Signal flare gun (pistol). Signal flare gun in the shape of a pen

Flare pistols are not among the popular types of weapons, however, they are mandatory in the arsenal of avid hunters, tourists and security guards. The simple design, ease of maintenance and quite effective results of operation make it possible to use such rocket launchers both in difficult conditions and as duty support at critical points. From a legal point of view, signal flares, pistols and other variations of lighting and sound hand weapons do not belong to combat models and can be used without special permission.

General information

There are many versions and modifications of the flare gun, but the standard flare pistol is a pen-shaped, non-automatic weapon. Its design largely replicates the design principles of a smoothbore gun, in which the barrel is designed to break. In essence, the signal flare gun can be considered one of the stages in the evolution of the classic hunting rifle, because ammunition for pyrotechnic signaling is also developed according to the same principle.

In addition to the fact that the signal flare gun in the first versions was produced on the platform of shortened rifles, the most popular calibers were later adopted. However, labeling systems still have discrepancies. For example, a 26 mm rocket launcher barrel can be considered an analogue of a 4th hunting caliber. In the standard version, the signal flare gun is a single-barreled weapon, but there are also double-barreled models.

Operating principle

The firing of a shot is usually accompanied by noise, which is produced due to the formation of a gas mixture from the warhead. When the detonating capsule is activated by the striker, the charge explodes, releasing chemical energy. The expanding gas forms a shock wave in the air. If a signal flare gun with a light effect is used, then key processes occur at altitude, when the chemical substances of the flare gun brightly illuminate the flight path. As in the case of smoke warheads, light rocket launchers may not produce any noise effects at all - however, today there are many variants of cartridges that implement the combined principle of operation.

Purpose and application

Flare guns perform two main functions - scaring and attracting attention (alert). Each cartridge model has a specific signaling effect - light, sound or smoke. Depending on the purposes and conditions of use, a specific option is selected - for example, for scaring and intimidation, a signal flare gun with sound charges is recommended, and lighting models are more often used for information, signaling for help, etc. Smoke charges are less common, but their role is also significant. For example, smoke is used to camouflage or mark landing sites. However, for such purposes, special installations or warheads with large calibers are more often used.

In addition, the signal pistol can be used as a training tool, developing skills in handling a combat analogue. In this regard, such models allow you to master not only the technical mechanism of operation, but also psychologically get used to the working “effects”. For example, in terms of noise impact, a signal flare gun is not inferior to, and in some cases even superior to, combat models. Actually, this is the reason for the demand for rocket launchers as weapons for self-defense. They do not cause harm, but the psychological effect is quite impressive.

Do-it-yourself toy “hydra rocket launcher” from improvised means

Hello to all DIYers! Today in this article we will look in detail at how to make an interesting homemade product. Namely, today we will assemble a toy “rocket launcher” that, using hydraulic propulsion, will launch plastic bottles far away. This toy will surely keep you busy for a long time on a boring day. Absolutely anyone will like this toy, it doesn’t matter if you are a child or an adult, you will still like it. This homemade product will be assembled practically from rubbish, which you can probably easily find in your garage, and therefore absolutely everyone can afford such a homemade product. Well, well, I think there’s no need to delay with a long preface, let’s go.

For the toy “hydra rocket launcher” you will need:

— Plastic ties — Various PVC fittings — 0.5 l plastic bottles — Electrical tape — Thin sheet plastic — Nipple for tubeless wheels — Guide — Trigger from a toy gun — Handle from a toy gun — Pump or compressor for inflating tires — Badminton shuttlecock

Since it is still impossible to select a suitable plastic pipe so that it fits tightly into the bottle, in case it is necessary to make a couple of rolls of electrical tape in the place where we have the mark, so that in this place the bottle sits tightly on the pipe and from there it does not water was leaking.

For the next step in manufacturing the trigger mechanism, you will need large plastic ties; it is not the length of the ties itself that is needed, but rather their locking part, which should be large. We insert the pipe into the rocket all the way (to the electrical tape) and glue plastic ties around the pipe as close as possible to each other. The screeds need to be glued so that their ends are in contact with the protruding ring on the bottle.

