Tonfa - a weapon or agricultural “crutch of the lame Lee”

Our friends from Southeast Asia have always been smart and quick-witted. In particular, the Okinawans, who popularized the tonfa (or tongwa) weapon. The exact origin is not known for certain, but one thing is clear: democratizers (the name of police batons from the time of late perestroika) are the direct descendants of these wooden weapons.

The surprising thing is that over at least a five-hundred-year history of existence, the shape of this weapon has remained virtually unchanged. New materials arrived, but the crutch remained a crutch.

Issue No. 32 Are telescopic batons legal?

However, you can often find telescopic batons on sale. Moreover, they are sold not by gun stores, which also sell licensed goods, but by online stores, individual entrepreneurs and private owners. Taking into account the ban on the sale of telescopic batons as bladed weapons with shock-crushing action, these sellers must violate Art. 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. However, not all telescopic batons are melee weapons. Many of them even have a certificate of conformity indicating the household purpose of these items as a product structurally similar to a weapon. Why is that?

If a telescopic baton is identified as a bladed weapon, it means a violation of Art. 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and for the seller, Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. That is, the manufacture and sale of bladed weapons is a criminal offense. The owner of such a product (if the fact that the baton was manufactured by the owner himself is not established) faces a maximum fine under Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (and then only due to seizure while wearing).

Telescopic baton what a punishment

The current version of the Federal Law “On Weapons” (Article 6, paragraph 1) prohibits the circulation of telescopic batons, classifying them as impact-crushing objects: Article 6. Restrictions established on the circulation of civilian and service weapons On the territory of the Russian Federation the following is prohibited: 1) circulation in as civilian and service weapons: flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other objects of impact-crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons, with the exception of sports equipment; Since telescopic batons related to objects of impact-crushing action are not related to sports equipment, their circulation in Russia is prohibited. However, telescopic batons can often be found on sale. Moreover, they are sold not by gun stores, which also sell licensed goods, but by online stores, individual entrepreneurs and private owners.

Contents “Is the telescopic baton prohibited or not?” is a question that many people ask themselves who want to acquire such an item for self-defense purposes. After all, if such an item cannot be carried with you, then any patrol can prosecute its owner if he is stopped on the street or in any public place.

The starting position for the strike is a fighting stance, the hand with the rubber stick is lowered down. With the step of the right foot, a swing is made towards the left shoulder, while the body twists as much as possible to the left. With a reverse turn of the body, a backhand blow is struck with a stick at the enemy. The starting position for the next blow is taken with the left foot stepping forward.

This multifunctional design is actively used in the armed forces, police forces and other law enforcement agencies. A hardened telescopic baton is almost a mandatory attribute of a professional as a means of self-defense.


Like most weapons created in the 20th and 21st centuries, the basic equipment when purchasing is the weapon itself with a serial number, packaging, box, instructions for use, weapon passport and care product.

Undoubtedly, using the weapon for its intended purpose is the most interesting part. Tonfa is characterized by 4 grips: for the longitudinal handle, for the striking part, for the transverse handle and a reverse grip for the transverse handle.

The grip on the longitudinal handle is standard for batons without a guard or crossbar. The blows are applied in the same way as children beat nettles with sticks. A block with this grip is placed in the same way as a blow. That is, the word “fencing” is appropriate here.

Grabbing the striking part is more interesting due to its rarity of use. A block in close contact is almost impossible, but blows from the crossbar cause serious injuries. In principle, with blows from this grip you can hammer in nails, break teeth, knock over running people, and grab the crossbar by the straps or the neck. In a word, striking with this grip is painful on an industrial scale, since proper protection is not guaranteed.

A direct grip on the crossbar is standard, therefore many more techniques have been invented for it.

Such variety is banal - in this case, the tongva is an extension of the hand. So, let's look at the main blows. A whipping block is a swing of the second hand in the direction of the strike. A poke is a blow with a combat crutch, like a fist. A whipping blow is a swing of the first hand towards the enemy - an analogue is a blow with the side of the palm.

Reverse crossbar grip. With this grip, the forearm is completely protected, but the effectiveness of hard blows is reduced. The usefulness of the poke is increased because this grip is typically used in close quarters.

The lethality of the combat crutch is average.

It is not guaranteed to kill a person, but it can cause serious injuries and injuries. Main injuries: bruises, abrasions, fractures, knocked out teeth. By the grace of God, the legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits civilians from using the tongva for its intended purpose and, therefore, causing injury.

