"Vepr" with tusks caliber 7.62

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews and short review videos about this weapon, but they do not provide a detailed description and detailed characteristics of its modifications. One thing is clear from them: the boar VPO 148 is a fairly popular hunting model, which is used not only by hunters and athletes, but also by law enforcement agencies. Let's try to figure out what kind of animal this is and how it can please us.

VPO 148

The product is intended for the extraction of fauna in areas with cold and temperate climates; it can withstand temperature changes from -50 to +50ºС, which is very impressive (Figure 1).

Brief description of Vepr VPO 148


  1. Russian development from Molot-Weapon.
  2. Its magazine holds 10 rifled cartridges.
  3. This is a self-loading hunting model of 5.45x39 caliber.
  4. Provides for the conduct of only single fire.

In addition, the Vepr VPO 148 carbine has its own distinctive features:

  1. Compact dimensions, easy to transport - the folding stock with an adjustable cheekpiece folds to the right, allowing you not to remove the installed optics.
  2. Increased shooting convenience - the safety lever makes it quicker and easier to turn it on without taking your hand off the handle, and the magazine release key works similarly thanks to its improved latch.
  3. The smooth travel of the trigger due to the improved design of the firing mechanism has a positive effect on the accuracy of the shot and ensures low recoil.

Figure 1. External features of the carbine
The carbine is also distinguished by the simple installation of additional accessories - the forend is equipped with 4 Picatinny rails, and the gun itself is equipped with a sector sight and a removable DTK, while the front sight is located to the gas block.

Development history

Today, this is one of the most popular developments of the Molot-Weapon LLC concern. The domestic carbine VPO 148 has its own brief history.

Its first model was made on the basis of the RPK-74, a Kalashnikov light machine gun - equipped with the same sector sight with a mechanism for introducing lateral corrections.

It differs from its brother in lighter weight and relatively compact dimensions. One of the common hunting calibers, 5.45x39 mm, was taken as a basis, which allows the use of standard versions of AK-74 magazines for sport shooting due to an identical mounting unit.

The model was developed for beginner hunters, athletes and self-defense. At the moment it is also used by law enforcement officers. To increase wear resistance against mechanical abrasion, as well as erosion and corrosion resistance, the chamber and bore, its rod and gas chamber with the bolt frame piston were chrome-plated. The remaining parts - the forend, control handle, magazine, cheek piece and butt plate - are made of polymer.

Design Features

The firearm belongs to the class of modern semi-automatic weapons; the Vepr VPO 148 1v operates on the principle of automatic reloading. It uses the energy of the return spring and powder gases (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Design features of the model

When fired, the latter are retracted from the barrel into the gas chamber. The carbine is equipped with a removable muzzle brake and compensator, and the trigger mechanism makes it possible to fire a single shot and set the safety to a flag type.


Three-line “Vepri” produced in Vyatsko-Polyansky appeared on sale in 2006, which somewhat diversified the small family of conversion and fenced semi-automatic machines chambered for 7.62x54R.

After 10 years, the situation on the domestic weapons market has not changed radically, but well-known changes have occurred with the supply of imported weapons and ammunition to Russia.


, but for the bulk of Russian hunters, everything or almost everything has returned to normal. On the one hand, the past ten-year period could not have been taken into account if not for the rapid development of events that led to market restructuring.


At the time of writing this article, further qualitative changes have emerged in the sphere of civilian weapons circulation, which in the near future may become a factor of significant influence when choosing a carbine for the most common Russian hunts. And “Vepr” chambered for an affordable and widespread cartridge in this situation already occupies a relatively small but stable market niche.

Shooting from "VPO-123" with an installed optical sight DH 3-12x50.
Despite the large mass of the complex, barrel toss when fired occurs

VPO-124 (“Vepr-Hunter”) chambered for 7.62x54R
is a good option for supporters of the theory of “proper hunting weapons” (photo from the plant’s website)


Who needs to be convinced that something very wrong is going on with the world economy? The accomplished globalization does not allow a single country to “fall out” from the list of victims during a controlled crisis, as happened with the USSR in the 1930s. Russia is being carefully drawn into a destructive cycle, and now much will depend on the actions of our government.

With unequivocal confidence

One can assume an increase in external pressure on the Russian economy in 2017-18. Sanctions against our country will not be lifted in the next 2-3 years, and their strengthening is possible. It is likely that all this will happen against the backdrop of a further depreciation of the ruble against the Western currency. However, we have been through all this for a long time, but the resulting “vaccine” is all the more important when analyzing the situation and choosing a planning horizon at all levels of management.

