Small cartridges: caliber, characteristics, types and selection tips

  • November 3, 2018
  • Weapons and ammunition
  • Natali Michaelis

Smallmouth cartridges have been used by hunters for many decades. This type of ammunition is especially valued among shooters who engage only in commercial hunting. Smallmouth cartridges are also successfully used by both novice hunters and more experienced professionals. In addition, they are used by special services in many countries around the world. So, let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of small-gun cartridges, as well as how to choose the right ammunition for beginners.

What is small caliber used for?

Small-caliber weapons can be called a good example of the fact that the main factor in shooting accuracy is not the weapon, but specifically the type of ammunition. After the development of .22 LR cartridges, the shot lengthened significantly, and the structural feature of such a side-ignited cartridge case allowed engineers to make more than 10 types of cartridges, for which special types of weapons were created in the future.

Is a smooth-bore small gun good?

In addition to small-caliber rifled weapons, on the arms market you can find models with smooth barrels that use 410 caliber cartridges. Such guns are usually used for hunting small birds: hazel grouse, snipe, quail, sparrows and so on. However, the hunting sector is far from the only one where such a model can be applied.

In addition to fishing, 410 caliber shotguns are also often used for clay pigeon shooting and sporting events. Such guns have phenomenal hit accuracy and are very light in weight, so the owner practically never gets tired of using them. There are models with both vertical and horizontal trunks.

So, when choosing a small one in principle, you should not immediately focus on the .22LR caliber. For some purposes, the 410 will serve much better. In addition, smooth-bore weapons do not require 5 years of hunter experience, unlike rifled weapons. So this option is quite good for a beginner who wants to acquire a small-caliber carbine in the future.

Thus, small-caliber weapons can rightfully be used for hunting. Unlike bulky smooth-bore rifles and carbines, shooting from small guns is much more convenient, as is moving through the forest with it. However, the killing power of such models is low, so they can be used to kill not too large animals and birds. But the possibilities for modernization are simply enormous, and the cost is low. The only unpleasant moment is the need to have a 5-year license, but let's hope that the State Duma will soon amend the legislation.

Types of 5.6 mm cartridges

With a wide variety, the most popular cartridges for small side-fire are considered to be .22 LR and .22 WMR cartridges. The first type was invented and first released more than 100 years ago. During all this time, cartridges for small guns, photos of which are presented in this article, have gained great popularity all over the world, breaking the record for the number of shots fired. The full name of such cartridges will be as follows: a 22-caliber cartridge, the bullet diameter of which is 5.6 mm, L - long, R - rifle, since it has a rim on the bottom of the cartridge case.

Since a small cartridge cartridge, the caliber of which is 5.6 mm, has a fairly low energy generated from the shot, and the flight trajectory of the cartridge case changes greatly, they are used for shooting at a short distance from the main target. In most cases, professional hunters use these cartridges when hunting small animals, such as birds or rodents.

In our country, the 5.6 mm smallmouth cartridge is used for hunting squirrels and sables. As for the United States of America, such ammunition is used to shoot gophers.

When considering the characteristics of small-arms cartridges, you should also pay attention to the fact that they can be used for various types of weapons: pistols, carbines, and machine guns.

The second popular cartridge of this caliber is 22wmr. Such cartridges are produced mainly for civilian use. This caliber is very popular in the United States of America. The cartridge was invented in 1959, when it was used to hunt very large animals, such as jackals or coyotes. The use of cartridges of this type for small animals does not make any sense, since the ammunition severely damages the animal’s body.

In addition, both types of small-sized cartridges are actively used during shooting training among beginners, since these ammunition are low in cost.

What kind of game should you hunt with small fish?

If you hunt with a small gun, you need to seriously think about choosing the object of the hunt, taking into account the type of weapon and size. Do you doubt that a small-caliber cartridge is suitable for the animal or bird that you usually hunt? Then it’s hardly worth taking small things.

What kind of game is best to hunt with this weapon? Let's look at examples:

  • Birds – small birds are suitable for hunting ducks, geese, black grouse and wood grouse; you can achieve results in the hunt. Of course, a small gun is different from a shotgun, and it’s not easy to hit birds on the fly with a bullet. But there are special outfits of small calibers on sale; instead of bullets, they use cartridges filled with shot.
  • Small fur-bearing animals - hunting them is included in the scope of use of small animals. With such units it is convenient to kill squirrels and small mustelids.
  • Medium-sized animals – small-caliber rifles can be used to hunt small or medium-sized animals. These include hares, foxes, and beavers. Even wolves and roe deer are suitable for hunting.

