How to choose the right classic bow for shooting.

Shooter stretch.

But keep in mind that the table will not be able to help you fully. For example: if you put three people of the same height together, you will notice that each has a different shoulder span and arm length, and a different physiology. Therefore, in addition to growth, you need to know your stretching; there are many ways to achieve this goal. I'll leave the most convenient one below.

Problems of choice

When choosing a throwing weapon, they usually focus on compliance with historical truth (aesthetics), combat effectiveness, ease of ownership, and price.

Truth and aesthetics

Many people are drawn to archery by the desire to be like the elf Legolas or other fantasy or historical characters. Although archaeologists have proven the fact that English archers suffered from monstrous scoliosis.

  • The most reliably repeating the contours and design of traditional bows are products from the Samik company (pr. Deer Master). The handle is made of laminated solid wood, and the removable arms are laminated, with an external plastic coating. The only thing that can be installed on them without damaging the structure is a shelf, which allows you to use arrows not only with natural feathers. The Optimo model from SF (Sebastian Flute) is similar to them. Mongolian bows from Interloper and Supermag are also good.
  • Real Olympic recurve bows are made by SF. The series starts with the Axiom model. They have an aluminum handle on which you can install a sight, balancer, plunger, or shako. This is a transitional option between tradition and classic: their shoulders are laminated - wood, covered with plastic. There are options for classic bows, made entirely of modern materials. For example, the Blue Knight Bow (Olympic), which has fiberglass arms and an aluminum handle.
  • Compound bows have an industrial aesthetic and are an arrow-throwing machine.

This video will tell you how to choose a bow for a novice archer for hunting:

Combat effectiveness

  • Classic bows give all the energy to the arrow during the release of the bowstring. Due to the short duration of the force impulse, the arrow flies at a speed of no more than 50 m/s and does not have much penetrating force. However, this allows you to increase the rate of fire if you do not draw the bow at full strength or do it with a jerk.
  • With a blocker, the arrow accelerates relatively slowly, and the peak of force occurs at the moment it leaves the shelf. The arrow's flight speed reaches 90 m/s; it is possible to use heavy arrows with great penetrating force. That is why such bows are most often positioned as hunting bows. Partial tension of the bowstring is impossible, the rate of fire is low. But the accuracy and accuracy of hits is comparable to firearms.

Ease of ownership

First of all, this is an opportunity to customize the bow to suit you.

  • classic models are made collapsible. And because to adjust it you need to change the shoulders - shorter or longer, stiffer or elastic. When choosing such a bow, it is customary to focus on the height of the shooter. Although the British proceeded from a different consideration: a long bow with the same tension force is less deformed and therefore lasts longer.
  • The compound bow is adjusted by changing the position of the blocks on the eccentrics. This does not require high qualifications from the owner or additional costs for the purchase of shoulders and bowstrings.


  • According to the current standard, a classic hunting bow cannot be longer than 60 inches (150 cm). Sports bows reach a length of 70 inches. The length of the blocker does not exceed 90 cm, making it through the forest wilds is less problematic.
  • In terms of weight, only the classics, used in the barebow version, outperform blockers - without a modern body kit, including sights.


This is the most controversial criterion. If you evaluate a bow in combination with combat effectiveness and richness of equipment, then compound bows turn out to be cheaper.

  • For example, Samik Polaris, which the manufacturer positions as a bow for beginners, is a good choice, costs more than 11 thousand rubles, and the package includes only a string and a simple shelf. Its tension force is no more than 36 pounds (16.3 kg). A set of replacement shoulders costs at least five thousand.
  • Compare it to the same level Barnett Vortex compound bow, which costs 15 grand. Tension force from 19 to 45 pounds (9 to 21 kg), no investment required for adjustment. The delivery set includes three arrows, a sight with three pins, a shelf, and a shako.

What bow draw weight is recommended to consider before purchasing?

In fact, it all depends on the sports training of the future shooter, but there is a certain template that will help with this.

Again, it all depends on the athletic training and characteristics of each person’s body. When purchasing a bow, it is advisable to ask to be stretched and try it for yourself, but the main thing is not to let go of the string without an arrow, this will lead to breakage of the bow and a forced purchase.

Types of bows

Before choosing an onion, you should know about the characteristics of each of its types. Despite the fact that over several thousand years of its development the design of such weapons has remained virtually unchanged, some modifications have occurred. Thanks to this, today we have three types of bows:

  • traditional;
  • classic;
  • block.

