Step-by-step guide on how to apply for a gun permit in 2022

Decided to get a weapon, but don't know how to do it, follow the step-by-step guide below:

In the Russian Federation, any citizen who has reached the age of 18 and is not in prison and has no criminal record can own a weapon. A citizen is allowed to have:

  • Two traumatic pistols or weapons of limited destruction (OOD);
  • Five units of smooth-bore hunting weapons;
  • Five gas weapons;
  • Five units of rifled hunting weapons, albeit after five years of owning smooth-bore hunting weapons.
  • Unlimited number of bladed hunting weapons.

In order to acquire all this, you must obtain permission to store and carry these types of weapons.

If you have permission to store and carry hunting weapons and a hunting license, you can purchase a hunting bow with an arc force of more than 27 kgf and a crossbow with an arc force of more than 43 kgf. They are also subject to registration with the Russian Guard.

Who can get a license?

Any citizen of Russia can obtain a license to purchase weapons if he is over 18 years old and has no contraindications to owning weapons due to health reasons.

Will not receive a license:

  • under 18 years of age;
  • having medical contraindications to owning weapons (drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, poor eyesight);
  • having an unexpunged or unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime, or an expunged or expunged conviction for a grave or especially grave crime committed with the use of a weapon
  • serving a sentence for a crime;
  • those who repeatedly committed an administrative offense within a year (the list is determined by law);
  • having no permanent place of residence;
  • deprived by a court decision of the right to purchase weapons.


The Second Amendment of the US Constitution back in 1791, when it was necessary to defend against Indians and potentially protect independence from the British crown, enshrined the right of citizens to bear arms. 2.5 thousand legal acts and laws of individual states make certain adjustments.

The Second Amendment reads:

A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State , the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller case is also important. Then the US Supreme Court officially recognized that the Second Amendment protects the right to use weapons for self-defense.

Additionally, in 2010, the Supreme Court, in McDonald v. Chicago, prohibited states from enacting stricter gun restrictions than federal law. Since the US has a precedent-based system, this put an end to many disputes.

In the United States, you can buy long-barreled weapons from the age of 18, and short-barreled weapons from the age of 21. Giving children rifles and shotguns to celebrate their coming of age is a normal practice.

They buy rifles before. For example, special “small” 5.6 mm Crickets cost about $100 and are designed for children 5-12 years old:

In 43 states, you don't need a license to buy a gun. 46 has no restrictions on the number of barrels. In 44 states, an owner can freely sell a gun to another person.

In most states, only those convicted of a criminal offense or any other charge with a prison sentence of at least 1 year, as well as people with a conviction for minor domestic violence, are prohibited from purchasing weapons. They will not sell the gun to someone who is a fugitive from justice, is mentally disabled, was dishonorably discharged from the military, is on drugs, or has renounced his U.S. citizenship.

In terms of the number of weapons per capita, the United States ranks first in the world rankings. But it is very difficult to say exactly how many guns there are in the country, because there was no requirement to register weapons purchased before the introduction of the NFA (National Firearms Act) in 1982.

There are statistics according to which there are 120 weapons per 100 people , or 393 million for 326 million inhabitants. Surveys show that 43% of households own guns.

All states allow concealed carry of weapons - everywhere except in the areas of schools, courts and other special areas. You can openly carry a gun in about half the states. Permit conditions and prohibitions vary from state to state.

Every year in the United States, guns are used for self-defense more than 100 thousand times. Since the 90s, the number of crimes involving weapons has decreased by 30-40%.

Typically, it is Democrats who champion tightening gun control in the United States, but Americans are in no hurry to disarm. They believe that it is not the weapon that kills, but the person. Therefore, all attempts by the authorities to restore order come down to limiting the availability of automatic weapons (means of mass executions) and more stringent checks of buyers.

The Second Amendment will probably never be repealed. The owners of the 400 million dollar arsenal simply will not allow this.

How do you get a license and permit for a weapon?

To obtain a license to purchase weapons, you need to provide a certain package of documents to the licensing and permitting service of the local police department. If a person wants to purchase a hunting weapon, he must submit to the Department of Internal Affairs a document giving the right to hunt. Such a document is a hunting license.

Those purchasing sporting weapons must certify that they participate in sports that involve the use of firearms. You can use your sports passport as proof.

After the weapon has been purchased, it must be brought back to the police department, where licensing and permitting service officers will inspect it. The weapon will be registered. After this, you can apply for a permit to keep and carry weapons, if required.

