5.56x45 mm NATO and .223 Remington cartridges. What is the difference?

Main advantages

Now it’s worth talking about the main advantages of this weapon, which made it so popular not only in our country, but also in many others.

Of course, the main advantage is low recoil and, as a result, excellent accuracy. At a distance of 25 meters, bullets confidently fall into a circle with a diameter of 50 centimeters. Of course, for a rifled sniper rifle this figure would be considered unacceptable. But for a smooth-bore weapon it is very good. When defending a home, and even if you are not the most experienced shooter, this is very important - you can fire a large number of shots in a short period of time.

Judging by the reviews, the low weight of the cartridges can also be considered a plus. Thanks to this, during hunting you can easily carry several times more ammunition with you than, for example, when using a 12-gauge weapon.

The weapon is based on the Kalashnikov assault rifle, famous for its reliability. Many components and even the external design were taken from it. Therefore, the owner definitely won’t have to worry about reliability, especially if he manages to purchase an old weapon that was produced in the 90s, but has a small round of ammunition.

Many buyers are flattered by the fact that most modifications of the Saiga-410 have an appearance similar to its ancestor - the AK-47. However, this also has practical significance. Once you get used to handling a Kalashnikov assault rifle, switching to the Saiga-410 will be quite easy. Changing back is also much easier.


In all modifications of the Saiga, the hunting rifle operates according to a self-loading operation scheme. The powder gases exhausted after the shot and the return spring carry out the work of reloading the cartridge. After which the next shot is carried out by simply pressing the trigger.

Most models are equipped with a barrel length of 520 mm. There are also samples with an elongated barrel - 555 mm, and a shortened one - 415 mm (Saiga-MK carbine). The weight of the weapon with an empty magazine is 3.6-3.9 kg, length is 1,040-1,165 m.

Standard samples are equipped with an aiming bar and a front sight, which can be calibrated in two planes. The aimed shooting distance in this modification is 300 m. The carbine can also be equipped with various optical devices that will not interfere with direct aiming. Depending on the modification, the performance characteristics of the Saiga can vary significantly.


During the fighting in North Korea, the Pentagon leadership came to the conclusion that the army needed new ammunition for small arms. The 30-06 cartridge in service was not suitable for creating new systems of manual automatic weapons, since it had too much power. When firing in bursts from a light rapid-fire rifle, this cartridge produced too much recoil, and the accuracy of the automatic burst was too low. The US Army needed a new lightweight assault rifle chambered for a smaller caliber and with less muzzle energy. Remington Arms has developed such ammunition, which is called the 222 Remington. The sleeve length is 43.18 mm, the bullet weight is up to 4 g, the initial speed is up to 1100 m/s, the muzzle energy is up to 1590 J. The cartridge was not accepted into service in the army due to insufficient penetration, but it became the first representative of a whole class of 5.56-caliber hunting ammunition, which is still popular due to its inexpensive price, low recoil, low shot noise and relatively gentle impact on the barrel of a weapon. Subsequent modifications of the 5.56 caliber were also created for the needs of the army; the 223 caliber became the standard cartridge for the armies of NATO countries, but almost all of these modifications found the widest application in the civilian sphere, including hunting.

Advantages and disadvantages of Vepr-223 carbines

Like any hunting weapon, the Vepr-223 carbine has a number of advantages and disadvantages. As for its advantages:

  • The design of the Kalashnikov light machine gun is incredibly reliable and durable;
  • Despite the fact that automatic carbines are often picky in terms of the choice of ammunition, the good old Kalash can “digest” absolutely any ammunition of a suitable caliber;
  • The great external resemblance to military weapons also helps the Vepr-223 carbine remain at the peak of popularity.

The problem is that not everyone understands that a military RPK cannot be made into an excellent hunting carbine, no matter how much one would like it. The disadvantages of Vepr-223 are as follows:

  • Often the base of the front sight is pressed onto the barrel at an angle. Moreover, this is noticeable even at first close glance. It becomes unclear whether there is a quality control department, or whether the assemblers themselves put an acceptance stamp on their products;
  • The rib is also often offset;
  • Not only is the handguard not properly adjusted, it is often also asymmetrical on both sides;
  • The butt is often poorly secured and has significant play, which greatly affects the accuracy of fire;
  • Sometimes the trigger sticks after firing and does not fully return to its original position. This makes it impossible to put the carbine on safety.

