How to choose the right stun gun: tips and recommendations on the most important parameters

Thanks to their high efficiency and variety of models to choose from according to given characteristics, stun guns have become especially popular today. Their demand is explained by a combination of such important parameters as the power of an electric discharge, which can quickly neutralize (immobilize) even a physically strong man and an aggressive dog, affordable cost and ease of use: the convenience of such a device allows you to hold it in your hand as firmly as possible.

And today we will tell you how to choose a shocker, which product is better according to reviews, whether and where to buy a classic shocker, a flashlight shocker or a baton-shaped one for self-defense, or whether this function is not so important.

Operating principle of a stun gun

It can be carried in your pocket or handbag. There are stun guns that simply neutralize the enemy’s physical aggression, and there are those that can turn him off for a period of time from 5 minutes to half an hour. The use of such a device is absolutely safe; no deaths were observed during self-defense. When used, the enemy's coordination of movements is limited for a short period of time.

After exposure to a shocker, the person who received the shock temporarily loses working capacity. Also, impulses from nerve fibers are blocked.

If a person is overexcited, drunk, or under the influence of drugs, the effect will be more noticeable. After using a shocker, the opponent feels like a boxer after a knockout. This device can hit an opponent even through several layers of clothing.

To quickly attack an enemy, you need to point-touch:

  • Groin area;
  • Chest muscles;
  • Backs;
  • Necks.

Also, can be used to protect against dogs. These animals are afraid of ozone emissions. And the noise and visual effect forces the dogs to run away.

Degree of damage

If the situation has cleared up a little with the first part of the word “electric shocker,” then with the second half things are still cloudy. In real life situations, the degree to which a person is injured by a stun gun will depend on many factors:

— the effect of the electric discharge will depend on the amount of clothing the person is wearing. A cotton T-shirt or even a fur coat is no problem for a stun gun, but a thick leather jacket combined with several layers of clothing will provide good protection for an attacker; — each person will have their own individual tolerance to electric current and pain threshold. So, if a hooligan weighing 60 kg can be knocked down by a stun gun, then a man with twice the weight of an athletic build can be enraged by all these pranks, after which he either decides to quickly run away, or take revenge for the moral injuries inflicted; — the effectiveness of a stun gun will greatly depend on the state in which the person is. Many people have probably watched the movie “Adrenaline” and seen what healing abilities this substance has. Of course, the overall picture was slightly embellished by Hollywood directors, but still this substance can really reduce pain shock. This also includes alcohol, drugs and other substances.

Advantages of a stun gun as an effective means of self-defense

  • It is possible to use it in a closed space (car, elevator, entrance);
  • Absolutely safe for the human body;
  • During operation there is no need to spend money on maintenance;
  • You can use a shocker without special training;
  • Compact size and light weight (this allows you to hide a means of self-defense from an attacker);
  • Effective against attacks by aggressive dogs;
  • Effective against drunk, inappropriate, excited people, as well as people under the influence of drugs;
  • At night it has terrifying functions;
  • They reach the opponent through several layers of clothing;
  • Do not lose their qualities in bad weather (rain, snow, wind);
  • The discharge is transmitted only to the attacker's nervous muscular system.

Examples of electroshock weapons

() - remote electroshock, firing two electrodes - probes, using compressed gas, at a distance of 4.5 m to 10 m. The probes are connected by thin insulated wires to a high voltage source in the weapon body. When the probes hit the target, an electric spark discharge transmitted through the wires can penetrate a layer of outer clothing up to five centimeters thick. A voltage of 50 thousand volts paralyzes a living being while the current flows through the wires. When the current is turned off, physical activity is restored within a few seconds. The reduced coefficient of modern models of DASH (for example, Taser-X26) is 0.95-0.98, approaching the “stopping effect” of short-barreled magnum-class firearms, in some cases exceeding it, and obviously exceeds the “stopping effect” of domestic 9 mm Makarov pistol.

Using a Taser

It is recommended to use it cyclically.


  • Hit people with one shock for more than three seconds;
  • Apply to mentally ill people, pregnant women and persons under 16 years of age.

Pain and cramps occur with exposure for up to 1 second. Impacts from a second to 1.5 cause a loss of balance and the person falls. Loss of consciousness and orientation occurs after three seconds. The listed effects may not be effective for some. It depends on the personal characteristics of the body, body weight, age, and physical condition.

Defense techniques

When using a shocker for self-defense, it is best to apply an electric shock to the following parts of the body:

- neck;

- underbelly;

- breast;

- back;

- buttocks;

- solar plexus.

But this is all in theory, but for practice you should know something else. After pressing the stun gun to the enemy’s body and turning it on, it is necessary to hold it for several seconds, since if you quickly tear off the device, the person will feel pain, but this will only make him even more furious.

Also, the shocker loses its effectiveness if it is used on thick, wet clothes: the current charge will “spread” over the surface, so you should not expect results.

