How to hit with a rubber stick correctly. Report from the private security school

How to properly use a baton for 4th grade security

  1. An additional tactical action during a detention carried out by security guards may be:
  1. The security guards have weapons and special equipment.
  2. Giving signals with a whistle, adopted by the internal affairs bodies.
  3. Use of service dogs.

As noted above, strikes should be started first on the areas of the hands, which are located further from the body and closer to the one who is defending himself with the baton. These are the hands, which also contain the means of attack.

How to use a telescopic baton

An alternative option is a telescopic baton. She is inconspicuous and difficult to inflict heavy damage on. The only thing that can cause irreparable damage is blows to the head. In the event of an attack by several people, or if they rushed at you with a knife, a tire iron, or other unpleasant objects, then all means are good, just instead of finishing off an enemy who is clearly stunned by the blow, it is better to quickly run away.

You can buy a chainsaw, it will buzz and cut through wood and flesh. But I doubt that you will walk around with it, much less use it for self-defense. The same thing is true with an ax and other life-threatening household tools.

How to hit with a rubber stick correctly

Theoretical classes are of greater interest. Here, first of all, we are talking about what the security guard can and cannot do. “We provide knowledge on the law on private security activities, the Criminal Code, the administrative code, the law on weapons,” the school director explained to us. — The security guard must know those articles that relate to his activities. Unfortunately, security officers often act unlawfully.”

Buying such a document is not difficult. One request in a search engine, and your attention is presented with a bunch of offers to purchase the necessary documents. Many sellers carefully convince that they have real and not fake diplomas.

How to use special equipment - a baton for the security guard exam

There is a Constitution. She is the most important law. At least that's what it says. And it says that everyone, regardless of gender, religion, etc., is equal. That is, a security guard, being a security guard, cannot at the same time cease to be a citizen of the Russian Federation. That's what the Constitution says. And therefore other laws continue to apply to him. And the law on weapons as well. And he, in turn, argues that citizens have the right to weapons and means of self-defense.

There is a Constitution. She is the most important law. At least that's what it says. And it says that everyone, regardless of gender, religion, etc., is equal. That is, a security guard, being a security guard, cannot at the same time cease to be a citizen of the Russian Federation. That's what the Constitution says. And therefore other laws continue to apply to him. And the law on weapons as well. And he, in turn, argues that citizens have the right to weapons and means of self-defense.

We recommend reading: Law on the introduction of new technical permits for housing

How to properly use a baton for 4th grade security

The increase in crime in the country has led to an increase in the number of attacks on police officers while on duty. Often, police officers cannot resist criminals and do not even know how to use special equipment.

In 1881, the lower ranks of the St. Petersburg police used checkers to restore order. On May 20 of the same year, the Minister of Internal Affairs, in a report “On the armament of the lower ranks of the St. Petersburg police,” voiced a request to replace dragoon sabers with wooden sticks.

Rubber batons for security guards

1. On the back and legs.

2. Along the arms and the back of the head.

3. On the head, neck, clavicular area, abdomen, genitals.

51. The provision of security services in special uniforms in accordance with the law is:

1. The responsibility of employees of a private security organization (regardless of any conditions).

2. The right of employees of a private security organization (regardless of any conditions).

3. The right of employees of a private security organization (unless otherwise specified in the contract with the customer).

What requirements does the Law “On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation” impose on vehicles used in private security activities?

1.A special coloring must be applied to them.

2. It is prohibited to put informational inscriptions and signs on them.

3. Special coloring, information inscriptions and signs on vehicles of private security organizations are subject to approval by the internal affairs bodies in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

At what age does a citizen have the right to apply for the status of a private security guard?

1. Upon reaching 18 years of age.

2. Upon reaching 21 years of age.

3. Upon reaching 25 years of age.

54. In case of necessary defense, causing any harm to the attacking person is lawful:

1. In case of a group attack.

2. If this attack is associated with violence dangerous to the life of the defender or another person, or with an immediate threat of such violence.

