Intercontinental ballistic missiles in Russia's strategic nuclear forces

Ballistic and cruise missiles are an integral part of the weapons of major world powers. Since their appearance, they have established themselves as a formidable weapon, capable of solving tactical and strategic problems over long distances.

The variety of tasks and advantages provided by such projectiles have led to a number of scientific breakthroughs in this field. The second half of the 20th century is considered the era of rocket science. Technologies have found application not only in the military sphere, but also in the construction of spaceships.

Ballistic and cruise missiles have a wide variety of applications and classifications. However, there are a number of general aspects on the basis of which a number of the best rockets in the world can be identified. To determine such a list, you should understand the general differences between these weapons.

[edit] Missiles in service

As of 2015, the Strategic Missile Forces have seven types of missile systems on combat duty: three mobile-based (Topol, Topol-M and Yars) and four silo-based (RS-18, RS-20, Topol-M). M" and "Yars").[1]

[edit] R-36M2 "Voevoda"

R-36M2 "Voevoda" - heavy class ICBM. Launch weight - up to 210 tons, throw weight - 8800 kg.[2]

[edit] UR-100N

UR-100N - light class ICBM. Launch weight - up to 105 tons, throw weight - 4350 kg.[3]

[edit] Topol-M

"Topol-M" is a light-class solid-fuel ICBM with a monoblock warhead. Launch weight - up to 50 tons.[4]

[edit] Yars

Yars is a light-class solid-propellant ICBM with a multiple warhead.[5]

R-30 "Bulava"

Developer: MIT Length: 11.5 m Diameter: 2 m Launch weight: 36.8 tons Flight range: 9300 km


Russian solid-fuel ballistic missile of the D-30 complex for deployment on Project 955 submarines. The first launch of the Bulava took place in 2005. Domestic authors often criticize the Bulava missile system being developed for a fairly large proportion of unsuccessful tests


According to critics, the Bulava appeared due to Russia’s banal desire to save money: the country’s desire to reduce development costs by unifying the Bulava with land missiles made its production cheaper than usual.

[edit] Avangard missile system

"Avangard" is a missile system with a gliding winged warhead. Developed by NPO Mashinostroeniya (Reutov, Moscow region). The warhead is in mass production.[6][7]

The flight of a gliding winged warhead takes place at an altitude of several tens of kilometers in dense layers of the atmosphere, in contrast to traditional warheads of intercontinental ballistic missiles, which fly to the target along a ballistic trajectory. It moves to intercontinental ranges at hypersonic speeds, the maximum value of which exceeds the Mach number by more than 20 times.[8]

When moving towards a target, the unit is capable of controlled maneuvering, both lateral (several thousand kilometers) and altitude, which ensures that its flight is unpredictable for missile defense systems and the ability to bypass the coverage areas of their information and fire weapons.[9]

In addition, the flight path of the gliding warhead passes below the minimum altitude for intercepting transatmospheric missile defense fire weapons. Its interception by short-range anti-missile missiles is also unlikely due to the limited capabilities of targeting anti-missile missiles at a high-speed maneuvering target and the use of a modern complex of missile defense countermeasures by the gliding wing unit.[10]

As of July 2022, in the positional area of ​​the Dombarovsky formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, a set of organizational and technical measures is being carried out to put the Avangard missile system into operation.[11]

Initially, the combat units of the Avangard complex will be placed on the UR-100N UTTH ICBM. With the adoption of the RS-28 Sarmat missile into service, such units will be installed on it.[12][13]

What is a cruise missile?

Cruise missiles ready to launch
A cruise missile is an unmanned aerial vehicle. In its structure and history of creation, it is closer to aviation than to rocket science. The outdated name is a projectile aircraft - it has fallen out of use, since planning aerial bombs were also called that way.

The term “cruise missile” should not be associated with the English cruise missile. The latter includes only software-controlled projectiles that maintain a constant speed for most of the flight.

Taking into account the specific structure and use of cruise missiles, the following advantages and disadvantages of such projectiles are distinguished:

  • programmable flight course, which allows you to create a combined trajectory and bypass enemy missile defenses;
  • movement at low altitude taking into account the terrain makes the projectile less noticeable for radar detection;
  • the high accuracy of modern cruise missiles is combined with the high cost of their production;
  • shells fly at a relatively low speed - approximately 1150 km/h;
  • the destructive power is low, with the exception of nuclear weapons.