The applicant's documents for a license are reviewed within one month from the date of submission of the application. Permission to carry and store weapons can be obtained in about two weeks.


A permit to own firearms is not required here: hunting rifles, revolvers, rifles and even machine guns fall under the 1992 law. Argumentation is a legitimate defense. The result is 52.8 weapons per 100 people .

In general, about 62% of the Yemeni population owns weapons. The civilian arsenal is over 15 million firearms for a population of 28.5 million.

True, to carry weapons in cities, you need a license. Receipt rules depend on the specific city. In rural areas, you can carry weapons freely.

But you need to understand that a revolution took place in Yemen in 2011, and since 2014 there has been a civil war . In fact, the authorities have not really controlled the availability of weapons among the population for ten years.

In the caches of some residents you can find anti-tank guided missiles and armored vehicles. It’s quite easy to buy such things in the country – if you have the money, of course.

How long is a license to purchase a weapon valid?

A license to purchase weapons is given for six months . If it has not been purchased during this time, the license must be returned. If a weapon is purchased and registered, a document is issued that allows you to carry and store the weapon for five years.

The license can be renewed, but to do this, the gun owner must re-collect all the necessary documents, undergo training and provide a medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications to owning a gun.


at war since its founding , allows citizens who live in the Palestinian territories to openly carry even assault rifles. In addition, taxi drivers and bus drivers, jewelers and teachers, and representatives of other dangerous, socially significant or monetary professions have weapons.

A license to purchase weapons can be obtained from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Those who have served in military or civilian service can receive a document at 21, other citizens - at 27, non-citizens - at 45. In addition, you need to live in Israel for the last three years and pass a number of checks.

You will also have to take a course in handling weapons and shooting in extreme situations. The exam and paperwork usually takes about 4 hours and 40-70 rounds of ammunition fired. The license is renewed every three years.

Soldiers carry their weapons on and off duty. Girls on the beach in swimsuits and with machine guns are a stern necessity, because you can’t trust anyone with your weapons. Almost all other license holders can also carry their weapons - concealed and open.

In 2022, gun ownership rules in the country were further simplified. Thus, reservists (officers and commanders with training level 07) do not have to return the license and the weapon itself after completing their service. For infantrymen, former police officers and emergency services personnel, licensing procedures have also been shortened.

The measure is designed to increase the number of people who will be able to legally carry weapons. In 2022, there were 6.7 civilian weapons per 100 people , or 557 thousand for a population of 8.3 million.

Minister Gilad Erdan stated:

The more highly qualified civilians who carry weapons, the greater the chance of preventing a terrorist attack, avoiding casualties, or reducing their number.

Indeed, terrorist attacks in the country have been repeatedly thwarted by passers-by, tourists, school teachers and other civilians. With neighbors like Israel, military weapons in capable hands are a dire necessity.

What weapons can be purchased without a license?

Books about hunting weapons
For the purposes of self-defense and recreational shooting in Russia, the following items can be purchased without obtaining a license to store and carry weapons:

  • pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of no more than 7.5 J and a caliber up to 4.5 mm inclusive (the so-called “air guns” for sports and recreational shooting);
  • ancient (antique, collectible) weapons classified as such according to a number of parameters determined by law;
  • copies and replicas of weapons (mass-dimensional models), decommissioned deactivated (not capable of firing) weapons;
  • gas cartridges;
  • knives and other items that are not edged weapons;
  • pyrotechnic products, for example, such as a hunter's signal.


Until 2011, perhaps the safest country in Europe required military personnel to have military weapons at home . Then it became voluntary: you can store guns at home or at a local storage facility.

The thing is that the Swiss Guard is formed on the principle of the police. Because of this, it is convenient for reservists to keep pistols, grenades, assault rifles and other weapons at home.

Reservists are issued an automatic assault rifle SIG SG-550 and 50 rounds of ammunition for it. After retirement, you can buy back your machine gun, but it will be converted into a self-loading carbine.

True, if you keep your weapon at home, you will have to regularly participate in shooting practice. Many people are lazy, so standard weapons are sent to storage.

The result of this policy is 27.6 guns for every 100 people . At the same time, 0.54 murders per 100 thousand inhabitants are committed annually in the country. In Russia – about 7 (2017 data).

