Soviet smoothbore shotgun IZH-27: double-barreled over-and-under shotgun, history of creation, design and technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages

  • March 28, 2019
  • Weapons and ammunition
  • Natali Michaelis

The IZH-27 smoothbore shotgun was produced in 1973 by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant and in just a few years won the trust of Russian hunters, opening a new milestone among the models of domestic double-barreled shotguns. According to reviews, the IZH-27 has unsurpassed technical characteristics and a small number of shortcomings that have virtually no effect on ease of use. Is this really so, or are the laudatory reviews written in a fit of euphoria after purchasing a new gun?


The IZH-27 smoothbore shotgun is produced in mass-produced, piece, and even souvenir versions.
The most common are the twelfth and sixteenth gauges. In addition, the gun is produced for Magnum cartridges with 12, 20 and 410 barrel diameters. IZH-27, a 12-gauge shotgun, is equipped with an ejector mechanism, with the help of which only spent cartridges are ejected when the barrels are opened. The thickness of the muzzle walls allows the use of reinforced ammunition when shooting. Many even use cartridges such as Sunar-Magnum, although, of course, the recoil from shots with them is somewhat greater. However, when hunting migratory geese in the fields in a raid, this factor can be ignored.

The design features of the IZH-27M shotgun became the basis for the development of such modern shotguns as “Sever”, IZH-39E, MP-251. Their production is now widely established. They are used for both hunting and sporting purposes.

Weapon modification

Judging by the reviews, the IZH-27 gun has excellent prospects for modification. You can create a unit based on your own ideas of what an ideal hunting weapon should look like. To do this, you can use various accessories: collimator sights, under-barrel lights, muzzle constrictions, and so on. All these devices help not only improve the technical characteristics and ease of use, but also the appearance of the weapon. To do this, you can install a stock made of expensive wood or plastic, and then paint it in a camouflage color, thereby increasing the overall camouflage.

Trigger double-barreled shotguns

The Tulka or Tula trigger TOZ-BM has been the most popular gun in Russia for many years. Unpretentious, comfortable, very durable, with a good fight. It served flawlessly in all weather conditions: in frost and heat, in blizzards and rain. It was used for both amateur and commercial hunting of all types of game. From Tulka they killed elk and wild boar, wolf and bear, fox and squirrel, duck, goose and partridge. Since 1964, Tulka was produced under the TOZ-63 brand. It differs from the TOZ-BM with chrome-plated barrels and better finishing.

Tulka 12 gauge from 1968 to 1974. was produced under the symbol TOZ-66. It had a reinforced receiver and chrome-plated barrels. TOZ-66 is considered the best of the Tula triggers. In 1978, the production of triggers was stopped, but in 1986 they resumed, only under the symbol TOZ-80. They were produced until 1990. The technical characteristics and shape of the gun are similar to TOZ-BM and TOZ-66. The Izhevsk plant produced its own version of hammer-fired double-barreled guns. These are IZH43K and IZH43KN. The only difference is that one has internal hammers and external cockers in the form of hammers, while the other has weapons with external hammers. Now trigger guns are no longer produced.

Some useful information

According to reviews from hunters, the IZH-27 is perfect for hunting and is not inferior in technical characteristics to the popular TOZ smoothbore rifle. Surprisingly, both of these weapons have not only similar qualities, but also pricing policies, so disputes between owners do not subside even after decades.

The vertical double-barreled shotgun IZH-27 was developed in 1973 under the leadership of the well-known engineer A. Klimov, and the IZH-12 was taken as a prototype. The workers of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant faced a very important task - it was necessary to preserve and improve all the positive aspects of the old model and get rid of all the shortcomings. The task was almost completely completed.

The new double-barreled shotgun was equipped with an automatic fuse, which protected the owner from an accidental shot when the weapon was dropped or the chamber was open. In addition, it was decided to equip the IZH-27 with an additional rubber butt pad on the butt in order to provide additional shock absorption when fired, thereby reducing recoil. Since the end of 2008, weapons began to be produced under the symbol MP-27.

Comparison of IZH-27 and MZ-27. Similarities and differences

Barrel typeSmooth, chromeSmooth, chrome
Barrel length, mm375 – 750660; 725; 750
Length of the gun with butt, mm11951195
Chamber length, mm70 (76)70 (76)
Caliber12; 16; 2012; 16; 20
Weight, g36003100 — 3600
Type of sighting devicesFront sight, rear sight, ventilated ribFront sight, rear sight, ventilated rib

Comparing these two, at first glance, identical guns, as it may seem by looking at the table, one can detect a clear difference in the design of the butt. If the old model gun, IZH-27, (manufactured before 1988) has a bottle-shaped slot, then in the new models, MP-27, (manufactured since 1988 inclusive) the slot is smooth. This can be seen in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3.