The history of the development of cruise missiles is connected with the advent of aviation. Even before the First World War, the idea of ​​a flying bomb arose. The technologies necessary for its implementation were soon developed:

  • in 1913, a radio control system for an unmanned aerial vehicle was invented by a school physics teacher, Wirth;
  • in 1914, E. Sperry's gyroscopic autopilot was successfully tested, which made it possible to keep the aircraft on a given course without the participation of the pilot.

Against the background of such technologies, flying projectiles were being developed in several countries at once. Most of them were carried out in parallel with work on autopilot and radio control. The idea to equip them with wings belongs to F.A. Zander. It was he who published the story “Flights to Other Planets” in 1924.

The English radio-controlled aerial target Queen is considered to be the first successful mass production of such aircraft. The first samples were created in 1931, and in 1935 mass production of the Queen Bee (queen bee) was launched. By the way, it was from this moment that drones received the unofficial name Drone - drone.

The main task of the first drones was reconnaissance. For combat use there was not enough accuracy and reliability, which, given the high cost of development, made production impractical.

Despite this, research and testing in this direction continued, especially with the outbreak of World War II.

The first classical cruise missile is considered to be the German V-1. Its tests took place on December 21, 1942, and it received combat use towards the end of the war against Great Britain.

First tests and applications showed low accuracy of the projectile. Because of this, it was planned to use them together with the pilot, who at the final stage had to leave the projectile with a parachute.

As in the case of ballistic missiles, the developments of German scientists went to the winners. The further baton for the design of modern cruise missiles was taken over by the USSR and the USA. It was planned to use them as nuclear weapons. However, the development of such projectiles was stopped due to economic inexpediency and the success of the development of ballistic missiles.

[edit] History

[edit] 1960s

In October 1960, an accident occurred at the launch of the R-16 ICBM: more than 100 people died, including the commander of the country’s Rocket Forces, Marshal of Artillery M. I. Nedelin. Among the dead were several operators of NPO Energomash, in particular Deputy Chief Designer for Flight Tests G. F. Firsov.[17]

Beginning in 1961, the Omsk Polyot Production Association began producing two-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles R-16 (8K64) and R-16U (8K64U). About 330 missiles were fired. In 1963, serial production of two-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles RS-10 (ICBM 8K84) was mastered. The first launch took place on October 20, 1968 from a silo launcher at the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The complex was in service from July 1967 to 1990.[18]

[edit] 1970s

In the mid-1970s, Omsk was tasked with mastering the production of a new sea-based ballistic intercontinental missile, the RSM-50. To manufacture complex structural elements, special CNC machines were installed at the enterprise in the shortest possible time, a new automated calculation system was developed, and a special control and measuring station was created to check product systems. The first products were delivered to the customer in 1976.[19]

Development of the Topol PGRK began in 1975.[20]

[edit] 1980s

The UR-100N UTTH missile entered service in 1980.[21]

In 1988, the first missile regiment of the Topol PGRK took up combat duty in the missile division in the city of Yoshkar-Ola.[22]

[edit] 1990s

December 20, 1994 - the first tests of the Topol-M missile were carried out.[23]

1998 - Votkinsk plant began supplying stationary-based Topol-M missiles for the Strategic Missile Forces.[24]

[edit] 2000s

In the early 2000s, about 30 UR-100N UTTH liquid-fueled ICBMs were supplied from Ukraine for “gas debts.” After the collapse of the USSR, they were stored in warehouses in an unfilled state—that is, practically new, capable of standing on combat duty for several decades.[25 ]

On February 9, 2000, the Topol-M rocket was successfully launched, completing the test program for the silo-based complex.[26]

On July 13, 2000, the silo-based Topol-M missile system was put into service.[27]

In 2004, testing of the Avangard missile system began.[28]

On December 24, 2004, the final launch of the mobile-based Topol-M missile was successfully completed. Product testing has been completed.[29]

[edit] 2010s

Development of the Sarmat missile began in 2011.

The start of work on the project for the new RS-26 Rubezh ICBM first became known in March 2011, when MIT General Designer Yuri Solomonov (without naming a specific type of missile) promised to soon conduct its first test launch. It took place on September 28 of the same year from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, but was unsuccessful: the rocket touched it when exiting the transport and launch container, thereby provoking abnormal operation of the first stage. The result was that the product crashed just 8 km from the launch point.[30]

In May and October 2012, successful test launches of the RS-26 Rubezh ICBM were carried out.[31]

In October 2013, a successful test launch of the RS-26 Rubezh ICBM was carried out.[32]

Russia produced 16 Yars missiles in 2014.[33]

Russia produced 24 Yars missiles in 2015.[34]

The fourth successful launch of the RS-26 Rubezh ICBM took place on March 18, 2015. The missile was launched from a mobile launcher at the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region at the Sary-Shagan test site (Kazakhstan). The launch took place completely as usual, the warhead of the missile hit the conditional target with the specified accuracy.[35]

The first throw test of the Sarmat missile took place on December 25, 2017.[36]

DongFeng 5A (DF-5A), China – 13,000 km.

