Do I need a license for a small-caliber rifle?

Shotguns are traditionally used to prepare for sport shooting, but most hunters value them for the possibilities they offer during the hunt. The sale of such types of weapons is carried out in trade organizations to citizens over 18 years of age who have a hunting license and permission from internal authorities to store weapons. Ammunition for smallmouths is also sold upon presentation of a hunting license and permission from internal authorities.

Do I need a permit for Toz 8?

Trying to get a better look at Elik, I moved and rustled the branches. The goat instantly turned to me, lowered his horned head and seemed to stand up, probably mistaking me for a rival, saying, come out, let’s fight... Frankly, in conditions of an absolute lack of control, the temptation to shoot him was very great. Three circumstances kept me from this bad act: hunting roe deer was not allowed, I was single, ate in the canteen, and I absolutely did not need that amount of meat; ducks were enough for a change.

In addition, in his hands there was a frivolous weapon - a “small weapon”, loaded with a low-power sports cartridge.

Important Persons guilty of illegal hunting are held accountable in accordance with the laws.

These are the things, dear doctor. But most of all, talking with rangers on this topic is starting to amuse me.

They say - It’s not possible and that’s it. :-))) but then they say, if you are caught by a check from the area, then they say I didn’t see you.

Permit for toz-8

weapons, despite the fact that this type of weapon is intended for use at much shorter distances - a few meters - and even then it is considered to be about 80 - 100 J.

Moreover, smooth-bore weapons, especially with a drill barrel, when using high-quality bullet cartridges with a modern bullet design, ensure hitting the target at the same distance as a small-caliber rifle, but due to the significantly greater mass of the bullet and its energy, it can cause much more serious damage.

An indirect indication of the relative safety of the .22 lr caliber is the use by state paramilitary organizations of weapons chambered for this cartridge only for training purposes. In addition, a bullet shot from a smooth-bore weapon is practically impossible to identify due to the lack of information about the individual characteristics of the barrel and the characteristics of the cartridge for a smooth-bore weapon, in contrast to a bullet shot from a small-caliber rifle, for which such identification is in most cases possible.

Who can you hunt?

Small-caliber weapons are distinguished by a quiet shot, low recoil and good stopping power, which is why they are valued by hunters. Any weapon must be chosen based on the purpose of the hunt, and the small gun is no exception. Before choosing one model or another, you need to decide on the game that will be hunted.

Important! Small caliber requires special attention when choosing the size and type of game, but if you are not sure that small-caliber cartridges are suitable for hunting animals or birds, then purchasing such a weapon does not make sense.

Feathered game

Small fish can show good results when hunting black grouse, wood grouse, duck and goose. However, it is difficult to shoot down game with such a weapon on the fly, so small guns are not entirely suitable here; it is better to use a shotgun for this purpose. If you look in gun stores, you can find special small guns that use shot capsules instead of small-caliber cartridges.

Small fur

Small fur-bearing animals are considered the main area of ​​use for small animals. With its help you can hunt marten, ermine, arctic fox, squirrel, sable and mink.

Medium sized game

Medium-sized animals are also considered good targets for small-caliber weapons. You can use small guns to shoot rabbits, roe deer, foxes, beavers and wolves. Larger animals are not suitable for hunting with small animals, since it leaves behind a large number of wounded animals, especially if the shooter is not accurate enough, and even if you manage to shoot the animal, it is subjected to significant suffering.

Note! Before you start hunting animals in a certain region, you need to find out whether it is possible to hunt with such weapons in this area, what kind of animal and at what time it is allowed.

Question about purchasing small items

The license allows registration of no more than five units of the types of weapons listed above.

A license is issued by the internal affairs body at the place of residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation and at the same time is a permit to store and carry weapons. The license is valid for five years.

It may be extended in the manner provided for in Article 9 of this Federal Law. Mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices filled with tear or irritating substances, electric shock devices and spark gaps of domestic production, pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of no more than 7.5 J and a caliber of up to 4.5 mm inclusive are not subject to registration, and citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to purchase them without obtaining a license. Long-barreled smooth-bore firearms specified in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of part two of Article 3 of this Federal Law, citizens

For sale is a top-end sporting small-caliber rifle Anschutz 2007/2013 22LR.