If you want to get a better-made product, then it is not recommended to buy the basic model. It is better to buy Vepr-223 Super. It is worth noting that as a result of global improvements, the Vepr-223 in the basic configuration becomes significantly better than the factory model with the “Super” prefix.

Weapon Selection

Now you know who you can hunt with 223 REM. However, the success of such an event often depends on a correctly selected carbine, which will become your reliable companion for many years. Foreign manufacturers, as well as domestic ones, offer a fairly wide range of rifles of this caliber, which are ideal for hunting. For example, one of the best examples is the Adar-2-15 carbine of 223 rem caliber, which is used not only in Russia, but also in foreign countries.

Also, do not forget about the legendary Saiga, some modifications of which were specially chambered for 5.65 x 45 mm cartridges. This model is suitable not only for those who prefer to use domestic weapons, but also for those who appreciate reliability, since the Saiga can be used in almost any climatic conditions. The temperature range can be from -50 °C to +50 °C. In addition, the weapon is unpretentious during operation. You can “feed” it not only with expensive imported ammunition, but also with homemade cartridges, which are much cheaper.

To choose the right rifle for hunting, you should take into account not only the country of origin and its technical features, but also your own body composition. Most likely, while hunting you will have to use an optical sight, so the weapon should be comfortable to aim not only with the help of a support and bipod, but also from a standing position. If you buy a rifle that is too heavy, you are unlikely to be able to quickly fire a well-aimed shot, and when hunting, every second of delay can be catastrophic.

It is also highly recommended to choose a weapon with a sighting rail that is designed to mount dovetail optical sights. Such sighting devices are much cheaper than expensive imported analogues, but you should not have any special need for high-power optics. It is quite enough to purchase three- or six-time optics, which will allow you to hit even a duck in the eye from a distance of 100 yards.

The most charismatic modification of Vepr-233

One of the most interesting and brutal models of the Vepr-223 line is the Vepr-1B rem modification. This is a very specific hunting weapon, which becomes obvious from a quick glance at it. The fact is that externally the Vepr-233-1B model almost completely copies the Kalashnikov light machine gun. Its design has the following features:

  • There is a folding stock;
  • Bipod for shooting;
  • Rear sight identical to the RPK rear sight;
  • Slit flame arrester.

This modification is the heaviest in the line – its weight is 5.2 kg. The main difference from the RPK is the lack of the ability to fire in bursts.

Naturally, hunting with Vepr-233 1B is very problematic. Since shooting ranges are found only in large cities, this model is not widespread in Russia. Basically, the Vepr is purchased by foreigners, who value it very much for its appearance and fighting qualities.


As mentioned earlier, the prototype of the Saiga was the AK-47, which is distinguished by its reliable and simple design. If you didn’t skip life safety classes at school, you can easily partially disassemble the Saiga in a matter of seconds. However, do not forget to completely unload the weapon and remove it from the safety lock before doing this.

It is also necessary to disassemble a self-loading carbine exclusively indoors and in a place specially equipped for this. This should be done slowly so as not to damage the parts in the process. Even the slightest deformation as a result of careless handling can lead to disruption of the entire mechanism.

Carbine modifications

Saiga carbines have markings characteristic of all calibers. At the beginning there is a word that indicates belonging to the family - “Saiga”, followed by a letter sign indicating the modification.

There are such weapon modifications as:

  • "Saiga-M" is a modernized model with an extended barrel. The bolt has three lugs, the firing mechanism system requires less force for release, and the butt is equipped with a rubber butt plate.
  • M1, M2 and the Saiga-M3 carbine are different options for manufacturing the M modification.
  • The Saiga-MK carbine is a model with a shortened barrel and a locking mechanism that prevents shooting with the butt folded.

The letter markings are followed by numbers. They indicate the caliber of the weapon.

The following numerical types of markings can be distinguished:

  • No index - a carbine designed to fire a standard cartridge - 7.62x39mm.
  • Number 223 – cartridge caliber – 5.56x45mm.
  • The Saiga-308 carbine allows you to fire a 7.62x51mm cartridge.
  • The number 5.6 is the cartridge caliber – 5.6x39mm.
  • Number 9 – cartridge caliber 9x53mm or 9x19 Parabellum.

If the carbine has a special design, then an additional index may be indicated through a space. For example: EXP 01 - indicates a modification for police needs.

How to avoid damaging the fur of fur-bearing game?