3. If the attack involves violence dangerous to the health of the defender.

Do persons who have the opportunity to avoid a socially dangerous attack or seek help from other persons or authorities have the right to the necessary defense?

1. Yes, they do.

2. No, they don’t.

3. They do, if the encroachment involves violence that is dangerous to the life of the defender.


A police baton (rubber stick, rubber baton) is a non-lethal weapon (special means) that is used by law enforcement officers (police officers, formerly police), security and law enforcement agencies, and the criminal correctional system.

Police batons and sticks are not always classified as impact weapons; in a number of states and countries they are classified as special means. Police batons are used to deliver and defend against blows, as well as to control and restrain an opponent.


Police baton with a cross handle (FRG) tonfa type.

Depending on the model of the baton, its design, material, weight, length and thickness may vary. Previously, police batons were made from durable wood, but now they are most often made from rubber and polypropylene (a polymer synthetic material), less often from plastic, and even less often from metal.

Rubber batons can be flexible or inflexible; the latter can have a metal core rod or a tube through which steel balls roll. Metal batons are most often telescopic, of varying flexibility, from 20 cm in length when folded to 60 cm in a combat position (they can be extended manually or automatically, under the action of a spring).

In many Western states and countries, a baton is used that has a metal rod surrounded by rubber. It ends in a flexible section of rubber or leather (sometimes with lead). With the help of this weapon, as a rule, they deliver stunning blows.

Finally, law enforcement agencies of a number of Western states and countries are armed with special equipment in the form of police batons, which, when the trigger button is pressed, “shoot” a charge of irritant. There are also models of batons with a built-in stun gun.

Most modern batons usually have a dedicated handle and a belt loop to keep the baton from slipping out of the owner's hands. The handle is usually designed for one hand.

History of application

Standard models of police batons appeared in the 19th century, with the advent of national police in the states and countries of Europe (having a centralized system of supply and training of personnel).

In the police of other countries

Jutte is a Japanese steel police baton with a sword breaker, used to disarm a criminal armed with a sword.

Short (about 460 mm long) straight batons made of hardwood (billy clubs) were adopted by the English police in 1848, during the Victorian era. Since the 1930s, they began to be made from rubber.

In India, wooden batons 1.5 meters long (lathi) were adopted for the colonial police.

The straight wooden keijo baton, 125 cm long, which was created in 1874, entered service with the Japanese police in the late 1930s (previously, the police were armed with short swords and unsharpened jutte daggers), a straight wooden keibo baton, 50 cm long - in 1946, and the Tokushu Keibo telescopic baton in 1961.

In the United States, straight wooden batons with a length of 30 to 65 cm were initially used, which looked like a smaller copy of a baseball bat, but in the 1960s, Los Angeles police officer Robert Koga developed a new version of the straight wooden baton - with a ring for attaching to the belt and a rounded end ( in order to reduce the risk of injury with tissue dissection during chopping blows). The Koga Stick was supplied to many US police departments.

In Latvia, in the early 1930s, the production of police rubber batons was mastered at the Riga rubber products factory "Continent".

In the 1960s-1970s, batons in the form of tonfas were adopted by the police of a number of Western states and countries. For the first time, prototypes of batons of this type were used by French police during the suppression of student protests in 1968.

This baton was patented by the American Lon Anderson, who claimed that as a child he fought with the leg of a stool with a side bar. Knowing that America experienced a real boom in martial arts during these years, one can easily guess that the new baton copies the famous Japanese weapon - tonfa.

In 1971, a new police weapon appeared - a baton with a transverse handle. It is still used by police officers all over the world. The American baton was called PR-24 and was made of polycarbonate or aluminum.

Subsequently, “tonfas” (under the name T-baton) appeared in the US police, but they became most widespread after a standardized model was developed in 1972 - the PR-24 “Prosecutor”.

