Electroshock device ESHU ZEUS DK.111 is a powerful remote-contact electric weapon that provides maximum safe electrical characteristics for damaging biological objects with an electric shock discharger (ESR). ESHU ZEUS DK.111 is intended for:

  • civil application - self-defense by citizens from attacks by offenders and animals through non-lethal contact or remote influence on the attacker with a series of high-voltage electric current discharges;
  • official use by legal entities with special statutory tasks in accordance with official requirements. Stun gun ZEUS DK.111 is a special tool for controlling the behavior of an offender, allowing you to stop the offense in a short time.

The electrical parameters of the ZEUS electric shock baton are safe for the life and health of the target, do not cause death or irreversible pathological changes in the body of the target if the rules of operation and use are observed.

Purchase by citizens: free upon presentation of a passport (without a license, medical certificates or permission).

Purchase by organizations: under a license to purchase weapons.


-You can get help with choosing a civilian self-defense weapon on our website in the REVIEW .

-For a video about stun guns and OBERON-ALPHA products, see the VIDEO

-We publish real stories of application and operation in the REVIEWS on our website. If you liked our online store, send your review.

-In the QUESTION-ANSWER we publish the ESC developer’s answers to customer questions.

-Basic requirements for self-defense weapons by OBERON-ALFA: section PUBLICATIONS .

-Booklets, instruction manuals, datasheets: DOCUMENTS .


Stun baton ZEUS DK.111 is available in three models: ZEUS-L (length 405mm), ZEUS-M (length 355mm), ZEUS-S (length 305mm).


The ZEUS electric shock baton is structurally made in a shock-resistant housing. The load-bearing component of the body is a heavy-duty glass composite pipe on which are placed:

  • Handle. Designed to hold the device during operation and use. A nut is screwed onto the rear end of the handle to secure the battery and the ZS-L-9 LED flashlight. The nut is made of a larger diameter than the handle for a more confident grip of the device during operation and use.
  • Garda. Located at the front of the handle. On the guard there are: a fuse, a button for turning on the laser target designator of the laser pointer, a laser pointer window, an LED indicator, a silicone ergonomic button for turning on the electric shock discharger, an identifier socket (for models ZEUS-L, ZEUS-M), an identifier lock (for models ZEUS-L, ZEUS -M), antenna (internal receiver-reader) for reading the Master card/identifier code (for models ZEUS-L, ZEUS-M), pin socket (for model ZEUS-S), pin lock (for model ZEUS-S).
  • Picatinny rail. The Picatinny rail is located on the working area of ​​the baton and is secured with special screws. The Picatinny rail is designed for the top installation of additional autonomous equipment: weapon lights, video recording systems, etc. All metal fasteners of the electric shock baton are made of stainless steel with a decorative coating.
  • High voltage zone. It includes a cartridge lock, control electrodes, anti-grip electrodes, working electrodes, and initiation electrodes. All electrodes are made of stainless steel with a protective decorative coating.


ESHU ZEUS DK.111 is equipped with a special holster-fixer for wearing the device on a waist belt (belt width no more than 50mm). The design of the holster does not interfere with wearing the ZEUS ESA with additional equipment installed on the Picatinny rail.


Picatinny rail - a rail bracket used on various types of firearms to provide unification of mounts for sights and other accessories, including tactical flashlights, laser designators, etc. The military standard MIL-STD-1913 was developed and published by the state arsenal "Picatinny Arsenal", USA. Distributed and used in accordance with the standardization agreement. In tactical electroshock weapons, the Picatinny rail as a bracket for attaching tactical accessories was first used for the ZEUS DK.111 ESA (OBERON-ALFA JSC company).

ATTENTION! The Picatinny rail for the ZEUS-S model is a decorative element and is not intended for mounting stand-alone devices.

Technical characteristics of ESC ZEUS 2:

Output voltage at the working electrodes of the ESD, kV90 (-20)
ESD impact power, W3 (-1)
Resistance to external influences: operational in the temperature range from -15 ° C to +50 ° C and relative humidity up to 98% at a temperature of +25 ° CYes
Repeated impacts, vibration resistance GOST 30631 for mechanical design group M34, degree of rigidity 11a.Yes
Weight, kg0,72±0,03
Overall dimensions Length-x-Height-x-Width (without taking into account the extension of the pin retainer), mm405(±5)х64(±2)х53(±2)
Distance between working electrodes, mm38
Recommended time of single exposure to an object, sec3
Recommended pause duration between single impacts on an object, sec10
Test mode: cyclic (Discharge - Pause). Discharge – no more than 1 second. Pause – at least 5 seconds. Yes
Maximum permissible reduction in the power of impact on the object, no more than %25
Operating cycles with a fully charged battery, no less80
Battery: removable rechargeable LiPOL battery 11.1V, 600 mAhYes
Number of battery charge cycles, not less500
ESD service life, years.3
Identification systemYes
Flashlight ZS-L-9Yes
The glow resource of the ZS-L-9 flashlight from a fully charged battery (reference value) is at least an hour.6
Working length of Picatinny rail, mm130
Laser pointerYes
Energy consumption in the mode “Device is removed from the fuse, the electroshock discharger is not turned on, the flashlight and laser laser are turned off,” no more, mA25

