Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): past and future of the legendary organization

FBI SWAT members in training, Buffalo Regional Office
A countryUSA USA
Subordination Federal Bureau of Investigation
Type Special Forces
Dislocation 56 FBI regional offices

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actics Teams
) are special combat units of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the equivalent of police SWAT . They are located at each of the 56 FBI regional offices.[1] In the event of a large-scale problem, if local law enforcement does not have the resources to handle the situation, FBI SWAT teams from the local department, as well as from outside the region, can be dispatched to assist local authorities.

Structurally assigned to the Tactical Operations Division of the FBI's Critical Incident Response Team.

FBI SWAT missions

FBI SWAT teams can perform missions of varying levels of complexity and risk.

  • Detention/destruction of terrorists.
  • Release of hostages.
  • Tracking fugitives in rural areas.
  • Security of high-ranking officials and VIPs.
  • Storming buildings.
  • Preventing terrorist attacks.
  • Carrying out operations that ordinary SWAT teams cannot do (storming the buildings of drug lords).
  • Large-scale counter-terrorism operations.
  • Eliminating the threat of the use of nuclear bombs, chemical weapons, weapons of mass destruction, etc.

FBI during World War II and postwar years

After World War II began, FBI Director Hoover gave his employees the task of finding people who openly expressed sympathies for Nazi Germany and Italy and preparing information on them. Moreover, certificates had to be prepared not only for sympathizers of the fascist regime, but also for communists. If the US enters the war, all these people should be arrested. In addition, Hoover prepared plans for surprise searches of foreign embassies to obtain classified information. There is no doubt that almost any information relating to the United States would be regarded as secret, and all embassy employees would be arrested.

Despite the sad experience of unsuccessful counterintelligence activities during the First World War, we must give credit to the new FBI Director Hoover, who managed to turn the FBI into a powerful organization. During the Second World War, neither Japan nor Germany managed to create a real spy network in the United States.

After the war, Hoover, who continued to be an anti-communist, launched large-scale activities aimed at identifying Bolshevik supporters in the United States. In the 40-60s, the FBI constantly violated American law by carrying out the following actions:

  • Various illegal searches;
  • Wiretapping of telephone conversations;
  • Seizure of correspondence;
  • Carrying out various kinds of provocative actions.

FBI SWAT weapons and equipment

FBI SWAT teams use a variety of weapons that are commonly used extensively by most other law enforcement, counterterrorism, and special forces agencies. Below are some of the FBI SWAT's main weapons:

  • Pistols - M1911A1 (.45 ACP), Glock 22 (.40 S&W);
  • Submachine guns - HK MP5/10;
  • Shotguns - Remington 870;
  • Assault rifles - ;
  • Sniper rifles;
  • Night-vision devices;
  • Thermal imagers;
  • Smoke, light and sound, gas, fragmentation grenades;
  • Silent firing device;
  • Tactical flashlight;
  • Electroshock weapons;
  • Heavy body armor - III class - 0101.04 (according to NATO standard).
  • Helmet – MITCH 2001, MITCH 2000, SPECTRA helmet

FBI SWAT is equipped with more advanced weapons and equipment than police SWAT. For example, SWAT police officers are issued the III-A-0101.04 body armor, which protects against .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum revolver bullets, and FBI SWAT soldiers are issued III-0101.04, capable of protecting against 5.56x45 NATO machine gun bullets. FBI SWAT often performs more dangerous work than police SWAT.


FBI SWAT members wear different colored uniforms depending on the state. The most common uniform color: black, dark, dark beige.

FBI SWAT members have "FBI" written in white on the front or back.


  • Armored SUVs with tinted windows - used to transport an FBI SWAT team (usually 4 people, with a 5th FBI agent driving).
  • FBI helicopters - serve for air support and aerial reconnaissance.
  • To operate covertly, FBI SWAT uses a range of modified vans, trucks and minivans.

Divisions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

In addition to departments, the FBI structures include departments:

General Counsel

He reports directly to the head of the FBI. This is the legal adviser to the head and other management of the Bureau. Supervises the compliance of personnel with legislation, functional duties and instructions of the FBI.

Professional responsibility

Investigates crimes and serious misdemeanors committed by FBI personnel. Also, decisions are made here on facts of disciplinary violations identified during investigative measures. Works closely with the inspection department.

Ensuring equal employment opportunities

Ensures that any type of discrimination does not occur during FBI recruitment and career advancement. For example, such as racial, religious, national, gender, age and sexual discrimination.

Public Affairs and Congressional Affairs

Engaged in interaction with legislators, the media, as well as public figures and organizations.

