Makarov MP-654K air pistol - review of a copy of the legendary weapon

Defense potential

I myself owned the MP-654k for four years, although I didn’t buy it, but took it away from hooligans who decided to take money from me. By the way, the pistol is most suitable for this, because it is an absolute copy of its firearm brother; according to some sources, the MP-654k is produced from rejected PM parts, and if you do not look into the barrel (the 4.5 caliber is clearly different from the 9 mm caliber), then it is indistinguishable from the outside . Don’t think that I’m encouraging you to take a Makarov MP-654k air pistol and go rob passers-by, I’m just stating the fact of similarity with the PM. This barrel can also be used as a self-defense weapon. In this case, there is no need to shoot from it, but you need to bring down this device, with all proletarian consciousness, on the head of the adversary, on the honor of your encroacher and a concussion, if there is one, is guaranteed for the bastard. Still, 730 grams of iron is not a waste of time.

Review of the Makarov MP 654K-28 air pistol

Due to the fact that the MP-654K-28 air pistol has not gained much popularity among customers, it would not be logical to consider its technical characteristics. However, the 28 series model is a completely different matter. Its combat parameters are slightly superior to its predecessors. Here is the information that was obtained straight from the weapons passport:

Caliber4.5 mm
Barrel length190 mm
Barrel typethreaded
Ammunition typesteel explosive balls
Magazine capacity13 rounds
Shot speed120 m/s
Rate of fire75 rounds per minute
Power3.5 J
Aimfront sight, rear sight
Energy sourcegas cylinder
Weight710 grams

At first glance, differences of 10 m/s, as well as 0.5 J, may seem insignificant. However, practice has shown that the level of accuracy has increased significantly (now the spread is no more than 1 centimeter when shooting from a distance of 40 meters). However, this also has disadvantages - due to the increased shot energy, the risk of injury to the pistol has also increased, so the MP-654K is not recommended for use in airsoft. But some owners found use for the new pistol while hunting, shooting medium-sized birds, as well as small fur-bearing animals. It is also impossible not to note the reduced weight, thanks to which the gun has become even more versatile (can even be used by teenagers).

Control Panel

Now seriously. The controls of the Makarov MP-654k air pistol are located on the left side - these are the bolt stop lever and a two-position safety. Our gunsmith designers do not indulge left-handed people. The only plastic part that can be broken is the handle pad. The magazine is removed just like a firearm, in my opinion it’s terribly inconvenient, and not an option at all with gloves.

How to determine the series of weapons

Many owners of a Makarov air pistol are wondering how to correctly determine the series of weapons. Indeed, on combat models, a special serial number is usually stamped on the case, by which you can find out the release date and other useful information. What about the MP-564K? In fact, everything is even simpler, because all the necessary information is in the name:

  • MP (Mechanical Plant) - an individual abbreviation of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant for imports (previously, all pistols and rifles were produced under the name “IZH”);
  • 6 – group of weapons “pneumatic pistols” (IZHMASH began using a similar marking system in 2008);
  • 5 – type of pneumatic “gas cylinder” (a gas cylinder with compressed CO2 is used as the main source of energy;
  • 4 – model number in the group (in other words, Makarov air pistols are produced under the number 4);
  • 20, 24 or 28 - what interests us is the series of weapons (the higher it is, the later the air pistol was released).

As for those numbers that are located on the barrel itself, this is nothing more than an individual serial number, which is used mainly to recognize the real owner of the pistol. Similar numbers are also indicated in the weapons passport, which is required to be included with each pistol.