In Russian and Soviet law enforcement structures

On May 20, 1881, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire sent a report to the emperor with a request to arm the lower ranks of the St. Petersburg police with “wooden clubs” instead of dragoon-type checkers. Despite the emperor’s refusal, police “wooden clubs” that had already been made earlier were issued to some police officers.

In 1941-1944, on the territory of the USSR occupied by Germany and its allies, wooden and rubber batons were used by camp and auxiliary police officers (policemen).

In the USSR, the question of arming the police with rubber truncheons was raised more than once, but only in July 1962, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR “On the adoption of rubber truncheons and handcuffs by the police,” they came into service. In 1966

The order of the Minister of Public Order of the RSFSR established the procedure for their wearing and use: “It is allowed to carry a rubber stick naked in the hand, as well as on a belt on the left side... Rubber sticks should be introduced only with the permission of the Ministry of Defense of the RSFSR at the request of the ministers of the PLO of the autonomous republics, the heads of departments of the PLO regional executive committees, agreed with the corresponding regional committees, regional party committees.” It was recommended to resort to its help to “suppress the violence and disorder of hooligans and other criminals, as well as in relation to violators of public order who refuse to comply with the legal demands of police officers, to repel attacks on police officers or vigilantes, officials, state, public organizations and citizens” . However, it was strictly forbidden to strike the face and head and use batons against women, children, the elderly and disabled, as well as in police premises.

The standard “Soviet” rubber stick PR-73 has a length of 65 - 70 cm (put into service in 1973).

Straight rubber stick “PR-73M” (PR-73 Modernized), designed to repel attacks by offenders or suppress their disobedience.

The use of a rubber stick does not cause life-threatening injuries only in cases where it is used in accordance with the requirements established by law.

There were also its modifications: Pr-UZM (TU ANVYA6 354.031), Pr-89 (TU ANVYA6 354.032) and Pr-90 (TU ANVYA6 354.038).

In the 1990s, poles of a more advanced design appeared, which were called PUS-2 “Argument”.

The “argument” has a transverse handle in the front part, which is convenient for holding it with an emphasis on the elbow (for delivering a backhand strike), as well as for blocking the opponent by using a choke hold or a painful hold. It can also catch something, for example, an opponent’s neck, a backpack strap, or a machine gun belt.

The handle can be metallized (in a reinforced version) and has notches. This type of baton was initially used only by riot police, but currently most police officers are equipped with them. Also purchased by citizens for self-defense or for training in hand-to-hand combat.

During the years of perestroika, the rubber baton acquired the nickname “democratizer” or “lever of democracy.”

Legal status

This section is missing references to information sources. Information must be verifiable or it may be questioned and removed.You may edit this article to include links to authoritative sources.This tag was set on June 5, 2013.

Since police batons and sticks are special equipment, in many countries of the world (in accordance with the law) their commercial sale and free circulation is limited or prohibited.

In Russia, the legal aspect of the acquisition of a rubber police baton by citizens is not regulated by law. The RDU 50 baton has been certified and can be sold and carried freely as a self-defense weapon (Certificate of Conformity POCC RU. СЗ09.

N01979 dated August 21, 2003). At the same time, other models of batons are sold freely in some places, in others only upon presentation of the ID of a police officer or private security guard, which store employees cannot explain.

Since they are formally considered special equipment, an ordinary citizen may have problems with self-defense using them.

> See also

  • Kubotan
  • Tonfa
  • Jutte - police baton with swordbreaker
  • Telescopic baton


  1. Liskin Yu. Police baton in Russia // magazine “At a combat post” No. 5-6, 1993
  2. I. Petrov. Washington Club Bearers // “New Time”, No. 41 of 10/08/1982, p. 17
  3. Anatoly Fomin. Arsenal: impact weapons // “Brother” magazine, September 2010
  4. 1 2 Alex Levitas. “This is for you instead of brains...” // Master Gun magazine, No. 65, 2002. pp. 82-85
  5. Vilis Latsis. Flightless birds. M., “Young Guard”, 1958. pp. 485, 713
  6. Report of the Minister of Internal Affairs “On arming the lower ranks of the St. Petersburg city police with wooden clubs”
  7. D. A. Zhukov. I. I. Kovtun. Russian police. M., "Veche", 2010. p.194-197
  8. V. Prasolov. Rubber stick: practice of use in private security activities // Security Activities magazine, September 2010