Let's see

on the current state of affairs with civilian weapons.
Just a year ago, it was clear that for some time the market would be able to “travel” with inexpensive, fenced military weapons, the same Mosin rifles, SKS, SVT/AVT and AK. The imported segment, which had become inaccessible, no longer made the weather. At least outside the big cities. A visual comparison of the three-line “Tiger” and “Vepr” chambered for .308 Win with 10-round magazines

Yes and

There were no queues in Moscow gun stores either a year ago or today. It seemed that here it was, the cherished moment for domestic producers to breakthrough to a qualitatively new level. But, of course, not everything is so simple. Realities provide no reason for frivolous optimism.

To be fair

Let us note that the breakthrough, although in a very intricate configuration, still occurred. Moreover, this happened on a broad front, with the involvement of divisions of our military-industrial complex and a rapidly growing number of private arms companies in the process. The results are in and the most interesting new items in the segment of hunting weapons and optics await us by the end of 2016 and next year.


a ban on military weapons came into force. On top of that, its stocks in warehouses were simply exhausted. It suddenly turned out that the seemingly inexhaustible three-line products became scarce, and accordingly their prices skyrocketed. It has become difficult to find a good SCS. AVT, which had been sold for several years at a price of 16-18 thousand rubles, instantly disappeared from the shelves.

Semi-automatic lovers

in a three-line caliber, they realized that now their choice again lies between “Tigers” and “Boars” (rare “Golden Eagles” can be ignored). And, if in general there are no questions about Izhevsk carbines, then the Vyatka-Polyansky “Vepri” remain dark horses for many.

Wild boar harvested in the Caucasus Mountains
from Vepr-308

"Vepr" 7.62x54R

On photos

you see a self-loading carbine “Vepr” 7.62x54R in the basic version (model VPO-123) manufactured in 2015, purchased at the end of spring in Krasnodar for 42 thousand rubles.
What is unusual about this weapon is the barrel length - 700 mm, resulting in a total carbine length of 1200 mm. The newly-minted owner of the Vyatka-Polyana self-loading gun explained this choice by his habit of inert long weapons. The VPO-123 stock is massive and has a pronounced cheekbone and a rubber shock absorber


an unexpected argument for many, but it was the choice of an experienced hunter, accustomed to hunting animals in the difficult conditions of the forested mountains of the Caucasus. Such a long barrel of modern weapons is practically an anachronism in our time. Therefore, it was very interesting to get acquainted with the developers’ point of view on this matter.

The VPO-123 handguard is attached with a screw through the swivel

To my disappointment

(and I expected anything), it turned out to be simple and logical: the 700-mm “dryn” is the plant’s response to the market request. Want to? Get it. However, this did not surprise me much, since inertia is inertia, and the faith of hunters in the superiority of long trunks is truly ineradicable.

Mechanical sector sight VPO-123
is marked for shooting up to 300 m

The VPO-123 carbine
has an adjustable front sight on a high base and a pinned flash suppressor

The trunk has

four right-hand rifling (240 mm pitch, which is usually appreciated by fans of shooting cartridges with heavy bullets) and a traditionally chrome-plated bore and chamber.
Measurements revealed a true caliber of 7.62 mm and a smooth bore, without expansion or constriction. Molot always made good forged barrels with reliable chrome plating, which was due to the proven production technology of Kalashnikov machine guns. Barrels of versions with a shorter VPO-123 barrel have a removable “muzzle” (threaded)


and an old woman can get screwed, I was once “lucky” with a KO91/30M rifle, the chrome on which “crumbled” after just a few hundred shots. This does not affect the performance, but, as they say, “the sediment remains,” and along with the extra hassle in terms of cleaning the weapon. The plant is engaged in re-barreling previously produced weapons (including under warranty) and, without any reservations, expressed its readiness to help with my problem, so I plan to correct this misunderstanding in the future.

The front part of the gas chamber of the VPO-123 carbine

Modification VPO-124 has a gas regulator

A special protrusion is made on the protrusion of the VPO-123 return spring guide mechanism which prevents the receiver cover from being torn off when firing powerful rifle cartridges

The bracket for the optical sight
on the VPO-123
is secured with two rivets.
In my opinion, a third rivet would not hurt, the caliber is serious.