Sergey Kalugin 07/16/2022 19:58 [QUOTE]Originally posted by ngg: the law on weapons provides great relief in the acquisition and sale of sporting weapons.

Previously, in order to purchase sports weapons, you needed special permission from sports clubs and to obtain a special license from the LRR for the purchase of sports weapons. Now, on the contrary, a pink license is enough, where it is written that the license gives the right to purchase rifled hunting and SPORTS weapons.

Anyone has the right to purchase rifled weapons; now they can buy sports weapons. There are no concessions for sports weapons.

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I haven’t heard of that.” “Permission from the clubs” is also not needed.

And it’s called differently and only applies to short-barreled weapons.

I would formulate it a little differently: 1 after import, your rifled weapon was certified as a civilian HUNTING rifled long-barreled weapon.

Sold accordingly

Permit for toz 8

If the answer to questions 1 and 2 is no, are there other options and who can help? Well, it’s a pity to scrap a normal (looking) gun...

Answer There will be no negative answer, see the answer to question ?2 But in general, purely from a human perspective, I think take a liter bottle of the “flagship” and congratulate the inspectors on the upcoming athlete’s day, and then 99% of them will treat the problem kindly. The magazine was located entirely inside the stock and was inserted from below. The magazine is kept from falling out by a latch.

The TOZ-8 small-caliber rifle is assembled from several components - a cylindrical barrel, a receiver with a bolt installed on it, a trigger mechanism and a wooden stock (made of birch). For aiming, an adjustable sector-type sight and a front sight equipped with a front sight are installed. The sight rail has 10 notches, designed for distances from 25 to 250 m.

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Small-caliber weapons for hunting: pros and cons

This is due to the fact that the cartridge is low-power and the handle stop stem is sufficient for reloading.

A clamp moves along the bar, changing the angle of the aiming line depending on the distance to the target.

In principle, small-caliber hunting weapons are usually divided into two groups:

  1. rifled.
  2. smoothbore;

A smoothbore weapon has a smooth bore inside.

Small rifles can be equipped with a magazine, although single-shot models are also very popular. The sight is mounted on the receiver and allows for truly targeted shooting at a distance of up to 100 meters.

Almost all hunters, one way or another, once started with it, since for the first five years such smooth-bore weapons are allowed

Small-caliber rifle TOZ-8 (small) - a weapon for sport shooting

When the shutter is turned, the clutch turns.

In order to load such a rifle, the barrel must be “broken.” The type of trigger mechanism is also different; it can be impact or trigger. In addition, smooth-bore weapons can have different barrel arrangements (parallel or vertical).

The Toz-8 stock is made from high-quality birch.

For convenience, it is made of a pistol type and has a thickened fore-end. This small-caliber weapon is a modified version. Used for sport shooting and small game hunting. The main differences in design are the sighting mechanism. Here it is made of a sector type, which increases shooting efficiency.

Thanks to this device, the shooter can quickly adjust the height. The front sight has an additional ring earpiece.

The bolt has a smaller diameter and lacks a clutch: this makes reloading more convenient and does not allow gases to escape back. The stock of the Toz-8 sports version received a wider fore-end.

The barrel bore has four screw grooves, each with two turns. The length of the rifling stroke is 35 centimeters.

The rifle number and year of manufacture can be found on the sighting block, which is located on the Toz-8 barrel. The base of the front sight is installed in a longitudinal groove on the front of the barrel.

About weapons chambered for the .22LR small-caliber cartridge

Each of us would probably like to buy a pistol. Not a pneumatic toy, but a full-fledged weapon.

Of course, you can buy a traumatic gun or even (I wonder, has anyone tried replacing rubber with coarse rock salt?