  • DongFeng 5A (NATO reporting name: CSS-4) has the longest flight range among the Chinese Army ICBMs. Its flight range is 13,000 km.
  • The missile was designed to be capable of hitting targets within the Continental United States (CONUS). The DF-5A missile entered service in 1983.
  • The missile can carry six warheads weighing 600 kg each.
  • The inertial guidance system and on-board computers ensure the desired direction of the rocket's flight. Rocket engines are two-stage with liquid fuel.

[edit] Notes

  1. [1]
  2. Directions for improving strategic nuclear forces in the context of missile defense development
  3. Directions for improving strategic nuclear forces in the context of missile defense development
  4. Directions for improving strategic nuclear forces in the context of missile defense development
  5. Directions for improving strategic nuclear forces in the context of missile defense development
  6. [2]
  7. [3]
  8. [4]
  9. [5]
  10. [6]
  11. [7]
  12. [8]
  13. [9]
  14. [10]
  15. [11]
  16. [12]
  17. Dream come true
  18. History of the enterprise
  19. History of the enterprise
  20. [13]
  21. [14]
  22. [15]
  23. 1990 - present day
  24. 1990 - present day
  25. [16]
  26. 1990 - present day
  27. 1990 - present day
  28. [17]
  29. 1990 - present day
  30. [18]
  31. [19]
  32. [20]
  33. [21]
  34. [22]
  35. [23]
  36. [24]
  37. [25]
  38. [26]
Benefits in Russia
StoryIX century • X century • XI century • XII century • XIII century • XIV century • XV century • XVI century • XVII century • XVIII century • XIX century • XX century • XXI century
Central Federal DistrictBelgorod region • Bryansk region • Vladimir region • Voronezh region • Ivanovo region • Kaluga region • Kostroma region • Kursk region • Lipetsk region • Moscow region • Oryol region • Ryazan region • Smolensk region • Tambov region • Tver region • Tula region • Yaroslavl region • Moscow
Northwestern Federal DistrictKarelia • Komi • Arkhangelsk region • Nenets Autonomous Okrug • Vologda region • Kaliningrad region • Leningrad region • Murmansk region • Novgorod region • Pskov region • St. Petersburg
Southern Federal DistrictAdygea • Kalmykia • Crimea • Krasnodar region • Astrakhan region • Volgograd region • Rostov region • Sevastopol
North Caucasian Federal DistrictDagestan • Ingushetia • Kabardino-Balkaria • Karachay-Cherkessia • North Ossetia • Chechnya • Stavropol Territory
Volga Federal DistrictBashkortostan • Mari El • Mordovia • Tatarstan • Udmurtia • Chuvashia • Perm region • Kirov region • Nizhny Novgorod region • Orenburg region • Penza region • Samara region • Saratov region • Ulyanovsk region
Ural Federal DistrictKurgan region • Sverdlovsk region • Tyumen region • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug • Chelyabinsk region
Siberian Federal DistrictAltai • Buryatia • Tyva • Khakassia • Altai region • Transbaikal region • Krasnoyarsk region • Irkutsk region • Kemerovo region • Novosibirsk region • Omsk region • Tomsk region
Far Eastern Federal DistrictYakutia • Kamchatka Territory • Primorsky Territory • Khabarovsk Territory • Amur Region • Magadan Region • Sakhalin Region • Jewish Autonomous Region • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
CarsBuses • Trucks • Commercial vehicles • Passenger cars • Light commercial vehicles • Passenger vehicles • Heavy duty vehicles • Electric vehicles
PetrolAviation gasoline • Motor gasoline • Motor gasoline
AmmunitionAircraft bombs • Artillery ammunition • Ammunition for mortars • Adjustable air bombs • Small-caliber ammunition • Cartridges • Sniper cartridges • Tank ammunition • Thermonuclear bombs • Guided adjustable bombs • Nuclear ammunition
UAVMilitary • Drums
CarsSubway cars • Electric train cars • Grain cars • Freight cars • Mainline freight cars • Railway cars • Passenger cars • Gondola cars
HelicoptersCombat helicopters • Fire support helicopters • Radar patrol helicopters • Amphibious helicopters • Military helicopters • Military and multi-role helicopters • Civil helicopters • Light helicopters • Passenger helicopters • Super-heavy helicopters • Coaxial helicopters • Medium-heavy helicopters • Medium helicopters • Trans tailor helicopters • Heavy helicopters • Attack helicopters
