E 25 - German premium tier 7 tank destroyer in World of Tanks

Surely many tankers have found themselves in a similar situation. You’re driving along, not bothering anyone, when suddenly they start causing damage from somewhere. It is unclear who is shooting, but the XP is literally melting before our eyes. Alternatively, this someone puts you on the harp and methodically dismantles you for parts.

The most annoying thing is that you can’t even answer: the enemy doesn’t shine anywhere. Let us immediately note that the name of this mysterious villain is E-25. This is a German tank destroyer of the 7th level, which received the random nickname “Flea”, “Bedbug”.

The vehicle is incredibly cool, has excellent camouflage and a phenomenal rate of fire. In addition, the tank is premium, therefore, with proper directness of hands, it brings its owner a good income. Let's take a closer look at this miracle of German technology.


Since everything is learned by comparison, let’s consider the E 25 against the background of other Tier 7 tank destroyers that are currently available for purchase.

It is worth noting that the E 25 is the only one that has a preferential level of combat and therefore does not fall into the “eights”.


If a German “flea” bites into an enemy, then it is difficult for him to escape. First of all, the car earned this nickname due to its weapon. At first glance, it would seem that a small one-time damage of 135 units with armor penetration of 150 mm is not particularly impressive. But if we look further, we see that the E 25 has a very high rate of fire - 21 rounds per minute with a very fast aim of 1.73 seconds. and excellent accuracy of 0.29 per 100 meters. Such indicators of the gun allow for intense fire with an average damage per minute of about 2800 units.


The E-25 has the best gun characteristics compared to other tank destroyers. The DPM is higher only in the SU-122-44, but it is not always possible to implement it there due to the oblique cannon and weak UGN.

It is worth noting the good flight speed of the projectiles: armor-piercing and high-explosive fragmentation 925 m/s, and sub-caliber 1156 m/s.

The E 25 does not have a turret, but the vertical and horizontal guidance angles are quite comfortable:

  • UGN -12…12°
  • UVN -8…+15°


The health reserve is 830 units, which is quite good for level 7. The vehicle does not have armor; you can only count on an accidental ricochet of the gun mantlet from small-caliber gun shells or tanking with the tracks.

Location of crew members and vulnerable modules:

The car also owes its nickname partly to its appearance.

In head-on collisions with the enemy, the driver's driver is often disabled, and if you expose yourself to the enemy's sides, there is a high chance of the ammunition rack being damaged.

Other indicators

As for mobility, this car amazes with its driving performance. With a mass of 26.3 tons, it can accelerate to 60 km/h, while having a high chassis turning speed. So no one can spin it, which compensates for the lack of a tower. It is almost 20 km/h faster than the closest PT in terms of speed, therefore it is the most dynamic.

And now we come to the main feature of this technique - invisibility. The camouflage coefficient of E 25 is not just the best at level 7, but generally one of the best in the game. At the same time, it has very small dimensions and hides perfectly in the bushes.

This pleasant picture is complemented by a good overview of 360 meters and a high communication range.

This is precisely why tanks of level 6-7 hate her so much, because they are literally defenseless in front of her. It is extremely difficult to detect a “flea” standing in the bushes; you need to get close to it, but try to do this with its high rate of fire. Due to the gun, most tanks will be destroyed without even noticing their secretive offender. This is precisely the merit of the small caliber of the weapon, which makes it possible to consistently inflict damage and does not glow.

The E 25 has the highest stealth coefficient when firing while stationary.

I would also like to point out that in terms of mobility and stealth, the E 25 can compete even with light tanks:

In the review it is slightly inferior, but its invisibility is still higher. Thus, standing in the bushes with a camouflage net and a stereo tube, the “eshka” can perfectly perform the role of a scout, which is sometimes very important.

In popular culture

Bench modeling

  • E-10/25/50/75 - 1:35 scale produced by Trumpeter (China). There are also smaller scales of these tanks on the market, 1/72 produced by Modelcollect (China).
  • E-100 - in 1:35 scale is produced by Dragon (China) with a turret from the Maus tank, Trumpeter (China) with two turret options: a fictitious turret supposedly made by Henschel and a turret by Krupp. Trumpeter also produces a model of the Jagdpanzer E100 self-propelled gun, equipped with a 170-mm cannon (a fantasy on what it might look like if German designers began developing such a self-propelled gun).