Figure 2. IZH-27

Figure 3. MP-27

This is the main difference between the old and new double-barrel models.

However, the huge difference lies in something completely different. The fact is that the production of old weapons was of much higher quality than now. In this regard, the quality of the Soviet IZH-27 gun and the modified MP-27 cannot be considered the same. Caring for a new type of gun must be very painstaking and thorough. It's no secret that MP-27 is prone to rapid corrosion damage.

Sometimes rust appears on a gun even after a single encounter with rain or dampness, while with the IZH-27 you can go through “fire, water and copper pipes.” This directly depends on the quality of the chrome plating, which leaves much to be desired. It is also necessary to ensure that all parts are lubricated, otherwise the service life will decrease exponentially. You should not use old cartridges; it is better to use those recommended by the manufacturer.

However, there is also a big advantage of the MP-27 - the mechanics are excellent, the adaptability is at a high level.


Dedicated to the rangers and foresters of the Sochi National Park

In the winter of 1997, the ranger of the Sochi National Park, Gennady Konstantinovich Maksimov, was seriously wounded by a bandit in the foothills near the resort city.

Retired senior ranger of the Sochi National Park Maksimov Gennady Konstantinovich. Photos of 2022

Having received

essentially mortally wounded, the huntsman found the strength to return fire from his service SKS. The enemy was destroyed.

Shots in the mountains

People heard, called for help, and organized transportation of the wounded man. Gennady was brought to the hospital extremely seriously ill, but on time. The reward for the feat was the medal “For Courage” and a personalized Izh-27 shotgun of 12x70 caliber.

Izh-27 award shotgun and medal “For Courage”

Sochi in the 1990s lived like everyone else


Many Russians remember it as a cursed time. Economic and financial instability, the war in Chechnya, disorganization of all government services.

Sochi city

continued to remain an “all-Union health resort,” but this did not make it any easier for most local residents. Devastation, unemployment, gang warfare, division of spheres of influence - all this happened at the resort.

Izh-27 award shotgun, produced in 1998 (ordinary version), general view

Close border

was translucent, which also did not add calm. Weapons and drugs were transported along mountain paths from neighboring republics to the flat territories of Russia.

In the forest

one could easily run into a group of armed people, whose affiliation one could only guess.

Award Izh-27, general view on the right

But the huntsman service

The national park continued to operate. The employees routinely went to the mountains, chased away poachers and kept order in the vicinity of Sochi as best they could.

At some point

Residents of one of the Sochi villages began to complain about the loss of livestock, pigs and the theft of warm clothes from suburban houses and country houses. Traces of other people's horses were seen heading into the mountains. The problem has become regular.

District police officers

there was nothing they could do. It was clear from the signature of the crimes that a rogue gang of marauders was operating brazenly and skillfully in the foothills near the resort.

Shots in the mountains

On a stormy winter day

The ranger of the Sochi National Park, Gennady Maksimov, received information about another crime - someone killed a domestic pig in the forest, the skin and offal of which were found carefully hidden under a snag in a ravine.

Not far from the village

In the fresh snow, Gennady discovered those very alien, but already familiar horse tracks. Having estimated the most likely direction of movement of the rider, the huntsman moved on foot to cross the line.

Driven into the store

service SKS clip, Gennady did something that he usually never did and that saved his life that day - he loaded a cartridge into the barrel.

Former permit to carry service weapons. The same service SKS that saved the life of huntsman Maximov and put an end to the fleeting battle near Sochi

Putting the weapon on safety,

he took a “comb” out of his backpack - a spare clip with 10 rounds of ammunition - and put it in the breast pocket of the uniform of a washed-out army "hebe". In the left pocket, which is opposite the heart. A little later this also played a role.

reverse side
Wounded not in war

In the mountains

the rider usually moves at walking speed. Anyone who knows the area and walks through “cuts” can get ahead of someone who left earlier. The huntsman was sure that he would meet a strange stranger in the ravine before climbing the thousand-meter ridge. And so it happened.


went to the place of the proposed meeting exactly on time. He looked around, sat down on a log not far from the path, put the carbine on his knees and began to wait. The huntsman saw the bend of the path, but he himself remained under the cover of snow-covered branches. There was a rustling breeze in the treetops, and birds were chirping somewhere.

Award weapons have always been valued no less than breastplates (orders and medals). The Medal "For Courage" among the military has always been valued higher than many orders

Half an hour later

a horse snorted in the undergrowth. The loaded animal was dragged by the bridle by an unshaven man in an unbuttoned quilted jacket. A Mosin carbine was hanging on the stranger's shoulder. “It’s strange, it seemed like he was steaming, but he didn’t take off his padded jacket,” thought the huntsman.