EnginesAviation engines • Automotive engines • Helicopter engines • Auxiliary gas turbine engines • Gas diesel engines • Gas turbine engines • Gas turbine power unit engines • Drone engines • Cruise missile engines • Anti-ship missile engines • Launch vehicle engines • Diesel engines • Liquid rocket engines • Harvester engines • Elevator engines • Plasma engines • Rocket engines • Jet engines • Aircraft engines • Marine engines • Marine diesel engines • Tank engines • Solid rocket engines • Diesel engines • Tractor engines • Turboshaft engines • Turbofan engines • Turboprop engines • Turbojet engines • Electric locomotive engines • Electric motors
CornBuckwheat • Feed corn • Corn • Oats • Millet • Wheat • Rice • Rye • Sorghum • Triticale • Feed grains • Barley
HarvestersCombine harvesters • Potato harvesters • Forage harvesters • Corn harvesters • Flax harvesters • Agricultural combines • Forage harvesters • Self-propelled forage harvesters
ComputersHome Computers • Home Desktops • Laptops • Tablets • Supercomputers
SpacecraftMilitary spacecraft • Military satellites • Manned spacecraft • Satellites • Missile warning satellites
CranesOverhead cranes on fixed supports • Gantry cranes
OilseedsMustard • Sunflower • Rapeseed • Soybean
Rolled metalReady-rolled ferrous metals • Hot-rolled ferrous sheets • Unalloyed hot-rolled sheets • Rolled sheets • Coated sheets • Cold-rolled ferrous sheets • Hot-rolled non-alloy flat steel • Galvanized flat rolled steel • Flat rolled steel • Alloy steel flat rolled steel • Non-alloy steel flat products • Coated flat products • Non-alloy steel cold-rolled flat products • Non-alloy steel products • Ferrous long products • Steel products • Cold-rolled products
MetalsAluminum • Precious metals • Gold • Calcium • Cobalt • Magnesium • Copper • Titanium sponge metal • Platinum group metals • Nickel • Palladium • Platinum • Refined copper • Lead • Silver • Titanium • Uranium • Zinc • Ferrous metals
MilkCow's milk • Processed liquid milk • Drinking milk • Condensed milk • Powdered milk • Powdered whole milk
MeatLamb • Beef • Turkey • Rabbit • Chicken • Marbled meat • Poultry • Chilled chicken • Pork
BeveragesAlcohol • Soft drinks • White wine • Wine • Grape wine • Vodka • Kvass • Cognac • Strong alcohol • Live fermentation drinks • Beer • Fruit wine • Juice • Still wine • Champagne
PumpsConcrete pumps • Fuel pumps • Circulation pumps
ShoesLeather shoes • Men's shoes
VegetablesPeas • Zucchini • Cabbage • Potatoes • Onions • Carrots • Natural canned vegetables • Cucumbers • Tomatoes • Turnips • Sugar beets • Pumpkin • Garlic
ClothChildren's outerwear • Children's clothing • Women's outerwear • Workwear
SightsDay sights • Laser sights • Night sights • Thermal imaging sights
FishFrozen fish • Sturgeon • Fresh fish
Missile systemsCoastal missile systems • BZHRK • Anti-aircraft missile systems • Sea-based anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems • ZPRK • Short-range air defense systems • ZRPK • Mobile coastal missile systems • OTRK • MANPADS • Anti-ship missile systems • Anti-submarine missile systems • ATGM • Cruise missile systems missiles • Strategic missile systems • Silo-based strategic missile systems
RocketsAviation cruise missiles • Aviation anti-ship missiles • Aviation anti-submarine missiles • Aviation missiles • Ballistic missiles • Submarine ballistic missiles • Military missiles • Hypersonic missiles • Anti-aircraft missiles • Anti-aircraft guided missiles • Cruise missiles • Air-to-surface cruise missiles • Cruise missiles ground-based • Intercontinental ballistic missiles • Mobile-based intercontinental ballistic missiles • Silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles • Sea-based ballistic missiles • Naval cruise missiles • Unguided aircraft missiles • Operational-tactical missiles • Submarine missiles • Anti-ship cruise missiles • Anti-ship anti-radar missiles • Anti-ship nal missiles • Anti-radar missiles • Anti-tank guided missiles • Air-to-air missiles • Long-range air-to-air missiles • Short-range air-to-air missiles • Medium-range air-to-air missiles • Air-to-air missiles surface" • Surface-to-air missiles • Launch vehicles • Strategic missiles • Guided missiles
Vegetable oilLavender oil • Sunflower oil • Unrefined sunflower oil • Soybean oil • Raw sunflower oil
OreIron Ore • Manganese Ore • Copper Ore • Commercial Iron Ore • Uranium Ore