Self-loading weapons are sold freely. But there are also nuances. For example, once a year the police check how you store it. And if a weapon is stolen and a crime is committed with it, the owner will also be held accountable.

In 2022, in a referendum on new gun control measures common to all EU countries, residents voted in favor of tightening the rules. Switzerland is not a member of the EU, but is a member of the Schengen Agreement, and therefore must comply with European standards.

But for now, conscripts and reservists can carry their standard weapons completely freely. Other residents can obtain permission to do this from the cantonal authorities (in practice, they are issued mainly to private security, but formally everyone has a chance).

In general, in the country, weapons and the ability to shoot them are considered a pillar of national security. And in the Alpine cantons, hunting is very common. And the Swiss authorities, taking this into account, are seeking special conditions from the EU.

When is it allowed to use weapons?

As noted in the Law “On Weapons” , citizens are allowed to use their weapons to protect their lives, health and property. Athletes can use weapons during shooting and competitions, hunters - during hunting, law enforcement officers and military personnel - when on duty.

Those who legally own weapons are prohibited from carrying them during various public events, such as rallies, meetings, demonstrations, entertainment events and religious ceremonies. The exception is law enforcement officers; they are allowed to carry weapons to ensure safety.

During public events, Cossacks and event participants who represent different nationalities and wear national costumes can have edged weapons.


Since 2001, adult Estonians can buy and carry concealed pistols (smoothbore, pneumatic and gas). A license is issued after passing an exam at a shooting course. They can take it away for committing crimes, for example, if they are caught drunk driving.

Separate requirements apply to collectors. You can store military weapons at home, however, if the collection includes more than eight guns, you will have to equip a weapons room with an alarm.

The legalization of weapons was introduced for safety and has already borne fruit. The staff of the Estonian police was halved, the murder rate decreased five times. Less than 100 people in the country die from gunfire every year. A significant part are suicides.

Latvia, Lithuania and Moldova have introduced similar measures. As a result, the number of serious crimes has been steadily declining.

The country has 5 weapons per 100 inhabitants. 47 thousand units are registered, about 18 thousand are kept illegally.

Spear gun

It is an element of underwater equipment. The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not issue certificates for its storage, carrying, or even transportation. Therefore, answering the question of what weapons can be purchased without a permit, one should also mention an underwater gun. However, nowadays there are quite often cases where customs officers, as well as fisheries inspectors, illegally detain fishermen who have such a device.

There are some requirements regarding the use of this type of weapon:

  • It must be intended for spearfishing only.
  • Under no circumstances should it be used in crowded areas, such as beaches.
  • It is imperative to store, carry, and transport the underwater gun in a special case.


For Asian countries, the legislation here is quite flexible. You can carry a weapon if you have a license; the ban applies only in public places, for example, in schools, hotels, courts, fairs or meetings.

There are also fewer restrictions on the type of weapon: for example, assault rifles are allowed. In general , the country's gun culture is strong , and if you go to the north-west of the country, you will see many people who carry machine guns completely legally.

Per 100 people – 22.3 weapons. In total, there are 6 million legal guns and 38 million illegal ones in the country.


To carry a weapon you need a license. The chance that it will be extradited largely depends on the argumentation and profession.

Licenses are mainly issued to media representatives, bank employees, cashiers, doctors and nurses, engineers, and religious figures. But an ordinary citizen can also receive a document if he proves that it is necessary for self-defense.

There are 3.6 weapons per 100 inhabitants. There are approximately equal numbers of legal and illegal.


In our turbulent times, many people are interested in what weapons can be owned without permission. One of these products is the Pioneer pistol. This weapon for self-defense also does not require special permission. It combines a rocket launcher, gas and signal pistol. Today, the Pioneer is the best weapon for self-defense, but you need to learn how to use it correctly.

Advantages of this pistol:

  1. It is compact and lightweight.
  2. It can be recharged fairly quickly.
  3. Its handle has a replaceable clip.
  4. It shoots at about 5m.
  5. There is a bar and an aiming front sight.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Expensive.
  2. There is no laser target pointer.
  3. It can be quite hard to pull the trigger.

Recommendations from experts

It is best to avoid dangerous situations that will lead to the need to defend yourself. However, in other cases they are inevitable. Experts advise:

  1. Take a short self-defense course, where you will learn the basic rules of defense. This will significantly increase the chances of a successful outcome.
  2. Don't panic, be decisive, hide your fear.
  3. Focus on the psychological factor, try to scare the attacker with one type of weapon (even before using it).
  4. Aim correctly. A failed shot will anger the aggressor even more.
  5. Check the condition of the weapon regularly. Then at the right time it will not fail.