- Good afternoon,

- Gennady said calmly.
-Where are we heading?
In a peaceful silence

In the winter forest, the man’s voice sounded like a shot. The man in the padded jacket twitched, but controlled himself and turned towards the huntsman. He guessed the direction of the voice accurately and now tried to determine the degree of the threat.

- Healthy,

— the unshaven man responded in a hoarse and artificially careless voice. He subtly shifted a little to the side and finally saw the huntsman. - And who are you? “There was tension in his voice.

- I am a national park ranger, show me your documents,

— outwardly Gennady was calm. But he already understood that the situation was difficult. People don’t just walk through the mountains with a carbine at the ready. And the horse was definitely not local, so he was not mistaken with the marks from unfamiliar horseshoes. But all this was just speculation for now.

The dedicatory inscription on the face of the trigger guard: “To Gennady Konstantinovich Maksimov for courage and bravery. Rosleskhoz"


came closer. He was on his guard, although he had clearly recovered from the unexpected meeting. Broken rubber boots, baggy pants of an indeterminate color and a dirty gray padded jacket. The handle of a large knife in a wooden sheath peeks out from under the floor.


hanging peacefully on his left shoulder. On the dejected horse there is an old saddle and a pair of voluminous packs. In appearance, he was an ordinary hunter, who in those days was no different from a poacher. But this one was clearly smelly.

- Show me the blueprint, boss, otherwise I might come up with something too,

— in the hands of the unshaven man there was a pack of Prima and a box of matches. He was just a few steps away. The huntsman was overwhelmed by the stench of sweat, long-unwashed clothes and the subtle smell of fresh meat. Yep, here it is...


leisurely he reached into his jacket pocket, took out his identification card, opened it and held it out flat towards the stranger. He narrowed his eyes, chuckled and, glancing around, reached into his pants pocket. Having fished out some kind of “crust”, the unshaven man threw it onto the huntsman’s lap with a snap.


I caught the book, opened it and glanced sideways at the light spread. He did not have time to grasp the essence of the typographic text. The main thing was something else - another person was looking at him from a black and white photograph.


metal clinked. The huntsman raised his head in bewilderment and saw the black pupil of the barrel of a three-line carbine.

- Here we are

— the thought had time to flash, while the finger of his right hand threw down the SKS fuse box.

government telegram from the head of Rosleskhoz
Dry click

echoed in the huntsman's head. - Misfire! “Gennady had already begun to raise the barrel of his carbine when the stranger, throwing aside the useless Kolchak, grabbed something from his bosom that looked like a huge pistol.


The huntsman did not have time to pull the trigger: two full-weight charges of small buckshot from a sawn-off shotgun TOZ-34 hit him in the chest.

The forehead of the award shotgun. Traces of a large round of fire are clearly visible, mainly with cartridges with a brass sleeve for the “Centroboy” primer.

Gennady woke up

almost immediately. Something terrible was happening in my chest. He was lying on his back, his right hand was on the neck of the Simonov butt. Fingers habitually felt the trigger guard. The safety key was lowered down - the weapon was ready to fire. He remembered that there was a cartridge in the barrel.

A few meters away

a man in a padded jacket was swearing as he filled the magazine of his carbine with cartridges from his pocket. This was clearly not the first time it had misfired. Clicking the shutter, he threw the mosquito gun behind his back, took out a knife and headed towards the huntsman.

“Now he’ll slaughter it like a sheep.”

This thought gave Gene strength, throwing off the bloody veil from his eyes. I didn't want to die like that. He raised the carbine on his half-bent right leg towards the approaching killer. The index finger habitually squeezed the trigger all the way.

Eight gram bullet

7.62x39 live cartridge hit the unshaven man in the chest. Dropping the knife, he fell next to his victim, taking several more bullets with his body twitching in agony.

The middle part of the Izh-27 gun, right view

In the forest

A ringing silence reigned. Gennady tried to move. The left hand didn't work. It was difficult to breathe, everything in my chest was burning and rattling, and there was a scream from the blood in my throat.

Right hand

I felt a bloody mess on my chest, in the center of which was a spare clip with ten rounds, broken by buckshot. There was a carbine lying on the right. There was no strength to lift it upside down.

Muzzle cut of the Izh-27 gun barrel block

Unfurling your weapon

past the crumpled body of the unshaven man, Gena fired two shots in a row somewhere into the roots of the trees. Then two more. And further. The SKS bolt carrier is frozen in the delayed position in the rear position. The cartridges are out.

In the mountains they know

that firing at regular intervals could indicate a distress signal. The huntsman was lucky: his nephew, who was several kilometers away, heard the shots. He was the first to find the wounded man, who somehow managed to walk and then crawl for almost a kilometer. He did not throw the carbine.

Incomplete disassembly of the Izh-27 gun

To the nearest

settlement, which means there were still about 6 km to the telephone. The nephew ran this distance like a bullet, called an ambulance, found a UAZ, in which they took the unconscious huntsman from the trail. An ambulance was already waiting below, the team of which was already on the move starting resuscitation. We arrived on time.