Security guard 4th grade baton handcuffs

One of the prerequisites for carrying out private security activities on the territory of the Russian Federation is obtaining the rank of security guard. This identifier is included in the official certificate, the receipt of which is the final stage of preparation for taking up the position. Our article describes the three existing categories of security guards, describes their features and stages of obtaining.

Questions and answers new for 2022 (updated in June 2022), share the link on social media. networks. To prepare for the qualification exam of a 4th category security guard online in 2022, you need to study one hundred and nine questions on legal training, thirty-nine questions on tactical-special training, thirty questions on technical training, forty questions on medical training, forty questions intended for study special means.

Exam for a security guard

As we already wrote in the issue dated March 10, amendments to the law stipulate that now every security guard must receive a new type of certificate, having previously completed training in a professional training program for security guards and passed a qualifying exam. Those security guards who already have certificates do not have to undergo training, but they are required to pass the exam. The exam itself will be accepted for three categories. Thus, a grade guard has permission to use special equipment (mainly a rubber baton and handcuffs), a grade guard can use special equipment and civilian self-defense weapons (for example, a traumatic pistol), and a grade guard has the right to use special equipment and service military weapons. The cost of passing the qualification exam for categories is 500 rubles, for categories - 1000 rubles.

The training course (a separate fee is charged for training) includes several disciplines: fire, physical, combat, medical training, legal principles, the use of special equipment, and so on. During the course, future security guards are taught, for example, how not to sleep on the job and how to use a “rubber product.” In 15 seconds, the guard must hit the conditional villain with a baton on six pressure points. Many security guards of retirement age have stumbled over this task. Not everyone succeeds in passing the final test on the first try. And not least because of the specificity of the questions asked. For example, candidates for security guards are asked in what conditions a rubber baton should be stored. And the next question is: under what conditions can this baton be used? Every security guard should know that the baton must be stored at temperatures from 0 to 30 degrees Celsius, but it can be used against an intruder in both polar and tropical conditions: at temperatures from −30 to +40.

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Rubber stick: characteristics and types

2. PR-73M. The handles of these rubber sticks are equipped with annular protrusions that serve as a guard - protecting the fingers from glancing blows from the enemy. The protrusion is used as a stop for carrying this special equipment in hard cases on the belt.

  • To prevent escape when escorting a detainee, suspect or convicted person.
  • When the hostages are released.
  • During the dispersal of protesters at unauthorized rallies.
  • During the assault by law enforcement special forces on buildings and vehicles.

How to pass testing for special equipment of a security guard of 4, 5, 6 categories

Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations on the conduct of periodic inspections by the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation of private security guards and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means

The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy. The rubber stick is suspended on a belt. At the inspector’s command: “Start the exercise!” the person being tested removes the rubber stick from the suspension and strikes the dummy (at least six) in various areas allowed for impact with the rubber stick. After this, the person being tested reports: “I have finished the exercise.” Exercise time: 20 seconds. When performing the exercise, blows must be applied in a fixed manner, without using excessive force that could damage the dummy. Positive result: performing at least six blows with a rubber stick on a dummy within the specified time, without allowing blows to areas corresponding to areas of the human body that are not allowed to be impacted.

How to hold an object correctly

The following factors when striking directly depend on how correctly you hold the baton in your hand:

  • impact force;
  • reliability of the baton in the hand;
  • efficiency of application;
  • possibility of long-term use.

If we consider each of the presented points, we can see the approximate direction of action and the necessary conditions for obtaining the strongest possible blow when using a baton of any size and with any initial physical capabilities.

