New Year's holidays are approaching: how to make firecrackers at home from improvised materials

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They once didn't read the license agreement carefully.

  1. Listen, dude. This is not the kind of bullshit that you always agree with without even reading it. You may feel really bad later if you do not read this Agreement. A whole flock of polar foxes is the least that can await you if you are not careful. So, really, read this disclaimer twice, remember it well and get yourself a tattoo in a visible place - You've Already Been Warned.
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  3. Absurdism provides this Guide to the Terrorist solely for the purpose of personal information and, also, for the mental
    commission of individual terrorist acts with its help.
    terrorist acts with the help of this manual (hereinafter referred to as the Manual)
  4. If the Terrorist is part of a terrorist organization (group, mafia, government agencies, administration of competing wiki projects, etc., hereinafter referred to as a Terrorist Organization), then the Terrorist must turn to the Absurdistration indicating: 1) the planned scale of terrorist operations; 2) a list of countries/regions/locations in which terrorist attacks using the bombs described in the Manual are planned; 3) contact information through which it will be possible to contact the Terrorist organization for negotiations. In this case, a separate Agreement will be concluded between the “Terrorist Organization” and Absurdism, which describes the conditions for providing information from this Guide.
  5. The terrorist is prohibited from using the information provided to him for any other purposes other than those listed in paragraph [3]. In particular, he does not have the right to: 1) copy the Manual (or its individual parts) for the purpose of obtaining benefits, including by exchanging these copies for other manuals or consumer goods; 2) use the information obtained in the Guide to train other terrorists or administrators of competing wiki projects; 3) use the bombs described in the Guide to promote a healthy lifestyle.
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  7. Information for the Terrorist is provided solely on an “as-is” basis. The terrorist refuses in advance to make any claims against Absurdism related to the awareness of this Guide; with the manufacture, use and consequences of the use of all bombs described in this Manual. In particular, the following cannot be grounds for claims: 1) the force of a bomb explosion that does not meet expectations (including both the complete absence of an explosion and explosions with a power commensurate with nuclear charges); 2) any costs and losses associated with the use of bombs described in the Manual; 3) any lost profit. At the same time, in accordance with the conditions of “fair use”, the Terrorist is obliged to pay Absurdism 50% of the part of the profits that exceeded the expected results.
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Definitions of terms

Explosives in warfare

Explosives are used everywhere in military affairs. There are two types of explosion: combustion and detonation. Due to the fact that gunpowder burns, when it explodes in a confined space, it is not the destruction of the cartridge case that occurs, but the formation of gases and the ejection of a bullet or projectile from the barrel. TNT, hexogen or ammonal just detonate and create a blast wave, the pressure increases sharply. But in order for the detonation process to occur, external influence is necessary, which can be:

  • mechanical (impact or friction);
  • thermal (flame);
  • chemical (reaction of an explosive with another substance);
  • detonation (an explosion of one explosive occurs next to another).

Based on the last point, it becomes clear that two large classes of explosives can be distinguished: composite and individual. The former mainly consist of two or more substances that are not chemically related to each other. It happens that individually such components are not capable of detonation and can only exhibit this property when in contact with each other.

Also, in addition to the main components, the composition of a composite explosive may contain various impurities. Their purpose is also very broad: adjusting sensitivity or high explosiveness, weakening explosive characteristics or enhancing them. Since global terrorism has recently spread more and more through impurities, it has become possible to detect where the explosive was made and find it with the help of sniffer dogs.

With individual ones, everything is clear: sometimes they don’t even need oxygen for a positive thermal output.

Theoretical foundations[edit]

It is important to understand that the components of any bomb are quite simple: you need oxygen, you need nitrogen, you need carbon, and you need inhibitors (substances that allow you to control the reaction). In addition, such substances must be energy-saturated so that when the substance explodes there is a significant burst of energy. Where can you find energy-rich substances at home that contain oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and also a bunch of microelements-inhibitors? The answer is almost obvious - in the kitchen!

Sugar, flour, cereals, pasta are all excellent sources of carbon and oxygen, while fats and proteins (eggs, meat, lard, etc.) contain a lot of nitrogen. All that is required is to know the correct combinations of foods that could be used to create explosives.

The second component of most bombs is a shell containing destructive elements. And here, again, the kitchen comes to our aid. Cast iron frying pans, pots and cauldrons have a great feature - they crack when struck. Thus, filled with explosives, they are ready-to-use bombs.

How to cook a screw?

  1. Coldact flu plus screw. If you don't want to become morons, don't cook.
  2. Pure ephedrine screw. Don't cook.
  3. Screw from any ephedrine-containing drugs - do not cook.

This is perhaps the most important thing to know about the screw. Next - some lyrics.

