How to properly aim and shoot an air rifle

Since KS 1.6 is a first-person shooter, the ability to quickly aim and hit the enemy in the head is of paramount importance. Since the game is already very old, almost all methods of effective training and shooting methods have already been researched inside and out, which makes it easier for beginners to get into the gameplay. However, this only works if the player can study the guides and understand them. To train relatively easily, there is only one correct tip - start with bots. By devoting just 10-15 minutes to playing against bots before logging onto the main server, you can achieve good results in terms of consolidating the material received, which will be presented below. Knowing how to learn to shoot in CS 1.6 , it will be much easier to become a good player.

Variety of shooting methods

One of the most interesting parts of the game is the shooting tactics.
In the time since the release of version 1.6, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, so it’s impossible to come up with anything new - all the shooting mechanics have long been studied and sorted out. As a result, it is no longer possible to invent something new. Therefore, beginners can immediately obtain all the necessary knowledge in a short time due to the huge number of different guides. And after several training sessions, even experienced players will simply cease to be an invulnerable target. CS 1.6 is primarily a shooter. Personal reaction is of great importance here and the skill is instantly aimed at the enemy’s head. The one who manages to do everything does not necessarily win yet - you need to shoot correctly in order to inflict damage on the enemy and not miss. That's what really matters.

So how to shoot correctly in CS 1.6 ? There are several methods for this that are suitable for different weapons and will be most effective at different distances. You will need to master them all, otherwise you will have to forget about a truly effective game.

Shooting with one bullet

Single bullet shooting should be used in the following cases:

  1. The enemy is far away.
  2. There are few cartridges left, and there is no time to reload.
  3. The weapon is capable of killing an enemy with one hit to the head.

Of course, you can also shoot single shots at close ranges.
However, you must understand that you will need to maintain a short pause between shots, and the enemy at this moment is capable of causing a lot of harm. When shooting with one bullet, it is important to remain calm and have a steady hand in order to have time to aim at the enemy's head. For this you need a perfectly sharpened sensitivity, as well as a good gaming mouse. Cheap analogues will not be able to provide all the necessary parameters for successful aiming.

It is also important to understand that this is the most difficult method, since it is quite difficult to hit with one bullet, so initially it will be best to train on light bots. For example, you can launch some kind of corridor map, or, on the contrary, a very large one (so that the opponents scatter), and then start shooting the bots directly in the head, and trying to do this as quickly as possible. This will allow you to adapt, at least a little, to shooting at future opponents. Of course, people will try to dodge, but the understanding of counter-actions will later come on its own, the main thing is to master the basics.

The best single-shot weapon: AK-74 and others that allow you to kill an enemy in the head with one bullet. Firing one cartridge at a time makes it possible to significantly increase the accuracy and effectiveness of each shot, but at the same time this is the most thorny path that will be difficult for beginners to master.

Shooting two bullets

This method of shooting allows you to be guaranteed to kill an enemy when hit in the head.
This technique is easier to understand compared to single shots. However, everything said above also applies to shooting with a two-round cutoff. The only thing is that if used correctly, this tactic will be useful at any distance. As in the first case, the shooting technique will only be effective when shooting in the head.

Shooting three bullets

Firing in three-round bursts makes it almost guaranteed to kill some opponents, especially if you didn’t take armor.
In this case, it is best to aim approximately at the neck area. Then the recoil itself will do its job and one or two bullets will hit the head, which will almost guarantee the kill of the enemy. As you can see, this is the simplest technique and is quite easy to train. For beginners, it’s better to start with this and then move on.

Shooting instructions

You can shoot from an air rifle from different positions of the body; we will consider each of them in detail below.

Sitting at the table

The most comfortable and easiest position to learn is sitting at a table or leaning on a counter (for example, at a shooting range). The shooter sits at the table in a relaxed, natural state, with good support for his hands on the table. In this position, it is very convenient for a beginner to load and reload a weapon.

The shooter sits down at the table and chooses the most comfortable position for himself; his legs can be in any position. The body should be slightly turned to the right of the aiming point, with minimal muscle tension. You should lean your body against the edge of the table.