In surgery

Gennady Maksimov underwent emergency surgery. The left lung was crushed by shotgun pellets. The heart and aorta were not damaged - they were covered by the same spare clip into which the main charge of buckshot flew. At such a distance, the buckshot did not have time to scatter. The second charge landed higher and slightly to the side, closer to the shoulder joint.

Izh-27 award gun safety and bolt lever

From the pleura

The huntsmen pumped out 1.5 liters of blood, the total blood loss was about 2 liters. The surgeons were surprised how this man even survived. And this is not to mention the fact that Gennady was able to crawl through the wet snow for so long with a carbine in his right hand. As a pilot Maresyev, no less.

The butt of the gun eloquently indicates that the gun fit well

I was at that time

I was just finishing my studies at the medical school and was undergoing pre-graduation practical training in emergency surgery. It was during our shift that they brought in a bloody man with the last name Maksimov, my uncle.

I was present

during the operation, where we all counted the seized buckshots together. All of them were never recovered then - there were no x-rays, surgeons delved into the lungs purely for luck. Gennady still carries a dozen buckshots in his chest.

Chevron and buttonholes of the huntsman of the State Forestry Guard of the Russian Federation

Medal for courage and Izh-27 gun


Then they were harsh, but simple. Investigators quickly established a picture of what happened. It was rumored that the killed bandit turned out to be a member of a group that arrived in Sochi from beyond the nearby border. In the mountains they had a disguised booth in which they planned to spend the winter.


and the criminals stocked up on warm clothes in suburban villages. It was not their plan to run into problems; Sochi was only a passing point on the route. The bandits were well armed, but this did not help them. A whole bunch of men's watches were found in the belongings of the bandit killed by the huntsman. Gennady’s watch could also be in this “collection”.

Having assessed the situation

after the “debriefing”, 2 years later, “at the top” they decided to make the matter public and reward those who distinguished themselves. Including huntsman G.K. Maksimov, who literally covered the civilians of his hometown with his chest.

By Decree of the President of Russia

B.N. Yeltsin Gennady was awarded the military medal “For Courage”. His native national park promoted him to senior ranger and gave him a TV. From the federal Rosleskhoz they offered a choice of a shotgun or a carbine. The huntsman chose a gun, which the chief forester of the region came from Krasnodar to hand over.

This is an ordinary gun

The Izh-27 model is still in service today. But I saw my uncle’s medal “For Courage” only now, on the set for this article. 25 years later.

Retired huntsman Maksimov G.K. with the latest issue of the magazine “Hunting” (autumn 2022)


Medal of Honor"

was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on October 17, 1938.
The highest medal of the USSR,
which has been preserved almost unchanged in the Russian Federation.
The Medal of Valor
was awarded solely for bravery shown on the battlefield. addition to the military, the medal “For Courage” is awarded to... citizens for personal courage and bravery

manifested in the performance of ... official or civic duty, under ... circumstances
involving a risk to life

From the regulations on the medal “For Courage”:
The Medal “For Courage” is awarded to
military personnel, as well as employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, persons serving in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, and
other citizens for personal courage and courage shown:
- in battles in defense of the Fatherland and state interests of the Russian Federation; — when performing special tasks to ensure state security of the Russian Federation; — when protecting the state border of the Russian Federation; - during execution

official or civil duty,
protection of the constitutional rights of citizens and
circumstances involving a risk to life

Izh-27 shotgun with the forend removed

Good luck
on your hunting trail!

Shotgun selection

Whether you are buying a gun secondhand or choosing a new gun in a gun store, you need to know what to look for when inspecting the IZH-27 gun

Pay attention to the quality of the connection between the barrels; the bar must be tightly soldered, there should be no gap or white coating between it and the barrel. The muzzle ends of the barrels should be perfectly round, no ovality, and the thickness of the barrel wall should be the same thickness. No differences in thickness should be visible. When inspecting the inner surface of the barrels, when examining the chrome plating of the barrels, no spots or gaps should be visible, the quality of chrome plating on the IZH-27 is not of very high quality anyway, you don’t need problems with chrome plating. The aiming rib of the gun must be smooth, without bends or any bulges, the front sight must be strictly in the middle of the rib, defects in the aiming rib indicate damage to the barrels themselves. The gun barrels must be perfectly straight, inspect the barrel rings and the barrels themselves from the outside, usually any deviation of the barrels is visible by eye. When shaking the gun, no play or rattling of mechanisms should be heard or visible.

The gun should be easy to disassemble and assemble without effort. Pay special attention to the quality of fit of wooden and metal parts. There should be no gaps in the mating of these parts. On the wooden parts: butt and fore-end, there should be no cracks, burrs or chips, and the presence of knots is also undesirable.


