Tactical shotgun for home defense. Part 1: Weapon characteristics and ammunition options

Choosing a weapon in a pubg is often a situational decision that you can use here and now. Even if you are used to playing with the M416, you can only find 1 such rifle in the entire match. However, we will describe the TOP guns in each type, which are best placed in your main weapon if you come across them.

You can be a master of any weapon in PUBG and the entire list from our article will not help you in any way. However, when you encounter another SMG or rifle on the battlefield that you learned about here, you can count on its high performance. You can be sure that it can be used.


For any pubg player, the most important thing is to win. We will tell you how to do this easier and show you which weapon you need to choose for this.


The pistol is a great weapon early in the game. It will also work as a second gun. It doesn't shoot as fast as the SMG, but it makes you more mobile. And it’s always easier to find cartridges for a pistol than for the same sniper rifle. The pistol is most often chosen in the first minutes of the match, until a worthy replacement is found.

First on the list is the P18C. The advantage of the pistol is that it can fire in automatic mode, which makes it completely unbalanced at the beginning of the game. If you find it after falling from a plane, then hold it until you find a suitable assault rifle. The disadvantage of the pistol is its lack of range. At long range you will almost never hit.


The second option is P1911. Up close, this gun destroys everyone. It can help you deal with an opponent who is wearing a bulletproof vest. A couple of successful shots and in front of you is a mountain of loot.


Submachine guns

This type of weapon should not be underestimated. Submachine guns fire very quickly and are incredibly effective at close range, but are weak in long-range combat. Situational weapon for the beginning of the game. Although someone manages to finish the game with them.

First up is Vector. Almost every player knows about it, and almost everyone complains about the 13 rounds in a standard magazine. Despite this drawback, the Vector SMG can help you a lot in the early game. And if you find an additional magazine for it, then you can run with Vector until the end of the match.


The second is the UMP 9. An incredibly powerful submachine gun that has the lowest recoil among its analogues. It has a fairly comfortable front sight, which makes it a serious weapon at close range, as well as an aspiration for modifications. We install the handle, the clip, the muffler... And we win the match. The main thing is not to forget the cartridges for it.


In the paper trenches of World War III

In the seventies and eighties of the last century, the idea arose in the minds of some Western experts to combine the advantages of submachine guns (compact size, the ability to conduct automatic fire) and shotguns (smooth cheap barrel, cartridges with a charge of several striking elements, usually arrow-shaped). Similar developments were noted in the USA (an experimental “smoothbore submachine gun” chambered for 28 caliber cartridges) and in Italy (a stylish-looking bullpup machine gun chambered for .410 caliber cartridges).

Winchester smoothbore submachine gun...

...and Frankie

But in addition to their advantages, these samples also had disadvantages of the systems that gave birth to them (rather heavy cartridges, short effective range) - therefore, only their descriptions on the yellowed pages of reference books have survived to this day.

Assault rifles

This type of weapon is a cross between a SMG, a sniper rifle and a DMR. With them it is easy to enter buildings, knock down the necessary doors and catch up with your opponent. Assault rifles are good both in close combat and at medium range. They can kill at great distances, but you need to understand how to shoot with them.

Top opens M416. This is a first-class master of his craft. A weapon that will serve you faithfully. Almost any modification can be installed on the M416, which makes this rifle unique and extremely convenient. It's also easy to shoot with. In general, a perfect weapon.


Second on the list is Groza. It bears little resemblance to the assault rifle we are used to seeing, because it has a very short barrel. However, this specimen has two features. The first is a huge rate of fire, which will ensure death to any enemy. Second, this weapon is considered rare, so it can only be found in a box. The gun is no different in terms of fast reloading.


Third on the list is QBZ95. Many players immediately didn't like the rifle when they started seeing it in the game. And there are reasons for this. Firstly, the QBZ95 has fairly low damage, which makes it weaker than the M416. Secondly, body kits. However, this assault rifle has excellent recoil, that is, almost no recoil. This is what she is famous for among the players who gave her a chance.


Among the assault rifles there are still many nice examples that can surprise you. However, the player should remember that any weapon of this type will help you out from match to match, but the guns listed above are a must-have for victory.

The evolution of weapons: from the “coachman’s gun” to the tactical shotgun

In one of our articles on the shotgun as a defensive weapon, we discussed some of its advantages over pistols and rifles. Of course, this is all great, but if we are going to take a closer look at the aspects of using a defensive weapon , we will need to understand what exactly makes a shotgun not just a tool for hunting or competition, but an ideal weapon for defense and short-range shooting.