Manufacturers of electrical devices for self-defense highlight the following points:

- short blow (one second) - neutralizes aggressive behavior;

- medium (1-3 seconds) - causes convulsions and severe pain;

- long exposure (3-5 seconds) - provokes loss of consciousness.

The remote device operates somewhat simpler. All you need to do is aim the stun gun at the attacker, shoot and keep it turned on for a certain time.

Shocker parameters

  • Power. It is considered a key factor when choosing a means of self-defense. The greater the power, the better the damaging effect.
  • Frame. There are different sizes, types, weights. They are configured like a pistol, a flashlight, a baton and much more.
  • The voltage should be from a thousand to several million volts.
  • Spark frequency. It is worth choosing a frequency from 400 to 500 Hz.
  • Accumulator battery. Each battery can withstand a certain number of short-term discharges; if this parameter is exceeded, a discharge will occur. The percentage of capacity loss also plays an important role. The lower the loss percentage, the better your battery.
  • Time of action. The optimal duration of a stun gun is 2-3 seconds. When purchasing, you should pay attention to how long it will take the enemy to recover from the state of shock.

Theoretical basics

To understand how to choose a stun gun for self-defense, remember that electrical voltage is measured in volts, and current is measured in amperes. When these values ​​are multiplied by each other, the result is power, calculated in watts.

In tension itself there is no danger for a living organism, including a human one. But the power of the device will depend on its readings. Therefore, when buying a shocker with a high output voltage, you can buy an ordinary rattle, which can only scare naive robbers and hooligans.

Stun guns have voltage parameters from 50 to 200 kilovolts. It must deliver an electrical discharge to the body, which causes a damaging effect.

Classes of electric shockers

There are 3 classes of shockers based on their effect on people. The first class is the most powerful. It has a voltage of 70-90 kV, power of 2-3 W. The shock cannot be applied for more than five seconds.

With knockout effect

The voltage of such defensive equipment is 70-90 thousand V, and the power is 2-3 W. This type is the most effective at physically neutralizing an attacker. This type of stun gun can neutralize an opponent for up to 50 minutes.

The weight of such products should not exceed 300 grams. Cases are often shockproof. That is, with such a shocker you can fight off the enemy so that he cannot strike.


It has a voltage of 45-70 thousand V, a power of 1-2 W. This type is a universal means of self-defense. They are most effective when hitting exposed skin areas. After contact with the device, offenders lose orientation in space for several minutes.

With psychological impact

The voltage is 20-45 thousand V, and the power is 0.3-1 W. Such stun guns may only frighten some offenders. Used only to scare away stray dogs. Such a shocker can be worn by ordinary citizens without special permission.

Taser baton

It is considered a non-lethal weapon. Used by security guards and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They have higher power than the classes listed above. Due to their size and weight, they cannot be used by ordinary citizens. But they pack a powerful punch.

For a stun gun with a power greater than 3 W, a special permit is required.

Which ESA is better?

No one can tell you which shocker is the best in each specific case. It all depends on wishes and possibilities.

Thanks to reviews provided on the Internet, it has become easier to get a preliminary idea of ​​a particular model. However, it should be borne in mind that a review is a reflection of a subjective assessment. Therefore, when choosing a device model, you should take into account several characteristics that are most important for a stun gun.

Let's consider the most popular options for especially popular stun guns today, focusing on their parameters of power, efficiency, reliability and according to the reviews of those who have already used them and dared to get an idea of ​​​​their work.

By efficiency

Since the power indicator is synonymous with the effectiveness of any model of stun gun, it is the number of volts that implies the ability to incapacitate an attacker as quickly as possible, be it a person or any warm-blooded animal. It should be noted that on animals, an additional, but no less strong impression than the electric discharge is produced by the sound that the device makes during operation: having already heard the characteristic “dry” click of the discharge, most of the attacking animals (in particular, dogs) stopped and refused from further attack.

Therefore, if we talk about the effectiveness of a stun gun, we should note a model such as Scepter-X, which, according to the majority of owners of this device, is the most powerful stun gun model approved for sale. Its advantages also include a powerful flashlight, which is located in its body. Thanks to the ability to use a flashlight in several light modes, you can significantly influence the attacker, blinding him and disorienting him, which allows you to quickly incapacitate him and attract the attention of others.

  • However, it should be borne in mind that in terms of power, being one of the most popular models, Scepter-X also has quite impressive external dimensions (the same as, for example, the Malvina model). And this can make it difficult to carry: a stun gun of this size will not fit into a small handbag and will be inconvenient when placing it in a pocket.
  • A variation of the Scepter-X, which has less significant external dimensions and is more convenient for women, should be considered the Scepter-Lite stun gun: it also has a high power rating (about 10,000,000 volts), and at the same time its dimensions are less impressive. The presence of a flashlight in its configuration also adds convenience to the operation process.
  • The Jaguar model also stands out in terms of power: it contains about 2.5 million volts, which makes this model especially effective in repelling an attack.

Next, we will tell you which stun gun to use against dogs and people, depending on its price.