Since 1972, the production of IZH-27-1S began - a gun without an ejector and with a single trigger, providing alternating shooting according to the “lower barrel - upper barrel” principle. In general, the mechanism of this modification was considered a successful solution, and therefore it subsequently began to be successfully used in sports versions. Since 1973, the basic IZH-27 shotgun has been produced, the photo of which is not very different from the prototype - the twelfth model.

Since 1976, the production of modifications began, equipped with an ejector mechanism necessary for the ejection of spent cartridges. The letter “E” appeared in their name in the alphanumeric index.

Modern IZH-27 shotguns are improved versions. Their difference is reflected in the marking with the index “M” - “modernized”. Today on the Russian market there are four variants of such models, the most popular - twelfth gauge. These are IZH-27M, -27EM, -27M-1S and -27EM-1S.

And in 1995, a very interesting gun appeared on store shelves. IZH-27 became his basic prototype. Weapons marked “94” have a twelve-gauge smooth upper barrel and a rifled lower barrel for a wide variety of cartridges. It is equipped with a unique barrel connection device.

general characteristics

IZH-27 shotguns are produced both serially and in piece and souvenir versions. Depending on the caliber, their weight ranges from 3.3 to 3.4 kilograms. The length of the barrels ranges from 720 to 730 millimeters, the chamber length is 70 mm. The connection between the barrels and the block of the IZH-27 gun is made through hinges and under-barrel hooks. The choke constrictions are 0.5 and 1 millimeter for the lower choke and upper choke, respectively.

The barrels are equipped with a front sight and a regular or ventilated rib. The channels are chrome plated, their outer surface is coated with black chrome or oxidized. Locking is carried out using a frame that fits into the groove of the rear barrel hook. As a result of opening the barrels, the hammers are cocked.

The butt and fore-end of the IZH-27 shotgun are made of wood. Depending on the design, the stock can be straight or semi-pistol. The butt, depending on the modification, is equipped with a rubber shock absorber or a plastic butt pad.

The barrels of the IZH-27 shotgun are made detachable. They are located in a vertical plane and pressed into the coupling. The connection between the barrels is made by soldering on the side strips.

Technical features

Judging by the reviews, the IZH-27 16-gauge shotgun has more improved ergonomics than the 12-gauge model. This is understandable, because the 12 gauge has a high destructive power, which means that the energy inside the barrel when fired will be higher than that of the 16 gauge. This leads to high recoil, which even soft attachments on the butt cannot completely cope with.

How do you switch between the upper and lower barrels, since the gun only has one trigger? To do this, you need to use a special lever that changes the firing order. It is worth noting that the likelihood of a double salvo from two barrels is simply absent, thanks to a special inertial disconnector.

The IZH-27 12-gauge impact mechanism also has quite interesting technical features. Owner reviews taken from thematic forums indicate that this is one of the best trigger mechanisms that can be found in modern weapons. The hammer is cocked when the barrels are opened, and the shot is fired using a smooth descent. In addition, the weapon provides the ability to decock, which can be useful.

Care and storage

The IZH-27 shotgun, like any other, must be kept in a dry place. During storage, the barrels are separated, and the triggers and locking lock are lowered. This is done by pressing on a small dog located inside the muzzle landing socket. All parts - fore-end, barrels, block, hinge axes - must be pre-lubricated.

According to the designers' idea, the chrome plating is designed to make it easier to care for the barrels, but it often comes off after the first shots. Therefore, it is necessary to clean them after every hunt, even if only one shot was fired. This procedure will help the owner protect his gun from rash inside the barrels.

If there is a large amount of carbon deposits, the muzzle channels must first be washed in warm water and then wiped dry, for example, with a rag.

If lead shine appears in the trunks, it can be removed using a soft brush. If the owner feels the appearance of a shackle, then he needs to periodically tighten the tightening screw located in the butt. To do this, you first need to unscrew two screws and remove the shock absorber pad.

You should not fire the gun dry when there are no cartridges in the barrels, since this reduces the life of the springs, firing pins and pins.

Tips for choosing cartridges

Many years of experience in shooting with the IZH-12 gun gives food for thought in terms of selecting shells for shooting. Initially, it was believed that only bullets for 12-gauge smoothbore shotguns could be used for the IZH-12. However, today it is known that any consistent fraction that is selected from the fraction selection tables is perfect. If we take the value of the bore diameter - 18.2 mm, then with a narrowing of the barrel of 0.9-1 mm for this gun you can use fractions numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7.

As for the mass of shot for a cartridge, 33 grams of numbers 0, 1 and 2 are usually placed in a plastic sleeve. The third and higher numbers are best placed in paper cartridges with a diameter of 18.5 mm. It is better to put no more than 2.5 grams of gunpowder in the cartridge.