Each type has its own characteristics, so to make the right choice it is necessary to consider in detail all available options.

Traditional bows

Traditional bows are most often made to order.
These are exactly the designs that were used by our ancestors until the invention of firearms. Subsequently, the bow was gradually replaced, and today it is used in the civilized world only as a hunting and sporting weapon.

Some peoples actively use traditional bows today. We are talking about such autochthonous peoples as Papuans, Chukchi, Eskimos and Indians.

All kinds of replicas of military weapons of the ancient peoples inhabiting Eurasia are very popular today. Their production is carried out in accordance with known and restored technologies, actively using natural materials such as wood and leather. To fasten elements together, natural-based adhesives are most often used.

Such designs are not mass produced. Most often we are talking about custom-made, when each instance of such a weapon receives unique properties to which the master needs to adapt.

Mastering a traditional bow requires daily practice over many years. This is the simplest and most natural weapon that requires maximum concentration, good physical shape and perfect precision of movements from the shooter.

Classic bows

A classic bow is always collapsible, that is, the athlete assembles it in parts immediately before shooting.
Such models are often called “Olympic”. Currently they are used in sports competitions. Such bows most often differ from traditional models in their more ergonomic shape and the use of modern materials in manufacturing. As a result, the final product is lighter and more convenient to use.

How to choose a bow

In order to choose the most suitable model from the variety of bows that exist today, you need to pay attention to a number of characteristics. Below we will look at the main selection criteria.

Goals and objectives

If a bow is chosen for hunting, it should be compact, light and convenient.
Before choosing a bow for shooting, you should accurately determine the features of its use. At the moment, bows are used for the following purposes:

  • As sports equipment.
  • In the form of a hunting weapon.
  • As a collector's item or piece of furniture.
  • To protect the home, etc.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the use of such weapons, they should be purchased according to the following criteria:

  1. If we are talking about a bow for sports, then first of all you should pay attention to the Olympic ones, that is, the classic type options. These are composite models that can be equipped with various additional devices for better guidance and increased shooting accuracy. If you purchase a compound bow, then its characteristics must correspond to the sports discipline in which it will be used. It should be understood that products that do not meet the specifications will not be allowed to compete.
  2. For fun. If you want to shoot at targets in the backyard of a country house, then the simplest and lightest bow will suit you. Such a product should be as safe as possible, easy to use and beautiful. Traditional bows are excellent for these purposes, as well as recurve models, the shooting process of which is greatly simplified.
  3. Choosing a bow for hunting. In this case, the bow should be compact, light and easy to carry, as well as invisible. Therefore, a light classic or traditional bow would be an excellent choice. Block models are also good due to their compactness, but they tend to be heavier.

Why are these tests important?

If we simply test our draw weight during training before hunting season, when it's warm outside, our bodies are comfortable, and we're at the peak of our shooting conditioning, we're fooling ourselves about how much bow draw weight we can effectively handle. in a hunting situation. These tests help to reproduce the stressful conditions and difficulties that arise during a real hunt, and fully reveal our capabilities. If you can't hunt effectively with a bow at the draw weight you want, don't worry. Modern bows are usually so efficient that you can still hunt ethically even if you loosen the screws on the bow limbs just a little. And always remember that an accurate hit with an arrow fired from a bow at low draw weight is better than a missed shot with an arrow traveling at blinding speed.

Article from the website by B. N. Tarasov

Translation of the article taken from the site

Where to buy onion sets to plant on your plot?

If you prefer to grow your own onions, here are some practical tips for selecting and storing onion sets!

Onion sets can be found in almost any hypermarket. But chain stores most often have a standard set of varieties. If you need a specific variety, it is better to purchase from a specialized seed store. There you can find not only a variety of varieties, but also onions of different sizes for planting.

The yellow onion set should be golden in color, firm to the touch, dry, without visible damage, and without mold.

How to choose onions in the store? What to look for?

The onion should be dry, without an unpleasant odor. To the touch the bulb is dense and without damage.

How to properly store onions at home?

  • Onions bought in a store
    usually store well in any conditions, since the supplier has previously prepared them for long-term storage.
  • Onions collected from the garden
    must be dried well so that the neck closes completely and dries so that the onion goes into hibernation. And then he will lie there for a long time. It is advisable to store onions in a well-ventilated, warm (+5...+20 °C) place.

Onions can be stored at temperatures below 5 ° C, but this temperature must be maintained constantly, since when they go from cold to warm, onions immediately begin to grow.

If onions are stored at temperatures above 20°C, they may dry out too much.

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