This video will tell you about fighting techniques with a rubber baton:

Impact force

And indeed, its effectiveness largely depends on the force with which the blow is made. So, the more force is applied during the strike, the longer the enemy will be neutralized, the more damage will be caused and the greater the confidence that the attacker will not continue the attack.

You should not think that a woman’s blow is weaker than a man’s: some women, even without special physical training, can deliver a very sensitive blow with a baton. A clear chopping movement with full impact guarantees a serious blow even with a small club size and with relatively little hand strength. The main condition for obtaining a strong blow while using the maximum available force is the maximum amplitude of movement and sharpness in lowering the baton.

Reliable placement in hand

When striking, it is important to position the handle correctly in your hand. If this condition is met, then the baton will not slip in the hand either when swinging, or when striking, or during repeated blows.

On almost all modern models of batons, the handle has a corrugated surface and has a special coating that will more clearly fix the palm on it. Therefore, it is important to place your hand on the handle: lower or higher, the surface of the baton is already smoother, and this can cause slipping when making a swing.

Usually, for a more noticeable blow when using a baton, the handle is grasped with both hands: one slightly higher than the other. This allows you to more securely hold the baton in your hand and prevents the possibility of slipping.

Efficiency of application

What is important here is awareness of the target: when striking a specific part of the enemy’s body, the result will be different. Therefore, when using a baton, you should see where the blows are being struck.

Important points in increasing efficiency should also include a combination of both the direction of movement and the correct placement of hands on the baton and the maximum trajectory of its movement. All factors are equal and allow you to get the most effective impact on the attacker.

This video will tell you about the use of a baton in close combat:

Possibility of long-term use

Here we mean the most rational distribution of efforts in order to be able to use the baton for the longest possible time, because sometimes in order to repel an attack it takes sufficient time to use this type of means for self-defense. Therefore, a conscious calculation of the available forces, the weight of the baton and self-control will allow you to make the most of the potential contained in the baton.

It is also important to choose your own location correctly when striking: this factor cannot be discounted when repelling an attack. After all, the more often the blows are delivered, the more effective the impact is on the attacker.

Strikes should be struck from a near target to a further one. This means that at first it is necessary to create at least a short pause in the enemy’s attacking actions, for which blows are applied to the limbs, then, after at least a small pause occurs, you can move a little further: forearm, lower leg, shoulder.

We will tell you below how to properly use a police baton, a telescopic baton, or just a rubber baton.


Positive result: Delivering at least six blows with a rubber stick on the dummy, without touching parts that conventionally correspond to areas of the human body that are prohibited from using rubber sticks on them, within the prescribed time.

The employee being checked is located near the table with protection helmets of 1 and 3 classes. At the command of the manager, the worker being inspected puts a protective helmet of the specified class on the dummy and reports: “The protective helmet of class 1 (or 3) is on.” The exercise time is 20 seconds.

How to use special equipment - a baton for the security guard exam

A mock-up of the aerosol device is located on a table 2 meters from the mannequin. The person being tested is located at the table, opposite the dummy. The leader announces the direction of the wind relative to the one being tested (right or left) and gives the command “Start the exercise.” The person being tested takes the aerosol device, makes it ready for use and warns of his intention to use it, “Stop, I’ll use a weapon.” Sprays a gas mixture (imitation) in the direction of the mannequin's face from the leeward side for 3 seconds. After this he reports: “I’ve finished the exercise.”

The person being tested is located near a table with protective helmets of class 1 and 3. At the command of the supervisor, “Put on a protective helmet of 1 (or 3) class,” the person being tested puts on a protective helmet of the specified class and reports: “I have finished the exercise.”

Using a baton for 4th category

The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy. The rubber stick is on the belt (in the PR suspension). At the command of the supervisor “Start the exercise,” the person being tested removes the rubber stick from the suspension and strikes the dummy (at least six) in various zones allowed for impact with the rubber stick. After this, the person being tested reports: “I have finished the exercise.”