For lovers of strength training, the tonfa will be a good exercise machine. Fighting with this weapon develops most of the muscles of the body, and if you use this fight for training with the help of dummies or in sparring, then in 1…2 years of training a thin person turns into a physically developed athlete.

Tongva fighting develops the muscles of the forearm, obliques, biceps, triceps, abs, trapezius and deltoid muscles. The correct stance develops the calf muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings and ankles.

For lovers of homemade crafts, tongvas have a certain usefulness. Attaching a handle to a mechanical meat grinder, turning it into a toy for a child, hammering nails, plowing garden beds, making a door handle - the range of applications is huge.

People's reviews of tonfas are positive; they say that they are useful on the farm and in everyday life, but an agricultural crutch cannot be worn secretly.

There are a large number of analogues of standard tonfa on the market: Prosecutor PR-24, TF-24/59, PUS-2 “Argument”, PR-90 and their modifications. A modification of the PR-90 baton - PR-90 M - has space for installing an aerosol can for Cheryomukha-10 gas. TF-24/59 has a heart-shaped hand guard.

But if police batons are not enough, any material suitable for creating weapons is at your service. But remember: the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will not approve of this.

Over its long lifespan, the tonfa managed to lose its popularity and was restored in the 20th century as police batons. The low lethality and increased rate of injury compared to an empty hand have given the Tongwe a reputation as an easy and reliable weapon to use.

Are telescopic batons legal and what are the penalties for wearing them?

1. Illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms, their main parts, ammunition (except for civilian smooth-bore, its main parts and ammunition), explosives or explosive devices - is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years with a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or without it.

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4. Illegal sale of gas weapons, cold steel, including throwing weapons - is punishable by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or without it.

Illegal sale of civilian firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, firearms of limited destruction, gas weapons, edged weapons, including throwing weapons - It is not possible to talk about the use without a specific fact.

establishes: that on the territory of the Russian Federation it is prohibited to use flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other objects of shock-crushing and throwing action specially adapted for use as weapons, with the exception of sports equipment and the specified objects of cultural value and used in cultural and educational purposes; 2. Can I carry a telescopic baton with me?

Club; the oldest human weapon, still widely used today

Soon English police weapons migrated to America. Due to the specifics of local, more spacious cities, American models were made longer. Until the mid-20th century, police officers did not know any special technique for using batons. The blows were delivered using the technique that was in use back in the Stone Age. In those years, there was no humane treatment of criminals, so the police hit them immediately on the head to stop resistance and prevent themselves from getting injured.

In 1971, the American police received a new weapon - a baton with a transverse handle. These models, which resemble traditional Japanese tonfa, are still used by police officers around the world. In addition to the police, these batons are used by private security guards.

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Contents “Is the telescopic baton prohibited or not?” is a question that many people ask themselves who want to acquire such an item for self-defense purposes. After all, if such an item cannot be carried with you, then any patrol can prosecute its owner if he is stopped on the street or in any public place.

  1. Is it possible to carry a telescopic baton with you?
  2. Is wearing a telescopic baton allowed in the Russian Federation?
  3. Can I carry a telescopic baton with me?
  4. Can you carry a telescopic baton for self-defense?
  5. Which telescopic baton is considered a weapon (parameters)
  6. Am I allowed to own and carry an expandable baton?
  7. Is there a ban on buying and carrying a telescopic baton at 15 years old?

Fine When Carrying a Telescopic Baton

Specialists from the VNIISE of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation hold a different position. On November 23, 1992, VNIISE of the Ministry of Justice of Russia issued a written consultation on the issue under consideration (? 0139/6-7). It indicated that folding (telescopic) flails belong to police folding spring sticks, i.e. to the category of special means of law enforcement agencies, and they are not edged weapons.

You're right, there is such a thing. The last name has nothing to do with it, but it’s very specific, which is why I asked. And the topic you raised is actually not telescopic batons are definitely recognized as edged weapons if they are made of metal. regardless of whether they are rigid or spring. in principle, weight matters, but for those batons that are sold in Moscow it is quite suitable. I won’t say anything about the reasons why they are being sold. You can, of course, spend a long time absorbing various manuals and works on criminology and weapons science, but to be honest, I was immersed in such subtleties when I was studying. in practice everything is simpler and faster. what to talk about?

Telescopic baton: how legal is it?

It is impossible to talk about application without concrete fact. It is possible to qualify an act according to its consequences (depending on the severity of bodily injury) taking into account the circumstances of its use. But having a bladed weapon with you and using it will not be in your favor. For self-defense, other means of protection are commercially available. Melee weapons are rather weapons not for self-defense, but for attack, and therefore carrying them is prohibited. If found, it will be confiscated.

