World history of tank creation - French AMX-40

Fans of the game world of tanks are of course familiar with AMX 40, which occupies level 4 in the research branch, or at least once encountered it in a random game. The vehicle completely breaks the stereotype about the cardboard armor of French vehicles. For those who don't know: the AMX 40 is one of the most armored light tanks in the game. In this regard, this LT can quite confidently compete with most heavyweights at its level. For low-level technology, the Frenchman seems to be an impenetrable steel monster. However, this is not entirely true: there are quite a few vulnerable areas in the seemingly invulnerable armor. In order not to be unfounded, we will review the AMX 40.

AMX 40 performance characteristics

A review of the AMX 40 should begin with the fact that the safety margin is noticeably lower than that of other tier 4 light tanks. Really good indicators include the viewing radius: 400 meters in the basic configuration, but improvements will be required here too.

The really good features of the AMX 40 relate to the armor. The armor plates are located at correct angles, so the thickness of the armor in the frontal projection of the tank varies from 70 to 232 mm. Considering that we are talking about a light (!) Tier 4 tank, the numbers look impressive. The sides of the vehicle also look interesting: most of the hull is covered by a screen, so at a good angle, the Frenchman can tank with the sides no worse than heavy tanks of the 10th level.

However, the robust body comes at the price of dynamics. The tank has a good maximum speed, but the tank can only reach it when accelerating down a hill, and only if there is a tailwind. The AMX 40's chassis traverse speed is simply insignificant, so even some heavy tanks can spin it. Another downside to the AMX 40's performance characteristics is its weapons. No, the top gun has a decent alpha, and when it hits, it knocks out a large amount of HP from the enemy. However, this advantage is immediately negated by the critically low rate of fire. The machine's DPM is only 1,065 units, which is one of the worst indicators at the level. Armor penetration looks good, but only among classmates. Once you reach levels 5-6, the AMX 40 will not be saved even by cumulative weapons. Disadvantages include horrific accuracy and critically long convergence times. The UVNs look good: the gun tilts by 7 degrees, however, this parameter cannot be called ideal either.


When opening the branch of French tanks, the developers warned that the new equipment would be quite different from the vehicles we are already familiar with, as well as the style of playing on it. The AMX 40 is the most striking confirmation of this.

In addition to having a unique and very impressive appearance, the AMX 40 can rightfully be called a “paradox tank.” Being the only light tank of the 4th level for the French, as well as the predecessor of a very dynamic firefly, the AMX 40 has a very strange engine power to weight ratio, more typical of medium or even heavy tanks.

With a weight of 20.23 tons, the “Frenchman” can only count on 190 hp. and even then in a top-end configuration. Content with a modest figure of 9.4 hp/t, the AMX 40 is many times inferior to its classmates in terms of dynamics and maximum speed.

In addition, with a maximum speed of 50 km/h stated in the technical specifications, even in the top configuration it accelerates to such a speed only from a hill. But, despite such slowness, it maneuvers quite well and drives quite quickly backwards, which, with proper dexterity, allows you to constantly keep your armored forehead towards the enemy and stop attempts to go behind your back.

But the AMX 40 was luckier with its armor than all its competitors. The unique streamlined shape of the hull, made with virtually no obtuse angles, significantly increases the likelihood of ricochet and non-penetration, which, together with the thickest armor among Tier 4 tanks, makes the tank obscenely durable.

The picture is completed by side screens that perfectly protect the tracks and prevent lateral damage from landmines. And the low silhouette and class bonus provide good camouflage.

The top gun 75 mm SA32 is well balanced for the battles the tank gets into. The parameters of the gun allow you to confidently fight with your classmates at medium and close range, but all vehicles of a higher level cause a lot of problems.

The only unpleasant moment is when the enemy team also has AMX 40s. In this case, the battle will be long and tedious, since even with a top gun it is difficult to penetrate such armor. It is advisable to enter the clinch. You should shoot not at the commander’s turret itself, but at the small “ear” sticking out of it; the tank is guaranteed to get through there.

Being at the top of the list, provided that the enemy does not have tanks or self-propelled guns above the second level, and enemy tanks are only up to the third level, you can calmly crawl to the enemy base and receive an invader medal along with a steel wall, because armor and ricochets allow you to simply not pay attention at enemy shots, along the way shooting everything that rashly decided to cross the path, point-blank without fear of being penetrated.

With a stated speed of 50 km/h, the actual speed in a straight line on hard ground does not exceed 20 km/h; the maximum speed is achieved only when descending a hill.

The AMX 40 is a fairly versatile tank. Depending on the team, map, position in the list, availability of equipment, modules, crew level, you can choose a successful line of behavior.

Research and upgrade of AMX 40

In total, the top AMX 40 research will require you to spend 4,610 experience points. And for the fastest and correct research of the AMX 40, you need to proceed as follows, where first of all you need to pump:

1. AMX 40 bis chassis to increase load capacity and the ability to install additional modules; 2. Installation of a 47 mm SA35 gun to increase damage, with better accuracy characteristics, should already be improved from the previous AMX 38 tank; 3. Next, we’ll examine the engine. Somua LM will improve the dynamics quite a bit; 4. Researching the Renault-Balland turret will allow you to install a top gun and add 10 mm of armor, as well as increase visibility; 5. Installation of a top gun 75 mm SA32 with increased damage, but with a slower aiming speed; 6. If you haven’t explored the ER 53 radio station , then we’ll pump it up.

Equipment and perks for the AMX 40

Given the rather extraordinary characteristics of the AMX 40, the most problems are observed in terms of weapons. Therefore, we recommend the following set of additional equipment:

  • Rammer.
  • Stabilizer.
  • Coated optics.