The effect of the hit should be amazing, as should the feeling of the person who receives such a gift). But you must admit that this is all nonsense. No, you can run through a bunch of authorities, learn hundreds of meaningless questions about certain animals or their habits, and ultimately get permission to own a gun or carbine.

But it’s not very convenient to shoot from such a weapon, and the cartridges are expensive.

What about those who want to participate in IPSC competitions? Or simply shoot at a shooting range on the weekend?

It is precisely for such a case that there are weapons chambered for the .22LR cartridge. Obtaining permission for it is simple, although it takes quite a long time. To do this, you need to join the ranks of the International Shooting Sports Federation, and it seems that after five years you will receive a permit for a sporting weapon.

Is permission given for hunting weapons toz 8

When the shutter is turned, the clutch turns.

The Toz-8 stock is made from high-quality birch. For convenience, it is made of a pistol type and has a thickened fore-end. This small-caliber weapon is a modified version.

Used for sport shooting and small game hunting. The main differences in design are the sighting mechanism. Here it is made of a sector type, which increases shooting efficiency.

Thanks to this device, the shooter can quickly adjust the sight height.

The front sight has an additional ring earpiece.

The bolt has a smaller diameter and lacks a clutch: this makes reloading more convenient and does not allow gases to escape back.

The stock of the Toz-8 sports version received a wider fore-end. The barrel bore has four screw grooves, each with two turns. The length of the rifling stroke is 35 centimeters. The rifle number and year of manufacture can be found on the sighting block, which is located on the Toz-8 barrel. The base of the front sight is installed in a longitudinal groove on the front of the barrel.

Choosing a Small Caliber Rifle

Small-caliber rifles are distinguished by excellent accuracy, very low recoil, low-cost 22LR cartridges, and are suitable for both rugged hunters and teenagers, women, beginners, anyone. We will consider only semi-automatic (that is, self-loading) rifles with an inertial recoil bolt. Bolt-on systems are good for recreational shooting at a shooting range or for snipers when it is necessary to use all the energy of the powder gases or when there should be no unnecessary vibration when the reloading mechanism is activated.

Layout There are now three layouts: classic

Sports small-caliber pistol: description, characteristics, resolution and reviews

Firearms have always had many admirers: they fascinated and attracted, forced admiration and instilled a sense of power, even changed the course of history.

What is more important to a hunter is not surgical precision or maximum range, but the ability to shoot at a good pace. After all, a small caliber is used for hunting small and nimble game. If you missed, you can immediately fire a few more shots without being distracted by reloading.

The pistol occupies a place of honor in this series. Small arms were invented in hoary antiquity.

Manuscripts have been preserved that tell of a formidable stick that spewed fire from a great distance. Who invented them? Could they really harm a person? Did they really exist? The answers to these questions remain a mystery. At least for now. It is reliably known that firearms began to exist as such in the 14th century, having gone through a long and difficult history of formation.

The pistol, as a type of small arms, is two centuries younger.

The Italian Camillus Vetelli is considered to be the creator of the “small gun”, which can be fired with one hand.

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There is a version that the word “pistol” comes from the name of the city of Pistoia, where the master lived and worked.

TOZ-8 - the legendary “small thing” of the USSR

Already in 1928, the TOZ-7 rifle, the design of which was protected by a patent, went into mass production. After some time, the rifle was modernized and became known as TOZ-7A.

Based on this sample, in 1930, development of a new rifle began, which a year later was provided for testing in Moscow. Kochetov’s weapons turned out to be better than the designs of competitors, which were A.

A. Smirnsky and S. A. Korovin.

The adopted rifle received the designation TOZ-8 and from 1932 began to be produced at the arms factory in Tula. The TOZ-8 single-shot rifle began to be supplied en masse to OSOAVIAKHIM, and then to DOSAAF. With the advent of affordable training weapons, interest in sports shooting has increased dramatically.

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The TOZ-8 shotgun was produced before the Great Patriotic War, after its end the production of a modernized version of the TOZ-8M began. The year of manufacture is indicated on a stamp stamped on the barrel box.

Small-caliber rifles: characteristics and price.