MP-27. Description and technical characteristics

MP-27 is a real rarity of Izhevsk gunsmiths. It is a descendant of IZH-12, as well as IZH-27. Many, comparing these two double-barreled guns, talk about their identity, believing that the MP-27 is the IZH-27. They are partly right.

Since the 1990s, the Izhevsk plant changed the marking of its weapons to MP (Mechanical Plant), and all new models came with this marking and no fundamental changes in the design of weapons occurred. However, over several pairs of production of the MP-27 weapon, it has undergone various modifications more than once. It is on its basis that a large number of models have been produced: combination shotguns, double-barreled rifled shotguns, sports shotguns, and so on.

MP-27 shotguns are quite often made in single copies, to order, as well as souvenir double-barreled shotguns. Such models can rightfully be considered ideal, because they are practically free of flaws and imperfections. This is achieved due to the fact that manufacturing, assembly, and adjustments are carried out by one highly qualified master. Of course, the cost of such a gun is much higher than a serial weapon.

MP-27 piece shotguns

Along with serial products, factory craftsmen make guns according to individual orders of consumers, creating beautiful examples of highly artistic weapons: unique piece guns with artistic engraving of the “Classic”, “Prestige”, “De Luxe”, “Exclusive”, “Collectible” classes.

The quality of assembly and fit of the guns is very high. They are practically devoid of the disadvantages of serial models. Excellent barrel bluing, improved balance, improved locking mechanism with a carbide insert. Smoother fuse action. The stock and forend are perfectly fitted.

The assembly of each gun is carried out by one fitter, carefully and efficiently fitting all the parts, manually adjusting and fitting, which ensures high reliability of the mechanisms.

Adjustment of the stock to the anthropometric parameters of any person (left, right stock, protrusion under the cheek, different stock lengths, etc.) is done manually. It is possible to configure MP-27 shotguns with two pairs of barrels: – 1st pair – standard, length 720-750 mm, choke, half-barrel. Choke constrictions 0.5; 1.0 mm. – 2nd pair – length 675 mm; barrels cylinders.

Some MP-27 shotguns of 12x76 caliber are equipped with an additional block of barrels with a 20-gauge Lancaster drill with a chamber length of 76 mm. On guns, at the request of the customer, it is possible to carry out any decoration or inscription using hand engraving, precious metals, and artistic painting. Engraving compositions are made in a wide variety of techniques - armor engraving, notching and notching of precious metals and their alloys, creating a unique range characteristic of the style of weapons engraving of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant.

The engraving is complemented by decorative carvings on the butt and fore-end. To coat metal parts, in addition to traditional oxidation, silver plating, nickel plating, and titanium nitride coating can be used. Guns made to order meet the requirements of the most sophisticated connoisseurs of fine weapons.


The double-barreled shotgun is already more than forty years old, and it has acquired a number of modifications and options for a wide variety of needs and requirements. These include: shotgun IZH 27 EM or MR 27EM, IZH 27M 1S, IZH 27 1S, MR 27M, MR 27EM 1S or IZH 27EM 1S, as well as “Junior” (gun IZH 27MM), a rifled version of the barrel, etc. This gun is also manufactured in piece versions.

Technical characteristics of the MP 27EM (IZH 27 EM) model: switchable ejector, two releases.

MP 27M 1S and MP 27 1S or IZH 27M 1S, IZH 27 1S - one trigger that can be used to switch the firing sequence (changes by pressing the trigger from behind), without an ejector. IZH 27M 1S can be called the most popular model.

MP 27EM 1S or IZH 27EM 1S – switchable ejector, one release.

The IZH 27M or MP-27M “Junior” shotgun is a lightweight version of the main model. As the name suggests, it is designed for women and teenagers, so the stock dimensions and barrel length are reduced.

IZH 27, MR 27 Silver is a special version of the IZH-27EM, which is distinguished by the presence of silver plates on the sides of the receiver with artistic engraving.

Hammerless double-barreled horizontal shotguns

Trigger guns have a significant drawback. This is one extra operation - cocking the hammers, which means a lot during hunting, especially when shooting at moving targets. Therefore, triggerless horizontal guns have become the most convenient and more common in this regard.

We also produce them at the Izhevsk and Tula factories. The most popular, regardless of the year of manufacture, were the Izhevsk IZH-58 and IZH-43 and their further modifications, produced under various indices: IZHB-36, IZHB-36M, IZHB-46 and IZHB-47, IZH-49, IZH-54, IZH-57, IZH-58 and IZH-58M, IZH-58MA, IZH-58MAE and IZH-58MA-20M, IZH-26 and IZH-26E, IZH-41, IZH-43, IZH-43M, IZH-43EM.

Less common, but preferred by a certain category of hunters, are Tula double-barreled shotguns, often made in small batches or to order. TOZ-25, TOZ-39, as well as MC-10, MC-110, MC-11, MC-111. The most popular, even in our time, is the 12-gauge double-barreled shotgun MTs 111.