To hunt large animals, you should not take a small one. Most likely you will wound the animal, and even if you manage to get the animal, it will suffer greatly before dying.

Permission to shoot

As for obtaining permission to shoot from small-caliber weapons, it will be no different from obtaining permission to use a rifled barrel. To do this, the hunter must collect certain documents and then submit them to the LRO. To be more precise, the following documents are required:

  1. Certificate of passing a medical examination.
  2. Hunting license.
  3. A report that was drawn up by the local police officer, which contains information regarding the storage conditions of firearms.

It should also be remembered that a permit for a rifled weapon can only be obtained by a person who has at least 5 years of experience in handling smooth-bore guns.

Preparing to shoot

Before shooting, use a cleaning rod and a soft cloth to clean the barrel bore from grease. After shooting, do not forget to clean the barrel bore from carbon deposits and treat it with lubricant. Do not use hard rags or other abrasive materials: they can damage the bore.

If you are using the gun for the first time, you need to read in detail the instructions for loading the carbine and adjusting the sighting mechanism. It must be set to the distance at which shooting will be carried out, taking into account the lethal force of the rifle.

Disadvantages and advantages of small things

We have looked at which cartridges are best for small guns. Now it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the main advantages of using such cartridges. The main advantages are as follows:

  1. A small hole in the body of the victim after the shot, which preserves the integrity of the skin.
  2. Minor recoil during firing.
  3. Slight noise when fired.
  4. Possibility of using a muffler.

Low cost, as well as availability of cartridges for small 5.6 mm rifles. Thanks to this, hunters can hone their own shooting skills.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the best cartridges for small guns also have some disadvantages. They are as follows:

  1. The ability to hit only a nearby target.
  2. Insignificant killing power.

Do I need permission to purchase?

Small-bore rifles are classified by the Weapons Law as rifled hunting carbines. It doesn’t matter that their muzzle energy is about 40 J, and their caliber does not exceed 5.6 mm. To purchase such a rifle you will still need a special license. And it will be possible to receive it only 5 years after joining the hunting union. Until this point, the hunter's ticket can only be used to purchase shotguns.

Buying small fish illegally (from the owner’s hands, without documents) is not a good idea for a hunter. Yes, a small-caliber rifle is not an SVD or an AK, but it has a rifled barrel, which means that using it without a license can result in a real prison sentence. And given that recently the Nature Conservancy has increasingly begun to visit hunting grounds, the likelihood that a person with an illegal weapon will be arrested is extremely high.

Although there is a fly in the ointment in this ointment. For several years now, IZHMEKH (the largest arms factory in Russia) has been trying to advance to the State Duma a law prohibiting the classification of small-caliber rifles as rifled weapons. If they manage to do this, then to buy small coins they will only need to provide the hunter’s ticket they just received. But at the moment (end of 2019) 5 years of hunter experience is still required.

Features of 5.6 mm cartridges

We continue to consider which cartridges are better for small guns. The 5.6 mm .22 LR caliber cartridge got its name due to the fact that the bullet diameter is 22 inches, which is equal to 5.6 mm. This type of ammunition does not have a primer. When a shot occurs, the firing pin hits the side area of ​​the bottom of the cartridge case, which is why it is commonly called a side-fire cartridge.

For a small cartridge, the size of which is 5.6 mm, the impact composition is pressed into the rim of the sleeve. When the hunter pulls the trigger, the firing mechanism of the weapon removes the rim, and the primer composition begins to ignite. As a result, the main powder charge begins to ignite.

If you don’t know which cartridges are best for small guns, then you should give preference to ammunition with a diameter of 5.6 mm. Thanks to the special design, the rim of this cartridge can be easily removed from the impact of the striker. You should also pay attention to the fact that the walls of the case must be thin, thereby limiting the maximum pressure that is created due to the ignition of the gunpowder. If the charge in the cartridge is too powerful, the cartridge case may completely rupture during firing.