Sports and hunting small-bore rifles

The latter is a five-round magazine rifle, which was developed on the basis of the previous model. But weapons in this series gained particular popularity after the Tula plant began producing TOZ-11, -12 and -16. These lightweight small-caliber rifles were intended for commercial hunters. Their weight was reduced to two kilograms.

In addition, the designers equipped this modified TOZ-8 model with a birch stock that was new at that time. And their efforts were appreciated. Produced from 1946 to 1957, these small-caliber rifles for hunting were awarded numerous awards and diplomas. The founder of this sporting weapon had the following combat properties: weight 3.12 kilograms, rate of fire up to twelve rounds per minute, caliber - 5, 6 millimeters, initial bullet speed – up to 310 meters per second. A bolt with a trigger mechanism was placed in its steel box.

The Kalashnikov Concern stood up for hunters before the Russian Guard

photo: More than 15 amendments, with the main focus on sporting weapons and, so to speak, the sportivization of gun owners.

This updated version of the rifle is presented in the form of a single-shot carbine, created on the basis of the TOZ-8. The rifle has undergone virtually no changes.

Here is the permission to increase, more than 10, the capacity of magazines, increasing the validity period of a license for the purchase of weapons to a year, the possibility of purchasing military weapons by organizations that produce weapons, the most delicious thing is the idea of ​​​​allowing the sale of rifled long-barreled weapons of .22 LR caliber without a five-year experience.

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What can I say, one of the proposals is to reduce this experience, the possession of smooth-bore weapons before purchasing a rifled one from five to three years, change the permitted number of weapons for long-barreled shotguns and rifled ones to 10 units instead of five, and even allocate separate five for small-caliber weapons. An attempt to “settle” the issue of owning rifled weapons if suddenly a citizen no longer has a smoothbore weapon, this issue is not obvious, but is increasingly being raised by weapon owners. Introduction of a new concept of “service” for weapons with independent licensing.

Read the material “” A proposal to lift the ban on advertising civilian weapons in the media and, as icing on the cake, the inclusion of the discipline “Practical Shooting” in the list of sports that allows the purchase of rifled weapons. Overall, the message is powerful, positive and welcome.

It seems to me that he will not find a worthy assessment from the Russian Guard and our legislators, primarily because it expands the rights of citizens to own weapons, and today we see a completely opposite trend. In addition, the approach, for example, to small-caliber weapons is too “clumsy”, well, you can’t just say “let’s just take and make a small-caliber rifle legally not rifled”, you need something softer, for example 22 Lr, the cartridge is weak, practically no energy, weaker than buckshot fired from a smooth-bore weapon, since it is rim-ignited, it is not possible to reload it at home, given the above, it may be necessary to transfer it to the category of a smooth-bore weapon, you can also nod to the Lancaster, but it’s better not to, no matter how it flies back ... It’s not clear about the service, it is proposed to license “cleaning and lubrication”, on the one hand it is clear that if a weapon is passed from hand to hand, then the one who takes it to provide the service must have a license, but no matter how it turns out, because of Despite the crookedness of the wording, all of us, gun owners, have not lost the opportunity to clean and lubricate weapons.

This moment is especially exciting.

Besides, where are these companies? The Kalashnikov Concern itself was unable to organize a network of workshops, not under warranty, not for money, for any reason the weapon must be sent to the factory, if this is not within the Concern’s power, where will these services come from? The market is extremely small, and people prefer to clean their weapons themselves or not clean them at all.

Read the material """ What is the forecast?

Most of the most delicious offers will remain offers, they will definitely wrap up small things, maybe they will expand the number of units, except for trauma, of course, RG is allergic to it, it will be good if they move up in experience. The main thing is to formulate correctly about “cleaning and lubrication”, otherwise it will be, as they say, “we wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

In general, the initiative is good, thanks to KK for trying, we will wait for the results.

Alexander Kudryashov March 6, 2022 at 02:17 pm

Sports small-caliber pistol: description, characteristics, resolution and reviews

The designer fundamentally changed a number of details: the bolt, the barrel and the sighting device.