For greater adhesion of the ties to the neck of the bottle, we additionally wrap the ties with electrical tape. And as we can already see, the mechanism is already emerging. Next, in order to ensure reliable fixation of the bottle in its place, you need to cut a section about 5 cm long from a sewer pipe of 40 diameter. We put this section on the workpiece, as it is shown in the photo below and we see that in this position of the pipe, the bottle is impossible get it out, and when we remove it (the pipe), the bottle can be easily removed.

Then you need to trim off the unnecessary ends of the plastic ties using a utility knife. We can also return to the rocket itself, namely, if you wish, you can add “wings” to the rocket. They should be made from light and durable material. The author of the homemade product used a plastic document holder. In order to make them, repeat the steps in the step-by-step photos below; comments are unnecessary here.

The next step is to make a receiver into which we will pump air. The size of the receiver directly depends on the shells you choose. But what can be said for sure is that it is not at all necessary to make the receiver large, and besides, a large receiver will take longer to pump up. For the receiver we will use a large thick-walled PVC pipe (such pipes are often used in heating), this pipe also needs a plug for it and an adapter for a 20 mm pipe.

We weld a plug and an adapter to a thick pipe. In the absence of a welding machine for PVC pipes, especially for pipes of this diameter. It is recommended to use epoxy glue. But before you tightly glue or weld the plug to the pipe, you need to screw a nipple for tubeless tires to this plug. If you don't want to buy such a nipple, then you can use a nipple from an old bicycle tube, although you will have to tinker with it a little more. If you are using a nipple cut from an old chamber, then you will also need to use sealant.

To the end of the tube that is glued to the trigger ring, you need to glue the trigger from a toy gun, or, if possible, bend this pipe so that it itself is a trigger. Also, for convenient use of the homemade product, you need to glue the handle in a place convenient for you. In order for the handle to hold securely in its place, this connection should also be reinforced, reinforced, as is shown in the photo below.

That's basically it, ready! All that remains is to go and test the homemade product. To do this, fill the bottle with water no more than 40% and put it on the trigger mechanism. We snap the mechanism and begin to build up pressure in the bottle, the entire rocket launcher is ready to launch. You can see the test results below.

Here is a video from the author of the homemade product:

Well, thank you all for your attention and good luck in future DIY projects!


Shpagin pistol

One of the most successful representatives of domestic flare guns is the Shpagin pistol. This is a hand-held smooth-bore weapon with which you can fire lighting cartridges. Being a reliable and trouble-free assistant, the SSh signal flare gun has a simple design and operating principle. To charge it, you need to break the barrel of the rocket launcher and install a cartridge in it. At the same time, the model does not have any special aiming properties, and its rate of fire is about 12 shots per 1 minute.

If a signal charge is used, the flight altitude can reach 120 m, and in the case of using sprockets - 150 m. Shooting can be carried out with cartridges intended for both daytime and night time. In addition to signal warheads, the SPS is compatible with incendiary cartridges and even some modifications of gas grenades.

Signal ammunition

The ammunition supplied with the rocket launcher comes in a wide range. They can be classified according to the presence of parachutes, the effect of the action and the number of stars. The simplest charges include single-star signal cartridges, but there are also ammunition with several colors, as well as smoke bombs. The maximum lifting height reaches 150 m, but this figure is relevant for favorable conditions of use.

The pyrotechnic projectile launched by a pen-shaped flare gun is visible from a distance of several kilometers. Recently, combined cartridges have become widespread, in which, along with color visual signaling, a noise effect is provided - it is provided by a howling pyrotechnic whistle.

How to make a rocket with your own hands so that it flies - a simple master class for children

This simple and accessible master class will teach your child how to make a flying paper rocket with their own hands. The work will require a minimum of materials, but, nevertheless, in order for everything to work out as needed, you will have to show attention and accuracy. The smoother and clearer the fold lines are, the more aerodynamic the craft will be and the farther it can fly.