What can you hunt with the .223 REM, besides predators and birds? You can go hunting for fur-bearing animals to acquire valuable fur and dietary meat. However, so that the trophy value of your loot is not greatly spoiled, it is necessary to reduce the amount of gunpowder in order to reduce the initial speed of the bullet to 300 meters per second. During this process, one important rule must be used - the weight cannot be reduced by more than 10% of the standard number. Otherwise, there will not be enough potential energy for the projectile to reach the target.

The best time of year for hunting fur-bearing animals is winter, when foxes and hares grow beautiful and thick fur. It can also be quite simple to identify the animal by tracks and trails that are clearly visible on the white snow. To increase your chances of a successful hunt, you can use a four-legged assistant who can quickly pick up the scent. However, hunting should be carried out from the approach, and not from the drive. If you constantly run after the dog, you will become very exhausted, which is why you will not be able to make a well-aimed shot, since the aiming bar in the optics will shake a lot.

Using a cartridge for hunting

However, to successfully shoot a large animal, you will first have to study its anatomical features, since if you do not kill the predator with one shot, this can lead to tragic consequences. For most wild animals, the weak spots are the head and chest, so aim there. By the way, almost all 223 REM caliber carbines have an excellent optical sight, which allows you not only to make a well-aimed shot from a long distance, but also to use optics for reconnaissance of the area.


Any weapon needs regular and thorough lubrication. “Saiga” is far from an exception in this regard. Lubrication of smooth-bore weapons is carried out no later than after 24 hours of use. Otherwise, the powder residue will turn into soot, which will then be very difficult to get rid of. Before lubrication, it is necessary to partially disassemble the weapon. It is recommended to use the cleaning rod that comes with the carbine, a clean rag and high-quality gun oil as tools.

First, you need to clean the muzzle channel, since this is where most traces of gunpowder accumulate. To do this, use a cleaning rod after dipping it in gun oil. We take out the tool, wipe it with a rag to remove carbon deposits, lubricate it with oil again and repeat the procedure. This must be done at least 8 times. Also, do not forget to lubricate other parts that are exposed to gunpowder, such as the bolt carrier, at the end.

Is it possible to hunt birds?

While figuring out what you can hunt with the 223 REM, you can't help but answer the fairly common question of whether this type of ammunition can be used when hunting ducks or geese. This is what novice hunters most often think about, for whom hunting for birds represents the classic shooting of flying birds with a double-barreled shotgun loaded with shot. However, hunting from hidden areas or along the coast is far from the only way to obtain dietary poultry meat.

Weapons for 223 Remington

The 223 caliber carbine is one of the fastest growing types of hunting weapons. The domestic manufacturer offers a range of models, mainly semi-automatic and bolt-action repeating rifles. Of the domestic developments, it is worth mentioning, first of all, Saiga. This is a universal self-loading carbine of 223 caliber, which can be called “omnivorous”. Thanks to a well-chosen barrel length ratio of 52 cm and a rifling pitch of 240 cm, this weapon is suitable for using 223 caliber cartridges with a bullet weight of 3.5 to 4.5 g. The optimal bullet weight for it is 4 grams. At a 100-meter distance, 4 gr bullets. easily fit into a five-centimeter circle. The Vepr self-loading carbine is a whole line of models developed on the basis of the RPK barrel and mechanisms. The variability of the Vepr models has been expanded to include options with different barrel lengths. Among the imported weapons, the Remington 700 223 caliber should be highlighted. Reviews indicate the unsurpassed accuracy of this weapon. For optimal results, you should choose ammunition to match the twist of your Remington, since the manufacturer produces several variations of this weapon with 9- and 12-inch twists. Czech 223-caliber hunting rifles traditionally occupy an honorable place among models of similar weapons. The CZ-527, in various modifications, is an excellent option for a sporting bolt-action repeating rifle. High shot accuracy ensures first places in any shooting competition. But for casual hunting of small birds and animals, this Czech weapon will be an excellent option. Light weight and high reliability with amazing shot accuracy will make hunting an easy and exciting experience. High accuracy is due to the barrel manufacturing technology - rotational forging. The popularity of the 5.56 caliber for hunting is increasing every year in our country, thanks to the high accuracy, availability and low cost of this ammunition.