The product is intended for operation in conditions of environmental climatic factors in accordance with GOST 15150-69 version O category 1.1. II. Basic technical data 1. Number of operations, not less than 5000 2. Overall dimensions 260x90x10 3. Weight, kg 0.4 ± 0.01 Other data corresponds to TU 521233-002-25654576-01

It is forbidden to strike with a rubber stick

A rubber stick is a special means designed for active defense when repelling an attack that directly threatens the life and health of a security guard and (or) suppressing a criminal attack on protected property when the offender offers physical resistance.

Little has been written about the rubber stick as a special device; you can read it from the technical characteristics. The product is a cast rubber rod of round cross-section, ending at one end with a hemisphere and at the other with a handle with a lanyard.

Use of handcuffs and a rubber truncheon

A rubber stick is a special tool designed for active defense, used in private security activities, and is included in the list of types of weapons of private security guards when repelling an attack that directly threatens the life and health of a security guard and (or) to suppress a criminal encroachment on protected property when the offender physical resistance. designed to strike the body of an offender in order to repel an attack or suppress the disobedience of an offender located at a distance of no more than 1.5 m. With its help, you can protect yourself from an armed attack, detain the offender, and deliver him to the police department. You cannot strike on the head, neck and clavicular area, abdomen, genitals, in the area of ​​​​the projection of the heart, and also strike repeatedly in the same place.

What parts of the body can be hit with a rubber stick - Standard exercises for testing practical skills in the use of special means for security guards - Regulatory documents on electric shocks for private security companies in Russia.

Standards for ensuring private security. List of special equipment. Private security guard qualification exam. -Legislation

  1. Reliable placement in hand
  2. Hands
  3. Possibility of long-term use
  4. The Police Bill regulates where you can hit with a baton
  5. Head
  6. Legs
  7. How to use a baton for self-defense: strikes, police fighting techniques
      How to hold an object correctly Impact force
  8. Reliable placement in hand
  9. Efficiency of application
  10. Possibility of long-term use
  11. How to use a baton for self-defense
  12. Legs
  13. Head
  14. Other body parts
  15. Typical exercises for testing practical skills in the use of special means for security guards - Regulatory documents on electric shocks for private security companies in Russia.
  16. How to use a baton for self-defense
  17. Legs
  18. Head
  19. Other body parts
  20. Technique for using a rubber stick (PR-73), page 2
  21. Efficiency of application
  22. Impact force
  23. Which of the listed places on the human body is not prohibited from striking when using a special means - a rubber stick?
  24. How to hold an object correctly
      Impact force
  25. Reliable placement in hand
  26. Efficiency of application
  27. Possibility of long-term use
  28. Other body parts

Powerful civilian stun guns.

At the command of the supervisor, “Put on a protective helmet of 1 (or 3) class,” the person being tested puts on a protective helmet of the specified class and reports: “I have finished the exercise.” The exercise time is 20 seconds.

Positive result: A protective helmet of the appropriate class is worn and fastened within the specified time.

Exercise 2. “Using a protective vest” The employee being inspected is located near a table with protective vests of grades 1 and 5.

At the command of the manager, “Put on a protective vest of class 1 (or 5),” the inspected employee puts on a protective vest of the specified class and reports: “I have finished the exercise.”

Using a rubber truncheon in private security work

The Law “On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation” contains an article that gives private detectives and security guards the right to use a rubber truncheon in the following cases:

  1. to suppress a crime against the property they protect when the offender offers physical resistance.
  2. to repel an attack that directly threatens their life and health;

(It is prohibited to use special means against women with visible signs of pregnancy, persons with obvious signs of disability and minors, when their age is obvious or known to a private detective (security guard), except in cases of armed resistance, a group or other attack that threatens life and health private detective (security guard) or protected property.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2010

N 47 Moscow “On approval of the Rules for storing, carrying and using special equipment by officials exercising state forest control and supervision”

In accordance with Article 96 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides: To approve the attached Rules for the storage, carrying and use of special equipment by officials exercising state forest control and supervision. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.