A little more about the .22LR caliber. Its letters “Long Rifle” translated from English mean “long barrel”. The length of the cartridge case without a bullet is 15.1 millimeters. The steel tip cartridge measures 24.77 millimeters. Thus, it is something between a combat or hunting cartridge and an air bullet. Sometimes small-caliber ammunition is used - a 410 cartridge case loaded with small shot.

22LR Steel Tip Cartridge

Only the small ones can show high combat performance using the .22LR cartridge, because the barrel of such rifles is elongated and of high quality. Typically, the weapon has a bolt action that securely locks the chamber. On the receiver there is an optical (for hunting) or diopter (for competitions) sight on a dovetail sighting bar.

Characteristics of cartridges

  1. The caliber of the .22 LR cartridge is 5.66 mm.
  2. The mass of the bullet can be from 1.9 to 2.6 g.
  3. The maximum weight of gunpowder reaches 0.34 g.
  4. The initial speed of the ammunition is from 325 to 345 meters per second.
  5. When the bullet is at 50 m from the muzzle of the weapon, its speed is 295 m/s.
  6. As for the initial energy of the ammunition, it is equal to 135 J.
  7. After a bullet flies 50 m, the energy is 110 J.
  8. The length of the cartridge reaches 2.5 cm. The length of the sleeve is 1.5 cm. In the upper part the diameter is 5.75 mm, and in the lower part it is 7.1 mm.

Boar hunting

If you nevertheless decide to go hunting for wild boar with small animals, then it is best to choose not too large boars as prey. It is far from a fact that even if you hit the animal in the head, it will die with one shot. The killing power of a small-caliber weapon may not be enough to kill a hog, which is why it will become incredibly aggressive towards the hunter, so use special storage areas in the trees where you will be safe.

For such an event, it is best to wait until nightfall, since it is at this time of day that the wild boar is most active, going out for food, and during the day prefers to take mud baths somewhere in the middle of the swamp. A wild boar cannot be called too timid, so for hunting you can use underbarrel flashlights or a car headlight with a power source. You also need to approach the choice of weapons and ammunition with great responsibility, since a lack of destructive power will cause the poor animal to suffer for a long time.

A little history

The small-caliber cartridge, which has a diameter of 0.22 inches, was first invented in the late 19th century by Stevens Arm and Tool Comp. Then it was equipped with a bullet whose weight was 2.6 g. The total weight of gunpowder in it was 0.32 g. However, in those days it was impossible to measure the speed of the bullet. Modern samples of ammunition from this company have remained virtually unchanged. The sleeve is made of metal, the length of the cartridge is 25.5 mm. The main differences between modern cartridges and the 1887 models are that lead ammunition is now entangled in a special casing to improve ballistic characteristics.

When compared with the first developments, modern bullets used by hunters have a mass of 2.6 g. When firing from a weapon with a long barrel of 152 mm, the maximum speed of the cartridge case after the shot will be 345 m/s, and the muzzle energy will be 140 J. When firing from a rifle with the longest barrel, the speed of the bullet increases by about 60 m/s.

There are currently four rimfire cartridges in production:

  1. The most powerful cartridge is called Hyper-velocity. When fired, the bullet reaches speeds of up to 425 m/s.
  2. The next most powerful cartridge is called High-velocity. Its maximum speed is 400 m/s.
  3. A side-fire cartridge with a standard bullet velocity is commonly called Standard-velocit.” Its speed is 343 m/s.
  4. Small-caliber cartridges with a bullet sound speed that reaches 335 m/s are called Subsonic.

It should be noted that the ejection speed of cartridges will be influenced by many different factors, for example, barrel length, ammunition manufacturer, and much more.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hunting with small fish would not have so many followers if it did not have many advantages. However, many hunters have a negative attitude towards this type of fishing, citing well-founded arguments. That is why we decided to compile a table with the main advantages and disadvantages of using small-caliber rifles for hunting:

High firing range and accuracy of combatLow penetration
Fast learning hunterThe need for knowledge of game anatomy
Low weight of small caliber weaponsPossibility of shooting only from afar
Possibility of upgrading the rifle
Relatively quiet battle
Availability and ammunition

That is, a professional hunter who is familiar with the vulnerabilities of animals and has the skills of shooting with a rifle with an optical sight can successfully use such a weapon to hunt wild animals and birds. But beginners often do not realize the lack of technical characteristics of the rifle or simply shoot at well-protected places, which is why the animal is wounded, runs away, and then dies in agony.