AircraftCombat aircraft • Bombers • Military transport aircraft • Military aircraft • Seaplanes • Civil aircraft • Long-range wide-body aircraft • Fighters • Light transport aircraft • Carrier-based fighters • Passenger aircraft • Anti-submarine aircraft • Jet military transport aircraft • Jet aircraft • Regional turboprop aircraft • Further radar reconnaissance aircraft • DRLO aircraft • Amfibi aircraft • Refueling aircraft • Superflowing transport aircraft • Supreme transport aircraft • Center-seal passenger aircraft • Medium military transport aircraft • Medium transport aircraft • Strategic bombarders • Transport aircraft • Transport aircraft • Forest operation Gir aircraft • turbojet aircraft • Heavy military transport aircraft • Heavy transport aircraft • Combat training aircraft • Training aircraft • Training aircraft • Frontline bombers • Wide-body long-haul passenger aircraft • Attack aircraft
Control systemsRadio-electronic control systems • Automated control systems • Automatic control systems • Ammunition control systems • Weapons control systems • Engine control systems • Ship control systems • Wing mechanization control systems • Fire control systems • Missile control systems • Launch vehicle control systems • Electric locomotive control systems • Nuclear missile control systems • Automatic fuel control systems
SugarWhite crystalline sugar • White sugar • Raw sugar • Beet white crystalline sugar • Beet sugar • Cane sugar
SteelStainless steel • Transformer steel
Machine toolsWoodworking machines • Metal cutting machines
VesselsAircraft-carrying cruisers • Aircraft carriers • Artillery boats • Nuclear-powered icebreakers • Nuclear-powered submarines • Combat boats • Tugs • Hydrographic vessels • Landing craft • Landing ships • Diesel icebreakers • Diesel submarines • Diesel-electric icebreakers • Diesel-electric submarines • Dredging vessels • Cable boats • Boats • Torpedo boats • Ships • Corvettes • Cruisers • Cruise ships • Icebreakers • Sea tugs • Sea tankers • Passenger ships • Patrol landing boats • SSBN • SSGN • Submarines • Anti-sabotage boats • Missile boats • Missile ships • Raid ships tugs • RPLSN • Self-propelled floating cranes • Patrol boats • Patrol ships • Hovercraft • Support vessels • Supply vessels • Tankers • Minesweepers • Frigates • Destroyers
FabricsNatural fiber fabrics • Cotton fabrics • Wool fabrics
FuelAutomotive fuel • Biodiesel • Biofuel • Diesel fuel • Rocket fuel • Solid rocket fuel • Solid fuel • Nuclear fuel
TractorsUnmanned tractors • Wheeled tractors • Agricultural wheeled tractors • Agricultural tractors • Tractors for agriculture and forestry
PipesSeamless steel pipes • Hot rolled steel pipes • Tubing pipes • Casing pipes • Plastic pipes • Polyethylene pipes • Welded steel pipes • Welded construction pipes • Steel pipes • Construction and utility steel pipes • Oil and gas steel pipes • Titanium pipes • Pipes large diameter • Stainless steel pipes • Ferrous metal pipes • Oil and gas pipes • Centrifugally cast steel pipes • Electric welded longitudinal steel pipes • Electric welded steel pipes
TurbinesGas turbines • Hydro turbines • Steam turbines • Cogeneration turbines • Low speed steam turbines
CoalHard coal • Coking coal • Thermal coal
FertilizersNitrogen fertilizers • Potassium fertilizers • Complex phosphorus-containing fertilizers • Mineral fertilizers • Mixed fertilizers • Phosphorus fertilizers
Electric locomotivesFreight electric locomotives • Mainline electric locomotives • Passenger electric locomotives • Industrial electric locomotives
Other benefitsApricots • ABS • Aviation equipment • Aviation weapons • Aviation machine guns • Aviation kerosene • Avionics • Automatic guns • Automatic washing machines • Automatic machines • Swashplates • Highways • Agricultural products • Plasma ignition units • Rechargeable batteries • Acrylonitrile • Diamonds • Aluminum radiators • Ammonia • Antenna systems • Antibiotics • Electronic intelligence equipment • Air coolers • Artillery guns • Large caliber artillery systems • Artillery gunpowder • Asbestos • Asphalt • Nuclear power plants • Balyk products • Bananas • Bank cards • Melons • Anhydrous ammonia • White chocolate • Bentonite • Tubeless tires • Contactless payment cards • Concrete mortar • Costume jewelry • Biopesticides • Bioethanol • Bitumen mixtures • Engine control units • Control units for air defense systems • Infantry fighting vehicles • Armored combat vehicles • Harrows • On-board equipment • Diamonds • Body armor • Armored vehicles • Armored personnel carriers • Bulldozers • Paper • Paper and cardboard • Bottled water • Bottled drinking water • Household appliances • Household refrigerators • Vaccines • Felt boots • Rolls for rolling