It is impossible not to recall foreign-made guns, although not in large quantities, but which were constantly available in the arsenal of our hunters. These were mainly SAUER guns, captured, with Krupp steel barrels, or produced in the GDR. SAUER hunting and sporting weapons, which are manufactured in Suhl in Germany, are now world famous and very popular in Russia.


Characteristics of the IZH 27 (MR 27) shotgun – available in 20, 16 or 12 gauge versions. The IZH 27 shotgun weighs from 3.1 to 3.6 kg, the chamber length is 7 cm, the barrel length is 66-73 cm. Barrels are traditionally not cylinders: the upper one is 1mm (choke), and the lower one is 0.5mm (poluchok).

The design of the IZH 27 shotgun is as follows: the barrel has an aiming front sight. The barrel channels are chrome-plated, the outer surface is anodized. The barrels are connected to the block by means of under-barrel hooks and a hinge. The hammers are cocked when the barrels are opened. The trigger mechanism smoothly releases the triggers when the receiver is closed. Technical characteristics of IZH-27E: it is distinguished by the fact that it is equipped with a spent cartridge ejector and is switchable.

Advantages of weapons

Based on the reviews and characteristics of the IZH-27 12 gauge, it can be assumed that this double-barreled gun is highly reliable and capable of firing even in the most severe weather conditions. This is true. The manufacturer assures that the gun works perfectly at temperatures from minus forty to plus fifty degrees Celsius. Also, the MP-27 is not afraid of moisture or dirt, only if it does not get into the barrel in large quantities.

It is also worth noting the unique inertial mechanism, which allows you not to worry that the spent cartridge case will remain in the chamber after the shot. A similar system was introduced relatively recently and is very popular with all hunters. Its meaning is that a special mechanism pushes out the cartridges after a shot with great force, which is very important in the northern regions of Russia, because in severe frost the cartridge case can freeze to the muzzle channel, after which it can only be pulled out in a warm room.

TOZ 34 and IZH 27 – what to choose?

TOZ 34 is the main competitor of IZH-27. Tula guns are just as common, and there are also many of them on sale. The characteristics of TOZ 34 are almost the same. The cost is almost the same, and they are produced around the same time. These guns are almost the same. However, despite the external similarities, there are also differences, primarily purely technological. So what is better to choose - TOZ 34 or IZH 27?

To do this, let's look at the features and differences of these models.

  • The main and most important thing is the trunks. TOZ barrels and their manufacture are of higher quality compared to IZH-27. The very design of the IZH barrel is such that the side rail is unreliable and comes off more easily over time, i.e. the technology itself is initially less developed.
  • Secondly, there are differences in the mainsprings. In TOZ they are figured and break more often. Also, TOZ cocking levers wear out more often.
  • The advantage of the TOZ gun is the forend, which is made non-removable, while on Izhevsk models the forend often cracks.
  • Judging by the quality of the gun itself as a mechanism, we can say that the TOZ guns have better quality barrels, while the Izhevsk models have a better cocking and release mechanism.
  • The Izhevsk double-barreled gun weighs more, and this is not in their favor: on mobile hunts, a light gun is more preferable, when you have to walk many kilometers and by the evening it seems too heavy to lift. However, the advantage of a heavy gun is that it can shoot more powerful loads, as well as less recoil due to its own weight.

Thus, the guns have approximate parity. Both have both advantages and disadvantages. None of them have an optimal set of advantages, and it is no coincidence that they are so popular among domestic hunters. You need to choose based on personal preferences, hunting style and applicability.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vertical shotguns IZH-12 delight their owners with high quality production and trouble-free operation. At the same time, such samples will definitely not care about harsh conditions. Good accuracy, uniformity and balance, as well as convenience, make it an excellent choice for proven hunting masters.

When choosing a smoothbore gun, you should remember that the IZH-12 also has several undeniable disadvantages.

For example, many note the rather rough design of the gun. Due to its specific shape (it is “trough-shaped” and deep), the forend is quite brittle, which is not observed in “horizontal” or vertical models, but in which the forend is made up of two parts located longitudinally.

There is a slight bevel at the aiming bar; it goes slightly at an angle to the butt. This leads to frequent misses during shooting, however, you can get used to this disadvantage and, over time, take it into account when shooting offhand.

Finally, you need to remember the close relative position of the triggers. Such a placement can lead to the fact that it is not very convenient to move your finger to the adjacent hook the next time you shoot. In addition, due to the pull-up, the shot may occur late, so sometimes it may seem to an inexperienced hunter that the trigger mechanism is out of order. Perhaps this will influence the choice of a shotgun for hunting.