Necessary materials for making a flying rocket with your own hands

Step-by-step instructions on how children can make a flying rocket with their own hands

How to make a cardboard rocket with your own hands - diagrams of parts and work process

Following the recommendations of this master class, you can make a voluminous and beautiful themed toy with your own hands - a space rocket from cardboard and colored paper. The lesson comes with not only a detailed description and step-by-step photos, but also diagrams that will make it easy to cut out important small details.

Necessary materials for making your own cardboard rocket

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a space rocket out of cardboard and paper

How to make a bottle rocket so it flies high - video

In this video, the authors - father and son - tell how to make a rocket from a plastic bottle at home. The work uses the most common materials that are always at hand.

The entire process is shown in great detail, and the expediency of each action is clearly and clearly explained.

A special point that is emphasized is the safety of manufacturing and further launch, and this is extremely important for both adults and children.

How to make a space rocket with your own hands from paper at home

At home, you can make a real space rocket with your own hands from the most ordinary paper. The work is not too difficult, but requires accuracy and attention. School-age children can easily cope with this task on their own, and children from kindergarten will need a little help from teachers, parents or older brothers or sisters.

Necessary materials for a paper space rocket

Step-by-step instructions for making a paper rocket at home

Hold the structure in this position for some time so that the glue sets and the parts become integral. Place the finished work on a flat surface or cardboard stand.

How to make a rocket from matches and foil - master class

This simple and accessible tutorial explains how to make a rocket at home using matches and foil. The work requires the simplest materials, and the process itself takes literally a few minutes. Then you can even launch an improvised aircraft, however, you should remember that such events should only be carried out outdoors and, preferably, in the presence of adults.

Necessary materials for making a rocket from foil and matches

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making your own rocket from matches

If the work is solely of a souvenir nature, it can be placed in a cabinet under glass or placed on a table (or on any other flat and reliable surface). When plans include a launch, you should remember that it can only be carried out on the street in compliance with basic safety rules.

In this material we will present an overview of a video on the manufacture of a rocket launcher, as well as missiles for this very rocket launcher.

So, we will need: - PVC pipe; - two plastic bottles; - tape; - paper; - lighter for a gas stove; - sandpaper; - hacksaw; - heat-resistant silicone.

It should be noted that first the author screws in the screws in the middle part of the bottle, which, according to him, is not so effective when using alcohol as a fuse. This is explained by the fact that when you pour alcohol into a bottle, it ends up at the bottom.

Alcohol vapor also has a greater concentration at the bottom, so ignition in the middle does not occur as easily as at the bottom. The rocket launcher is ready, you can start making rockets.

To do this, we will use paper, tape and a piece of PVC pipe that is attached to the lid.

Take the paper and wrap it around the PVC tube.

We glue the paper with tape to fix it in the wrapped state. Cover the open end of the tube with paper and tape.

Safety when using flare guns

Like all devices that work with pyrotechnics, flare guns require certain safety measures:

  • Manufacturers recommend that you always treat the weapon as if it is loaded and do not point the barrel at people.
  • If the primer is not activated after pressing the trigger, it is recommended to wait up to 1 minute. As a rule, this is the effect of a “lingering shot,” but if nothing happens after a while, the gun should be unloaded.
  • The ammunition used must be compatible with the pistol model.
  • You cannot remove primers in cartridge simulators.

You may notice that signal flares, pistols and revolvers have safety systems, which in some cases reduce the ease of use of these weapons. Understanding this, manufacturers do not recommend upgrading devices by getting rid of protection systems. In addition, it is prohibited to lighten the trigger mechanisms.

DIY rocket

Manufacturing difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Manufacturing time: A couple of days

Available materials: ████░░░░░░ 40%

I want to tell you about another rocket of mine. It has quite impressive dimensions (length 2 meters and diameter 90 mm) and has a rescue system.

How to make a rocket

Rescue system


Fiercely epic video of the launch
Results of the work and tips
See all projects by tag: rocket

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