One of the best ways to do this research is to trace the stages of modernization of defense weapons aimed at responding to different types of threats and situations. Shotguns have their roots far, far back.

In fact, the idea of ​​shooting at a group of targets with an extended area of ​​effect and a high chance of hitting is as old as firearms themselves. The option of loading small-caliber weapons with shot was used for a long time, just as cannons were often loaded with so-called “large shrapnel” for firing at large concentrations of troops.

And what we now call a shotgun first appeared in the good old Wild West.

The content of the article

Lightweight and compact

Stagecoach guards were armed with shotguns with 12 rounds of shot each.
It is quite easy to imagine a shotgun for self-defense as a large and bulky weapon. But shotguns , these sources of enormous power, can and should be quite maneuverable, and the practice of using modern weapons only confirms this. In the Old West, in the conditions of the almost complete absence of legal regulation of the circulation of firearms, bandits have always been a real threat to commodity cooperatives. On trains and stagecoaches, armed guards were a means of deterrence and protection from bandit attacks, so initially the choice of firearms was reduced to a fairly compact 12-gauge double-barreled shotgun. This “coach gun,” as it was then called, was the very means of protection during dangerous trips.

The use of a shotgun loaded with large pellets not only had devastating consequences, but also, compared to a rifle or revolver, made it easier to hit the target when shooting from a moving carriage.

Although barrels were often shortened to 20 inches or less, this did not lead to a wider dispersion of shot. Short-barreled shotguns were favored because they were easier to control inside and outside a stagecoach or train, and they allowed for more accurate target shooting than a conventional shotgun while maintaining high firepower and range.

Of course, it wasn't just stagecoach and train guards who chose the powerful shotgun Such weapons have played a key role in many famous shootouts. During the shootout at the O'Key corral - and what many believe was the only shot fired in the skirmish - Doc Holliday sent a load of pellet into Tom McLaury's chest, killing him instantly. Wyatt Earp, another participant in the O'Key shootout, allegedly used a 10-gauge double-barreled shotgun in another skirmish to shoot Curly Billy Broches, with horrific consequences. Although Colt revolvers and Winchester rifles would have been more "romantic" weapons of the era, nothing can kill a man like a simple "coachman's gun."

Fast shooting and fast reloading

The picture shows a soldier with a shotgun.
Shotguns “for guarding stagecoaches” quickly sank into oblivion with the development of a gun with a movable fore-end. The pump-action shotgun had a great advantage over double-barreled shotguns because it was equipped with a magazine and significantly reduced reload time. While a double-barrel weapon was only capable of firing 2 shots, leaving the shooter defenseless while reloading, a pump-action shotgun allowed you to fire several times in a row, quickly reload the weapon at the same time, and then instantly resume shooting. One such gun, the 1897 Winchester, proved its worth during World War I due to its ability to quickly clear an area of ​​enemies.

During the war, with the widespread use of trenches, almost ideal conditions were created for the use of the shotgun for offense and defense. The twenty-inch shotgun was much more maneuverable in short skirmishes and fired at a higher rate than conventional sniper rifles.

This became especially noticeable after 1897, when the threat of being literally riddled with bullets appeared - the shooter left the trigger pressed after the shot, and the shotgun immediately fired the next shot after chambering the cartridge with the movement of the fore-end.

When defending positions, several shotguns fired a hail of pellets simultaneously, thereby preventing an attack. Some sources report that the shooters could detonate a hand grenade in the air in this way.

Best in short range shooting

Shotguns were used in warfare even after World War I, but were used only as defense weapons during territorial security. But when the US Navy entered World War II against Japan, and then the US military was sent to Vietnam, shotguns again found themselves on the front lines. The territory where military conflicts took place was covered with dense jungle, which meant that they could attack from any direction, and this with very limited visibility.

Shotguns have become a favorite weapon of many military personnel for their ability to quickly suppress enemy fire at short range. 6 charges of 4.5 mm shot can be released in a few seconds, sending more than 50 shells towards the target, and if not killing or harming, then at least preventing an attack, or buying time for a counterattack. Of course, the shotgun has not been as common since the First World War, but its usefulness during jungle skirmishes proved its reliability and fearsome power at short distances, even when used in those days with machine guns and sniper rifles.

