Submachine gun Heckler - Koch HK MP7A1 PDW (Germany)


  • Good tempo of bullets fired from this machine gun. One might say - the best of all submachine guns;
  • Due to the low recoil, the bullets fly very accurately. The first 6-7 rounds fly straight to the target even when moving. Despite the weak damage, this is a great advantage;
  • Thanks to its technical characteristics, its price is justified;
  • Good supply of ammunition (+4 magazines);
  • Great farm per kill (+$600). Allows you to fully pay for the device in 3 kills.


MP7 tactics for playing cs go


  • The best way to shoot at medium and close range is “clamp” shooting. The shooting problem occurs more often among experienced players who play with assault rifles. On an intuitive level, they begin to shoot at the legs, or even at the floor, and move the mouse away. Don't forget that the MP7 is the most accurate submachine gun in the game. Aim for the stomach and spend a third of the magazine, slightly moving the mouse towards you.
  • At long distances, move in different directions, stop and fire three-round bursts during stops.
  • Don't rush to attack your opponents right away. It is indeed possible to assault with MP7, but only if there are no more than 3 opponents at the point. For an assault, you need to suddenly burst in, throwing several flash grenades first.
  • Again, an assault is an assault, and we should not forget that the cartridges in the magazine are not endless, and reloading is not as fast as we would like.
  • Take a rapid fire pistol if possible (CZ75-Auto/Five-SeveN/Tec-9). They are perfect for finishing off opponents, as they have considerable damage and a high rate of fire.
  • Defense tactics:
  • Let's say you play for a team of counter-terrorists and you know some secluded place that is rarely checked on the map. If so, be sure to sit there at the beginning of the round. If the enemy doesn't bother to check him, he will die instantly (if you don't have problems with the reaction). This tactic is also suitable for terrorists if they are defending a plant.
  • The MP7 is great for reinforcement fire. Support an ally with a stronger weapon with fire. If, for example, you injure a couple of opponents, then they will not survive even an accidental hit or AWP shot.
  • The MP7 is a submachine gun suitable for shooting down a group of enemies. "Heaps", so to speak. The ideal option is to hide near a closed corridor (tunnel. For example: carpets on the Inferno map, and hide in the Cradle. In the game, the place is called a “dark room”), wait until a group of enemies enters it, throw a fragmentation grenade, and shoot them from the "clamp". This operating principle is suitable for the beginning of the round, playing as counter-terrorists.


  • It doesn't matter what weapon you have. If you don't move against MP7, you're dead.
  • Try to keep large distances. Even if the enemy knows how to shoot well, a long distance will allow you to gain some time, since you will have to shoot single shots or bursts. Coupled with low damage, the enemy will have to spend a lot of time.
  • From the advice described above, it follows that the best weapon option against the MP7 is a long-range weapon: sniper or assault rifles with a telescopic sight.

Main technical characteristics

What is it also calledEmpeha, MP
Shooting modeAuto
Rate of fire810 rounds per minute
Can buyBoth sides
Dynamics of movement with weapons turned on89% of total speed (almost the same as pistols)
Average damage28
Kill BonusIn competitive mode - $600
In regular fashion - $300
Armor penetration61%

A cool machine gun that is available for purchase by both parties in the cs:go game. MP7 has strong technical characteristics, as well as a corresponding price - $1,700. Significantly more expensive than their classmates.

An interesting fact is that this is the only weapon that differs significantly from the real version of the Wepon. In the game, it shoots a completely different caliber of ammunition, and also has minor visual differences.

This is also one of the devices that helps you farm (get money) for subsequent rounds due to the reward for killing - $600. Only shotguns ($900) give more money.

Skins for MP7

MP7 Snow Haze price ~250$ (6700 UAH, 15,000 rubles):

MP7 Damn price ~4$ (80 UAH, 180 rubles):

MP7 Full stop ~3$ (70 UAH, 160 rubles):

MP7 Special delivery~8$ (170 UAH, 360 rubles):

MP7 Bloodsport ~50$ (1270 UAH, 3360 rubles):

MP7 Nemesis ~15$ (340 UAH, 960 rubles):

MP7 Gradient ~16$ (400 UAH, 1250 rubles):

MP7 Generator ~8$ (250 UAH, 650 rubles):

MP7 Orange peel ~14$ (450 UAH, 1250 rubles):

Video of all skins on MP7

Interesting facts about MP7

  • From the very first versions of this device, it was available only to the defense side. The terrorists had a PP-Bison;
  • There are no weapons with this model number in real life. CS:GO version is similar to MP7A1. True, in real life this machine gun is very heavy and has 40 rounds in the magazine. This is even noticeable in the visual length of the horn;
  • Until 2022, the sound of bullets fired on the MP7 was a copy of the MP5. Afterwards, during the next update, they made it their own sound;
  • The caliber of cartridges in real life is also completely different compared to the game;
  • In CS:GO there are achievements related to MP7. These achievements have the smallest number of players worldwide;
  • The weapon has a butt that extends. But in fact it is not in the game.

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Why do you need MP7?

This is the question to ask yourself before you loadout MP7. No matter what review I read about the best assemblies, I see only positive things, the assembly is super-duper, but nothing is written about the case. Let's try to take a critical approach to choosing a build, shall we?

What do you want to get from mp7? Why mp7 and not mp5, which has significantly more damage and less recoil. What about the rate of fire, you say? With the same damage, Fennec (Vector in common parlance) produces 250 more rounds per minute (See the comparison table below). I will help you understand the details of the game.

If you take mp7 for arcade push at close range, then it is better to take the “Origin” 12 shotgun in the second slot, so it will dematerialize opponents with two shots. Another question, if you are targeting short, close-mid range, then let's stick with the mp5 or the meta AUG. I'm not discouraging you, I'm just asking you to look at the game more broadly.

Let's look at 2 popular options for assembling mp7.

Damage with minimum rage

Shooting and damage caused to the enemy, if you shoot at point-blank range from the MP-7:

Part of the bodyWith minimal rage
Without armorWith armor
Red is death!
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