Lately I have often had a severe headache and I do not rule out various consequences from all the chemistry absorbed in my vessels. (True, it’s something, but I’ve never cooked flu plus from Coldact and I wouldn’t do it - it’s easier to even get confused with broncholithin). I don’t want to burden anyone with excerpts from reference books on the pharmacological action of methamphetamine and its derivatives. I don’t want to burden you with morals and horror stories about what you might turn into in a couple of years of screw marathons. I just want at least one person to take advantage of the information about other people’s experiences and not to internalize all the crap that makes life brighter for some moments (at least for those moments it seems so). It's still not worth it.

Most often I welded screws at friends' apartments. These are flasks, tubes, irons, salt baths on the stove and my fellow co-users, spread out, covering their eyes from external influences with their forearm. After some time, I began to notice that many people became inadequate after two or three days of the marathon. Even later, I noticed that I myself was inadequate (this was after a five-day stint). I began to see the air, I was not bothered by the bloody stain on my shirt and the presence of a five-cc car, with a polytelephone tucked under the cannula, in my pocket. Yes, it was scary, but it didn’t bother me. I don’t know how to explain it - this happens when you already understand that you are seeing a dream, but it’s still somehow scary.

Methods for making bombs at home[edit]

12 “muffins”, “plate” and “disc”. Contains damaging elements as a filler.

Non-shell bombs[edit]

These bombs play the role of sticks of dynamite. They are widely used by many terrorist organizations in Western countries, where they are usually called "muffins"

). To make 12 bombs at home you will need: 125 g granulated sugar, 50 g margarine, 110 g flour, 1/2 tsp. baking soda and 1 egg.

Manufacturing method.

Melt granulated sugar and margarine over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Pour flour, baking soda into the melted mixture, and pour in the beaten egg. Stir everything thoroughly and divide into 12 greased molds, filling them a little more than halfway. Bomb checkers are baked in the oven at 180oC for about 30 minutes.

A detonator is inserted into the center of the bomb block made in this way, with a fuse on top. A variant of shellless bombs made using the “plate” or “disc” methods is also possible (see illustration).

Interestingly, exploding muffins are so popular in Western countries that they are even used in children's Internet games ( [4]).

Plastic explosives disguised with colored inhibitors

Plastic explosives[edit]

To make plastic explosives at home you will need: 0.5 liters of water, 100 g of sugar, 15 g of gelatin, colored camouflage inhibitors. Add sugar to boiled water, then add gelatin that has swollen in water. Place the resulting liquid in a cool place.

Unlike shellless bombs, plastic explosives can be used either as a variant of a shellless bomb or as an explosive container filler (container options are listed above).

Concept and classification

In simple terms, explosive substances are special substances or mixtures thereof that can explode under certain conditions. These conditions may include increased temperature or pressure, shock, shock, sounds of specific frequencies, as well as intense lighting or even light touch.

For example, acetylene is considered one of the most famous and widespread explosive substances. It is a colorless gas, which is also odorless in its pure form and is lighter than air. Acetylene used in production is characterized by a pungent odor, which is imparted to it by impurities. It has become widespread in gas welding and metal cutting. Acetylene can explode at temperatures above 500 degrees Celsius or in prolonged contact with copper, as well as silver on impact.

At the moment, there are a lot of explosive substances known. They are classified according to many criteria: composition, physical state, explosive properties, areas of application, degree of danger.

According to the direction of application, explosives can be:

  • industrial (used in many industries: from mining to materials processing);
  • experimental;
  • military;
  • special purpose;
  • antisocial use (often this includes homemade mixtures and substances that are used for terrorist and hooligan purposes).

Camouflage and options for using bombs[edit]

All bombs described in this Guide have a unique feature. They can be safely produced and stored without arousing suspicion even during a thorough search of your premises. You can safely go out into the street with these bombs - no inspection will be able to make any claims against you.

Moreover, if the listed manufacturing instructions are strictly followed, in case of danger of exposure, a terrorist will be able to take a bite from the finished explosive, and then eat this piece, and without any special consequences for his health. In case of special need, the explosive device can be completely eliminated by eating it. A container of plastic explosives in this case can be used as a headgear.

Unfortunately, as our regular customers report, this feature of the described explosive devices also includes an increased likelihood of disrupting terrorist attacks. Many terrorists, under conditions of increased stress, are unable to stop their efforts to disguise an explosive device.