Feedback on shooting

Now about the shooting. Shooting is carried out by self-cocking and with preliminary cocking of the hammer. The pistol has a very short rifled barrel. When shooting with bebeshkas, for which a 13-local magazine is designed, even rifling does not help, the spread of bullets is very significant. Apparently, the inaccuracy was passed on from a fellow firearm; I had a chance to use a Makarov firearm. However, if you pull out the magazine and put the bolt on delay, through the ejector window, directly into the barrel, you can load any bullet and even a dart. In this version, he hits more accurately. The topic is not for hardball, of course, but it’s a fact. The pistol has a non-adjustable rear sight, which, when hot, is tightly pressed into the receiver body and the owner of the device will be very lucky if the factory zeroing turns out to be accurate. I was unlucky; the Makarov MP-654k air pistol was pointing to the left. No matter what I did, I couldn’t move the rear sight, so I shot with adjustments. In principle, once you get used to the device, you can take stable frags at close range (15-20 meters). One cylinder is enough to shoot five magazines.

Review of the Makarov MP 654K-32 air pistol

The MP-654K-32 air pistol is one of the latest modifications of the weapon, which was born 18 years ago. “The Bearded Man” (that’s what the common people called the new PM) was released only 1.5 years ago, so it’s not surprising that it has not yet gained the same popularity as the MP-654K-20 or MP-654K-28. However, everything seems to suggest that this pistol may surpass its predecessors in popularity. After all, even its technical characteristics speak about this:

Caliber4.5 mm
Barrel length185 mm
Barrel typethreaded
Ammunition typesteel explosive balls
Magazine capacity13 rounds
Shot speed150 m/s
Rate of fire75 rounds per minute
Power5 J
Aimfront sight, rear sight
Energy sourcegas cylinder
Weight740 grams

As you can see, the manufacturer decided to make the new PM more powerful by shortening the barrel, as well as using a new generation gas cylinder. Of course, this could not but affect the number of buyers wanting to acquire their own copy of the PM, intended for self-defense. However, due to the fact that weapons from the USSR are not popular among the modern generation, the 32nd model is bought mainly by adults, who, most likely, already have the 28th or 20th series. However, there is no doubt - MP-654K-32 is the most modern and most powerful copy of the PM.

Problems and repairs

Well, about the problems. Over time, the MP-654k develops a nasty problem - it stops firing by self-cocking. This sore is treated by replacing the trigger-cock mechanism. All parts are on sale. If your arms grow as expected, you can go through them in 40-50 minutes without rushing. And if your arms grow out of your butt, then these are legs, and you should not climb into an air gun with your legs. In this case, you need to put the gun in your pocket and go to the person whose arms are growing as expected, not forgetting to buy something tasty in a glass container along the way. As Cardan used to say: “So that your hands don’t shake.” * Digging off topic... There is an upgrade option that gives good results (according to the descriptions and estimates, I haven’t done it myself). In general, this up is for Drozd, but the valve mechanism is the same, so it will also fit the MP-654k.

Partial and complete disassembly

It is better to show incomplete and complete disassembly of the pistol visually, so we are attaching the corresponding videos.

Incomplete disassembly

Complete disassembly

Varieties of the MP-654k pistol

In one of the conversations with another expert, we talked about the markings of different versions of the most famous air pistol in Russia.

And I decided to make something like a reference book.

Let's start by deciphering the name and serial number:

MR - M echanical P lant ( Mechanical plant. Rods )

6 — Air pistols (group of weapons)

5 — Gas-cylinder pneumatics

4 — Model number in this group

K - store modification

Example serial number: Т12345678

T-*first pair of digits* - Year of manufacture

*second pair of numbers* - For pistols of later series - Model, series.

For pistols of early series - up to the 28th, inclusive, the second pair of digits indicates the month of production, respectively, can have values ​​from 01 to 12

*other numbers* — Individual serial number

MP-654k (1997-1999)

In 1997, production of this pistol began. The markings on the bolt were then located slightly differently, but the main difference was in the valve system, as well as the barrel nut.

The valve body itself was rougher than the modern version. Based on this, the rest of the valve parts were slightly different.

In the photo and drawings above, the old-style valve block is on the left, and the new one is on the right.

At that time, there were some very exclusive specimens.

A model from the first hundred, the store is not at all similar to the one everyone knows now.

Fine, PMM-ovsky notch.

Throughout its production and almost to this day, bolts have varied from pistol to pistol.