Domestic cartridges

Since the 5.6 mm caliber cartridge is quite often used in hunting and sports shooting, domestic manufacturers are also involved in its production. Russian-made small-caliber rifle ammunition has different names: “Marmot”, “Temp”, “Sobol”, “Extra”, “Olympus”, “Junior”.

In addition, for those who like to shoot at the shooting range, cartridges with a diameter of 4.5 mm are manufactured. They are made from lead. This design does not provide a powder charge, so such cartridges do not need a casing. Cartridges for small guns with a diameter of 4.5 mm are activated when fired due to the powerful impact of the firing pin on the rear area of ​​​​the ammunition.

Roe deer hunting

Perhaps hunting a roe deer with small fish, the main features of which we will describe below, is one of the most effective and successful ways to use this type of weapon. However, you will have to thoroughly prepare for such an event, since fishing is carried out at dusk or at night. To do this, it is recommended to acquire a night vision device or a thermal imager. Such devices are quite expensive, so it is best to buy them second-hand.

You should go for loot after 9 pm to a pre-explored area. It is recommended to lure a roe deer using an electric decoy or a pipe, which can be purchased at a hunting store. The most successful shot is best taken from a distance of one hundred yards (91 meters), then the roe deer will not notice the hunter. Aim for the head or vital organs to take down the animal with one shot.

Sports varieties

At international competitions, general rules require that all athletes have exactly the same conditions. Cartridges and weapons must comply with accepted standards. The use of .22 LR cartridges in sports can be explained by its low noise level, good penetration ability at a very short distance, low power, low recoil, as well as high reliability and accuracy. In addition, they are one of the cheapest options with a powder charge.

When shooting at a distance of about 25 m, the sight ratio should rise by about 2 cm. If the distance increases to 75 m from the target, then the bullet will drop from the aiming point by about 7 cm. If the distance is 100 m from the target, then the bullet will deflect approximately 25 cm down.

The cartridges that are used by athletes in various competitions have an all-metal bullet, which is made of lead. The mass of this ammunition is about 2.5 g. The initial speed of the bullet, which is measured from the muzzle of the barrel, is 330 m/s. Under this condition, the speed of a bullet made of lead, thanks to the rifling in the barrel, begins to stabilize. The best results in terms of accuracy can be achieved if you shoot indoors at room temperature, as well as in conditions of normal air humidity.

How to get permission?

The permit is issued separately for each weapon. It can be obtained upon purchasing a weapon and re-registered every 5 years, taking into account the technical condition of the gun, as well as when changing place of residence. It is also presented when purchasing ammunition for hunting weapons.

A permit can be issued to a weapon owner who is a member of a hunting society and has positive characteristics. However, if the owner of the weapon has left the hunting society, then his permit is canceled, and he must hand it over to the internal affairs authorities or donate it to someone who has the right to use a hunting weapon.

List of required documents

When obtaining a permit for the first time, you must pass a test of knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons in a special institution, contact the district office of ULRR with the purchased weapon and present the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • application for a permit to store and carry weapons, as well as ammunition;
  • 2 photographs 3x4cm;
  • a duplicate of the license obtained from the ULRR or from the supplier, if the weapon was purchased from the previous owner;
  • a copy of the technical passport of the weapon or the protocol for the control shooting of the rifle.

An application for a permit can be submitted to the district LRRR or left online on the government services portal. In addition to providing the specified documents, the applicant must pay a state fee for issuing a permit.

Reference. It should be borne in mind that each weapon requires a separate permit, which means that a separate payment must be made for each of them.

Procedure for obtaining permission

You need to take care of purchasing a small-caliber hunting rifle well in advance of the start of the hunting season, because the process of obtaining a license and permit for it can take a long time. The algorithm for obtaining permission is as follows:

  1. First you need to get a hunting license, which is issued by government services or specialized institutions for nature conservation. Such a document gives the citizen the right to hunt throughout the country.
  2. Prepare a place to store future weapons. Ordinary citizens without military ranks must store weapons and ammunition in accordance with the rules that ensure their safety. Internal affairs officers have the right to inspect these places where weapons are stored.
  3. Undergo special training to learn how to safely handle weapons and acquire the necessary shooting skills. This training is carried out in certified training centers.
  4. Obtain a license to purchase and use weapons and ammunition.
  5. Purchase a small-caliber rifle and register it with the Russian Guard.
  6. Obtain permission to store and carry small hunting gear.