The third slot can be left for improved ventilation: the tank has good visibility, and an extra bonus to the gun’s characteristics won’t hurt.

In terms of crew skills, you can focus on the following leveling order:

It is better to select consumables using a standard set.

Penetration zones AMX 40

Despite the impressive armor ratings, the AMX 40 is a rather vulnerable vehicle. Let's start with the fact that the armor perfectly withstands hits from classmates and level 2-3 vehicles; even levels 4 will not always penetrate. When we get into battles with sixes, we prepare to absorb with our armor everything that flies in our direction. Considering the accuracy, rate of fire, and armor penetration parameters of the gun, you won’t even be able to snap back normally.

However, even in single-level battles, the AMX 40 often suffers. Solid armor has several vulnerable areas. For example, as expected, machine gun nests can be easily penetrated. Things are a little worse with the commander's cupola, but classmates' shells penetrate well here too. The vulnerable area is the stern: there is only 40 mm of armor here. A relatively small armor plate is located immediately under the turret: 60 mm, located at right angles, does not look like a serious obstacle. It is worth noting that fuel tanks are located along the sides, so any penetration can cause the tank to catch fire.

History of creation

At the beginning of French tank building, the French command thought that the main characteristics of a tank were armor and fire armament. Having analyzed such tanks as BT-5, T-26, Pz. II and III, they realized that the tank should also have good dynamics. Before the outbreak of World War II, tanks were mainly built in France to support infantry. They did not need speed as much as they fought only positional battles. The French realized late that they could not win the war with such tactics.

The realization that it would not be possible to win the war with such technology came too late. And yet, in 1939-1940. Several specifications were issued for the creation of light, medium and heavy tanks, which led to the emergence of very promising projects.

The Issy-les-Moulineux company, at the beginning of March 1940, began developing a new medium tank, the AMX 40. The tank was supposed to replace the already obsolete Somua S-35 and S-40 and become a fast breakthrough tank. The tank was rid of right angles, which increased ricocheting and armor. The forehead had a thickness of 60 mm, the stern was 40 mm, and the sides were 30-50 mm. A completely new chassis was installed on the tank, which had not been used before. Four road wheels with a diameter of 82 cm, drive and idler wheels, were covered with an armored shield. Having adopted the experience of Soviet and American tank builders, a wheel-tracked propulsion system was used, as on the BT and Christie tanks. The tank had a rear-wheel drive transmission. In order to minimize the number of hatches and other viewing holes vulnerable to the enemy, a periscope was installed.

The fuel tanks were located above the chassis under the armor shields. Combined with the diesel engine, the tank was practically inflammable. The engine power was 160 hp. The tank was served by three people: a commander, a gunner and a mechanic. If it were not for the weak armament, the tank would not be much like the Soviet T-34. But by the time the tank was created, the designers had failed to create a gun larger than 50 mm. As a result, it was necessary to install a 47 mm SA 35 gun and two 7.5 mm machine guns.

The machine gun located at the rear of the turret was used for air defense. The tank could carry 156 shells and 30 magazines. Due to the outbreak of World War II, the project was terminated.

How to play on AMX 40

Essentially, the AMX 40 should highlight for its team, but given the dynamics, the tank will not be able to do this in principle. Therefore, the tactics of the game will be noticeably different from battles on other LT. It should be noted that the tank greatly depends on the level of battle into which it falls at random. Therefore, there are two options for playing tactics on this Frenchman:

  1. In the top . Once at the top of the list, you don’t have to bother with tactics at all: we choose any direction and methodically drive towards the base. If the enemy team does not have art, it is quite possible to reach the base by taking an invader and a steel wall.
  2. At the bottom of the list. Once you get to the sixes, the armor no longer saves the AMX 40. Therefore, you will have to stay behind your teammates, trying to inflict maximum damage. Ideal option: stay near the base and protect the artillery from the fireflies that have broken through.

It is worth noting that you can enjoy playing on the AMX 40, but for this you should not stick your neck out and take risks. In general, a tank is considered a pass-through vehicle, opening access to more interesting and maneuverable equipment.

Combat effectiveness

The AMX 40 is not a tank that you can drive into the thick of things at full speed and kill everything you see. This is a tank that, in my opinion, must be endured. Usually, if a tank is very slow, then they equip it with a more or less good weapon, which can at least somehow fight back. The AMX 40 is a tank that can only take shells, thanks to its excellent armor, in large quantities. Based on these characteristics, you need to play with certain rules.

If a tank is at the top of the list, don’t stupidly rush in the center in the style of: “I’m on a KV-1!!! If I kill everyone, I’ll be the only one left.” A tank can perfectly withstand a blow from 1-2 opponents, but if you rush through the center, then no armor will protect you from 10 tanks. Taking several allies with you, slowly and confidently push through the flank. By distracting enemy shots, give your allies with a more powerful weapon the opportunity to shoot. Since the tank is very slow, it immediately becomes the No. 1 target for artillery. Strong armor, screens and weak splash from low-level artillery will not cause much trouble. But the tank will not be able to withstand direct hits. So we try to hide behind covers from time to time. If the tank is in the middle of the list or at the very bottom, then things are bad. It does not penetrate tanks higher than level AMX 40. Due to the low speed, it will also not be possible to drive into the enemy’s side. All that remains is to shoot enemy fireflies that wander into the base. Also, by hiding in the bushes and installing a stereo pipe, you can protect your base from capture by shooting landmines at the enemy. If you are noticed, then little will save you. You won’t be able to run away, and you won’t be able to punish either.


  • excellent all-round armor.


  • poor dynamics;
  • bad weapon.
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