Vepr-223 Super and its description

The Vepr-223 Super hunting carbine went on sale in 2000. The manufacturer listened to the feedback from hunters and released a model that was devoid of some of the shortcomings of the basic modification. True, they had to pay a significantly higher price for this, and it was not possible to remove all the design flaws.

The Super model has a solid stock and an orthopedic butt. This modification of the Boar is more suitable for hunting than its predecessor. A big advantage of the design is the ability to fire quickly and accurately. The technical characteristics of this model are almost identical to the performance characteristics of the Vepr-223 Pioneer model, but the build quality is much better.

Interchangeability of 5.56 caliber ammunition

Both cartridges are interchangeable, and they can be used when shooting from military weapons with the wrong twist, but the shooting results in this case will be noticeably different. The 223 Remington caliber is less stable in flight, while the 5.56 NATO standard has higher penetration. The wounds produced by the 223 Rem are very destructive because the lighter bullet travels at a higher velocity and is less stabilized due to the longer twist. Once in the victim’s body, this bullet begins to rotate chaotically and move along a broken trajectory. But for combat operations, other ammunition was needed to pierce helmets and body armor. The modern NATO standard 5.56X45 was developed in Belgium for the next modification of the M 16 rifle, which was designated M 16A2. The barrel was heavier and the twist became shorter. The heavier bullet acquired better stabilization, which increased its penetration ability.

.223 Bullet Guide; .243; 6.5 mm; 7mm; .30 caliber

The material was prepared together with the company B-ShootingSupply


The best bullets by barrel diameter

Choice of bullets for . .223 Remington and .223 AI

The bullets used in the .223 Rem and .223 AI calibers will all be .224 diameter. The choice of bullets in .224 will be huge, almost the same as in .30 caliber. In light weights, you can find brittle or brittle bullets that almost vaporize when they hit the ground, but resist the stress and damaging effects of your round's velocity. In these tasks, bullets with a 36 gr composite core can be distinguished. Varmint Grenade series from Barnes and 40 gr. V-Max series bullets from Hornady, BlitzKing series from Sierra. They work great on small targets and varmint; and typically do not have an exit hole in the target. Watch a video recorded at high speed - Varmint Grenade, the bullet has an explosive effect when it hits a grapefruit, at a speed of 4344 fps (link). Barnes explains: “Originally developed for military use, composite core bullets are very fragile. The new FB hollow point bullets remain intact even at ultra-high velocities, but have a fragmented explosive effect on impact - they literally vaporize small rodents and pests. The bullet has a bursting action at high velocities, creating little or no exit hole on large animals."

For standard hunting bullets, Sierra offers them in 65 gr. Game King series bullet; Nosler company 60 gr. Patrinion and Barnes bullet with their Triple-Shock X-Bullet series bullets in 53, 62 and 70 gr. weight Bullets weighing 70 gr. (seventies) have good penetration on medium game, but require a barrel twist of 1:8″ or more to stabilize.

Match grade bullets for target shooting

For competition at close ranges (100 - 300 yards) we can find a large number of Match bullets 50-53 gr., in both variations, both made to order (custom bullets) and sold in stores. Custom bullets 52 gr. in .224 caliber are offered by private American benchrest bullet makers such as Bart Sauter, Lester Bruno and Don Gentner. Lester also makes very accurate bullets at 57 weight. Berger bullets also perform well in weight variations of 50-65 g. The Berger company offers many variations of Berger FB bullets in 50, 52, 55, 60, 62 and 64 gr. weight. This wide selection allows you, roughly speaking, to choose your Ballistic Coefficient (BC) from .241 from 50 to .306 for 64 grains. If you're looking for a do-it-all bullet that clumps up tiny on paper and also works as a varmint in the field, Berger bullets are your choice.

Bullets for medium distances (300-600 yards) - Mid-Range

For medium distances, the choice for shooters will be even greater, weighing 68-80 g. a lot shown on the page. Pay attention to the 69 gr bullets. Lapua Scenar series (.321 BC), 75 g. Hornady A-Max series (.435 BC) and 75 gr. Berger VLD series bullet (.447 BC). Some people often say, “Don't tell us about the A-Max 75gr bullets. They are cheap now and fly well." Indeed, A-Max is a profitable bullet. Some can be found for very cheap, which is a very good deal.