Modern gun accessories

Despite the use of the shotgun by only small groups of troops in current military conflicts, it remains an integral part of police patrol cars. Although the shotgun has remained virtually unchanged since the 18th century, the last few decades have seen the introduction of accessories that significantly improve the basic platform, leading to the widespread use of shotguns in law enforcement practice.

These upgrades and accessories are useful in home defense situations, as many shotgun used by home defense are similar to those used by police officers in conflict situations.

For example, ammo mounts placed near the fore-end or stock, allowing the shooter to quickly reload, became a natural and logical addition to defensive shotguns , despite the virtual absence of such mounts in military use. Police, like ordinary citizens, rarely use ammo pouches on their equipment the way the military does; and carrying additional ammunition on the weapon provides the shooter with quick access to “life-saving” ammunition without the need to purchase special equipment.

Nothing new under the sun: a 1970s advertising poster describing the Remington 870 police shotgun. Note the short barrels, folding stock, iron sights, and extended magazines.

Another critical improvement to the shotgun for self-defense was the use of an under-barrel tactical flashlight. Neither police nor civilians can afford to cause further harm to an attacker, and both may face much more complex scenarios than soldiers. Someone sneaking up on a military patrol at night definitely does so with the intention of causing mortal harm; but someone creeping up to a house at night may turn out to be a burglar, in the same way as a homeowner's son trying to run away to a party at night. The consequences of misinterpreting these situations can be deadly, so certain measures must be taken to properly assess the presence and nature of the threat, and a tactical flashlight can help with this.

Shotgun sights have also become much more popular, depending on the user and application. A visit to your local shooting range will show you that neither a simple mechanical nor the more complex electronic sights are required, but are a desirable addition to a shotgun to protect your property and life. For example, a compact and durable collimator (red-dot) will significantly help when shooting in poor lighting, and in general, any sight outside the basic configuration will expand your capabilities.

Modern gun accessories allow you to adapt a shotgun to any need and situation.

At its core, a shotgun is the best weapon option for self-defense due to its power and speed, especially at short distances when every second counts. In fact, any shotgun can be used for defensive purposes, but a purpose-built shotgun is very different from the one you have in your pantry used for shooting birds. It is short and lightweight, making it easier to protect the interior. Regardless of whether the first shot was fired from a shotgun , it can be the last, and due to the “feed” from the magazine loaded with enough ammunition, the solution to the problems you encounter can be lightning fast.

The existence of the shotgun is justified by the fact that it can be called the king of short-range shooting, especially with cartridges that fully unleash the full potential of the weapon. And if necessary, a shotgun for self-defense can be equipped with modern accessories so that the weapon is fully compatible with emerging threats.

Share your views on using shotguns and be sure to check our site regularly over the next few weeks as we discuss more topics about shotguns for home defense .

Original article - Kyle Eggimann | LuckyGunner.com

Machine guns

With machine guns the situation is a little more difficult. A good machine gun will behave as its name suggests. It fires quickly and takes a long time to reload. It's heavy and has crazy recoil. But huge damage! Among the guns of this class, only the M249 can be distinguished.


Players loved this machine gun because it fires a hundred rounds of ammunition in 10 seconds, reloads and does the same. This machine gun can only be found in a box.

You can also highlight MG3. Maximum power, 75 rounds in the magazine, unrealistic rate of fire and destruction of all targets that get in your way. Only available via AirDrop.


If there is an opponent opposite you who has a shotgun in his hands, then either you are already preparing to look for a new match, or you have a more serious weapon in your hands. A shotgun can neutralize an opponent in 1-2 seconds and requires almost no reloading (only some models). But, if you find a more suitable gun, then the shotgun, most often, should be thrown away immediately.

First in line is S12K. Lethal power, 5 rounds in the magazine, the ability to shoot at medium distance... Beauty! You can also expand your store with Saiga and go kill other enemies. The gun simply has no equal.


However, such weapons also have disadvantages. To shoot with the S12K you will need an understanding of the game.

The second shotgun is the S686. It is also called “Full double-barreled shotgun” or “Whole sawn-off shotgun”. A shotgun can kill your counterpart with one precise hit to the body. In fact, there are much more advantages, but you will learn about them during the match. But there is also a very serious disadvantage - only 2 rounds. If you don't hit first, you have one chance left. If you didn't get second, you lost.