mills • Roll headers • All-terrain vehicles • Bicycles • Automatic ventilation • Ventilation equipment • Helicopter gearboxes • Helicopter transmissions • Fuses • Explosion-proof chairs • Video cameras • VCRs • Wine products • Grapes • Wine products • Wine materials • Rifles • Steering columns • Bismuth • SUVs • Intraturbine pipelines • Military transport aircraft • Military aircraft • Air-gas starters • Air starters • Fiber lasers • Armaments • Auxiliary power units • Computer equipment • Gas tanks • Newsprint • Gas condensate • Gas oil • Gas engine equipment • Gas pipelines • Ties • Nails • Generators • Reed switches • Hypersonic warheads • Alumina • Homing heads • Corrugated products • Grenade launchers • Buckwheat • Mushrooms • Cargo pontoons • Freight vehicles • Crawler tracks • HCFCs • Hydroelectric power stations • Wooden beds • Wooden panel parquet • Baby formula • Disc harrows • Sprinklers and watering machines and installations • Irrigation machines • Dosing devices • Milking installations and units • Home theaters • Road equipment • Precious stones • Precious metals and stones • Wood • Wood and wood products • Wood and pulp and paper products • Wood pulp • Chipboards • Wood panels • Christmas decorations • Christmas tree electric lamp garlands • Railway wheels • Iron ore concentrate • Railways • Iron ore raw materials • Iron ore pellets • Animal oil • Animal proteins • Housing • Fat cheese • Over-the-horizon radars • Shut-off valves • Strawberries • Cereals and legumes • Grain dryers • Toys • Lime • Measuring instruments • Insulated winding wires • Isoprene rubber • Caviar • Immune serums • Inertial navigation systems • Integrated circuits • Internet • Cables • Cable and wire products • Cocoa beans • Cocoa-containing products • Soda ash • Carabiners • Urea • Solar panel frames • Cardboard • Potato chips • Potato starch • Card payment systems • Cards memory • Rubber • ATVs • Quartz sand • Ceramic armor • Ceramic plates • Kerosene • Ketchup • Ketchup and sauces • Kefir • Brick • Fermented milk products • Oxygen cosmetics • Valves • Plywood • Strawberries • Carpets and rugs • Coke • Sausages • Wheeled armored vehicles • Wheeled armored personnel carriers • Wheel pairs • Collimator indicators • Column apparatus • Mixed feed • Switching equipment • Pressure compensators • Emergency egress complexes • Active protection complexes • Air communication complexes • Surveillance complexes • Reconnaissance complexes • Guided artillery weapon systems • Computer games • Capacitors • Confectionery products • Ferrous metal structures • Control and correction stations • Ship weapons • Ship artillery mounts • Coriander • Boxes of aircraft components • Cows • Cases for machine tools • Mowers • Cosmetics • Spaceports • Coffee • Red caviar • Silicon • Fastening fittings • Armchairs • Cattle • Cereals • Gooseberries • Cultivators • Chicken eggs • Kitchen furniture • Kitchen stoves • Laser weapons • Paints and varnishes • Car tires • Medicines • Flax • Long-lasting flax • Curly flax • Forest • Forest-paper products • Liquor products • Linoleum • Chanterelles • Sheet polished glass • Lithium • Locomotives • Scrap ferrous metals • Magnetic cards • Fuel oil • Raspberries • Tangerines • Shunting locomotives • Manganese ferroalloys • Manganese concentrate • Mattresses • Night vision sight matrices • Engineering products • Machines for applying liquid organic fertilizers to the soil • Machines for introducing solid organic fertilizers into the soil • Machines for fertilizing and watering • Machines for injection molding • Machines for tillage • Machines for sowing • Machines for demining • Furniture • Honey • Medical equipment • Medical diagnostic systems • Medical products • Copper wire • Copper cathodes • Copper concentrate • Chalk • Metal furnaces • Scrap metal • Ferrous scrap metal • Metal cutting tools • Metallurgical products • Metallurgical coke • Methanol • Subway • Microwave ovens • Microprocessors • Microelectronic components • Mixers • Mineral wool insulating boards • Mineral water • Mineral products • Mortars • Mitis • Mobile phones • Mobile Internet • Molybdenum • Molybdenum concentrate • Shellfish • Milk and condensed cream • Dairy products • Dairy products • Monitors • Monoethylene glycol • Seafood • Ice cream • Freezers • Marine jet systems • All-terrain vehicles • Motor scooters • Motorcycles • Urea • Detergents and cleaning products • Music centers • Flour • Flour and cereal