There are three options:

“Bearded Man” - the front of the bolt is like a combat pistol

Bevel - almost never seen now. Beveled bolts also had differences in the rear parts of the bolt. There could be the usual figured processing, but there were also sloping ones, in the likeness of PMM’s.

Beardless is the most common version.

MR-654k-03 (late 1999-2010)

The most famous and widespread pistol. It was produced without major changes for a very long time.

MR-654k-11 (????-2010)

Camouflage. Not the most popular and widespread model. Many people find it funny to “dress” old PM in camouflage.

MR-654k-15 (????-2010)

Pistol with a false silencer. This model had a barrel bore with internal threads, the muffler was simply a dummy - a tube with two walls.

MP-654k-?? (????-2010)

Nickel plated version. Rumor has it that the quality of these pistols was higher than the stock black 654s.

MP-654k-?? (????-????G)

Two-tone, black frame, nickel-plated slide and controls. Very rare model. I didn't have a chance to see her live. When its production began and whether it is still underway is unknown.

MP-654k-?? (????-????G)

Premium models. These pistols had a noticeably higher price, were decorated with handles made of good wood, sometimes gilded.

MR-654k-(02, …) (????-????g)

Gift models. Richly decorated with various engravings and gilding. Sometimes decorations with the Russian flag or coat of arms were installed on the plastic handle, but more often the handle was made of noble wood.

The prices for such toys are simply exorbitant, but the quality is also above all praise. The parts fit precisely, the coating does not wear out or scratch, the barrel, unlike simple 654s, is smooth, which improves the characteristics of the pistol.

Such models were often made to order, so there are a lot of variations.

MR-654k-20 (2011-early 2012)

Since 2011, some changes have been made to the design of pistols. The main and most noticeable change is the brown plastic handle with a star. Many people mistakenly believe that this handle is identical to those found on combat and traumatic pistols, but this is not the case; the main difference is the absence of a swivel on the lower left.

Also, for the 2011 model, some changes were made to the valve and the barrel was bored at 8-9mm to a depth of 5 to 15mm.

MR-654k-22 (2011-….g)

Similar to the 15th model, this pistol differs from the stock one only in the presence of threads in the barrel and a dummy muffler.

MR-654k-23 (2011-….g)

The model is no different from the Model 11, except for the updated handle.

MR-654k-24 (2011-….g)

Again, this model differs from the old version only in the handle.

MR-654k-28 (autumn 2012 - late summer 2013)

According to rumors, the IzhMekh plant has significantly reduced the number of 654s produced, but due to this the quality has increased somewhat, for example, they began to install blown bolt stops, which at least slightly increased the similarity with the combat pistol of early samples, and also simplified the process of bringing the external type to a copy of the PM. The pistols also began to be equipped with hidden clamping screws, and the ball feeder spring became a little stiffer.

MR-654k-32 (autumn 2012-….g) 500th series

But Izhmekh supplies these 654s to the Ukrainian brothers. Bakelite handle, curly brace, narrow frame and magazine, no notches on the front of the handle, correct bolts (beard, chamfer, extractor cutout, etc.), chiseled triggers, wide rear sight, barrel bore looks neater.

The "H" mark in the serial number indicates that this is an export version. It is also characterized by the fact that the serial number begins with five hundred, i.e. 500, 501, 502, etc.

However, something horrified me.

The frame at the base of the handle is not closed by a plate and the grip force determines the ease of removing the magazine.

There is also no usual mainspring lock. In this version, the spring is fixed with a screw.

MR-654k-32 (December 2012-….g) 300th series

The pistol is practically no different from the export version, however, the letter “H” is missing, which indicates that the batch is definitely for the domestic market.

The series has already been called the three hundredth, since the serial number starts with three hundred.

One of the differences from the export 654 is the presence of sandblasting on the top of the slide, which was previously done only on the 654 frame.

Also on the 300s we immediately noticed a blown bolt stop and a hidden screw.

At the moment (late summer/early fall 2013), the last batch of 300s arrived with handles of noticeably lower quality processing.