Match bullets for long ranges

Bullets weighing 77 gr. and 80 gr. Sierra MatchKings are probably the default 22 gauge for high power long range bullets, but we've heard a lot of good things about the 80gr. Hornady A-Max bullets and 75 gr. / 80 gr. Berger Match VLD bullets. If you're shooting an 8-twist barrel at long range, you'll want to go with whatever shoots best out of your barrel. New bullets 90 gr. The company's Sierra and Berger caused a lot of fuss when they were introduced in 2006, but we haven't heard much feedback from shooters using them in competition, most likely they require a very fast barrel twist (1:6.5″ typically), and the 80 is already eat and fly well. Robert Whitley said he rarely sees a .22 shooter using anything heavier than 80g. in the prone position (Prone). But perhaps in the near future competition participants will require barrels with a fast twist.

The table is based on the maximum velocities (by bullet type) in the Sierra Loading Guide for bolt-action rifles in .223 Remington.

6 mm (.243) caliber bullets

Hunting bullets

For a varmint, the Sierra 70gr Blitz-King and Hornady 75gr V-Max bullets have a good combination of accuracy, BC, and explosive impact on target. Berger 80 gr Varmint bullets have distinctive accuracy, but behave differently when they hit the target. For coyotes, the 80 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip and Hornady 87 gr V-Max fly very well in the wind and hit just as well. For small deer, Sierra recommends their 85 gr HPBT GameKing bullet for shooting and hitting soft tissue out to 200 yards. When deep penetration and good residual weight are required, you will need bullets like Nosler - 95gr or 100gr Partition, Remington 100gr Core-Lokt SP or Sierra 100gr SPFB Pro-Hunter.

American hunter and wilderness writer Chuck Hawks wrote: “When using the .243 to hunt medium to large game, bullet choice will be a primary consideration. Fast (but controlled) expansion is very important due to the small diameter of the 6mm bullet. has a low shock effect if it does not open and may not spread the energy of the cartridge in the animal. Two 90-100 grain bullets that have a good reputation for medium to large game are the Remington Core-Lokt and the Nosler Partition.”

Combined bullet technology 95 gr. Ballistic Tip (made by Nosler) is another favorite among deer hunters. North Dakota Hunter: “This is a very accurate bullet with potential. I used this bullet on a deer hunt last fall and was more than surprised by its performance. Shot a deer at 512 yards, the bullet hit, the deer ran 20 steps and that was it.”

Forum member Jeffrey H from Mississippi: “I have had very good results with the 95gr Ballistic Silvertip Composite bullet. My son has used them to take three deer this year and not a single wounded one. I also used a Barnes TSX 85 gr and not only had excellent grouping but also took two deer with a quick take. I think we all know how accurate 6mm bullets are."

Mike Daly, Hodgdon's director of customer service, writes, “The .243 has quickly established a reputation as an excellent hunting cartridge. Cartridge with Hodgdon H4895 powder and 55 gr. with a Nosler Ballistic Tip bullet will give a velocity of 4050 fps for a varmint. For larger game, the cartridge can be loaded with a Barnes Triple Shock X-BT bullet weighing 85 gr. with a maximum charge of the H4350 it will give speeds of over 3200 fps. For deer and antelope hunters, it is difficult to offer anything other than the Speer BTSP 100 gr bullet. and H4350 gunpowder, this combination will give a speed of more than 2970 fps. For big deer hunters, I use the Nosler Partition 95gr bullet. with a maximum load of gunpowder H4350 which produces 3085 fps. This rig has been tested on many deer, antelope and even a couple of coyotes.”

Match grade bullets

With enough potential to make 0.585 BC with a 115gr DTAC bullet. at 3150+ fps. The .243 Win is an excellent long-range cartridge. George Gardner of GA Precision won the 2006 Shumway Cup long-range shooting competition in the Snipers' Hide Cup class shooting a .243Win. So George beat out Terry Cross with the .260 Rem and David Tubb with the 6XC, and you can see that the 243 is a great caliber for long range shooting. In fact, according to Wind Drift, the .243 weighs 155 gr. and a speed of 3150 fps is ahead of both calibers: .260 Rem with a speed of 2850 fps and 6.5-284 with a speed of 2950 fps with 142 gr bullets. MatchKings.