The air rifle is grasped with the right hand at the base of the stock so that the thumb is on the left and the rest on the right. With the left hand he clasps the weapon from below, by the fore-end, with the thumb on the left and the other fingers on the right. The rifle is located in the palms. The elbows of the hands should rest on the table, with the body slightly tilted forward. When positioned correctly, the left elbow and shoulder are moved forward.

The left elbow should be directly under the rifle. The right elbow is placed closer to the chest and to the right (side).

The butt plate of the butt rests against the notch of the shoulder, and the head is tilted onto the ridge of the butt. To check the correct position, the shooter closes his eyes for a few seconds and opens them again - the alignment of the sighting points and the target must coincide.

If there is a mismatch:

  • front sights and aiming points – adjust the aiming of the rifle without changing the pose;
  • aiming points (went to the side) - rotate the body along with the weapon (leaning on the left elbow), adjusting the position;
  • aiming points (went down or up) from the aiming point - move (or push) the body back along with the chair (do not move the elbows);
  • butt plate with a shoulder notch - with a higher position the bullets will fly above the center of the target, and with a low position - lower.

Hold your breath while firing.

Lying down

The prone position is comfortable for shooting, in which the shot can be as accurate as possible, especially at a stationary target, but when loading the weapon, you will have to lean to the side. The shooter lies on his stomach, legs slightly spread with toes to the sides. The right leg can be slightly bent, the left leg rests the toe on the ground, the body is slightly turned and tilted to the left.

The body rests on the elbows, the shooter holds the gun in front of him:

  • with your left hand behind the forend from below;
  • the right hand clasps the handle;
  • the butt rests on the right shoulder.

Make aiming adjustments:

  • with emphasis on the left elbow, change the sight if the target has gone to the right or left;
  • raising the left hand higher or lower if the target has gone up or down.

A very important point is the correct choice of angle relative to the line of sight and the body of the shooter. Recommended range 15 to 30 degrees:

  • if the angle is less than 15 degrees, overstrain of the arm muscles occurs, and this affects the quality of shooting;
  • if the indicator is more than 30 degrees, shooting accuracy decreases.

By following the instructions, beginners achieve good shooting results in the prone position.

The prone position gives even better results, since the rifle has a stable rest (sandbags, boxes).


The position is standing; experienced shooters often use it for shooting, since there is no support, and the rifle must be held entirely by the shooter’s hands. Stability in the position should be as stable as possible - without hesitation. This is the most difficult position to make shots. It is necessary to develop the technique (manufacture) of maximum immobility of the shooter/weapon. The standing position includes:

  1. Leg position – the distance between the feet is slightly greater than the width of the shoulders, and the toes point to the sides. The shooter must distribute the body weight on both legs, in the middle of the feet. One leg can be slightly pulled back (behind the back) for additional support.
  2. To make the body more motionless, the body is slightly twisted in the lower back, the left thigh moves forward slightly. The back bends slightly back and sideways (towards the targets). This allows you to distribute the weight of the weapon not only on the hands, but also on the spine, and the stability of the weapon increases.
  3. The position of the arms is the same as in other positions, the shoulders are lowered. The right hand holds the handle of the weapon, taking into account the small gap between it and the index finger. Also, the right hand must hold the gun in the desired position. The elbow of the right hand is at an angle of 20-40 degrees relative to the body; it is important not to change the position when firing. The butt plate of the weapon rests on the muscles of the right shoulder. In this case, the head looks straight, and the cheek rests slightly on the ridge of the butt.
  4. The forearm of the left hand is positioned as vertically as possible, the elbow rests on the oblique abdominal muscles, or on the pelvic bone (perpendicular to the rifle). The left hand holds the forend of the weapon from below.

When adjusting the sight:

  • to aim higher or lower, carefully raise or lower the weapon;
  • to adjust the sight to the left/right, change the position of the legs.

To develop the standing position technique, it is imperative to develop arm strength.