products • Meat products • Canned meat for baby food • Meat and meat products • Navigation equipment • Raw timber • Non-food agricultural products • Non-metallic building materials • Oil and gas equipment • Oil refining plants • Petroleum products • Petrochemical products • Oil • Oil and gas condensate • Oil and oil products • Petroleum bitumen • Niobium • Ammonium nitrate • Chickpeas • Roasting conveyor machines • Shoe lasts • Camera lenses • Vegetables and melons • Vegetable and fruit products • Sheep • Sheep and goats • Flamethrower-incendiary complexes • Flamethrower systems • Flamethrower installations • Deer • Operating systems • Optical technology • Optical fiber • Plexiglas • Nuts • Oriented strand boards • Steam locomotives • Steam boilers • Steam generators • Passive electronic systems • PVC • Pectins • Pellets • Periscopes submarines • Printed circuit boards • Pianos • Saw timber • Lumber • Pyro sets • Pyrometric systems • Pistols • Submachine guns • Drinking water • Food • Table salt • Edible seafood • Plastic barrels • Plastic products • Plastic toys • Plastic products • Plastic construction sets • Fruit and berry crops • Fruit and vegetable storage facilities • Fruit and vegetable canned products • Fruit and vegetable products • Fruits and berries • Plows • Table salt • Rolling stock for rail transport • Mobile reconnaissance points • High pressure heaters • Polyisoprene • Ethylene polymers • Polyethylene • Low pressure polyethylene • Bed linen • Consumer Products • Balers • Physical Performance Instruments • Night Vision Devices • CPS Drives • Indicators • Natural Diamonds • Natural Gas • Natural Sand • Trailers • Trailers and Semi-Trailers • Software • Direct Reduced Iron Ore Products • Livestock Products • Crop products • CD players • Industrial products • Industrial accelerators • Anti-submarine systems • Anti-satellite weapons • Anti-tank grenade launchers • Processors • Bird eggs • Machine guns • Cannon weapons • Guns • Wheat and meslin • Vacuum cleaners • Radioactive materials • Radio fuses • Radio measuring equipment • Radioisotopes • Radio compasses • Radar equipment • Radar equipment • Radar homing heads • Radar systems • Radio navigation equipment • Radio transparent materials • Radio engineering products • Solid mineral fertilizer spreaders • Upper stages • Rocket and space technology • Missile weapons • Rocket nozzles • Rocket launchers • Gearboxes • Rubber cord structures • Resistors • Railgun • Rails • Springs • Radar • Missile warning radar • Robotic systems • Roses • MLRS • Fish and seafood • Canned fish • Rippers and cultivators • Lard • Dump trucks • Self-propelled artillery mounts • Self-propelled howitzers • Sapphires • Welding equipment • Beet pulp • Beet harvesting machines • Ultra-pure cast iron • Lamps • Light petroleum products • LED panels • LED lamps • Translucent enclosing structures • Pigs • Microwave electronics • Agricultural products • Agricultural machinery • Farm poultry • Flax seeds • Wheat seeds • Separators-steam heaters • Sulfuric acid • Seeders • Liquefied natural gas • Synthetic detergents • Synthetic sapphires • Synthetic ammonia • Synthetic rubber • Synchronous generators • Automation systems • Train safety systems • Air conditioning systems • Space monitoring systems • Atmospheric radiosonding systems • Spacecraft docking systems • Electronic fuel injection systems • Space suits • Cream • Butter • Smartphones • Currants • Sniper rifles • Snowmobiles • Soda • Soybean meal • Vanadium compounds • Malt • Cellular communications • Cell phones • Sauce • Alcohol • Long-range radio communications • Air defense equipment • Remedies radio communications • Intelligence equipment • Electronic warfare equipment • Self-defense equipment • Communication equipment • Control equipment • Cut flowers • Steels • Steel wire • Steel beams • Unalloyed steel semi-finished products • Steel semi-finished products • Steel rods • Steel building prefabricated structures • Glass • Glass containers • Stereo radio systems • Washing machines machines • Styrene • Small arms • Construction equipment • Construction materials • LPG • Ship nuclear reactors • Sodium sulfate • Sulfate cellulose • Dry building mixtures • Electricity meters • Cheese • Cheese and cheese products • Tobacco • Tobacco and tobacco products • Tanks • Cottage cheese • 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Category: Intercontinental ballistic missiles in Russia