The material is pale, rough, and bears little resemblance to the original PM bakelite handles. Apparently, IzhMekh decided to save money on this and simplified the production process.

MP-654k-?? (July 2013) “Episode 311” (conditionally)

They say that in Izhmekh, in one of the warehouses, they found about a hundred PMM bolts that were not used for combat pistols. Some of them were taken by the authorities and security forces as gifts. The rest went their separate ways. And they unofficially make an MP-654 out of them, take a series 32 frame, and put a PMM bolt on it, mark it with a number on one side, and an MP-654K cal 4.5 mm on the bottom of the beard. Since there are only a few dozen pistols, accordingly, their prices are set at 18-24k...

MR-654k-38 (September 2013-….g)

By the fall of 13, model 38 appeared. It has already been said that bakelite handles began to be processed noticeably worse, but now they have simply been abandoned. Now the pistol has the usual plastic handle for trauma weapons.

I'm glad at least that there is a swivel, unlike models 22 and 28...

I forgot to add that among the 300, 500 and 38 Makars there are very rare specimens made from early PMs with the so-called. “transition” frame and trigger guard.

MR-654km (end of 2013-….g)

An interesting sample was demonstrated at the Arms & Huntng 2012 exhibition in Moscow. Firstly, the pistol is designed for airsoft caliber - 6mm. Secondly, the loading of the cylinder and bullets is now separate, and the handle can be removed without unscrewing the fixing screw. I was very pleased with the appearance of the pistol.

Representatives of the company said that a version for the usual 4.5mm caliber is planned.

There was also a rumor that the pistol was equipped with a blowback system.

But time passed and the first copies fell into the hands of happy owners.

Both outside and inside everything turned out to be worse than at the exhibition

The ball was sent into the barrel, as on some models of the Glatcher company, however, this excluded the possibility of the existence of the long-awaited blowback.

The stick magazine was made of plastic (one joy - it will be cheap).

The insides of the bolt are milled even more heavily than in previous models.

The article will continue to be updated as new information or pistol models become available.

For additions and corrections I thank the users:





Mc Kostya


The pistol itself, in my opinion, is slightly overpriced, apparently due to its resemblance to a firearm. Available in different modifications - matte, chrome-plated, with an extended barrel and muffler, in gift packaging (in the latter version the price is absolutely crap...).

Some of the most popular pistol modifications are 28 and 32.

Air pistol MP-654k-28

The MP-654k-28 air pistol was produced from the fall of 2012 to the end of the summer of 2013.

Of the main differences of this model compared to its counterparts

  • blown bolt stop
  • hidden clamping screw
  • stiffer ball feeder spring

The created model has also become easier to bring in appearance to the original firearms model.

Air pistol MP-654k-32

The 32 modifications distinguish between the export and domestic series of the pistol.

Makarov air pistol MP-654k-32 - 500 series

This MP-654k-32 air pistol began production in the fall of 2012, and is intended for export to Ukraine.

Distinctive features of this pistol:

  • bakelite handle
  • brace
  • narrow frame and magazine, etc.

Makarov air pistol MP-654k-32 - 300 series

The 300th air pistol MP-654k-32 is intended for the domestic market. In production since December 2012.

Among the noticeable differences from the upper brother:

  • blown bolt stop
  • hidden clamping screw

Types of PM

It is important to understand that the Makarov pistol is the most popular model for creating pneumatics not only in Russia, but also in other CIS countries. In terms of popularity, it can be compared, perhaps, with the legendary Colt 1911, which was copied by everyone and everything. Of course, the highest quality pneumatic copy was produced by the Americans, in whose homeland the first firearm of this brand was produced.

It’s the same with the Makarov pistol - even the Chinese tried to copy the most successful pistol of the USSR. However, no one was able to get as close to the original as IZHMASH. The only trouble is that over several decades, Baikal has released many models, each of which deserves special attention. Because of this, potential buyers may have their eyes wide open in the store, but we will help you make a choice.