In addition to the DTAC 115 gr bullets, there are also excellent long-range match grade bullets: 105 gr. Berger VLD, 106 gr. Clinch River, 105 gr. Hornady A-Max, 105 g. Lapua Scenar and 107 gr. Sierra MatchKing. Bullets 105 gr. The Scenar is incredibly accurate, but its diameter is several thousandths smaller than the Berger 105 gr., Hornady 105 gr. or Sierra 107 gr., so these bullets will work well in a small bore. Berger bullets are good to seat on rifling when MatchKing and Scenar work well with a small gap or, conversely, a long fit in the barrel. Bullets 105 gr. The Hornady A-Max is a polymer-tipped bullet that performs well at both long-range targets and long-range varmints. A-Max bullets open up on impact, with some high BC match grade bullets simply passing right through. Matt Bianchini says: “I use long range bullets for woodchuck hunting here in Pennsylvania with excellent results in my .243 AI. My favorite bullet is the Hornady 105gr A-Max clocked at 3290 fps from a 27″ Shilen. Works great on white-tailed deer too.”

Bullets 6.5 mm (.264)

Bullet selection

There are many high BC bullets available in 6.5mm. to date. Match bullets are winning competitions and breaking records from manufacturers such as Berger, Clinch River, Lapua, Sierra and several exclusive private bullet manufacturers such as Jimmy Knox and Bob Cauterucio. Among factory-produced bullets, there are generally three best choices for the Sierra 142 gr. Match-King, Lapua 139 gr. Scenar, and Berger 140 gr. VLD. Comparing these three bullets, the Sierra has the toughest jacket when the Berger has the highest reported Ballistic Coefficient (BC). Field tests show the Berger drops less than a 142 SMK (Sierra Match-King) at 1000 yards fired at similar velocities. Most top competitors vote for the 142 SMK, but those who shoot the 139 Scenar are very pleased with the bullet's accuracy and design stability. If the 142 doesn't work in your gun, definitely try the Scenar bullets. And Clinch River 147 bullets still hold important records at 1000 yards, but availability may be an issue.

Bullets140 VLDClinch River 147Lapua 139 ScenarSierra 142 MK
Stated data BC0.6270.625 (HBC Calc)0.6150.595 @ 2850+

Previously, 142 SMKs had to be sorted according to the length of their working surface in order to have optimal accuracy and consistency. However, when compared to the other 142, the bullets are very consistent. Jason Baney: “I went through a 500 pack. 142 SMK bullets on their surface, and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised. They are on par with custom (custom) bullets in terms of stability.”

142 SMK working surface lengthQuantity pcs.

Bill Shehane currently uses 142 SMKs, graded at .002″ surface variations, because he feels he gets better consistent results with predictable data. Bill noted, “I also shoot Berger 140 and Lapua 139. Both bullets are very good and I have gotten my smallest groups with them. But for me the Sierras have been the most consistent. In our 1000 yard events, consistency is the key to success. The smallest group alone will not win the championship. "Four and one" or "nine and one" with one miss can ruin your whole day. For me this happened least with the Sierra 142″ bullets.

Bullets 7mm

Wide selection of high BC bullets

One of the main reasons to shoot the 7 mm cartridge is the huge selection of really good bullets, weighing from 100 to 180+ gr. The line below shows a small portion of the excellent 7mm bullets available today. Caliber 7mm. Beloved by hunters, military personnel and target shooters for decades, bullet manufacturers have had plenty of time to improve their creations. For hunters, a good selection of bullet designs in 7mm (.284 caliber) rivals in quantity only 30 gauge, and 7mm. has an advantage in ballistics, grain to grain, compared to the larger 30 caliber. All major bullet manufacturers offer excellent hunting products in the 130-160 grain weight range: Barnes 140gr TSX (.412 BC, tipped, non-lead) and 160gr MRX (.439 BC, tipped), Hornady 139gr SST (.486 BC with tipped) and 154gr Interbond (.525 BC, with tip), Nosler 140/150/160gr Partitions (.434-.475 BC), Sierra 150gr GameKing (.436 BC, SP), Speer 140gr Trophy Bonded (.360 BC, SP) ...to name a few. Whether you want an explosive bullet with a ballistic tip, high density for maximum penetration, or a single design for maximum residual weight, you will find that the 7mm bullet does the job just fine.