We looked at what weapons for self-defense can be purchased in Russia without a license or permit.


What weapons can be used without permission? These include the “Udar” pistol. This self-defense device is something between a gas canister and an air gun. It is based on the use of a liquid solution and is a Russian-made mechanical sprayer. Its advantages:

  1. Duration of use. On average, one device is enough to fire 2000 shots.
  2. Firing range. Regardless of the weather, it is possible to make shots up to 5 m.
  3. Can be used indoors.

The main disadvantages of this weapon, which does not require a permit, are:

  1. Precision is required to hit the aggressor.
  2. There are misfires, but only if low-quality capsules are used.
  3. This device is not suitable for left-handed people.

Electroshock devices

What other weapons can you buy without permission? A stun gun falls into this category. This means of protection is safe and quite compact. As for the owner, the stun gun will not cause him any harm. But the aggressor can suffer significantly.

It is best to have a weapon with a small number of volts, but at the same time have a large current. Thanks to this property, it will be possible to remove a person from an active state for about 30 minutes. If you purchase a weaker stun gun, you must take into account that the device does not work if the attacker is wearing warm clothes. Therefore, it is necessary to find a more vulnerable and open place on his body. For example, you can point a stun gun at the neck area. However, in the case of self-defense, the defender does not always have such an opportunity.

The main disadvantage of using this weapon is the fairly close contact with the aggressor. But with the help of a stun gun you can scare away angry dogs. It affects animals with its high-frequency crackling sound.

Buying a safe

Even at the very early stage of paperwork, you will have to get used to the idea that you will have to buy a safe. Moreover, there is one very important detail here; the purchase cannot be postponed until later. Even when applying for permission, the safe must be in the room and screwed to the wall, possibly with anchor bolts. Everyone will try to buy a safe as cheaply as possible, believing that this is just a requirement of law enforcement agencies.

Look to the future before settling on any one. Perhaps in the near future you will decide to purchase another barrel. An average safe with a locking device costs about 4,000 rubles.

The practical procedure for processing documents may deviate somewhat from the theoretical algorithm. According to the procedure for granting permits, during the processing of documents, the local inspector must come to your home and inspect the conditions for storing weapons. Then, based on the data received, he draws up a report. In reality, you may have to contact the local police officer yourself so that he can inspect the premises and draw up a report. You attach this act to all documents.

This deviation does not make any changes to the total amount of costs, since the local police officer goes to the site for free and does not need to pay for signing the act. There have been cases when a law enforcement representative was content with a couple of photos of the safe and room taken on his phone.

Obtaining a medical certificate

An important document in the list is a medical certificate. Many articles on issuing a gun permit contain information that is not entirely up-to-date. They indicate that a certificate issued in form 046 is required. Today, a certificate of form 002-О/у is required. Two statements must be attached to it. One from a narcologist, and the other from a psychiatrist. In addition to these papers, according to recently adopted changes, the applicant must provide the results of the analysis of chemical technical information.

Upon receipt of this document, the citizen will have to decide which medical institution he will go to. It should be assumed that the institution must have appropriate accreditation. It is advisable that the institution have a narcologist and a psychiatrist on staff. It doesn’t matter at all whether it is a budget organization or a private clinic.

If these doctors do not accept you, then you will have to go to a drug dispensary and a mental health dispensary for the appropriate certificates. In addition to the fact that you will have to pay for a general medical examination, you also need to pay for each certificate.

Having collected statements from a psychiatrist and narcologist, as well as attaching the results of the CTI analysis to them, you can return to the clinic for further examination. The final conclusion on the medical certificate is given by the therapist. To obtain a weapons permit, this certificate is required.

Visit to the licensing department

Having prepared all the documents, you can go to submit your application. There are a couple more nuances that we have not paid due attention to, but they will require financial costs. Do you have any photos left from preparing your hunting ticket? Then you'll save a couple hundred. You only need two photos, but in some photo studios you will receive 6 cards at once, for which you will have to pay.

The department will give you the details for which you need to pay the state fee, but if you started filling out the application through the government services portal, then it is possible to pay the fee with a bank card. This will cost another 2,000 rubles. The increase in price occurred relatively recently, so in many sources you can find the old duty rate of 110 rubles.

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