Developers of "Vepr" VPO-123

for a three-line cartridge, they considered it inappropriate
to adapt an SVD magazine to a carbine and developed an original single-row 5-place magazine

Three-line "Vepri"

have formed an ambiguous opinion about themselves among hunters. In the first years after their production began, I heard only laudatory reviews, mainly related to the very good accuracy of these carbines, often very close to the coveted 1 MOA (or even less!).


in a private conversation, one of the leading employees of the plant once said that all these carbines really gave accuracy within 30-40 mm, and the factory workers themselves did not expect this. It’s paradoxical, but, as you can see, this also happens. At the moment, there are other opinions regarding the accuracy of the “Vepry”, but I cannot vouch for their reliability. Those carbines that I personally saw in action never gave their owners any reason to be upset. The carbine in the photo too.

Two-position safety
and protective “curtain” behind the bolt carrier VPO-123
Pay attention to the designation of the model and caliber of the weapon

Incomplete disassembly of VPO-123

Today "Hammer"

offers self-loading carbines chambered for 7.62x54R in two versions: VPO-123 and VPO-124, which have significant structural and design differences.

Inside of the receiver
and USM VPO-123

Front swivel VPO-123

At target "DH 3-12x50"
produced by "Dedal-NV"

It is better to open rifled weapons with optics. At hand was a Russian-made sight with military roots. There is no doubt that a tactical sight on a hunting weapon is not the best choice if we are talking specifically about hunting use. But I was interested in getting the highest possible result in terms of accuracy of the carbine.

That's why

On the “Vepr”, using a side bracket with a “weaver” rail from the oil refinery, a DH 3-12x50 sight was installed on a monoblock bracket from the same manufacturer. From a design and ergonomic point of view, I would have preferred to put the scope in regular low rings, but only an adapted kit was available. But we managed to avoid unnecessary fuss with installation.

Sight "DH 3-12x50"
on a bracket manufactured by "Dedalus"


the sight, which has parallax adjustment starting at 50 m, was brought “cold” through the bore.
The very first shot at the 50th distance “caught” on the A4 sheet. After a simple calculation, adjustments were made using the sight's flywheels, as a result of which the second shot coincided with the aiming point. For the “test”, several series were shot at a distance of 100 m. Hunters usually bring the weapon with optics to normal combat - hooked, nailed “zero” at 50 m, then checked at 100-200 m. With “Daedalus” 3-12x50
I encountered it for the first time. Thanks to high-quality glass, a large entrance pupil and minimal optical distortion, the scope pleased me with a very bright and sharp “picture”. The developers managed to obtain a fairly large field of view and a large consumption of corrections.

Flywheels for making corrections and parallax adjustment of
the Russian sight DH 3-12x50 used when shooting weapons

The grid is perfect

for “paper” and accurate shooting at long distances at small targets. The mechanics work perfectly, the drums rotate tightly, without backlash. It should be noted here that relatively tight drums are an advantage, not a disadvantage. The pancratic ring also rotates somewhat tighter than that of well-known brands due to the use of lubricant by Daedalus, which guarantees the operation of the sight at temperatures from -50 to +50C.

1 cm - the price of one “click”
of the DH 3-12x50 sight


the Russian company used the same lubricant as “theirs” and the magnification ring on the Daedalus rotated no worse than the same Swarovka sights. But Austrian devices usually freeze at -30C. And Daedalian sights operate at these temperatures, which, according to the manufacturer, is confirmed by periodic tests of those sights that are delivered under government contracts.

Ring for changing the magnification
of the sight DH 3-12x50

In some cases

(shooting in the mountains at considerable distances) it may be useful to have a function for electronic control of the “blockage” of the horizon. On Internet forums you can find unfounded statements that the electronic horizon level reduces the reliability of the product. This is wrong. Daedalus sights have been successfully tested on .338LM and .50 BMG calibers for a number of shots from 3000 to 7000 (!).

In the sights of "Daedalus"

the grid and corrections are calculated in the metric system. Some people are used to other parameters, but this approach seems to me to be the most optimal. I won’t go into detail about the sight, but it left a very good impression.

The reticle of the DH 3-12x50 sight
turned out to be very convenient

Shooting results

Contrary to

To the imposed methods of assessing the accuracy of a rifled weapon, I fundamentally avoid following the “MG” scheme, widely known in narrow circles, according to which you need to shoot two series of five shots in a row with two targets in a row. There is no doubt that this is a convincing and fairly objective way of assessing the capabilities of the “shooter-weapon-cartridge-sight” complex, and in this case, the shooter is of decisive importance (given the appropriate quality of other components).