Warranty 12 months from the date of sale



  • ESHU ZEUS DK.111 – 1 unit.
  • Holster – 1 pc.
  • Identifier with wrist strap – 1 pc. (for models ZEUS-L, ZEUS-M)
  • Master card – 1 pc. (for models ZEUS-L, ZEUS-M)
  • Receipt with wrist strap – 1 pc. (for ZEUS-S model)
  • LIPOL battery (rechargeable) – 1 pc.
  • LED flashlight ZS-L-9 – 1 pc.
  • Charger ZS-11.1-600 – 1 pc.
  • Operating manual, certificate – 1 piece.
  • Packaging – 1 pc.


  • An umbrella case for concealed carrying with/without cartridges. Convertible length.
  • Car charger ZS-11.1-600-12-24V for charging the battery from a 12/24V car network.



You can buy a class 1 stun gun ZEUS DK.111 legally without special permission and a license: the ZEUS stun gun has high rates of biological effects in any form - close contact, electric shock through clothing, remote impact. The impact is high-voltage electric current, which means that the offender does not suffer serious physical harm.


  • Buying a ZEUS stun gun means purchasing a real certified stun gun with the correct design, branded components, responsible assembly, and 100% control of finished products.
  • Complies with GOST R 50940-96 “Electroshock devices. General technical conditions".
  • Class 1 (the highest class of civilian weapons, belonging to which allows them to be used effectively in self-defense).
  • Developed and produced by OBERON-ALFA CJSC, Moscow.
  • The ESHU ZEUS transformer system effectively penetrates winter and leather clothing.
  • Certified for legal sale in Russia.


The input power of the electroshock device ESHU ZEUS is 70 W. The high input power of the stun circuit allows you to receive high-voltage pulses with an impact efficiency no lower than that of police special wearable stun devices, despite the power limitations imposed by the standards.


The distance between the combat electrodes of the ZEUS stun gun is 38mm. – this is the highest parameter among stun batons, which allows, when influencing a living target, to obtain the largest possible current loop (the length of the path covered by the discharge on a living target).

The distance between the cutting (control) electrodes is 21 mm (the length of the visible electric arc during an idle discharge), so the effect is effective through winter clothing.


ESH ZEUS can be used remotely:

  1. For psychophysical influence on a living target or group of targets, KSh light-noise cartridges are used.
  2. For remote electric shock, remote cartridges KD or KD+ are used.

For ease of aiming, the ZEUS ESA is equipped with a laser target designator.


ATTENTION! Strictly follow the instructions and warnings regarding the use of ESU ZEUS. Failure to comply with the instructions may result in severe injury or death to the subject.


ESHU ZEUS affects the object with high-voltage electrical impulses, causing neuromuscular blockade. The ESHU ZEUS transformer system is made of precision materials and forms an effective circuit with the affected area of ​​the object, adapting to the physiological properties of the object and physicochemical changes in the affected area during exposure. The circuit transmits the damage energy from the device to the object in the form of special impulses that block sensory and motor nerves. Neuromuscular blockade is effective for offenders with a high pain threshold (drug users, those under severe stress, prepared or trained opponents who may not perceive pain, or are able to resist arrest (self-defense) despite physical pain). The electrical impact of ESHU ZEUS is capable of exercising control over the actions of the offender, depriving them of the opportunity to consciously interrupt the impact - to escape from the discharge or to resist during the use of weapons.

ATTENTION! The official use of the device must be justified by the impossibility of controlling the situation or detaining the offender without the use of weapons.

ATTENTION! Civilian use of the device must be justified by the impossibility of protecting against attack by other means.

ATTENTION! Failure to comply with the rules for the use of remote electroshock weapons, including the use of signal cartridges and remote electric shock cartridges, can lead to injury or death to the target.


  1. A strong stopping and disorienting effect is achieved depending on the area of ​​impact, the time of impact, and the condition of the attacker. It is important to choose the area of ​​impact of the stun gun correctly. It should be as close as possible to the attacker's central nervous system - in the torso. The most vulnerable points are the neck, groin, solar plexus, heart area, as well as the upper chest and upper thigh.
  2. A stun gun is an indispensable weapon of self-defense on the street in inclement weather (strong wind, snowfall), in an elevator, in a car, i.e. in cases where the use of gas weapons is either ineffective or unsafe.
  3. You should also know that the impact of the discharge of an electroshock device is significantly enhanced if the electric shock is applied in close contact between the working electrodes and the affected area. The use of a shocker is unexpected for the attacker and increases the effectiveness of the impact. When using a stun gun, direct physical contact with the offender is allowed: only that part of the attacker’s body that is between the combat electrodes is exposed to high voltage.