Putin Rules for storing, carrying and using special equipment by officials exercising state forest control and supervision 1.

Rubber sticks in security activities: types, applications, limitations

The carrying and use of rubber truncheons by private security service employees has become a common occurrence for us today. At the same time, not all Russian citizens have an accurate idea of ​​the exact purpose of this special security equipment and its types.

Also, few people have detailed information about the possibilities of using rubber batons by security guards and police officers and the legislative framework that regulates this area.

Our article provides a detailed description of a rubber stick as a special security device.

Rules for using a rubber stick

dated August 14, 1992

N 587 RULES FOR THE USE OF SPECIAL EQUIPMENT BY PRIVATE DETECTIVES AND GUARDS 1. The legal basis for the use of special equipment by private detectives and security guards is the Law of the Russian Federation

“On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation”

, other laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation, these Rules. 2. Rubber truncheons, handcuffs, tear gas and other means provided for in the relevant list are used as special means.

3. Special means are used by private detectives and security guards in cases where non-violent methods of preventive influence on offenders are used and do not produce the desired results: a) to repel an attack that directly threatens their life and health; 4. Special means in accordance with paragraph 3 of these Rules may be used:

How to pass testing for special equipment of a security guard of 4, 5, 6 categories

Testing a security guard's knowledge and application is one component of the security guard's periodic testing. Although many will say at first glance that it is not so difficult, but judging by surveys, 85% of security guards who were unable to pass the test the first time “fail” on this very thing.

Why is this happening? The reason is very simple.

When you answer theoretically, everything is simple here, it’s enough to know the correct answer.

In testing for knowledge and use of special equipment, tickets are also used, but you have to answer practically and here the “marketing frequency” of the inspectors is turned on, who often each have their own interpretation of the correct execution of a practical question, which often differs from the interpretation of execution set out in. Another reason is the guard’s lack of knowledge of special equipment, who cannot, for example, distinguish from . Let’s consider these issues in more detail: In accordance with Appendix

Use of a rubber stick by a 4th category security guard

// The employee being checked is located near the table with class 1 and 3 protection helmets.

At the command of the manager, the worker being inspected puts a protective helmet of the specified class on the dummy and reports: “The protective helmet of class 1 (or 3) is on.” The exercise time is 20 seconds. Often, those who are called upon to maintain order themselves become the target of attack.

With the increase in crime, such cases have become more frequent in relation to employees of the police department and the penal system. To resist intruders, employees of security companies, the penitentiary system and the police are equipped with such an effective special tool as a stick.

The modern rubber model of this weapon, which today can often be seen in the hands of security and law enforcement agencies, has its own history dating back to 1881. The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy.

Starting positions for wearing and using pr-73

Stick horizontally from front (back): the stick is held with both hands with a simple overhand grip, the hands are ready to make a pre-emptive block or strike in front of you by bending the stick and throwing the middle part of the stick towards the point of contact with the opponent.

The way to achieve such a grip is from the stick down position: the left hand grabs the stick near the right hand, slides along the stick to the place necessary for applying the technique. 3. Stick on the shoulder; the right hand holding the stick is bent at the elbow, the end of the stick is directed away from you, back and up. The elbow must be pressed to the body.

The hand is in a position convenient for an overhead strike. Strikes using a rubber stick can be varied. In this part we describe only the basic, basic strikes, having mastered which you can begin to study their various variations and combinations, performing strikes from different distances and using different grips and swings.

1. An overhead strike with a stick is performed from a fighting stance, the elbow is raised, the stick lies on the shoulder (raised up).

Technique for using a rubber stick (PR-73), page 2

\ f) to suppress an attempt by a suspect, accused or convicted person to cause harm to others. The increase in crime in the country has led to an increase in the number of attacks on police officers while on duty. Often, police officers cannot resist criminals and do not even know how to use special equipment.