By price

The cost indicator should also be considered one of the most important when choosing a stun gun model. Since price is an important component that significantly influences the purchaseability of a device, the following popular models of stun guns today should be highlighted in ascending order of price:

  1. Jaguar stun gun is a mid-price stun gun, the original device is considered the most acceptable in terms of an adequate price for a good, effective stun gun;
  2. Scepter-Light is a more expensive device, but it fully justifies its price;
  3. Scepter-X is the most powerful stun gun, so its price is appropriate; again, it fully reflects its effectiveness and justifies every ruble invested;
  4. Taser stun gun - the cost is much higher than average, since it is a shooting device.

The cost indicator significantly affects the level of demand for the model, therefore, when choosing a device for self-defense, you should also pay attention to the price of the selected model. However, if you don’t want to spend money, you can try to make a shocker yourself.

This video will tell you how to distinguish an original shocker from a fake:

According to reviews

Owners' assessment of stun guns allows them to obtain a more detailed picture of their characteristics. And since when choosing, power and cost indicators should be considered the most important, it is Scepter-X, Jaguar and Scepter-Light that are recognized as especially popular among stun guns.

  • When using the listed models, the owners especially noted such qualities as quick incapacitation of an attacker, universal effect on aggressive people and dogs, as well as maximum convenience in their use.
  • No less important is the indicator that it is possible to use a stun gun as a baton, with which you can deliver very noticeable blows without damaging its body. Other baton shockers include Armageddon, Udar-7, Udar-9, as well as budget analogues for many original devices: Molniya-1120, 1119, 1311-1315, 1310, models Sherkhan Thunder mini, Spetsnaz-1201, Zeus- 2, Gyurza, Hornet, Cobra, Scorpio, Storm and some others.

Next, we will tell you what power to choose a stun gun.

In terms of power and reliability

Reliability, which is checked when using the device, is no less important when purchasing a stun gun. After all, it is she who determines confidence in her own safety and psychological comfort, which gives confidence in the proper operation of the device.

Such shockers as Jaguar, Scepter-Light, Scepter-X and the budget classic stun gun ElectroProtector did not let their owners down. All of the listed models are ready for use at any time, fit comfortably in the hand, and require rare recharging.

The power, which determines the degree of effective use of the device, is different: the Scepter-X shocker has the highest, followed by the Scepter-X, Jaguar, and Tokarev shockers.

By purpose

According to this criterion, shockers can be divided into the following types:

  • psychological weapon , which is characterized by low voltage and small shape. This is the already mentioned shocker in the form of lipstick, and also, for example, in the form of a mobile phone and a stylish iPhone;
  • disorientators differ in voltage from 500t. Volts up to 700 t. Volts. They will shock the enemy for a short time, and you will be able to escape during this time;
  • stunners differ in voltage from 900 tons. Volts, capable of paralyzing an attacker for a long time.

We can also talk about the following classification of ESA:

  • Classic . These are shockers of a standard rectangular shape. Among them are ElectroProtector, Tokarev, Iskra, Tesla-8, Thunder k. 222, Avatar, etc.
  • Lanterns . ESU flashlights are 2 in 1: both protection and lighting. These include products from Police, Marine, Rocket, Stinger, Spetsnaz, etc.
  • Clubs . We have already mentioned them earlier; such shockers form a good charge and can be used to hit the enemy.
  • Unusual shape. Among these are the already mentioned lipstick shockers, mobile phones, as well as brass knuckles and similar items.

Types of stun guns


To hit an enemy with such a device, you need to approach him at arm's length, then turn it on. The body has two designs: in the form of a rectangle and a baton. If you need this particular type, then you need to pay attention to some points.

  • The housing must be made of plastic or impact-resistant plastic.
  • An acceptable length is 35-55 centimeters so that you can keep the enemy at a distance.
  • It is worth paying attention to the strength of the electrodes. The stronger they are, the more effective they are.
  • Long electrodes can penetrate several layers of clothing.

Contact-remote (shooting) stun guns

The enemy is defeated by shooting electrodes. The damaging effect is similar to that of a conventional stun gun.

Certified models of contact-remote shockers look the same as regular ones. They have a special addition - cartridges.

The cartridge is a rectangular body with electrodes. When pressed, the electrodes fire off. The range is several meters. But these cartridges are unreliable because their electrodes are disposable. The cartridge can be quickly replaced, but only if you have cowboy skills. If you don’t have enough time, you can try to hit the enemy with spent cartridges. The permissible distance for shooting at the enemy is 1-2 meters, less than a meter is not allowed, and more than 4 meters is useless. According to their structure, they are divided into L-shaped bodies and batons.

What to do?

How to choose a stun gun so that it is effective in a dangerous situation? Contact electrical devices can be used almost everywhere, in any room and in open areas. True, this advantage is lost if the enemy has any weapons. In this case, the remote device will be more useful and effective. Therefore, many experts and reviews from ordinary people recommend taking a remote device if you live in a private sector and often have to walk along dark streets.

But for those who get home through the entrance of a high-rise building and by elevator, a contact stun gun will be more useful.

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