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The tubes must be of different sizes, since one fits into the other. In addition, you will need a lock that is installed on a larger diameter pipe. An iron flat plate can act as a lock. It should be borne in mind that the better and stronger the material, the more reliable the product will be and the longer the baton will last during use.

ESP telescopic batons from the Czech Republic have gained good reviews and popularity in Russia. The online store of defense equipment of the Czech company ESP offers a wide selection of Czech high-quality metal telescopic batons of hardened (for police) and non-hardened versions, as well as accessories for them.

Regarding the TS issue, I think everything is very simple. Whether a given particular sample belongs to a bladed weapon or not is decided by an examination (a product certificate and/or information sheet is usually made by the manufacturer or importer). If there is no certificate, then an examination must be carried out upon seizure, and then where the curve will lead.

In general, everything is completely similar to knives, there are knives - edged weapons, there are household knives, the difference is determined by the examination, which is usually carried out by the manufacturer or importer. I think a private person can take care of this at his own expense, but most likely it will be expensive and hemorrhagic, especially if chemical weapons are recognized.

Are telescopic batons legal and what are the penalties for wearing them?

Currently, in the CIS countries, the presence of telescopic batons in free access to the civilian population is prohibited. The reason for this is the classification of such weapons, because these are cold weapons with crushing destructive effects. Therefore, domestic users who need means for self-defense often resort to using homemade batons.

However, such products are often used by civilians as highly effective bladed weapons for self-defense, although this is prohibited. The ESP telescopic baton, like devices from other reputable brands, has an intuitive action. Dealing with such a weapon in case of danger is not difficult compared to the same gas canister and stun gun, which need to be aimed at the enemy. Such tools have a well-balanced balance between the whip and the handle, making them extremely convenient to use.

Within the framework of the Federal Law “On Weapons”, a telescopic baton falls into the category of edged weapons with impact-crushing action, although it is not directly mentioned there. If a dispute arises about whether a particular item belongs to the category of weapon, it is ultimately resolved by an expert. His conclusion will be a convincing argument for law enforcement officials. MUK No. 1 specialists will help organize an examination and pose really important questions to the expert that will confirm the client’s position.

There are quite a lot of types of weapons, and not all of them are listed in the legislation. But all objects that can be considered weapons have one thing in common: they are initially created with the purpose of hitting a living target. And the telescopic baton is no exception. Its manufacturer emphasizes that such an item is easy to wear, because it is lightweight. In addition, the telescopic baton is invisible under clothing due to its technical characteristics that allow it to be folded. But it is used specifically to cause damage.

Where did this baton come from?

At this point, opinions vary, although most people believe that the Tongva originated in China or Indonesia before it came to Okinawa. In China, it is believed that the prototype for the baton was a crutch, hence the second name “the crutch of the lame Li” (Li Tieguai is a one-legged old man from the Taoist pantheon).

Miniature of Lame Lee

In Indonesia and Okinawa, it is believed that the prototype was the handle of a wooden hand rice mill.

But the Okinawans - real cunning ones - said that the tonfa was their invention, and in general these were the consequences of the ban on weapons after the civil war in the era of Sho Shin (early 16th century). So the tonfa existed until the end of the 19th century. At this time, Meiji ruled Japan, and local law enforcement officers walked with samurai swords.

In the Russian Empire, by the way, the police also carried sabers.

And only in 1881, the government of the Russian Empire borrowed fashionable police batons, then still wooden, from its allied countries.

Only by the middle of the 20th century did enterprising Americans patent tonfa-shaped police batons - Prosecutor PR-24. The baton was made of rubber using epoxy resins, polycarbonates and aluminum.

Telescopic baton what a punishment

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Such tools have a well-balanced balance between the whip and the handle, making them extremely convenient to use. The design of most telescopic devices for self-defense involves the use of several composite cylinders that can be nested into each other.

Is a telescopic baton for self-defense prohibited or not?

Since carrying a long metal or rubber stick with you would be inconvenient, batons for self-defense began to be made collapsible. The telescopic baton consists of several cylinders of different diameters that fit perfectly together. This design operates on the principle of a telescope, when another part extends from one part, and consists of the following elements:

Therefore, wearing a “telescope” of any design may raise unwanted questions from law enforcement officers, since this tool, like nunchucks, for example, is considered an object that is originally intended to cause bodily harm to a person. However, “telescopes” are sold in the markets, and you can also buy a telescopic baton via the Internet.