After three thoughtful shots, the fatigue of the operator and the likelihood of associated errors increases too quickly to talk about testing the capabilities of only the rifle. Plus, we are talking about hunting weapons, which radically changes things. Therefore, I consider a series of three shots optimal for assessing the combat parameters of a rifle, or, to be more precise, a complex consisting of a weapon, a sight with a bracket and the ammunition used. Therefore, “VPO-123”, after being brought to normal combat, was fired in several control series of 3 shots.


did not become sensational - the spread averaged 45-55 mm. Taking into account the use of inexpensive ammunition (Barnaul and Novosibirsk “shell” and “half-shell”), groups within 1.5 MOA+ for a self-loading hunting carbine can be considered more than acceptable even by European standards (where, by the way, they don’t bother with this at all) . The long barrel of the Vepr ensures maximum bullet speed.

Single row magazine

works reliably, although it is more difficult to fill than the “tiger” one. The trigger is good out of the box, and no one bothers to further polish the trigger of the carbine. Open sights are convenient; a long sighting line can provide some advantage in some situations. The owner of the carbine welded a slot in the mane of the bar and made a new one, very narrow and shallow, at the same time sealing the bar itself. In combination with a thin front sight, this highly individual innovation allows you to quickly and accurately shoot “at the center” of the target.

Visual comparison of
5-local magazines VPO-123 and Tiger

Thanks to

The presence of a side rail eliminates the age-old problem of installing a bracket for an optical or collimator sight. Among the disadvantages of the carbine, one can note a significant weight (a Vepr with a 700 mm barrel without a magazine weighs 4.65 kg, although with a 420 mm barrel the same weapon already weighs 4 kg) and some cumbersomeness, but this is already the cost of adaptation basic design and the length of a rather thick barrel.


There is also a more acceptable option - the VPO-124 version, better known as the Vepr-Hunter. This modification is noticeably lighter (4 kg with a 550 mm barrel), more ergonomic and outwardly looks more balanced and quite “hunting-like”.

Everyone's preferences are different.

Challenges and opportunities too. When it comes to choosing a universal rifled semi-automatic “for the forest,” I will always recommend the short “Tiger” or, as an original option, the now scarce Saiga-MK in .308 caliber. But today Izhevsk self-loading rifles are approximately 1.5 times more expensive than Vyatka-Polyansk carbines, and this, whatever one may say, is of significant importance in the current realities.


available in versions with different barrel lengths (420, 520, 590 and 700 mm) at a price ranging from 32-34 thousand rubles (price on the plant’s website at the beginning of July 2016). VPO-124 with a 550 mm barrel costs 38 thousand. “Tigers” are offered at a price ranging from 45 to 70 thousand, depending on the design.


Let's do it again

Let's see what domestic weapons chambered for 7.62x54R are on the shelves of our gun stores today. So far, you can find Mosin rifles in various designs, and in some places there are remnants of AVT. We will not take into account the Maxim and DP-27 machine guns, as well as very rare and prohibitively expensive rifles developed on the basis of old sports and modern sniper systems.

Some hunters

They are happy to use the classic Izhevsk “breakdowns” MP-18MN and MP-94 “Taiga”. As noted above, among modern semi-automatic machines the choice remains only between “Tigers” and “Boars”. Judging by the numerous questions from Internet users (of the same type from year to year) on specialized forums and lively discussions, these weapons are still in demand, and this state of affairs will most likely continue for at least the next ten years.

VPO-123 carbine
with DH 3-12x50 sight

Our hunters

It has long been understood that the choice of hunting weapons according to Western criteria is not always adequate and is a notorious double-edged sword. The elimination of the domestic tradition of systematically involving interested teenagers in the life of the hunting team and the subsequent formation of their own view on the choice of weapons through experience has led to an excessive dependence of the selection process on advertising and the not always competent opinion of others.

That is why

the preferences of experienced rural hunters from the point of view of their urban “enlightened” colleagues seem at least strange. Yes, for some reason it is considered good manners to sneer at the “villages” about some naivety, “hunting skills”, a kind of awareness in the field of weapon materiel and original methods of hunting animals.

But also among the taiga people

in response, there will be no less reasons to respond about the rotten snobbery and poor hunting training of the “urban” (in this case we are not talking about the elite - mountain hunters, whose level is usually quite high). So it turns out that the division into “right” and “wrong” hunters according to the criteria of the weapons used has reached a new level. Whether this is due to the crisis or a peculiar manifestation of the socialization of some citizens is a rhetorical question. But the popularity of the Vepr family carbines continues to grow despite all the difficulties of the next transition period.