In computer games

  • The fictional E-79 tank, similar in layout and appearance to the E-75, is available as one of the controllable tanks in the game Panzer Front.
  • War Thunder features the E-100 with a Maus turret.
  • World of Tanks and World of Tanks Blitz feature the following series tanks: E-25, E-50, E-75, E-100 with a fictional turret from Henschel, as well as a number of fictional vehicles based on them.
  • Ground War: Tanks features the E-10, E-50, E-75 and E-100, as well as a number of fictional vehicles based on them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Once we have clearly seen the technical and tactical characteristics of such an unusual tank destroyer and compared it with classmates at the same level, we can highlight its strengths and weaknesses.


  • high rate of fire;
  • excellent camouflage;
  • low silhouette;
  • excellent dynamics;
  • quite comfortable UGN and UVN;
  • preferential level of battles;


  • no reservation;
  • small ammunition load;
  • small one-time damage.


  • M. Baryatinsky
    . All Hitler's tanks. The definitive encyclopedia / L. Nezvinskaya. — Popular science. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2014.
  • M. Baryatinsky.
    Maus. Dr. Porsche's supertank. - M.: Eastern Front, 1996. - 32 p. — (Historical and technical series).
  • M. Kolomiets.
    E-100 and other German tanks of 1945. - M.: Yauza, 2013. - 1400 copies.
  • Peter Chamberlain and Hilary Doyle.
    Encyclopedia of German tanks of the Second World War. - M.: Astrel, AST, 2003. - 271 p. — 5100 copies.


When choosing equipment for the E 25, the most effective option is to improve the strengths of the machine, making them even more pronounced:

  • camouflage net - will increase the camouflage coefficient while standing still (preferably in the bushes), which will allow you to remain invisible to enemy tanks longer and fire more confidently;
  • A stereo tube is the best option for a bush anti-tank self-propelled gun. It will add 90 meters to the basic overview, thereby bringing this indicator to the maximum value;
  • medium caliber gun rammer - increasing the rate of fire to maintain a tighter rate of fire.

If you prefer a more aggressive fighting style, then the masknet can be replaced with improved ventilation Class 2 to get a small increase in all the characteristics of the tank.

E-25: equipment and perks

The standard set of modules for this German PT looks like this:

  • Gun rammer;
  • Stereoscopic telescope;
  • Scrim.

Alternatively, the last two modules can be swapped out for coated optics and improved ventilation.

When leveling up your crew, you need to take into account game tactics. In general, the E-25 tank is an ambush-type tank destroyer, although some players prefer dynamic combat. We recommend sticking to the first tactic of the game: waiting for the enemy near an organized ambush.

Therefore, first of all, it makes sense to improve camouflage for tankers, then firefighting. After this, we move on to researching specialized skills in the chosen specialty. It is better for the commander to immediately install the light bulb, for the rest of the crew at their own discretion. The fourth perk will be “Combat Brotherhood”.

Crew training

The E 25 crew consists of four people, the commander has a combined specialization with the radio operator. Considering that many have been upgraded by one of Germany’s top tank destroyers:

  1. Grille 15 (brush PT)
  2. Jagdpanzer E 100 (assault tank)

At the same time, top-end pumped vehicles have 6 crew members.

Since both cars have different gameplay and each requires its own selection of perks, we will consider the best option specifically for the “eshka”.

If your crew has not yet learned Combat Brotherhood, we recommend resetting the perks that have been in effect since the moment of learning, since BoBr requires 100% mastery of the skill by all crew members.

Of course, we then give the commander a sixth sense, so before resetting the skills, you need to accumulate experience to fully study two perks.

Camouflage will strengthen the main feature of this technique and make it even more invisible, which will save your life more than once and help you deal more damage while remaining unpunished.

The off-road king will contribute to faster acceleration and will allow you to feel more confident on medium and soft soils due to increased maneuverability. A smooth ride will make it possible to shoot more accurately during a chase or, after stopping, it will reduce the aiming circle.

Radio interception will add 10.8 meters to the review.

The sniper will increase the damage dealt to modules, which is ideally combined with our rapid-fire cannon, allowing you to set fire to tanks and explode ammunition with targeted fire.

But the E 25 also has a vulnerable ammunition, so the non-contact ammo rack perk is a must-learn.