High Ballistic Coefficient match grade bullets

While hunters have a wealth of choices for good 7mm bullets, long-range target shooters can concentrate on a half-dozen excellent bullet designs in the 160gr range. and those close to him. There are not many premium match designs on the market, but these will definitely be the best, such as the Berger 180 gr VLD, which will truly be the leader. Berger 180gr VLD bullets, with their amazing ballistic coefficient of 0.684 BC, are one of the best long range bullets ever made...in all calibers. The Sierra 175gr MatchKing has also proven its excellent performance in long-range shooting and F-Class competition. It has a durable and reliable shell that can handle the high velocities found on short and full-length magnum versions of the 7mm cartridge. Also keep an eye out for the Hornady 162gr A-Max bullet with a ballistic coefficient of 0.625 BC. It is a very accurate bullet that can be accelerated faster than 175 or 180. Professional .284 Win shooter Jerry Tierney reports that the Hornady 162gr A-Max is distinctively accurate and likely the best bullet he has tested. 162 gr. The A-MAX is also an excellent choice for silhouette target shooters with high power weapons in this class.

Advantage of 7mm caliber – High BC and acceptable recoil

Analysis of 7mm caliber for long-range shooting

by Brian Litz

Caliber selection is a combination of science and preference. All pros and cons are weighed according to application. The following data on the superiority of the 7mm caliber for long range target shooting is based on my work.

Ballistic Performance 7 mm

There are several heavy, high BC match grade bullets offered in 7mm, this line includes 175gr. SMK, 180 gr. JLK and Berger VLD. Berger claims a BC of 0.684 for their 180gr VLD bullet. There are no smaller caliber bullets that have a higher BC than these 7mm bullets. The table below shows the ballistic advantages of 7mm. cartridges.

CartridgeBulletFPS speedDrop/drift 300 ydDrop/drift 600 ydDrop/drift 1000 yd
7mm WSM180gr Berger VLD30009.75″ | 3.83″63.81″ | 16.13″235.19″ | 49.31″
7mm SAUM180gr Berger VLD297010.02″ | 3.87″65.38″ | 16.38″240.81″ | 50.10″
.284 Win180gr Berger VLD283011.31″ | 4.10″73.27″ | 17.69″269.88″ | 54.26″
7mm-08168gr Berger VLD267013.32″ | 4.67″85.03″ | 20.39″317.97″ | 64.04″
.308 Win175 Sierra MK269013.84″ | 6.24″91.58″ | 27.64″365.74″ | 89.24″
6.5-284142 Sierra MK295010.42″ | 4.48″69.25″ | 19.52″263.08″ | 61.02″
.243 Win115 DTAC31208.97″ | 4.24″60.82″ | 18.25″232.3″ | 57.0″

Fall and wind drift calculated with Point-Blank at 70 F and 1000′ elevation. As the manufacturers assure, BC is indicated: 0.684 for 180gr 7mm Berger VLD; 0.643 for 168gr 7mm Berger VLD; 0.608 for 175gr 7mm SMK; 0.595 for 142gr 6.5mm SMK; 0.496 for 175gr 30-cal SMK; 0.585 for 115gr 6mm DTAC.

With modifications made to medium cases like the .284 Winchester, these heavy bullets can easily be accelerated to 2800 fps. At this speed, high BC 7mm bullets have less wind drift than all but the smallest chambers. [ Author's footnote with the recent introduction of Reloder 17 powder, a standard .284 WIN with a 180 gr bullet. can be pushed to 2950 fps, and the .284 Improved can reach 3050 fps with a long barrel. ] In other words, anything smaller than 7mm must be accelerated quite strongly by high pressure/lower barrel and chamber life to achieve superior match ballistic performance from heavy 7mm bullets at variable pressures and velocities. To achieve these BC heavy 7mm match bullets, the .30 cal bullets have a similar profile at 210 grains. This is to equalize BC. To equalize wind drift, 210 gr. a 30 caliber bullet should have the same muzzle velocity – 2800 fps. This speed is achievable in the largest 30 caliber chambers, but leads to the following consequences - recoil.

Consideration of impact data

Recoil can be considered as a predominant part of the analysis. Each shooter will have his own idea of ​​a comfortable and tolerable level of recoil. Bullets weighing 175-180 grains 7 mm at 2800 fps will have the same level of recoil as .308 Winchester 155 gr bullets at 3000 fps, which is considered the most tolerable among shooters. To achieve the ballistics of a heavy 7mm bullet, a .30 at 210gr at 2800 fps will have 17% more recoil. Again, that's 17% more recoil just to match the 7mm. The .30 caliber has the potential to shoot heavier bullets at higher velocities, but only a few shooters will be able to tolerate the recoil.