Inertia of electroshock perception. All biological objects have varying degrees of inertness to electric shock. Therefore, short exposure to an electric shock discharger is less than 1 second. even for powerful electroshock devices, it may not be sufficient for long-term (with a long-lasting effect after the end of the impact) disorientation of the offender in space, a fall with loss of consciousness. In this case, the exposure time must be increased.

The initial effectiveness of the impact (during the first second of impact) largely depends on the emotional preparedness of the offender for the impact. Unexpected use greatly increases the effectiveness of the electric shock.

Tracking target movement. One of the fundamental rules for the effective use of a stun gun is to accompany the movement of a living target during use: when exerting an impact, you should firmly press (and press during impact) the electrodes to the body of the aggressor. Sliding of working electrodes over the surface of the object is unacceptable.


ATTENTION! When turning on the electric shock discharger (ESR), do not bring your hands close to the high-voltage zone of the electric shock baton and the electrodes. ATTENTION! During operation, do not expose the ECU ZEUS to prolonged heat (for example, exposure to sunlight). Excessive heat in the device may shorten battery life. ATTENTION! Do not store the device at low temperatures for a long time (in the cold season in a car, in an unheated room,...) - this may shorten the battery life. ATTENTION! The laser target designator of the LCC contains a source of laser radiation. When operating the laser laser, avoid direct or reflected laser radiation coming into your eyes. ATTENTION! Do not use ESH ZEUS in water, barefoot on concrete floors, grass, etc.. WARNING! Keep out of the reach of children; ATTENTION! The operation of the device may affect the operation of some electronic devices (due to electromagnetic interference), so it is not recommended to operate the device in close proximity to computers, medical equipment, etc. WARNING! Do not turn on the device in places with an explosive atmosphere, places where blasting operations are carried out, which are usually marked with special warning signs - gas stations, etc. ATTENTION! Do not operate the device near fuel or chemicals. ATTENTION! Do not disassemble the battery or short-circuit its contacts. ATTENTION! The official use of the device must be justified by the impossibility of controlling the situation or stopping a crime without the use of a weapon. ATTENTION! Civilian use of the device must be justified by the impossibility of protecting against attack by other means. ATTENTION! Continuous exposure of people for more than 3 seconds is prohibited. ATTENTION! The use of the ESHU ZEUS DK.111 electric shock discharger against persons under 16 years of age, pregnant women, and also against persons with severe mental illness is strictly prohibited. ATTENTION! Physical shock from a ZEUS stun baton can cause serious injury, including non-life-threatening injuries. When using ESH ZEUS, it is prohibited to apply excessive physical force to the object of influence. ATTENTION! The use of a ZEUS electric shock baton can lead to loss of coordination, balance and the fall of the subject. This could result in serious physical injury. The person most at risk is someone who: - May lose their balance and suffer serious injury to the head or other parts of the body from the impact of a fall; -Is located on a high or unstable surface (for example, on a ladder); -Limited in the ability to protect oneself during a fall (for example, bound or restricted in movements); -May fall on a sharp object (for example, holding a knife or other sharp object, or a sharp object is on the ground); -Is in motion; -Drives or is on any moving vehicle (e.g., car, bicycle, train). ATTENTION! When loading and unloading cartridges and magazines, point them away from you. ATTENTION! When working with cartridges and magazines, follow the rules for their use. The cartridges' operating instructions and safety precautions are described in their Operating Manuals. ATTENTION! Failure to comply with the rules for the use of remote electric shock weapons, including the use of signal cartridges, remote electric shock cartridges, and electric discharge transport units, can lead to injury or death to the target. ATTENTION! ESHU ZEUS with an installed cartridge/magazine is dangerous. Do not point the working part of the cartridge at a person unless you intend to shoot.



The order of attaching the cartridge (charging):

  1. Put ESHU ZEUS DK.111 on the fuse by turning the fuse counterclockwise until it stops.
  2. Direct the exit of the cartridge or magazine away from you.
  3. Attach the cartridge with a progressive movement from top to bottom until it clicks (the cartridge locks into place).

Cartridge initiation order:

  1. Remove ESHU ZEUS DK.111 from the fuse by turning the fuse clockwise until it stops.
  2. Direct the cartridge output towards the target.
  3. Initiate cartridge. To do this, you need to press the button to turn on the electric shock discharger. To facilitate the aiming process, it is possible to turn on the laser target designator of the LCC.
  4. In the case of using cartridges with remote transmission of a high-voltage discharge, after initiating the cartridge, hold down the button to turn on the electric shock discharger to transmit the high-voltage effect to the target.

The pick player has a significant advantage

It is advisable that you initiate contact with the enemy and take away all advantages from him. Jumping around corners is useful because you avoid your opponent getting a quick headshot while closing in on you.

Swing Zeus like a long sword after you jump the moment you think contact is imminent. The distance should be full when, at the peak of your jump, you slash your opponent's shoulders.

Ideally, the encounter will be over before the enemy realizes what has happened.

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