From the knee

Standing from the knees is a position that you need to get used to; it is quite unstable and leads to rapid fatigue and muscle strain in an untrained body. The shooter takes the following position:

  • lowers onto the right knee, while the right foot should be directly under the buttocks, lying on the ground;
  • body weight is transferred to the right heel;
  • the right bent hand holds the weapon by the handle, the butt plate rests on the right shoulder;
  • the left leg with the knee bent, standing straight (with the entire foot) in front of the body;
  • the elbow of the left hand rests on the left knee, the left hand itself holds the rifle from below by the fore-end.

Aiming adjustment is carried out by supporting the right leg, the left leg is used to maintain the balance of the position.

There is another shooting option - from a position sitting on the ground, legs crossed. The arms, bent at the elbows, rest on the legs, in places just below the knees. The position of the hands in relation to the rifle: the left one holds the forend of the rifle by the bottom, the right one holds the handle of the weapon.

To adjust the sight up/down, change the location of the left elbow. If necessary, change the position on the sides - turn the body at the waist.

How to control bullet spread?

Scatter control in the game is quite simple.
When clamped, the bullets scatter quite widely. To understand exactly how to control recoil, you just need to create a single player game, buy a weapon and walk up to the wall. After that, you need to shoot a couple of magazines there with a clamp. This way you can learn how the weapon behaves and understand how to handle it. The movement of the sight must be remembered in order to control the shooting, and this applies to each barrel individually, all this will have to be remembered. Knowing the movement of the sight, you just need to point it in the opposite direction. It will immediately become noticeable how the bullets will begin to fit closer to the center of the sight and the accuracy will eventually become many times higher.

Additional Tips

Every shooter dreams of hitting the target accurately. The accuracy of the shot depends on the characteristics of the air gun, projectiles and correct aiming. Additional tips will help you hit the target more accurately.

For shooting

Tips that are recommended to be taken into account when shooting with air rifles:

  • shooting from a rifle powered by compressed gas is prohibited at sub-zero temperatures;
  • for better aiming, install a collimator or optical sight on the rifle;
  • you cannot lean on the barrel of the rifle (the barrel should rest on the palm of your left hand);
  • during production it is forbidden to touch the trigger;
  • the butt must be pressed against the muscle in the depression between the shoulder and the armpit;
  • Before training, it is advisable to buy several different projectiles of the same caliber (shot accuracy depends on the weight of the projectile).

Making a Shot

Tips for correct aiming and shooting:

  • It is better to aim at the top point of the target;
  • the further away the target is, the higher the barrel is raised;
  • in crosswinds, you need to aim slightly to the right or left of the target;
  • the weapon is removed from the safety lock only before firing;
  • To fire a shot, you need to smoothly press the trigger;
  • It is recommended to shoot while exhaling;
  • After shooting, you need to put the rifle on safety and lower the barrel.

Weapon care

Shooting accuracy largely depends on the condition of the air rifle. Before training sessions, it is recommended to disassemble the weapon and check how the parts are secured, and at the same time “tighten” the screws. You can clean the barrel.

To clean air guns, it is advisable to buy special cleaning products and brushes. It is prohibited to clean the barrel with improvised substances. Cleaning agents that are too aggressive can ruin the ballistic properties of an airgun.

AIM training for headshots

To understand exactly how to kill in the head in CS 1.6 , you can use a special simulator.
This simple online game can teach you how to hit your opponent's heads better, so it makes sense to try your best. In this way, in a not particularly complicated way, you can develop your reaction and prepare for the game against real opponents.

There are simply no other reliable ways to learn to shoot accurately. This is the rule of any game, in order to be effective, you will have to spend time training to instill basic skills in yourself. Of course, later there will be no need for this, since the basics go into the “subcortex” and remain there for a long time.

How to shoot with a deagle in CS 1.6

The Desert Eagle is a powerful weapon and an excellent choice when you can't afford an assault rifle.
Due to its low cost, it is very popular among players. However, there is also a considerable fly in the ointment - there are only 7 rounds in the magazine. In this case, the enemy will die only with three hits to the body, and to hit the head, you must have a good reaction and extraordinary skills. When shooting with a deagle, it is important to remember that there should be a short interval between shots, this will increase accuracy. You cannot shoot at the enemy as if from a Glock, you must accurately send the bullet to the target. Sometimes it’s even better to wait a second, but to hit it accurately, than to shoot and miss.