  1. Materials. As mentioned above, there are steel and plastic models. The former are more dangerous, so to avoid negative consequences it is better to give preference to structures made of durable plastic.
  2. Dimensions. The more compact the baton when folded, the better. The average size of a baton when unfolded reaches 35-40 cm. There are models with a longer length, but according to experts, a medium-sized baton is the optimal weapon for fighting an attacker.
  3. Comfortable to wear. In addition to the possibility of concealed carrying, the baton must be located in such a way that it can be quickly and easily removed if necessary. Therefore, many batons are sold in special cases that are fastened to the belt. This holster can be purchased separately.

When folded, this design can be worn over a waist belt or carried in the glove compartment of a car. At the same time, it only takes a couple of seconds for such a product to turn into a powerful cane, capable of becoming a formidable weapon against intruders at any moment.

Rubber baton for self-defense legally

Purpose, principle of operation This item is designed to protect against blows, as well as inflict them. He is also able to hold the enemy and control him. In addition to law enforcement officers, civilians also buy batons for self-defense. Of course, it’s strange to carry such an accessory with you, but in a car it won’t be at all out of place if you have a document for it. Rubber baton

  • Index N or NT – straight handle with large or fine notches.
  • The HE index is an ergonomic handle with a fine notch, which has a recess for easy grip in the first third of its length.
  • Models with index U. Designed for the North American market. The handle is different in that it has a metal frame in the place where the second link comes out of it. This increases the reliability and strength of the baton.

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The ESP telescopic baton, like devices from other reputable brands, has an intuitive action. Dealing with such a weapon in case of danger is not difficult compared to the same gas canister and stun gun, which need to be aimed at the enemy. Such tools have a well-balanced balance between the whip and the handle, making them extremely convenient to use.

Before use, the ESP telescopic baton is in a fairly compact, so-called folded state. But you can make just one vigorous movement of your hand to turn the compact cylinder into an unfolded baton, capable of causing significant bodily harm.

I apologize for interrupting you again. I read the following comment on the Internet: “In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 6 of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) establishes that on the territory of the Russian Federation the circulation as civilian and service weapons of flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other specially adapted for use in as a weapon, objects with impact, crushing and throwing action, with the exception of sports projectiles. Moreover, in accordance with Article 1 of the above-mentioned Federal Law, the circulation of weapons is understood as the production of weapons, trade in weapons, sale, transfer, acquisition, collecting, exhibiting, accounting, storage, carrying, transportation, transportation, use, seizure, destruction, import of weapons into Russian Federation and its removal from the Russian Federation.”

Hello Igor! If this is a bladed weapon, then this is part 4 of Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but liability is provided only for sales and not for acquisition. So in your case, nothing threatens you and you have the right to demand the money back, the company where you sent the money for the purchase sold it. In the worst case, you can voluntarily hand it over to the authorities, or you can write to those who told you that it is a bladed weapon..

Is it possible to carry a telescopic baton in Russia?

Folding batons are most often made in the form of two- or three-legged telescopes (where each part, when folded, is placed at the end inside the other part. The mechanisms for unfolding batons (bringing them into working condition) also differ - due to inertia or due to a spring ejection mechanism, it is also possible a combination of these two methods.The presence of a flexible last knee (in the form of a tight spring with a weighting agent at the end) equates such a telescopic baton to a flail (a weapon where the impact-crushing part is hinged or loosely attached to the base-handle).

  1. Handles. As a rule, the handle is rubber, which ensures a secure hold in your hands.
  2. The retractable parts - cylinders - that extend from the handle and unfold to the desired size will lock tightly and securely in the resulting position.
  3. As a rule, the baton kit includes a special case with which you can attach the baton to your belt.

26 Apr 2022 polrostov 224
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How to choose a telescopic baton: types, description

Let's figure out whether a telescopic baton is prohibited or not? In our country, the presence of facts of the use of such weapons can serve as an aggravating circumstance during the investigation of criminal cases. This, in turn, often leads to an increase in punishment in the form of an increase in the term of imprisonment.

  1. It is necessary to resort to the use of a baton only if you are sure that there is sufficient free space. Since most such means of self-defense do not have very impressive weight, a blow delivered without a wide scope may not produce the expected effect on the enemy.
  2. It is advisable to aim at the most vulnerable places on the attacker’s body. These are, first of all, the hands and areas unprotected by clothing.
  3. You need to understand that a telescopic baton for self-defense has a strong part - the tip area, and also a weak part - a third of the length closer to the handle.
  4. The main force of the blow should fall on the head of the baton, which greatly enhances the damaging effect.

19 Apr 2022 lawyerrp 2332
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