In the trenches of world wars

For the first time, a shotgun and a submachine gun came together head-on on the battlefields of the First World War. The Americans brought shotguns with them, generously supplying their soldiers with pump-action Winchesters Models 97 and 12, as well as Remington Models 10. These 12-gauge shotguns had under-barrel magazines for five rounds (plus one in the barrel), each of which could hold about an ounce (28 grams) of lead buckshot. As a last resort, a bayonet was attached to these shotguns.

"Winchester" model 12

Winchesters could fire “almost in bursts” - that is, the shooter held the trigger and worked the fore-end at the highest possible speed, and the shot occurred at the moment the bolt was locked. In less than five seconds, about 170 grams of lead could be fired towards the enemy - nine buckshots with a diameter of 8.6 mm per shot.

The Germans brought the submachine gun with them (and let the Italians be offended, we are not talking about them now). The MP.18, designed by Schmeisser, held 32 9x19 Luger cartridges in its detachable magazine, each with a bullet weighing about eight grams. At a rate of fire of 450 rounds per minute, the entire magazine could be fired at the enemy in just over four seconds.


It is difficult to say what was more effective when combing enemy trenches - volleys of buckshot flying in a cone or a burst of pistol bullets. What is clear is that with increasing range (beyond 20-30 meters), the effectiveness of a submachine gun grew rapidly compared to shotguns - due to the noticeably better ballistics of pistol bullets and their higher penetration. However, at the distance of transition into hand-to-hand combat, a volley of buckshot had a more lethal effect than two or three bullets fired in a short burst.

Another unexpected bonus of shotguns is that they can fire not only large buckshot. According to numerous legends, while on the defensive, the Americans, using their rifles loaded with large shot or small buckshot, managed to knock off the trajectory or even destroy the grenades thrown at them by the Germans.

Try doing this with a submachine gun!

But in addition to shot and buckshot, a shotgun can also shoot a heavy (28-36 gram) bullet... The lethality of such a projectile is wow, and in recent years special bullets have begun to be used to knock out door locks during urban assault or search operations.


That is why shotguns, despite their somewhat archaic nature, heavy ammunition load and low effective range compared to submachine guns, are still in service not only in the United States, but also in the armies of many other countries around the world.

DMR - Marksman rifle

A separate form of art and at the same time the most destructive weapon in skillful hands. There aren't many DMR type weapons in the game, but if you come across one, you either rejoice or go looking for a new match because it was in the hands of the enemy. Among the Marksman rifles, two cannons can be distinguished.

Mini 14. An average weapon that can be used anytime, anywhere, like the M416. Excellent, long-range, but has little damage. But the speed of the bullet is high, which gives you a slight advantage over your opponent.

Mini 14

The second DMR rifle is the SLR. A more lethal thing that is waiting for its finest hour. That is, the moment when they begin to fix it. It has very high damage, a huge firing range and a good rate of fire. This weapon also has disadvantages, for example, a not very spacious magazine. In general, if you know how to shoot with such weapons, then you will not need assault rifles, shotguns and other guns.


Sniper rifles

We have come to the most cherished part. Being able to shoot with a sniper is a real art. But finding it is even more difficult. In general, there are many subtleties in handling this type of weapon. For example, without proper positioning you will likely end the match very quickly. And if you meet an enemy close with the sight turned on, then the chances of getting out of this meeting alive are about 0%.

Yes, you are waiting here for AWM, but it will be a little further away. This TOP will open KAR98K. 5 rounds in the magazine, incredible penetrating power and the ability to turn the rifle into a center of body kits. What’s especially nice is that if you hit the head of an opponent who has 100% HP and a helmet below the third level, you kill him. And if you install a silencer, a compensator and an optical sight... True, you first need to find all this.


The second nice rifle is the VSS. It is effective, it has a built-in optical sight and it has a silencer. The gun is silent. In short, this barrel can be successfully upgraded and made into a real ninja machine. You will shoot, and it will be impossible to find you.


This is the most favorite point of players who play PUBG for fun. However, if you manage to find the Frying Pan, it will be a real blessing at the beginning of the game.

Frying pan

It has a couple of interesting advantages:

  1. The frying pan can ricochet bullets. You carry it with you, it hangs on your back, and if they shoot at you, then when they hit the frying pan, the bullets simply bounce off.
  2. If you know how to sit quietly and not fumble around with a frying pan in your hands, you can kill a whole platoon of opponents. A frying pan in PUBG kills in one hit.

Finding it can be very difficult, but it's worth it. Believe me.

Air Drop

This is what every player and killer who watches the falling box dreams of. In Air Drop you can find a level 3 body armor and helmet, Thunderstorm and many other cool things. AWM is among them.