The most effective distance for a deagle is close. During a firefight, it is advisable to stay close to cover so that you can leave to reload.

Preparation, determination of the dominant eye

Before shooting, it is recommended to perform several preparatory steps. A novice shooter must determine which eye is his dominant one, that is, he sees better. After all, the accuracy of hitting the target depends on visual acuity.

How to determine the dominant eye:

  • extend both arms in front of you;
  • create a “window” with your fingers;
  • point the “window” at the target;
  • look at the target through the “window” with both eyes;
  • the target must be in ;
  • do not move your hands;
  • close your left eye;
  • close your right eye;
  • the leading eye will be the one that sees the target well;
  • It is better to cover the non-dominant eye with a thick cloth during the shot (wear a bandage, safety glasses).

Air rifles are a long-barreled type of weapon. Such models are used for shooting at medium (from 5-10 m) and long (up to 100 m) distances.

The trajectory of a bullet leaving a long barrel is predictable. It's easier to hit the target with a long rifle. The main thing is to follow the rules of aiming.

How to aim correctly:

  • close one eye (left);
  • leave the dominant eye (right) open;
  • point the barrel at the target;
  • move the sight away from the eye to a distance of 10-15-25 cm;
  • look through the sight slot at the front sight;
  • the front sight should be in the middle of the rear sight;
  • the top of the front sight should not extend beyond the top edge of the aiming bar;
  • take a breath;
  • align the target, rear sight and front sight on one line;
  • raise the barrel slightly (aim at the top of the target);
  • exhale;
  • Gently press the trigger with the index finger of your right hand.

How to shoot from the AVP in CS 1.6

It is not for nothing that the WUA bears the title of “elephant killer”.
One successful shot from this rifle can kill an enemy even behind cover. To become effective with this weapon, there are a couple of things to remember: You should never shoot while moving. Before shooting, you must stop, at least for a moment. In combination with fast zoom, this will allow you to hit the enemy more or less consistently. There is only one chance of murder. The AWP takes a very long time to reload, so the enemy will probably be able to use this time to simply walk up and shoot the unlucky sniper. Therefore, sometimes it is better to wait half a second longer, but give a guaranteed shot.

To play well on AWP, a good reaction is necessary, but it is easy to train. The main thing is to constantly improve your skills, and then you can have fun when playing with AVP. The deagle looks great paired with this rifle, since due to its high one-time damage it makes it easy to take out wounded animals.


Many players advise setting graphics settings to minimum, even if you have a top-end computer. If you look at professional players, most of them play at minimum wages. There are explanations for this:

  1. At minimum graphic settings, especially for textures, the rendering of the landscape drops significantly, while opponents become more visible against a blurred background;
  2. The return speed changes, not the FPS, it can be huge in any case, here we are talking about the feeling of the game on your fingertips - with low settings the game flies, while at maximum settings even movements and turns feel as if it is harder.

In general, I advise you to experiment with graphics and draw your own conclusions.

Mouse sensitivity

Adjust the sensitivity so that the base of your brush does not come off the table when you turn the camera . All movements must come from the fingers and hand, while the hand itself must be fixed in the joint. This is advice from pro shooter players.

Then in the game settings we increase the vertical sensitivity . This will simplify recoil control; you will have to move the mouse down a much shorter distance, which will have a positive effect on shooting.

I won’t tell you the exact value, because the general sensitivity in the game and the mouse itself also plays a role here. Just play around with different values ​​and settle on the one you feel most comfortable with.

How to shoot with a Kalash in CS 1.6

AK-47 - it’s hard to find a nicer machine gun.
Yes, it has strong recoil and poor accuracy, but this pays off with excellent damage (108 damage to the head, even if the enemy has a helmet). The result is a rather interesting weapon that takes a long time to adapt to. The method of shooting from a Kalash should be as follows - strafe, shot (1-2 rounds), strafe again. It is important to constantly maneuver and not allow the enemy to target you. Shooting with a clamp on an AK-47 is practically useless. If there is no way to carefully control the recoil, the chance of hitting the enemy will be minimal. Because of this, it makes sense to shoot with a cutoff of 1-2 rounds and no more.