Kamikaze terrorist disclaimer
  1. This agreement is concluded between the reader of this section of the article (now called the “Kamikaze Terrorist”) and the Administration of Absurdopedia (still called “Absurdistration”). By clicking on the "Show" link at the very end of this agreement, the Kamikaze Terrorist confirms that he has read this Agreement from beginning to end, understands all of its cultural, biological and medical aspects, and still wants to commit an act of Kamikaze-style Terrorism (see . Georgian national epic of the same name).
  2. The terrorist realizes that by carrying out a kamikaze-type terrorist attack, he jeopardizes the opportunity to develop his cultural level by reading the articles of the Absurdopedia, and especially its section How to do it right.
  3. The terrorist realizes that by carrying out a kamikaze-type terrorist attack, he jeopardizes the possibility of committing other terrorist attacks in the future.
  4. The terrorist realizes that by continuing to insist on carrying out a kamikaze-type terrorist attack, he (the Terrorist) is probably suffering from a mental disorder, and it would be better for him (the Terrorist) not to carry out terrorist attacks, but simply to receive medical treatment.
  5. If the Terrorist understands everything, agrees with everything, but still does not want to be treated, then he can click the link on the next line - “Show”.


Arab kamikaze terrorist prepares to detonate a bomb in his stomach

The physical nature of explosive transformation

The explosive transformation, as a rule, is short-term in nature, occurs at temperatures from 2500 to 4500 K and is accompanied by the release of a huge amount of high-temperature gases and heat. An explosive reaction does not require the presence of an oxidizing agent (usually oxygen) in the surrounding air, since it is contained in a chemically bound form in the explosive ingredients.

It is worth noting that the total amount of energy that is released during an explosion is relatively small and is usually five or six times less than the calorific value of petroleum products of the same mass. However, despite the modest energy output, the enormous reaction rate, which according to Arrhenius's law is a consequence of high temperature, ensures the achievement of high power values.

The release of large amounts of combustion gases is considered another sign of a chemical reaction in the form of an explosion. At the same time, the rapid transformation of the explosive into high-temperature gases is accompanied by an abrupt change in pressure (up to 10-30 GPa), which is called a shock wave. The propagation of this wave promotes the transfer of energy from one layer of explosive to another and is accompanied by the excitation of a similar chemical reaction in new layers. This process was called detonation, and the shock wave initiating it became known as a detonation wave.

There are a number of substances capable of non-chemical explosion (for example, nuclear and thermonuclear materials, antimatter). There are also methods of influencing various substances that lead to an explosion (for example, a laser or an electric arc). Such substances are not usually called “explosives.”

To help Kamikaze Terrorists[edit]

The problems described at the end of the previous section are completely absent from the Kamikaze Terrorist. On the contrary, the ability to “eat” a ready-made bomb allows one to bring a virtually undetectable explosive device to the site of a terrorist attack. A terrorist can eat an explosive at a safe house and only take the detonator with him on the mission! Of course, introducing a detonator into the stomach presents certain difficulties. Swallowing a detonator is rarely effective, since it is difficult to feel the exact location of the detonator in the stomach through the abdominal walls (in order to then press the button). The most effective way, according to our regular customers, is to use a samurai sword to create access to the explosive located in the stomach. In addition, with this method it is possible to use more reliable “wick” type detonators.

Absurdity draws the attention of our clients to the need to commit a terrorist attack within the shortest possible time after absorbing the explosive. Numerous experiments have shown that if the explosive has passed through the gastrointestinal tract, then the blasting characteristics of the explosive decrease. In this regard, to achieve a comparable explosive effect, 2-3 times more explosive is required than in the “gastric” version. On the other hand, access to the explosive is greatly facilitated, since the detonator can be inserted directly into the rectum.

A kamikaze terrorist uses jet propulsion to get to the scene of a terrorist attack.

With the correct selection of the explosive composition, it does not explode immediately, but creates a metastable quasi-thermonuclear explosion, giving the kamikaze terrorist jet speed. Products from the legume family create particularly good and powerful jet thrust. The high explosive is loaded into the stomach in the manner described above after most of the reactant has reached the rectum.

A little history

From time immemorial, man has tried to create substances that, under a certain external influence, would cause an explosion. Naturally, this was not done for peaceful purposes. And one of the first widely known explosive substances was the legendary Greek fire, the recipe for which is still unknown exactly. This was followed by the creation of gunpowder in China around the 7th century, which, on the contrary, was first used for entertainment purposes in pyrotechnics, and only then adapted for military needs.

For several centuries, the opinion was established that gunpowder is the only explosive known to man. Only at the end of the 18th century was silver fulminate discovered, which is known under the unusual name “explosive silver”. Well, after this discovery, picric acid, “mercury fulminate,” pyroxylin, nitroglycerin, TNT, hexogen, and so on appeared.

Safety precautions when working with explosive substances

The list of injuries that a person can receive due to accidents involving explosives is very, very extensive: thermal and chemical burns, concussion, nervous shock from an impact, injuries from fragments of glass or metal containers that contained explosive substances, damage eardrum. Therefore, safety precautions when working with explosive substances have their own characteristics. For example, when working with them, it is necessary to have a safety screen made of thick organic glass or other durable material. Also, those who directly work with explosive substances must wear a protective mask or even a helmet, gloves and an apron made of durable material.

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