The very first copy of the Makarov air pistol, which ensured the popularity of the entire subsequent series. This weapon is distinguished by almost 100% external similarity to the original, and also has a number of design features that were also present in the PM:

  • rifled barrel;
  • adjustable rear sight;
  • steel body;
  • magazine for 13 rounds, etc.

The pistol is not characterized by high lethal power (initial speed is 110 m/s with a shot power of 3 J) due to the fact that a 12-gram gas cylinder is used as the main energy source. However, this cannot be called a big drawback, since most of the buyers of pneumatic PM are collectors or airsoft fans, for whom increased performance characteristics are a good reason to refuse to buy a weapon.

The build quality deserves special attention. Over several years of work, we were able to compare many copies of the Makarov pistol. There were also good samples that tried to repeat the success of IZHMASH, but did not reach its level due to minor details, and there were also frankly defective Chinese models, which showed burrs, various irregularities in the plastic, and in general the fastening was no good.

However, the MP-564K model is an example of how high-quality a weapon copied from a combat model can be. All metal parts are made of carbon steel, plastic inserts have a high polymer content, and even the smallest bolt has ideal proportions. All this makes us proud of Russian weapons and awakens a desire to support the domestic manufacturer.


Over the next few years after the release of the MP-654K model, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant was developing modifications for the pistol, which gained such unexpected popularity. Engineers tried to listen to the opinions of their customers, so soon samples made of nickel steel, blackened metal, and also having some design differences with the original itself, for example, a fiber-optic thread on an open sight, appeared on the market. However, the first serious modification was the MP-654K-20, which was able to surpass its predecessor.

How did the new pneumatic PM differ from the model of previous years? Firstly, the Soviet star emblem appeared on the plastic handle, which made the weapon even more similar to the original prototype. Secondly, the bore depth of the barrel changed from 5 to 15 millimeters, which had a positive effect on the accuracy of the combat. And thirdly, fastening elements (pins, bolts, screws, etc.) also began to be made of carbon steel, which slightly increased the weight of the weapon (by 15 grams), but significantly improved the wear resistance of the weapon.

Thus, the modification surpassed its predecessor, and since 2015, people began to buy mainly MP-654K-20.


One of the most controversial models produced by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. People expected anything from the new modification (more similarity to the original, increased power, some design changes), but not polishing the barrel and abandoning the bluing. Yes, that's not a typo. The main difference between the MP-654K-24 and its predecessor is the presence of a metal barrel without bluing, made of alloy polished steel. The buyer has several color options to choose from:

  • silver;
  • golden;
  • black.

The barrel handle also underwent minor changes, which became more ergonomic, but because of this the pistol lost its resemblance to the original.

Of course, such a weapon did not satisfy the requirements of those who expected something new, so most buyers settled on the MP-564K-20 model. And this trend continued for several years, until IZHMASH decided to correct itself by releasing a new, improved pneumatic PM.


Before the release of the MP-654K-28, IZHMASH promised its customers that the new model would be the weapon that would most closely resemble the legendary Makarov pistol. Were the engineers able to keep their word? In full. However, due to the previous failure, many did not believe in the weapons company’s statement and did not even buy the new modification. But in vain! Indeed, despite the fact that no external changes were noticed between the MP-654K-20 and MP-654K-28, the design of the pistol received some improvements:

  • The presence of muzzle stops significantly improved the quality of the bolt and increased its service life (the part no longer hit the metal).
  • Standard screws were replaced with hidden movable ones - thanks to this feature, the fastenings became almost invisible.
  • The ball feeder spring became stiffer - the gun began to behave much more confidently during operation.

However, due to the fact that the pistol did not receive any serious changes in performance characteristics or appearance, many people began to be of the opinion that the MP-654K-28 model does not deserve attention.

However, there were also many defenders - people reasonably argued that the above design changes benefited the pistol. But it was not possible to convince many. IZHMASH was even forced to reduce the number of weapons produced so that they would not lie in warehouses. However, the new model began to look a little more like the original, and also received minor changes in performance characteristics. However, so that this opinion does not seem subjective to you, we suggest that you take a closer look at the tables of combat characteristics of pistols in the following sections.

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