Historical reference

Series E is the name of design work to create experimental combat vehicles. From the German Entwicklung series, which translates as “development”.

The series consisted of a number of vehicles, starting with a light tank destroyer weighing 10 tons, ending with the E-100 monster weighing more than 130 tons. Apart from the super-heavy E-100, the vehicles in the series were not built in metal - everything ended at the drawing stage.

E 25 is a tank destroyer project weighing about 25 tons. Outwardly it resembled a serial Hetzer - the turret was also abandoned, the gun was located in the hull itself. This not only reduced the silhouette of the tank destroyer, but also reduced production costs.

The contract for the development of self-propelled guns was concluded in the spring of 1943. In the fall of 1944, the project was presented to the military. At the beginning of 1945, several buildings were built. But not a single car was ever assembled.


This tank destroyer is absolutely not capricious when it comes to choosing consumables and can easily get by with a standard set, which will save credits and thereby increase the profitability of a premium vehicle:

  • repair kit;
  • first aid kit;
  • automatic fire extinguisher.

Of course, improved equipment will be more effective, and if earning silver is not your main goal, then this will increase the comfort of the game. The fire extinguisher can be replaced with Chocolate to give the crew a +10% increase to all skills.


Each tactic requires different modules and upgraded crew skills. Most often it is recommended to choose a more moderate game. The tank destroyer allows you to use two tactics: sniper and support tactics. The first is to upgrade your disguise and, if desired, your combat brotherhood. You can also improve your personal and crew skills. It is worth improving the main advantages, which are dynamics, weapons and rate of fire.

The commander could use upgrading his sixth sense, radio interception, and eagle eye. The gunner's main skill is sniper. The driver-mechanic will be helped by the “smooth ride” and the “king of off-road”; the loader should be trained in non-contact ammunition and desperation.

You can fire at the enemy without lighting up, but if that doesn’t work, then use passive light for your allies. For this we need some modules.

Tank e25 in wot

How to play on E 25

Before analyzing tactics on the battlefield, let’s see how the vehicle has changed taking into account our recommendations on skills and equipment:

The stealth and average damage numbers are truly impressive. You can easily destroy any heavy tank of level 7 in a minute without even being illuminated.

In a situation with well-armored, but oversized Japanese heavies, there is a chance to make excellent use of the low silhouette of the E 25. It is enough to get close to the “Japanese”, and he simply will not be able to lower his gun and you can shoot him with impunity.

Given the characteristics of the vehicle, the best role on the battlefield is as an ambush sniper. High maximum speed allows you to take an advantageous position at the beginning of the battle. Being at the top of the list, the “eshka” is capable of mercilessly annihilating enemies, especially on open maps, where there is an abundance of bushes and room for maneuver. Tier 5-6 tanks simply won’t have time to understand what’s happening, let alone expose the “flea.” At levels 7-8, enemies already have stronger armor, so sometimes you will have to charge gold shells.

The E 25 is poorly suited for survival in the city, so it’s better not to go there unless absolutely necessary.

At the same time, excellent dynamics will help to provide timely support to the allies if one flank is losing or there is an urgent need to disrupt the capture/protect artillery.

The problem of small penetration is compensated by excellent German accuracy, which is enough to target vulnerable enemy points, such as hatches on the turret. The high rate of fire allows you to continuously keep the enemy on the ice; even fully upgraded repairs will not help him.

The main threat to the E 25 is the enemy E 25, if there is one on the opposing team.

In this case, you should save your strength points for the “face-to-face duel of fleas”, because it is this that can decide the outcome of the fight. You should also be wary of high-explosive tanks. The same blind KV-2, which is easy to disassemble, can destroy a “flea” with one shot from a 152 mm howitzer.

Brief summary

Despite its phenomenal features, the E 25 is very dependent on the team. A small alpha strike will not allow her to personally hold the defense of the flank, and the lack of armor will not allow her to lead the assault.

In general, the E 25 is an ideal support vehicle, which by the end of the battle often ends up in the top in terms of damage.

A platoon of 2-3 “fleas” is especially dangerous. If they decide to focus the enemy, then he will not leave them.

At the moment, this tank destroyer is not for sale and has been transferred to the category of promotional equipment. If it appears in the premium store, then purchasing it is an excellent investment, which will subsequently bring quite good farming and the pleasure of bending.

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