With a large caliber, with the specified data, the ballistic data is excellent, but the recoil is unacceptable. In a small caliber, recoil is comfortable, but ballistics suffer. Many shooters, myself included, find their balance between ballistics and recoil right in the 7mm using heavy bullets. Each shooter has his own recoil tolerance scale, and must use the most efficient use of energy that is built into him."

.30 caliber bullets

Match grade bullets

The bullets in the picture below are just a portion of the quality 30 gauge match grade bullets available to .308 caliber shooters. From a quick glance, there are at least 20 different bullets worth trying. Still, with so many choices, almost all competitors tend to use one of five bullets: 155 Berger, 155 Lapua Scenar, 155 Sierra MK, 168 Sierra MK or 175 Sierra MK. A few shooters have had luck with 168gr A-max (.475 BC) bullets, and some like to shoot heavy 185gr Berger (.569 BC), 185gr Scenar (.521 BC) or 190gr SMKs (.533 BC) at 1000 yards, but most shooters .308 calibers work with 155, 168 or 175 Sierra. Along with the 155, John Whidden had great success with Berger bullets planted well in the margins. The Lapua 155 has an impressive .508 BC (and you'll notice that it's longer than the 175 MK), and you can get it faster than the 168 or 175. Between the 168 SMK (.488 BC) and the 175 SMK (.505 BC); Most shooters think the 175 is unstable, but overall it does have a better angle for long ranges - less drop and less wind drift. We recommend that in developing your initial loads for your .308, you focus on these five bullet types, and maybe then try some A-MAX and heavy SMKs. Sierra will soon begin selling the new 210gr bullet. SMK. It will likely be a little heavy for a .308, but should work well in a 300WM or 30-06.

Hunting bullets

Most bullet manufacturers such as Barnes, Hornady, Nosler, Sierra, Speer and Swift offer a wide range of hunting bullets in .308 caliber with weights ranging from 100 to 240 grains. For small game and varmint, the Sierra 110gr Varminter bullet has proven to be accurate. For hunting game like deer, a 150 grain bullet (like the Swift Scirocco) at 2850+ fps will be very effective.

Reader M700: » A very accurate bullet with a fast expanding action will get my thumbs up for medium range deer hunting. There is talk of two Nosler Ballistic Tip or Sierra SPBT GameKing bullets. Both have a reputation for rapid expansion and excellent accuracy. With the .308 Win you can fire a 150 bullet at 2900 fps and have excellent accuracy combined with great performance on game. » Hornady 165gr SST with their excellent .447 BC is another great choice for long range deer hunters. For elk or big game, choose a heavier, controlled expansion bullet such as the 180gr Nosler Partition.


A special passion of any hunter is the ability to customize a weapon to suit his preferences. And SOK-97 is no exception.

On the Internet you can easily order various components for a carbine: tactical grips and flashlights, plastic stocks and stocks, a variety of optical and collimator sights.

Some enthusiasts experiment with the rifle's internal mechanics.

Despite high competition, Vyatskiye Polyany products occupy one of the leading positions in the Russian arms market. In particular, this was facilitated by the successful modification of the “Vepr” chambered for the .223 Rem cartridge. By the way, this model is widespread not only in the vastness of our Motherland, but also in Europe and the USA.

Features of hunting a predatory animal

Some of the best rifles for hunting are the 223 REM CZ carbines. For example, the 550 model is ideal for a beginner; it already comes with an optical sight that does not require a lot of setup. You can also use the domestic analog “Bars-4-1” in caliber 223 REM, which has slightly reduced combat characteristics, but is relatively inexpensive. In general, you can find quite a few models for this type of ammunition, but you should choose only those carbines that have been tested by time, and not buy cheap analogues from unknown manufacturers.

Number and length of rifling

The rifling in the barrel serves to ensure that the bullet rotates as it leaves the barrel. The rotation of the bullet in flight provides increased accuracy of the shot.

The number, direction of rotation, type and pitch of rifling vary from rifle to rifle.

The grooves can have different profiles: rectangular, trapezoidal, triangular, oval. The most common are rectangular and trapezoidal rifling profiles.

The pitch of the rifling (twist) is the distance at which the rifling makes one full revolution. In Russia, the rifling pitch is indicated in millimeters, in Western countries in one turn per number of inches.

A longer bullet needs a shorter (faster) rifling pitch, a shorter bullet needs a longer (slower) twist.

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