You should know this

The recoil force can push the shotgun and the shooter back at the same time. The finger will lag behind the movement of the hook spoke, and then the latter will have time to fall, and the switch will interact with the second sear. Already by inertia, a person can stumble with his hand on a knitting needle, and then another, already unintended shot from the upper barrel will follow. To prevent this from happening, the mechanism is equipped with an inertial disconnector.

After pressing the hook, the switch rises along with the blade, acting with the front protrusion on the right sear and disengaging it. A shot follows from the first barrel. After releasing the hook, the sear, having dropped to the upper plane, remains in a raised position, while the switch moves forward under the influence of the spring. At the same time, its rear protrusion, having interacted with the left sear, prepares a shot from the upper barrel.

Review from the owner of IZH-27M (MR-27M)

  • The sighting bar on the gun is ventilated; in summer, the phenomenon of mirage from the heat is less pronounced.
  • The weight of the gun is generally greater than that of imported models, so the gun wobbles less, and because of this, recoil is compensated for more.
  • The stock is quite thick, and thanks to this, when dropped on a weapon, it remains intact. Thin-skinned “foreigners” are more suitable for foreign “park” hunting.
  • The quality of the chrome plating is terrible; after every hunt, when it’s wet, the gun becomes covered in rust before you even get home.
  • The fit of wooden and metal parts to each other is, to put it mildly, weak. There are problems with the stock and the fact that it is wiped and begins to gain moisture. You can restore the stock yourself and apply water-repellent impregnation, after which the stock will look very good, and problems will no longer arise.
  • The only thing there won't be any problems with is the mechanics. Everything works like clockwork, subject to minimal cleaning of the weapon after each hunt and complete cleaning of the smoothbore weapon after the end of the hunting season.
  • After firing charges with an increased amount of shot, a stutter appears in the vertical plane. When you hold a gun by the butt and shake the barrels. It can be removed by simply tightening the screw in the butt. But it is written in the passport that it is necessary to tighten the fastening screw from time to time. It is still necessary to use a standard amount of gunpowder and shot.

Hunting rifles IZH in history

The arms factory in Izhevsk owes its appearance to the high activity of Napoleon in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. When in 1805, the French emperor inflicted a crushing defeat on the Austrian state, it was decided to create a new weapons production away from the borders in order to prevent a possible seizure of the plant by the enemy.

In 1807, a decree of Emperor Alexander I gave birth to an arms factory near the Izh River, based on an ironworks opened more than half a century ago. By the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812, the army received 10 thousand flint weapons a year from the new enterprise. The large concentration of production capacities made it possible by the 70s of the 19th century to overtake the Sestroretsk and Tula arms factories combined in terms of production rates.

Hunting tools began to be produced towards the end of the century - in 1885. At that time, a small workshop was born in the plant, in which craftsmen of hunting weapons worked, adopting the rich experience of foreign manufacturers. It was in 1885 that the first private orders for the production of hunting tools began to be accepted, and three years later guns for hunters were put into small-scale production.

After the Great Patriotic War, in 1949, it was decided to specialize the plant in Izhevsk specifically for the production of hunting rifles. Currently, the arms factory produces over half a million weapons per year; more than 50 countries import IZHMEX guns.

Maintenance of IZH-27

The IZH 27 hunting rifle, like ammunition, must be stored in a dry place, away from getting wet and moisture. In this case, the triggers must be in a deflated state, the barrels must be separated from the box. The locking lock is also in the lowered state - to do this, you need to press the protrusion in the barrel landing socket. All main rubbing parts must always be lubricated: the connection of the barrels with the box, the hinge axis and the forend.

As already mentioned, the barrels are chrome-plated, and this is done to make their surface easier to care for.

However, in practice, the low quality of the coating leads to the fact that the chrome plating can fly off after the first shots, so during further use there is, alas, no point in paying attention to the chrome plating - faded barrels and stains on them are part of the norm for these guns

How to clean a gun

Now let's figure out how to clean the IZH 27 gun. The barrels should be cleaned after every hunt. If a large amount of soot appears, the trunks are washed with water and then wiped with a rag. The lead shine in the trunks is removed with a copper brush. At the end of the hunting season, all mechanisms must be thoroughly lubricated.

To prevent damage, it is necessary to periodically tighten the tension screw located inside the butt. To get to it, you need to remove the rubber shock absorber at the end of the butt. If, after the gun falls, the firing pins are secured with an interceptor safety, they can be removed from the firing position in the usual way, as on all smooth-bore guns - by completely opening and closing the barrels.

Disassembling the IZH-27 is quite simple - removing the forend and then separating the barrels and the box with the stock and butt. Just as with all single-shot shotguns, the firing pins must not be fired dry without any cartridges. When firing pins are released without cartridges, the mechanism experiences significant overloads. The firing pins must be released with spent cartridges. You should always open the gun with both hands, and not on your knee - this is a sure way to loosen the mechanism.

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