Sports and hunting ammunition

These small bore cartridges have similar characteristics to those used for sporting events. But the former are inferior in quality, since manufacturers reduce the price of these products in order to increase demand. For those shooters who are just learning to shoot from rifled firearms, it is important that the ammunition is of very high quality, but the main condition is that it is cheap. To learn how to shoot most accurately, as well as quickly aim, you should hone your own skills and abilities over the course of several months. As a rule, 2 types of bullets are made for hunters: with a hole located in the head, as well as all-metal bullets.

Beaver hunting

According to reviews on the Internet, beaver hunting with small beavers is best done from a boat at night. To do this, you will have to acquire not only a weapon with an optical sight (a thermal imager or night vision device is not required), but also a swimming device, as well as a car headlight with a battery. It is also a good idea to bring a buddy with you to guide the boat and the spotlight while you search for game.

To hunt a beaver, you will have to use cartridges of 7.2 millimeters or higher, since a bullet that is too small will not be able to inflict a mortal wound on the animal, because it simply will not penetrate the thick layer of skin. The most vulnerable place of a beaver is its head, so try to aim at it, because even if the rodent is severely wounded, it will hide in its hut, the entrance to which is under water, so it will not be possible to get the wounded animal from there.

TOZ shotguns

Currently, Russian hunters are provided with a large assortment of small-caliber types of weapons. The most popular brand among Russian professional shooters is considered to be a rifle belonging to the TOZ family.

The first such rifle was made by a Soviet designer who lived in the city of Tula. This happened in 1932. This weapon became famous due to its simple design, reliability and reliability. This rifle was widely used for training among novice shooters. The main purpose was to hunt small animals. Since the rifle had very good accuracy, the weapon became one of the favorites among hunters and professional athletes. On the modern weapons market there are many different modifications of the TOZ brand chambered for small-caliber cartridges:

  1. TOZ-16. This modern rifle occupies a leading position in terms of sales in Russia.
  2. TOZ-17. This is a modern modification of the outdated version of TOZ-8.
  3. Carbine "Sable". This example of a firearm was created on the basis of a rifle called “Biathlon”. This carbine is equipped with two types of magazines, the capacity of which is 5 and 10 rounds. It is also possible to install an optical sight on it.
  4. TOZ-78. A very silent, accurate weapon.
  5. TOZ-78-04M. This is a modified model of the previous model of the TOZ-78 rifle.
  6. TOZ-78-01M. This model is another modification of the TOZ-78 weapon. The main difference is the ability to install additional equipment for quieter and more accurate shooting.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the .22 LR cartridge was used for sport shooting. Shotguns were used both single-shot and multi-shot. In some disciplines, different modifications of weapons could be used in competitions, while in others, athletes had to use only factory versions. Thanks to the relatively low energy of the cartridges after firing, competitions and training can be held in simple shooting ranges. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to rent a separate room or shooting range for small-caliber bullets.

Using small things for training

Practical or dynamic shooting was first invented in the 50s of the last century by Californian shooters. The first athletes were former military personnel with combat experience in hot spots. Thanks to the experience gained during the war, the competition rules were constantly improved.

For sport shooting, the .22 LR cartridge was used. Shotguns were used both single-shot and multi-shot. In some disciplines it was possible to carry out various modifications to the gun, in others the athlete had to use the factory version of the weapon.

Thanks to the low energy of the bullet after the shot, you can train and hold competitions in regular shooting ranges. To shoot from such a small caliber, you do not need to rent shooting ranges remote from populated areas or specialized mines with bullet catchers.

Hunting for fur animals

Another type of fishing in which a small-caliber rifle will show its best side. Why do people hunt hare or fox? That's right, to get valuable fur as a result. How can you preserve the trophy value of your loot when using a firearm loaded with shot or a 12-gauge bullet? That is why, to catch fur-bearing animals, it is best to acquire small fish, since they have ideal technical characteristics for this.

Of course, to shoot from a distance you will need to use an optical sight. The choice of cartridges should be based on the type of prey: for a fox, 7.2 millimeters is best, and for a hare, 5.6 millimeters is ideal. It is also recommended to use bait so that you do not have problems finding the animal, or to go hunting in winter, when tracks and trails are clearly visible in the snow.

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