Tested in Colombia

Nimrod was first shown at the Paris Air Show in 1989. The semi-active laser system allows for both direct guidance - from the firing platform - and indirect guidance - when the target is illuminated by a laser beam from a UAV or a forward aircraft operator-operator. The uniqueness of the missile for its time (late 80s) in comparison with “classmates” designed for three to six kilometers was its unprecedented range: from a distance of up to 26 kilometers it was capable of hitting any ground or small surface target. The illumination is carried out for only two to three seconds at the final section of the trajectory.

Nimrod 2 is equipped with a more advanced combined (laser semi-active and satellite) guidance system and has a range of up to 36 km. The missile was supplied to the Colombian Air Force to arm Kfir fighter-bombers. At Eurosatory 2008, IAI presented an updated Nimrod 3 missile with twice the launch range.

The Israeli company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems has developed a series of Spike anti-tank missiles. They differ in launch range: 800, 2500, 4000, 25,000 meters. The most interesting modification is Spike NLOS. This missile launcher is equipped with a tandem warhead with cumulative action. Depending on the conditions of use and the wishes of the customer, either a television or thermal imaging seeker can be installed on it. According to Western experts, this missile is one of the best in its class and has significant prospects for sale on the world market.

The sailors were not asked

Polyphem is a joint development of arms companies in France, Germany and Italy . Research work by TRIFOM (TRI Lateral Fiber Optic Missile) in the field of weapons controlled by fiber optic cables was started in France and Germany in 1986. In 1994, the Italian company Italomissile joined the program. In the summer of 1995, the first successful tests of the missile were carried out at the French Research Center for Army Weapons Systems, which confirmed the high quality of key components. In 1996, experimental firing took place at a range of 15 to 30 km, as a result of which the data necessary to continue the work was obtained. In accordance with the tactical and technical requirements, Polyphem had to have high noise immunity, all-weather combat use, as well as the ability to fire salvos and retarget after launch.

The Polyphem complex can be used in land or sea versions. In the first, it consists of a launcher with six guides (placed on a Mercedes-Benz all-terrain chassis) and missiles placed in containers. The missile is designed to have a range of up to 60 km. It is accelerated to a speed of about 220 m/s by a starting solid propellant accelerator, after which the turbojet engine comes into operation, providing a cruising speed of 120 m/s. Four aerodynamic rudders are located in the tail section. Guidance to the target area is carried out using a navigation and measurement system (IMU) with GPS support.

The missile is equipped with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 20 kg, powerful enough to destroy targets such as a helicopter, a tank, a ship with a displacement of up to 500 tons, a radar station, a command post, and a bridge.

The main element of the seeker is an American-made video camera located on a platform stabilized in three planes. It allows the operator to search, detect, recognize, track and engage targets at any time of the day. The camera is capable of capturing and reliably holding a detected target at a distance of up to eight kilometers with optimal visibility and up to three kilometers with limited visibility.

The missile is controlled from a guidance post through a fiber-optic cable connecting them, allowing two-way data transfer at a speed of 200 Mbit/s. The use of a high-speed communication line allows you to select and identify a target, as well as additionally monitor the terrain and achieve very high accuracy.

The sighting and launching equipment of the guidance post provides the ability to fire at up to four targets at intervals of up to 20 seconds.

A naval version, called Polyphem-S , was initially selected for the new German K-130 Braunschweig-class corvettes as the primary anti-surface and anti-surface missile armament. The program was canceled for unknown reasons in 2003, and the Swedish-made RBS-15 anti-ship missile was taken instead. Military sailors were far from fully satisfied with this complex - in comparison with Polyphem-S, it has a number of fatal and significant disadvantages: a large dead zone - 9 km, an excessively powerful warhead - 200 kg and most importantly - the absence of a return video channel. The last drawback deprives the ship commander of the ability to control the destruction of the target.

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