Detailing of
the VPO-123

The article was published in the magazine “Master-Ruzhyo”, August 2016

Technical characteristics of the VPO 148 carbine

The basic version does not have particularly outstanding performance; its parameters fit into the standard framework of hunting rifles (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Main technical characteristics

The VPO 148 carbine has the following characteristics:

  1. The length of the product and the barrel, its width and height are 860 mm, 350 mm, 77 mm and 200 mm.
  2. Curb and net weight without magazine are 5.1 kg and 4.5 kg, respectively.
  3. Capacity and caliber - 10 rounds of 5.45 x 39 mm.
  4. Rifling pitch, muzzle velocity and muzzle energy - 195 mm, 900 m/s, 1385 J.
  5. Sighting and effective firing range - 1000 m and 700 m.

Options and modifications

  • SOK-94 "Vepr" - the first model of 1995 chambered for 7.62x39 mm. It is in service with the paramilitary and guard units of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Security" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • SOK-95 "Vepr-308" - the second model, chambered for 7.62x51 mm;
  • "Vepr-Super" - the third model of 1998, is available in several versions:
  • SOK-95 M "Vepr-308 Super" and SOK-95 MS "Vepr-Super-Sport" (discontinued) chambered for 7.62x51 mm;
  • SOK-35 "Vepr-35 Super" chambered for .35 Remington (discontinued).
  • SOK-94R "Vepr-Pioneer" - produced since 2000.
  • SOK-98 "Vepr-5.45" - export version, chambered for 5.45x39 mm.
  • "Vepr-Hunter" is produced in two versions:
  • VPO-101 “Vepr-Hunter” chambered for 7.62×51 mm;
  • VPO-102 "Vepr-Hunter M" chambered for 7.62x63 mm.
  • "Vepr-1V" chambered for 5.56x45 mm.
  • VPO-133 “Vepr-K”, VPO-136 “Vepr-KM” - AKM (or AK) converted for the Russian civilian weapons market, without the ability to conduct automatic fire (chambered 7.62x39 mm).
  • "Vepr-223" is a modification chambered for 5.56x45 mm.
  • VPO-205 "Vepr-12 Hammer" is a smoothbore carbine chambered for 18.5x76 mm (12 gauge) cartridges.

Types of malware 148

Today, there are several modifications of the carbine, which do not differ significantly from each other (Figure 4).

Differences in the VPO 148 5.45x39 mm model line - weight and barrel length:

  1. 148-01 - 420 mm and 5 kg;
  2. 148-02 - 520 mm and 4.85 kg;
  3. 148-03 - 550 mm and 4.9 kg;
  4. 148-04 - 590 mm and 4.6 kg.

In addition to the standard vpo 148 350 and the above, more modern analogues are also produced: 148-05, 148-06, 148-09 and 148-10.

Among them, the VPO 148 420 mm series includes VPO-148-01 and VPO-148-06. Let's take a closer look at the features of the samples that are most popular among athletes and hunters.

VPO 148 01

A fairly heavy weapon for its design, a standard caliber of 5.45 by 39 mm, VPO 148 01 is made of plastic with a weight of 5000 g and has a gas-operated reloading system. In addition, the carbine has a longer barrel length than its predecessor at 420 mm and a total of 1100 mm.

Figure 4. Basic modifications of firearms

The gun is equipped with sights in the form of a front and rear sight with a Weaver optics mount. The model's parameters are standard - a magazine for 10 rounds of ammunition and a familiar design.

VPO 148 05

A running example of a carbine that stands out among its fellows by the presence of a telescopic butt, the VPO 148 05 has compact dimensions - a length of 830 mm and a 350 mm barrel with a weight of 4500 g.

It also reduces to 635mm by folding onto the right side and locking the safety, thereby fitting the shooter comfortably. It has an improved trigger, ensuring smoother operation. To securely attach accessories, the carabiner is equipped with a metal Picatinny rail.

VPO 148 06

A particularly unremarkable model with characteristics almost identical to the base one.

There are only three significant differences between VPO 148 06:

  1. Heavy weight - as much as 5 kg.
  2. The average L of the barrel is 420 mm.
  3. At the same time, the total L of the gun is 930 mm.

VPO 148 09

Another representative of the model range in a classic design.

Parameters and technical features of VPO 148 09:

  1. Dimensions - 590x1100x75x200 mm;
  2. Ammunition - 5.45x39, 10 pieces;
  3. Weight - 4.58 kg and 4.69 kg without and with a magazine;
  4. Semi-automatic with side gas engine;
  5. 4 right-hand rifling with a pitch of 195 mm;
  6. Rotary type of locking and 2 locking stops.

VPO 148 10

An interesting modification in the style of the classic RPK-74, VPO 148 10 has its own characteristic differences.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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