AVM has an interesting reputation. Beginners pick it up and don’t understand why TOP-1 is not assigned to them right away. Unfortunately, even with such an “Elephant” you need to be able to shoot. The sniper rifle itself is very powerful. It will headshot any equipped player, and it is also green, which gives you an advantage when using a stealth suit.


But, frankly speaking, if AWM falls into the hands of an experienced sniper who knows a lot about positions and is ready to wait until the TOP 5, he will take the title of the best player in the match without even straining.

Important! There are guns on this list that you may have underestimated. For example, many people do not take UMP9, even if this SMG is in every corner. In vain. Weapons in pubg create a reputation not for their beautiful appearance or reviews, but for victories. The guns from this article managed to prove that they have no equal on the battlefield

Tactical shotgun for home defense. Part 2: Six Best Shotguns for Self-Defense

In the previous part of the article, we discussed what a tactical shotgun is, what distinctive features a weapon has for home defense, and told us what ammunition is best used for self-defense and during training.

With all this information in mind, let's take a look at the 6 best tactical shotgun offerings on the market.

The content of the article

TOP 6 tactical shotguns

Mossberg 500 and 590

If you're looking for the most reliable and durable combat shotgun, the Mossberg 500 is the option built just for you.

Mossberg 500 with Hogue stock, Surefire forend with built-in light, side ammo holder and bandolier sling

The Mossberg 500 is one of the Big Two (Mossberg and Remington) in the pump action shotgun world. And this is our favorite.

The big difference from the Remington 870, its Big Two counterpart and rival, is the location of the safety - it is located on the top of the receiver (receiver), and therefore can be turned on and off with the thumb of the shooting hand.

Safety lock on a Mossberg 500 shotgun

It is so popular that there is a huge selection of potential improvements to it. But if you want something that is modeled after this model, but more suitable for combat and tactical use, what should you choose?

The ideal option for you would be…

Mossberg 590A1

Mossberg has many different configurations and accessories for the 590A1. These include: red dot sights, night vision sights, fixed and folding stocks, magazine extenders up to 9 rounds. Regardless of the upgrades you choose, by purchasing the Mossberg 500 or 590, you are still getting one of the best combat shotguns ever made.

Mossberg 590A1 with great paint job and side ammo holder

The Mossberg 590A1 was designed to handle the dangers and challenges of military life. The Mossberg 590A1 is a rugged and reliable combat shotgun. From the butt to the tip of the barrel, he is a real tank.

You can even mount a bayonet on this shotgun. As a pump-action shotgun, the Mossberg 500 can handle anything from high-powered Magnum loads, to ultra-light reduced-recoil loads, or even non-lethal load types.

Remington 870

A pump-action shotgun with a sturdy wooden stock, the Remington 870 is a classic model that has stood the test of time.

One of the Remington 870s

Shotguns of this model offer you a 6+1 capacity. They also have an 18.5-inch barrel for increased maneuverability in tight spaces. At the end of the barrel you can see a regular rifle front sight, so I would certainly suggest adding a good adjustable sight.

The main difference from the Mossberg 500 described above is that the Remington safety is presented in the form of a button near the trigger.

Safety button on a Remington 700

The 870's "Rema" design is well-known and popular, and there are many accessories available for it as well. This variety of accessories includes a bunch of different front sight designs, lights, red dot sights, stocks, pistol grips, and so on.

Remington 870 with 20-inch barrel, extended Choate Extention Tube magazine and Streamlight TL-Racker underbarrel flashlight

You can swap the barrel for any other 870 barrel without modification and it will still be effective. Add a modern gun sling to your weapon and you have the perfect shotgun for any use.

Remington 870 with folding stock

If you're only going to choose and install one upgrade, we highly recommend the Streamlight TL-Racker. Not only does it look impressive, but the built-in flashlight adds a lot of tactical and practical utility to your weapon. The TL-Racker design also makes the shotgun easy to reload, which is a big plus in stressful situations.

In any case, this is a pump-action shotgun that has the highest reputation and many positive reviews.

Need to clean your shotgun or want to know how to take it apart? Watch a video guide on how to clean and lubricate your Remington:

Comparison: Mossberg 500 or Remington 870?

We could end this article right now, as these two “guys” in the tactical gun market are the most recommended firearm options for home defense.

Mossberg 590

But if you had to choose between these two shotguns, which would you choose?