The same problem exists for employees of the penitentiary system, who, due to the nature of their official activities, have to deal with a diverse contingent of convicts, whose actions are sometimes difficult to predict.

The special tool PR-73 and its modifications can significantly increase the efficiency of the actions of police officers and the penitentiary system, especially in cases where the use of firearms is extremely undesirable.

The rubber stick is an intermediate link between fighting techniques and firearms, as a last resort

How to use different types of clubs for self-defense?

» » Today, probably each of us has thought about the need to purchase a means of self-defense.

Their diversity allows you to choose exactly the option that suits your characteristics. All kinds of , , and others are available to the buyer.

Batons, having many advantages over similar products, are becoming increasingly popular. After all, it is with the help of a baton that you can resist an unexpected attack, as well as use it for its intended purpose when attacking animals.

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Using a baton for 4th category

224. What is the minimum limit of ambient air temperature established as permissible during the operation of rubber sticks PR-73M, PR-K, PR-T (made from a rubber mixture) used in private security activities?

225. What is the maximum limit of ambient air temperature established as permissible during the operation of rubber sticks PUS-1, PUS-2, PUS-3 (made from high molecular weight polyethylene) used in private security activities?

Questions for the qualifying exam 4th grade

At the command of the shooting director (instructor), remove the magazine and present the weapon for inspection (in the “on the bolt stop” position) with the magazine attached to the side. After inspecting the weapon by the shooting director (instructor), remove it from the bolt stop, perform a control release, and put the weapon on safety

Can electroshock devices and spark gaps of domestic production, duly certified as civilian weapons, be used in private security activities?

License 4 categories what documents are needed

Obtaining a private security guard's license: licensed types of activities Before moving directly to the description of the procedure for obtaining a security guard's license, we will outline the main types of activities for which such a permit is required. There are three categories here (the law defines them as categories), namely:

This can be much more convenient than looking for a training institution on your own. Because now there are many scammers who offer to sell a certificate of security guard qualifications or a ready-made license. It is better not to deal with such fraudulent schemes, otherwise you may face criminal charges. After the application with a package of documents is submitted to the licensing and permitting department, you need to wait for a response from the head of this department. The answer can be positive or negative. If the answer is positive, you will need to pay a state fee of 1,200 rubles. The maximum period for consideration of an application for a license to carry out security activities is 10 days.

Training to become a 6th grade security guard

  • A list of required documents is provided.
  • On the appointed day you come for the exam. Take the theoretical part first.
  • After practical. The practical exam tests the skills of authorized special equipment, as well as firearms for 6th grade security guards.
  • If you fail the exam, you will be required to retake the exam.
  • If you hand it in, you will receive a security guard ID.

The passage of periodic checks by private security guards is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 15, 2005 No. 568 “On the procedure for conducting periodic checks by the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation of private security guards, private detectives (detectives) and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks for suitability to act in conditions related to the use of firearms and special means.”

Technique for using a rubber stick (PR-73), page 2

The special tool PR-73 and its modifications can significantly increase the efficiency of the actions of police officers and the penitentiary system, especially in cases where the use of firearms is extremely undesirable. The rubber stick is an intermediate link between fighting techniques and firearms, as a last resort for suppressing crime.

The use of special means in institutions of the penal system is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Institutions and Bodies Executing Criminal Punishments in the Form of Imprisonment” and Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 453 of 1996. In the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the use of special means is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Police” and the order No. 127 of 1989

Using a baton for 4th category

The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy. The rubber stick is on the belt (in the PR suspension). At the command of the supervisor, “Start the exercise,” the person being tested takes the rubber stick out of the suspension and warns of his intention to use it: “Stop, I’ll use special equipment.” Applies blows to the dummy (at least six) in various areas allowed for impact with a rubber stick. After this, the person being tested reports: “I have finished the exercise.”

Positive result: Delivering at least six blows with a rubber stick on the dummy, without touching the parts that conventionally correspond to areas of the human body that are prohibited from using rubber sticks on them.

Special equipment for security guards, category 4 video

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