When shooting with a clamp, you can pay attention to the fact that the spread is similar to the letter T. Accordingly, if you remember exactly how the bullets fly when shooting, you can suddenly jump out at your opponents and take them away in one long burst.

The AK-47 is ideal for improving your headshot skills. And his body damage is nice. At long and medium distances, it is advisable to aim at the enemy's chest or neck. When shooting in a short burst, this will allow you to hit directly in the head. This advice is also relevant for other slot machines, but it will take some time to get used to the new manner.

Safety precautions

The air rifle itself is considered the safest type of weapon. The air gun fires lead bullets or small-caliber steel balls. Such shells cannot kill a person unless they are aimed at the eye or temple. The main thing when shooting from pneumatics is to follow the rules of personal safety. Loaded weapons must be handled with care.

Safety Tips:

  • load air guns before shooting;
  • keep the rifle on safety before firing;
  • without taking aim, do not press the trigger;
  • do not point the gun at people;
  • shoot only at designated targets;
  • do not shoot if there are strangers near the target;
  • remember that a low-power projectile bounces off hard surfaces;
  • do not place the rifle scope close to the eye;
  • After training, unload your air gun.


In general, these are all the basic tips that a beginner should take into account at the beginning of the game.
Subsequently, the most winning tactics will become fixed in your mind. The main thing is to train your reaction and remember the shooting features of each type of weapon, even if you don’t plan to play with it. After all, if you know how a particular weapon fires, it will become much easier to understand how the enemy will behave with it. Now, knowing how to shoot in CS 1.6, all that remains is to consolidate the acquired knowledge and go to the server to show your increased skills in battle against real opponents.

First steps

Before you dive into real combat, there are a few things you need to do:

  1. regularly visit the training mode and the 8v8 arcade mode, which the developers recently added to the game;
  2. play War Mode in a “Custom Match”;
  3. play a dynamic 4v4 match in PUBG Lite (if you haven’t installed it yet, do so, the game is free - how to install PUBG Lite);
  4. Play only in first person view (FPP) mode.

But the main concept of good shooting in PUBG is to control vertical recoil. In a nutshell, when shooting (especially from an automatic weapon with a clip), you need to move the mouse down much more dynamically than we are used to doing in other shooters.

And the most important thing in this matter is practice. Professional players, for example the Korean eSports team, train 8-10 hours a day playing pubga alone . They have a coach, a strict schedule, tasks for each player, analysis of mistakes, and so on, everything is like in a real Olympic team.

Therefore, do not be surprised if after 2-3 hours a week, your skill has not grown. You must either have almost natural abilities and lightning-fast reactions, or fill your training time, achieving results. Approximately 300-500 hours of play will be enough just to begin to understand all aspects, but you can become a real killer closer to 1000 hours of play, and only if you do everything correctly. Our article is about how to do it right.

In the meantime, you can train your accuracy and reaction on independent simulators, of which there are several dozen in our time. One of the simplest and most popular is AimBooster. Devote 5-10 minutes to it and it will have a positive effect in any shooter.

Training mode

The training has been awaited almost from the very first day of PUBG's existence. A training ground for honing basic shooting skills, but you can also “test out” the physics of vehicle movement and practice landing (landing with a parachute at specified points).

The practice mode in PUBG helps you practice shooting.

To enter the training mode, just press the button just above the match settings. Players find themselves on a small island on which weapons, ammunition, equipment and vehicles are scattered, there is a shooting range and a shooting range with targets. Targets turn over when hit, so you can perfect your long-range shooting. Only available in solo mode.

Read more in our guide - training mode in PUBG.

War mode

Custom game mode - battle between teams (or solo) in a limited safe zone. The main feature is that players are revived after death and parachute back into battle with weapons.

There are several variations of equipment. For example, only with assault rifles or only with sniper weapons. Fast, dynamic combat is ideal for honing your skills.

Filter settings for War Mode:

  1. region: EU or RU (but there are very few rooms in RU);
  2. expectation;
  3. FPP (First Person Point of View);
  4. open (no password).

You can choose another region, as long as the servers are located as close as possible to your place of residence for a good connection.

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