Remington 870

Here's our opinion:

  • In terms of materials, the Remington has an advantage since its receiver is made of steel, while the Mossberg's is made of alloy. However, for the average user this will never be a deciding factor.
  • In terms of ergonomics, we are absolutely sure that the Mossberg wins due to the location of the safety relative to the trigger mechanism. It is easy to operate with the shooting hand.
  • The Mossberg also gets a few extra points for the fact that its action has two extractors, while the Remington action has only one case removal mechanism. This, of course, is a thing, so to speak, “not of the first importance,” since Remington has a huge number of fans and history shows its reliability.
  • Another detail that we would like to note is that the Remington 's ejector is riveted, while the Mossberg 's can be removed and replaced with just a screwdriver. If your Remington 870 ejector wears out or breaks, you'll have to go to a gunsmith.
  • Both shotguns have similar accessories: grips with a flashlight, magazine capacity extenders, and so on.

In the end, I personally would choose the Mossberg 590 . My choice is due to the fact that this shotgun has a large magazine capacity (8+1) and a convenient (in my opinion) safety position. But remember, there is no wrong choice in this case. Just hold both options in your hands and feel which shotgun you choose.

Benelli M3

I may be a little subjective in giving third place to this shotgun. But I can't help it. After watching the movie Heat (1995), I fell in love with the Benelli M3 .

This love grew and grew stronger until I had the opportunity to personally use this tactical shotgun. Benelli makes the best combat shotguns on the market, and yes, their price reflects that.

They innovate and develop shotgun design technology with each new masterpiece. What sets their M3 apart from other shotguns is its capabilities.

The Benelli M3 can operate as a semi-automatic shotgun or a manually loaded shotgun. It easily transitions from one mode to another to handle lighter or more lethal ammunition.

Semi-automatic mode reduces recoil and is one of the fastest modes for any shotgun. When it comes to quality, Benelli shotguns are built to last a long time and can even become family heirlooms, they are so reliable.

Benelli M2 semi-automatic shotgun

The Benelli M2 is my primary semi-auto shotgun that I use in 3-Gun competitions. If you need a good semi-automatic shotgun, I would recommend this one!

Hatsan Escort Aimguard

If you're looking for something incredibly affordable and extremely durable, you might find the Hatsan Escort Aimguard It is important to remember that this tactical shotgun is priced so low not because it is poorly made. In fact, the Escort boasts a chrome-plated barrel and all components are made from metal.

But the most interesting thing is the pump fore-end, which in this case is quite unique, since it is not located exactly where most shotguns are. In fact, when reloading, the forend touches the receiver (receiver). This makes the gun much more convenient for people with shorter arms.

The Hatsan Escort Aimguard has two variants - with a magazine capacity of 7 + 1 and a 20-inch barrel, and with a capacity of 5 + 1 and with an 18-inch barrel, and comes in both standard and "Marine" (Marine Corps) configurations with prices ranging from 150 to 200 US dollars.

Maverick 88

How about another budget option and essentially a Mossberg 500 clone?

Maverick 88 with a special recoil-reducing stock

The Maverick 88 is made by Mossberg, and its main difference from the 500 is that the safety is located in front of the trigger rather than above it.

Maverick 88 fuse

This brings the price down dramatically, and the Maverick 88 can be had for under $200 if you look hard enough.

But since this is the same Mossberg 500, almost all the upgrades and accessories of this model fit with it. We consider a recoil-reducing stock to be one of the main modifications.

Mossberg SPX 930

The Mossberg SPX 930 costs around $700 and is a tactical derivative of the Mossberg 930 series.

This shotgun takes a respectable sixth place in our ranking of tactical shotguns. Out of the box it is ready to use straight away. This is one of the most reliable semi-automatic shotguns available at an affordable price.

The 930 SPX features an excellent standard scope, clever tactical sling mounts, 7+1 capacity, and a Picatinny rail for mounting optics.

The name itself is a guarantee of high quality, and you don't even have to pick up a weapon to make sure it's true. The 930 SPX is very reliable and durable, and the semi-automatic system reduces recoil to an acceptable level.

Adding a side bandolier is incredibly easy and there are many options for doing so. The double-sided safety is certainly convenient. And the wide ejector, in turn, allows you to quickly recharge.

In the next part of the article, we will talk about the shortcomings of modern shotguns and provide a real guide on how to deal with them.

Original article: 6 Best Home-Defense Tactical Shotguns [2019]

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