Such changes radically improved the quality of the pistol. The small-caliber pistol had its “baptism of fire” on the international stage in 1954 at the World Championships.

With the help of these weapons, our athletes have achieved great success. Many shooters were delighted with the new development of the USSR. An American shooter, after examining the pistol for a long time, said: “Probably, the designer who created this masterpiece is an excellent shooter if he managed to surpass Walter and Colt in accuracy.” The small-caliber pistol, developed by designer Margolin, is a hammer-type model in which automatic operation works on the recoil force of the shutter.

The trigger mechanism is designed in such a way that only single shots can be fired. To improve balance when customizing the weapon, a weight hanger is provided under the barrel. The sight system can be adjusted.

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TOZ 8m

The length of the cutting stroke is 35 cm.

On the barrel, in front of the sighting block, there is a factory mark, the number of the rifle and the year of its manufacture.

Externally, on the muzzle of the barrel, in a longitudinal groove, the base of the front sight is reinforced, on which the front sight with a ring beacon is placed. On the back of the barrel there are two longitudinal grooves into which the projections of the aiming block fit.

The rear end of the barrel has a stump to which the front part of the receiver is attached. For a more durable connection, it is fastened to the trunk stump with a special pin. There are two sockets on the edge of the hemp: The right one is for placing the ejector head and the left one is for placing the cartridge holder head.

The bottom of the stump has a cutout to accommodate the protrusion of the liner. At the bottom of the front part of the receiver there is a transverse groove in which the stop is fixed, into the threaded socket of which the stop screw is screwed, fastening the barrel to the stock.

For rifles produced 1950-1953.

Registration of the “left” barrel

What should I do, maybe give me some money? Answer: LRO employees are misleading, probably pursuing their own goals.1.

In fact, everything is very simple OFFICIALLY and well done, so we look at the answer to question 1 again and rejoice, since the truth is on our side, we verbally point out to the LRO inspector his unlawful actions and, most importantly,: RULES FOR THE TRAFFIC OF CIVIL AND SERVICE WEAPONS AND CARTRIDGES FOR THEM TERRITORIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (as amended on June 5, 2000) here directly to Article 10 (hereinafter excerpted) Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 N 814 RULES FOR THE CIRCULATION OF CIVIL AND SERVICE WEAPONS AND CARTRIDGES FOR THEM IN THE TERRITORY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION CI (with changes from 5 June 2000) X. Accounting for weapons and ammunition This is exactly what it says here! p50.

Weapons and ammunition owned by legal entities and individuals, regardless of their type, type, model and

TOZ-8 barrel and 5.56x39 cartridge

Sports weapons: firearms with a rifled barrel; smoothbore firearm; cold blade; throwing; pneumatic with muzzle energy over 3 J. Hunting weapons: firearms with a rifled barrel; smooth-bore firearms, including those with a rifled part length not exceeding 140 mm; combined firearms (rifled and smooth-bore), including interchangeable and inserted rifled barrels; pneumatic with muzzle energy no more than 25 J; cold blade.

Signal weapon. Cold bladed weapons intended to be worn with a Cossack uniform, as well as with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the attributes of which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Little things for the people!

In total, the Kalashnikov Concern has proposed more than 15 amendments, a significant part of which are focused on sporting weapons and the use of civilian weapons in sports. In particular, there is a proposal to classify practical shooting as a sport, the practice of which is the basis for purchasing rifled weapons. Other proposals include: removing restrictions on magazine capacity, reducing the length of service required to own a smooth-bore weapon before acquiring a rifled one from five to three years, increasing the permitted number of weapons for long-barreled shotguns and rifled guns to 10 units instead of five, and even allocating five “places” for small-caliber weapons. Please note that all these amendments are in the interests of conscious and responsible owners - athletes, hunters and collectors who know why they need weapons and know how to handle them. All of them, of course, are aimed at expanding the Concern’s “customer base” "Kalashnikov" and other manufacturers of civilian weapons.

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