Therefore, Soke Kubota proposed the kubotan - a non-lethal and effective weapon, small in size, convenient for any officer, regardless of his height and strength.

Its popularity began in the mid-1970s, when Soke Kubota first introduced the weapon to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and began training female officers in its use. It is often touted as an extremely effective tool in influencing the will of a suspect when used with minimal force.

The original Kubotan - Kubotan keychain - is a rigid rod of plastic, about 5.5 inches (14 cm) long and 0.56 inches (1.5 cm) in diameter, weighing about 2 ounces. There are no sharp parts or edges, the shaft body is framed by six circular grooves for added grip, and there is a key ring attached to one end.

There are many other shapes and variations of the original design, ranging from aluminum alloy with spikes, pointed, conical and among them there are the so-called “ninja” models that have blades, spikes, or with hidden tear gas. Although they may be marketed as Kubotan, they are not original and are actually classified similarly to generic self-defense keychains or SDKs.

History of appearance

Soke Kubota Takayuki is a Grand Master of Martial Arts and a 10th Dan holder. He also founded the International Karate Association, where he serves as president and created directions in martial arts and karate Gosoku Ryu, Kubojitsu, Kubotan. The master developed a kubotan, the prototype of which was the yawara - this is a Japanese brass knuckles for delivering jabbing blows.

The Kubotan was intended as a weapon for police officers, so as not to cause serious injury to them when apprehending offenders.

As Soke Kubota himself, who was then working as a martial arts instructor in one of the police departments, said, the idea to create a kubotan was prompted by some moments in the work of police officers:

  1. The use of batons often causes outrage among the population. The public believes that police officers must be careful in the use of physical force.
  2. Women who choose to become police officers must work equally with men.

Then Soke Kubota demonstrated the use of the kubotan. The product is small in size, convenient and suitable for any officer, regardless of his physical characteristics.

The first introduction of the product took place at the Los Angeles Police Department in the seventies, and later it was used to train police officers in the art of combat. Basically, it was presented as an effective tool for influencing the offender, and for this the police had to use maximum force.

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