Excerpt describing FBI SWAT Teams

- Forever? - said the girl. - Until death? And, taking his arm, with a happy face, she quietly walked next to him into the sofa. The countess was so tired of the visits that she did not order to receive anyone else, and the doorman was only ordered to invite everyone who would still come with congratulations to eat. The Countess wanted to talk privately with her childhood friend, Princess Anna Mikhailovna, whom she had not seen well since her arrival from St. Petersburg. Anna Mikhailovna, with her tear-stained and pleasant face, moved closer to the countess’s chair. “I’ll be completely frank with you,” said Anna Mikhailovna. – There are very few of us left, old friends! This is why I value your friendship so much. Anna Mikhailovna looked at Vera and stopped. The Countess shook hands with her friend. “Vera,” said the countess, addressing her eldest daughter, obviously unloved. - How come you have no idea about anything? Don't you feel like you're out of place here? Go to the sisters, or... Beautiful Vera smiled contemptuously, apparently not feeling the slightest insult. “If you had told me long ago, mamma, I would have left immediately,” she said, and went to her room. But, passing by the sofa, she noticed that there were two couples sitting symmetrically at two windows. She stopped and smiled contemptuously. Sonya sat close to Nikolai, who was copying out poems for her that he had written for the first time. Boris and Natasha were sitting at another window and fell silent when Vera entered. Sonya and Natasha looked at Vera with guilty and happy faces. It was fun and touching to look at these girls in love, but the sight of them, obviously, did not arouse a pleasant feeling in Vera. “How many times have I asked you,” she said, “not to take my things, you have your own room.” She took the inkwell from Nikolai. “Now, now,” he said, wetting his pen. “You know how to do everything at the wrong time,” said Vera. “Then they ran into the living room, so everyone felt ashamed of you.” Despite the fact that, or precisely because, what she said was completely fair, no one answered her, and all four only looked at each other. She lingered in the room with the inkwell in her hand. - And what secrets could there be at your age between Natasha and Boris and between you - they’re all just nonsense! - Well, what do you care, Vera? – Natasha said intercedingly in a quiet voice. She, apparently, was even more kind and affectionate to everyone than always that day. “Very stupid,” said Vera, “I’m ashamed of you.” What kind of secrets?... - Everyone has their own secrets. We won’t touch you and Berg,” Natasha said, getting excited. “I think you won’t touch me,” said Vera, “because there can never be anything bad in my actions.” But I’ll tell mommy how you treat Boris. “Natalya Ilyinishna treats me very well,” said Boris. “I can't complain,” he said. - Leave it, Boris, you are such a diplomat (the word diplomat was in great use among children in the special meaning that they attached to this word); It’s even boring,” Natasha said in an offended, trembling voice. - Why is she pestering me? You will never understand this,” she said, turning to Vera, “because you have never loved anyone; you have no heart, you are only madame de Genlis [Madame Genlis] (this nickname, considered very offensive, was given to Vera by Nikolai), and your first pleasure is to cause trouble for others. “You flirt with Berg as much as you want,” she said quickly. “Yes, I certainly won’t run after a young man in front of the guests...” “Well, I achieved my goal,” Nikolai intervened, “I said unpleasant things to everyone, upset everyone.” Let's go to the nursery. All four, like a frightened flock of birds, got up and left the room. “They told me some troubles, but I didn’t mean anything to anyone,” said Vera. - Madame de Genlis! Madame de Genlis! - Laughing voices said from behind the door. Beautiful Vera, who had such an irritating, unpleasant effect on everyone, smiled and, apparently unaffected by what was said to her, went to the mirror and straightened her scarf and hairstyle. Looking at her beautiful face, she apparently became even colder and calmer. The conversation continued in the living room. - Ah! here,” said the countess, “and in my life tout n’est pas rose.” Don't I see that du train, que nous allons, [not everything is roses. – with our way of life,] our condition will not last long! And all this is the club, and its kindness. We live in the village, do we really relax? Theaters, hunting and God knows what. What can we say about me! Well, how did you arrange it all? I am often amazed at you, Annette, how you, at your age, ride alone in a carriage, to Moscow, to St. Petersburg, to all the ministers, to all the nobility, you know how to get along with everyone, I am surprised! Well, how did it work out? I can't do any of this. - Oh, my soul! - answered Princess Anna Mikhailovna. “God forbid you know how hard it is to remain a widow without support and with a son whom you love to the point of adoration.” “You’ll learn everything,” she continued with some pride. – My process taught me. If I need to see one of these aces, I write a note: “princesse une telle [princess so-and-so] wants to see so-and-so,” and I drive myself in a cab at least two, at least three times, at least four, until I achieve what I need. I don't care what anyone thinks about me. - Well, well, who did you ask about Borenka? – asked the Countess. - After all, yours is already a guard officer, and Nikolushka is a cadet. There is no one to bother. Who did you ask?

FBI budget and its training centers

While most American intelligence agencies keep their budgets secret, the FBI makes no secret of its spending. For example, the FBI's 2016 budget was $8.5 billion, more than double its 2001 budget of $3.5 billion. In 1995, the FBI budget was $2.2 billion. Against the backdrop of cuts in funding for other intelligence services in the United States of America, the picture of FBI funding looks quite rosy.

As funding increases, the number of FBI employees also increases. All FBI operatives are traditionally called "special agents." This name was borrowed from the US Secret Service, on the basis of which the FBI was created.

FBI employees are trained at a special academy, which was opened in 1972 in Virginia, in the city of Quantico. Before this academy was opened, all FBI employees were trained in special courses that took place near Washington.

Only persons with higher education are accepted into the academy. Training at the academy lasts 2.5 months. For each academic year, the academy manages to train 4 streams of students. 90% of the trainees are active FBI employees, only 10% are students who, first of all, are natives of South America, since the FBI has long established contact with Latin American countries. The FBI often provides training to local police officers who want to improve their skills.

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