Features of combat tactics in urban conditions

Almost Kalashnikov

Since the mid-2010s, the so-called pseudo-rifled or pseudo-smoothbore samples are carbines, or rather, guns chambered for 366 TKM and 9 mm Lancaster cartridges. According to the law, this is a smooth-bore weapon, but with a “trick” - smooth barrels have a groove on the last 15 cm from the muzzle (“paradox” barrel) or an oval-screw drill (“Lancaster”). The trick of TKM and Lancaster is that they allow those who do not have the required five years of smoothbore ownership experience to buy “an almost real carbine.” The .366 TKM and 9.6x53Lancaster cartridges are made on the basis of 7.62x39 and 7.62x54R rifled cartridges. And the most popular weapon models are made on the basis of Kalashnikov assault rifles and SKS carbines. In terms of muzzle energy, TKM and Lancaster cartridges are superior to rifled originals, but their effective firing range does not exceed 150-200 meters.

Hunting cartridges 7.62×39

Finally, there is a huge selection of rifled weapons, including those based on the military (mainly on the AK platform). There is no point in listing everything; suffice it to say that the barely accepted AK-12 and AK-15 have already entered the civilian market under the designation AK TR3 carbine in calibers 5.45x39 and 7.62x39.

Reasoning about what is better to go to the zombies or survive in urban chaos, a carriage and a small cart. In a situation of short-term unrest, there is probably not much difference. But the cost for low-impulse cartridges 5.45x39 mm or 223 Rem (5.56x45) will be more compact and lighter than for the “Orthodox” 7.62x39 mm, and even more so for rifle cartridges (7.62x54R, .308 Win). For comparison, as Maxim Popenker noted, a magazine box with 500 rounds of “seven” ammunition weighs as much as a box with 750 rounds of 5.45x39 ammunition. But the main thing that Profile’s interlocutor draws attention to is that the experience of American unrest has shown that what comes first is not weapons, but the ability of citizens for mutual assistance and self-organization. It was organized groups that could most effectively resist bandits and looters.

Preparing your home for defense

When preparing for defense, in the house it is necessary:

  • Minimize the possibility of fire inside the house (fill the floor with soil, remove excess flammable materials);
  • Cover window openings with stones or bags (boxes) with loose soil. Loopholes are made in the barriers for firing;
  • If it is impossible to equip window openings for loopholes, firing points are equipped in the depths of the premises on elevations. This hides the visibility of the fighters from the attackers, but allows firing into window openings with virtually no loss of firing sectors;
  • If there are no passages to the attic, basement and semi-basement in the floors of the house, it is necessary to make passages for access to these rooms;
  • According to the regulations, sufficient supplies of water and fire extinguishing agents must be accumulated in the premises;
  • To communicate with other houses on the defense line, passages must be dug, underground communications must be cleared (if any), and openings for movement must be made in the walls of houses;
  • Masking of firing points;
  • Digging trenches instead of barricades;
  • Clearing firing lines from cars, trees and small buildings;
  • Directing the enemy's movement into the line of fire, rubble, minefields.

Read on topic: Accommodation of personnel in a combat vehicle BMP and armored personnel carrier

About the combat regulations

Despite the fact that the combat manual is the main guiding document on the conduct of combat by motorized rifle units, the content of the manual is only recommendations. The application of the recommendations of the Charter must be creative and consistent with the battle situation. (Charter, Ground Forces, Platoon, squad, tank, 2005, Introduction)

Platoon defense in the Deir Ezzor house

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